Toshiba satelite C850 disc drive just not working?

I was hearing funny noises from the disc drive so i decided to restart my laptop, and now it isnt responding to me pressing the button on the side to open, its just dead. i dont know what to do, can anybody help?

Hi! Here are some things for you to try!
I Love my Satellite L775D-S7222 Laptop. Some days you're the windshield, Some days you're the bug. The Computer world is crazy. If you have answers to computer problems, pass them forward.

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    When you restart the computer, have you held the
    mouse button down (not sure with mighty mouse) ?
    This should try and eject a disc in the optical drive.
    Also, an application such as iTunes has an eject
    button. Could be the disc is inside the drive wrong
    and maybe it is backwards; with no data readable.
    Some users have tried the eject, and tipped the
    entire computer on its side, so the optical drive
    slot is facing down; so as to get a gravity help.
    You'd need to be using a USB wired mouse,
    since a BlueTooth wireless one won't work.
    Could be there may be an obstruction in the way
    of the optical drive slot; maybe some small bit
    of felt or other material in the drive opening from
    when it was assembled. You should contact the
    AppleCare support people to see who you would
    take that into for a repair or replacement part.
    There are some ideas on how to eject a disc
    in Apple Help inside the computer; if you click
    and make sure the Finder is the desktop you
    are looking at, in the upper menubar, use Help.
    Key in something such as Eject CD or cd eject,
    a list of things to try should be among the results.
    You could try and see if using Disk Utility (in
    Utilities folder -- see GO in Finder, click on
    Utilities Folder in here, find Disk Utility, launch.
    Choose to eject the disk in the optical drive here.
    (May also repair disk permissions, too.) Then Quit.
    {The computer may need some expert attention,
    as a few of these have had some disc issues;
    as indicated by a search I just did online, and
    Apple Discussions forums listings tell this tale.}
    A good investment, before the first year of owner-
    ship has passed, buy an AppleCare Extended Plan.
    Be sure to enroll the plan, too, before the first year.
    Good luck & happy computing!

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    Hi Eldorado
    Thanks for your suggestion. Have done as you said but still have the problem.
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    Hi reynoldsmar!
    I have an article here for you that will help you address this issue:
    iTunes for Windows: Optical drive is no longer recognized, or "Disc burner or software not found" alert after install
    Take care, and thanks for visiting the Apple Support Communities.

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    Snow Leopard 10.6 Technical Requirements -
    You can buy Snow Leopard at:
    Snow Leopard disc source -
    You could contact Apple Support and see if they have the original discs for that machine but it would be 10.4.11 and there's no reason not to go to at least Snow Leopard, especially since the 10.6 discs would probably cost the same as a replacement set of 10.4.11

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    A reply to similar question (Q & As , in product page Apple Store) says:
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    If you can locate an external Apple USB 'Air" superdrive for earlier model MacBook Air, that should work. The newer one for the Air is the same as for iMac, now.
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    Hopefully this helps.
    Good luck & happy computing!

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    Try it on a different computer to make sure it is not a problem with the optical drive?

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    Hope apple (or MS ??) will fix this...
    Message was edited by: Hoffphil

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    Two things to try:
    1. SMC reset, Directions are here - note the steps are different depending on whether or not the battery can be removed by the user:
    2. NVRAM / PRAM reset:
    These steps are worth trying, although the problem may be deeper.
    Please post back with your results.

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    Anyone know how I can get it working again.
    Thank You.

    Solution here:
    *Uninstall the Toshiba programs:*
    • TOSHIBA Recovery Media Creator
    • TOSHIBA Disc Creator
    Then restart your PC using the Power-->Restart option in Windows 8.
    Your CD/DVD should be accessible now.
    For help with uninstalling these programs follow the instructions below
    *To Uninstall a program or application:*
    1. At the START screen type Control Panel
    2. Select Programs --> Uninstall a program
    3. Find the two programs listed above and uninstall these applications
    4. After the application programs are uninstalled restart your computer using the Power-->Restart option in Windows 8
    5. When the computer power back on the CD/DVD drive should be available
    If the CD/DVD drive still does not appear follow the instructions below to uninstall a device driver
    *To uninstall a device driver:*
    1. At the START screen type Device Manager
    2. Select Device Manager > DVD/CD-ROM drives > right click on the device displayed > select Uninstall.
    3. After the driver uninstalls, power down you computer using the restart method. The driver will install automatically when the computer restarts.
    4. The CD/DVD drive should now be shown.

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    So is that a software or a hardware problem?!
    waiting for the help !

    Does this mean that your CD/DVD drive does not work anymore and is not recognized by system?
    If yes, then I would recommend checking this Toshiba document which I found on the knowledge base portal webpage:
    +Why does my CD/DVD Drive not work after upgrading to Windows 8?+
    You will need to uninstall the Toshiba programs:
    TOSHIBA Recovery Media Creator
    TOSHIBA Disc Creator

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    I have a HP Pavilion dv9700 Notebook PC that's running Windows Vista Home Premium.  This morning I inserted a CDR to burn some files via iTunes and since then, my disc drive is not responding in anyway.  I tried pushing the button on the disc drive, no response.  I tried ejecting it via windows explorer, no response.  I tried restarting my computer to see if that would help, no response.  The light on the disc drive no longer lights up in anyway.  When I tried burning the CDR in iTunes, it just kept displaying the message "Please insert blank disc" over and over and didn't recognize there was anything in the drive.  So, do you think the disc drive has had it?  Or is there some way to reset the disc drive or fix it?  Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

    Hi Jimmys_51,
    Take a look at this document and let me know if the troubleshooting steps help resolve your issue.
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  • Satellite P25-S520 - DVD drive is not working properly

    Fix DVD Drive or buy external drive
    My DVD drive is not working properly, in fact it may never have been working proper. Recently I tried to back up my PC to a DVD using Norton 360. Norton did not recognize the DVD was present. I then tried writing a text file to a DVD and was unsuccessful. Both DVD+R and DVD-R media were tried (Maxwell 16X).
    I could have probably lived with this however, I got a copy of Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 10 on a CD and my Toshiba would not recognize it. I tried the CD in my neighbors laptop and it was recognized.
    An attempt at updating the driver was also unsuccessful.
    I was able to rip a music CD last night so that at least is working correctly.
    Does anybody know how I can fix this? The important part is being able to load my new program.
    Searching some forums I've found that other people have had problems with the Pioneer drive. If the drive cannot be fixed I am not adverse to buying an external DVD drive. Unfortunately where I live there are no brick-and-mortar stores which sell external drives and I would prefer to avoid the hassle of getting a drive online and discovering that it does not work with my Toshiba. Can anyone suggest an external USB drive which will read and write CDs and DVDs and which is certain to be compatible with my Toshiba?
    Thank you for any help,
    Satellite P25-S520
    Driver Provider: Microsoft
    Driver Date: 7/1/2001
    Driver Version: 5.1.2535.0
    Digital Signer: Microsoft Windows Publisher

    Any external USB CD/DVD drive will be compatible with your laptop.
    However you wont be able to boot of CD's (Run Recovery for example) if you use an external drive.
    So your best option would be to replace the internal drive with a Toshiba drive designed for the laptop. Call an ASP and ask for a quotation.

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