Transfering project from GB3 to LP8 halfway though tracking?

I have tracked the drums for two songs in Garageband 3. I have transferred the GB project to LP. I now want to move on with tracking the additional instruments in Logic.
My question is regarding bit resolution. The drums were tracked in Garageband 3 so they were recorded in 16 bit even though my interface - the firepod - is capable of 24 bit recording. If I move on tracking in Logic I will be recording in 24 bit. Are there going to be any hang ups doing the rest of the tracking in the higher resolution?

Hi there,
Logic can only work with one bit depth/sampling rate per project. So, anything you import will be automatically converted to the project settings (in your case 24 bit). This conversion is automatic and, despite the conversion, it is extremely unlikely that you will hear any reduction in quality as a result of the conversion.
Don't worry - just do it. This is a common enough occurence, particularly when using files brought in from other studios/producers.
Have fun!

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    I can't tell you how to transfer the project, but I would like to say that mixing iMovie projects and FCE ones is not a good idea.
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    Message was edited by: Ian R. Brown

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    i guess you are referring to iTunes Match. It sounds as though you haven't downloaded all the content and are trying to play your music over a poor connection.

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    Hi Abhijeet,
    If you want to move team project from one VSO account to another VSO account, then you can use the tools that Vishal mentioned above. If you want to move Visual Studio projects under team projects to another VSO account, then you can unbind Visual Studio
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    For changing the VSO account ownership, you can check this
    page for more details.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    See if this helps:
    iPod not recognized in iTunes and Mac desktop - Support - Apple
    iTunes 10: iPhone, iPod or iPad Won't Sync - Apple Toolbox
    Message was edited by: keeferaf

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    when i save the sales order, no project is created. ( Note: Material i used is same one i used successfully in VA41+)
    thanks in advance..

    Hi Ramesh,
    Creation of project from sales order in SAP Project system is described as assembly processing.
    In the Project System only networks can be generated directly from a sales document during assembly processing. Indirectly the system can also generate work breakdown structures, when it creates the network.
    1.You start assembly processing by creating a sales document for a material. This sales
       document can be inquiry,quotation, sales order.
    2. The system then
        Configures the material, if necessary
        Creates a network using the standard network as a template
        Configures the network, if necessary
        Schedules the network backwards from the required delivery date
        Checks material availability
        Costs the network and transfers these costs to the sales document.
    3. When you save the sales document, the system saves the network together with the sales
        document. If applicable, it also generates a project definition and work breakdown structure.
        The project number is derived from the sales document number.
    Please refer link mentioned below to know more details

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