Transform windows

Where is transform in captivate 8.... where you can put an object at X:150 and Y:300.. also size

Sighing... look under the Options tab in the Properties panel if you are in a normal project, not for a responsive project. It is not under Style. BTW the Timing part of the former Properties is now a separate panel.
And to make it even more complicated, there is a Position panel, but only for responsive projects. CP8 was meant to be easier for newbies but not for old-time users.

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    ((/MAIN/NODE1NODE2 = 'x') EX)
    This means that the condition will eval to true or false ONLY if the node exists?
    (Note: In the actual scenario, I have an IDOC and I wish to perform a similar check on a tag that may or may not exist depending
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    If your requirement is to check if a node exists or not then below is the condition which you should be using:
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    Middle Operand: EX
    NO right operand in this case

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  • Processing MIDI in non-realtime (Transform Window)

    The only thing I miss from my PC days & Cakewalk (years ago) is the CAL scripting language, which allows the user to process MIDI (in non-realtime) in practically any way imaginable.
    The Transform Window seems pretty close, but I'm running into a lot of brick walls now (after three years of Logic use) that I'm finally trying to recreate some of the functionality I remember having in CAL.
    Particularly, one can't seem to make parameters affect each other? In other words, I can't select a range of MIDI notes (say a snare rush of 16th notes) and apply a velocity crescendo on them based in time (ie, the first note in the measure gets a velocity of 0, the sixteenth gets a velocity of 127, everything in between is scaled appropriately)
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    It almost seems as though the way which the exponent operator affects the position value is a bug (gasp)... almost any values but very very low ones (ie .00001) move everything hundreds of bars either forward or backwards (depending on negative or positive values) and do not scale the start times exponentially regardless ...
    or am i just not figuring out how using the exponent operator in conjunction with position is supposed to work? this is not covered in the manual.
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    I just wish there was a way to open a little text window, and type in an equation to apply to the selected midi notes. that would be amazing.
    ie "note(position)=note(position)^1.4" or some such

  • Transform Window graphics

    Hi guys,
    In the L7 (7.0) reference manual, the chapter on the Transform window (chap 17) shows a nice new Apple aqua transform window.
    I'm running 7.1.1 and my transform window doesn't have the aqua look, it's still like it has always been since the Atari/Mac early versions.
    (See here for screenshots from my system: )
    So, does anyone else have the aqua transform window, or do you get the ugly version as well? Can you let me know your version numbers as well?
    It just seems odd to have the aqua screenshot in the 7.0 manual, and here I am on 7.1.1 and it's still the old version...

    The graphic of the Transform Window from your system isn't showing, but I'm on 7.2.3, and my Transform window does not look like the one from the reference guide.
    For starters, my "Select Only", "Operate & Select Only", etc... buttons, are on the top of the window, like they've been since I hopped into Logic, back in version 4.0
    Also, the boxes in the old version have squared corners, and the shadow shading around them make the box look like it's on top of the gray background, where as the reference picture has the boxes with rounded edges, and those boxes are shaded to appear as if they're inset.

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    Yes, what you are looking at will work.  
    "Most of this would be for access to the shared folders which is not the same as RDP, correct?  So i could
    have myself connect from school to pull a word document, my friend connect from home to get the excel spreadsheet for our table top gaming, and my family connect to pull pictures from the shared folder on the server all at the same time.  Because they
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    This statement is correct.  All of them would be able to be accessing the shared folders at the same time.  This is the purpose of shared folders. 
    "the 1 user and RDP part is where I'm getting a little confused i think.
    For the RDP part I thought that only applied to the server itself and not any of the client computers
    connected to the server.  So you are still limited to the 2 users to connect concurrently to the server or a client computer at any time?"
    Sorry, not trying to confuse you.  You mentioned to connect to a local machine at the same time.  If you are staying away from RDP, then you won't have this issue.  I would keep all shared folders on the server,  not on any workstations.
     You are correct 2 people can be RDP into a server at once.  For client computers (workstations) you are limited to 1 person at a time.  If you setup Anywhere Access correctly,  then your friends and family should not need to RDP into a
    client computer, they should only need to access the shared folders.  
    Something to keep in mind...for Anywhere Access to work, you will need to purchase a public certificate.  You can do this from, Comodo or others. I would recommend either Godaddy or comodo.  They make it easy and give plenty of instructions
    on how to obtain the certificate.  You will probably also have to purchase a domain name, and a static IP from your ISP.  To fully do what you are looking at, it will take some out of pocket $$. 

  • Transform to randomize time line position of notes

    hi, im playing with the transform window.
    Ive checked out the manual.
    I understand it can randomize note pitches.
    But can it randomize note positions? as in ... the position in ...well....time.... along the grid... as in ...time line...position.

    right, just tried it.
    say i select and operate on all notes in region. (via piano roll)
    then i deselect them all and just selcect say some of them.
    When i operate again, it changes ALL the notes, even the un-selected ones.
    Cant i select note events in piano roll, operate on them, and deselect and operate on some diff bunch of notes, in the same region?
    how about this: swapping notes around. So say if you have C E G note events in a region. Can you transform them, so the E event becomes a G event etc....all random....but constrained to the pitches which are used by the original notes (C E G)

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  • Bug with Transform Crescendo  -- workaround please?

    This is a clarification of a previous post.
    I believe that the Crescendo preset in the Transform Window does not work. I found this in Logic 9.0.1, but I found the same in Logic 8, owned by a friend. Try this:
    Create a MIDI region and plunk down a handful of notes in it. I entered 10 notes.
    Select the notes.
    Double-click any note to open the list window so you can see the velocities of the notes - they should all be = 80, or at least all the same value.
    Perform "Functions>Set locators by events"
    Perform "Functions>Transform>Crescendo"
    Now look at the Transform window:
    Notice: Selection Criteria start = 1.1.0, end = 5.1.0, unrelated to the selection.
    Notice: Velocity operation = Cresc., start = 1 end =127
    Notice above the 3 buttons at the bottom of the window: no message about number of events selected.
    Now there are different things to try, and I don't know if there's an interaction depending on the order.
    First, try "Select and operate"
    In my Transform window the previously blank message just above the 3 buttons at the bottom now says "5 events in one MIDI region found"
    BUT I entered and selected 10 events. Only the first five are now selected; the rest have been deselected.
    In the events window the velocities of the first five notes have been set to 127, the remaining 5 notes are still at 80.
    So I didn't get a crescendo, and not all the selected notes were even processed.
    Try other combinations, such as:
    manually adjusting the position start and end to match the locator limits for the events,
    changing the Cresc. start and end values - try flipping for example
    clicking "Select only", then "Operate only"
    In none of these case could I get a crescendo. The outcome, always wrong, varies with different attempts.
    What do you think? Is there a workaround? Is it a bug? How could it be a bug both in Logic 8 and 9?

    ObserverLou wrote:
    Hi, Eric,
    Thanks so much for your thoughtful answer.
    However, as I look at the images you posted, I think that the crescendo did NOT work as expected.
    Yes it did.
    I can't see the list window, where you would see the actual velocity values.
    You'll get the list windows:
    But I can see the colors of the notes. Since the velocity range in the Transform window is from 1 to 127, I would expect the velocities in the transformed notes to increase from 1 to 127. The colors of the notes should therefore go from blue to red. In your 2nd image, the rightmost color is yellow, and the a handful of the leftmost notes appear to be all the same color blue.
    That is because the starting point of the last note is stil 1/16 before the end of the set Range.
    You'ld have to set it like so:
    Please check the numerical values in the List window and let me know what you see.
    That it works exactly as expected.
    I agree with your comment about the importance of the start and finish values of the INSIDE range. The manual is quite clear about this. And in one or two instances when I set these values manually I did get a real crescendo from 1 to 127.
    The problem may be how to set those values. From the user guide I think they have to be relative to the start of the region, not the start of the project.
    No, the values apply to the inside range, and are spread evenly over that range. The starting point of the region is irrelevant
    Therefore, if the region happens to be at the start of the project, you can find these values (in the transport bar) and type or paste them into the Transform window.
    The starting point of the region is irrelevant, only two things count: the Inside values and the note selection. +Unselected notes are not affected.+
    Finally, I've posted an image of how things look after I click "Select and operate" If you can see a bad setting please let me know.
    Yes, your inside values are incorrect. Set them from 16.2.719 to 26.2.481 for a perfect 1-127 result.
    regards, Erik.

  • Indesign cs6, smart guides on, transform not proportional

    i use my smart guides a lot. i have found that when i go to transform an image using the direct select tool, and the cmd+shift function, the percentage of the scale is not consistant on teh x and y axis (they should be the same). i do have the "constrain proportions" active. i have tested without them being active. it seems, so far, the only time i can recreate the issue is when the smart guides are active.
    -osx 10.8.3
    -indesign cs6 (cloud subscription)
    -smart guides on
    -transform window open
    -constrain proportions active
    -direct select tool
    -select image within a frame with direct select tool (white arrow tool)
    -use shift+cmd and drag and scale, repeat (small and large areas)
    -repeat a few times and watch the horizontal and vertical percentages in the transform window. percentages will not be consistent after a few tries
    does anyone else have this issue?
    can anyone else recreate this issue?
    does anyone have any suggestions on a fix (other than turning off the smart guides)?
    thanks in advance

    okay, i finally figured this bad boy out! here is the solve in case you guys come across the problem
    -indesign cs6, go to preferences>guides and pasteboard
    -go to "smart guide options"
    -turn OFF "smart dimensions" and "smart spacing"
    all is well with the world, and i can sleep peacefully once again

  • How to "transform" multiple regions?

    I looked in the reference manual and cant find the page where to do that. Here is what I want to do :
    1- select a number of regions at the same time
    2- use the transformer window to do an operation on all the regions that are selected at the same time
    Is this possible? How?
    I tried the selection of some regions. Since there are no Transform in the menu of the arrangement window, I had to open a matrix window by clicking one of the selected region, then when I do the Transform, it only transform the region clicked, not all the regions selected. What am I doing wrong? This is something I could do with the (very) old sequencer Vision... I hope it can be done with something as "advanced" as Logic! (I see that in 15 years we have not progressed that much!!!)
    iMac Intel Core 2 Duo 20" Mac OS X (10.4.8)
    iMac Intel Core 2 Duo 20"   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Select the regions you want to transform in the arrange.
    Open the transform window.
    Set your parameters according to what you want to do.
    Hit "Select & Operate".
    More hints and tips on the Transform window here:

  • Transform Box Numeric Entry Error - HELP!

    I am using InDesign CS3 on a G5 Power PC Mac with 2.5 gB of SD RAM. The problem that I am getting is with the numeric entry into the "Transform" box in InDesign.
    It will only happen on large or complex files that I am working on, I will have a particular measurement - 125 mm - and I will want to subtract 25 from this measurement.
    I place my cursor at the end of the measurement and type "-25mm" but the entry just seems to disappear. I then click again in this box (it does not matter what box within the transform window it is) and re-enter the measurement quickly and press return and the same result - it still retains the original measurement of 125 mm.
    This does not happen with every measurement that I enter - but I seem to find that if I leave the program idle for a short amount of time that this issue seems to resolve itself. However, it does keep happening and I am losing valuable time in modifying a document.
    If anyone has any solution - could you please let me know. Look forward to reading some replies over the coming days.
    Regards, Shaun

    Try just "-25", skip units.

  • I have an issue with the latest project i am working on. When i open the file, the arrange window fails to open

    Really strange issue. Only on one project.
    If i open the file, i can see logic running through the list of instruments, but the only window that opens is the fixed note length Midi transform window. I cant see the arrange window anywhere!
    If i khit play on my midi controller keyboard, i can play the project and hear everything as it should be, but just cant see the arrangement.
    If i attempt to close the Midi transform window, it wants to close the who project.
    Any ideas on what i do!?

    Thanks, but i'd already tried that and it didnt work.
    I have managed to fix it though, and for anyone else with the same issue, here is what i did:
    Find your Logic project file
    Right Click on the project, and choose 'Show Contents'
    Open the displayed folder 'LgDoc'
    Remove the file 'displayState'
    open the project, and all should be good!

  • Infosource it's not in transformation source list

    Hi, i'm trying to create a transformation from an infosource (0co_om_cca_1) to an infocube (0cca_c11), but when i display the list of sources availables in the create transformation window, the IS it's not there, if i type it manually says "Source TRCS 0CO_OM_CCA1 not active", if i go to RSIS table i see that the IS has the 2 records 1 for D version and 1 for A version, so it's active!!
    in another thread i read that maybe it's because the IS it's in 3.x version, well in my case my source system it's the r3 r.1h so the BI content it's in 3.x version.
    please help!!

    Hi Sergio 
    Check the info source 0CO_OM_CCA1, if there is a small box infront of it or not. I suppose there should be one. It means the Info source is in 3.x version and you can not create Transformation for the info source.
    What you can you do is to create the whole data flow in BI 7.0 and create the transformation directly from Data source.

  • "Transform Inside" not working.....

    ok, this is a function i used to use a lot particularly for adding a velocity crescendo (to take advantage of my velocity layering) to a particular section of a midi part. eg 16th note pattern on an instrument becoming progressively louder.
    I can't seem to make my transformer "see" the notes inside field i have specified. eg inside bar 412 and bar 418. i can get the transformer to see the notes if position is set to all, but this doesn't help me if i want to use the crescendo function.
    I have used this function a lot and it is very useful. i'm blowed if i can see what i am doing wrong - it has worked exactly the way i am trying to use it in the past. can anyone replicate it?

    Why not use hyperdraw and draw your crescendos in the Matrix Editor, right underneath your notes? Makes it easier to see what you're doing that using the Transformer window, and it works great!
    that's what i have been doing because the transfrm hasn't been working, but the problem wth that is that it doesn't preserve relative velocities within the crescendo. supposing you have a groove which you would like to crescendo. the groove is comprised of velocity differences that give it its feel. matrix editor or just a straight crecendo ruins that.
    in general i try to preserve an element of randomness within the velocities i am trying to crescendo in order to give it a more natural feel. i can assure you it makes a big difference.

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