Translate Item category

Can someone help me to translate the item categories in SD. It is possible for Item category groups, but not for item category.

I really doubt if this Translation Option in VOV7 can be in EDIT mode.. But, as far as I have searched in the system below are the results:
- Go to SE11
- Input 'TVAPT'
- Execute
- Input Item Category
- You'll see the same item category has been maintained in multiple languages
- Same thing is there if you check the tranp. table 'TVAKT' for sales document type, but only thing is that for VOV8 you have the option of 'Translation'
Now, I believe it is SAP standard.. not much I can say about this.
Edited by: Hrishikesh Bhalwankar on Dec 9, 2008 9:32 PM
Edited by: Hrishikesh Bhalwankar on Dec 10, 2008 11:17 AM

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    thank you

    Thank you for your answer. I haven't mention this point in my thread but I have already tried this.
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    So, what can be the solution
    waiting for your reply.
    thank you
    Message was edited by:
            srinivas vandana

    Thank you for your answer. I haven't mention this point in my thread but I have already tried this.
    I have tried matching the GR and IR controls of account assignment category with PO GR, IR controls and also with item category B, GR, IR controls. Still i am getting the same error and could not able to save the PO
    Also I have checked the field settings for PO for all categories like transaction relevant, item category relevant, etc in customizing.
    Main problem is both GR and IR controls are being grayed in PO. Other wise I could able to change them as per my wish and could able to avoid the error even though the GR and IR controls in PO are correct as per the process requirement.
    If possible, please check the GR and IR controls for item category B (in my system it showing that GR is set with binding and IR is not set with binding). But it should be reverse as per the process requirements and in limit PO it is showing correctly. i.e. with GR is not set with binding and IR is set with binding.
    thank you

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    I can think of one of the probable solution for your requirement.
    Your need to create new condition table with item Category as one of the key combination.  I think you need to update the item category in field catalog as well as in Doc Structures. Then maintain free goods condition record all the item categories except for the Return item category. This way you can exclude free goods activation for return items.
    Note : If the number of active item categories are more then it may be difficult to maintain condition records for the item categories.
    Hope this will help

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    looking for your inputs
    Thanks in advance

    There are two possible ways:
    1. In Item Caterogy Determination remove the Manual Item Categories so that system will determine the Item Category only from defined options.
    2. Use T-SHDO - create Screen Variant & make the item Category Feild as Display only.
    Hope this helps..
    Jignesh Mehta

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    Dear akkshaya,
    Please check to this link:
    Re: Frame Work order

  • Sending multiple email for free goods item category??

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    I am an abaper. all config are made with the consent of SD consultant.
    pls help.
    Radhashyam Sahoo.

    If you are an ABAPer, then it sounds like you simply need to debug the processing to identify where/why the fault occurs.  As for the NACE settings, you should understand the config as well as your functional counterpart.  It will make you a better developer and help you understand the processing code.

  • Standard and free goods item category

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    Or should i have to change the item category in VF01 every time when i want to give XYZ as free goods?
    what should be the right procedure?

    Hi Jyoti,
    You mentioned that some times you send it as free item for this you better to enter TANN item category manually in the sales order  no need of enter the item category in the VF01.
    Before entering the TANN in the sales order for free item you do the itemcategory determination in VOV4 transaction with TANN as like this
    Document typeItemcatogory group-->Default itemcategory(DfltC)as TANManual item category as TANN(Mltca).
    Now you can able to enter TANN itemcategory manually in sales order.
    I hope it will help you,

  • Usage in Free Goods Item category Determination

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    Sales Doc Type    It.Cat.Grp.     Usage   HLevItCat.  DItemCat    MitCat
    ZOR1                    NORM           FREE        ZAN1         ZANN
    ZOR1                    NORM                            ZAN1         ZANN          TAX
    I know this "Usage" is available in CMIR and I don't find it in any other places. So, if any materila for which there is no CMIR, then in that case where should I use this "Usage"? Because I want to change the standard SAP Usage "FREE" to "ZREE". How can I change it and assign it? Please guide me.

    Try to do as mentioned below.
    step by step process for free goods.
    1. need to create the free goods condition(condition tables/access seq and types) and pricing procedure and then assign the same to sales area, doc. Priccing proce and cust pri. Procde. need to maintain the condition records( tcode: VBN1) and maitain the data as mentioned
    above(check Notes 2 sheet)
    3. if you don't want the free goods item to be created, then you need to add the NRAB condition type to the pricing procedure(document pricing procedure not Free goods pricing procedure) and need to maintain the condition record for this
    condition in VK11.
    once all this is done, you can see free goods price reduced in the net price and if additional item is added, then you will the quantity (as per condition record) for that free good.

  • For Z Po order type - Item category field is  greyed out.

    Hi MM Experts,
    I am an ABAper working on PO creation with respect to PR( PR with account assignment N)  for Z order type . The requirement includes to update item category of PO with B , But for this Z order type both PO transaction Create/Change(ME21/ME22) the field item category has been greyed out ( Non editable). I checked the SPRO setting for this order type ( SPRO-MM->Purchasing-PO->Define Screenlayout at document level .The field item category has been made as optional.
    Please let me know why this field ( item category still showing in display mode) and How to make it as editable .I need it as editable in ME22 to implement the new requirement of updating that field with item ategory B.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi All,
    Since I was creating a PO with respect to PR - after running through all the screens the item category field was becoming non editable, But during the create in one of screen the field item category was still editable, so I updated the item category with B during the create and created the PO, I have used BDC to do the same and its working fine. Thanks for all your inputs.

  • Unable to change the item category in existing Scheduling Agreement

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    I am already aware that deleting the item codes & adding again with resolve the issue. But when try to delete, those codes shows that they have GR & PO not completed one.
    My question is :
    Is there a way to edit/change the Item category field without deleting the item?
    Whethere is it possible to do it in bulk update for group of items in SA?
    If it is possible, pls provide how to do it with steps.
    Kindly advice.
    Thanks. in advance!

    Please try using MASS tcode with object BUS2013
    Its a direct table update where you can select the Table Item and Field Item category and input the document number to change the value os item category and try with one sample data then do it in mass.
    Before cahngin the item categry Please make sure all the dependancies are met then nly the system will allow you to save.
    Refer for Mass upload function it is common for all
    [Mass update|]
    Edited by: Karthik on Jul 29, 2011 2:44 PM

  • Unable to change item category in Create SA with ref to contract

    We have a  centralised subcontracting contract (item category "L") in place for a material. The requirement is to create a scheduling agreement with reference to this contract line item item category "Blank" (Standard).
    But the item category field is greyed out (display only) when we try to create scheduling agreement with refernce to contract on the "Adopt + Details" screen. And we are not able to change the item category "L" to "Blank". Is there a way we can make this item category field editable on this screen before we hit "Adopt + Details".
    I have tried most of the field selection configuration, but there is no specific field selection group for this screen.
    Please note that the system allows you to change the item category when you create a PO with reference to this contract.

    Thanks Manu for your suggestion!
    But this is the process that we need to map. Request others to respond if they have comes across such a requirement and able to address it.
    Again I want to make a note here that if it is possible on POs, there should be a way to make it work for SAs.

  • Deriving/ change the item category from handling unit

    In vl01n I want to derive the item category based on the handling unit. Hnadling unit is derived from the payment terms.
    Please let me know the required configuration or the development for this.

    i need ur help regarding the Sales order item category redetermination.
             we are having two item categories YNAE and YNAG and it contain schedule  line categories CP and CB ( i.e for item category  YNAE schedule line category is CP and 
             for item category  YNAG schedule line category is CB), for YNAG Purchase Requisition is automatically created becz of functional setting on save and it is working fine.
             For every line item in sales order line item level item category YNAE will be determined by default as per functional settings.
             Now my requirement is that, if sales order line item doesn't contain 100% confirmed quantity, than i needs to change the default line item category YNAE to YNAG
             which i am trying to do it in USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP becz in this exit i am getting the values in XVBAP and XVBEP and  it is working fine .
             But schedule line category is not getting redetermined automatically what i mean is, if i change the item category to YNAG from YNAE in user exit corresponding schedule line category CB of YNAG is getting determined automatically at the schedule line level and if ichange the schedule line categories in XVBEP in exit USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP, changes are reflecting at the schedule line level but Purchase requisation is not getting created for schedule on SAVE and its delivary dates are also not getting determined properly. If press the option ATP check at the schedule line level than very things will getting corrected in the order.
    i am using UPDKZ = U  in both xvbap and xvbep for changes
    I feel that i am not doing this in proper way, do u have any idea about how to redetermine item category. please let me know if u have any idea .
    Vaddepally Manoj

  • Service PO-Item category D and A/c assignment category K

    Hello all,
    I am novice in service procurement. Kindly help me understand this scenario.
    Client has created service PO with item category D and assignment category K.
    There is no service based IV or GR based IV clicked. If i see , services tab , in item details, it is totally blank. and in PO history, i can see all IR-L documents with 940 EUR as total, while the PO is for 1000 EUR.
    Limit shown in PO is 1000 EUR. Now if we go to MIRO screen, the system suggests remaining amount as 300 EUR instead of remaining 60 EUR.
    Kindly let me know your feedback on this.


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