Trouble looping thru SR to mark as completed with powershell

Not sure this is actually a SCSM question, but I only seem to have trouble doing this in SCSM PowerShell.
PS D:\ps1\Management Scripts> gc D:\ps1\SRs2Close_6.23.2014.txt
$SRs = gc D:\ps1\SRs2Close_6.23.2014.txt
PS D:\ps1\Management Scripts> $SRs | foreach-object {"D:\PS1\Management Scripts\Set-SRStatus.ps1" $_ "Completed"}
Unexpected token '_' in expression or statement.
At line:1 char:71
+ $SRs | foreach-object {"D:\PS1\Management Scripts\Set-SRStatus.ps1" $_ <<<< "Completed"}
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (_:String) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken
PS D:\ps1\Management Scripts> $SRs | foreach-object {"D:\PS1\Management Scripts\Set-SRStatus.ps1" $ "Completed"}
Unexpected token '_' in expression or statement.
At line:1 char:71
+ $SRs | foreach-object {"D:\PS1\Management Scripts\Set-SRStatus.ps1" $_ <<<< .name.tostring() "Completed"}
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (_:String) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken
PS D:\ps1\Management Scripts> foreach ($SR in $SRs) {"D:\PS1\Management Scripts\Set-SRStatus.ps1" $SR.tostring() "Completed"}
Unexpected token 'SR' in expression or statement.
At line:1 char:72
+ foreach ($SR in $SRs) {"D:\PS1\Management Scripts\Set-SRStatus.ps1" $SR <<<< .tostring() "Completed"}
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (SR:String) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken
$a = (get-module|%{$}) -join " "
if(!$a.Contains("SMLets")){Import-Module 'smlets' -ErrorVariable err -Force}
$SRobj = Get-SCSMObject -Class (Get-SCSMClass -name System.WorkItem.ServiceRequest$) -Filter "ID -eq $SRID"
Set-SCSMObject -SMObject $SRobj -Property Status -Value $Status
PS D:\ps1\Management Scripts> Get-SCSMObject -Class $SRClass -Filter "ID -eq SR6172" | select status
In Progress
PS D:\ps1\Management Scripts> $SRobj = Get-SCSMObject -Class $SRClass -Filter "ID -eq SR6172"
PS D:\ps1\Management Scripts> Set-SCSMObject -SMObject $SRobj -Property status -Value Completed
PS D:\ps1\Management Scripts> Get-SCSMObject -Class $SRClass -Filter "ID -eq SR6172" | select status
PS D:\ps1\Management Scripts> $SRs = gc D:\ps1\SRs2Close_6.23.2014.txt
PS D:\ps1\Management Scripts> $SRs | ForEach-Object {& 'D:\ps1\Management Scripts\Set-SRStatus.ps1' "$_" "Completed"}
Get-SCSMObject : Id='SR6411' -- Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).
At D:\ps1\Management Scripts\Set-SRStatus.ps1:6 char:24
+ $SRobj = Get-SCSMObject <<<< -Class (Get-SCSMClass -name System.WorkItem.ServiceRequest$) -Filter "ID -eq $SRID"
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-SCSMObject], UnknownDatabaseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.UnknownDatabaseException,SMLets.GetSMObjectCommand
Get-SCSMObject : Id='SR6159' -- Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).
At D:\ps1\Management Scripts\Set-SRStatus.ps1:6 char:24
+ $SRobj = Get-SCSMObject <<<< -Class (Get-SCSMClass -name System.WorkItem.ServiceRequest$) -Filter "ID -eq $SRID"
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-SCSMObject], UnknownDatabaseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.UnknownDatabaseException,SMLets.GetSMObjectCommand
Get-SCSMObject : Id='SR6284' -- Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).
At D:\ps1\Management Scripts\Set-SRStatus.ps1:6 char:24
+ $SRobj = Get-SCSMObject <<<< -Class (Get-SCSMClass -name System.WorkItem.ServiceRequest$) -Filter "ID -eq $SRID"
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-SCSMObject], UnknownDatabaseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.UnknownDatabaseException,SMLets.GetSMObjectCommand
Get-SCSMObject : Id='SR6280' -- Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).
At D:\ps1\Management Scripts\Set-SRStatus.ps1:6 char:24
+ $SRobj = Get-SCSMObject <<<< -Class (Get-SCSMClass -name System.WorkItem.ServiceRequest$) -Filter "ID -eq $SRID"
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-SCSMObject], UnknownDatabaseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.UnknownDatabaseException,SMLets.GetSMObjectCommand
Get-SCSMObject : Id='SR6298' -- Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).
At D:\ps1\Management Scripts\Set-SRStatus.ps1:6 char:24
+ $SRobj = Get-SCSMObject <<<< -Class (Get-SCSMClass -name System.WorkItem.ServiceRequest$) -Filter "ID -eq $SRID"
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-SCSMObject], UnknownDatabaseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.UnknownDatabaseException,SMLets.GetSMObjectCommand
PS D:\ps1\Management Scripts>
I got this to work previously, I just can't remember how...?
Joshua Fuente

That's whats driving me "batty".
It works from the console.
PS D:\ps1\Management Scripts> Get-SCSMObject -Class $SRClass -Filter "ID -eq SR6172" | select status
I tried changing the script to a function, but didn't have any luck.
I will try with the name param and see if that helps.
Like I said, I have done this before, it just seems like it different every time.
So I changed the script to this,
$a = (get-module|%{$}) -join " "
if(!$a.Contains("SMLets")){Import-Module 'smlets' -ErrorVariable err -Force}
Get-SCSMObject -Class (Get-SCSMClass -name System.WorkItem.ServiceRequest$) -Filter "Id -eq $SRID" | Select ID, Name, Status
And it works fine
PS D:\ps1\Management Scripts> $SRs | ForEach-Object {.\Set-SRStatus.ps1 $_}
Id Name Status
SR6172 SR6172 Completed
SR6411 SR6411 In Progress
SR6159 SR6159 In Progress
SR6284 SR6284 In Progress
SR6280 SR6280 In Progress
SR6298 SR6298 In Progress
SR6226 SR6226 In Progress
SR6262 SR6262 In Progress
SR6307 SR6307 In Progress
SR6223 SR6223 In Progress
SR6264 SR6264 In Progress
SR6285 SR6285 In Progress
SR6334 SR6334 In Progress
SR6255 SR6255 In Progress
SR6251 SR6251 In Progress
SR6247 SR6247 In Progress
PS D:\ps1\Management Scripts>
And add on the Set-SCSMobj
$a = (get-module|%{$}) -join " "
if(!$a.Contains("SMLets")){Import-Module 'smlets' -ErrorVariable err -Force}
Get-SCSMObject -Class (Get-SCSMClass -name System.WorkItem.ServiceRequest$) -Filter "Id -eq $SRID" | Set-SCSMObject -Property Status -Value $Status
And now it works...
PS D:\ps1\Management Scripts> $SRs | ForEach-Object {.\Set-SRStatus.ps1 $_ completed}
No errors, and all SRs show completed.

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    There is no option to mark as completed from the command line.
    Create a task group for the remaining sessions and set the order of execution for those tasks and before doing this step you can create one session at informatica level which will check whether the file has been generated or not.
    If the file has not been generated then you are not going to execute the remaining tasks.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Navin Kumar Bolla

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    /* CURSOR*/
    CURSOR c_GPAPerTerm IS
            SELECT DISTINCT Term, Student_ID FROM course_grades
            WHERE STUDENT_ID = p_StudentID;
                 /* OPEN AND LOOP THRU CURSOR*/
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                SELECT Score
                INTO v_Scores
                FROM course_grades
                WHERE Term = v_Terms and StudentID = v_StudentID;
        END LOOP;
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    Ok here's my complete's pretty big though...hope it's not too confusing.
    It compiles fine if I take the new cursor out, so the error is somewhere in that cursor.
         v_Terms VARCHAR2(6);
         v_Courses VARCHAR2(6);
         v_Scores NUMBER;
         v_Grade CHAR;
         v_GPA NUMBER;
         v_ScoresTotal NUMBER :=0;
         v_StudentID NUMBER;
         CURSOR c_GetTerms IS
              SELECT Term
              FROM course_grades
              WHERE STUDENT_ID = p_StudentID;
         CURSOR c_GetCourseAndGrade IS
              SELECT Course_ID, Score FROM course_grades
              WHERE STUDENT_ID = p_StudentID;
         CURSOR c_GPAPerTerm IS
              SELECT DISTINCT Term, Student_ID
              FROM course_grades
              WHERE STUDENT_ID = p_StudentID;
         CURSOR c_GetScores (p_Term VARCHAR2, p_StudentID NUMBER) IS          
                   SELECT Score
                   FROM course_grades
                   WHERE Term = p_Term AND StudentID = p_StudentID;
         FUNCTION convert_grade(p_GradeNumber IN NUMBER)
              RETURN CHAR IS
                   WHEN p_GradeNumber < 60 THEN RETURN 'F';
                   WHEN (p_GradeNumber > 59  AND p_GradeNumber < 70) THEN  RETURN 'D';
                   WHEN (p_GradeNumber > 69  AND p_GradeNumber < 80) THEN  RETURN 'C';
                   WHEN (p_GradeNumber > 79  AND p_GradeNumber < 90) THEN  RETURN 'B';
                   WHEN (p_GradeNumber > 89  AND p_GradeNumber < 101) THEN RETURN 'A';
              ELSE    RETURN 'Z';
              END CASE;
         END convert_grade;
         FUNCTION calculate_gpa(p_TotalHourPoints IN NUMBER, p_TotalHours IN NUMBER)
              RETURN NUMBER IS
              v_GPA NUMBER;
              /*CALCULATE AND OUTPUT GPA*/
              v_GPA := p_TotalHourPoints/p_TotalHours;
              RETURN v_GPA;
         END calculate_gpa;
         FUNCTION calculate_point (p_Grade IN CHAR)
              RETURN NUMBER IS
                   WHEN p_Grade = 'A' THEN RETURN 4;
                   WHEN p_Grade = 'B' THEN RETURN 3;
                   WHEN p_Grade = 'C' THEN RETURN 2;
                   WHEN p_Grade = 'D' THEN RETURN 1;
                   WHEN p_Grade = 'F' THEN RETURN 0;
              ELSE    RETURN 0;
              END CASE;
         END calculate_point ;
    /****BEGIN MAIN BLOCK********/
         OPEN c_GetTerms;
         FETCH c_GetTerms INTO v_Terms;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Term: ' || v_Terms);
         EXIT WHEN c_GetTerms%NOTFOUND;
         END LOOP;
         CLOSE c_GetTerms;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('**********COURSES AND GRADES**********');
         OPEN c_GetCourseAndGrade;
         FETCH c_GetCourseAndGrade INTO v_Courses, v_Scores;
            v_Grade := convert_grade(v_Scores);
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Course: ' || v_Courses || '   Grade: ' || v_Grade);
         EXIT WHEN c_GetCourseAndGrade%NOTFOUND;
         END LOOP;
         CLOSE c_GetCourseAndGrade;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('**********GPA PER TERM**********');
         OPEN c_GPAPerTerm;
         FETCH c_GPAPerTerm INTO v_Terms,v_StudentID;
                      /*NEW CURSOR LOOP WILL GO HERE*/
                   v_ScoresTotal := v_ScoresTotal + v_Scores;
                      v_GPA := calculate_gpa(v_ScoresTotal, 3);
                   v_ScoresTotal :=0;
                   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Term: ' || v_Terms || '   GPA: ' || v_GPA);
         END LOOP;
         CLOSE c_GPAPerTerm;
    END get_Student_GPA;

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    Is it this: ?  Which means Acrobat.
    Contact Customer Care - click on the Still need help? button to chat with an agent.

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    Your issue is likely to be that since users do not visit all slides then the slide completion falls below a percentage that is required.
    If you're not worried about exporting to HTML5, then the TickTOC widget might provide the answer.
    You specify slides in the widget that will be marked as complete even if they were never visited.  This means those slides will be marked off as visited in the TOC and will also be credited to the user at the end of the project.  In your case I would suggest you place the TickTOC widget on the second last slide of the project (not the last slide) and set it to mark off all previous slides in the project. 
    Trial versions of all widgets available here:

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    You can't do this out of the box.  There's no easy way to check all child records on a parent record and then close the parent record.  You'll either have to find another approach, or do some custom development to create a workflow that can do
    what you want. 
    I'd start looking here:
    The postings on this site are solely my own and do not represent or constitute Hitachi Solutions' positions, views, strategies or opinions.

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    Do users actually have to press the exit button before a video will send "completed" to an LMS? Is there a work around?

    What Captivate version are you using?
    This is happening based upon the Quiz Preferences - Reporting Settings that you have configured.
    Yes, you can customize the settings to mark completeing on basis of user access, slide view, Quiz attempts and many more criteria.
    Please choose and customize based upon your requirement--
    Instead of making the user hit the close button, you can yourself set Captivate to Close the course once it reaches the end.
    You can do that fron Start and End Settings under Preferences.
    I hope this helps.

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     Can someone help me with the code to make it loop on my tif image pages ?
    #OCR Function
    #param - imagepath(path the image to ocr)
    Function OCR($imagepath) {
        #create a new modi object
        $modidoc = new-object -comobject modi.document
            #call the ocr method
            #single page document so I only need the item(0).layout text
            #catch the error and go on
            return "Error"
            #clean up the object
            $modidoc = ""
    } # end OCR function
    #Function to update the fulltext field in imageskeyvalues table
    #param ID(ID of table)
    function SaveImagesKeyValues($ID, $fulltext)
    $cmd = new-object
    $cmd.connection = $sqlconnection
    $s = "update dbo.Images_Local set fulltext = '" + ($fulltext.tostring()).replace('''','') + "' where ID = " + $ID.tostring() 
    $cmd.commandtext = $s
    $a = $cmd.executenonquery()
    } #end SaveImagesKeyValues
    #Function to get the list of records to OCR
    function GetImagesKeyValues()
    $sqlda = new-object
    $datatable = new-object
    $sqlcommandselect = new-object
    $sqlcommandselect.commandtext = 
        "select ID, FullImagePath, fulltext from images_Local  
    where (fulltext is null or fulltext like 'error%')  order by ID "
    #and (fulltext is null or fulltext like 'error%') 
    #"select b.batch_number, b.sequence_number,a.claimnumber, a.potentialamount,a.buyer, b.[document type],b.fulltext, c.imagelastmodified, c.image_path
    #from cip.dbo.cip_mastertable a 
    #inner join imageskeyvalues b on a.claimnumber = substring(b.[claim number],2,6) 
    #inner join images c on b.batch_number = c.batch_number and b.sequence_number = c.sequence_number
    #where (a.buyer = '006' or (a.buyer = '007' and a.potentialamount > 500000))
    #and c.imagelastmodified >= '1/1/13'
    #and b.[document type] = '2'
    #order by c.imagelastmodified"
    $sqlcommandselect.connection = $sqlconnection
    $sqlda.selectcommand = $sqlcommandselect
    #Fill the datatable and store the output in variable otherwise it shows in the output.
    $trap = $sqlda.fill($datatable)
    #end GetImagesKeyValues
    #End Functions
    #set the parent path to the working directory
    $parentpath = "C:\Data\Portugal PRG\Images\Contratos SONAE 08-11\Imdex\"
    #Create new sql connection
    $sqlconnection = new-object
    #Assign the connectionstring 
    $sqlconnection.connectionstring = "Server=ATL01L20969\SQLEXPRESS;Database=Sonae;integrated security=True"
    #Open the connection
    #get the list of records that need ocr'd
    $imageskeyvalues = getimageskeyvalues
    #iterate through the list 
    foreach ($t in $imageskeyvalues){
    #$completepath = $parentpath + $t.image_path
    $completepath = $t.FullImagePath
    #call the ocr function and put the results in the fulltext property
    $t.fulltext = OCR $completepath
    #give some bread crumbs to monitor the script
    write-host  "Saving " $t.ID 
    #update the database fulltext filed
    Saveimageskeyvalues $t.ID $t.fulltext
    }#end Main

    Hi Abenitez,
    Since the OCR is only working on the first page, as a workaround, please try to spilt the tiff files to multople single files:Tiff Splitter, and then you can use foreach to loop every files.
    Refer to:
    How to split a multipage TIFF file on Windows?
    If there is anything else regarding this issue, please feel free to post back.
    Best Regards,
    Anna Wang

  • PL/SQL...Unsure how to loop thru multiple questions and display output?

    This is my first pl/sql program, I've written psudocode on paper, but not sure what to do for two parts.
    What I'm trying to do is write pl/sql that will check a row based on an employee id #.
    cursor cur is
    select *
    from employee
    where employee_id = foo;What we are checking are the results the employee answered. They have answered 180 questions and I want to find when the answer a 0, 7, and 9.
    Basically the pl/sql has to loop thru the 180 questions
    v_count := vcount + 1
    select *
    from employee
    where q1 thru q180 in (0, 7, 9);
    end loop;
    dbms_output.put_line ('Employee ID' || employee_id);
    dbms_output.put_line ('Q1 - Q180' || q1 - q180); I'm not sure how to write the pl/sql to loop thur all 180 questions.
    I'm not sure how to display the output to show what question they scored a 0, 7, and/or a 9 on.
    Message was edited by:

    536 columns in one table? Yowsa. Without a normalized table, you are going to need dynamic pl/sql and a messy solution.
    I would rethink your design, and come up with something more like so:
    So that would you could easily do something like this:
      cursor c1 is
        select ers.question_id,
          from employee emp,
               questions que,
               employee_responses ers
         where emp.employee_id = ers.employee_id and
               que.question_id = ers.question_id and
               emp.employee_id = v_employee_id and
               ers.rating in (0, 7, 9) and
               que.enabled_flag = 'Y';
      for r1 in c1 loop
        dbms_output.put_line('Question: '||r1.question_name);
        dbms_output.put_line('Employee Rated this: '||r1.rating);
      end loop;
    end;Thats how I would do it - I think you are going down the wrong path. What happens if you need to create a new question or delete one? You constantly have to modify the table. Hope this helps

  • How to Loop thru a Queue?

    I have a Queue that I can add and remove items from, but I need to display all the contents currently in the Queue.
    How would I loop thru the Queue and do this?
    Any simple example will do.

    Thanks for the link. It showed me which methods an Iterator has, but not practical way to use it. So I did some googling and found this example.
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    for ( Iterator iter = myList.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
       String key = (String);
       System.out.println( key );
       }Which makes perfect sense. However, where it says Iterator iter = myList.iterator(); I am not sure what to put in the myList.iterator(); part.
    I would assume that my Queue object would be used there, however, my Queue object has no .iterator() method.
    Like I said, I am new to Java so this is not as easy to me as it seems it should be.
    But there is all of my code if it helps.....I'll leave out the unimportant parts.
    Queenode class........................................
    public class QueueNode {
    Object info;
    QueueNode link;
        public QueueNode() {
        public QueueNode(Object item) {
        public QueueNode(Object item, QueueNode qn) {
    }//end classQueue class..............................................
    public class Queue {
       //create a front and back node
       private QueueNode front;
       private QueueNode rear;
       private int size;
       public void insert(Object item){
          //if queue is empty front and rear are same
              rear=new QueueNode(item);
              front = rear;
          }//end if
          //otherwise queue not empty add top end
     new QueueNode(item);
          }//end else
          ///either case incriment size
       }//end insert
       public Object remove(){
           //create a temp node referencing the front
           QueueNode oldFront=front;
           //peek at front item
           Object item = peek();
           //make front to link with the next node
           //remove temp node
           //decrement size
           //return the item that was removed
           return item;
       public Object peek(){
               throw new NullPointerException();
           }//end if
           }//and else
       }//end peek
       public boolean isEmpty(){
       }//end isEmpty
       public int getSize(){
           return size;
       }//end getsize
    }//end classAnd finaly my class to test that the Queue is working....................
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.BevelBorder;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    public class QueueTest extends JFrame implements ActionListener{
        //Create Queue object
        Queue q = new Queue();
       public QueueTest(){
            //Add title to window
            super("Testing Queue's");
         }//end constructor
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
            if (event.getSource()==btnAddQueueItem){
                for(Iterator iter = q.?????; iter.hasNext();){
                    ///Output each queue item here........
                }//end for
            }//end if
             if (event.getSource()==btnRemoveQueueItem){
             }//end if
        }//end actionPerformed
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        QueueTest testQueue = new QueueTest();
        }//end main
    }//end class

  • How to Loop thru a RFC model

    how to Loop thru the RFC model
    for(int i=0;i<wdContext.nodeEx_Org_Units().size();i++){
    //how to get the attribute each and every columns
      //mgr.reportSuccess("id" +nodeEx_Org_Units().getId());
    Message was edited by:
            yzme yzme

    When there is a RFC Model with table ouptut....every row in the table can be correlated to elements in the model node...
    your model node : <i>nodeEx_Org_Units</i>
    Now if you have 5 rows as output after executing the model...there will be 5 elements created under the node. Loop through all the elements and use the get methods as given below:
    // assuming tht u have two columns(attributes) <i>col1 & col2</i>
    // access the node
    IPrivate<view>.IEx_Org_UnitsNode tableNode = wdContext.nodeEx_Org_Units();
    // access the element under the node, do not initalize this element
    IPrivate<view>.IwdContext.nodeEx_Org_UnitsElement tableElem;
    //loop thrugh the elements
    for(int i=0; i<tableNode.size(); i++)
       tableElem = tableNode.getEx_Org_UnitsElementAt(i);
       // access the attributes col1 & col2

  • DAC won't "Mark as Complete"

    We are having problems with our Development and QA environments. One of the ETL workflows failed, so the whole execution plan failed. We would like to abandon that execution plan and just run a full load to start with a clean DB. However we can't get the first execution plan to complete. We've tried restarting it, requeueing everything, and the obvious 'Mark as Complete'. But nothing is working. The 'Mark as Complete' does nothing... no popup, no error message, nada.
    I know there is SQL floating around to reset the table, but I was hoping someone could tell me why I can't 'Mark as Complete'. Is this a security setting?
    Edited by: user10736039 on Oct 13, 2009 3:22 PM

    Check the repository schema DAC (or whatever schema has been assigned to DAC to store it metadata and data) on the database and see if it has run out of tablespace. People sometimes forget to monitor these schemas (DAC and ETL metadata schemas). If DAC cannot update the tables where this information is stored it starts behaving erratically and sometimes doesn't build, assemble or nothing works.
    Check that add space if required and re-bounce DAC services.

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