Trouble moving playhead along timeline

I apologize if this questions has already been asked and answered. I tried searching through the Flash forum and was unable to find the answer I was looking for.
I am very new to Flash and apologize for the simplicity of the question, but I am having trouble moving the playhead along the timeline in Flash. For example, when I open up a new Flash project, and start out with the initial layer with it’s single frame, I am having trouble moving the playhead forward to frame i.g. "75" or "80". My questions is, can I not move the playhead because I do not have content past frame one or can I not move the playhead because I have accidentally initiated a button or action that will only allow me to scrub my playhead through frames with content. On the off chance I had done this, I tried restarting Flash with the default settings with no success. Again, I realize this may be a very simple question and I am hoping the answer will be the same.

when you're in the authoring environment, you need a frame to exist at 75 or 80 before you can move the play head there.  so, right click frame 75 and click insert frame or insert keyframe or insert blank keyframe.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    The following article(s) may help you.
    Moving your iTunes library to a new computer



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    For PrPro CS3, this post should be in THIS forum. I feel that the MOD's will be moving it for you, so you will know where to find it, once they do.
    Now, for the Audio issue, what is the channel-count of the Audio Stream? In PrPro, Audio will ONLY go to an Audio Track, that matches the channel-count of the file, i.e. mono only to 1-channel Audio Tracks, stereo to 2-channel Audio Tracks, etc. This ARTICLE goes into more detail.
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    One can also Lock Tracks, both Audio & Video, to keep the Clips on those Tracks "safe."
    Hope that this helps, and good luck,

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