Trying to sample a sensor voltage and record location (with delay)

Hi all, 
Wondering if someone could help me here, i'm still quite a Labview novice... Basically I have a sub vi which I created that is feeding in analogue sensor values into my main vi in parallel with another sub vi, which is feeding in gps location in a combined latitude and longitude string. What I am looking to do is to record the locations in a visible array on the front panel when the acceleration is over a set amount (1g).
The issue I have is that I only wish to take down one location string for each time the acceleration is exceeded, so I would like to implement some sort of delay so that when the acceleration increases beyond 1g, the location is recorded and then the program waits for a given time before taking the next location (I only want one location recorded per event). But I cannot work out how to do this. The only way I can think of achieving it will give me several position values each time the acceleration passes the limit.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Go to Solution.

Ok, sorry about that. I have attached the vi and hopefully you will understand what is going on. Essentially the while loop to the right hand side is what I have been given and the part I have worked on is in the left hand while loop. So I have the latitude and longitude string which is called "concatenated string" and my accelerometer readings come from the sub vi called Accelerometer. I currently have boolean greater than set for if>1.
The really hard part that I am struggling with is getting the latitude and longitude string to write accross to the array on the right hand while loop called "Marker location array" as a new indexed value and to do this only when the acceleration is above my set value.
Thanks again for any help and hopefully I have uploaded it properly!
Attachments: ‏416 KB

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    Hi Darrin,
    Certificates will be used at both OHS and Midtier. At OHS you are receiving incoming traffic so your server certificate should be there (in PKCS 12 format). From midtier, you are sending messages to your TP's (your Outbound), so your client certificate should be at Midtier at following location-
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    Give path of ewallet.txt in your file.
    SSL would be enabled at both midtier and OHS, but if OHS is sending messages to midtier at HTTP port then do not enable transport security in your host tp's delivery channel.
    You have to upload certificates which will be used for siging and encryption at resepective tp's delivery channel.
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    Yes it is supported.
    You can find its documentation in this link 
    You can find section X.509 Certificate Identity Keys
    You can set public and private key in property SSH Identity thumbprint  of send and receive port
    I prefer to test it using client tool like
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    Hi Plexonite,
    The first thing that comes to mind is Pre-trigger Acquisition which could help you retrieve missing data. Further details about this can be found under:
    Let us know if this helps you move forward.
    Application Engineer
    National Instruments

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