UCCX 7 to 8

My customers #1 concern is no down time if possible. They have agreed to a new install option on rls 8 with a new IP address, to run in parallel with UCCX 7 for a short time. I have thought about all the basic things (move a few agents over at cut time, reinstall clients, and remove the triggers from the old and build in the new, etc). My worry is the package that they ordered from Cisco, and the old rls 7 licenses. Here is what was ordered.
CCX-UPG-EHA-70-80=  / CCX ENH HA 7.0 TO 8.0 HA ENH UCSS Major Upgrade x2
Secondly, can I apply the 7 licenses to UCCX 8, or will I have to get new ones issued? Thanks in advance.

First of all, you need to make sure your CUCM version supports both UCCX 7 and 8.  Check the compatibility guide for that one.
You don't need to reinstall CAD, as it has a feature built in to auto upgrade.  The only required action would be to point CAD at the new server.  There are a couple different ways to tackle this, so look into either running postinstall.exe on each client and typing the new ip address, or modifying the registry of each client (which is what postinstall.exe does).
The license you listed will upgrade an existing UCCX Enhanced High Availability cluster from 7 to 8.  I hope that is what you have, versus Premium, etc.  As with any upgrade you would apply the license files from your 7x system, along with the new 8x license to the new 8x server.  Granted you are doing a fresh install, but this will still work.  I have done it several times.  Simply zip your .lic files (no folder) and upload the zip when you are going through the license upload piece of the install.
Build your triggers and cti ports on the new system with new numbers, then swing your translation patterns at the moment you want to convert.
Give your app users new names.  If you haven't done so in the past, now is a good time to rename them something meaningful:  uccx_rmcm, etc

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    Current State:
    •    I have a customer running CUCM 6.1 and UCCX 7.01SR5.  Currently their CUCM is *NOT* LDAP integrated and using local accounts only.  UCCX is AXL integrated to CUCM as usual and is pulling users from CUCM and using CUCM for login validation for CAD.
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    Desired Future State and Proposed Upgrade Method
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    •    Continue setup per documentation
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    If I follow the same steps with re-associating the users to devices and selecting the ACD/UCCX extension, what happens? 
    I would guess that UCCX would see all the users it knew about get deleted (making them inactive agents) and the see a whole group of new agents get created.
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    Has anyone run into this before?
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    I was doing some more research looking at the DB schema for UCCX 8.
    Looking at the Resource table in UCCX, it looks like there is primary key that represents each user.
    My question, is this key replicated from CUCM or created locally when the user is imported into UCCX?
    How does UCCX determine if user account jsmith in CUCM, when it’s a local account, is different than user account jsmith in CUCM that is LDAP imported?
    Would it be possible (with TAC's help most likely) to edit this field back to the previous values so that AQM and historical reporting would think the user accounts are the same?
    Database table name: Resource
    The Unified CCX system creates a new record in the Resource table when the Unified CCX system retrieves agent information from the Unified CM.
    A Resource record contains information about the resource (agent). One such record exists for each active and inactive resource. When a resource is deleted, the old record is flagged as inactive; when a resource is updated, a new record is created and the old one is flagged as inactive.

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    Hi Gergely,
    I should made a report on the number simultaneous call at a given moment on UCC on the server (all calls on the server)..

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    Have you checked the troubleshooting wiki?

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    Best regards,

    Yes!  Scripts and prompts from older versions work on newer versions as well.  The opposite is not true however, so if you upgrade to UCCX 9x, and need to roll back for some reason, your scripts from the UCCX 9x will not work on UCCX 5x.  Not that I think your upgrade wont work, or that you couldn't just restore from a UCCX 5x backup though.  I'm just covering both scenarios here. 
    One thing to note, in UCCX versions 7x and lower, people could script incorrectly, and it would still work.  However, starting in UCCX 8x, there are additional restrictions and security measures in place, which will make those scripts fail.  Be sure to do your testing of all scripts before going live on UCCX 9x.  One of the major offenders of this is using the Write Document step to write files to the local C:\.  So, if you open all of your scripts, and do a CTRL+F "Write Document", to find this step, you may be able to correct it now, before you even go through the upgrade.
    Anthony Holloway
    Please use the star ratings to help drive great content to the top of searches.

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    I already added the MAC address of the Phone to RM Application User, but no luck?
    aany idea?

    The issue is fixed by restarting Primary/Secondary UCCX servers( which are on the UCS).
    However, it still takes long for the Agent to login.

  • UCCX forward to voicemail with additional information

    Hi ,
    I'm just looking some other precision about the following question . 
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    Have you already encountered this question ?
    Many thanks

    I would setup a mailbox for each language and send it to the appropriate mailbox based on the language in UCCX.
    If you REALLY wanted all of the messages with different languages to show up in one mailbox, you could use Forward Routing Rules in Unity Connection to change the language of the call based on extension number and send it to one mailbox with multiple language greetings recorded.  Personally, I would separate them out.

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    Trying with this account also failed
    Please advise how to do this

    Hi Anthony,
    In the tool bar , "SQL Server Service Manager" exist and running
    it is only and there is no other tools for SQL
    it points to Cisco-UCCX\CRSSQL
    And in drive C,, I can find Microsoft SQL Server in program files and db_cra database
    from serviceability tools > the DB Info
    DB Edition: MSDE version   Version: 8.00.2156

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    tried to play the .wav file but i can't hear any voice.
    Problem is while playing back the recorded file. I can able to see the
    recorded files in the UCCX.
    Please help me out!!!
    Thanks & Regards,

    It's likely the same problem: CAD is not forwarding packets to CSD or the CCX recording service. Two common causes for this are:
    The phone is not spanning to the PC port or does not allow PC Port VLAN Access. Change these options to true on the phone's configuration in CUCM.
    The NIC of the agent's PC running CAD is not processing 802.1q-tagged Ethernet frames. It must not drop these and pass them into the Windows NDIS stack for CAD to get them. Google is your friend here; this commonly requires registry changes to make the NIC process the packets.

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    Also when performing an aggregate function on CSQ queries do I group on target id?  Is that the unique identifier?

    Hi Christina,
    Please find the information of the UCCX DB schema in the following table:

  • UCCX Outbound Campaign(Preview) Reports

    Hi All.
    I am configuring outbound(preview) campaigns on UCCX 8.5SU3. Once the campain is done, is there any defult report in which I can see the status of each contact of the campaign such as successful, not dialed yet, invalid number etc?
    Many thanks in advance!

    I'm afraid not - it should be feasible to create a custom report for this purpose though.

  • Not able to generate UCCX Historical Report of one agent

    Dear All,
    I am not able to generate the UCCX Historical report of the agent as the Historical reports of the agent is generating upto the Feburary 2013 but we are not able to view the Historical Report of March 2013 and onwards, the realtime reports are generating and the agent name is added to the Active Directory only once, help is required in this regard.
    Best Regards,
    Durraze Khan

    Put a breakpoint and try to debug the report step by step.
    You will findout the reason very easily.
    Whenever you have a select and are trying to append into an internal table, keep checking your internal table if it is been populated with the correct records.
    This way, you will findout the cause and can correct is accordingly.
    Suresh Ganti

  • UCCX 10.1 - Linked Server - Copying HR data to external SQL Server for reporting

    I have a customer that is migrating from UCCX 7 to UCCX 10.  They currently have a 2008 SQL Server R2 that they use for custom reports.  They have a package that runs nightly to copy relevant data from UCCX 7 to the their server and then run reports daily against that database.   Pretty easy when everything is in MS SQL.  My plan was to set up a linked server in SQL 2008 to the UCCX server.  This would allow me to easily run a query against Informix and move the data over as before.  However, I am having problems adding the linked server.
    I have installed the Informix drivers (both 32 and 64 bit) during the troubleshooting.
    The DSN is created and connects to UCCX just fine.
    When I attempt to add the linked server using 64 bit driver DSN I get the following:
    Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "UCCX101".
    OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "UCCX101" returned message "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed".
    OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "UCCX101" returned message "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed".
    OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "UCCX101" returned message "[Informix][Informix ODBC Driver][-11302] Insufficient Connection information was supplied". (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)
    When I attempt to add the linked server using the 32 bit driver DSN I get the following:
    Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "32UCCX101".
    OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "32UCCX101" returned message "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7303)
    It appears to me there is a 32/64 bit conflict no matter route I go.
    Can anyone tell me what I am missing?
    Is there a better approach to take to achieve the ultimate goal?
    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    I have created linked servers on an SQL2K box that points back to CCX. First off, you have to set the password for the UCCX HR user to some known value.
    exec sp_dropserver 'fonccx9_01', 'droplogins'
    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
    @server='fonccx9_01', -- Name of the Linked Server, when it is created.
    @srvproduct='Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC', -- OLE DB Provider.
    @provider='MSDASQL', -- Provider_name.
    @datasrc ='fonccx9-01', -- DSN Name of the ODBC Data Source.
    @provstr= -- ODBC Connection String.
    'Driver={IBM Informix ODBC};Server=fonccx9_01_uccx;Database=db_cra; Uid=uccxhruser; Pwd=Some-Password;'
    EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
        @rmtsrvname = 'fonccx9_01',
        @useself = 'FALSE',
        @rmtuser = 'uccxhruser',
        @rmtpassword = 'Some-Password'
    Note that the server name is "fonccx9-01", but the dash is an illegal character in the server name, so you have to change that to an underscore. You still have to manually build the ODBC data source on the box where you are trying to create the linked server.

  • UCCX 10.5 Real Time Report shows "Not Connected"

    UCCX 10.5 HA over LAN.
    As per the title, RTR shows Not connected for both nodes and no data shown for all reports. all services are In service in both nodes. 
    Any Ideas?

    Hi Mohamed,
    Are you accessing this via the IE or FF? If so which version?
    The Real time reporting on UCCX connects to the RMI port 6999 to pull the information on the Engine. If there are no port blockages or if there are no issues with the browsers, then it is a problem with the configuration files in root holding this information which needs in depth analysis.
    A restart of the Engine also should help. I know that everything is IN SERVICE, but I have noticed a lot of issues on UCCX 10.5 when there are stuck calls on the system, it impacts RTR with the midnight stats reset.
    The reset of the Engine is bound to clear all the stuck calls in the system and this may be a side effect of the stuck calls on the system especially if the RTR was working before you noticed the problems.

  • UCCX 10.5 Agent Email - Agents cant send emails with attachment sizes over 50KB

    We have been trying to get the Agent Email functionality working in UCCX 10.5 for quite a while now. Everything seems to work other than when an agent attempts to add an attachment over 50KB in size. If under 50K, the attachment and email sends  just fine. If it's over 50KB and the agent clicks Send, CAD just sits there saying "Sending..." and it never goes through. 
    I've had the Exchange administrator look through Exchange and validate that the Cisco instructions/requirements were put into place. We can't seem to find anything on the Exchange side. 

    I managed to fix the issue with the help of this post

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