Ugrading to iTunes 7.2 stopped my Video playlists working on my iPod

Everything was working well, then I upgraded to iTunes 7.2.
Same day I tried to view my SMART Video Playlists as usual, and I get the old "0 of 0" screen, as if there are no videos in the playlist.
I know that these playlists worked fine before the upgrade
I know that the videos in the playlists are all playable on the iPod
I know the playlist works fine in iTunes
The only change was the iTunes upgrade.
I tried to do a complete RESET still same
Complete RESTORE still the same results.
Once again an upgrade had stopped my Video playlists from working.
I'd like to be able to go back to the previous version of the firmware before I did the restore, since I think the latest firmware upgrade has also contributed to the problem

I want to go back to a previous firmware version, surely someone here knows how to do that?

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    Really it only takes a mere few minutes to backup your iTunes Library and stick in a few cd/dvd's or a external drive. iTunes even has a menu command for it to make it oh so simple. Please use it and backup all your data.
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    Good Luck

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    Hello Appropriator,
    Thanks for the question, and welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    The following article outlines further suggestions for troubleshooting video playback. While you have already completed one of the steps, there are a few more that you can try:
    Troubleshooting iTunes for Windows Vista or Windows 7 video playback performance issues
    Additional Information
    Some customers using computers containing NVIDIA nForce Serial ATA (SATA) controllers may experience unexpected behavior when playing videos in iTunes on Windows from a SATA hard drive. iTunes may unexpectedly quit or become unresponsive or the computer may unexpectedly reboot or show a blue screen. Standard IDE hard disks are unaffected by this issue. If your computer contains a standard IDE hard disk, you can copy your video files to that disk and play those copies of the files in iTunes or QuickTime Player.
    Matt M.

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    How to report an issue with Your iTunes Store purchase - - working through iTunes application and iTunes Store interface.
    iTunes Customer Service Contact -

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    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    * Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    * Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"

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    -Connect your iPod to your computer, ensures its updated via iTunes, then disconnect it from PC and exit iTunes
    - Download iPodSetup 2005-11-17 here: nw/iPodSetup.exe
    - Download iPodWizard here:
    (download the release, top link of the two)
    - Uninstall iPod for Windows 2006-1-10 and reboot
    - Install iPodSetup 2005-11-17
    -Connect your iPod to PC, make sure iTunes is not running
    -Make sure that the check box labeled "allow ipod to automatically start Itunes" is unchecked. Restart
    -Launch iPodWizard.
    -In the top left, click "Open Updater"
    -Locate the iPod Updater.exe located in a sub-folder where you just installed iPodSetup 2005-11-17
    -In the "Firmware:" drop down menu, select "5th Generation iPod (v.13.6.0)"
    -Click "Load" just to the right of the drop down menu
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    -Click "Downgrade Firmware". I'ts very quick.
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    -From your Start menu, run iPod Updater 2005-11-17 and click "Update", not "Restore"
    -Once the update is completed (it takes a few minutes), exit the iPod Updater and run it again to view the new firmware number. It should read:
    "Software Version: 1.0 (up to date)"
    -Launch iTunes. A pop up window will ask you if you want to download the new software version 1.1. Tick the box "Do not ask me again" and click "CANCEL"
    To avoid a majority of problems if you have the newest upgrade to itunes you must uninstall itunes and then uninstall Ipod updater for all updates restart and then reinstall the downgrade updater version and then you should be able to downgrade your firmware to version 1.0. I used 3-4 different programs to convert videos and they all lost sound and hung up in v1.1 downgraded to v1.0 and all work just fine. I don't know what the problem is but this solution seems to work.


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      Windows XP   5th Gen Video iPod version 1.1.2 60GB

    I had the exact same problem. I used Videora off the internet. It's free and it converts all video files to a format that itunes and ipod recognizes. Try the following link.
      Windows XP  

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    Does the video play in iTunes
    if so right click and select "convert to ipod/iphone format"
    if not click "store" in the bar and click "check for purchaces"

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    See this article for a list of the compatible video formats.

Maybe you are looking for

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