UICommand action and actionListener - invoke in different phases

I am trying to get the action and actionListener methods of a command button invoked in different phases. When the button is pressed I would like the actionListener to be invoked immediately, but the action method only in the "invoke applications phase", unless the form validation failed.
Setting immediate to "true" doesn't work, as I can't get the action method to be queued for later processing. I also can't make them both actionListeners as the action method controls navigation.
Any way round this?

Action = Executed in the invoke application phase. Runs a method in a bean that returns a String object. The String is used by the navigation system to determine which page to render next. The rules for this are set up in the faces-config.xml file, in the navigation-rule sections.
ActionListener = Executed in the invoke application phase. Is triggered when the action event occurs for the component the listener is attached too. This listener can perform miscellaneous actions required when the button is clicked, but does not return a String that affects the navigation.
What order do they get called? Try this out!
It'll help you understand the JSF lifecycle. Which is VERY important, especially when those weird errors start occurring (or JSF seems to be ignoring your commands).

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  • Af:commandMenuItem action and actionListener are not executing

    Hello all!
    I use JDeveloper Studio Edition Version Here's the problem. I have a popup menu like this
    <af:popup id="someMenu" animate="default">
    <af:menu id="pt_m1">
    <af:forEach var="item" items="#{ContextMenuHelperBean.availableUserRoles}">
    <af:commandMenuItem text="#{item.roleName}"
    id="pt_cmi1" rendered="true">
    <f:attribute name="userRole" value="#{item}"/>
    The problem is that action and actionListener are not executing, when the menu item is selected (but the page is reloaded with no changes). ContextMenuHelperBean has a "session" scope set in adfc-config.xml. What can be wrong with this?

    Now I've encountered a new kind of error. I create a menu in a managed bean like this:
    In JSPX
    <f:view beforePhase="#{RolesMenuSupportBean.createMenus}">
    <af:popup id="cxtMenu" animate="default">
                            <af:menu id="pt_m1"
                          </af:popup>In com\cs\webb2\view\utils\menu\RolesMenuSupport.java
        public void createMenus(PhaseEvent phaseEvent) {                       
            List<IUserRole> rolesList = getAvailableUserRoles();
            for (IUserRole role: rolesList) {           
                Boolean hasItem = false;           
                for (Iterator iter = rolesMenu.getChildren().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                    RichCommandMenuItem item = (RichCommandMenuItem) iter.next();
                    if (!hasItem)
                        hasItem = item.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(role.getRoleName());
                if (!hasItem) {
                    RichCommandMenuItem newItem = new RichCommandMenuItem();                                                       
                    newItem.getAttributes().put("userRole", role);
        } The menu is created successfully, but when I click on any item, I get an exception
    <b>javax.servlet.ServletException: Method not found: com.cs.webb2.view.utils.menu.RolesMenuSupport@d4702.changeUserRole_Action(void)</b>
    But of course I have such a method in my com.cs.webb2.view.utils.menu.RolesMenuSupport:
    In com\cs\webb2\view\utils\menu\RolesMenuSupport.java
        public String changeUserRole_Action()
            // no code yet
            return "adfMenu_Main";
        }And there <b>is</b> a managed bean named RolesMenuSupportBean, which is associated with class com.cs.webb2.view.utils.menu.RolesMenuSupport.
    Can anyone tell me, what can be wrong?

  • Difference between action and actionListener

    I would like to tell me which is the difference between an action and an actionListener in the following example:
    <h:form style="text-align:center">
    <h:commandButton image="mountrushmore.jpg"
    </h:form>Which method of the rushmore bean is invoked first the listen() or the act()? Based on the JSF lifecycle the action events are invoked in the Invoke Application Phase correct?So first we have the process of validation and then the action is invoked right?And then the listener?
    Thanks in advance.

    Action = Executed in the invoke application phase. Runs a method in a bean that returns a String object. The String is used by the navigation system to determine which page to render next. The rules for this are set up in the faces-config.xml file, in the navigation-rule sections.
    ActionListener = Executed in the invoke application phase. Is triggered when the action event occurs for the component the listener is attached too. This listener can perform miscellaneous actions required when the button is clicked, but does not return a String that affects the navigation.
    What order do they get called? Try this out!
    It'll help you understand the JSF lifecycle. Which is VERY important, especially when those weird errors start occurring (or JSF seems to be ignoring your commands).

  • JSF Actions and ActionListeners with Tiles and forms

    I�m having a problem trying to use the Tiles functionality in Struts 1.1 with JSF and was wondering if anyone could help me.
    I have defined a very simple header, menu, content Tile that doesn�t involve nesting of tiles (ExampleTile_content1Level.jsp).
    I have 3 JSP pages, the first testHarness.jsp is NOT built using Tiles and is just used to load some test data into a session scoped bean using an actionListener and then forward to a Tile generated page (ExampleTile3.jsp) using a hard-coded action �applicationSummary� when a commandLink is pressed. This works fine for both the action and actionListener.
    ExampleTile3.jsp contains another commandLink that is meant to forward to another tile ExampleTile2.jsp. This also works until I try to add the <h:form> � </h:form> tag around the outside of the <h:panelGrid> tags in ExampleContent1.jsp when the action and actionListener then fail to fire and I get an �Error on Page� message in Explorer the detail of which says �Error �com_sun_rave_web_ui_appbase_renderer_CommandLinkRendererer� is null or not an object�.
    However I need a form so that I can bind UI controls to data from the bean stored in the session scope. This is only a problem when I use Tiles to define the pages. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
    Any help would be much appreciated.
       <definition name="example3" path="/pages/exampleTile_content1Level.jsp" >
              <put name="headerClass" value="someStyle"/>
              <put name="menuClass" value="someStyle"/>
              <put name="contentClass" value="someStyle"/>
              <put name="header-title" value="/pages/exampleHeader.jsp" />
              <put name="menu" value="/pages/exampleMenu.jsp" />
              <put name="content" value="/pages/exampleContent1.jsp" />
       <definition name="example2" path="/pages/exampleTile_content1Level.jsp" >
              <put name="headerClass" value="someStyle"/>
              <put name="menuClass" value="someStyle"/>
              <put name="contentClass" value="someStyle"/>
              <put name="header" value="/pages/exampleHeader.jsp" />
              <put name="menu" value="/pages/exampleHeader.jsp" />
              <put name="content" value="/pages/exampleContent2.jsp" />
              <tiles:insert definition="example3" flush="false" />
    </f:view> ExampleTile2.jsp
              <tiles:insert definition="example2" flush="false" />
    </f:view> Faces-config.xml
    </navigation-rule> ExampleTile_content1Level.jsp
    <tiles:importAttribute scope="request"/>
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" >
         <f:subview id="header-title">
              <tiles:insert name="header-title" flush="false" />
         <f:subview id="menu">
              <tiles:insert name="menu" flush="false" />
         <f:subview id="content">
              <tiles:insert name="content" flush="false" />
    </h:panelGrid> ExampleHeader.jsp / ExampleMenu.jsp
    <tiles:importAttribute scope="request"/>
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" columnClasses="someSyle">
         <h:outputFormat value="This is the {0}.">
              <f:param value="Header / Menu as appropriate "/>         
    </h:panelGrid> ExampleContent1.jsp
    <tiles:importAttribute scope="request"/>
    <h:form>     <----- Fails with this tag included but works without it.
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" >
              <h:outputFormat value="This is the {0}.">
                   <f:param value="Content on the FIRST page"/>
              <h:commandLink action="nextPage" immediate="false">
                   <h:outputText value="Click to go to next page"/>
    </h:form> ExampleContent2.jsp
    <tiles:importAttribute scope="request"/>
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" >
         <h:outputFormat value="This is the {0}.">
              <f:param value="Content on the SECOND page"/>

    jezzica85 wrote:
    Hi everybody,
    I want to overload a method so it can take either 2 Actions, 2 ActionListeners, or one of each. The issue with this is that I'd have to make 4 overloaded signatures and almost identical methods, like this:
    method( action, action )
    method( action, listener )
    method( listener, action )
    method( listener, listener )
    Well, if you want to support that then you are just going to have to do suffer through it, the only shortcut I can recommend is that your method(action, listener) and method(listener, action) are the same so you only have to implement 1 and just use the other as a entry point to call the one you wish to contain the code.

  • SAP SCRIPT SO10 and Email Notification for different actions

    I am working on a SAP Script now to send a notification whenever there is a Prehire ,New Hire or Termination scenario. I am a functional SAP person and need some help in one of the scenarios.
    The notification seems to work fine except for two things -
    I am able to get the values for MASSN (Action) and MASSG (reason code) but not the text. For e.g. I am able to get 01 with reason code 02. Action 01 is New Hire activation and reason code 02 is Addition. I want these text in my notification. How can I get it ?
    Secondly , we do a Prehire action when the employee accepts the offer. We just create IT0000, IT0001 , IT0041 and IT0002. But the employee stays in INACTIVE status untill new hire activation action is done. When I do a Prehire action, I am able to get only IT0000 related data ie. MASSN and MASSG but not position or emp group etc. Why it is not giving me the IT0001 related info ? Here is what my SO10 text looks like now --
    Action on &sy-datum&
    /: DEFINE &USER& = &P0000-UNAME&
    /: DEFINE &ACTION& = &P0000-MASSN&
    /: DEFINE &LASTNAME& = &P0002-NACHN&
    /: DEFINE &HIREDATE& = &P0041-DAT01&
    /: DEFINE &PERSAREA& = &P0001-WERKS&
    /: DEFINE &EMPGROUP& = &P0001-PERSG&
    /: DEFINE &PERNR& = &P0000-PERNR&
    /: DEFINE &POSITION& = &P0001-PLANS&
    /: USING &PERNR&
    I will appreicate your help.

    Please have a look at the following doc:
    U may need to make some minor modifications to get ur requirement. I hope u will be able to do that once u go through this.

  • Actions and Efficiency

    Hi, I was looking through Virum's example of actions and it made me wonder what's the best way to use ActionListener because I saw he used it a different way than I was using. I'm talking about using inner classes (interfaces i believe?) vs the method my book uses. I hope you don't mind using your examples, Virum. (btw I like your webpage) :)
    Anyway here they are:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class RandomSprite extends JFrame{
         JButton red = new JButton("Red");
         JButton green = new JButton("Green");
         JButton blue = new JButton("Blue");
         JButton cyan = new JButton("Cyan");
         JButton yellow = new JButton("Yellow");
         JButton orange = new JButton("Orange");
         JPanel pane;
         public RandomSprite(){
              setSize(500, 500);
              Container contentPane = getContentPane();
              pane = new JPanel();
              red.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
              green.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
              blue.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
              cyan.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
              yellow.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
              orange.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
         public static void main (String args[])
              RandomSprite s = new RandomSprite();
    and here's the method I was using
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class RandomSprite2 extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
         JButton red = new JButton("Red");
         JButton green = new JButton("Green");
         JButton blue = new JButton("Blue");
         JButton cyan = new JButton("Cyan");
         JButton yellow = new JButton("Yellow");
         JButton orange = new JButton("Orange");
         JPanel pane;
         public RandomSprite2(){
              setSize(500, 500);
              Container contentPane = getContentPane();
              pane = new JPanel();
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
              if (event.getSource() == red)
                   pane.setBackground (Color.red);
              else if (event.getSource() == green)
                   pane.setBackground (Color.green);
              else if (event.getSource() == blue)
                   pane.setBackground (Color.blue);
              else if (event.getSource() == cyan)
                   pane.setBackground (Color.cyan);
              else if (event.getSource() == yellow)
                   pane.setBackground (Color.yellow);
              else if (event.getSource() == orange)
                   pane.setBackground (Color.orange);
         public static void main (String args[])
              RandomSprite2 s = new RandomSprite2();
         }Now that I see it, the first example looks more efficient and faster. Also it's all in one place, so it's easier to read, but it creates multiple class files. I guess that's not a problem though. Do the if statements slow the 2nd version down? ... or is there no difference in speed. Could you help me out and tell me which method you use and why, or better yet answer which is better :) Thanks for all the help.

    try using the javax.swing.AbstractAction class, thusly...
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class RandomSprite extends JFrame {
         JPanel pane;
         public RandomSprite() {
              setSize(500, 500);
              Container contentPane = getContentPane();
              pane = new JPanel();
              pane.add(new JButton (new ColorAction ("Red", Color.red)));
              pane.add(new JButton (new ColorAction ("Green", Color.green)));
              pane.add(new JButton (new ColorAction ("Blue", Color.blue)));
              pane.add(new JButton (new ColorAction ("Cyan", Color.cyan)));
              pane.add(new JButton (new ColorAction ("Yellow", Color.yellow)));
              pane.add(new JButton (new ColorAction ("Orange", Color.orange)));
         public static void main (String args[])     {
              RandomSprite s = new RandomSprite();
         class ColorAction extends AbstractAction {
              public ColorAction (String name, Color color) {
                   putValue (Action.NAME, name);
                   putValue ("COLOR", color);
              public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
                   pane.setBackground((Color) getValue ("COLOR"));
    }Only works with jdk1.3+ though :-(

  • Struts current page action and parent action

    what is the difference if the action for current page and parent page action is the same or not same? when I should use the same action and when I need to use different actions?

    For this approach you can use PhaseListener for RESTORE_VIEW phase and in the afterPhase method chech the viewId and navigate to the relevant page.

  • Automation plugin as action and via File/Automate

    I have an Automation plugin that is scriptable (it has a number of exposed scriptable parameters and can be recorded and run from Actions palette). The plugin displayes the UI when it is called interactively (from File/Automate).
    I am however having troubles distinguishing when it is called from an Action palette as a playback of recorded action and when it actually was called interactively from File/Automate (testing it in Photoshop CS6). On plugin invocation I check passed action descriptor and if not empty, read parameters from it and don't show the UI. On the call end, I write script parameters back to a descriptor to be able to use them in recorded action. With this in mind, after PS start first time selecting File/Automate works as expected - no descriptor/parameters passed into the plugin. But after a first call, Photoshop seems to keep the descriptor/parameters written at the end of the plugin and passes it on subsequent user invoked File/Automate. The same happens if plugin is getting called from a recorded action playback (and its expected). Basically after a first invocaction, the plugin will always receive action descriptor whether it called from an action playback or invoked by user.
    I need to distinguish these two cases and basically present UI/start from scratch when user invokes it and use the passed action parameters when action plays it. I have not found anything in SDK to point me to the solution so I'd appreciate the help.
    In filter plugins I can at least get selector start when invoked from UI and use that to free/ignore the action descriptor data.

    I don't think you should care. The option you do care about is this one:
    PIDialogPlayOptions playInfo
    That is part of  PIActionParameters *actionParameters
    That is part of your PSActionsPlugInMessage that comes into your automation plugin entrypoint.
    This parameter has three options:
    a) always display the dialog,
    b) only display the dialog if you don't like the parameters you are given,
    c) never display a dialog (either return an error or proceed with best options but don't stop with a dialog)
    From the file menu, user selected, you should get option a (always). From the actions panel you should get option a or b. From scripting you can get all three options.
    There is also a property in PIProperties.h called propPlayInProgress but the above information should be what you need to do the correct thing with dialogs.

  • How to:  using the Place command in an action and remember the correct source filename...

    I have a large set of product, architecture, and other subject-specific photos, that I’m preparing for a new website; all to be placed in various galleries.
    For each photo, I want it to have the same background.  If I were doing this manually, I would simply “place” the subject photo into the background, and save it – back to the original photo name.
    In other words, doing this manually, PRODUCT_001.TIF gets placed into STANDARD_BKGRND.TIF, (thereby automatically correctly sizing and centering it), and then saving the result back to PRODUCT_001.TIF; either overwriting the original, or into a new folder.   (I have the original file somewhere else, and am working with an intermediate copy).
    But since I have several hundred photos, how do I create an action (and really – a droplet) that will save the resulting file to the desired name?  Typically placing photo ‘PRODUCT_001’ into photo ‘B’, alters photo ‘STANDARD_BKGRND’, so I can’t save the result back to ‘PRODUCT_001’.  Said differently, in a droplet, each time it's run saves the result back to the same filename 'STANDARD_BKGRND'.
    The end result – I want to apply that droplet to all the PRODUCT_***.TIF files in a given folder, and end up with the same file names as before.
    Thanks in advance for your help!
    PS - I have no scripting experience in PS, but have written code in other applications/scenarios.

    Its great that your products are cutouts layers,  Its easy to put cutouts on backgrounds and even add layer style to the product layer to enhance the composite. Still cutouts have size and resolution as  do your background images. 
    When you make composites. A document that is place in or pasted into the current document will be resample to match the current documents DPI resolution to preserve the size of the document being place or pasted in size.
    Additionally if your using place if the document being placed in does not fit within the current document's canvas size. Photoshop may scale the image to fit within the canvas.  It depends on your user id Photoshop Preference setting.
    That means you need you handle the sizes involved.
    I would think that you would want the final composite to be the size of the background image.
    You need to know its size and dpi resolution.  You must use image size on your product image and make the image have the same dpi resolution and a size smaller then the background image.  Perhas they have the same dip resolution as the background and are smaller in size. If that the cast their size are good no image resize  is required,
    Then you need to use canvas size to make the document have the same size and resolution as the background image.
    You may want to center the product layer over the canvas however Canvas size will add canvas evenly around the produt layer's layer bounds when you leave the anchor point in the center. 
    When you then place in the background image it will not be resampled for it has the same dpi resolution as the current document and it will not be scaled for it is an exact canvas size fit.  All that remains to be done is  move the current placed layer below the  product layer 
    The document name is the product image file name opened by you or by Photoshop automate batch process.

  • How to:  using the Place command in an action and remembering the source filename...

    I have a large set of product, architecture, and other subject-specific photos, that I’m preparing for a new website; all to be placed in various galleries.
    For each photo, I want it to have the same background.  If I were doing this manually, I would simply “place” the subject photo into the background, and save it – back to the original photo name.
    In other words, doing this manually, PRODUCT_001.TIF gets placed into STANDARD_BKGRND.TIF, (thereby automatically correctly sizing and centering it), and then saving the result back to PRODUCT_001.TIF; either overwriting the original, or into a new folder.   (I have the original file somewhere else, and am working with an intermediate copy).
    But since I have several hundred photos, how do I create an action (and really – a droplet) that will save the resulting file to the desired name?  Typically placing photo ‘PRODUCT_001’ into photo ‘B’, alters photo ‘STANDARD_BKGRND’, so I can’t save the result back to ‘PRODUCT_001’.  Said differently, in a droplet, each time it's run saves the result back to the same filename 'STANDARD_BKGRND'.
    The end result – I want to apply that droplet to all the PRODUCT_***.TIF files in a given folder, and end up with the same file names as before.
    Thanks in advance for your help!
    PS - I have no scripting experience in PS, but have written code in other applications/scenarios. 

    Actions don't have access to the document name (where the file name is).  Scripts do, however.
    If your products are sequentially numbered, you're in luck.  You can overide the "Save as command" and make sure that your naming uses a sequence which you can set to the same starting number as your product. Here is an example of how to configure File -> Automate -> Batch (assume the set and action are your hand built one)
    Instead of "Document name" you'd type "PRODUCT_" per your example and choose a 3 digit Serial number.
    The "Starting Serial #" is where you can change if your products are numbered say, 101 and up.

  • Premiere Elements 13 issue with the mouse on When I select a clip of video and move to a different place in my time line, Premiere Elements 13, will not release the clip rom the mouse.    The clip follows my mouse movements and goes to other places in my

    Premiere Elements 13 issue with the mouse on MAC OSX Yosemite 10.10.1
    When I select a clip of video and move to a different place in my time line, Premiere Elements 13, will not release the clip from the mouse.
    The clip follows my mouse movements and goes to other places in my time line.
    I try to delete these extra insertions, but the mouse will not release the clip.
    Action I’ve taken: I’ve re-installed Premiere Elements 13. Problem remains.
    This issue has consumed too much of my time and does not go away.  It ruins my video.
    Help please.

    I tried using the Guest Account on my Mac. In the Guest Account, Illustrator works perfect!
    Then I started wondering what processes (tools/tweaks) I run by default on my account. Turned out the problem was called by a little background tool called RightZoom. RightZoom let's the green 'zoom' button always maximize your current window.
    So thanks! Problem solved!

  • Destination folder in Actions and Batch

    I use Photoshop CS on a Mac G4 (PPC) with OS X 10.4.11.
    I need to convert large folders of JPEGs with sRGB profile to Adobe RGB. I recorded an 'action' , which works fine, except for one thing. Here are the instructions from the Photoshop Help files:
    To create a new action:
    Open a file.
    In the Actions palette, click the New Action button , or choose New Action from the Actions palette menu.
    Enter a name for the action.
    (Photoshop) Choose a set from the pop-up menu.
    If desired, set one or both of the following options:
    Assign a keyboard shortcut to the action. You can choose any combination of a Function key, the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Mac OS), and the Shift key (for example, Ctrl+Shift+F3), with these exceptions: In Windows, you cannot use the F1 key, nor can you use F4 or F6 with the Ctrl key.
    (Photoshop) Assign a color for display in Button Mode.
    Click Record. The Record button in the Actions palette turns red .
    Important: When recording the Save As command, do not change the filename. If you enter a new filename, Photoshop records the filename and uses that filename each time you run the action. Before saving, if you navigate to a different folder, you can specify a different location without having to specify a filename.
    Choose the commands, and perform the operations you want to record.
    To stop recording, either click the Stop button, choose Stop Recording from the Actions palette menu, or press the Escape key. To resume recording in the same action, choose Start Recording from the Actions palette menu.
    It's the 'Important:' bit under 6. that I'm concerned about If, when recording the action, I specify, say, 'Desktop' in which to 'Save As...', and then when I use the Batch command I specify a particular (different) destination folder, I end up with two lots of converted images: one lot in the destination folder, the other on the desktop. If, when recording the action, I specify a particular place to save in, then I can't (or can I?) use this action on another occasion when I haven't created a destination folder of that name and want to specify a new destination folder under 'Batch'. And if I specify the same destination folder in the recorded action and in 'Batch', I run into further trouble.
    What is the right thing to do? Thank you in anticipation of help.

    Sorry, something went wrong. Here is my question again:
    I use Photoshop CS on a Mac G4 (PPC) with OS X 10.4.11.
    I need to convert large folders of JPEGs with sRGB profile to Adobe RGB. I recorded an 'action' , which works fine, except for one thing. Here are the instructions from the Photoshop Help files:
    To create a new action:
    Open a file.
    In the Actions palette, click the New Action button , or choose New Action from the Actions palette menu.
    Enter a name for the action.
    (Photoshop) Choose a set from the pop-up menu.
    If desired, set one or both of the following options:
    Assign a keyboard shortcut to the action. You can choose any combination of a Function key, the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Mac OS), and the Shift key (for example, Ctrl+Shift+F3), with these exceptions: In Windows, you cannot use the F1 key, nor can you use F4 or F6 with the Ctrl key.
    (Photoshop) Assign a color for display in Button Mode.
    Click Record. The Record button in the Actions palette turns red .
    Important: When recording the Save As command, do not change the filename. If you enter a new filename, Photoshop records the filename and uses that filename each time you run the action. Before saving, if you navigate to a different folder, you can specify a different location without having to specify a filename.
    Choose the commands, and perform the operations you want to record.
    To stop recording, either click the Stop button, choose Stop Recording from the Actions palette menu, or press the Escape key. To resume recording in the same action, choose Start Recording from the Actions palette menu.
    It's the 'Important:' bit under 6. that I'm concerned about If, when recording the action, I specify, say, 'Desktop' in which to 'Save As...', and then when I use the Batch command I specify a particular (different) destination folder, I end up with two lots of converted images: one lot in the destination folder, the other on the desktop. If, when recording the action, I specify a particular place to save in, then I can't (or can I?) use this action on another occasion when I haven't created a destination folder of that name and want to specify a new destination folder under 'Batch'. And if I specify the same destination folder in the recorded action and in 'Batch', I run into further trouble.
    What is the right thing to do? Thank you in anticipation of help.

  • Actions and Templates CS2 to CS3

    Looking for pointer to a resource that will explain how to migrate important resources from Photoshop CS2 to CS3. Principally interested in actions and metadata templates, but there may be others.

    Since CS, PS has the ability to easily handle most common PARs, because of its interface with video, where PARs are a big deal. If you're going to Web, or going to print, then square pixels, are what you need, and what PS was originally designed to work with.
    Are you opening frame-captures from video? These could be almost any file format, TIFF, TGA, JPG, BMP, PSD, etc. If so, then they may well have a different PAR. Are you adding these TIFFs to a New Image, created with, say, the NTSC 4:3 .9 PAR setting?
    If all you do is square pixel work, and all of your Assets are square pixel images, AND PS is still telling you about the PAR, then a pref. is likely messed up for you. Try restting your prefs.

  • H:commandButton and actionListener

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to add an ActionListener to a commandButton, but there is something wrong. This is my (very simple) jsp page:
    <%@ page language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
         <title>My JSF 'index.jsp' starting page</title>
              hello world
              <h:commandButton value="click me" action="none" >
                   <f:actionListener type="it.hostingjava.MyListener" />
    </html>And this is the (basic) MyListener:
    package it.hostingjava;
    import javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException;
    import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
    import javax.faces.event.ActionListener;
    public class MyListener implements ActionListener {
         public void processAction(ActionEvent arg0) throws AbortProcessingException {
    }And, last but not least this is the rendered HTML:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
         <title>My JSF 'index.jsp' starting page</title>
              <form id="_idJsp0" name="_idJsp0" method="post" action="/myjsf/index.faces" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
              hello world
              <input id="_idJsp0:_idJsp1" name="_idJsp0:_idJsp1" type="submit" value="click me" onclick="clear__5FidJsp0();" />
              <input type="hidden" name="_idJsp0_SUBMIT" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="jsf_sequence" value="11" /><input type="hidden" name="_idJsp0:_link_hidden_" /><script type="text/javascript"><!--
    function clear__5FidJsp0() {
      var f = document.forms['_idJsp0'];
    </html>So, when i click the button in output window is printed (correctly) "MyListener.processAction" but the same behaviour is obtained when i refresh the page. Is there a way to make that the refresh doesn't fire the actionListener ?
    I'm using MyFaces implementation on Tomcat 5.5.17. I'm using the latest release available. I have the same problem on Firefox and Internet Explorer.

    I think the problem is that you have an action and an actionListener. Put only one of them.

  • Commandbutton onclick and actionlistener happen at same time

    I started a thread previously with a similar issue, but the title of that thread really doesn't describe the current problem. Sorry for double posting, but I would delete that thread if I could.
    I have a command button as:
    <h:commandButton id="saveCloseFoil" type="submit"
    actionListener="#{Item.setFoilTextToBean}" />
    The saveText() javascript function copies the text from a text editor to a field defined as:
    <h:inputHidden id="hiddenTextField" value="" />
    The actionlistener should take the value from the hidden field, and put it in the backing bean. The Action then saves that value in its correct place in the database.
    The problem is that the onclick and actionlistener are firing at the exact same time(i am verifying this by using the firefox javascript debugger breakpoints for the javascript and JDeveloper breakpoints for the actionlistener. Both breakpoints stop at the same time.)
    The strange thing is that in another place in our applicate we have an almost identical button:
    <h:commandButton tabindex="3" type="submit" id="submit"
    in which the onclick is run first, then the actionlistener, then the action. I verified this using the exact same method as with the button I am working on now.

    I use both IE6 and Firefox. I mentioned FF because I am unable to debug the problem as accurately in IE6 due to the very limited javascript debugging available for it.
    I also have tried the return true; in the onclick, and tried it again, with no change.

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