Unable to connect siebel gateway name server during configuration enterprise server

when I try to configure Siebel enterpise after entering the port of the gateway server name I get the following error: "Unable to connect gateway server name".
I perform the following steps:
1) Configuration Gateway Server Name
     Entered port TCP/IP = 2320
     Enable automaticaly start server gateway name server
     Show pop up "Configuration siebel succesful"
2) Configuration Enterprise Server
     Entered name account authentication gateway server name = SADMIN
     Entered passoword account authentication gateway server name = SADMIN
     Entered name host gateway server name = VDIMTNSIEBEL01 (name my machine)
     Entered port TCP/IP gateway server name = 2320
     show pop up error : "Unable to connect gatawey server name"
I can not find the log file in order to understand the issue.
When I try to connect to the gateway from the browser with the url
vdimtnsiebel01:2320 I get this screen mode:
???@??????? ?????????? ????????QÈ  ??? ??????????? ??? ??? ? ?h????
and writes this log in the file "C:\siebel\\ses\gtwysrvr\log\NameSrvr.log
SisnapiLayerLog Error 1 0000001151c810a0:0 2013-06-25 10:11:27   4980: [SISNAPI]: Rx msg len=0 peer=VDIMTNSIEBEL01.ISCVDI.LOCAL avail=325 Hello expected session=13

Please clarify me the following.
You specified the login name as 'SADMIN'. Is this the login id, that you used for your Operating System? "Entered name account authentication gateway server name" expects you to enter the NT login, not the DB login.
You may also expected to specify your network name, if your login id is specific to a network. e.g Oracle\Rajkumar assuming that Oracle is your network and Rajkumar is the user name.
You may not expected to have the DSN created, as Gateway may not be interested in knowing which DB you are connected to. And you neither enter the 'DB name' anywhere in the 'Gateway Server Configuration', if my understanding is right.
Please confirm.
Below pages are for reference (not directly relevant to your question):
Bookshelf v8.0: Requirements for Siebel Gateway Name Server Installation and Configuration
Rajkumar Raju

Similar Messages

  • Unable to connect to Gateway Name Server while config Siebel Server

    I installed Siebel on RHEL 32-bit. I did configuration as following.
    Install 32-bit Oracle Client and config TNS.
    Install and config Gateway and Enterprise.
    Install Siebel Database.
    Use stop_ns, start_ns and list_ns to restart and ensure Gateway running.
    Run CreateSiebSrvrEnvScript to generate Env file.
    Modify /siebel/ Change ODBCINI=/siebel/
    Source siebenv.sh.
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/oracle/product/11.2.0/client_1/lib
    Config Siebel Server. While enter info of Gateway, enter SADMIN as account, rhel (configed in /etc/sysconfig) as host name and port = 2320. Then it prompt "Unable to connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server".
    Any step missing to config it?

    The siebenv.sh file located in the Gateway directory from a installation doesn't have the enviromentt variable SIEBEL_UNIXUNICODE_DB, which i do have in the siebenv.sh from my installation. Add the following line to the siebenv.sh located in the gateway directory (/siebel/ in my installation):
    Be sure that this variable is set BEFORE you start the gateway and everything should work.
    PS- You also need the Oracle enviroment varibles set before you start the gateway. ORACLE_HOME should be pointing to your 32bit client.

  • CO28: Unable to connect to Siebel Gateway Name Server

    I'm trying to install Siebel on a WinXP machine to familiarize myself with the Case Management module from Siebel. I have tried many times, installing and uninstalling software. I keep getting this error message when configuring a new Enterprise. "CO28: Unable to connect to Siebel Gateway Name Server".
    I've shortened the hostname and removed dashes as prescribed in Siebel Bookshelf.
    I've always made sure the ODBC System DSN is working and authenticating correclty.
    Netstat shows gtwyns listening on
    What am I missing?????

    Here's the log contents from sw_cfg_util.log:
    2021 2009-05-21 12:52:03 0000-00-00 00:00:00 -0700 00000000 001 003f 0001 09 sw_cfg_util 2992 1704 C:\sba8123\siebsrvr\log\sw_cfg_util.log 8.1.1 [21112] ENU
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     000000024a150bb0:0     2009-05-21 12:52:03     Error in transferring input values ,num of arrays incorrect 0, expected : 1
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     000000024a150bb0:0     2009-05-21 12:52:03     TransferInputsToValues returned error:3611539 to SetControlValues
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     0000031a4a150e34:0     2009-05-21 12:52:28     NSS - ErrCode 4597527 SysErr 0
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     0000031b4a150e34:0     2009-05-21 12:52:29     NSS - ErrCode 4597527 SysErr 0
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     0000031b4a150e34:0     2009-05-21 12:52:29     Validation failed : C028: Unable to connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server 嗭粑୩୩୩୩୩୩୩
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     0000031b4a150e34:0     2009-05-21 12:52:29     ValidateFailed for Gateway Name Server TCP/IP Port, error : C028: Unable to connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server 嗭粑୩୩୩୩୩୩୩
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     0000031b4a150e34:0     2009-05-21 13:18:49     Error in transferring input values ,num of arrays incorrect 0, expected : 1
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     0000031b4a150e34:0     2009-05-21 13:18:49     TransferInputsToValues returned error:3611539 to SetControlValues
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     0000031c4a150e34:0     2009-05-21 13:18:52     NSS - ErrCode 4597527 SysErr 0
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     0000031c4a150e34:0     2009-05-21 13:18:52     Validation failed : C028: Unable to connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server 嗭粑୩୩୩୩୩୩୩
    GenericLog     GenericError     1     0000031c4a150e34:0     2009-05-21 13:18:52     ValidateFailed for Gateway Name Server TCP/IP Port, error : C028: Unable to connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server 嗭粑୩୩୩୩୩୩୩

  • Unable to connect to siebel gateway name server .

    unable to connect to siebel gateway name server .
    erro log:
    [TCPIP-client] failed to resolve hostname: siebel82 (err=852198 | Internal: gethostbyname_r ()failed with error. (%sysError))
    commonutil ValidateSiebelGateway sadmin password // return true
    commonutil ValidateSiebelGateway sadmin password siebel82:2320 // return false
    commonutil ValidateSiebelGateway sadmin password siebel82.cc:2320 // return false
    [oracle@siebel82]$ ping siebel82
    PING siebel82.cc ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from siebel82.cc ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.038 ms
    64 bytes from siebel82.cc ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.050 ms
    ping siebel82.cc
    PING siebel82.cc ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from siebel82.cc ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.036 ms
    64 bytes from siebel82.cc ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.050 ms
    [oracle@siebel82]$ nslookup siebel82.cc
    Name:     siebel82.cc
    [oracle@siebel82]$ nslookup siebel82.cc
    Name:     siebel82.cc
    [oracle@siebel82 bin]$ uname -a
    Linux siebel82.cc 2.6.32-100.34.1.el6uek.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed May 25 17:46:45 EDT 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    Installed Top-level Products (2):
    Siebel Enterprise Server
    Siebel Enterprise Server - enu
    Thank you for any tips.

    check the connect string in eapps.cfg

  • C028:unable to connect to siebel gateway name server

    Hi Siebel Guru,
    I am facing issue with C028:unable to connect to siebel gateway name server when i configuring a new enterprise for gateway name server.
    please help me out to sole this issue ASAP.

    I configured my gateway server with default port 2320.
    and my gateway server up and running mode.
    my port also listening.
    netstat -na | grep 2320
    tcp 0 0* LIST EN
    -bash-3.1$ list_ns
    started at Thu May 21 01:00:39 2009, pid: 5834, autostart: no
    -bash-3.1$ start_ns
    service is already running
    started at Thu May 21 01:00:39 2009, pid: 5834, autostart: no

  • C028 unable to connect to siebel gateway name server while enterprise installation

    Dear All,
    I am getting this error while setting up an enterprise in the gateway server.The configuration wizard is failing with the error
    "C028 unable to connect to siebel gateway name server"
    Kindly request to assist, the server needs to be delivered on priority
    I checked the gateway..cfg this seems to be fine and the gateway server is up and running.
    The name server log says the following,but the username and password of sadmin is same as configured in DB
    2021 2014-09-04 15:14:20 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0100 00000000 001 003f 0001 09 GtwyNS 19368 1081086784 /data/siebel/sia811/gtwysrvr/log/NameSrvr.log 8.1.1 [21111] ENU
    DBCLog DBCLogError 1 0000000254084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:20 ㈵″㐴8쾈䃬쯌䀔꼄ࢂ쯌䀔쾨䃬ȁ䀇꼄ࢂ,
    GenericLog GenericError 1 0000000254084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:20 (secmgr.cpp (2679) err=4597538 sys=0) SBL-SEC-10018: ㈵″㐴8쾈䃬쯌䀔꼄ࢂ쯌䀔쾨䃬ȁ䀇꼄ࢂ,
    GenericLog GenericError 1 0000000254084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:20 (secmgr.cpp (2735) err=4597527 sys=0) SBL-SEC-10007: The password you have entered is not correct. Please enter your password again.
    GenericLog GenericError 1 0000000254084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:20 (client.cpp (309) err=4597527 sys=0) SBL-SEC-10007: The password you have entered is not correct. Please enter your password again.
    SisnTcpIp SisnSockError 1 0000000254084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:20 1089268624: [TCPIP-server] recv() failed for sd=-1 (err=9 | Bad file descriptor)
    SisnTcpIp SisnSockError 1 0000000254084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:20 1089268624: [TCPIP-server] send() failed for sd=-1 (err=9 | Bad file descriptor)
    DBCLog DBCLogError 1 0000000354084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:20 ㈵″㐴8
    GenericLog GenericError 1 0000000354084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:20 (secmgr.cpp (2679) err=4597538 sys=0) SBL-SEC-10018: ㈵″㐴8
    GenericLog GenericError 1 0000000354084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:20 (secmgr.cpp (2735) err=4597527 sys=0) SBL-SEC-10007: The password you have entered is not correct. Please enter your password again.
    GenericLog GenericError 1 0000000354084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:20 (client.cpp (309) err=4597527 sys=0) SBL-SEC-10007: The password you have entered is not correct. Please enter your password again.
    SisnTcpIp SisnSockError 1 0000000354084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:20 1104309136: [TCPIP-server] recv() failed for sd=-1 (err=9 | Bad file descriptor)
    SisnTcpIp SisnSockError 1 0000000354084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:20 1104309136: [TCPIP-server] send() failed for sd=-1 (err=9 | Bad file descriptor)
    DBCLog DBCLogError 1 0000000454084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:31 ㈵″㐴8
    GenericLog GenericError 1 0000000454084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:31 (secmgr.cpp (2679) err=4597538 sys=0) SBL-SEC-10018: ㈵″㐴8
    GenericLog GenericError 1 0000000454084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:31 (secmgr.cpp (2735) err=4597527 sys=0) SBL-SEC-10007: The password you have entered is not correct. Please enter your password again.
    GenericLog GenericError 1 0000000454084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:31 (client.cpp (309) err=4597527 sys=0) SBL-SEC-10007: The password you have entered is not correct. Please enter your password again.
    SisnTcpIp SisnSockError 1 0000000454084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:31 1104309136: [TCPIP-server] recv() failed for sd=-1 (err=9 | Bad file descriptor)
    SisnTcpIp SisnSockError 1 0000000454084ba8:0 2014-09-04 15:14:31 1104309136: [TCPIP-server] send() failed for sd=-1 (err=9 | Bad file descriptor)
    Please let me know what else can be checked.Kindly request all to assist me because this server needs to be delivered asap.Let me know if more details is required. Please assist.I checked multiple possibilities even re configuring the gateway server :-( :-( 

    i have the same problem, i want to use different schemas on db, i have the schema siebel/sadmin and other schema siebelA/sadminA, i'm installing siebel on linux redhat 6.5, and when i'm on Siebel Server Configuration and i write the user and passw sadminA/sadminA i get the error c028 C028 unable to connect to siebel gateway name server, i made the test by sqlplus using sadminA/sadminA and is ok, i made the test configuring to the schema siebel/sadmin and pass, i need to change some for siebel can work with another schema? i'm new here and i dont know if is correct to write my question here.
    Thanks in advance
    I add my gateway.cfg
    EnableAuditTrail = FALSE
    SecAdptName = DBSecAdpt
    SecAdptMode = DB
    DBSecAdpt_SecAdptDllName = sscfsadb
    DataSourceName = ServerDataSrc
    DBSecAdpt_PropagateChange = TRUE
    ServerDataSrc            = Server
    LDAPSecAdpt              = LDAP
    Docked                   = TRUE
    ConnectString            = DemoEnt_DSN
    TableOwner               = SIEBELA
    DLL                      = sscdo90
    SqlStyle                 = OracleCBO
    MaxCachedCursors         = 16
    MaxCachedDataSets        = 16
    ReverseFillThreshold     = 100
    FileSystem               = /u01/app/siebel81/gtwysrvr/fs
    GatewayAddress           = awsdemo:2320
    EnterpriseServer         = DemoEnt
    CurrentSQLID             = %SQLID%
    MaxCursorSize            = -1
    PrefetchSize             = -1
    ChartServer              = localhost:8001
    ChartImageFormat         = png
    SecAdptDllName              = sscfldap
    ServerName                  = $(FQDNName)
    Port                        = $(Port)
    BaseDN                      = $(BaseDN)
    SharedCredentialsDN         = $(SharedCredentialsDN)
    UsernameAttributeType       = $(UsernameAttributeType)
    PasswordAttributeType       = $(PasswordAttributeType)
    CredentialsAttributeType    = $(CredentialsAttributeType)
    RolesAttributeType          = $(RolesAttributeType)
    SslDatabase                 = $(SslDatabase)
    ApplicationUser             = $(ApplicationUser)
    ApplicationPassword         = $(ApplicationPassword)
    HashDBPwd                   = $(HashDBPwd)
    PropagateChange             = $(PropagateChange)
    CRC                         = $(CRC)
    SingleSignOn                = $(SingleSignOn)
    TrustToken                  = $(TrustToken)
    UseAdapterUsername          = $(UseAdapterUsername)
    SiebelUsernameAttributeType = $(SiebelUsernameAttributeType)

  • Siebel Gateway Name Server Configuration Wizard returns "Execution failed"

    I am installing Siebel on Linux platform and now having problem while trying to configure Siebel Gateway Name Server.
    Steps done:
    1) DB instance prepared
    2) Created Siebel installation image
    3) Installed Siebel server and configured Gateway name server (the wizard started automatically as part of the installation). Skip configuration of Enterprise and SWSE Logical profile
    4) Ran DB Configuration Wizard for the primary language - successfully. Import repository-add language - successfully.
    5) Trying to Wizard "Configure Enterprise" - failed with "Execution failed"
    Here I thought that probably Gateway Nameserver was not configured and decided to remove the Gateway and create it from scratch.
    Unfortunately this time the Gateway configuration failed. Also with message"Execution failed"
    Here are the errors I got in the log files sw_cfg_util*.log
    <EF><BB><BF>2021 2012-01-25 16:14:56 2012-01-25 16:14:56 +0200 00000002 001 003f 0001 09 sw_cfg_util 17234 -1215752512 /OraSSO_tstcol/siebapp/server/siebsrvr/log/sw_cfg_util.log 8.1.1 [21111] ENU
    GenericLog GenericError 1 000000024f204352:0 2012-01-25 16:14:56 (svrconfig.cpp (2465) err=3023557 sys=0) SBL-CSO-08901: The required arguments are not specified.
    GenericLog GenericError 1 000000034f20432e:0 2012-01-25 16:14:56 Executing step: CreateGateway
    GenericLog GenericError 1 000000034f20432e:0 2012-01-25 16:14:58 Step CreateGateway: failed to run program %%SiebelRoot%%%%OSDirSeparator%%bin%%OSDirSeparator%%srvrcfg with cmdline -u nouser -p nopassword -r %%SiebelRoot%% -g %%SiebelRoot%%%%OSDirSeparator%%sys%%OSDirSeparator%%siebns.dat::NSFILE: -r %%SiebelRoot%% -a gateway -l %%PrimaryLanguage%% -i %%SiebelRoot%%%%OSDirSeparator%%admin%%OSDirSeparator%%gtwydefs.dat
    GenericLog GenericError 1 000000034f20432e:0 2012-01-25 16:14:58 Failed during Execution, err: 5500044
    Does anybody know what is the reason?
    Searching in Metalink and Google were fruitless..
    Thank you in advance.

    Just in case anybody bumps in this thread:
    The problem in my case was solved according with Oracle Note "Delete and create the "Siebel Server" via Configuration Wizard on Linux, it failed. [ID 880562.1]"
    Applies to:
    +Siebel CRM - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]+
    Linux x86
    Delete the "Siebel Server" once and then create a new "Siebel Server" via Siebel Server Configuration Wizard on Linux, it failed with message "Execution Failed".
    The error on sw_cfg_util_xx.log is as follows,
    GenericLog GenericError 1 0000ce524a3a1bd2:0 2009-06-19 10:18:33 Executing step: AddSrvrRegistryEntry
    GenericLog GenericError 1 0000ce524a3a1bd2:0 2009-06-19 10:18:35 Step AddSrvrRegistryEntry: failed to run program %%SiebelRoot%%%%OSDirSeparator%%bin%%OSDirSeparator%%siebctl with cmdline -r %%SiebelRoot%% -q -S siebsrvr -i "%%SiebelEnterprise%%:%%SiebelServer%%" -a -g "-g %%SiebelGateway%% -e %%SiebelEnterprise%% -s %%SiebelServer%% -u %%Username%%" -e %%Password%%
    GenericLog GenericError 1 0000ce524a3a1bd2:0 2009-06-19 10:18:35 Failed during Execution, err: 5500044
    Reproduce steps:
    - confirm that siebel server was created before, and is stopping.
    - create sh env and enter the following command to remove the Siebel Server.
    +$ cd $(SiebelServerRoot)+
    +$ . ./cfgenv.sh+
    +$ cd $(SiebelServerRoot)/bin+
    +$ ./ssincfgw+
    - select "3 - Remove Existing Configuration".
    - complete the configuration wizard.
    - enter the following command to create the Siebel Server.
    +$ cd $(SiebelServerRoot)+
    +$ . ./cfgenv.sh+
    +$ cd $(SiebelServerRoot)/bin+
    +$ ./ssincfgw+
    - select "1 - Create New Configuration".
    - continue inputs to finish and execute the configration.
    +==> you'll find "Execution Failed".+
    AddSrvrRegistryEntry section shown in the log is the command for registering the Windows Service, and it is no need to execute on Linux env. However, it is executed and it failied.
    You can do either of follows,
    +(1) Uninstall and Install the Siebel Server again.+
    +(2) The section to execute the Windows registeration command is specified on $(SiebelServerRoot)/admin/common.scm, line 2475-2477.+
    Name = AddSrvrRegistryEntry
    Type = RunProg %%SiebelRoot%%%%OSDirSeparator%%bin%%OSDirSeparator%%siebctl ' -r %%SiebelRoot%% -q -S siebsrvr -i "%%SiebelEnterprise%%:%%SiebelServer%%" -a -g "-g %%SiebelGateway%% -e %%SiebelEnterprise%% -s %%SiebelServer%% -u %%Username%%" -e %%Password%% '
    So, delete the AddSrvrRegistryEntry section from common.scm, and execute Configuration Wizard again.
    Edited by: mmango on Jan 31, 2012 12:21 AM

  • Siebel Gateway Name Server configuration error

    I installed Siebel in Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.9. And use following command lines to configure Siebel Gateway Name Server.
    /opt/siebel/ -mode enterprise
    After some steps, the Configuration Wizard prompted 'Siebel Configuration Wizard failed with error. Please see the log files for details'.

    You can try to use locate and search for: *.log
    Tips For Linux - How to find files in Linux using 'locate'

  • Configuring Siebel Gateway Name Server on Linux 64 bit OS

    Hello Siebel Experts,
    I am currently installing Siebel on a Linux 64-bit machine. After successfully completing the installation steps, I am proceeding with the configuring the server and its components.
    I am starting with the configuration of Siebel Gateway Name Server as per the instructions mentioned on the url:
    Bookshelf v8.1/8.2: Configuring the Siebel Enterprise
    I completed steps 1 and 2 and started executing step 3: Start the Siebel Enterprise Configuration Wizard.
    I provided all the necessary information till the summary information is displayed.
    However when I click next, it immediately gives an error.
    >>Siebel Configuration Wizard fails with error. Please check the log files for details.
    I searched for the log file in $SIEBEL_ROOT/cfgtoollogs/cfg/config_<date-time>.log
    However there is no error information in this log file. It contains just INFO, SECTION, STEP or ATTRIBUTE mappings/values.
    I could not find any .err file in this directory. Can you please let us know how to identify the error and debug this issue?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for your inputs.
    I have executed the said command and captured the output in the below file:
    I also executed env command and following is the output:
    [telkom@ucm1 bin]$ ./evt
    Running checks defined in file [evt.ini]. Please wait..
    ▒1990, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited.
    Environment Verification Summary Report for [ucm1.cx.dev.telkom.co.id]
    Report Run by [telkom] on [Thu Jul 17 12:30:12 2014]
    Installed Version [NOT DETECTED] Installed Build [NOT DETECTED]
    Running a [] version validation with [VAN] flavor
    Total Checks  : 4
    Checks Passed : 1
    Checks Failed : 3 (0 critical failures, 3 warnings)
    Checks Skipped: 0
    Critical Failures:
    Complete list of checks:
    Environment Settings
    The highest Operating System that we have certified is 2.6.32-100.37.1.el6 - the current version you are running is 3.8.13-35.1.2.el6uek.x86_64
    The current value of SIEBEL_OSD_LATCH is not defined
    The current value of SIEBEL_OSD_NLATCH  is not defined
    Environment variable SIEBEL_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR has correctly not been defined
    This exe file was created with the evaluation version of Perl2Exe.
    For more information visit http://www.indigostar.com
    (The full version does not display this message with a 2 second delay.)
    [telkom@ucm1 bin]$

  • C028: Unable to connect to Siebel Gateway Name Server during Siebel Server

    I'm getting above error during Siebel Server Configuration when I run the Configuration Wizard
    C028: Unable to connect to Siebel Gateway Name
    Gateway name Server is up and running on same machine, Database Server is up and running on other machine and Application server machine can make connection to database machine through Oracle database client all Oracle net configuration entries are properly added in the Client TNSNAMES.ora file, the Siebenv.sh contain all necessary entries including ORACLE_HOME, bin path and lib32 path along with proper Oracle_sid entry and also I'm giving proper gateway name server credentials i.e of sadmin.
    Here are the logs of the gateway name server
    File Name:= NameSrvr.log
    DBCLog DBCLogError 1 000000114dc910be:0 2011-05-10 18:26:32 523 80
    GenericLog GenericError 1 000000114dc910be:0 2011-05-10 18:26:32 (secmgr.cpp (2679) err=4597538 sys=0) SBL-SEC-10018: 523 80
    GenericLog GenericError 1 000000114dc910be:0 2011-05-10 18:26:32 (secmgr.cpp (2735) err=4597527 sys=0) SBL-SEC-10007: The password you have entered is not correct. Please enter your password again.
    GenericLog GenericError 1 000000114dc910be:0 2011-05-10 18:26:32 (client.cpp (309) err=4597527 sys=0) SBL-SEC-10007: The password you have entered is not correct. Please enter your password again.
    SisnTcpIp SisnSockError 1 000000114dc910be:0 2011-05-10 18:26:32 530: [TCPIP-server] recv() failed for sd=-1 (err=9 | Bad file number)
    SisnTcpIp SisnSockError 1 000000114dc910be:0 2011-05-10 18:26:32 530: [TCPIP-server] send() failed for sd=-1 (err=9 | Bad file number)
    File Name:- nameserver_audit.log
    Timestamp Record Type Host Name ProcId Client Name User Name Key Name Value
    2011-05-10 17:09:16 FailedLogin Siebelmachine 958544 java SADMIN
    Kindly help me in identifying where I'm making the mistake as I've configured all necessary thing needed for Allpication Server Configuration upto best of my knowledge. Your help will be highly Appriciated.

    This error message can be related with Doc ID 751784.1, here is the workaround suggested:
    1. Stop all Siebel Enteprise components (Gateway/Siebel Server/Web Server)
    2. Copy SIEBEL_ROOT/siebsrvr/IVSE.LIC to SIEBEL_ROOT/gtwysrvr/
    3. Restart the Siebel Enterprise components
    4. Use srvrmgr to confirm a connection to the Gateway Name Server can be made without error e.g.
    srvrmgr /g gateway1 /e enterprise1 /u sadmin /p sadmin
    If successful a message such as "Connected to 1 server(s) out of a total of 1 server(s) in the enterprise" will be displayed.
    Hope it helps.

  • While Configuring Siebel Server we are getting "Unable to Connect to Gateway server" error in siebel

    While Configuring Siebel Server we are getting "Unable to Connect to Gateway server" error in siebel
    Our OS is windows 2008 R2 64 bit,Orcale client is 11g 32 bit and Oracle DB is in 11g.We are also able to connect to DB using ODBCSQL.
    Please help.

    Hello Shuvendu,
    Thanks for using Oracle Communities.
    About your error, there could be many reasons, To start with, please have following knowledge article to know possible reasons.
    C028: "Unable to Connect to the Siebel Gateway Name Server" Logged By Configuration Wizard (Doc ID 1391312.1)
    I hope it helps.
    Best Regards,
    P.S. If any one of the provided responses has been correct or helpful it would be great if you could mark them as appropriate.

  • C028: Unable to connect to siebel gatway name server"

    We are using Oracle enterprise linux 6.3 version OS for siebel siebel installation on oracle database.
    I have installed the siebel gateway name server, but while installing enterise, it is erroring out during the gateway name server authentication.
    Points ot note. checked all the below options
    1. db connectivity is working fine wt SADMIN/SADMIN user. able to conect using sqlplus
    2. able to ping the gateway port using netstat.
    3. the oracle client is a 32 bit client.
    Also there is gateway.cfg file missing from gtwysrvr/bin. but the gateway service is up and running and the process is pointing to the gateway.cfg in the bin file. .
    Please suggest.

    Check if Doc ID 1391312.1 on support.oracle.com is helpful.

  • Unable to connect to dedicated game server on own ...

    I run an rfactor2 game server on a separate machine on my home network.
    You join the server by clicking on a join button after selecting the server you wish to connect to in the server list.
    My server is listed, but I am unable to connect to it, the join button stays permanently greyed out.
    Others can connect and I can connect to other servers.
    All required game ports have been forwarded onto the host pc, and I have checked they are open to the outside world with a port checker program.
    I have added both the host and client pcs into the DMZ and disabled windows firewall but am still unable to connect.
    This was with the home hub 3 ( i think) but have just upgraded to HH5 and still the same issue.
    All pcs are gettign their IPs by DHCP, but are set to get the same IP every time within the router settings.
    Any help appreciated.

    Please clarify me the following.
    You specified the login name as 'SADMIN'. Is this the login id, that you used for your Operating System? "Entered name account authentication gateway server name" expects you to enter the NT login, not the DB login.
    You may also expected to specify your network name, if your login id is specific to a network. e.g Oracle\Rajkumar assuming that Oracle is your network and Rajkumar is the user name.
    You may not expected to have the DSN created, as Gateway may not be interested in knowing which DB you are connected to. And you neither enter the 'DB name' anywhere in the 'Gateway Server Configuration', if my understanding is right.
    Please confirm.
    Below pages are for reference (not directly relevant to your question):
    Bookshelf v8.0: Requirements for Siebel Gateway Name Server Installation and Configuration
    Rajkumar Raju

  • C7 Social: Unable to connect to Gateway!!!

    Hello All,
    When i'm trying to use Social client in C7 getting the message "Unable to connect to Gateway".  It was working fine for some days. Any idea why this issue is occurring?? How to overcome from this??

    Please clarify me the following.
    You specified the login name as 'SADMIN'. Is this the login id, that you used for your Operating System? "Entered name account authentication gateway server name" expects you to enter the NT login, not the DB login.
    You may also expected to specify your network name, if your login id is specific to a network. e.g Oracle\Rajkumar assuming that Oracle is your network and Rajkumar is the user name.
    You may not expected to have the DSN created, as Gateway may not be interested in knowing which DB you are connected to. And you neither enter the 'DB name' anywhere in the 'Gateway Server Configuration', if my understanding is right.
    Please confirm.
    Below pages are for reference (not directly relevant to your question):
    Bookshelf v8.0: Requirements for Siebel Gateway Name Server Installation and Configuration
    Rajkumar Raju

  • I have windows 7 and Itunes 10.  I the the error of Unable to connect to the CDDB server when I try to get tune names

    I have windows 7 and Itunes 10.  I the the error of Unable to connect to the CDDB server when I try to get tune names.  I can still connect to iTunes store and I can still summit track names to the CDDB server.  I just cant recive the names from the CD's.  I read this problem on the community and I've checked that the  proxy server from Lan is unchecked.  I use a verizon wireless card for my internet if that matters.

    Perhaps try the iTunes Store loads partially or returns "Error 306" or "Error 10054" section in the Specific Conditions and Alert Messages: (Mac OS X / Windows) section of the following document:
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting

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