Unable to remain authorized with audio clips

I have made movies before and this is the first time that I have ever had a problem with iMovie. When I go to place an audio clip from iTunes onto my movie, a window pops up stating that "This computer is not authorized to play this content." The two buttons on the window available are "open iTunes" and "cancel." When I open iTunes, it asks me to authorize my computer with the apple id and password. When I do so, it tells me that "This computer has already been authorized." However, when I go back to iMovie it does the same thing all over again. PLEASE HELP!!!!

I'm having the exact same problem. I've made many many iMovies and never had a problem but suddenly today I cannot add songs to my iMovie from my iTunes library. I've tried all of the suggestions regarding authorization and such. I suspect it was an error that occurred after the last update. Hope it gets resolved soon. I'm not keen on the idea of having to burn the desired song to a cd and redownloading it into iTunes. That seems sooooo, I don't know....Microsoftish.....

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    Thanks! (Does it actually say that in the documentation anywhere? I try to RTFM, but the FM seems to be a little, er, mute on this point.)
    2. It means your sequence settings don't match the
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    The best remedy for clipping audio is re-recording at the proper levels. Once audio is clipped, its usually toast.

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    Yes, it is a common problem with digital audio files. I believe it is known as DV Offset, or some such. You can search for POP and find many discussions here and on other FCP forums. We see the topic weekly at least. The most common solution is to place a 1 or 2 frame fade at the beginning of the clip.
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    Where is the playhead positioned when you hit the Q key? It looks like somehow the playhead is parked at the last frame of the outgoing clip - and if so, then the program is working as it should.
    What happens if you move the playhead one frame to the right using the right arrow key and then hit Q?
    Does it work then?
    Also: do you have skimming turned on? And where is the skimmer? The position of the skimmer takes precedence over the playhead if skimming is on.
    One other thing you might try: press the closing bracket key "]" to select the left edge of the incoming clip.
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    Hello, kuhlmac,
    Welcome to the discussions. If you do a search in the iMovie discussions for audio problems, you will find many posts addressing this common problem.
    Some of the problems with audio clips have to do with the format of the clip. iMovie seems to work best with AIFF clips and does not do so well if the music is in any other format. Some of us don't have too much problem, but mp3s can be a problem. Also, if the song has been purchased from iTunes Music Store, it may not play well in iMovie. If the song you are using is purchased, you will need to burn it to cd and reimport it to iTunes to get it usable in iMovie.
    I have also used WireTap to record the music I want in my iMovie and import the AIFC file that WireTap creates. If you want to explore what this app can do, look here

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    iMac 27" 4 GB 1067 MHZ
    Keynote 09 - 5.03
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    I'm just posting this as a general discovery....
    I too have had many many frustrations with creating a slide show with audio clips linked to individual slides and a soundtrack music background. Of course this records fine and plays back fine in KN. The problem lies in any form of sharing/exporting. The audio either disappears or the timing goes nutty.
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    I hope I have explained my findings clearly. I also hope that this is somewhat helpful to the rest of the world

  • ? about "Lock Audio Clip at Playhead"

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    Hi folks.
    Since we last posted, I have discovered something new about the misbehaving audio lock. Happily, I learned that it does work for me - most of the time. I can select the audio, choose "Lock..." and if I get a yellow pushpin on both the video and audio tracks, then they are properly locked together.
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    Here is a screen shot of this behavior. Notice that I have several locked audio clips, and I have not placed the locks on the first frame of the video clips. You can see a defective single pushpin on the video associated with audio clip #23. I couldn't remove that pin, so I split the video clip and was able to lock down audio clip #24. (Note: the gaps in the video are intentional - when I had to change tapes. I'll fill them in with some photos, so I have to make sure that I won't lose sync.)
    What do you think about that?

  • Audio clip issues

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    I'd appreciate any feedback. the site is www.5thingsonline.com

    As far as QT being a liability if the PCs don't have it installed they may not be inclined to install it so the audio will not be listened to.
    You can add the audio to your page using flash players like the ones on this demo page: Audio Players. More players and examples of audio jukeboxes can be found at this page of Roddy's iWeb for Musicians site: Music Players. This way all platforms will be able to listen.
    Happy Holidays

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    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    I seem to recall a post a while back that had some success solving this problem by re-importing the audio. But I may be mis-remembering...

  • How to get around audio clips' audio changes not working

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    Have you tried the very first link ? Please try it now if still no luck please use    Scan now    from the following link:
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    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • 1,000 menu items - each selection plays unique audio clip with same video

    Hi all,
    We're familiar with playing different audio tracks based on a menu selection - but we have a large number of clips for this project... so, here's our question:
    A viewer of our 30 minute dvd throws it in the player and selects the city they live. We want to have about 1,000 city names they can choose from.
    Based on their selection, (eg: Los Angeles) the DVD will play and then at 7 different points during playback, we need the name "Los Angeles" inserted/played along the main audio track.  If someone selects Portland, then Portland would be spoken in that spot instead, etc. 
    In terms of audio files, we have the one main audio that is the same for all menu selections, except for the spots where the city goes, it is just blank.
    We have recorded 1,000 unique audio clips of just the city name we want to include . (1 to 2 seconds long)
    What's the best way to insert the audio where we need it during playback - or is it even possible? (non-blu ray).  There is audio just before and after the point where the city name has to go, so the timing during playback is critical. (no pause or hiccup when inserting.)
    We thought about outputting 1,000 unique audio tracks (each 30 minutes long) that include the full audio along with the city, but we seem limited in the number of audio tracks on the Encore timeline (at least based on our limited authoring experience - is there a way to get more clips in encore beyond the # of audio tracks it allows?)
    In reading other posts, it seems we can set markers along the main audio track, dump all our city clips on a handful of audio tracks and have them pull in where needed but it seems it will cause the dvd to pause when doing this, and make for an interrupted viewing experience. Is that true?
    Any ideas/thoughts are greatly appreciated...

    Let's see if someone can tell us how this might be done, but I say the answer is "no."
    First, DVDs are made for playing on TVs as programs, not as interactive media. You pick one audio track, and that is all you get. To do what you want (the main audio track with one of a thousand names spoken also), you need a thousand audio tracks.
    Even if it were possible, I think the number of menu choices (max 36 buttons on a single 4:3 menu) and the max 1 gig of menu on a disk, and if not those, the max 99 vts per disk (and for Encore which uses 1 vts per timeline, a  huge task to figure out how to make all those clips into chapters on timelines) etc.

  • No audio with avchd clips

    My video camera produces .mts files - avchd.
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    they were unrecognizable by PP.
    Cannot seem to get any definite answer from any authority in Adobe. Is this problem insoluble?
    I would like to buy into PP CC but not if it cannot handle the files my Panasonic camcorder produces
    whats the point? Also transcoding .mts files into another format ( which works with PP ! ) reduces the
    quality and is not acceptable.
    Anybody know the answer?
    ( Win 7 (64) ; Intel i7 920 )

    Audio is at times the bane of the video editing side of things. There's been holy Hades raised here at times over the way PrPro does ... or really, doesn't ... handle "extended" audio channels as they would seem to be logically best handled. And the comments that some other programs handle X part of this easier. At which point there's oft a comment that yea, that be the case but that other program handles Y part of the audio process like a truly crashed turkey.
    It seems to me the point is that perhaps none of the editing apps are where they should be for treating the audio part as seriously as the video. There've been comments and blogs from Adobe that this is why they have Audition, to handle all the audio stuff. But to many of us the way that Audition & PrPro work is not as "transparent" as we need it to be. Audition normally overwrites original files unless you purposely save-as. PrPro never over-writes original footage files. A few people have been caught by trying something in Audition ... without save-as-ing, and unfortunately without proper back-up, and ruined their audio. With no way back. Unfortunate, but in the differences in the two program's methodology, this is bound to happen at some time to almost anyone. "You should have known what you were doing before you did it" ... yea, true ... but in a hurry under deadlines, well ... baaaad things happen. Especially when one gets used to a HUGE "feature" of the Adobe video apps: non-destructive editing. Oh, sorry, Audition is a wee bit different. People need to know that!
    And ... yea, setting up PrPro for 5.1 or 7.1 is entirely possible ... IF you know exactly what to set in preferences (which is not explained clearly for those who aren't already knowledgeable) AND how to move things about on your tracks in a sequence. So some of the experienced people feel it's not THAT hard a deal ... deal with it and move on. For noobs to the scheme of this, it can be completely un-penetrable.
    Hope you get this nailed ... and there are some wonderful people around here that know those settings and when they do pop in can give so much help ...

  • Help with 2 buttons, 2 animations, and 2 audio clips

    Hey everyone,
    I'm coming to Edge Animate from After Effects so bear with me here... I'm helping out on a DPS project for a friend and this has me stumped.
    I have an Animate project with 2 animations, 2 audio clips and 2 buttons. Let's call them Animation1, Audio1, and Button1. Animation2, Audio2, and Button2. I want to have the composition load and wait for the user to click a button, the easy part. Now I want to have Animation1 play with Audio1 when the user clicks on Button1 but I don't want any of the other elements (Animation2 etc) to play or be visible. Then vice-versa when the user clicks Button2. I've been able to get the Button1 elements to work but then I can still see Button2's elements. The animations are sync'd to the audio files so they need to play in time with each other. I've searched tutorials on the web but I'm probably not looking for the right thing.
    Any help is much appreciated.

    The examples you sent got me up and going.
    I added an action on each button so when the user clicks one the other gets hidden. But after the audio clip linked to the button pressed plays the hidden button remains hidden. Say I click on button1 and audio1 plays, at the end of the clip button2 is still hidden. I've tried a couple different ways to show both buttons again but with no luck. Any thoughts? I really appreciate your help BTW.

  • Edit attached audio with movie clip

    I made a project by combining movie from one camera (with audio muted), plus audio only from a second camera as an attached audio track. The two cameras were recording the same scene, so the (better quality) attached audio can be put in sync with the video from the other camera.
    How then can I delete a section of the video AND the corresponding section from the attached audio channel, so the remaining audio remains in sync?
    "Split Clip" splits the movie but not the attached audio. Is there a way round this?

    Sorry I never posted back about this. I got sidetracked with putting together a different vacation video and forgot all about it.
    Anyway, what I posted before totally worked. I exported the movie as an mp4 at full quality (I'm not sure if there was any loss of quality, as the footage I started with was not very high resolution. There was no discernible loss of quality, though). Then I took that newly created mp4 and re-imported it into iMovie.
    iMovie treated the audio that had previously been pinned as embedded audio, so now when I cut a clip, it cuts the audio with it.
    Kind of a pain to do the extra step (especially since importing all of my raw, unedited footage and re-importing it took a while, but working with it now is soooo much easier.
    Hope this helps anyone who may stumble onto this thread in the future.

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