Unable to set working directory (-2147024832) for some app installs

I've found several drivers on a Dell Laptop that don't play well with others in MDT 2012, so I started making an application install package for them instead.  Most of them fail with an "unable to set working directory" error.  I checked
the app install logs and they don't really make any sense to me.  I know the process as a whole works, because I can install .Net 4.0 runtimes without any problems using the same method.  The important bits of the ZTI App log are below.  Would
be for any guidance on this, as I'm stumped and none of the searches on the exact errors are of much help.
A sample error returned in the wizard is:
WARNING - unable to set working directory (-2147024832)Error installing application Dell 3440_Chipset_Driver_JD3WN IMEI drivers The system cannot find the file specified.
The ZTIApplication.log file contains the following... the first is one that works (.NET 4), the second is one that fails. (Not using code block for this one, it doesn't like it).
<![LOG[Validating connection to \\ITSASERVER\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Microsoft .NET 4.0 runtime 4.0]LOG]!><time="08:20:30.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1"
thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Already connected to server ITSASERVER as that is where this script is running from.]LOG]!><time="08:20:30.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread=""
<![LOG[ Change directory: \\ITSASERVER\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Microsoft .NET 4.0 runtime 4.0]LOG]!><time="08:20:30.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications"
context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[ Run Command: \\ITSASERVER\DeploymentShare$\Tools\X64\bddrun.exe dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /norestart /passive]LOG]!><time="08:20:30.000+000" date="09-27-2013"
component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[ZTI installing application ]LOG]!><time="08:20:30.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Event 41031 sent: ZTI installing application ]LOG]!><time="08:20:30.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[About to run command: \\ITSASERVER\DeploymentShare$\Tools\X64\bddrun.exe dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /norestart /passive]LOG]!><time="08:20:30.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context=""
type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Command has been started (process ID 3212)]LOG]!><time="08:20:30.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 0 minutes (process ID 3212)]LOG]!><time="08:20:31.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread=""
<![LOG[Event 41003 sent: ZTI Heartbeat: command has been running for 0 minutes (process ID 3212)]LOG]!><time="08:20:31.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1"
thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Return code from command = 0]LOG]!><time="08:23:48.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Application Microsoft .NET 4.0 runtime 4.0 installed successfully]LOG]!><time="08:23:48.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Event 41033 sent: Application Microsoft .NET 4.0 runtime 4.0 installed successfully]LOG]!><time="08:23:48.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread=""
<![LOG[Property InstalledApplications001 is now = {9abb5842-9a8e-45c5-9268-4fa4e69dba34}]LOG]!><time="08:23:48.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread=""
<![LOG[Application Microsoft .NET 4.0 runtime 4.0 needs a reboot, initiating.]LOG]!><time="08:23:48.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread=""
<![LOG[Dependent application requested a reboot]LOG]!><time="08:23:48.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Property SMSTSRebootRequested is now = true]LOG]!><time="08:23:48.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Property SMSTSRetryRequested is now = true]LOG]!><time="08:23:48.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Exiting to initiate a reboot with retry (to pick up where we left off)]LOG]!><time="08:23:48.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread=""
<![LOG[ZTIApplications processing completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="08:23:48.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Event 41001 sent: ZTIApplications processing completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="08:23:48.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[################]LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Entry: {dee65f94-e269-4eac-927d-6e06c0e0eb9d}]LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Name:  Dell 3440_Chipset_Driver_JD3WN IMEI drivers]LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread=""
<![LOG[################]LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Validating connection to \\ITSASERVER\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Dell 3440_Chipset_Driver_JD3WN IMEI drivers]LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context=""
type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Already connected to server ITSASERVER as that is where this script is running from.]LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread=""
<![LOG[ Change directory: \\ITSASERVER\DeploymentShare$\Applications\Dell 3440_Chipset_Driver_JD3WN IMEI drivers]LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013"
component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[WARNING - unable to set working directory:  (-2147024832)]LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="2" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[ Run Command: \\ITSASERVER\DeploymentShare$\Tools\X64\bddrun.exe Setup.exe -s]LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications"
context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[ZTI installing application ]LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Error executing web service http://ITSASERVER:9800/MDTMonitorEvent/PostEvent?uniqueID=2a0f4469-d803-4976-b434-adbf06b85c23&computerName=Lat3440_0927b&messageID=41031&severity=1&stepName=Install Applications&currentStep=61&totalSteps=88&id=4C4C4544-0031-4610-8053-B7C04F4C5731,E0:DB:55:AC:48:1C&message=ZTI
installing application &dartIP=&dartPort=&dartTicket=&vmHost=&vmName=: The server name or address could not be resolved
 (-2147012889)]LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Event 41031 sent: ZTI installing application ]LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[About to run command: \\ITSASERVER\DeploymentShare$\Tools\X64\bddrun.exe Setup.exe -s]LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread=""
<![LOG[Error installing application Dell 3440_Chipset_Driver_JD3WN IMEI drivers The system cannot find the file specified.
]LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="3" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Error executing web service http://ITSASERVER:9800/MDTMonitorEvent/PostEvent?uniqueID=2a0f4469-d803-4976-b434-adbf06b85c23&computerName=Lat3440_0927b&messageID=41032&severity=3&stepName=Install Applications&currentStep=61&totalSteps=88&id=4C4C4544-0031-4610-8053-B7C04F4C5731,E0:DB:55:AC:48:1C&message=Error
installing application Dell 3440_Chipset_Driver_JD3WN IMEI drivers The system cannot find the file specified.
&dartIP=&dartPort=&dartTicket=&vmHost=&vmName=: The server name or address could not be resolved
 (-2147012889)]LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
<![LOG[Event 41032 sent: Error installing application Dell 3440_Chipset_Driver_JD3WN IMEI drivers The system cannot find the file specified.]
<![LOG]!><time="08:25:04.000+000" date="09-27-2013" component="ZTIApplications" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIApplications">
Why can't it find it or set the working directory, especially when it's already validated that it's there?  

I'm not familiar with how Dell does their client side software, but for the server-side software (my area of expertise), I've always done something like the following:
I recommend running every application install in a VBScript/Powershell wrapper.  You get logging for the application back on your SLShare as well as its cleaner (you can replace Drivers A05 with A06 by changing the script, rather than editing the application
in MDT).
sApplicationName = "Dell 12G Chipset"
oLogging.CreateEntry "Install-" & sApplicationName & ": Starting " & sApplicationName & " installation", LogTypeInfo
'//Set Destination Folder
sDestFolder = "c:\temp\"
'//Set Source Install Directory
sSourceDir = oUtility.ScriptDir
sSourceDir = sSourceDir & "\Source"
'//Check that folder exists, if not, create it.
oLogging.CreateEntry "Install-" & sApplicationName & ": Check that " & sDestFolder & " exists.", LogTypeInfo
if not oFSO.FolderExists (sDestFolder) then
oFSO.CreateFolder sDestFolder
End If
'//Copy folder from MDT share to C:\Temp
oLogging.CreateEntry "Install-" & sApplicationName & ": Copy from " & sSourceDir & " to " & sDestFolder, LogTypeInfo
oFSO.CopyFolder sSourceDir, sDestFolder
'//Sleep for 2 seconds to allow copy to finish
wscript.sleep 2000
sFile = sDestFolder & "Source\setup.exe"
'// Check if file/folder exists
If not oFSO.FileExists(sFile) then
oLogging.CreateEntry "Install-" & sApplicationName & ": " & sFile & " was not found, unable to install " & sApplicationName & "", LogTypeError
ZTIProcess = Failure
Exit Function
End if
'// Create log entry to show file being run
oLogging.CreateEntry "" & sFile & " -s", LogTypeInfo
iRetVal = oUtility.RunWithHeartbeat("" & sFile & " -s")
if (iRetVal = 0) or (iRetVal = 3010) then
ZTIProcess = Success
ZTIProcess = Failure
End If
wscript.sleep 15000
'// Disable Zone Checks
'//Folder Cleanup
oFSO.DeleteFolder sDestFolder & "Source"
I always copy any drivers that are installed after the fact (everything for me other than SAS/NIC drivers) to the C:\Temp as it can break.  I always update my NIC drivers during the build to the latest Dell software using their packs.  I try to
not mess with my boot image unless I'm adding a new model that is not supported by the built-in drivers.

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    Please make sure the Ad hoc connection IP adress is at the same range with your local connection. In addition, how about recreate the ad hoc connection for test, please have a try.
    If problem persists, please use Network troubleshooter in Action Center to fix this problem for test.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

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    I tried everything.
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