Unknown HZ value! (187) Assume 100.

Hi Hussein/Helios,
EBS 11i
RHEL 4.6
I am starting my apps process using adstrtal.sh , but I got errors like:
Executing service control script:
/u02/appldev/viscomn/admin/scripts/VIS_vision/adfrmctl.sh start
script returned:
You are running adfrmctl.sh version 115.34
Starting forms server for VIS on port 9000.
adfrmctl.sh: exiting with status 0
.end std out.
Unknown HZ value! (187) Assume 100.
.end err out.How do I resolve this please....
Thanks a lot

Hi again;
There are too many links avaliable if you do googling
Also check:
Do you have linux support? If yes i suggest take support from linux, in some links ppl mention its a bug

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    Go to Solution.

    What version of the NI-RIO driver do you have?
    Attached is a chart with the different compatibilities of the RIO driver.
    NI-RIO and LabVIEW Version Compatibility
    Is this a 64-bit machine? Also, the minimum version of LabVIEW that will work with the 9075 is LabVIEW 2010SP1. You can verify if you have this version by going into Measurement & Austomation Explorer and expanding software. If you do not have LabVIEW 2010SP1, you will need either the platform DVDs for 2010 SP1 or you can download the content from www.NI.com/src. 
    You will also want to verify that you have the 2010SP1 FPGA module and 2010SP1 RT module.
    Also, does this issue occur with all FPGA VIs that you try to compile or only the one that you are currently working on?
    You can check by doing two things:
    1. Try to compile a blank FPGA VI (i.e. nothing on the block diagram or front panel)
    2. Try to compile an FPGA VI from one of the example LabVIEW projects 
    Please post back if one of these troubleshooting steps resolved your issue or if you're still having problems.

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    weightings are controlled when you add the column to the template. 
    the application has logic so that it doesn't exceed 100% within the criterion group, each of your sections individual goals, team goals, corporate goals, will be setup as a criterion in your template with a free enhancement.
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    goal2 = 10%
    goal 3 = 10%
    goal 4 = 20%
    goal 5 = 20%
    then similar logic for corporate goals and values...

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    -- Returns 1
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    DECLARE @Param1 int=2
    DECLARE @Param2 int = 2
    SELECT IIF(@Param1 IS NULL OR @Param2 IS NULL,'Unknown',IIF(@Param1<@Param2,'True','False'))
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
    Please Vote This As Helpful if it helps to solve your issue
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    Actual_Turnover, Budget_Turnover, Turnover_Variance
          *1000000,             1500000,                  -500000
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    The problem I have is that I am using 4.2 sp3 which is pre the evdre builder.

    As you noted in 4.2 sp3, sortcol and sort range are not part of the EVDRE.  You have two options, one is to use an EVENE fuction to sort the memberset during the query using MDX or you can return an EVDRE or EVEXP expansion and use an excel macro to sort.  The first option requires MDX knowledge and may decrease performance depending on the size of the resultset but would be returned sorted using built in webexcel refresh.  The second option would require a button (with refresh and sort macro code) and results would only be sorted when the user refreshes through the button and not the toolbar refresh.  Remember when sorting with a macro to select the entire data range and rowkey range.

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    Console with :
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.AccountPolicyHelper" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: Longterm timer threshold: 1000 ms
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external
    Here the complete Console log
    24.11.14 15:04:53.000 bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416837893 0
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.AccountPolicyHelper" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.authd" sharing output destination "/var/log/asl" with ASL Module "com.apple.asl".
    Output parameters from ASL Module "com.apple.asl" override any specified in ASL Module "com.apple.authd".
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.authd" sharing output destination "/var/log/system.log" with ASL Module "com.apple.asl".
    Output parameters from ASL Module "com.apple.asl" override any specified in ASL Module "com.apple.authd".
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.authd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.awdd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.callhistory.asl.conf" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.cloudd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.clouddocs" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.commerce.asl" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.CoreDuetAdmissionControl" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.eventmonitor" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.family.asl" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.ical" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.icloud.FindMyDevice" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.install" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.iokit.power" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.mail" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.MessageTracer" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.networking.symptoms" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.networking.symptoms" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.performance" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.secinitd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 syslogd[24]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: Longterm timer threshold: 1000 ms
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: PMAP: PCID enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: PMAP: Supervisor Mode Execute Protection enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: Darwin Kernel Version 14.0.0: Fri Sep 19 00:26:44 PDT 2014; root:xnu-2782.1.97~2/RELEASE_X86_64
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: vm_page_bootstrap: 16255835 free pages and 488613 wired pages
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: kext submap [0xffffff7f80a00000 - 0xffffff8000000000], kernel text [0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000a00000]
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: zone leak detection enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: "vm_compressor_mode" is 4
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: multiq scheduler config: deep-drain 0, urgent first 1, depth limit 4, band limit 127, sanity check 0
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: standard background quantum is 2500 us
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: mig_table_max_displ = 13
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: TSC Deadline Timer supported and enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=0 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=2 LocalApicId=2 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=3 LocalApicId=3 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=4 LocalApicId=4 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=5 LocalApicId=5 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=6 LocalApicId=6 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=7 LocalApicId=7 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=8 LocalApicId=8 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=9 LocalApicId=9 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=10 LocalApicId=10 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=11 LocalApicId=11 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=12 LocalApicId=16 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=13 LocalApicId=17 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=14 LocalApicId=18 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=15 LocalApicId=19 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=16 LocalApicId=20 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=17 LocalApicId=21 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=18 LocalApicId=22 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=19 LocalApicId=23 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=20 LocalApicId=24 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=21 LocalApicId=25 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=22 LocalApicId=26 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=23 LocalApicId=27 Enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for AMFI
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Apple Mobile File Integrity (AMFI)
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: MAC Framework successfully initialized
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore starting (BUILT: Sep 19 2014 00:11:30)
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 88:111
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: ACPI: sleep states S3 S4 S5
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: pci (build 00:11:20 Sep 19 2014), flags 0xe3000, pfm64 (44 cpu) 0xfff80000000, 0x80000000
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: Turbo Ratios 3334777B
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: (built 00:11:36 Sep 19 2014) initialization complete
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: [ PCI configuration begin ]
    24.11.14 15:04:54.335 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.AppleFileServer) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: console relocated to 0xfff80010000
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: [ PCI configuration end, bridges 38, devices 32 ]
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: SATA WARNING: IDENTIFY DEVICE checksum not implemented.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::setupPowerSavings - GPE based runtime power management
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::setupPowerSavings - GPE based runtime power management
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::setupPowerSavings - GPE based runtime power management
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: mcache: 24 CPU(s), 64 bytes CPU cache line size
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: mbinit: done [128 MB total pool size, (85/42) split]
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: A2AB27CD-6534-3E31-8873-923476B00444
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
    24.11.14 15:04:54.336 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.alf) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/RP05@1C,4/IOPP/SSD0@0/Ap pleAHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlo ckStorageDriver/APPLE SSD SM1024F Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Customer@2
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s2, major 1, minor 5
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 2.107018: srom rev:11
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 2.107502: ChangeVCO => vco:960, xtalF:40, frac: 98, ndivMode: 3, ndivint: 24
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 2.107512: Data written into the PLL_CNTRL_ADDR2: 00000c31
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 2.107560: Data written into the PLL_CNTRL_ADDR3 (Fractional): 0000100e
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 2.117841: BTCOEXIST off
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 2.118128: BRCM tunables:
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 2.118133:   pullmode[1] txringsize[  256] txsendqsize[1024] reapmin[   32] reapcount[  128]
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 2.119717: wl0: Broadcom BCM43a0, vendorID[0x14e4] BAR0[0xa0200004]
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: (r497602)
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted PTAHT IX on device root_device
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: VM Swap Subsystem is ON
    24.11.14 15:04:54.336 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.audio.coreaudiod) Unknown key for array: seatbelt-profiles
    24.11.14 15:04:54.424 hidd[85]: void __IOHIDPlugInLoadBundles(): Loaded 0 HID plugins
    24.11.14 15:04:54.427 hidd[85]: ____IOHIDSessionScheduleAsync_block_invoke: thread_id=0x101b4b000
    24.11.14 15:04:54.336 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.auditd) The TimeOut key is no longer respected. It never did anything anyway.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.427 hidd[85]: HID Session async scheduling initiated.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.427 hidd[85]: HID Session async root queue running at priority 63 and schedule 2.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.427 hidd[85]: HID Session async scheduling complete.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.336 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.autofsd) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.428 hidd[85]: Successfully opened the IOHIDSession
    24.11.14 15:04:54.432 com.apple.SecurityServer[65]: Session 100000 created
    24.11.14 15:04:54.336 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.backupd-helper.status) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.336 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.backupd-auto) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.337 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.backupd-status) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.337 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.backupd.status.xpc) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.337 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.bsd.dirhelper) The TimeOut key is no longer respected. It never did anything anyway.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.337 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.cmio.AVCAssistant) ThrottleInterval set to zero. You're not that important. Ignoring.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.337 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.cmio.IIDCVideoAssistant) ThrottleInterval set to zero. You're not that important. Ignoring.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.337 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.cmio.VDCAssistant) ThrottleInterval set to zero. You're not that important. Ignoring.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.337 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.configd) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.338 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.coreduetd) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete():  adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: IO80211Interface::efiNVRAMPublished(): 
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: bpfAttach len 64 dlt 12
    24.11.14 15:04:54.518 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.FileSyncAgent.PHD.isRunning) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.519 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.rogueamoeba.hermes[84]) Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 2: No such file or directory: /usr/local/hermes/bin/hermesctl
    24.11.14 15:04:54.519 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.rogueamoeba.hermes[84]) Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.520 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbpluginhost.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:04:54.520 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbloginhelper.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:04:54.524 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:04:54.524 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) The ServiceIPC key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.524 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.speech.speechsynthesisd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:04:54.526 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.TrustEvaluationAgent) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:04:54.540 iconservicesagent[46]: iconservicesagent launched.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.540 com.apple.SecurityServer[65]: Entering service
    24.11.14 15:04:54.589 configd[33]: preference: no sharing preferences
    24.11.14 15:04:54.595 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.DataDetectorsDynamicData) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.608 watchdogd[39]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(    wd_watchdog_open) - IOIteratorNext failed (kr=0)
    24.11.14 15:04:54.608 watchdogd[39]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(      wd_daemon_init) - could not initialize the hardware watchdog
    24.11.14 15:04:54.608 watchdogd[39]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(                main) - cannot initialize the watchdog service
    24.11.14 15:04:54.611 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.watchdogd) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.632 opendirectoryd[56]: BUG in libdispatch: 14B25 - 2004 - 0x5
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AppleIntelMCEReporter: start()
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: IOGraphics flags 0x43
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: AGC: 3.7.21, HW version=4.0.11 [3.2.8], flags:0, features:0
    24.11.14 15:04:54.667 com.apple.usbmuxd[64]: usbmuxd-344.3 on Oct 13 2014 at 21:10:09, running 64 bit
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: IOBluetoothUSBDFU::probe
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: IOBluetoothUSBDFU::probe ProductID - 0x828D FirmwareVersion - 0x0099
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- completed -- result = TRUE -- 0x9000 ****
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: **** [BroadcomBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- Completed -- 0x9000 ****
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: ** GPU Hardware VM is enabled (multispace: enabled, page table updates with DMA: enabled)
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: ** GPU Hardware VM is enabled (multispace: enabled, page table updates with DMA: enabled)
    24.11.14 15:04:54.734 iconservicesd[45]: iconservicesd launched.
    24.11.14 15:04:54.742 iconservicesd[45]: Cache path: /Library/Caches/com.apple.iconservices.store
    24.11.14 15:04:54.843 systemkeychain[121]: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
    24.11.14 15:04:54.000 kernel[0]: Waiting for DSMOS...
    24.11.14 15:04:54.889 UserEventAgent[23]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/alfUIplugin.plugin
    24.11.14 15:04:54.891 UserEventAgent[23]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en2: Inactive
    24.11.14 15:04:54.893 thermald[30]: Waiting for OSTT support notification
    24.11.14 15:04:54.955 apsd[62]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102)
    24.11.14 15:04:54.989 configd[33]: [bootp_transmit.c:213] bootp_transmit(): bpf_write(en0) failed: Network is down (50)
    24.11.14 15:04:54.989 secinitd[142]: UID[0]: cache loaded: /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.app-sandbox-cache.plist
    24.11.14 15:04:54.990 configd[33]: DHCP en0: INIT-REBOOT transmit failed
    24.11.14 15:04:54.990 secinitd[142]: ctkd[141]: unable to get root path for bundle of main executable: /System/Library/Frameworks/CryptoTokenKit.framework/ctkd
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en2. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: en2::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: bpfAttach len 94 dlt 163
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: bpfAttach len 30 dlt 105
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: bpfAttach len 52 dlt 127
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: bpfAttach len 38 dlt 192
    24.11.14 15:04:55.006 configd[33]: dhcp_arp_router: en2 SSID unavailable
    24.11.14 15:04:55.006 apsd[62]: Unable to bootstrap_look_up connection port 'com.apple.askpermission.aps' for user 0: Unknown service name
    24.11.14 15:04:55.007 apsd[62]: Attempt to set push wake topics without dark wake enabled: ()
    24.11.14 15:04:55.008 apsd[62]: Unable to bootstrap_look_up connection port 'com.apple.askpermission.aps' for user 0: Unknown service name
    24.11.14 15:04:55.008 apsd[62]: <APSConnectionServer: 0x7f9b6d600cf0> Invalid mach port - Cleaning up this named port's topics. com.apple.askpermission.aps
    24.11.14 15:04:55.008 configd[33]: setting hostname to "Ptaht-IX.local"
    24.11.14 15:04:55.014 configd[33]: network changed.
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: Previous shutdown cause: 3
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: IOPPF - IODeviceTree:/efi/platform/StartupPowerEvents: 0x0
    24.11.14 15:04:55.078 com.apple.kextd[26]: kext file:///System/Library/Extensions/CDSDAudioCaptureSupport.kext/ is in hash exception list, allowing to load
    24.11.14 15:04:55.079 com.apple.kextd[26]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/CDSDAudioCaptureSupport.kext - no code for running kernel's architecture.
    24.11.14 15:04:55.080 com.apple.kextd[26]: Load com.hzsystems.driver.CDSDAudioCaptureSupport failed; removing personalities from kernel.
    24.11.14 15:04:55.215 com.apple.kextd[26]: kext file:///System/Library/Extensions/CDSDAudioCaptureSupport.kext/ is in hash exception list, allowing to load
    24.11.14 15:04:55.215 com.apple.kextd[26]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/CDSDAudioCaptureSupport.kext - no code for running kernel's architecture.
    24.11.14 15:04:55.216 com.apple.kextd[26]: Load com.hzsystems.driver.CDSDAudioCaptureSupport failed; removing personalities from kernel.
    24.11.14 15:04:55.220 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.CoreRAID[28]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in(): com.apple.CoreRAID
    24.11.14 15:04:55.373 iconservicesagent[46]: Starting service with cache path: /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/C/com.apple.iconservices
    24.11.14 15:04:55.392 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.appkit.xpc.sandboxedServiceRunner) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    24.11.14 15:04:55.392 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.lakitu) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    24.11.14 15:04:55.393 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.accounts.dom) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
    24.11.14 15:04:55.393 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
    24.11.14 15:04:55.402 digest-service[151]: label: default
    24.11.14 15:04:55.402 digest-service[151]: dbname: od:/Local/Default
    24.11.14 15:04:55.402 digest-service[151]: mkey_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/m-key
    24.11.14 15:04:55.402 digest-service[151]: acl_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/kadmind.acl
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: IOPPF: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement mode
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.430 kdc[74]: label: default
    24.11.14 15:04:55.431 kdc[74]: dbname: od:/Local/Default
    24.11.14 15:04:55.431 kdc[74]: mkey_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/m-key
    24.11.14 15:04:55.431 kdc[74]: acl_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/kadmind.acl
    24.11.14 15:04:55.458 kdc[74]: WARNING Found KDC certificate (O=System Identity,CN=com.apple.kerberos.kdc)is missing the PK-INIT KDC EKU, this is bad for interoperability.
    24.11.14 15:04:55.474 digest-service[151]: digest-request: uid=0
    24.11.14 15:04:55.662 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.system) Service "com.apple.ManagedClient.startup" tried to hijack endpoint "com.apple.ManagedClient.agent" from owner: com.apple.ManagedClient
    24.11.14 15:04:55.677 locationd[67]: Logging binary sensor data to /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/C/locationdSensors.bin
    24.11.14 15:04:55.682 UserEventAgent[23]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 1 for client softwareupdate_download_service
    24.11.14 15:04:55.708 UserEventAgent[23]: Could not get event name for stream/token: com.apple.xpc.activity/2: 132: Request for stale data
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendStepper - Done!
    24.11.14 15:04:55.712 locationd[67]: NBB-Could not get UDID for stable refill timing, falling back on random
    24.11.14 15:04:55.754 com.apple.kextd[26]: ERROR: invalid signature for com.rogueamoeba.InstantOn, will not load
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 4.769204: createVirtIf(): ifRole = 1
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4360_P2PInterface::init name <p2p0> role 1
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4360_P2PInterface::init <p2p> role 1
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: setVIRTUAL_IF_CREATE: AWDL interface role (4)
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 4.770106: createVirtIf(): ifRole = 1
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 4.770111: Create AWDL virtif(AWDL): unit = 2, ifRole = 4
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4360_P2PInterface::init name <awdl0> role 4
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4360_P2PInterface::attachToBpf name <awdl0> role 4 successful attach to bpf type 147
    24.11.14 15:04:55.000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4360_P2PInterface::init <awdl> role 4
    24.11.14 15:04:55.764 digest-service[151]: digest-request: netr probe 0
    24.11.14 15:04:55.765 digest-service[151]: digest-request: init request
    24.11.14 15:04:55.766 locationd[67]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
    24.11.14 15:04:55.776 digest-service[151]: digest-request: init return domain: BUILTIN server: PTAHT-IX indomain was: <NULL>
    24.11.14 15:04:55.784 networkd[240]: networkd-411 pid 240
    24.11.14 15:04:55.790 airportd[38]: airportdProcessDLILEvent: en2 attached (up)
    24.11.14 15:04:55.832 UserEventAgent[23]: assertion failed: 14B25: com.apple.telemetry + 22797 [B2D9FFC4-66B7-3739-AFFA-A7E4BDE84A2B]: 0xffffffffe00002eb
    24.11.14 15:04:55.979 com.apple.kextd[26]: ERROR: invalid signature for com.rogueamoeba.InstantOn, will not load
    24.11.14 15:04:56.028 discoveryd[61]: Basic Sockets GetProcessNameFromSocket() failed errno[57] err[-1]
    24.11.14 15:04:56.028 discoveryd[61]: Basic Sockets Unknown(-1), errno 0 UDS FD=3
    24.11.14 15:04:56.028 discoveryd[61]: Basic Sockets UDS FD=3 ERROR: failed to get effective user ID, errno 0
    24.11.14 15:04:56.029 discoveryd[61]: Basic SleepProxy BSP Server Disabled. Metric = 3373
    24.11.14 15:04:56.033 discoveryd[61]: AwdlD2d AwdlD2dInitialize: Initialized
    24.11.14 15:04:56.035 discoveryd[61]: D2D_IPC: Loaded
    24.11.14 15:04:56.042 discoveryd[61]: Basic WABServer NetResolverEvent no resolvers, resetting domains
    24.11.14 15:04:56.042 discoveryd[61]: Basic DNSResolver etc/hosts file changed: Event 0x7f897c1007e0 Flushed /etc/hosts cache
    24.11.14 15:04:56.042 discoveryd[61]: Basic RemoteControl com.apple.discoveryd Starting XPC Server
    24.11.14 15:04:56.043 discoveryd[61]: Basic SleepProxy Could not get the primary interface
    24.11.14 15:04:56.043 discoveryd[61]: Basic RemoteControl com.apple.discoveryd.dnsproxy Starting XPC Server
    24.11.14 15:04:56.044 discoveryd[61]: Basic SleepProxy Sleep Proxy Server is not enabled
    24.11.14 15:04:56.051 discoveryd_helper[285]: Basic RemoteControl com.apple.discoveryd_helper Starting XPC Server
    24.11.14 15:04:56.052 discoveryd_helper[285]: Detailed RemoteControl com.apple.discoveryd_helper XPC connection 0x7fed79900000: start (pid=61, <unknown> not root)
    24.11.14 15:04:56.054 configd[33]: network changed.
    24.11.14 15:04:56.095 kdc[74]: KDC started
    24.11.14 15:04:56.124 com.apple.kextd[26]: ERROR: invalid signature for com.logmein.driver.LogMeInSoundDriver, will not load
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on awdl0
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::configure Dynamic country code not supported on this device
    24.11.14 15:04:56.231 configd[33]: IPConfiguration: IPv4 ConfigMethod is missing/invalid
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from AUTO to SUSPENDED
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlSuspendedMode() Suspending AWDL, enterQuietMode(true)
    24.11.14 15:04:56.257 com.apple.kextd[26]: kext file:///Library/Extensions/VirtualPCOSServices.kext/ is in hash exception list, allowing to load
    24.11.14 15:04:56.257 com.apple.kextd[26]: Can't load /Library/Extensions/VirtualPCOSServices.kext - no code for running kernel's architecture.
    24.11.14 15:04:56.259 com.apple.kextd[26]: Load com.microsoft.VirtualPC.OSServices failed; removing personalities from kernel.
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: DSMOS has arrived
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController][staticBluetoothTransportShowsUp] -- Received Bluetooth Controller register service notification -- 0x9000
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController][start] -- completed
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: en3: promiscuous mode enable succeeded
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: en4: promiscuous mode enable succeeded
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: en5: promiscuous mode enable succeeded
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: en6: promiscuous mode enable succeeded
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: en7: promiscuous mode enable succeeded
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: en8: promiscuous mode enable succeeded
    24.11.14 15:04:56.286 loginwindow[79]: Login Window Application Started
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHCIController][ProcessBluetoothTransportShowsUpActionWL] -- Connected to the transport successfully -- 0x1580 -- 0x3800 -- 0x9000 ****
    24.11.14 15:04:56.330 mds[41]: (FMW.Normal:1402) FMW 0 0
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: en2: 802.11d country code set to 'CH'.
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: en2: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 149 153 157 161 165
    24.11.14 15:04:56.349 WindowServer[286]: Server is starting up
    24.11.14 15:04:56.356 WindowServer[286]: Session 257 retained (2 references)
    24.11.14 15:04:56.356 WindowServer[286]: Session 257 released (1 references)
    24.11.14 15:04:56.383 WindowServer[286]: Session 257 retained (2 references)
    24.11.14 15:04:56.391 WindowServer[286]: init_page_flip: page flip mode is on
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 5.448960: MacAuthEvent en2   Auth result for: 90:72:40:20:29:d1  MAC AUTH succeeded
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en2
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: en2: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:29:d1
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: en2::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en2
    24.11.14 15:04:56.518 com.apple.kextd[26]: kext file:///System/Library/Extensions/PACESupportFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/PACES upportSnowLeopard.kext/ is in hash exception list, allowing to load
    24.11.14 15:04:56.524 lsregister[283]: LaunchServices: Begin database seeding
    24.11.14 15:04:56.525 lsregister[283]: LaunchServices: Completed database seeding
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: rtR0InitNative: warning! failed to resolve special kernel symbols
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: vboxdrv: fAsync=0 offMin=0xd422 offMax=0x1b01e
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: supdrvDTraceInit: RTR0DbgKrnlInfoOpen failed with rc=-102.
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: VBoxDrv: version 4.3.8 r92456; IOCtl version 0x1a0007; IDC version 0x10000; dev major=33
    24.11.14 15:04:56.000 kernel[0]: VBoxDrv: Failed to open kernel symbols, rc=-102
    24.11.14 15:04:57.034 com.apple.kextd[26]: kext file:///System/Library/Extensions/iSpy.kext/ is in hash exception list, allowing to load
    24.11.14 15:04:57.000 kernel[0]: [iSpy.kext] INFO: loaded successfully!
    24.11.14 15:04:57.000 kernel[0]: VBoxFltDrv: version 4.3.8 r92456
    24.11.14 15:04:57.000 kernel[0]: VBoxAdpDrv: version 4.3.8 r92456
    24.11.14 15:04:57.558 WindowServer[286]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    24.11.14 15:04:57.586 WindowServer[286]: Found 82 modes for display 0x00000000 [82, 0]
    24.11.14 15:04:57.588 WindowServer[286]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    24.11.14 15:04:57.589 WindowServer[286]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    24.11.14 15:04:57.590 WindowServer[286]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    24.11.14 15:04:57.591 WindowServer[286]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    24.11.14 15:04:57.592 WindowServer[286]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    24.11.14 15:04:57.605 WindowServer[286]: mux_initialize: kAGCGetMuxState (kMuxControl, kMuxControl_switchingMode) failed (0xe00002bc)
    24.11.14 15:04:57.605 WindowServer[286]: mux_initialize: Mode is safe
    24.11.14 15:04:57.656 WindowServer[286]: Found 82 modes for display 0x00000000 [82, 0]
    24.11.14 15:04:57.803 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.FileSyncAgent.PHD.isRunning) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    24.11.14 15:04:57.804 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbloginhelper.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:04:57.804 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbpluginhost.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:04:57.806 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:04:57.806 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) The ServiceIPC key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
    24.11.14 15:04:57.807 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.speech.speechsynthesisd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:04:57.807 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.TrustEvaluationAgent) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:04:57.999 mds[41]: (ImportServer.Normal:1700) Ignoring blacklisted Spotlight importer plugin:/Library/Spotlight/Finale.mdimporter uuid:8F7AD1E0-0DB3-11D9-95E0-000A95BA3EA2 version:1.1
    24.11.14 15:04:58.000 kernel[0]: Ethernet [AppleBCM5701Ethernet]: Link up on en0, 100-Megabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,2301,0de1,0300,45e1,0000]
    24.11.14 15:04:58.220 configd[33]: IPConfiguration: IPv4 ConfigMethod is missing/invalid
    24.11.14 15:04:58.000 kernel[0]: IOBluetoothDevice::setProperties() -- calling hciController->CallCreateDeviceReporter() -- this = 0x9000
    24.11.14 15:04:58.000 kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::CallCreateDeviceReporter -- calling enqueueAction() -- device = 0x9000
    24.11.14 15:04:58.000 kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::CreateDeviceReporterAction -- device = = 0x9000
    24.11.14 15:04:58.000 kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::CreateDeviceReporterAction -- calling CreateDeviceReporter() device = = 0x9000
    24.11.14 15:04:58.000 kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::CreateDeviceReporter -- device = = 0x9000
    24.11.14 15:04:58.000 kernel[0]: [BNBTrackpadDevice::init][85.3] init is complete
    24.11.14 15:04:58.000 kernel[0]: [BNBTrackpadDevice::handleStart][85.3] returning 1
    24.11.14 15:04:58.000 kernel[0]: [AppleMultitouchHIDEventDriver::start] entered
    24.11.14 15:04:58.773 WindowServer[286]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    24.11.14 15:04:58.773 WindowServer[286]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    24.11.14 15:04:58.774 WindowServer[286]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    24.11.14 15:04:58.789 WindowServer[286]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    24.11.14 15:04:58.000 kernel[0]: [AppleMultitouchDevice::start] entered
    24.11.14 15:04:58.908 WindowServer[286]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    24.11.14 15:04:58.909 WindowServer[286]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    24.11.14 15:04:58.000 kernel[0]: IOHIDSystem: Seize of AppleMultitouchHIDEventDriver failed.
    24.11.14 15:04:58.000 kernel[0]: IOHIDSystem: Seize of IOHIDPointing failed.
    24.11.14 15:04:59.067 WindowServer[286]: WSMachineUsesNewStyleMirroring: false
    24.11.14 15:04:59.088 hidd[85]: IOHIDService compatibility thread running at priority 63 and schedule 2.
    24.11.14 15:04:59.160 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x44087a80: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[1920 x 2160], 82 modes available
    Main, Active, on-line, enabled, boot, Vendor 4d10, Model 21ea, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xa72347ebf7312d8f13fba6868aea7db8
    24.11.14 15:04:59.160 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x003f0042: GL mask 0x40; bounds (0, 0)[4096 x 2160], 2 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 6, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    24.11.14 15:04:59.160 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x003f0041: GL mask 0x20; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 5, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    24.11.14 15:04:59.160 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x003f0040: GL mask 0x10; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 4, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    24.11.14 15:04:59.160 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x003f003f: GL mask 0x8; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 3, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    24.11.14 15:04:59.160 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x4; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 2, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    24.11.14 15:04:59.160 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x003f003d: GL mask 0x2; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 1, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    24.11.14 15:04:59.160 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x003f0043: GL mask 0x80; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 7, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    24.11.14 15:04:59.161 WindowServer[286]: Set a breakpoint at CGSLogError to catch errors as they are logged.
    24.11.14 15:04:59.161 WindowServer[286]: WSSetWindowTransform: Singular matrix
    24.11.14 15:04:59.161 WindowServer[286]: WSSetWindowTransform: Singular matrix
    24.11.14 15:04:59.161 WindowServer[286]: WSSetWindowTransform: Singular matrix
    24.11.14 15:04:59.162 WindowServer[286]: WSSetWindowTransform: Singular matrix
    24.11.14 15:04:59.162 WindowServer[286]: WSSetWindowTransform: Singular matrix
    24.11.14 15:04:59.162 WindowServer[286]: WSSetWindowTransform: Singular matrix
    24.11.14 15:04:59.310 configd[33]: network changed: v4(en0+: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
    24.11.14 15:04:59.312 discoveryd[61]: Basic SleepProxy Could not get the primary interface
    24.11.14 15:04:59.315 discoveryd[61]: AwdlD2d AwdlD2dStartAdvertisingPair: 'ptaht-ix' Advertising service started
    24.11.14 15:04:59.316 discoveryd[61]: AwdlD2d AwdlD2dStartAdvertisingPair: 'ptaht-ix' Advertising service started
    24.11.14 15:04:59.000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from SUSPENDED to AUTO
    24.11.14 15:04:59.000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlAutoMode Resuming AWDL
    24.11.14 15:04:59.318 discoveryd[61]: AwdlD2d AwdlD2dStartAdvertisingPair: 'c64ff5efff7b14c700000000000008efip6arpa' Advertising service started
    24.11.14 15:04:59.319 UserEventAgent[23]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1709] en2: SSID 'Diego's Wi-Fi Network' making interface primary (protected network)
    24.11.14 15:04:59.319 configd[33]: network changed: v4(en0: DNS* Proxy SMB
    24.11.14 15:04:59.319 UserEventAgent[23]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en2: Evaluating
    24.11.14 15:04:59.320 UserEventAgent[23]: Captive: en2: Probing 'Diego's Wi-Fi Network'
    24.11.14 15:04:59.324 configd[33]: network changed: v4(en0:, en2!: DNS Proxy SMB
    24.11.14 15:04:59.000 kernel[0]: en2: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:29:d1
    24.11.14 15:04:59.335 configd[33]: setting hostname to "Ptaht-IX.fritz.box"
    24.11.14 15:04:59.396 UserEventAgent[23]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 1 connectx to failed: Host is down
    24.11.14 15:04:59.446 locationd[298]: Logging binary sensor data to /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/C/locationdSensors.bin
    24.11.14 15:04:59.448 locationd[298]: NBB-Could not get UDID for stable refill timing, falling back on random
    24.11.14 15:04:59.456 locationd[298]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
    24.11.14 15:04:59.515 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x44087a80: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[1920 x 2160], 82 modes available
    Main, Active, on-line, enabled, boot, Vendor 4d10, Model 21ea, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xa72347ebf7312d8f13fba6868aea7db8
    24.11.14 15:04:59.515 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x003f0042: GL mask 0x40; bounds (2944, 0)[1 x 1], 2 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 6, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    24.11.14 15:04:59.515 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x003f0041: GL mask 0x20; bounds (2945, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 5, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    24.11.14 15:04:59.515 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x003f0040: GL mask 0x10; bounds (2946, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 4, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    24.11.14 15:04:59.515 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x003f003f: GL mask 0x8; bounds (2947, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 3, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    24.11.14 15:04:59.515 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x4; bounds (2948, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 2, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    24.11.14 15:04:59.515 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x003f003d: GL mask 0x2; bounds (2949, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 1, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    24.11.14 15:04:59.515 WindowServer[286]: Display 0x003f0043: GL mask 0x80; bounds (2950, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 7, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    24.11.14 15:04:59.516 WindowServer[286]: CGXPerformInitialDisplayConfiguration
    24.11.14 15:04:59.516 WindowServer[286]:   Display 0x44087a80: Unit 0; Vendor 0x4d10 Model 0x21ea S/N 0 Dimensions 27.56 x 15.35; online enabled, Bounds (0,0)[1920 x 2160], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    24.11.14 15:04:59.516 WindowServer[286]:   Display 0x003f0042: Unit 6; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2944,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    24.11.14 15:04:59.516 WindowServer[286]:   Display 0x003f0041: Unit 5; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2945,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    24.11.14 15:04:59.516 WindowServer[286]:   Display 0x003f0040: Unit 4; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2946,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    24.11.14 15:04:59.516 WindowServer[286]:   Display 0x003f003f: Unit 3; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2947,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    24.11.14 15:04:59.516 WindowServer[286]:   Display 0x003f003e: Unit 2; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2948,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    24.11.14 15:04:59.516 WindowServer[286]:   Display 0x003f003d: Unit 1; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2949,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    24.11.14 15:04:59.516 WindowServer[286]:   Display 0x003f0043: Unit 7; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2950,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    24.11.14 15:04:59.518 WindowServer[286]: CGXMuxBoot: Boot normal
    24.11.14 15:05:00.176 sntp[296]: time set +0.640194 s
    24.11.14 15:05:00.180 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.FileSyncAgent.PHD.isRunning) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    24.11.14 15:05:00.181 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbloginhelper.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:05:00.181 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbpluginhost.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:05:00.182 WindowServer[286]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01021c01, GL mask 0x0000007f, accelerator 0x00004c5b, unit 0, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 2048 MB
    24.11.14 15:05:00.183 WindowServer[286]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01021c01, GL mask 0x0000007f, texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
    24.11.14 15:05:00.183 WindowServer[286]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x02021c01, GL mask 0x00000080, accelerator 0x00002a23, unit 7, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 2048 MB
    24.11.14 15:05:00.183 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:05:00.183 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) The ServiceIPC key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
    24.11.14 15:05:00.183 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.speech.speechsynthesisd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:05:00.184 WindowServer[286]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x02021c01, GL mask 0x00000080, texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
    24.11.14 15:05:00.184 WindowServer[286]: GLCompositor enabled for tile size [256 x 256]
    24.11.14 15:05:00.184 WindowServer[286]: CGXGLInitMipMap: mip map mode is on
    24.11.14 15:05:00.184 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.TrustEvaluationAgent) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:05:00.187 UserEventAgent[23]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/64: The operation couldn’t be completed. Host is down
    24.11.14 15:05:00.187 UserEventAgent[23]: Captive: [CaptiveHandleRedirect:1662] Unknown result value: 1, assuming online
    24.11.14 15:05:00.187 UserEventAgent[23]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en2: Authenticated
    24.11.14 15:05:00.209 ntpd[242]: peer time.euro.apple.com @
    24.11.14 15:05:00.454 ntpd[242]: drift PPM:0.000 -> -75.112
    24.11.14 15:05:00.000 kernel[0]: EDID CEA Extensions not valid for audio [Revision ID]: 1 (minimum value: 3)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.043 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.appkit.xpc.sandboxedServiceRunner) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    24.11.14 15:05:01.043 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.DataDetectorsDynamicData) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    24.11.14 15:05:01.046 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.FileSyncAgent.PHD.isRunning) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    24.11.14 15:05:01.047 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbloginhelper.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:05:01.047 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbpluginhost.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:05:01.049 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:05:01.049 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) The ServiceIPC key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
    24.11.14 15:05:01.050 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.speech.speechsynthesisd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:05:01.051 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.TrustEvaluationAgent) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[301]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    24.11.14 15:05:01.000 kernel[0]: BUG in p

    I have the same errors occurring at an alarming rate. I did isolate it to the App Store. Specifically when checking for an update. I was hoping that you could test this out for me. Go to your console log and select all messages and then check kernel in the sender box (bottom left). I found that now is a good time to insert a marker. Now launch the app store then got to the update section. Select check for update.
    Does this generate a series of the errors? I can reproduce the errors every time I "check for updates". The error would not show up when checking for updates in iTunes.
    I did notice errors in both extending from CFNetwork
    App store:
    2015-01-15 8:40:38.047 AM storeassetd[356]: CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9802)
    2015-01-15 8:53:53.986 AM iTunes[2200]: CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9806)
    Please compare and see if you get the same results.

  • Slow start up

    my computer has been slow to boot so I decided to reach to some of the pros out there and try finding out  what is going on. I noticed a lot of redundancies and repeating of what seems to be errors in the report from CONSOLE - see below. Can anyone help?
    12/15/14 11:10:06.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1418713806 0
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.AccountPolicyHelper" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.authd" sharing output destination "/var/log/asl" with ASL Module "com.apple.asl".
    Output parameters from ASL Module "com.apple.asl" override any specified in ASL Module "com.apple.authd".
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.authd" sharing output destination "/var/log/system.log" with ASL Module "com.apple.asl".
    Output parameters from ASL Module "com.apple.asl" override any specified in ASL Module "com.apple.authd".
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.authd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.awdd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.callhistory.asl.conf" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.cloudd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.clouddocs" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.commerce.asl" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.CoreDuetAdmissionControl" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.eventmonitor" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.family.asl" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.ical" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.icloud.FindMyDevice" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.install" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.iokit.power" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.mail" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.MessageTracer" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.networking.symptoms" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.networking.symptoms" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.performance" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.secinitd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: Longterm timer threshold: 1000 ms
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: PMAP: PCID enabled
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: PMAP: Supervisor Mode Execute Protection enabled
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: Darwin Kernel Version 14.0.0: Fri Sep 19 00:26:44 PDT 2014; root:xnu-2782.1.97~2/RELEASE_X86_64
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: vm_page_bootstrap: 1987935 free pages and 92833 wired pages
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: kext submap [0xffffff7f80a00000 - 0xffffff8000000000], kernel text [0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000a00000]
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: zone leak detection enabled
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: "vm_compressor_mode" is 4
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: multiq scheduler config: deep-drain 0, urgent first 1, depth limit 4, band limit 127, sanity check 0
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: standard background quantum is 2500 us
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: mig_table_max_displ = 13
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: TSC Deadline Timer supported and enabled
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=2 LocalApicId=2 Enabled
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=3 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=4 LocalApicId=3 Enabled
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=5 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=6 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=7 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=8 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for AMFI
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Apple Mobile File Integrity (AMFI)
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
    12/15/14 11:10:31.896 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.alf) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: MAC Framework successfully initialized
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore starting (BUILT: Sep 19 2014 00:11:30)
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: ACPI: sleep states S3 S4 S5
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: pci (build 00:11:20 Sep 19 2014), flags 0xe3000, pfm64 (36 cpu) 0xf80000000, 0x80000000
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: Turbo Ratios 0046
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: (built 00:11:36 Sep 19 2014) initialization complete
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: [ PCI configuration begin ]
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: console relocated to 0xf80000000
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: [ PCI configuration end, bridges 11, devices 15 ]
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: mcache: 4 CPU(s), 64 bytes CPU cache line size
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: mbinit: done [96 MB total pool size, (64/32) split]
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 951CB5A9-A80B-3768-9E01-AB6368AD7D94
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Lucent ID 5901 built-in now active, GUID 280b5cfffe0500e0; max speed s800.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: CoreStorage: fsck_cs has finished for group "0BCC3CF8-C814-432C-80EE-734A400BB153" with status 0x00
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: ARPT: 1.362356: srom rev:9
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: ARPT: 1.379021: BTCOEXIST off
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: ARPT: 1.379248: BRCM tunables:
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: ARPT: 1.379254:   pullmode[1] txringsize[  256] txsendqsize[1024] reapmin[   32] reapcount[  128]
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: ARPT: 1.379712: wl0: Broadcom BCM4331, vendorID[0x14e4] BAR0[0xa0600004]
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: (r497602)
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleIntelPchS eriesAHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOB lockStorageDriver/APPLE HDD HTS545050A7E362 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Macintosh HD@2/CoreStoragePhysical/Macintosh HD/Macintosh HD
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: BSD root: disk1, major 1, minor 4
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 4): replay_journal: from: 11473408 to: 18026496 (joffset 0xe8a000)
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000000003570c4f800e4 0x59f 0x1061 0x1, 3
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: jnl: b(1, 4): journal replay done.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Macintosh HD on device root_device
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: VM Swap Subsystem is ON
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: hfs: Removed 227 orphaned / unlinked files and 1847 directories
    12/15/14 11:10:39.000 PM kernel[0]: pci pause: SDXC
    12/15/14 11:10:31.897 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.audio.coreaudiod) Unknown key for array: seatbelt-profiles
    12/15/14 11:10:39.213 PM hidd[71]: void __IOHIDPlugInLoadBundles(): Loaded 0 HID plugins
    12/15/14 11:10:39.214 PM iconservicesagent[38]: iconservicesagent launched.
    12/15/14 11:10:31.897 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.auditd) The TimeOut key is no longer respected. It never did anything anyway.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.215 PM hidd[71]: IOHIDService compatibility thread running at priority 63 and schedule 2.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.245 PM fseventsd[20]: event logs in /.fseventsd out of sync with volume.  destroying old logs. (235679 33 235767)
    12/15/14 11:10:31.897 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.autofsd) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    12/15/14 11:10:31.898 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.backupd-helper.status) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    12/15/14 11:10:31.898 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.backupd-auto) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    12/15/14 11:10:31.898 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.backupd-status) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    12/15/14 11:10:31.898 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.backupd.status.xpc) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    12/15/14 11:10:31.898 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.bsd.dirhelper) The TimeOut key is no longer respected. It never did anything anyway.
    12/15/14 11:10:31.899 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.cmio.AVCAssistant) ThrottleInterval set to zero. You're not that important. Ignoring.
    12/15/14 11:10:31.899 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.cmio.IIDCVideoAssistant) ThrottleInterval set to zero. You're not that important. Ignoring.
    12/15/14 11:10:31.899 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.cmio.VDCAssistant) ThrottleInterval set to zero. You're not that important. Ignoring.
    12/15/14 11:10:31.899 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.configd) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    12/15/14 11:10:31.900 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.coreduetd) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    12/15/14 11:10:31.900 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.CoreRAID) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    12/15/14 11:10:39.705 PM iconservicesagent[38]: Starting service with cache path: /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/C/com.apple.iconservices
    12/15/14 11:10:40.857 PM com.apple.SecurityServer[55]: Session 100000 created
    12/15/14 11:10:51.240 PM watchdogd[31]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(    wd_watchdog_open) - IOIteratorNext failed (kr=0)
    12/15/14 11:10:51.240 PM watchdogd[31]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(      wd_daemon_init) - could not initialize the hardware watchdog
    12/15/14 11:10:51.240 PM watchdogd[31]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(                main) - cannot initialize the watchdog service
    12/15/14 11:10:51.281 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.DataDetectorsDynamicData) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    12/15/14 11:10:51.291 PM watchdogd[77]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(    wd_watchdog_open) - IOIteratorNext failed (kr=0)
    12/15/14 11:10:51.291 PM watchdogd[77]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(      wd_daemon_init) - could not initialize the hardware watchdog
    12/15/14 11:10:51.291 PM watchdogd[77]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(                main) - cannot initialize the watchdog service
    12/15/14 11:10:51.302 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.watchdogd) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    12/15/14 11:10:51.743 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.FileSyncAgent.PHD.isRunning) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    12/15/14 11:10:51.749 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbloginhelper.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    12/15/14 11:10:51.749 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbpluginhost.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    12/15/14 11:10:51.794 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    12/15/14 11:10:51.794 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) The ServiceIPC key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
    12/15/14 11:10:51.794 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.speech.speechsynthesisd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    12/15/14 11:10:51.871 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.TrustEvaluationAgent) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    12/15/14 11:10:51.000 PM kernel[0]: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete():  adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
    12/15/14 11:10:51.000 PM kernel[0]: IO80211Interface::efiNVRAMPublished(): 
    12/15/14 11:10:51.000 PM kernel[0]: bpfAttach len 64 dlt 12
    12/15/14 11:10:52.090 PM iconservicesd[37]: iconservicesd launched.
    12/15/14 11:10:52.091 PM iconservicesd[37]: Cache path: /Library/Caches/com.apple.iconservices.store
    12/15/14 11:10:52.124 PM opendirectoryd[48]: BUG in libdispatch: 14B25 - 2004 - 0x5
    12/15/14 11:10:57.385 PM fseventsd[20]: log dir: /.fseventsd getting new uuid: 697212F7-DC42-4AD6-B41B-7EF84DF026EB
    12/15/14 11:11:01.305 PM watchdogd[86]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(    wd_watchdog_open) - IOIteratorNext failed (kr=0)
    12/15/14 11:11:01.305 PM watchdogd[86]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(      wd_daemon_init) - could not initialize the hardware watchdog
    12/15/14 11:11:01.305 PM watchdogd[86]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(                main) - cannot initialize the watchdog service
    12/15/14 11:11:01.306 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.watchdogd) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    12/15/14 11:11:10.103 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.bsd.dirhelper[107]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in(): com.apple.bsd.dirhelper
    12/15/14 11:11:11.315 PM watchdogd[108]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(    wd_watchdog_open) - IOIteratorNext failed (kr=0)
    12/15/14 11:11:11.315 PM watchdogd[108]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(      wd_daemon_init) - could not initialize the hardware watchdog
    12/15/14 11:11:11.315 PM watchdogd[108]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(                main) - cannot initialize the watchdog service
    12/15/14 11:11:11.316 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.watchdogd) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    12/15/14 11:11:11.877 PM com.apple.mtmd[23]: Debug level set to 0
    12/15/14 11:11:11.877 PM com.apple.usbmuxd[54]: usbmuxd-344.3 on Oct 13 2014 at 21:10:09, running 64 bit
    12/15/14 11:11:18.802 PM hidd[71]: ____IOHIDSessionScheduleAsync_block_invoke: thread_id=0x10ee0a000
    12/15/14 11:11:18.802 PM hidd[71]: HID Session async scheduling initiated.
    12/15/14 11:11:18.802 PM hidd[71]: HID Session async root queue running at priority 63 and schedule 2.
    12/15/14 11:11:18.890 PM hidd[71]: HID Session async scheduling complete.
    12/15/14 11:11:18.890 PM hidd[71]: Successfully opened the IOHIDSession
    12/15/14 11:11:19.000 PM kernel[0]: IOGraphics flags 0x43
    12/15/14 11:11:19.000 PM kernel[0]: IOBluetoothUSBDFU::probe
    12/15/14 11:11:19.000 PM kernel[0]: IOBluetoothUSBDFU::probe ProductID - 0x821D FirmwareVersion - 0x0147
    12/15/14 11:11:19.000 PM kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- completed -- result = TRUE -- 0x1800 ****
    12/15/14 11:11:19.000 PM kernel[0]: **** [BroadcomBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- Completed -- 0x1800 ****
    12/15/14 11:11:19.000 PM kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController][staticBluetoothTransportShowsUp] -- Received Bluetooth Controller register service notification -- 0x1800
    12/15/14 11:11:19.000 PM kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController][start] -- completed
    12/15/14 11:11:19.000 PM kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService
    12/15/14 11:11:19.000 PM kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHCIController][ProcessBluetoothTransportShowsUpActionWL] -- Connected to the transport successfully -- 0xb980 -- 0x9000 -- 0x1800 ****
    12/15/14 11:11:19.000 PM kernel[0]: Previous shutdown cause: 3
    12/15/14 11:11:19.000 PM kernel[0]: DSMOS has arrived
    12/15/14 11:11:19.000 PM kernel[0]: PPGTT is enabled
    12/15/14 11:11:19.947 PM configd[26]: preference: no sharing preferences
    12/15/14 11:11:21.671 PM configd[26]: [bootp_transmit.c:213] bootp_transmit(): bpf_write(en0) failed: Network is down (50)
    12/15/14 11:11:21.671 PM configd[26]: DHCP en0: INIT transmit failed
    12/15/14 11:11:21.875 PM stackshot[65]: Timed out waiting for IOKit to finish matching.
    12/15/14 11:11:21.000 PM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
    12/15/14 11:11:21.000 PM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/15/14 11:11:21.000 PM kernel[0]: bpfAttach len 94 dlt 163
    12/15/14 11:11:21.000 PM kernel[0]: bpfAttach len 30 dlt 105
    12/15/14 11:11:21.000 PM kernel[0]: bpfAttach len 52 dlt 127
    12/15/14 11:11:21.000 PM kernel[0]: bpfAttach len 38 dlt 192
    12/15/14 11:11:22.894 PM configd[26]: dhcp_arp_router: en1 SSID unavailable
    12/15/14 11:11:22.896 PM configd[26]: setting hostname to "Daniel-Fox.local"
    12/15/14 11:11:22.903 PM configd[26]: network changed.
    12/15/14 11:11:23.097 PM com.apple.SecurityServer[55]: Entering service
    12/15/14 11:11:23.174 PM thermald[22]: Waiting for OSTT support notification
    12/15/14 11:11:23.200 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.system) Service "com.apple.ManagedClient.startup" tried to hijack endpoint "com.apple.ManagedClient.agent" from owner: com.apple.ManagedClient
    12/15/14 11:11:23.268 PM loginwindow[67]: Login Window Application Started
    12/15/14 11:11:23.288 PM digest-service[81]: label: default
    12/15/14 11:11:23.288 PM digest-service[81]: dbname: od:/Local/Default
    12/15/14 11:11:23.288 PM digest-service[81]: mkey_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/m-key
    12/15/14 11:11:23.288 PM digest-service[81]: acl_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/kadmind.acl
    12/15/14 11:11:23.305 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/alfUIplugin.plugin
    12/15/14 11:11:23.312 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Inactive
    12/15/14 11:11:23.347 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.appkit.xpc.sandboxedServiceRunner) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    12/15/14 11:11:23.348 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.lakitu) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    12/15/14 11:11:23.348 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.accounts.dom) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
    12/15/14 11:11:23.349 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
    12/15/14 11:11:23.489 PM UserEventAgent[16]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 1 for client softwareupdate_download_service
    12/15/14 11:11:23.659 PM locationd[57]: Logging binary sensor data to /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/C/locationdSensors.bin
    12/15/14 11:11:23.666 PM locationd[57]: NBB-Could not get UDID for stable refill timing, falling back on random
    12/15/14 11:11:23.677 PM locationd[57]: locationd was started after an unclean shutdown
    12/15/14 11:11:23.999 PM networkd[143]: networkd-411 pid 143
    12/15/14 11:11:24.100 PM digest-service[81]: digest-request: uid=0
    12/15/14 11:11:24.203 PM locationd[57]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
    12/15/14 11:11:24.000 PM kernel[0]: ARPT: 79.829028: createVirtIf(): ifRole = 1
    12/15/14 11:11:24.000 PM kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4360_P2PInterface::init name <p2p0> role 1
    12/15/14 11:11:24.000 PM kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4360_P2PInterface::init <p2p> role 1
    12/15/14 11:11:24.000 PM kernel[0]: setVIRTUAL_IF_CREATE: AWDL interface role (4)
    12/15/14 11:11:24.000 PM kernel[0]: ARPT: 79.841549: createVirtIf(): ifRole = 1
    12/15/14 11:11:24.000 PM kernel[0]: ARPT: 79.841559: Create AWDL virtif(AWDL): unit = 2, ifRole = 4
    12/15/14 11:11:24.000 PM kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4360_P2PInterface::init name <awdl0> role 4
    12/15/14 11:11:24.000 PM kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4360_P2PInterface::attachToBpf name <awdl0> role 4 successful attach to bpf type 147
    12/15/14 11:11:24.000 PM kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4360_P2PInterface::init <awdl> role 4
    12/15/14 11:11:24.784 PM digest-service[81]: digest-request: netr probe 0
    12/15/14 11:11:24.784 PM digest-service[81]: digest-request: init request
    12/15/14 11:11:24.792 PM digest-service[81]: digest-request: init return domain: BUILTIN server: DANIEL-FOX indomain was: <NULL>
    12/15/14 11:11:24.949 PM mdmclient[41]: ApplePushService: Timed out making blocking call, failed to perform call via XPC connection to 'com.apple.apsd'
    12/15/14 11:11:25.174 PM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets GetProcessNameFromSocket() failed errno[57] err[-1]
    12/15/14 11:11:25.174 PM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Unknown(-1), errno 0 UDS FD=3
    12/15/14 11:11:25.174 PM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets UDS FD=3 ERROR: failed to get effective user ID, errno 0
    12/15/14 11:11:25.175 PM discoveryd[51]: Basic SleepProxy BSP Server Disabled. Metric = 3373
    12/15/14 11:11:25.179 PM discoveryd[51]: AwdlD2d AwdlD2dInitialize: Initialized
    12/15/14 11:11:25.180 PM discoveryd[51]: D2D_IPC: Loaded
    12/15/14 11:11:25.187 PM discoveryd[51]: Basic WABServer NetResolverEvent no resolvers, resetting domains
    12/15/14 11:11:25.188 PM discoveryd[51]: Basic RemoteControl com.apple.discoveryd Starting XPC Server
    12/15/14 11:11:25.188 PM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver etc/hosts file changed: Event 0x7f8032f01c80 Flushed /etc/hosts cache
    12/15/14 11:11:25.189 PM discoveryd[51]: Basic SleepProxy Could not get the primary interface
    12/15/14 11:11:25.189 PM discoveryd[51]: Basic RemoteControl com.apple.discoveryd.dnsproxy Starting XPC Server
    12/15/14 11:11:25.190 PM discoveryd[51]: Basic SleepProxy Sleep Proxy Server is not enabled
    12/15/14 11:11:25.191 PM discoveryd_helper[150]: Basic RemoteControl com.apple.discoveryd_helper Starting XPC Server
    12/15/14 11:11:25.191 PM discoveryd_helper[150]: Detailed RemoteControl com.apple.discoveryd_helper XPC connection 0x7ff313d00700: start (pid=51, <unknown> not root)
    12/15/14 11:11:25.194 PM configd[26]: network changed.
    12/15/14 11:11:25.923 PM apsd[52]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102)
    12/15/14 11:11:25.973 PM mdmclient[41]: ApplePushService: Timed out making blocking call, failed to perform call via XPC connection to 'com.apple.apsd'
    12/15/14 11:11:25.974 PM systemkeychain[151]: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
    12/15/14 11:11:26.003 PM apsd[52]: Unable to bootstrap_look_up connection port 'com.apple.askpermission.aps' for user 0: Unknown service name
    12/15/14 11:11:26.005 PM apsd[52]: Attempt to set push wake topics without dark wake enabled: ()
    12/15/14 11:11:26.005 PM apsd[52]: Unable to bootstrap_look_up connection port 'com.apple.askpermission.aps' for user 0: Unknown service name
    12/15/14 11:11:26.005 PM apsd[52]: <APSConnectionServer: 0x7fe399706640> Invalid mach port - Cleaning up this named port's topics. com.apple.askpermission.aps
    12/15/14 11:11:26.193 PM mds[33]: (Server.Warning:445) No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
    12/15/14 11:11:26.194 PM mds[33]: (Server.Warning:445) No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
    12/15/14 11:11:26.198 PM mds[33]: (FMW.Normal:1402) FMW 0 0
    12/15/14 11:11:26.198 PM WindowServer[130]: Server is starting up
    12/15/14 11:11:26.239 PM airportd[30]: airportdProcessDLILEvent: en1 attached (up)
    12/15/14 11:11:26.000 PM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on awdl0
    12/15/14 11:11:26.000 PM kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::configure Dynamic country code not supported on this device
    12/15/14 11:11:26.000 PM kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::getVHtCapabilityIE  Unable to get vht capabilities ret 2d
    12/15/14 11:11:28.327 PM discoveryd[51]: AwdlD2d AwdlD2dStartAdvertisingPair: 'daniel-fox' Advertising service started
    12/15/14 11:11:28.328 PM discoveryd[51]: AwdlD2d AwdlD2dStartAdvertisingPair: 'daniel-fox' Advertising service started
    12/15/14 11:11:28.329 PM discoveryd[51]: AwdlD2d AwdlD2dStartAdvertisingPair: '0d376defffd12d4900000000000008efip6arpa' Advertising service started
    12/15/14 11:11:29.000 PM kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from AUTO to SUSPENDED
    12/15/14 11:11:29.000 PM kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlSuspendedMode() Suspending AWDL, enterQuietMode(true)
    12/15/14 11:11:29.000 PM kernel[0]: en1: 802.11d country code set to 'US'.
    12/15/14 11:11:29.000 PM kernel[0]: en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 149 153 157 161 165
    12/15/14 11:11:29.000 PM kernel[0]: ARPT: 84.585040: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 78:cd:8e:44:cd:b8  MAC AUTH succeeded
    12/15/14 11:11:29.000 PM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
    12/15/14 11:11:29.000 PM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 78:cd:8e:44:cd:b8
    12/15/14 11:11:29.000 PM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/15/14 11:11:29.000 PM kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
    12/15/14 11:11:30.972 PM configd[26]: network changed: DNS* Proxy
    12/15/14 11:11:30.974 PM discoveryd[51]: Basic SleepProxy Could not get the primary interface
    12/15/14 11:11:30.987 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1709] en1: SSID 'HOME-CDB8' making interface primary (protected network)
    12/15/14 11:11:30.987 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Evaluating
    12/15/14 11:11:30.998 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: en1: Probing 'HOME-CDB8'
    12/15/14 11:11:32.000 PM kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Recovery HD on device disk0s3
    12/15/14 11:11:32.702 PM fseventsd[20]: Logging disabled completely for device:1: /Volumes/Recovery HD
    12/15/14 11:11:32.866 PM secinitd[132]: UID[0]: cache loaded: /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.app-sandbox-cache.plist
    12/15/14 11:11:32.867 PM secinitd[132]: ctkd[131]: unable to get root path for bundle of main executable: /System/Library/Frameworks/CryptoTokenKit.framework/ctkd
    12/15/14 11:11:33.163 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/15/14 11:11:33.332 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/15/14 11:11:33.345 PM configd[26]: network changed: v6(en1!:2601:9:4080:1145:e8bf:d523:3888:fa4d) DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
    12/15/14 11:11:33.473 PM ntpd[136]: peer time.apple.com @
    12/15/14 11:11:33.488 PM ntpd[136]: drift PPM:0.000 -> -66.729
    12/15/14 11:11:33.596 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/15/14 11:11:33.699 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/15/14 11:11:33.972 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/15/14 11:11:34.309 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/15/14 11:11:34.748 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/15/14 11:11:35.301 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/15/14 11:11:35.422 PM discoveryd[51]: Basic SleepProxy Could not get the primary interface
    12/15/14 11:11:35.552 PM networkd[143]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/15/14 11:11:35.552 PM configd[26]: network changed: v6(en1!:2601:9:4080:1145:3e15:c2ff:feec:e6b8) DNS Proxy SMB
    12/15/14 11:11:35.950 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/15/14 11:11:35.993 PM apsd[52]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102)
    12/15/14 11:11:36.274 PM mds[33]: (Server.Warning:445) No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
    12/15/14 11:11:36.704 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/15/14 11:11:37.355 PM networkd[143]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/15/14 11:11:37.357 PM discoveryd[51]: Basic SleepProxy Could not get the primary interface
    12/15/14 11:11:37.552 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/15/14 11:11:37.553 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [wispr_detect_http_done:295] Network Error: Failed to retry probe. Giving up after retrying 10 times
    12/15/14 11:11:37.553 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [CaptiveHandleRedirect:1662] Unknown result value: 7, assuming online
    12/15/14 11:11:37.553 PM UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Authenticated
    12/15/14 11:11:39.155 PM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1+: v6(en1:2601:9:4080:1145:3e15:c2ff:feec:e6b8) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/15/14 11:11:41.361 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.appkit.xpc.sandboxedServiceRunner) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    12/15/14 11:11:41.361 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.DataDetectorsDynamicData) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    12/15/14 11:11:41.366 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.FileSyncAgent.PHD.isRunning) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    12/15/14 11:11:41.367 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbloginhelper.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    12/15/14 11:11:41.368 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbpluginhost.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    12/15/14 11:11:41.371 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    12/15/14 11:11:41.371 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) The ServiceIPC key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
    12/15/14 11:11:41.372 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.speech.speechsynthesisd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    12/15/14 11:11:41.374 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.TrustEvaluationAgent) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    12/15/14 11:11:41.375 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.user.200) Caller specified a plist with bad ownership/permissions: path = /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist, caller = softwareupdated.179
    12/15/14 11:11:41.375 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.user.200) Failed to bootstrap path: path = /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist, error = 122: Path had bad ownership/permissions
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:41.000 PM kernel[0]: BUG in process suhelperd[181]: over-released legacy external boost assertions (1 total, 1 external, 0 legacy-external)
    12/15/14 11:11:44.000 PM kernel[0]: nspace-handler-set-snapshot-time: 1418713906
    12/15/14 11:11:44.548 PM com.apple.mtmd[23]: Set snapshot time: 2014-12-15 23:11:46 -0800 (current time: 2014-12-15 23:11:44 -0800)
    12/15/14 11:11:44.600 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.FileSyncAgent.PHD.isRunning) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    12/15/14 11:11:44.602 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbloginhelper.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    12/15/14 11:11:44.602 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbpluginhost.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    12/15/14 11:11:44.605 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    12/15/14 11:11:44.606 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) The ServiceIPC key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
    12/15/14 11:11:44.607 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.speech.speechsynthesisd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    12/15/14 11:11:44.608 PM com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.TrustEvaluationAgent) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    12/15/14 11:11:44.968 PM mds[33]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7f899b0bc000 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/Recovery HD
    12/15/14 11:11:45.328 PM lsregister[167]: LaunchServices: Begin database seeding
    12/15/14 11:11:45.328 PM lsregister[167]: LaunchServices: Completed database seeding
    12/15/14 11:11:45.107 PM ntpd[136]: time set -0.956977 s
    12/15/14 11:11:45.000 PM kernel[0]: IOPPF: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement mode
    12/15/14 11:11:45.000 PM kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    12/15/14 11:11:45.000 PM kernel[0]: fGPUIdleIntervalMS = 0
    12/15/14 11:11:45.000 PM kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    12/15/14 11:11:45.000 PM kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    12/15/14 11:11:45.000 PM kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    12/15/14 11:11:45.000 PM kernel[0]: hfs: unmount initiated on Recovery HD on device disk0s3
    12/15/14 11:11:45.000 PM kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendStepper - Done!
    12/15/14 11:11:45.000 PM kernel[0]: en2: promiscuous mode enable succeeded
    12/15/14 11:11:45.976 PM WindowServer[130]: Session 257 retained (2 references)
    12/15/14 11:11:45.976 PM WindowServer[130]: Session 257 released (1 references)
    12/15/14 11:11:45.000 PM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 78:cd:8e:44:cd:b8
    12/15/14 11:11:45.998 PM WindowServer[130]: Session 257 retained (2 references)
    12/15/14 11:11:46.003 PM WindowServer[130]: init_page_flip: page flip mode is on
    12/15/14 11:11:46.000 PM kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from SUSPENDED to AUTO
    12/15/14 11:11:46.000 PM kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlAutoMode Resuming AWDL
    12/15/14 11:11:46.199 PM WindowServer[130]: Found 15 modes for display 0x00000000 [15, 0]
    12/15/14 11:11:46.203 PM WindowServer[130]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    12/15/14 11:11:46.205 PM WindowServer[130]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    12/15/14 11:11:46.207 PM WindowServer[130]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    12/15/14 11:11:46.209 PM WindowServer[130]: mux_initialize: Couldn't find any matches
    12/15/14 11:11:46.214 PM WindowServer[130]: Found 15 modes for display 0x00000000 [15, 0]
    12/15/14 11:11:46.218 PM WindowServer[130]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    12/15/14 11:11:46.218 PM WindowServer[130]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    12/15/14 11:11:46.219 PM WindowServer[130]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    12/15/14 11:11:46.236 PM WindowServer[130]: WSMachineUsesNewStyleMirroring: true
    12/15/14 11:11:46.238 PM WindowServer[130]: Display 0x042730c0: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[1280 x 800], 15 modes available
    Main, Active, on-line, enabled, built-in, boot, Vendor 610, Model 9cc3, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
    UUID 0x68fe312b5ef0e0a1bcd88890b73c7b3a
    12/15/14 11:11:46.238 PM WindowServer[130]: Display 0x003f0040: GL mask 0x10; bounds (0, 0)[4096 x 2160], 2 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 4, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    12/15/14 11:11:46.238 PM WindowServer[130]: Display 0x003f003f: GL mask 0x8; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 3, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    12/15/14 11:11:46.238 PM WindowServer[130]: Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x4; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 2, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    12/15/14 11:11:46.238 PM WindowServer[130]: Display 0x003f003d: GL mask 0x2; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 1, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    12/15/14 11:11:4

    Hi @hp2427 
    Thank you for your query, I will do my best to help!
    I grasp that your notebook is taking a long time to boot up.  Here is a link to  Resolving slow system performance (Windows 8)
    If the issue should still remain please contact HP support for further assistance.  They can remotely access you sytem to help alleviate issues.
    Please call our technical support at 800 474 6836. If you live outside the US/Canada Region, please click the link below to get a support number for your region.
    World Wide Phone Support
    Good Luck!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • Mavericks takes 11 mins to boot, what is causing this?

    I believe this has started happening since upgrading from Mountain Lion to Mavericks.  Applications take a long time to start and the Mac is generally sluggish.  ML did not show this behaviour.
    My MBP takes 11 minutes in total from power on to restoring Mail, Google Chrome, Sublime Text 2, Terminal, 1Password.  I also started Console while it was booting up to check it's progress.  It took 11 minutes before I had my 6 tabs loaded in Chrome and the Mac was usable.
    I've noticed that there is a truckload of messages in my system.log, and many of them don't look good.  There is so much however, that I'm not sure where to start investigating the problem.  Can anyone help to point to the cause of this problem?  My Mac is becoming unusable for daily work at this point.
    system.log from boot to usable state:
    Feb  7 10:30:34 localhost bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1391729434 0
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost syslogd[23]: Configuration Notice:
      ASL Module "com.apple.appstore" claims selected messages.
      Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost syslogd[23]: Configuration Notice:
      ASL Module "com.apple.authd" sharing output destination "/var/log/system.log" with ASL Module "com.apple.asl".
      Output parameters from ASL Module "com.apple.asl" override any specified in ASL Module "com.apple.authd".
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost syslogd[23]: Configuration Notice:
      ASL Module "com.apple.authd" claims selected messages.
      Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost syslogd[23]: Configuration Notice:
      ASL Module "com.apple.bookstore" claims selected messages.
      Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost syslogd[23]: Configuration Notice:
      ASL Module "com.apple.eventmonitor" claims selected messages.
      Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost syslogd[23]: Configuration Notice:
      ASL Module "com.apple.install" claims selected messages.
      Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost syslogd[23]: Configuration Notice:
      ASL Module "com.apple.iokit.power" claims selected messages.
      Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost syslogd[23]: Configuration Notice:
      ASL Module "com.apple.mail" claims selected messages.
      Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost syslogd[23]: Configuration Notice:
      ASL Module "com.apple.MessageTracer" claims selected messages.
      Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost syslogd[23]: Configuration Notice:
      ASL Module "com.apple.performance" claims selected messages.
      Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost syslogd[23]: Configuration Notice:
      ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
      Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    Feb  7 10:31:09 --- last message repeated 6 times ---
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: Longterm timer threshold: 1000 ms
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: PMAP: PCID enabled
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: Darwin Kernel Version 13.0.0: Thu Sep 19 22:22:27 PDT 2013; root:xnu-2422.1.72~6/RELEASE_X86_64
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: vm_page_bootstrap: 923761 free pages and 116623 wired pages
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: kext submap [0xffffff7f807a5000 - 0xffffff8000000000], kernel text [0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80007a5000]
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: zone leak detection enabled
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: "vm_compressor_mode" is 4
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: standard background quantum is 2500 us
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: mig_table_max_displ = 74
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: TSC Deadline Timer supported and enabled
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=2 LocalApicId=2 Enabled
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=3 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=4 LocalApicId=3 Enabled
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=5 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=6 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=7 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=8 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: MAC Framework successfully initialized
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore starting (BUILT: Sep 19 2013 22:20:34)
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: ACPI: sleep states S3 S4 S5
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: pci (build 22:16:29 Sep 19 2013), flags 0x63008, pfm64 (36 cpu) 0xf80000000, 0x80000000
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: [ PCI configuration begin ]
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: Turbo Ratios 0046
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: (built 22:16:38 Sep 19 2013) initialization complete
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: console relocated to 0xf80000000
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: [ PCI configuration end, bridges 12, devices 16 ]
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: mcache: 4 CPU(s), 64 bytes CPU cache line size
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: mbinit: done [64 MB total pool size, (42/21) split]
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: Pthread support ABORTS when sync kernel primitives misused
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 5B19EF52-21BC-32CA-A228-08C1508DDF58
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleIntelPchS eriesAHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOB lockStorageDriver/Hitachi HTS545032B9A302 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Customer@2
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s2, major 1, minor 1
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: BTCOEXIST off
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: BRCM tunables:
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: pullmode[1] txringsize[  256] txsendqsize[1024] reapmin[   32] reapcount[  128]
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Lucent ID 5901 built-in now active, GUID 70cd60fffecc5550; max speed s800.
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Macintosh HD on device root_device
    Feb  7 10:31:02 localhost kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized
    Feb  7 10:30:35 localhost com.apple.launchd[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Feb  7 10:30:35 localhost com.apple.launchd[1]: *** Shutdown logging is enabled. ***
    Feb  7 10:30:55 localhost com.apple.SecurityServer[14]: Session 100000 created
    Feb  7 10:31:04 localhost hidd[48]: void __IOHIDPlugInLoadBundles(): Loaded 0 HID plugins
    Feb  7 10:31:04 localhost hidd[48]: Posting 'com.apple.iokit.hid.displayStatus' notifyState=1
    Feb  7 10:31:04 localhost distnoted[68]: # distnote server daemon  absolute time: 30.639608355   civil time: Fri Feb  7 10:31:04 2014   pid: 68 uid: 0  root: yes
    Feb  7 10:31:04 localhost distnoted[68]: assertion failed: 13B42: liblaunch.dylib + 25164 [FCBF0A02-0B06-3F97-9248-5062A9DEB32C]: 0x25
    Feb  7 10:31:05 localhost xpcd[72]: sandbox cache error 3850
    Feb  7 10:31:05 localhost blued[59]: sandbox cache error 3850
    Feb  7 10:31:05 localhost wdhelper[19]: sandbox cache error 11: database disk image is malformed
    Feb  7 10:31:05 localhost kernel[0]: Waiting for DSMOS...
    Feb  7 10:31:05 localhost kernel[0]: VM Swap Subsystem is ON
    Feb  7 10:31:08 localhost kernel[0]: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete():  adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
    Feb  7 10:31:08 localhost kernel[0]: IO80211Interface::efiNVRAMPublished(): 
    Feb  7 10:31:10 localhost kdc[46]: label: default
    Feb  7 10:31:10 localhost kdc[46]:  dbname: od:/Local/Default
    Feb  7 10:31:10 localhost kdc[46]:  mkey_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/m-key
    Feb  7 10:31:10 localhost kdc[46]:  acl_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/kadmind.acl
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost com.apple.usbmuxd[21]: usbmuxd-323.1 on Oct  3 2013 at 12:43:24, running 64 bit
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: ast_pending=0xffffff800fecad20
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: cpu_interrupt=0xffffff800fee37d0
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: vboxdrv: fAsync=0 offMin=0xb68 offMax=0xde6
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: VBoxDrv: version 4.2.16 r86992; IOCtl version 0x1a0005; IDC version 0x10000; dev major=18
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: VBoxDrv: vmx_resume=ffffff800fef0190 vmx_suspend=ffffff800fef0150 vmx_use_count=ffffff80104d8848 (0) cr4=0x606e0
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: Previous Shutdown Cause: 5
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: SMC::smcInitHelper ERROR: MMIO regMap == NULL - fall back to old SMC mode
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: flow_divert_kctl_disconnect (0): disconnecting group 1
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: init
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: probe
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: start
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController][start] -- completed
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: IOBluetoothUSBDFU::probe
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: IOBluetoothUSBDFU::probe ProductID - 0x821A FirmwareVersion - 0x0042
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- completed -- result = TRUE -- 0xc400 ****
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: **** [BroadcomBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- Completed -- 0xc400 ****
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController][staticBluetoothHCIControllerTransportShowsUp] -- Received Bluetooth Controller register service notification -- 0xc400
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHCIController][protectedBluetoothHCIControllerTransportShowsUp] -- Connected to the transport successfully -- 0x7100 -- 0x5000 -- 0xc400 ****
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost com.apple.SecurityServer[14]: Entering service
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: DSMOS has arrived
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost digest-service[73]: label: default
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost digest-service[73]:   dbname: od:/Local/Default
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost digest-service[73]:   mkey_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/m-key
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost digest-service[73]:   acl_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/kadmind.acl
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost mDNSResponder[39]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-522.1.11 (Aug 24 2013 23:49:34) starting OSXVers 13
    Feb  7 10:31:12 localhost kernel[0]: mTail has not been written to hardware: mTail = 0x00000000, hardare tail register = 0x00000040
    Feb  7 10:31:13 localhost UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Inactive
    Feb  7 10:31:13 localhost UserEventAgent[11]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/alfUIplugin.plugin
    Feb  7 10:31:13 localhost mDNSResponder[39]: D2D_IPC: Loaded
    Feb  7 10:31:13 localhost mDNSResponder[39]: D2DInitialize succeeded
    Feb  7 10:31:13 localhost mDNSResponder[39]:   4: Listening for incoming Unix Domain Socket client requests
    Feb  7 10:31:13 localhost blued[59]: hostControllerOnline - Number of Paired devices = 2, List of Paired devices = (
    Feb  7 10:31:13 localhost mds[38]: (Normal) FMW: FMW 0 0
    Feb  7 10:31:13 localhost loginwindow[42]: Login Window Application Started
    Feb  7 10:31:13 localhost awacsd[61]: Starting awacsd connectivity_executables-97 (Aug 24 2013 23:49:23)
    Feb  7 10:31:13 localhost systemkeychain[86]: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
    Feb  7 10:31:13 localhost mDNSResponder[39]: mDNSPlatformSendUDP: sendto(8) failed to send packet on InterfaceID 0000000000000001   lo0/4 to skt 8 error -1 errno 51 (Network is unreachable) 498132252 MessageCount is 1
    Feb  7 10:31:13 localhost aosnotifyd[64]: aosnotifyd has been launched
    Feb  7 10:31:13 localhost mDNSResponder[39]: mDNSPlatformSendUDP: sendto(8) failed to send packet on InterfaceID 0000000000000001   lo0/4 to skt 8 error -1 errno 51 (Network is unreachable) 4793099853 MessageCount is 2
    Feb  7 10:31:14 localhost networkd[105]: networkd.105 built Aug 24 2013 22:08:46
    Feb  7 10:31:14 localhost mDNSResponder[39]: mDNSPlatformSendUDP: sendto(8) failed to send packet on InterfaceID 0000000000000001   lo0/4 to skt 8 error -1 errno 51 (Network is unreachable) 4793100171 MessageCount is 3
    Feb  7 10:31:14 localhost mDNSResponder[39]: mDNSPlatformSendUDP: sendto(8) failed to send packet on InterfaceID 0000000000000001   lo0/4 to skt 8 error -1 errno 51 (Network is unreachable) 4793100431 MessageCount is 4
    Feb  7 10:31:14 localhost mDNSResponder[39]: mDNSPlatformSendUDP: sendto(8) failed to send packet on InterfaceID 0000000000000001   lo0/4 to skt 8 error -1 errno 51 (Network is unreachable) 4793100600 MessageCount is 5
    Feb  7 10:31:14 localhost kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
    Feb  7 10:31:14 localhost apsd[63]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102)
    Feb  7 10:31:14 localhost awacsd[61]: InnerStore CopyAllZones: no info in Dynamic Store
    Feb  7 10:31:14 localhost WindowServer[104]: Server is starting up
    Feb  7 10:31:14 localhost configd[17]: dhcp_arp_router: en1 SSID unavailable
    Feb  7 10:31:14 localhost mds[38]: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
    Feb  7 10:31:14 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Feb  7 10:31:14 localhost configd[17]: network changed: DNS*
    Feb  7 10:31:14 ksmac13mbp.local configd[17]: setting hostname to "ksmac13mbp.local"
    Feb  7 10:31:14 ksmac13mbp.local mDNSResponder[39]: mDNS_Register_internal: ERROR!! Tried to register AuthRecord 00007FB0AC805D60 ksmac13mbp.local. (Addr) that's already in the list
    Feb  7 10:31:14 ksmac13mbp.local mDNSResponder[39]: mDNS_Register_internal: ERROR!! Tried to register AuthRecord 00007FB0AC8061F0 (PTR) that's already in the list
    Feb  7 10:31:14 ksmac13mbp.local mDNSResponder[39]: mDNS_Register_internal: ERROR!! Tried to register AuthRecord 00007FB0AD005360 ksmac13mbp.local. (AAAA) that's already in the list
    Feb  7 10:31:14 ksmac13mbp.local mDNSResponder[39]: mDNS_Register_internal: ERROR!! Tried to register AuthRecord 00007FB0AD0057F0 C.0.E.9.E.0.E.F.F.F.7.4.8.F.2.E. (PTR) that's already in the list
    Feb  7 10:31:14 ksmac13mbp UserEventAgent[11]: assertion failed: 13B42: com.apple.telemetry + 17189 [19C2F49F-5C72-3429-A2B4-7EF783B7F611]: 0xffffffffe0000001
    Feb  7 10:31:15 ksmac13mbp.local kdc[46]: KDC started
    Feb  7 10:31:15 ksmac13mbp.local mds[38]: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
    Feb  7 10:31:15 ksmac13mbp.local airportd[65]: airportdProcessDLILEvent: en1 attached (up)
    Feb  7 10:31:15 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: createVirtIf(): ifRole = 1
    Feb  7 10:31:15 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: in func createVirtualInterface ifRole = 1
    Feb  7 10:31:15 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4331_P2PInterface::init name <p2p0> role 1
    Feb  7 10:31:15 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4331_P2PInterface::init() <p2p> role 1
    Feb  7 10:31:15 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: Created virtif 0xffffff801c7bc400 p2p0
    Feb  7 10:31:15 ksmac13mbp.local locationd[44]: Incorrect NSStringEncoding value 0x8000100 detected. Assuming NSASCIIStringEncoding. Will stop this compatiblity mapping behavior in the near future.
    Feb  7 10:31:15 ksmac13mbp.local locationd[44]: NBB-Could not get UDID for stable refill timing, falling back on random
    Feb  7 10:31:15 ksmac13mbp.local locationd[44]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
    Feb  7 10:31:15 ksmac13mbp.local locationd[44]: locationd was started after an unclean shutdown
    Feb  7 10:31:16 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Session 256 retained (2 references)
    Feb  7 10:31:16 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Session 256 released (1 references)
    Feb  7 10:31:16 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Session 256 retained (2 references)
    Feb  7 10:31:16 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: init_page_flip: page flip mode is on
    Feb  7 10:31:16 ksmac13mbp.local digest-service[73]: digest-request: uid=0
    Feb  7 10:31:16 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: en1: 802.11d country code set to 'AU'.
    Feb  7 10:31:16 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 132 136 140 149 153 157 161 165
    Feb  7 10:31:17 ksmac13mbp.local digest-service[73]: digest-request: netr probe 0
    Feb  7 10:31:17 ksmac13mbp.local digest-service[73]: digest-request: init request
    Feb  7 10:31:17 ksmac13mbp.local digest-service[73]: digest-request: init return domain: BUILTIN server: KSMAC13MBP indomain was: <NULL>
    Feb  7 10:31:17 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 90:72:40:15:70:db  MAC AUTH succeeded
    Feb  7 10:31:17 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
    Feb  7 10:31:17 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
    Feb  7 10:31:17 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:15:70:db
    Feb  7 10:31:17 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
    Feb  7 10:31:17 ksmac13mbp.local SystemStarter[113]: VirtualBox Support and USB Drivers (120) did not complete successfully
    Feb  7 10:31:17 ksmac13mbp.local SystemStarter[113]: The following StartupItems failed to start properly:
    Feb  7 10:31:17 ksmac13mbp.local SystemStarter[113]: /Library/StartupItems/VirtualBox
    Feb  7 10:31:17 ksmac13mbp.local SystemStarter[113]:  - execution of Startup script failed
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: flow_divert_kctl_disconnect (0): disconnecting group 1
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: Sound assertion in AppleHDAController at line 2797
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Found 13 modes for display 0x00000000 [8, 5]
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Found 17 modes for display 0x00000000 [14, 3]
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    Feb  7 10:31:18 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: mux_initialize: kAGCGetMuxState (kMuxControl, kMuxControl_switchingMode) failed (0xe0000001)
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: mux_initialize: Mode is safe
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Found 13 modes for display 0x00000000 [8, 5]
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Found 17 modes for display 0x00000000 [14, 3]
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    Feb  7 10:31:18 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: WSMachineUsesNewStyleMirroring: false
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x0b42ae11: GL mask 0x2; bounds (0, 0)[1920 x 1080], 17 modes available
      Main, Active, on-line, enabled, Vendor 4c2d, Model a5d, S/N 5a593951, Unit 1, Rotation 0
      UUID 0xefc89180704d4e83f7b0c10b252ab6f3
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x003f0040: GL mask 0x10; bounds (0, 0)[1920 x 1200], 2 modes available
      off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 4, Rotation 0
      UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x003f003f: GL mask 0x8; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
      off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 3, Rotation 0
      UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x4; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
      off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 2, Rotation 0
      UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x04273140: GL mask 0x1; bounds (1920, 0)[1280 x 800], 13 modes available
      Active, on-line, enabled, built-in, boot, Vendor 610, Model 9cc5, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
      UUID 0x150089674ff1f763df4753684d4f1602
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: WSSetWindowTransform: Singular matrix
    Feb  7 10:31:18 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x0b42ae11: GL mask 0x2; bounds (0, 0)[1920 x 1080], 17 modes available
      Main, Active, on-line, enabled, Vendor 4c2d, Model a5d, S/N 5a593951, Unit 1, Rotation 0
      UUID 0xefc89180704d4e83f7b0c10b252ab6f3
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x003f0040: GL mask 0x10; bounds (4224, 0)[1 x 1], 2 modes available
      off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 4, Rotation 0
      UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x003f003f: GL mask 0x8; bounds (4225, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
      off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 3, Rotation 0
      UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x4; bounds (4226, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
      off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 2, Rotation 0
      UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x04273140: GL mask 0x1; bounds (1920, 79)[1280 x 800], 13 modes available
      Active, on-line, enabled, built-in, boot, Vendor 610, Model 9cc5, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
      UUID 0x150089674ff1f763df4753684d4f1602
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: CGXPerformInitialDisplayConfiguration
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]:   Display 0x0b42ae11: Unit 1; Vendor 0x4c2d Model 0xa5d S/N 1515796817 Dimensions 20.91 x 11.77; online enabled, Bounds (0,0)[1920 x 1080], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]:   Display 0x003f0040: Unit 4; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (4224,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]:   Display 0x003f003f: Unit 3; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (4225,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]:   Display 0x003f003e: Unit 2; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (4226,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]:   Display 0x04273140: Unit 0; Vendor 0x610 Model 0x9cc5 S/N 0 Dimensions 11.26 x 7.05; online enabled built-in, Bounds (1920,79)[1280 x 800], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    Feb  7 10:31:18 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: CGXMuxBoot: Unexpected boot switch return value (0xe00002c7)
    Feb  7 10:31:19 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01024301, GL mask 0x0000001f, accelerator 0x000048bf, unit 0, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 451 MB
    Feb  7 10:31:19 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01024301, GL mask 0x0000001f, texture max 8192, viewport max {8192, 8192}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
    Feb  7 10:31:19 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: GLCompositor enabled for tile size [256 x 256]
    Feb  7 10:31:19 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: CGXGLInitMipMap: mip map mode is on
    Feb  7 10:31:19 ksmac13mbp.local loginwindow[42]: **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
    Feb  7 10:31:19 ksmac13mbp.local blued[59]: link key found for device: 10-9a-dd-79-14-4b
    Feb  7 10:31:19 ksmac13mbp.local blued[59]: Save link key for device: 10-9a-dd-79-14-4b
    Feb  7 10:31:19 ksmac13mbp.local blued[59]: link key found for device: e8-06-88-41-52-08
    Feb  7 10:31:20 ksmac13mbp.local blued[59]: Save link key for device: e8-06-88-41-52-08
    Feb  7 10:31:20 ksmac13mbp.local mtmfs[36]: mount succeeded for /Volumes/MobileBackups
    Feb  7 10:31:20 ksmac13mbp.local mds[38]: (Normal) Volume: volume:0x7fb67302d800 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/MobileBackups
    Feb  7 10:31:20 ksmac13mbp.local mds[38]: (Normal) Volume: volume:0x7fb67302d800 ********** Created snapshot backup index
    Feb  7 10:31:20 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
    Feb  7 10:31:21 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Feb  7 10:31:21 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x0b42ae11: Unit 1; ColorProfile { 2, "S24C750"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
    Feb  7 10:31:21 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x04273140: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 3, "Color LCD"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
    Feb  7 10:31:21 ksmac13mbp.local launchctl[217]: com.apple.findmymacmessenger: Already loaded
    Feb  7 10:31:21 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x0b42ae11: Unit 1; ColorProfile { 2, "S24C750"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
    Feb  7 10:31:21 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x04273140: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 3, "Color LCD"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
    Feb  7 10:31:21 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.SecurityServer[14]: Session 100005 created
    Feb  7 10:31:21 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x0b42ae11: Unit 1; ColorProfile { 2, "S24C750"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
    Feb  7 10:31:21 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x04273140: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 3, "Color LCD"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
    Feb  7 10:31:21 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x0b42ae11: Unit 1; ColorProfile { 2, "S24C750"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
    Feb  7 10:31:21 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x04273140: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 3, "Color LCD"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
    Feb  7 10:31:21 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x0b42ae11: Unit 1; ColorProfile { 2, "S24C750"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
    Feb  7 10:31:21 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x04273140: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 3, "Color LCD"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
    Feb  7 10:31:21 ksmac13mbp.local UserEventAgent[219]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/alfUIplugin.plugin
    Feb  7 10:31:21 ksmac13mbp.local loginwindow[42]: Setting the initial value of the magsave brightness level 1
    Feb  7 10:31:21 ksmac13mbp.local loginwindow[42]: Login Window Started Security Agent
    Feb  7 10:31:22 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: _CGXGLDisplayContextForDisplayDevice: acquired display context (0x7fa282f157b0) - enabling OpenGL
    Feb  7 10:31:22 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: _CGXGLDisplayContextForDisplayDevice: acquired display context (0x7fa282f15600) - enabling OpenGL
    Feb  7 10:31:22 ksmac13mbp.local UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1655] en1: SSID 'SACON' making interface primary (protected network)
    Feb  7 10:31:22 ksmac13mbp.local configd[17]: network changed: DNS* Proxy
    Feb  7 10:31:22 ksmac13mbp.local UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Evaluating
    Feb  7 10:31:22 ksmac13mbp.local UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: en1: Probing 'SACON'
    Feb  7 10:31:22 ksmac13mbp.local configd[17]: network changed: v4(en1!: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
    Feb  7 10:31:22 ksmac13mbp.local UserEventAgent[11]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 1 connectx to failed: 64 - Host is down
    Feb  7 10:31:22 ksmac13mbp.local UserEventAgent[11]: tcp_connection_handle_destination_prepare_complete 1 failed to connect
    Feb  7 10:31:22 ksmac13mbp.local SecurityAgent[226]: This is the first run
    Feb  7 10:31:22 ksmac13mbp.local SecurityAgent[226]: MacBuddy was run = 0
    Feb  7 10:31:22 ksmac13mbp.local UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/64: The operation couldn’t be completed. Host is down
    Feb  7 10:31:22 ksmac13mbp.local UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [CaptiveHandleRedirect:1653] Unknown result value: 1, assuming online
    Feb  7 10:31:22 ksmac13mbp.local UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Authenticated
    Feb  7 10:31:23 ksmac13mbp.local ntpd[109]: proto: precision = 1.000 usec
    Feb  7 10:31:24 ksmac13mbp.local parentalcontrolsd[241]: StartObservingFSEvents [849:] -- *** StartObservingFSEvents started event stream
    Feb  7 10:31:24 ksmac13mbp.local openvpn-service[66]: PyObjCPointer created: at 0xa0f12418 of type {__CFBoolean=}
    Feb  7 10:31:24 ksmac13mbp.local openvpn-service[66]: PyObjCPointer created: at 0xa0f12410 of type {__CFBoolean=}
    Feb  7 10:31:24 ksmac13mbp.local openvpn-service[66]: PyObjCPointer created: at 0xa0f12420 of type {__CFNumber=}
    Feb  7 10:31:24 ksmac13mbp.local openvpn-service[66]: PyObjCPointer created: at 0xa0f12430 of type {__CFNumber=}
    Feb  7 10:31:24 ksmac13mbp.local openvpn-service[66]: PyObjCPointer created: at 0xa0f12440 of type {__CFNumber=}
    Feb  7 10:31:26 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.kextd[12]: kext foo.tun  100009000 is in exception list, allowing to load
    Feb  7 10:31:26 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: tun kernel extension version 20111101 <[email protected]>
    Feb  7 10:31:26 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.kextd[12]: kext foo.tap  100009000 is in exception list, allowing to load
    Feb  7 10:31:26 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: tap kernel extension version 20111101 <[email protected]>
    Feb  7 10:31:29 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: nspace-handler-set-snapshot-time: 1391729491
    Feb  7 10:31:29 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.mtmd[37]: Set snapshot time: 2014-02-07 10:31:31 +1100 (current time: 2014-02-07 10:31:29 +1100)
    Feb  7 10:31:30 ksmac13mbp.local awacsd[61]: Exiting
    Feb  7 10:31:31 ksmac13mbp.local SecurityAgent[226]: User info context values set for dharper
    Feb  7 10:31:31 ksmac13mbp.local pacemaker[114]: error reading drift value from file /var/db/ntp.drift
    Feb  7 10:31:32 ksmac13mbp.local SecurityAgent[226]: Login Window login proceeding
    Feb  7 10:31:33 ksmac13mbp.local loginwindow[42]: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
    Feb  7 10:31:33 ksmac13mbp.local loginwindow[42]: USER_PROCESS: 42 console
    Feb  7 10:31:33 ksmac13mbp.local airportd[65]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “SACON”. Bailing on auto-join.
    Feb  7 10:31:33 ksmac13mbp.local warmd[20]: [__bootcachectl_set_preheated_user_block_invoke:684] Unable to unlink preated user symlink /var/db/BootCaches/PreheatedUser: 1 Operation not permitted
    Feb  7 10:31:33 ksmac13mbp.local warmd[20]: [__bootcachectl_set_preheated_user_block_invoke:695] Unable to create preated user symlink /var/db/BootCaches/PreheatedUser to 23C047D8-0883-4F8F-8E21-7B541B6DDD4E: 17 File exists
    Feb  7 10:31:33 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0
    Feb  7 10:31:33 ksmac13mbp com.apple.launchd.peruser.505[251]: Background: Aqua: Registering new GUI session.
    Feb  7 10:31:34 ksmac13mbp com.apple.launchd.peruser.505[251] (com.apple.cmfsyncagent): Ignored this key: UserName
    Feb  7 10:31:34 ksmac13mbp com.apple.launchd.peruser.505[251] (com.apple.EscrowSecurityAlert): Unknown key: seatbelt-profiles
    Feb  7 10:31:34 ksmac13mbp com.apple.launchd.peruser.505[251] (com.apple.ReportCrash): Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
    Feb  7 10:31:34 ksmac13mbp.local launchctl[253]: com.apple.pluginkit.pkd: Already loaded
    Feb  7 10:31:34 ksmac13mbp.local launchctl[253]: com.apple.sbd: Already loaded
    Feb  7 10:31:34 ksmac13mbp.local distnoted[257]: # distnote server agent  absolute time: 60.276305245   civil time: Fri Feb  7 10:31:34 2014   pid: 257 uid: 505  root: no
    Feb  7 10:31:34 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key B0PS (kSMCKeyNotFound)
    Feb  7 10:31:34 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key B0OS (kSMCKeyNotFound)
    Feb  7 10:31:35 ksmac13mbp.local pacemaker[114]: no drift value available, exiting
    Feb  7 10:31:36 ksmac13mbp.local Little Snitch Agent[261]: Little Snitch Agent version 4052 started.
    Feb  7 10:31:37 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
    Feb  7 10:31:37 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x0b42ae11: Unit 1; ColorProfile { 2, "S24C750"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
    Feb  7 10:31:37 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: Display 0x04273140: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 3, "Color LCD"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
    Feb  7 10:31:42 ksmac13mbp.local usernoted[274]: Notification (0) for presented_notifications missing for app_id 11!
    Feb  7 10:31:44 ksmac13mbp.local usernoted[274]: ApplePushService: Timed out making blocking call, failed to perform call via XPC connection to 'com.apple.apsd'
    Feb  7 10:31:44 ksmac13mbp.local Little Snitch Network Monitor[278]: Little Snitch Network Monitor version 4052 started.
    Feb  7 10:31:45 ksmac13mbp.local usernoted[274]: ApplePushService: Timed out making blocking call, failed to perform call via XPC connection to 'com.apple.apsd'
    Feb  7 10:31:53 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[288]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class AMDRadeonX4000_AMDAccelDevice.
    Feb  7 10:31:53 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[288]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class AMDRadeonX4000_AMDAccelSharedUserClient.
    Feb  7 10:31:53 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[288]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class AMDSIVideoContext.
    Feb  7 10:31:53 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[288]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IGAccelDevice.
    Feb  7 10:31:53 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[288]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IGAccelSharedUserClient.
    Feb  7 10:31:53 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[288]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IGAccelVideoContextMain.
    Feb  7 10:31:53 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[288]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IGAccelVideoContextMedia.
    Feb  7 10:31:53 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[288]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IGAccelVideoContextVEBox.
    Feb  7 10:31:53 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[288]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IOHIDParamUserClient.
    Feb  7 10:31:53 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[288]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IOSurfaceRootUserClient.
    Feb  7 10:31:53 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[288]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class Gen6DVDContext.
    Feb  7 10:31:53 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[288]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the mach service named com.apple.AirPlayXPCHelper.
    Feb  7 10:31:56 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.SecurityServer[14]: Session 100008 created
    Feb  7 10:31:57 ksmac13mbp xpcproxy[297]: assertion failed: 13B42: xpcproxy + 3438 [EE7817B0-1FA1-3603-B88A-BD5E595DA86F]: 0x2
    Feb  7 10:31:57 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[288]: The plug-in named BluetoothAudioPlugIn.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IOBluetoothDeviceUserClient.
    Feb  7 10:31:57 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[288]: The plug-in named BluetoothAudioPlugIn.driver requires extending the sandbox for the mach service named com.apple.blued.
    Feb  7 10:31:57 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[288]: The plug-in named BluetoothAudioPlugIn.driver requires extending the sandbox for the mach service named com.apple.bluetoothaudiod.
    Feb  7 10:32:00 ksmac13mbp.local apsd[286]: Unrecognized leaf certificate
    Feb  7 10:32:01 ksmac13mbp.local UserEventAgent[256]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/alfUIplugin.plugin
    Feb  7 10:32:02 ksmac13mbp xpcproxy[300]: assertion failed: 13B42: xpcproxy + 3438 [EE7817B0-1FA1-3603-B88A-BD5E595DA86F]: 0x2
    Feb  7 10:32:06 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.SecurityServer[14]: Session 100010 created
    Feb  7 10:32:06 ksmac13mbp.local coreaudiod[281]: Error loading /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/JackRouter.plugin/Contents/MacOS/JackRouter:  dlopen(/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/JackRouter.plugin/Contents/MacOS/JackRouter, 262): Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/Jackmp.framework/Versions/A/Jackmp
        Referenced from: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/JackRouter.plugin/Contents/MacOS/JackRouter
        Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
        /Library/Frameworks/Jackmp.framework/Versions/A/Jackmp: stat() failed with errno=1
    Feb  7 10:32:06 ksmac13mbp.local coreaudiod[281]: Cannot find function pointer New_JackRouterPlugIn for factory 7CB18864-927D-48B5-904C-CCFBCFBC7ADD in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x7fd489607eb0 </Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/JackRouter.plugin> (bundle, not loaded)
    Feb  7 10:32:07 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "SystemUIServer" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
    Feb  7 10:32:08 ksmac13mbp.local sharingd[305]: Starting Up...
    Feb  7 10:32:08 ksmac13mbp.local coreaudiod[281]: 2014-02-07 10:32:08.486562 AM [AirPlay] AirPlay: Performing audio format change for 4 (AP Out) to PCM,  44100 Hz, 16-bit, Stereo
    Feb  7 10:32:08 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: common_reenable_update: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "SystemUIServer" after 2.80 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
    Feb  7 10:32:10 ksmac13mbp revisiond[30]: objc[30]: Class GSLockToken is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GenerationalStorage.framework/Versions/A/Supp ort/revisiond and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GenerationalStorage.framework/Versions/A/Gene rationalStorage. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    Feb  7 10:32:12 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=316[ksadmin] final status 0x0, allow (remove VALID)ing page
    Feb  7 10:32:13 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.IconServicesAgent[314]: IconServicesAgent launched.
    Feb  7 10:32:18 ksmac13mbp.local SystemUIServer[279]: Cannot find executable for CFBundle 0x7fedfbf06b20 </System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/Clock.menu> (not loaded)
    Feb  7 10:32:18 ksmac13mbp.local SystemUIServer[279]: Cannot find executable for CFBundle 0x7fedfbe388f0 </System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/Volume.menu> (not loaded)
    Feb  7 10:32:19 ksmac13mbp.local coreaudiod[281]: 10:32:19.540 WARNING:   [SystemSoundServer] >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:596: QueryBundle: AudioComponentPluginLoader: can't create bundle: BassStation.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/
    Feb  7 10:32:19 ksmac13mbp.local coreaudiod[281]: 10:32:19.554 WARNING:   [SystemSoundServer] >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:596: QueryBundle: AudioComponentPluginLoader: can't create bundle: BassStationStereo.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/
    Feb  7 10:32:19 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: Sandbox: coreaudiod(281) deny file-read-metadata /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/FFPlugSuite.component/Contents
    Feb  7 10:32:19 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: Sandbox: coreaudiod(281) deny file-read-metadata /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/FFPlugSuite.component
    Feb  7 10:32:19 ksmac13mbp.local coreaudiod[281]: 10:32:19.558 WARNING:   [SystemSoundServer] >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:596: QueryBundle: AudioComponentPluginLoader: can't create bundle: FFPlugSuite.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/
    Feb  7 10:32:19 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: Sandbox: coreaudiod(281) deny file-read-data /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/JACK-insert.component
    Feb  7 10:32:19 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: Sandbox: coreaudiod(281) deny file-read-metadata /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/JACK-insert.component/Contents
    Feb  7 10:32:19 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: Sandbox: coreaudiod(281) deny file-read-metadata /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/JACK-insert.component
    Feb  7 10:32:19 ksmac13mbp.local coreaudiod[281]: 10:32:19.559 WARNING:   [SystemSoundServer] >compload> AudioComponentPluginLoader.cpp:596: QueryBundle: AudioComponentPluginLoader: can't create bundle: JACK-insert.component -- file:///Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/
    Feb  7 10:32:20 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Terminal" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
    Feb  7 10:32:22 ksmac13mbp.local syncdefaultsd[293]: [AOSAccounts] : IAAppProvider::CopyAccountUIDForUser Timed out waiting
    Feb  7 10:32:22 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.time[256]: Interval maximum value is 946100000 seconds (specified value: 9223372036854775807).
    Feb  7 10:32:25 ksmac13mbp.local SystemUIServer[279]: Cannot find executable for CFBundle 0x7fedfbc49db0 </System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/Battery.menu> (not loaded)
    Feb  7 10:32:25 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: common_reenable_update: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Terminal" after 6.25 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
    Feb  7 10:32:25 ksmac13mbp.local sandboxd[301] ([281]): coreaudiod(281) deny file-read-metadata /Library/Frameworks/Jackmp.framework/Versions/A/Jackmp
    Feb  7 10:32:27 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Notification Center" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
    Feb  7 10:32:27 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: common_reenable_update: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Notification Center" after 2.00 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.41 seconds)
    Feb  7 10:32:32 ksmac13mbp.local login[325]: USER_PROCESS: 325 ttys005
    Feb  7 10:32:33 ksmac13mbp.local login[318]: USER_PROCESS: 318 ttys000
    Feb  7 10:32:33 ksmac13mbp.local login[324]: USER_PROCESS: 324 ttys004
    Feb  7 10:32:33 ksmac13mbp.local login[321]: USER_PROCESS: 321 ttys001
    Feb  7 10:32:33 ksmac13mbp.local login[323]: USER_PROCESS: 323 ttys003
    Feb  7 10:32:34 ksmac13mbp.local login[322]: USER_PROCESS: 322 ttys002
    Feb  7 10:32:35 ksmac13mbp com.apple.launchd.peruser.505[251] ([email protected][362]): Job failed to exec(3). Setting up event to tell us when to try again: 2: No such file or directory
    Feb  7 10:32:35 ksmac13mbp com.apple.launchd.peruser.505[251] ([email protected][362]): Job failed to exec(3) for weird reason: 2
    Feb  7 10:32:35 ksmac13mbp com.apple.launchd.peruser.505[251] (com.valvesoftware.steamclean[361]): Job failed to exec(3). Setting up event to tell us when to try again: 2: No such file or directory
    Feb  7 10:32:35 ksmac13mbp com.apple.launchd.peruser.505[251] (com.valvesoftware.steamclean[361]): Job failed to exec(3) for weird reason: 2
    Feb  7 10:32:35 ksmac13mbp com.apple.launchd.peruser.505[251] (com.paragon.ntfs.upd[344]): Job failed to exec(3). Setting up event to tell us when to try again: 2: No such file or directory
    Feb  7 10:32:35 ksmac13mbp com.apple.launchd.peruser.505[251] (com.paragon.ntfs.upd[344]): Job failed to exec(3) for weird reason: 2
    Feb  7 10:32:36 ksmac13mbp com.apple.launchd.peruser.505[251] (com.getdropbox.dropbox.30656[366]): Spawned and waiting for the debugger to attach before continuing...
    Feb  7 10:32:36 ksmac13mbp com.apple.launchd.peruser.505[251] (com.yellowmug.SizzlingKeys.41040[371]): Spawned and waiting for the debugger to attach before continuing...
    Feb  7 10:32:40 ksmac13mbp.local WiFiKeychainProxy[346]: [NO client logger] <Aug 30 2013 23:40:46> WIFICLOUDSYNC WiFiCloudSyncEngineCreate: created...
    Feb  7 10:32:40 ksmac13mbp.local WiFiKeychainProxy[346]: [NO client logger] <Aug 30 2013 23:40:46> WIFICLOUDSYNC WiFiCloudSyncEngineRegisterCallbacks: WiFiCloudSyncEngineCallbacks version - 0, bundle id - com.apple.wifi.WiFiKeychainProxy
    Feb  7 10:32:40 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Finder" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
    Feb  7 10:32:43 ksmac13mbp.local sandboxd[301] ([281]): coreaudiod(281) deny file-read-data /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/BassStation.component
    Feb  7 10:32:54 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.SecurityServer[14]: Session 100014 created
    Feb  7 10:32:54 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: disable_update_likely_unbalanced: UI updates still disabled by application "Finder" after 15.00 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds). Likely an unbalanced disableUpdate call.
    Feb  7 10:32:56 ksmac13mbp accountsd[398]: assertion failed: 13B42: liblaunch.dylib + 25164 [FCBF0A02-0B06-3F97-9248-5062A9DEB32C]: 0x25
    Feb  7 10:32:57 ksmac13mbp kernel[0]: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=432[ksadmin] final status 0x0, allow (remove VALID)ing page
    Feb  7 10:33:00 ksmac13mbp.local 1PasswordAgent[359]: Starting 1PasswordAgent 3.8.21 #32009 built Apr 24 2013 16:09:31
    Feb  7 10:33:00 ksmac13mbp.local sandboxd[301] ([281]): coreaudiod(281) deny file-read-metadata /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/BassStation.component/Contents
    Feb  7 10:33:01 ksmac13mbp.local 1PasswordAgent[359]: Trying to load Localizable.strings [English] from the main bundle
    Feb  7 10:33:01 ksmac13mbp com.apple.launchd.peruser.505[251] (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[350]): Exited with code: 255
    Feb  7 10:33:01 ksmac13mbp.local 1PasswordAgent[359]: Cannot find English version, using English localization for Localizable.strings
    Feb  7 10:33:05 ksmac13mbp.local SizzlingKeys[371]: Could not find image named '328A8A71-B6D2-4F06-9D2C-891144846220'.
    Feb  7 10:33:05 ksmac13mbp.local com.apple.SecurityServer[14]: Session 100015 created
    Feb  7 10:33:06 ksmac13mbp.local SizzlingKeys[371]: Could not find image named '5EF5A368-06F0-475B-B961-91342C69B89B'.
    Feb  7 10:33:06 ksmac13mbp.local SizzlingKeys[371]: Could not find image named 'BA980D51-FB31-4BCE-B211-5ECC983F06F7'.
    Feb  7 10:33:09 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: common_reenable_update: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Finder" after 30.01 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
    Feb  7 10:33:10 ksmac13mbp.local Finder[280]: void CGSUpdateManager::log() const: conn 0xe607: spurious update.
    Feb  7 10:33:10 ksmac13mbp.local assistantd[357]: Error loading /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/JackRouter.plugin/Contents/MacOS/JackRouter:  dlopen(/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/JackRouter.plugin/Contents/MacOS/JackRouter, 262): Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/Jackmp.framework/Versions/A/Jackmp
        Referenced from: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/JackRouter.plugin/Contents/MacOS/JackRouter
        Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
        /Library/Frameworks/Jackmp.framework/Versions/A/Jackmp: open() failed with errno=1
    Feb  7 10:33:10 ksmac13mbp.local assistantd[357]: Cannot find function pointer New_JackRouterPlugIn for factory 7CB18864-927D-48B5-904C-CCFBCFBC7ADD in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x7fe1904141b0 </Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/JackRouter.plugin> (bundle, not loaded)
    Feb  7 10:33:10 ksmac13mbp.local sandboxd[301] ([281]): coreaudiod(281) deny file-read-metadata /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/BassStation.component
    Feb  7 10:33:11 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Finder" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
    Feb  7 10:33:11 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: common_reenable_update: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Finder" after 1.54 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
    Feb  7 10:33:12 ksmac13mbp.local talagent[272]: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0x30
    Feb  7 10:33:12 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: _CGXWindowRightsRelinquish: Invalid window 0x30
    Feb  7 10:33:12 ksmac13mbp.local talagent[272]: CGSConnectionRelinquishWindowRights(cid, result, reservedRights): CGError 1001 on line 875
    Feb  7 10:33:12 ksmac13mbp.local talagent[272]: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0x31
    Feb  7 10:33:12 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: _CGXWindowRightsRelinquish: Invalid window 0x31
    Feb  7 10:33:12 ksmac13mbp.local talagent[272]: CGSConnectionRelinquishWindowRights(cid, result, reservedRights): CGError 1001 on line 875
    Feb  7 10:33:12 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: CGXReleaseWindowList: Invalid window 48 (index 0/2)
    Feb  7 10:33:12 ksmac13mbp.local WindowServer[104]: CGXReleaseWindowList: Invalid window 49 (index 1/2)
    Feb  7 10:33:16 ksmac13mbp.local sandboxd[301] ([281]): coreaudiod(281) deny file-read-data /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/BassStationStereo.component
    Feb  7 10:33:21 ksmac13mbp.local storeagent[438]: FCIsAppAllowedToLaunchExt [343] -- *** _FCMIGAppCanLaunch timed out. Returning false.
    Feb  7 10:33:21 ksmac13mbp.local SystemUIServer[279]: *** WARNING: -[NSImage compositeToPoint:operation:fraction:] is deprecated in MacOSX 10.8 and later. Please use -[NSImage drawAtPoint:fromRect:operation:fraction:] instead.
    Feb  7 10:33:21 ksmac13mbp.local SystemUIServer[279]: *** WARNING: -[NSImage compositeToPoint:fromRect:operation:fraction:] is deprecated in MacOSX 10.8 and later. Please use -[NSImage drawAtPoint:fromRect:operation:fraction:] instead.
    Feb  7 10:33:24 ksmac13mbp.local sandboxd[301] ([281]): coreaudiod(281) deny file-read-metadata /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/BassStationStereo.component/Contents
    Feb  7 10:33:25 ksmac13mbp.local parentalcontrolsd[483]: StartObservingFSEvents [849:] -- *** StartObservingFSEvents started event stream
    Feb  7 10:33:25 ksmac13mbp.local Dock[277]: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Singular matrix [inf 0.000 0.000 inf]
    Feb  7 10:33:27 ksmac13mbp.local sandboxd[301] ([281]): coreaudiod(281) deny file-read-metadata /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/BassStationStereo.component
    Feb  7 10:33:28 ksmac13mbp com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.quicklook.satellite.F9C23D34-8D9D-4330-8B8E-CB40B3C6FFEA[445]): Exited: Killed: 9
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[442]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd. : LSXPCClient.cp #426 ___ZN26LSClientToServerConnection21setupServerConnectionEiPK14__CFDictionary_bl ock_invoke() q=com.apple.main-thread
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[442]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd.
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[448]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd. : LSXPCClient.cp #426 ___ZN26LSClientToServerConnection21setupServerConnectionEiPK14__CFDictionary_bl ock_invoke() q=com.apple.main-thread
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[446]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd. : LSXPCClient.cp #426 ___ZN26LSClientToServerConnection21setupServerConnectionEiPK14__CFDictionary_bl ock_invoke() q=com.apple.main-thread
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[449]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd. : LSXPCClient.cp #426 ___ZN26LSClientToServerConnection21setupServerConnectionEiPK14__CFDictionary_bl ock_invoke() q=com.apple.main-thread
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[448]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd.
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[446]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd.
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[449]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd.
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[447]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd. : LSXPCClient.cp #426 ___ZN26LSClientToServerConnection21setupServerConnectionEiPK14__CFDictionary_bl ock_invoke() q=com.apple.main-thread
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[451]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd. : LSXPCClient.cp #426 ___ZN26LSClientToServerConnection21setupServerConnectionEiPK14__CFDictionary_bl ock_invoke() q=com.apple.main-thread
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[444]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd. : LSXPCClient.cp #426 ___ZN26LSClientToServerConnection21setupServerConnectionEiPK14__CFDictionary_bl ock_invoke() q=com.apple.main-thread
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[450]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd. : LSXPCClient.cp #426 ___ZN26LSClientToServerConnection21setupServerConnectionEiPK14__CFDictionary_bl ock_invoke() q=com.apple.main-thread
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[441]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd. : LSXPCClient.cp #426 ___ZN26LSClientToServerConnection21setupServerConnectionEiPK14__CFDictionary_bl ock_invoke() q=com.apple.main-thread
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[447]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd.
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[440]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd. : LSXPCClient.cp #426 ___ZN26LSClientToServerConnection21setupServerConnectionEiPK14__CFDictionary_bl ock_invoke() q=com.apple.main-thread
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[443]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd. : LSXPCClient.cp #426 ___ZN26LSClientToServerConnection21setupServerConnectionEiPK14__CFDictionary_bl ock_invoke() q=com.apple.main-thread
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[451]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd.
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[444]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd.
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[450]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd.
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[441]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd.
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[443]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd.
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[440]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd.
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[441]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1100)
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[443]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1100)
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[448]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1100)
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[447]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1100)
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[450]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1100)
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[440]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1100)
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[446]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1100)
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[442]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1100)
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[444]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1100)
    Feb  7 10:33:29 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[449]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1100)
    Feb  7 10:33:30 ksmac13mbp.local Google Chrome Helper[451]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1100)
    Feb  7 10:33:32 ksmac13mbp.local secd[313

    Here's my report:
    Hardware Information:
              MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2011)
              MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,1
              1 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 2 cores
              4 GB RAM
    Video Information:
              Intel HD Graphics 3000 - VRAM: 384 MB
    System Software:
              OS X 10.9.1 (13B42) - Uptime: 0 days 0:26:34
    Disk Information:
              Hitachi HTS545032B9A302 disk0 : (320.07 GB)
                        EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
                        Macintosh HD (disk0s2) /: 319.21 GB (71.32 GB free)
                        Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
              MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-898 
    USB Information:
              Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
              Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
              Logitech USB Optical Mouse
              Apple Inc. BRCM2070 Hub
                        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
              Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    FireWire Information:
    Thunderbolt Information:
              Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
    Kernel Extensions:
              at.obdev.nke.LittleSnitch          (4052 - SDK 10.8)
              org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv          (4.2.16)
              org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB          (4.2.16)
              foo.tun          (1.0)
              foo.tap          (1.0)
    Startup Items:
              VirtualBox: Path: /Library/StartupItems/VirtualBox
    Problem System Launch Daemons:
    Problem System Launch Agents:
              [System] com.paragon.NTFS.trial.plist 3rd-Party support link
              [System] com.paragon.NTFS.upd.plist 3rd-Party support link
    Launch Daemons:
              [System] at.obdev.littlesnitchd.plist 3rd-Party support link
              [System] com.bresink.system.securityagent3a.plist 3rd-Party support link
              [System] net.openvpn.client.plist 3rd-Party support link
    Launch Agents:
              [System] at.obdev.LittleSnitchUIAgent.plist 3rd-Party support link
              [System] org.afraid.freedns.plist 3rd-Party support link
    User Launch Agents:
              [not loaded] com.apple.CSConfigDotMacCert-[...]@me.com-SharedServices.Agent.plist
              [not loaded] com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist 3rd-Party support link
              [not loaded] homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist 3rd-Party support link
              [not loaded] org.virtualbox.vboxwebsrv.plist 3rd-Party support link
              [not loaded] ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist 3rd-Party support link
    User Login Items:
    Internet Plug-ins:
              AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: Version: 10.1.7 3rd-Party support link
              Flash Player: Version: 11.9.900.117 - SDK 10.6 Outdated! Update
              WacomNetscape: Version: 1.1.0-5 3rd-Party support link
              AdobePDFViewer: Version: 10.1.7 3rd-Party support link
              Unity Web Player: Version: UnityPlayer version 4.3.1f1 - SDK 10.6 3rd-Party support link
              googletalkbrowserplugin: Version: 3rd-Party support link
              SpeedDownload Browser Plugin: Version: 2.1.5 - SDK 10.4 3rd-Party support link
              iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0 - SDK 10.8
              RealPlayer Plugin: Version: Unknown
              QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
              FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: 11.9.900.117 - SDK 10.6 3rd-Party support link
              npgtpo3dautoplugin: Version: - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
              DivXBrowserPlugin: Version: 2.1 3rd-Party support link
              OVSHelper: Version: 1.1 3rd-Party support link
              Silverlight: Version: 5.1.20913.0 - SDK 10.6 3rd-Party support link
              Default Browser: Version: 537 - SDK 10.9
              Flip4Mac WMV Plugin: Version: 3rd-Party support link
              o1dbrowserplugin: Version: 3rd-Party support link
              SharePointBrowserPlugin: Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.6 3rd-Party support link
              WacomSafari: Version: 1.1.0-5 3rd-Party support link
              JavaAppletPlugin: Version: 14.9.0 - SDK 10.7 Outdated! Update
              OfficeLiveBrowserPlugin: Version: 12.2.8 3rd-Party support link
    Audio Plug-ins:
              BluetoothAudioPlugIn: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.9
              AirPlay: Version: 1.9 - SDK 10.9
              AppleAVBAudio: Version: 2.0.0 - SDK 10.9
              iSightAudio: Version: 7.7.3 - SDK 10.9
    User Internet Plug-ins:
              iGetterScriptablePlugin: Version: 2.8.7 3rd-Party support link
              iGetterBundle: Version: 2.8.7 3rd-Party support link
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              VLC Streamer  3rd-Party support link
    Bad Fonts:
    Old Applications:
              Microsoft Office Reminders:          Version: 14.1.3 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Office Reminders.localized/Microsoft Office Reminders.app
              Microsoft Language Register:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Additional Tools/Microsoft Language Register/Microsoft Language Register.app
              Notify:          Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        /Library/Application Support/OpenVPN/Notify.app
              Microsoft Database Utility:          Version: 14.1.3 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Database Utility.localized/Microsoft Database Utility.app
              SLLauncher:          Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Silverlight/OutOfBrowser/SLLauncher.app
              Viscosity:          Version: 1.4.7 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
              XLD:          Version: 20130407 - SDK 10.4 3rd-Party support link
              ProjectArtTracker:          Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
              /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011
                        Microsoft PowerPoint:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        Microsoft Excel:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        Microsoft Outlook:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        Microsoft Word:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        Microsoft Document Connection:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
              DockPlistEdit:          Version: 7.0 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        /Library/Parallels/Uninstaller/Parallels Hypervisor/DockPlistEdit.app
              /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office
                        Microsoft Graph:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        Microsoft Database Utility:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        Microsoft Office Reminders:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        Microsoft Upload Center:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        My Day:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        SyncServicesAgent:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        Open XML for Excel:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        Microsoft Alerts Daemon:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        Microsoft Database Daemon:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        Microsoft Chart Converter:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        Microsoft Clip Gallery:          Version: 14.3.8 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
              Solver:          Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Add-Ins/Solver.app
              Spin Doctor:          Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        /Applications/Toast 11 Titanium/Spin Doctor.app
              dynamiclinkmanager:          Version: 6.0.0 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/dynamiclink/CS6/dynamiclinkmanager.app
              dynamiclinkmediaserver:          Version: 6.0.0 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/dynamiclinkmediaserver/1.0/dynamiclinkmediaserver.app
              Microsoft Language Register:          Version: 14.1.3 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Additional Tools/Microsoft Language Register/Microsoft Language Register.localized/Microsoft Language Register.app
              Microsoft AutoUpdate:          Version: 2.3.6 - SDK 10.4 3rd-Party support link
                        /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft AutoUpdate.app
              Microsoft Database Daemon:          Version: 14.1.3 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Microsoft Database Daemon.localized/Microsoft Database Daemon.app
              /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MERP2.0
                        Microsoft Error Reporting:          Version: 2.2.9 - SDK 10.4 3rd-Party support link
                        Microsoft Ship Asserts:          Version: 1.1.4 - SDK 10.4 3rd-Party support link
              SA Color Finesse 3 UI:          Version: 3.0.6(275) - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        /Applications/Adobe After Effects CS6/Plug-ins/Effects/Synthetic Aperture/(CF3 Support)/SA Color Finesse 3 UI.app
    Time Machine:
              Skip System Files: NO
              Auto backup: YES
              Volumes being backed up:
                        Macintosh HD: Disk size: 297.29 GB Disk used: 230.87 GB
                        Momma-TM [Local] (Last used)
                        Total size: 465.75 GB
                        Total number of backups: 52
                        Oldest backup: 2013-10-25 22:40:58 +0000
                        Last backup: 2014-02-06 20:03:40 +0000
                        Size of backup disk: Too small
                                  Backup size 465.75 GB < (Disk used 230.87 GB X 3)
              Time Machine details may not be accurate.
              All volumes being backed up may not be listed.
    Top Processes by CPU:
                   5%          WindowServer
                   1%          EtreCheck
                   1%          Little Snitch Agent
                   0%          Little Snitch Network Monitor
                   0%          Little Snitch Daemon
    Top Processes by Memory:
              106 MB          Finder
              106 MB          Google Chrome
              98 MB          WindowServer
              98 MB          Mail
              82 MB          mds_stores
    Virtual Memory Information:
              90 MB          Free RAM
              1.31 GB          Active RAM
              1.18 GB          Inactive RAM
              967 MB          Wired RAM
              646 MB          Page-ins
              18 MB          Page-outs

  • Mail produces Beach Ball and big lag... why?

    I seem to be having a few issues since upgrading to Yosemite.  One that is particularly annoying is that whenever I open Mail, it takes the better part of a minute to appear on the screen, and then when I click on an email, the Beach Ball appears... sometimes it stays for a minute, sometimes several minutes.  It eventually goes away and I can read the email.  But should I select another email, it starts all over again.
    My iMac is a late 2007 24" Aluminum, has 6GB or RAM, 500 GB HDD of which 175 GB are free.  I don't seem to have any issues using Adobe CS4 Photoshop or Illustrator, and as I do a lot of design work, I'm trying to keep as many big graphics files on my attached NAS and/or USB HDDs.  But Mail is a problem since I'm constantly sending reduced size draft files of graphics work as attachments for clients to review.
    Figured I'd Include an EtreCheck Report:
    Problem description:
    Opening Mail is very sluggish since Yosemite upgrade, and opening an email causes Beach Ball to spin for 1-5 minutes.  Mid 2007 iMac7,1 Intel Core 2 Extreme 2.8GHz, 6GB RAM, 800 MHz Bus, 500 GB HDD w/175 GB Free.
    EtreCheck version: 2.1.2 (105)
    Report generated December 12, 2014 at 4:47:12 PM EST
    Hardware Information: ℹ️
      iMac (24-inch Mid 2007) (Verified)
      iMac - model: iMac7,1
      1 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2-core
      6 GB RAM Upgradeable
      BANK 0/DIMM0
      4 GB DDR2 SDRAM 667 MHz ok
      BANK 1/DIMM1
      2 GB DDR2 SDRAM 667 MHz ok
      Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported
      Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n
    Video Information: ℹ️
      ATI,RadeonHD2600 - VRAM: 256 MB
      iMac 1920 x 1200
    System Software: ℹ️
      OS X 10.10.1 (14B25) - Uptime: 23:14:18
    Disk Information: ℹ️
      ST3500630AS Q disk0 : (500.11 GB)
      S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
      EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
      Macintosh HD (disk0s2) / : 499.25 GB (175.96 GB free)
      Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
    USB Information: ℹ️
      Apple Inc. Built-in iSight
      S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
      EFI (disk1s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
      Grafix-2TB (disk1s2) /Volumes/Grafix-2TB : 2.00 TB (1.92 TB free)
      Logitech USB Receiver
      Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
      Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    Firewire Information: ℹ️
      LaCie d2 quadra (button) 800mbit - 800mbit max
      S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
      EFI (disk2s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
      1TB TimeMachine (disk2s2) /Volumes/1TB TimeMachine : 999.86 GB (12.51 GB free)
    Configuration files: ℹ️
      /etc/hosts - Count: 2
    Gatekeeper: ℹ️
      Mac App Store and identified developers
    Kernel Extensions: ℹ️
      /Library/Application Support/Roxio
      [not loaded] com.roxio.TDIXController (1.7) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.Logitech.Unifying.HID Driver (1.3.1 - SDK 10.8) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.FTDI.driver.FTDIUSBSerialDriver (2.2.14) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.elgato.driver.DontMatchAfaTech (1.1) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.elgato.driver.DontMatchCinergy450 (1.1) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.elgato.driver.DontMatchCinergyXS (1.1) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.elgato.driver.DontMatchEmpia (1.1) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.elgato.driver.DontMatchVoyager (1.1) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.keyspan.iokit.usb.KeyspanUSAdriver (2.5) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.prolific.driver.PL2303 (1.2.1) [Support]
      [not loaded] nl.bjaelectronics.driver.PL2303 (1.0.0d1) [Support]
      /Users/[redacted]/Downloads/LCC Installer-1.app
      [not loaded] com.Logitech.Control Center.HID Driver (2.6.0) [Support]
    Startup Items: ℹ️
      EyeConnect: Path: /Library/StartupItems/EyeConnect
      HP IO: Path: /Library/StartupItems/HP IO
      ProTec6b: Path: /Library/StartupItems/ProTec6b
      Startup items are obsolete in OS X Yosemite
    Problem System Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [failed] com.apple.CallHistoryPluginHelper.plist
      [failed] com.apple.cmfsyncagent.plist
    Problem System Launch Daemons: ℹ️
      [failed] com.apple.ctkd.plist
      [failed] com.apple.icloud.findmydeviced.plist
      [failed] com.apple.tccd.system.plist
      [failed] com.apple.wdhelper.plist
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [loaded] com.adobe.CS4ServiceManager.plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.google.keystone.agent.plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist [Support]
      [not loaded] com.thinkyhead.TabletMagic.plist [Support]
      [loaded] org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist [Support]
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
      [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.adobe.versioncueCS4.plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.google.keystone.daemon.plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.oracle.java.JavaUpdateHelper.plist [Support]
      [loaded] org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx.plist [Support]
      [running] org.samba.nmbd.plist [Support]
      [failed] org.samba.smbd.plist [Support] [Details]
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [loaded] com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.divx.agent.postinstall.plist [Support]
    User Login Items: ℹ️
      iTunesHelper UNKNOWN (missing value)
      AdobeResourceSynchronizer UNKNOWN (missing value)
      Logitech Registration UNKNOWN (missing value)
      Logitech Control Center Daemon ApplicationHidden (/Library/Application Support/Logitech.localized/Logitech Control Center.localized/LCCDaemon.app)
      ConnectService Application (/Library/Application Support/ArcSoft/Connect Service/ConnectService.app)
      WDQuickView Application (/Incompatible Software/WDQuickView.app)
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
      DirectorShockwave: Version: 11.0.3r472 [Support]
      OVSHelper: Version: 1.1 [Support]
      Default Browser: Version: 600 - SDK 10.10
      Google Earth Web Plug-in: Version: 6.1 [Support]
      Silverlight: Version: 4.0.60831.0 [Support]
      FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      DivXBrowserPlugin: Version: 2.2 [Support]
      Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 Mismatch! Adobe recommends
      QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
      iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0 - SDK 10.8
      AdobePDFViewer: Version: 9.5.5 [Support]
      O3D: Version: [Support]
      JavaAppletPlugin: Version: Java 7 Update 71 Check version
    Safari Extensions: ℹ️
      Wondershare Player-1
      DivX Plus Web Player HTML5 <video>
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
      Adobe Version Cue CS4  [Support]
      DivX  [Support]
      Flash Player  [Support]
      Java  [Support]
      Logitech Control Center  [Support]
      Perian  [Support]
      TabletMagic  [Support]
    Time Machine: ℹ️
      Skip System Files: NO
      Auto backup: YES
      Volumes being backed up:
      Macintosh HD: Disk size: 499.25 GB Disk used: 323.29 GB
      1TB TimeMachine [Local]
      Total size: 999.86 GB
      Total number of backups: 135
      Oldest backup: 2012-11-30 05:35:19 +0000
      Last backup: 2014-12-12 21:43:23 +0000
      Size of backup disk: Adequate
      Backup size 999.86 GB > (Disk used 323.29 GB X 3)
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
          2% mds_stores
          1% mds
          1% WindowServer
          0% Adobe Photoshop CS4
          0% ConnectService
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
      238 MB Adobe Photoshop CS4
      187 MB Mail
      161 MB Finder
      135 MB softwareupdated
      129 MB installd
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
      1.27 GB Free RAM
      3.69 GB Active RAM
      648 MB Inactive RAM
      763 MB Wired RAM
      40.95 GB Page-ins
      3 MB Page-outs
    Diagnostics Information: ℹ️
      Dec 11, 2014, 07:19:43 PM Mail_2014-12-11-191943_Mikes-iMac.hang
      Dec 11, 2014, 05:33:25 PM Self test - passed
      Dec 10, 2014, 04:29:54 PM Adobe Photoshop CS4_2014-12-10-162954_Mikes-iMac-9.cpu_resource.diag [Details]
      Dec 9, 2014, 11:04:26 PM discoveryd_2014-12-09-230426_Mikes-iMac-9.cpu_resource.diag [Details]
      Nov 19, 2014, 02:53:27 PM Kernel_2014-11-19-145327_Mikes-iMac-9.panic [Details]

    I was able to start Step 1 last night before going to sleep.  Came down this morning and Terminal was back to the normal name followed by $.  Tried opening an email and while its definitely faster than a few days ago... its still ponderously slow with the Beach Ball appearing again when I went to Reply and clicked on the Paper Clip, opening Finder, and selecting an image.  I do apologize for posting lengthy tests but I guess thats the only way we'll resolve this.  This post is a list of a simple task... Open Mail, Select an Email, Select Reply, type one word, then Select Paper Clip to attach a small 500 KB image.  So I did do Step 2 but ran the Console App again so you can see whats going on.  I noticed an interesting thing... Utility Icon is not showing up in Launchpad.  I meant to ask you about that yesterday, but its probably unrelated.  If you want me to do Step 2 just say the word.  I think we're making progress slowly, but perhaps this dialogue will help someone else bc when I Google "Beach Ball in Mac Mail" I see tons of people complaining.  Thanks again for your patience and help.
    11/14/14 5:09:13.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416002953 0
    11/14/14 5:18:09.031 PM loginwindow[76]: USER_PROCESS: 76 console
    11/19/14 2:43:07.109 PM sessionlogoutd[26296]: DEAD_PROCESS: 76 console
    11/19/14 2:43:26.322 PM loginwindow[26317]: USER_PROCESS: 26317 console
    11/19/14 2:47:56.278 PM reboot[26436]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1416426476 278337
    11/19/14 2:48:44.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416426524 0
    11/19/14 2:52:39.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416426759 0
    11/19/14 3:18:30.276 PM loginwindow[70]: USER_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/20/14 4:34:07.802 PM sessionlogoutd[4654]: DEAD_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/20/14 4:34:09.001 PM shutdown[4655]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1416519249 1214
    11/20/14 4:35:10.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416519310 0
    11/20/14 4:38:09.197 PM loginwindow[70]: USER_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/22/14 4:20:01.551 PM sessionlogoutd[5032]: DEAD_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/22/14 4:20:01.848 PM shutdown[5033]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1416691201 848090
    11/22/14 4:20:44.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416691244 0
    11/22/14 4:22:13.573 PM loginwindow[71]: USER_PROCESS: 71 console
    11/23/14 11:24:46.267 AM sessionlogoutd[2682]: DEAD_PROCESS: 71 console
    11/23/14 11:25:25.000 AM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416759925 0
    11/23/14 2:28:46.760 PM loginwindow[71]: USER_PROCESS: 71 console
    11/24/14 3:08:26.473 PM sessionlogoutd[2456]: DEAD_PROCESS: 71 console
    11/24/14 3:08:27.547 PM shutdown[2457]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1416859707 546953
    11/24/14 3:09:06.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416859746 0
    11/24/14 3:10:45.326 PM loginwindow[70]: USER_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/24/14 4:50:53.929 PM sessionlogoutd[502]: DEAD_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/24/14 4:50:54.323 PM shutdown[503]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1416865854 322441
    11/24/14 4:51:35.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416865895 0
    11/24/14 4:53:25.153 PM loginwindow[70]: USER_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/24/14 5:01:07.658 PM login[442]: USER_PROCESS: 442 ttys000
    11/24/14 5:01:49.955 PM login[442]: DEAD_PROCESS: 442 ttys000
    11/24/14 5:02:06.396 PM sessionlogoutd[458]: DEAD_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/24/14 5:02:06.622 PM shutdown[459]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1416866526 622399
    11/24/14 5:02:44.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416866564 0
    11/24/14 5:04:21.019 PM loginwindow[71]: USER_PROCESS: 71 console
    11/26/14 4:20:31.126 PM sessionlogoutd[4268]: DEAD_PROCESS: 71 console
    11/26/14 4:20:31.627 PM shutdown[4269]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1417036831 627243
    11/26/14 4:21:48.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1417036908 0
    11/26/14 4:38:14.613 PM loginwindow[69]: USER_PROCESS: 69 console
    11/28/14 9:46:26.794 AM sessionlogoutd[1711]: DEAD_PROCESS: 69 console
    11/28/14 9:46:27.589 AM shutdown[1712]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1417185987 588237
    11/28/14 9:47:09.000 AM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1417186029 0
    11/28/14 9:49:26.844 AM loginwindow[69]: USER_PROCESS: 69 console
    11/29/14 4:20:57.818 PM sessionlogoutd[7810]: DEAD_PROCESS: 69 console
    11/29/14 4:21:00.066 PM shutdown[7811]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1417296060 65562
    11/29/14 4:21:44.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1417296104 0
    11/29/14 5:34:33.411 PM loginwindow[69]: USER_PROCESS: 69 console
    12/3/14 2:41:27.012 PM sessionlogoutd[10068]: DEAD_PROCESS: 69 console
    12/3/14 2:41:28.564 PM shutdown[10069]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1417635688 563423
    12/3/14 2:42:11.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1417635731 0
    12/3/14 2:43:31.257 PM loginwindow[69]: USER_PROCESS: 69 console
    12/5/14 2:26:35.621 PM sessionlogoutd[6609]: DEAD_PROCESS: 69 console
    12/5/14 2:26:36.011 PM shutdown[6610]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1417807596 11320
    12/5/14 2:31:32.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1417807892 0
    12/5/14 2:32:38.392 PM loginwindow[69]: USER_PROCESS: 69 console
    12/9/14 12:04:45.000 AM kernel[0]: RTC: Maintenance 2014/12/9 05:04:45, sleep 2014/12/9 03:16:49
    12/9/14 12:04:45.000 AM kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 0
    12/9/14 12:04:45.006 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 73, ErrLogCount 17 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.014 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 73, ErrLogCount 18 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.020 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 73, ErrLogCount 19 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.024 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 73, ErrLogCount 20 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.026 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 73, ErrLogCount 21 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.029 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 64024 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 22 ResolverIntf:0
    12/9/14 12:04:45.151 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 23 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.157 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 24 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.165 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 25 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 4 (Disassociated due to inactivity).
    12/9/14 12:04:45.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 12:04:45.347 AM sharingd[323]: 00:04:45.347 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:04:47.514 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Warn DD_Warn: Corrupt NSEC RDATA size
    12/9/14 12:04:47.514 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3797 error=4
    12/9/14 12:04:47.000 AM kernel[0]: Ethernet [AppleYukon2]: Link up on en0, 1-Gigabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,af48,0de1,0200,cde1,2c00]
    12/9/14 12:04:49.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP Disconnect: triggering reconnect by bumping reconnTrigger from curr value 47 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 12:04:49.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  doing reconnect on /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 12:04:49.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  posting to KEA EINPROGRESS for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 12:04:49.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Max reconnect time: 600 secs, Connect timeout: 15 secs for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 12:04:49.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  connect to the server /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 12:04:49.460 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 12:04:49.460 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 type 'afpfs', mounted on '/Volumes/MyMedia', from '//;AUTH=No%20User%20Authent@WDMyCloud._afpovertcp._tcp.local/MyMedia', not responding
    12/9/14 12:04:49.461 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 found 1 filesystem(s) with problem(s)
    12/9/14 12:04:49.463 AM loginwindow[69]: Error: could not load nib file for DisconnectedFS plugin
    12/9/14 12:04:49.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Logging in with uam 1 /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 12:04:54.302 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 12:04:54.320 AM configd[26]: LINKLOCAL en0: parent has no IP
    12/9/14 12:04:54.380 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0-: v6(en1-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS- Proxy- SMB-
    12/9/14 12:04:54.382 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic WABServer NetResolverEvent no resolvers, resetting domains
    12/9/14 12:04:54.385 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Inactive
    12/9/14 12:04:54.558 AM sharingd[323]: 00:04:54.558 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:04:54.572 AM sharingd[323]: 00:04:54.572 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:04:54.664 AM configd[26]: network changed: v6(en0+:2601:6:3680:4e0:25a9:bfa5:32ca:357f) DNS+ Proxy+ SMB+
    12/9/14 12:04:54.755 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 12:04:54.759 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 12:04:55.241 AM configd[26]: network changed: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:25a9:bfa5:32ca:357f) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 12:04:55.511 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 12:04:55.530 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0+: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:25a9:bfa5:32ca:357f) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 12:04:55.000 AM kernel[0]: Auth result for: 90:72:40:20:b1:ed MAC AUTH succeeded
    12/9/14 12:04:55.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
    12/9/14 12:04:55.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 12:04:55.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 12:04:55.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
    12/9/14 12:04:55.613 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:25a9:bfa5:32ca:357f) DNS* Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 12:04:55.632 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1709] en1: SSID 'Lightning-Net' making interface primary (cache indicates network not captive)
    12/9/14 12:04:55.632 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Evaluating
    12/9/14 12:04:55.633 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: en1: Not probing 'Lightning-Net' (cache indicates not captive)
    12/9/14 12:04:55.635 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Authenticated
    12/9/14 12:04:55.669 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour stop listening on en1
    12/9/14 12:04:55.675 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1!:, en0) v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:25a9:bfa5:32ca:357f) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 12:04:55.881 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Warn DD_Warn: Corrupt NSEC RDATA size
    12/9/14 12:04:55.881 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3787 error=4
    12/9/14 12:04:55.881 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3791 error=4
    12/9/14 12:04:55.950 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 12:04:55.958 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 12:04:56.105 AM WindowServer[150]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Finder" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
    12/9/14 12:04:56.156 AM WindowServer[150]: common_reenable_update: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Finder" after 1.05 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
    12/9/14 12:04:56.158 AM sharingd[323]: 00:04:56.158 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:04:56.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 12:04:56.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Restoring session /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 12:04:56.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP FindDSIReqInfo: in reconnect, but reconn reqInfo IDs do not in match 1864 != 1863 on 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 12:04:56.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP ReplayPendingReqs: replaying slot 68 with reqID 1860 afpCmd 68 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 12:04:56.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  get the reconnect token
    12/9/14 12:04:56.184 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 12:04:56.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_vnop_getattrlistbulk:  bad fileBitMap offset 0 replySize 0
    12/9/14 12:04:56.418 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1:, en0) v6(en0!:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 12:04:56.606 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 12:04:58.521 AM ntpd[169]: wake time set +0.426951 s
    12/9/14 12:04:59.370 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1:, en0) v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 12:04:59.405 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3812 error=4
    12/9/14 12:05:00.007 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 12:05:00.086 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1:, en0) v6(en1+:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB-
    12/9/14 12:05:00.104 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 12:05:00.133 AM configd[26]: network changed.
    12/9/14 12:05:01.122 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 12:05:02.069 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 12:05:02.554 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 12:05:05.527 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets,Warn UDS FD=117 ERROR: Send failed errno=32
    12/9/14 12:05:05.529 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets,Warn UDS FD=118 ERROR: Send failed errno=32
    12/9/14 12:05:07.753 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[73] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:11.120 AM WDQuickView[352]: assertion failed: 14B25: libxpc.dylib + 41185 [CB6B442F-8BE4-37B6-9A00-4753BC1C368C]: 0xf
    12/9/14 12:05:11.120 AM WDQuickView[352]: tcp_connection_register_reachability 995 net_helper_connection_start failed
    12/9/14 12:05:12.099 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[46] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:16.590 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[46] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:18.888 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 22, fd 66, ErrLogCount 1 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:21.137 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[66] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:21.137 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 22, fd 66, ErrLogCount 2 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:23.432 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 22, fd 66, ErrLogCount 3 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:25.721 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[66] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:25.721 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 22, fd 66, ErrLogCount 4 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:28.022 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 22, fd 66, ErrLogCount 5 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:30.173 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[66] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:30.173 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 22, fd 66, ErrLogCount 6 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:32.476 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 22, fd 66, ErrLogCount 7 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:34.771 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[68] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:34.771 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 22, fd 68, ErrLogCount 8 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:37.071 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 22, fd 68, ErrLogCount 9 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:39.155 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 22, fd 46, ErrLogCount 10 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:39.284 AM configd[26]: [0x7fdb19472ff0] [m]DNS query timeout (query time = 35.145721), [46TE]
    12/9/14 12:05:40.567 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[68] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:40.567 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 22, fd 68, ErrLogCount 11 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:40.583 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[63] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:40.583 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 22, fd 63, ErrLogCount 12 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:41.403 AM sharingd[323]: 00:05:41.403 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:05:41.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 12:05:41.426 AM sharingd[323]: 00:05:41.426 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:05:41.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 12:05:41.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 12:05:41.438 AM sharingd[323]: 00:05:41.437 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:05:41.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 12:05:41.459 AM sharingd[323]: 00:05:41.459 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:05:42.000 AM kernel[0]: PM response took 1008 ms (27, powerd)
    12/9/14 12:05:42.000 AM kernel[0]: PM mode before entering WoW is 1 and PM allowed state is 1
    12/9/14 12:05:42.722 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 22, fd 73, ErrLogCount 13 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: Wake reason: RTC (Alarm)
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: RTC: Maintenance 2014/12/9 06:53:41, sleep 2014/12/9 05:05:42
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 0
    12/9/14 1:53:41.008 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 64024 errno 50, fd 63, ErrLogCount 14 ResolverIntf:0
    12/9/14 1:53:41.150 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Warning: IPv4 listener multicast send failed en0, 50
    12/9/14 1:53:41.151 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Warning: IPv6 listener multicast send failed en0, 50
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 4 (Disassociated due to inactivity).
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 1:53:41.348 AM sharingd[323]: 01:53:41.347 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:53:41.371 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 15 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.389 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 16 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.400 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 17 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.408 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 18 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.419 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 19 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.433 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 20 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.441 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 21 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.447 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 22 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.454 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 23 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.494 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 24 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.502 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 25 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.511 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 1:53:41.549 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 26 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.557 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 27 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.567 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 28 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.576 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 29 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.602 AM sharingd[323]: 01:53:41.601 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:53:41.643 AM sharingd[323]: 01:53:41.643 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: Auth result for: 90:72:40:20:b1:ed MAC AUTH succeeded
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
    12/9/14 1:53:42.365 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Warn DD_Warn: Corrupt NSEC RDATA size
    12/9/14 1:53:43.000 AM kernel[0]: Ethernet [AppleYukon2]: Link up on en0, 1-Gigabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,af48,0de1,0200,cde1,2c00]
    12/9/14 1:53:44.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP Disconnect: triggering reconnect by bumping reconnTrigger from curr value 48 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 1:53:45.333 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[63] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  doing reconnect on /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  posting to KEA EINPROGRESS for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Max reconnect time: 600 secs, Connect timeout: 15 secs for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  connect to the server /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 1:53:45.915 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 1:53:45.916 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 type 'afpfs', mounted on '/Volumes/MyMedia', from '//;AUTH=No%20User%20Authent@WDMyCloud._afpovertcp._tcp.local/MyMedia', not responding
    12/9/14 1:53:45.916 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 found 1 filesystem(s) with problem(s)
    12/9/14 1:53:45.918 AM loginwindow[69]: Error: could not load nib file for DisconnectedFS plugin
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Logging in with uam 1 /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Restoring session /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP ReplayPendingReqs: replaying slot 56 with reqID 11068 afpCmd 68 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  get the reconnect token
    12/9/14 1:53:45.950 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_vnop_getattrlistbulk:  bad fileBitMap offset 0 replySize 0
    12/9/14 1:53:49.804 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[63] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 1:53:50.178 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0:, en1-: v6(en1:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB+
    12/9/14 1:53:50.243 AM configd[26]: LINKLOCAL en0: parent has no IP
    12/9/14 1:53:50.268 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0-: v6(en1-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS- Proxy- SMB-
    12/9/14 1:53:50.271 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Inactive
    12/9/14 1:53:50.279 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic WABServer NetResolverEvent no resolvers, resetting domains
    12/9/14 1:53:50.419 AM configd[26]: network changed: v6(en0+:2601:6:3680:4e0:c817:f3d3:3b2a:5d1a) DNS+ Proxy+ SMB+
    12/9/14 1:53:50.708 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 1:53:50.722 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 1:53:51.037 AM configd[26]: network changed: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:c817:f3d3:3b2a:5d1a) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 1:53:51.425 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 1:53:51.437 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0+: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:c817:f3d3:3b2a:5d1a) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 1:53:51.550 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 1:53:51.555 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:c817:f3d3:3b2a:5d1a) DNS* Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 1:53:51.571 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1709] en1: SSID 'Lightning-Net' making interface primary (protected network)
    12/9/14 1:53:51.572 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Evaluating
    12/9/14 1:53:51.572 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: en1: Probing 'Lightning-Net'
    12/9/14 1:53:51.615 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 1:53:51.621 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1!:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 1:53:51.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 1:53:51.748 AM sharingd[323]: 01:53:51.747 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:53:51.779 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 1:53:51.844 AM configd[26]: network changed.
    12/9/14 1:53:52.320 AM ntpd[169]: wake time set +0.356611 s
    12/9/14 1:53:53.217 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0!:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 1:53:53.238 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 1:53:53.420 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Warn DD_Warn: Corrupt NSEC RDATA size
    12/9/14 1:53:53.420 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3818 error=4
    12/9/14 1:53:53.420 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3834 error=4
    12/9/14 1:53:54.367 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 1:53:55.266 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 1:53:55.805 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3851 error=4
    12/9/14 1:53:56.113 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 1:53:56.681 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:53:56.821 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:53:57.076 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:53:57.205 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets,Warn UDS FD=91 ERROR: Send failed errno=32
    12/9/14 1:53:57.330 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:53:57.678 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:53:58.135 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:53:58.687 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:53:59.343 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:54:00.099 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:54:00.955 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:54:01.197 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets,Warn UDS FD=61 ERROR: Send failed errno=32
    12/9/14 1:54:01.217 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets,Warn UDS FD=124 ERROR: Send failed errno=32
    12/9/14 1:54:01.219 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets,Warn UDS FD=125 ERROR: Send failed errno=32
    12/9/14 1:54:01.769 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:54:01.769 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [wispr_detect_http_done:295] Network Error: Failed to retry probe. Giving up after retrying 10 times
    12/9/14 1:54:01.769 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [CaptiveHandleRedirect:1662] Unknown result value: 7, assuming online
    12/9/14 1:54:01.770 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Authenticated
    12/9/14 1:54:05.891 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 1:54:09.708 AM WDQuickView[352]: assertion failed: 14B25: libxpc.dylib + 41185 [CB6B442F-8BE4-37B6-9A00-4753BC1C368C]: 0xf
    12/9/14 1:54:09.709 AM WDQuickView[352]: tcp_connection_register_reachability 996 net_helper_connection_start failed
    12/9/14 1:54:13.024 AM configd[26]: [0x7fdb19472ff0] [m]DNS query timeout (query time = 17.780120), [46TE]
    12/9/14 1:54:37.143 AM sharingd[323]: 01:54:37.142 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:54:37.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 1:54:37.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 1:54:37.155 AM sharingd[323]: 01:54:37.154 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:54:37.186 AM sharingd[323]: 01:54:37.186 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:54:37.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 1:54:37.198 AM sharingd[323]: 01:54:37.197 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:54:37.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 1:54:38.000 AM kernel[0]: en0 duplicate IP address sent from address 90:72:40:0a:33:16
    12/9/14 1:54:38.120 AM configd[26]: DHCP en0: defending IP against BonjourSleepProxy 90:72:40:0a:33:16 1 (of 5)
    12/9/14 1:54:38.000 AM kernel[0]: PM response took 1203 ms (27, powerd)
    12/9/14 1:54:38.000 AM kernel[0]: PM mode before entering WoW is 1 and PM allowed state is 1
    12/9/14 1:54:38.676 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 73, ErrLogCount 1 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:38.749 AM configd[26]: arp_client_transmit(en1) failed, Network is down (50)
    12/9/14 1:54:38.750 AM configd[26]: service_resolve_router_complete en1: ARP failed, arp_client_transmit(en1) failed, Network is down (50)
    12/9/14 1:54:38.928 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 61, ErrLogCount 2 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:38.928 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Warning: IPv4 listener multicast send failed en1, 50
    12/9/14 1:54:38.928 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Warning: IPv6 listener multicast send failed en1, 50
    12/9/14 1:54:39.379 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 3 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.386 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 4 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.392 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 5 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.398 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 6 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.404 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 7 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.409 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 8 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.435 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 9 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.442 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 10 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.784 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 11 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.059 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 12 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.476 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 13 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.480 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 14 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.483 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 15 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.486 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 16 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.490 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 17 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.493 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 18 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.496 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 19 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.499 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 20 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.502 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 21 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.866 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 22 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:41.072 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Warning: IPv4 listener multicast send failed en1, 50
    12/9/14 1:54:41.072 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Warning: IPv6 listener multicast send failed en1, 50
    12/9/14 1:54:41.077 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 23 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:41.481 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 24 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: Wake reason: RTC (Alarm)
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: RTC: Maintenance 2014/12/9 08:42:37, sleep 2014/12/9 06:54:41
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 0
    12/9/14 3:42:37.011 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 25 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.018 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 26 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.022 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 27 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.025 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 28 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.028 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 29 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.031 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 30 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.034 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 31 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.036 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 32 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.037 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 64024 errno 50, fd 68, ErrLogCount 33 ResolverIntf:0
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 4 (Disassociated due to inactivity).
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 3:42:37.347 AM sharingd[323]: 03:42:37.346 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:42:37.781 AM sharingd[323]: 03:42:37.780 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:42:37.792 AM sharingd[323]: 03:42:37.791 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: Auth result for: 90:72:40:20:b1:ed MAC AUTH succeeded
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
    12/9/14 3:42:39.000 AM kernel[0]: Ethernet [AppleYukon2]: Link up on en0, 1-Gigabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,af48,0de1,0200,cde1,2c00]
    12/9/14 3:42:40.096 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Warn DD_Warn: Corrupt NSEC RDATA size
    12/9/14 3:42:40.096 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3876 error=5
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP Disconnect: triggering reconnect by bumping reconnTrigger from curr value 49 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  doing reconnect on /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  posting to KEA EINPROGRESS for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Max reconnect time: 600 secs, Connect timeout: 15 secs for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  connect to the server /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 3:42:41.875 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 3:42:41.875 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 type 'afpfs', mounted on '/Volumes/MyMedia', from '//;AUTH=No%20User%20Authent@WDMyCloud._afpovertcp._tcp.local/MyMedia', not responding
    12/9/14 3:42:41.876 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 found 1 filesystem(s) with problem(s)
    12/9/14 3:42:41.877 AM loginwindow[69]: Error: could not load nib file for DisconnectedFS plugin
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Logging in with uam 1 /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Restoring session /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP ReplayPendingReqs: replaying slot 102 with reqID 22382 afpCmd 68 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  get the reconnect token
    12/9/14 3:42:41.886 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_vnop_getattrlistbulk:  bad fileBitMap offset 0 replySize 0
    12/9/14 3:42:46.309 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 3:42:46.327 AM configd[26]: LINKLOCAL en0: parent has no IP
    12/9/14 3:42:46.378 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS! Proxy! SMB
    12/9/14 3:42:46.392 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Inactive
    12/9/14 3:42:46.591 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1709] en1: SSID 'Lightning-Net' making interface primary (cache indicates network not captive)
    12/9/14 3:42:46.592 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Evaluating
    12/9/14 3:42:46.592 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: en1: Not probing 'Lightning-Net' (cache indicates not captive)
    12/9/14 3:42:46.593 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Authenticated
    12/9/14 3:42:46.595 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: DNS* Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 3:42:46.607 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1!:, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB-
    12/9/14 3:42:46.634 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 3:42:46.657 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 3:42:46.657 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 3:42:46.952 AM sharingd[323]: 03:42:46.952 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:42:46.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 3:42:47.545 AM configd[26]: [0x7fdb19481b00] [m]DNS query timeout (query time = 0.923959), [TE]
    12/9/14 3:42:48.776 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 3:42:49.585 AM ntpd[169]: wake time set +0.286462 s
    12/9/14 3:42:49.673 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1:, en0) v6(en0+:2601:6:3680:4e0:5c86:dc83:8f36:3913) DNS* Proxy SMB+
    12/9/14 3:42:49.702 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 3:42:50.317 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1:, en0) v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:5c86:dc83:8f36:3913) DNS* Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 3:42:50.605 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Re-Binding to random udp port 57810
    12/9/14 3:42:51.224 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1:, en0) v6(en1+:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB-
    12/9/14 3:42:51.246 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 3:42:51.339 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1:, en0) v6(en1:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0!:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 3:42:51.378 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 3:42:51.586 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 3:42:51.870 AM configd[26]: network changed.
    12/9/14 3:42:52.064 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3882 error=4
    12/9/14 3:42:52.149 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets,Warn UDS FD=109 ERROR: Send failed errno=32
    12/9/14 3:42:52.493 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 3:42:58.256 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[46] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 3:43:05.489 AM WDQuickView[352]: assertion failed: 14B25: libxpc.dylib + 41185 [CB6B442F-8BE4-37B6-9A00-4753BC1C368C]: 0xf
    12/9/14 3:43:05.489 AM WDQuickView[352]: tcp_connection_register_reachability 997 net_helper_connection_start failed
    12/9/14 3:43:22.972 AM configd[26]: [0x7fdb19484b60] [m]DNS query timeout (query time = 29.089572), [46TE]
    12/9/14 3:43:33.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 3:43:33.338 AM sharingd[323]: 03:43:33.338 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:43:33.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 3:43:33.353 AM sharingd[323]: 03:43:33.352 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:43:33.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 3:43:33.369 AM sharingd[323]: 03:43:33.369 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:43:33.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 3:43:33.383 AM sharingd[323]: 03:43:33.383 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:43:34.000 AM kernel[0]: PM response took 1010 ms (27, powerd)
    12/9/14 3:43:34.000 AM kernel[0]: PM mode before entering WoW is 1 and PM allowed state is 1
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: Wake reason: RTC (Alarm)
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: RTC: Maintenance 2014/12/9 10:31:33, sleep 2014/12/9 08:43:34
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 0
    12/9/14 5:31:33.008 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 64024 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 1 ResolverIntf:0
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 4 (Disassociated due to inactivity).
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 5:31:33.348 AM sharingd[323]: 05:31:33.347 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:31:33.380 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Warn DD_Warn: Corrupt NSEC RDATA size
    12/9/14 5:31:33.380 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3897 error=4
    12/9/14 5:31:33.400 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 2 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.409 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 3 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.421 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 4 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.447 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 5 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.456 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 6 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.464 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 7 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.472 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 5:31:33.482 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 8 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.492 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 9 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.502 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 10 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.512 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 11 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.521 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 12 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.537 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 61, ErrLogCount 13 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.547 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 61, ErrLogCount 14 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.560 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 61, ErrLogCount 15 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.573 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 61, ErrLogCount 16 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.579 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 61, ErrLogCount 17 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.585 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 61, ErrLogCount 18 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.790 AM sharingd[323]: 05:31:33.789 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:31:33.802 AM sharingd[323]: 05:31:33.801 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: Auth result for: 90:72:40:20:b1:ed MAC AUTH succeeded
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
    12/9/14 5:31:35.000 AM kernel[0]: Ethernet [AppleYukon2]: Link up on en0, 1-Gigabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,af48,0de1,0200,cde1,2c00]
    12/9/14 5:31:36.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP Disconnect: triggering reconnect by bumping reconnTrigger from curr value 50 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 5:31:37.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  doing reconnect on /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 5:31:37.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  posting to KEA EINPROGRESS for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 5:31:37.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Max reconnect time: 600 secs, Connect timeout: 15 secs for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 5:31:37.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  connect to the server /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 5:31:37.607 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 5:31:37.607 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 type 'afpfs', mounted on '/Volumes/MyMedia', from '//;AUTH=No%20User%20Authent@WDMyCloud._afpovertcp._tcp.local/MyMedia', not responding
    12/9/14 5:31:37.608 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 found 1 filesystem(s) with problem(s)
    12/9/14 5:31:37.610 AM loginwindow[69]: Error: could not load nib file for DisconnectedFS plugin
    12/9/14 5:31:42.397 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0:, en1-: v6(en1:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB+
    12/9/14 5:31:42.456 AM configd[26]: LINKLOCAL en0: parent has no IP
    12/9/14 5:31:42.502 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Inactive
    12/9/14 5:31:42.503 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS! Proxy! SMB
    12/9/14 5:31:42.716 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0+:2601:6:3680:4e0:f91c:af4e:7d06:ba56) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 5:31:42.947 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 5:31:43.015 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 5:31:43.438 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:f91c:af4e:7d06:ba56) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 5:31:44.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Logging in with uam 1 /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 5:31:44.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP FindDSIReqInfo: in reconnect, but reconn reqInfo IDs do not in match 33514 != 33513 on 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 5:31:44.366 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0!:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 5:31:44.386 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 5:31:44.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Restoring session /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 5:31:44.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP ReplayPendingReqs: replaying slot 91 with reqID 33511 afpCmd 68 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 5:31:44.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  get the reconnect token
    12/9/14 5:31:44.446 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 5:31:44.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_vnop_getattrlistbulk:  bad fileBitMap offset 0 replySize 0
    12/9/14 5:31:44.849 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS* Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 5:31:44.863 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1709] en1: SSID 'Lightning-Net' making interface primary (protected network)
    12/9/14 5:31:44.872 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Evaluating
    12/9/14 5:31:44.876 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: en1: Probing 'Lightning-Net'
    12/9/14 5:31:44.880 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1!:2601:6:3680:4e0:cd89:de0b:7446:8f95, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 5:31:44.894 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 5:31:44.898 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 5:31:44.940 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1!:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 5:31:44.942 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 5:31:45.492 AM ntpd[169]: wake time set +0.213397 s
    12/9/14 5:31:45.657 AM sharingd[323]: 05:31:45.656 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:31:45.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 5:31:48.116 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 5:31:49.728 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 5:31:50.556 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3914 error=4
    12/9/14 5:31:50.947 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 5:31:51.330 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:51.584 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:51.839 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:52.089 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:52.442 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:52.899 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:53.454 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:54.102 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:54.859 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:55.105 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 5:31:55.693 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:56.652 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:56.652 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [wispr_detect_http_done:295] Network Error: Failed to retry probe. Giving up after retrying 10 times
    12/9/14 5:31:56.652 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [CaptiveHandleRedirect:1662] Unknown result value: 7, assuming online
    12/9/14 5:31:56.652 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Authenticated
    12/9/14 5:32:00.752 AM configd[26]: [0x7fdb195744e0] [m]DNS query timeout (query time = 13.167788), [46TE]
    12/9/14 5:32:04.071 AM WDQuickView[352]: assertion failed: 14B25: libxpc.dylib + 41185 [CB6B442F-8BE4-37B6-9A00-4753BC1C368C]: 0xf
    12/9/14 5:32:04.072 AM WDQuickView[352]: tcp_connection_register_reachability 998 net_helper_connection_start failed
    12/9/14 5:32:29.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 5:32:29.228 AM sharingd[323]: 05:32:29.227 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:32:29.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 5:32:29.238 AM sharingd[323]: 05:32:29.237 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:32:29.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 5:32:29.338 AM sharingd[323]: 05:32:29.337 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:32:29.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 5:32:29.348 AM sharingd[323]: 05:32:29.347 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:32:30.000 AM kernel[0]: PM response took 1026 ms (27, powerd)
    12/9/14 5:32:30.000 AM kernel[0]: en0 duplicate IP address sent from address 90:72:40:0a:33:16
    12/9/14 5:32:30.264 AM configd[26]: DHCP en0: defending IP against BonjourSleepProxy 90:72:40:0a:33:16 1 (of 5)
    12/9/14 5:32:30.000 AM kernel[0]: PM mode before entering WoW is 1 and PM allowed state is 1
    12/9/14 5:32:30.775 AM configd[26]: arp_client_transmit(en1) failed, Network is down (50)
    12/9/14 5:32:30.775 AM configd[26]: service_resolve_router_complete e

  • Yosemite freezing during start up

    I upgraded to Yosemite the day it was launched and everything was fine. Booting up and shutting down both worked at a decent speed. About 10-20 seconds.
    Yesterday I connected my Macbook Pro via HDMI to a television and my laptop screen froze and became unresponsive.
    I forced a reload and ever since the loading bar never gets past the 25-33% loading mark.
    Safe mode booting works fine.
    I'm not sure that connecting it to the TV is what caused the issue but I thought I would explain the last thing I did before this issue started happening.
    Here is my console log. I did leave the startup process for about 10 minutes before forcing a shutdown. I then  started up in safe mode to get the log output.
    Thanks in advance.
    26/10/2014 12:10:06.000 bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1414325406 0
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.AccountPolicyHelper" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.authd" sharing output destination "/var/log/asl" with ASL Module "com.apple.asl".
    Output parameters from ASL Module "com.apple.asl" override any specified in ASL Module "com.apple.authd".
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.authd" sharing output destination "/var/log/system.log" with ASL Module "com.apple.asl".
    Output parameters from ASL Module "com.apple.asl" override any specified in ASL Module "com.apple.authd".
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.authd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.awdd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.callhistory.asl.conf" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.cloudd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.clouddocs" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.commerce.asl" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.CoreDuetAdmissionControl" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.eventmonitor" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.family.asl" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.ical" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.icloud.FindMyDevice" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.install" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.iokit.power" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.mail" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.MessageTracer" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.networking.symptoms" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.networking.symptoms" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.performance" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.secinitd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: Longterm timer threshold: 1000 ms
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: PMAP: PCID enabled
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: PMAP: Supervisor Mode Execute Protection enabled
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: Darwin Kernel Version 14.0.0: Fri Sep 19 00:26:44 PDT 2014; root:xnu-2782.1.97~2/RELEASE_X86_64
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: vm_page_bootstrap: 3939061 free pages and 222475 wired pages
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: kext submap [0xffffff7f80a00000 - 0xffffff8000000000], kernel text [0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000a00000]
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: zone leak detection enabled
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: "vm_compressor_mode" is 4
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: multiq scheduler config: deep-drain 0, urgent first 1, depth limit 4, band limit 127, sanity check 0
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: standard background quantum is 2500 us
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: mig_table_max_displ = 13
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: TSC Deadline Timer supported and enabled
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=2 LocalApicId=2 Enabled
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=3 LocalApicId=4 Enabled
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=4 LocalApicId=6 Enabled
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=5 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=6 LocalApicId=3 Enabled
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=7 LocalApicId=5 Enabled
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=8 LocalApicId=7 Enabled
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for AMFI
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Apple Mobile File Integrity (AMFI)
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.807 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (at.obdev.littlesnitchd) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: MAC Framework successfully initialized
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore starting (BUILT: Sep 19 2014 00:11:30)
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: ACPI: sleep states S3 S4 S5
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: pci (build 00:11:20 Sep 19 2014), flags 0xe3000, pfm64 (39 cpu) 0x7f80000000, 0x80000000
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: [ PCI configuration begin ]
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: console relocated to 0x7f80020000
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: [ PCI configuration end, bridges 13, devices 14 ]
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::setupPowerSavings - GPE based runtime power management
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: SATA WARNING: IDENTIFY DEVICE checksum not implemented.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: mcache: 8 CPU(s), 64 bytes CPU cache line size
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: mbinit: done [128 MB total pool size, (85/42) split]
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 41EE28C1-B97A-39AE-95F7-62F617473AD8
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: CoreStorage: fsck_cs has finished for group "7A13841E-3E58-4E4A-BB29-DD2EF5988401" with status 0x00
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/RP05@1C,4/IOPP/SSD0@0/AppleAHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/APPLE SSD SM1024F Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Macintosh HD@2/CoreStoragePhysical/Macintosh HD/Macintosh HD
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: BSD root: disk1, major 1, minor 4
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 1.268515: srom rev:11
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 1.276735: BTCOEXIST off
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 1.276945: BRCM tunables:
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 1.276948:   pullmode[1] txringsize[  256] txsendqsize[1024] reapmin[   32] reapcount[  128]
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 1.277513: wl0: Broadcom BCM43a0, vendorID[0x14e4] BAR0[0xc1a00004]
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: (r497602)
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Macintosh HD on device root_device
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: XCPM: registered
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: VM Swap Subsystem is ON
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 0x00000000 0xbc2 0x3320 0x100, 3
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000000000820 0x5ac 0x8406 0x820, 3
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.807 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.intego.commonservices.icalserver) The ServiceIPC key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.807 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.intego.netbarrier.daemon) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.853 hidd[76]: void __IOHIDPlugInLoadBundles(): Loaded 0 HID plugins
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.855 hidd[76]: IOHIDService compatibility thread running at priority 63 and schedule 2.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.807 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.adobe.SwitchBoard) Unknown key for string: ServiceDescription
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.863 com.apple.SecurityServer[57]: Session 100000 created
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.807 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.intego.netbarrier.daemon.monitor) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.807 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.intego.netupdate.daemon) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.807 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.intego.netupdate.daemon) Please switch away from OnDemand to KeepAlive.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.807 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.intego.commonservices.daemon.integod) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.807 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.intego.commonservices.daemon.taskmanager) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.807 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.intego.virusbarrier.daemon) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.807 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.807 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper) The ServiceIPC key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.808 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.alf) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.808 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.audio.coreaudiod) Unknown key for array: seatbelt-profiles
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.808 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.auditd) The TimeOut key is no longer respected. It never did anything anyway.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.811 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.displaypolicyd) Unknown key for string: SHAuthorizationRight
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.888 watchdogd[32]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(    wd_watchdog_open) - IOIteratorNext failed (kr=0)
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.888 watchdogd[32]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(      wd_daemon_init) - could not initialize the hardware watchdog
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.888 watchdogd[32]:  [watchdog_daemon] @(                main) - cannot initialize the watchdog service
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.889 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.watchdogd) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete():  adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: IO80211Interface::efiNVRAMPublished():
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.000 kernel[0]: bpfAttach len 64 dlt 12
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.928 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.FileSyncAgent.PHD.isRunning) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.931 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbloginhelper.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.931 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbpluginhost.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.938 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.938 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) The ServiceIPC key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.941 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.speech.speechsynthesisd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.945 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.TrustEvaluationAgent) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.960 iconservicesagent[39]: iconservicesagent launched.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.961 com.apple.SecurityServer[57]: Entering service
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.966 opendirectoryd[48]: BUG in libdispatch: 14A389 - 2004 - 0x5
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.967 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.DataDetectorsDynamicData) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.987 com.apple.usbmuxd[56]: usbmuxd-344.3 on Oct 13 2014 at 21:10:09, running 64 bit
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.996 hidd[76]: ____IOHIDSessionScheduleAsync_block_invoke: thread_id=0x10d504000
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.996 hidd[76]: HID Session async scheduling initiated.
    26/10/2014 12:10:07.996 hidd[76]: HID Session async root queue running at priority 63 and schedule 2.
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.022 iconservicesd[38]: iconservicesd launched.
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.025 hidd[76]: HID Session async scheduling complete.
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.025 hidd[76]: Successfully opened the IOHIDSession
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: IOGraphics flags 0x43
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::init
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::probe
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::start
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: virtual bool AppleCamIn::start(IOService *): about to configure DDR
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::start - S2 DDR Frequency set to 450 MHz (default)
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AGC: 3.7.21, HW version=4.0.8 [3.2.8], flags:0, features:20600
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: NVDAStartup: Official
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: IOBluetoothUSBDFU::probe
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: IOBluetoothUSBDFU::probe ProductID - 0x8289 FirmwareVersion - 0x0099
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- completed -- result = TRUE -- 0x4000 ****
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: **** [BroadcomBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- Completed -- 0x4000 ****
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: NVDAGK100HAL loaded and registered
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController][staticBluetoothTransportShowsUp] -- Received Bluetooth Controller register service notification -- 0x4000
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController][start] -- completed
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: Waiting for DSMOS...
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.080 UserEventAgent[16]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/alfUIplugin.plugin
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.085 UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Inactive
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHCIController][ProcessBluetoothTransportShowsUpActionWL] -- Connected to the transport successfully -- 0x7900 -- 0x7000 -- 0x4000 ****
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.110 thermald[24]: Waiting for OSTT support notification
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.132 apsd[52]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102)
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.148 secinitd[116]: UID[0]: cache loaded: /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.app-sandbox-cache.plist
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.148 secinitd[116]: ctkd[115]: unable to get root path for bundle of main executable: /System/Library/Frameworks/CryptoTokenKit.framework/ctkd
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: hmm.. mismatch sizes: 3100 vs 20
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: PPGTT is enabled
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.199 configd[27]: preference: no sharing preferences
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en0. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: en0::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: bpfAttach len 94 dlt 163
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: bpfAttach len 30 dlt 105
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: bpfAttach len 52 dlt 127
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: bpfAttach len 38 dlt 192
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.202 configd[27]: dhcp_arp_router: en0 SSID unavailable
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.209 configd[27]: network changed.
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.217 apsd[52]: Unable to bootstrap_look_up connection port 'com.apple.ubd.system-push' for user 0: Unknown service name
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.218 configd[27]: setting hostname to "Bennys-MacBook-Pro.local"
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.219 apsd[52]: Unable to bootstrap_look_up connection port 'com.apple.askpermission.aps' for user 0: Unknown service name
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.223 apsd[52]: Attempt to set push wake topics without dark wake enabled: ()
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.225 apsd[52]: Unable to bootstrap_look_up connection port 'com.apple.askpermission.aps' for user 0: Unknown service name
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.225 apsd[52]: <APSConnectionServer: 0x7ffd4a605660> Invalid mach port - Cleaning up this named port's topics. com.apple.askpermission.aps
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: Previous shutdown cause: 5
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.253 iconservicesd[38]: Cache path: /Library/Caches/com.apple.iconservices.store
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: DSMOS has arrived
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.258 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.appkit.xpc.sandboxedServiceRunner) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: IOPPF - IODeviceTree:/efi/platform/StartupPowerEvents: 0x0
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.258 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.lakitu) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.281 loginwindow[72]: Login Window Application Started
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.259 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.accounts.dom) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.259 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.255 systemkeychain[101]: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 3.468198: createVirtIf(): ifRole = 1
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4360_P2PInterface::init name <p2p0> role 1
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4360_P2PInterface::init <p2p> role 1
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: setVIRTUAL_IF_CREATE: AWDL interface role (4)
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 3.468619: createVirtIf(): ifRole = 1
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 3.468625: Create AWDL virtif(AWDL): unit = 2, ifRole = 4
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4360_P2PInterface::init name <awdl0> role 4
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4360_P2PInterface::attachToBpf name <awdl0> role 4 successful attach to bpf type 147
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4360_P2PInterface::init <awdl> role 4
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.300 airportd[31]: airportdProcessDLILEvent: en0 attached (up)
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.310 locationd[59]: Logging binary sensor data to /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/C/locationdSensors.bin
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.316 locationd[59]: NBB-Could not get UDID for stable refill timing, falling back on random
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: save_ddr_phy_regs: saving 127 DDR PHY shmoo-calibrated registers
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::start - link control offset in PCI bridge = 0x50
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::start - pmcsr offset in PCI bridge = 0xa4
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::power_off_hardware
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.324 locationd[59]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.369 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.CoreRAID[21]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in(): com.apple.CoreRAID
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.382 WindowServer[142]: Server is starting up
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.387 mds[34]: (FMW.Normal:1402) FMW 0 0
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.408 UserEventAgent[16]: assertion failed: 14A389: com.apple.telemetry + 27952 [B2D9FFC4-66B7-3739-AFFA-A7E4BDE84A2B]: 0x0
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.408 UserEventAgent[16]: assertion failed: 14A389: com.apple.telemetry + 27952 [B2D9FFC4-66B7-3739-AFFA-A7E4BDE84A2B]: 0x0
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.409 UserEventAgent[16]: nsurlsessiond_events plugin: adding token 1 for client softwareupdate_download_service
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.449 lsregister[143]: LaunchServices: Begin database seeding
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.450 lsregister[143]: LaunchServices: Completed database seeding
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.522 iconservicesagent[39]: Starting service with cache path: /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/C/com.apple.iconservices
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::initForPM
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.667 digest-service[126]: label: default
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.667 digest-service[126]: dbname: od:/Local/Default
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.667 digest-service[126]: mkey_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/m-key
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.667 digest-service[126]: acl_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/kadmind.acl
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.759 digest-service[126]: digest-request: uid=0
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.789 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.system) Service "com.apple.ManagedClient.startup" tried to hijack endpoint "com.apple.ManagedClient.agent" from owner: com.apple.ManagedClient
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.863 netbarrierm[67]: WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.0 instead of 10.10.0. Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
    Call location:
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.864 netbarrierm[67]: 0   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8cb49dc3 ___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 113
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.864 netbarrierm[67]: 1   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff8e6e7c13 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.864 netbarrierm[67]: 2   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff8e6e7b26 dispatch_once_f + 117
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.864 netbarrierm[67]: 3   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8caf24da _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 987
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.864 netbarrierm[67]: 4   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8caf20c7 Gestalt + 144
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.864 netbarrierm[67]: 5   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff96aecc49 _class_initialize + 649
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.864 netbarrierm[67]: 6   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff96afb99e lookUpImpOrForward + 179
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: IOPPF: XCPM mode
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendPStates - Success!
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.868 thermald[24]: OSTT is supported.
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.917 digest-service[126]: digest-request: netr probe 0
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: fGPUIdleIntervalMS = 0
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.918 digest-service[126]: digest-request: init request
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.926 digest-service[126]: digest-request: init return domain: BUILTIN server: BENNYS-MACBOOK-PRO indomain was: <NULL>
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.927 networkd[153]: networkd-411 pid 153
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.931 virusbarrierd[62]: Starting. Version 10.8.4 (217).
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.974 WindowServer[142]: Session 257 retained (2 references)
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.975 WindowServer[142]: Session 257 released (1 references)
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: en1: promiscuous mode enable succeeded
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.000 kernel[0]: en2: promiscuous mode enable succeeded
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.991 WindowServer[142]: Session 257 retained (2 references)
    26/10/2014 12:10:08.994 WindowServer[142]: init_page_flip: page flip mode is on
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.024 netbarrierd[55]: WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.0 instead of 10.10.0. Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
    Call location:
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.024 netbarrierd[55]: 0   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8cb49dc3 ___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 113
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.024 netbarrierd[55]: 1   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff8e6e7c13 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.024 netbarrierd[55]: 2   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff8e6e7b26 dispatch_once_f + 117
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.024 netbarrierd[55]: 3   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8caf24da _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 987
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.024 netbarrierd[55]: 4   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8caf20c7 Gestalt + 144
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.024 netbarrierd[55]: 5   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff96aecc49 _class_initialize + 649
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.024 netbarrierd[55]: 6   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff96afb99e lookUpImpOrForward + 179
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.074 virusbarrierd[62]: WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.0 instead of 10.10.0. Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
    Call location:
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.075 virusbarrierd[62]: 0   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8cb49dc3 ___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 113
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.075 virusbarrierd[62]: 1   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff8e6e7c13 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.075 virusbarrierd[62]: 2   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff8e6e7b26 dispatch_once_f + 117
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.075 virusbarrierd[62]: 3   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8caf24da _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 987
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.075 virusbarrierd[62]: 4   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8caf20c7 Gestalt + 144
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.075 virusbarrierd[62]: 5   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff96aecc49 _class_initialize + 649
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.075 virusbarrierd[62]: 6   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff96afb99e lookUpImpOrForward + 179
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.136 discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets GetProcessNameFromSocket() failed errno[57] err[-1]
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.136 discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Unknown(-1), errno 0 UDS FD=3
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.136 discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets UDS FD=3 ERROR: failed to get effective user ID, errno 0
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.137 discoveryd[51]: Basic SleepProxy BSP Server Disabled. Metric = 3373
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.139 discoveryd[51]: AwdlD2d AwdlD2dInitialize: Initialized
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.141 discoveryd[51]: D2D_IPC: Loaded
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.148 discoveryd[51]: Basic WABServer NetResolverEvent no resolvers, resetting domains
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.148 discoveryd[51]: Basic RemoteControl com.apple.discoveryd Starting XPC Server
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.148 discoveryd[51]: Basic SleepProxy Could not get the primary interface
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.148 discoveryd[51]: Basic RemoteControl com.apple.discoveryd.dnsproxy Starting XPC Server
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.148 discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver etc/hosts file changed: Event 0x7fcfbe107010 Flushed /etc/hosts cache
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.150 discoveryd[51]: Basic SleepProxy Sleep Proxy Server is not enabled
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.151 discoveryd_helper[164]: Basic RemoteControl com.apple.discoveryd_helper Starting XPC Server
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.152 discoveryd_helper[164]: Detailed RemoteControl com.apple.discoveryd_helper XPC connection 0x7f9628c01f30: start (pid=51, <unknown> not root)
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.155 configd[27]: network changed.
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.182 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.pid.virusbarrierd.62) Could not resolve origin of domain. XPC services in this domain's bundle will not be bootstrapped: error = 107: Malformed bundle, taint = missing executable
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.208 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpc.launchd.domain.pid.netbarrierd.55) Could not resolve origin of domain. XPC services in this domain's bundle will not be bootstrapped: error = 107: Malformed bundle, taint = missing executable
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on awdl0
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::configure Dynamic country code not supported on this device
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from AUTO to SUSPENDED
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlSuspendedMode() Suspending AWDL, enterQuietMode(true)
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 4.557920: MacAuthEvent en0   Auth result for: 7c:4c:a5:ab:2c:69  MAC AUTH succeeded
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en0
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.000 kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to 7c:4c:a5:ab:2c:69
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.000 kernel[0]: en0::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.482 virusbarrierd[62]: Checking for static definitions.
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.518 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.intego.virusbarrier.daemon.realtime) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.573 virusbarrierd[62]: Failed to download definitions: The Internet connection appears to be offline.
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en0
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.640 netbarrierd[55]: ProcessKernel (Error: Message connect)
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.703 netbarrierd[55]: Kernel DNS (Can't connect TCP-DNS kernel control socket - errno:2)
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.706 WindowServer[142]: Found 27 modes for display 0x00000000 [27, 0]
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.711 WindowServer[142]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.713 WindowServer[142]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.715 WindowServer[142]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.717 WindowServer[142]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.729 WindowServer[142]: mux_initialize: Mode is dynamic
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.733 WindowServer[142]: Found 27 modes for display 0x00000000 [27, 0]
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.736 WindowServer[142]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.736 WindowServer[142]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.736 WindowServer[142]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.744 netbarrierd[55]: Switched to No Network
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.818 virusbarrierb[169]: Starting. Version 10.8.4 (217).
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.851 virusbarrierb[169]: WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.0 instead of 10.10.0. Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
    Call location:
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.851 virusbarrierb[169]: 0   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8cb49dc3 ___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 113
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.851 virusbarrierb[169]: 1   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff8e6e7c13 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.851 virusbarrierb[169]: 2   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff8e6e7b26 dispatch_once_f + 117
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.851 virusbarrierb[169]: 3   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8caf24da _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 987
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.851 virusbarrierb[169]: 4   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8caf20c7 Gestalt + 144
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.851 virusbarrierb[169]: 5   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff96aecc49 _class_initialize + 649
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.851 virusbarrierb[169]: 6   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff96afb99e lookUpImpOrForward + 179
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.888 virusbarrierl[170]: WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.0 instead of 10.10.0. Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
    Call location:
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.888 virusbarrierl[170]: 0   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8cb49dc3 ___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 113
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.888 virusbarrierl[170]: 1   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff8e6e7c13 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.888 virusbarrierl[170]: 2   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff8e6e7b26 dispatch_once_f + 117
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.889 virusbarrierl[170]: 3   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8caf24da _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 987
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.889 virusbarrierl[170]: 4   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8caf20c7 Gestalt + 144
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.889 virusbarrierl[170]: 5   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff96aecc49 _class_initialize + 649
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.889 virusbarrierl[170]: 6   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff96afb99e lookUpImpOrForward + 179
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.937 WindowServer[142]: WSMachineUsesNewStyleMirroring: true
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.938 WindowServer[142]: Display 0x04280642: GL mask 0x5; bounds (0, 0)[1440 x 900], 27 modes available
    Main, Active, on-line, enabled, built-in, boot, Vendor 610, Model a019, S/N 0, Unit 2, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xf466f621b5fa04a00800cfa6c258decd
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.938 WindowServer[142]: Display 0x003f003d: GL mask 0x2; bounds (0, 0)[4096 x 2160], 2 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 1, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.938 WindowServer[142]: Display 0x003f0041: GL mask 0x20; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 5, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.939 WindowServer[142]: Display 0x003f0040: GL mask 0x10; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 4, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.939 WindowServer[142]: Display 0x003f003f: GL mask 0x8; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 3, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.939 WindowServer[142]: Set a breakpoint at CGSLogError to catch errors as they are logged.
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.939 WindowServer[142]: WSSetWindowTransform: Singular matrix
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.939 WindowServer[142]: WSSetWindowTransform: Singular matrix
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.939 WindowServer[142]: WSSetWindowTransform: Singular matrix
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.941 WindowServer[142]: Display 0x04280642: GL mask 0x5; bounds (0, 0)[1440 x 900], 27 modes available
    Main, Active, on-line, enabled, built-in, boot, Vendor 610, Model a019, S/N 0, Unit 2, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xf466f621b5fa04a00800cfa6c258decd
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.941 WindowServer[142]: Display 0x003f003d: GL mask 0x2; bounds (2464, 0)[1 x 1], 2 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 1, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.941 WindowServer[142]: Display 0x003f0041: GL mask 0x20; bounds (2465, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 5, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.941 WindowServer[142]: Display 0x003f0040: GL mask 0x10; bounds (2466, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 4, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.941 WindowServer[142]: Display 0x003f003f: GL mask 0x8; bounds (2467, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
    off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 3, Rotation 0
    UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.941 WindowServer[142]: CGXPerformInitialDisplayConfiguration
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.941 WindowServer[142]:   Display 0x04280642: Unit 2; Alias(2, 0x5); Vendor 0x610 Model 0xa019 S/N 0 Dimensions 13.03 x 8.15; online enabled built-in, Bounds (0,0)[1440 x 900], Rotation 0, Resolution 2
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.941 WindowServer[142]:   Display 0x003f003d: Unit 1; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2464,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.942 WindowServer[142]:   Display 0x003f0041: Unit 5; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2465,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.942 WindowServer[142]:   Display 0x003f0040: Unit 4; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2466,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.942 WindowServer[142]:   Display 0x003f003f: Unit 3; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2467,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.943 WindowServer[142]: CGXMuxBoot: Boot normal
    26/10/2014 12:10:09.999 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.FileSyncAgent.PHD.isRunning) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.000 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbloginhelper.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.000 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbpluginhost.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.002 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.002 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) The ServiceIPC key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.002 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.speech.speechsynthesisd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.003 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.TrustEvaluationAgent) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.008 WindowServer[142]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01024502, GL mask 0x00000003, accelerator 0x0000482b, unit 0, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 1536 MB
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.008 WindowServer[142]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01024502, GL mask 0x00000003, texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.008 WindowServer[142]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01022727, GL mask 0x0000003c, accelerator 0x000042d3, unit 2, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 2048 MB
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.020 WindowServer[142]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01022727, GL mask 0x0000003c, texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.020 WindowServer[142]: GLCompositor enabled for tile size [256 x 256]
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.020 WindowServer[142]: CGXGLInitMipMap: mip map mode is on
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.033 virusbarrierb[169]: Loading real-time scanner...
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.048 WindowServer[142]: CGXSetDisplayColorProfileAndTransfer: Display 0x04280642: Unit 2; ColorProfile { -1479805494 }; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.057 com.apple.AmbientDisplayAgent[178]: AmbientDisplayAgent started
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.060 com.apple.AmbientDisplayAgent[178]: AMBD initializing devices
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.064 com.apple.AmbientDisplayAgent[178]: AMBD Agent: xpc connection became invalid during event handler
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.065 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.intego.netupdate.agent) Please switch away from OnDemand to KeepAlive.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.067 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.AssistiveControl.running) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.067 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.btsa) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.067 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.coreservices.lsactivity) Unknown key for Boolean: DrainMessagesAfterFailedInit
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.069 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.helpd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.071 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.noticeboard.agent) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.072 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.speech.speechsynthesisd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.073 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.inputswitcher.running) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.073 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.universalaccesscontrol.running) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.073 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.universalaccessd.running) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.074 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow) This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.074 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.VoiceOver.running) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.074 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.ZoomWindow.running) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.109 askpermissiond[181]: objc[181]: Class FALogging is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyCircle.framework/Versions/A/FamilyCircle and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyNotification.framework/Versions/A/FamilyNotification. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.117 com.apple.SecurityServer[57]: Session 100005 created
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.127 askpermissiond[181]: StoreTransport: Resetting APS Connection using environment name production
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.131 apsd[52]: Unable to bootstrap_look_up connection port 'com.apple.askpermission.aps' for user 0: Unknown service name
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.149 UserEventAgent[186]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/alfUIplugin.plugin
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.150 loginwindow[72]: Setting the initial value of the magsave brightness level 1
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.164 UserEventAgent[186]: user agent networkd: built Sep  9 2014 16:11:57
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.179 WindowServer[142]: MPAccessSurfaceForDisplayDevice: Set up page flip mode on display 0x04280642 device: 0x7f90aab12c10  isBackBuffered: 1 numComp: 3 numDisp: 3
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.179 WindowServer[142]: _CGXGLDisplayContextForDisplayDevice: acquired display context (0x7f90aab12c10) - enabling OpenGL
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.187 WiFiAgent[187]:  securityd_message_with_reply_sync Failed to talk to secd after 4 attempts.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Trust daemon connected.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.229 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.DataDetectorsDynamicData) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.230 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.appkit.xpc.sandboxedServiceRunner) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan daemon connected.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.239 loginwindow[72]: Login Window Started Security Agent
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.000 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Work Backup on device disk2s2
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.381 virusbarriers[198]: Starting. Version 10.8.4 (217), avlib 109, definitions 2014102301.
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.382 virusbarriers[198]: WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.0 instead of 10.10.0. Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
    Call location:
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.382 virusbarriers[198]: 0   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8cb49dc3 ___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 113
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.382 virusbarriers[198]: 1   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff8e6e7c13 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.382 virusbarriers[198]: 2   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007fff8e6e7b26 dispatch_once_f + 117
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.382 virusbarriers[198]: 3   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8caf24da _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 987
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.382 virusbarriers[198]: 4   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8caf20c7 Gestalt + 144
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.382 virusbarriers[198]: 5   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff96aecc49 _class_initialize + 649
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.383 virusbarriers[198]: 6   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff96afb99e lookUpImpOrForward + 179
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.441 revisiond[71]: Cannot make directory /private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/C/com.apple.revisiond.private_temp/RO-db-V1_HuVzwsQr: File exists
    26/10/2014 12:10:10.000 kernel[0]: hfs: unmount initiated on Work Backup on device disk2s2
    26/10/2014 12:10:11.160 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.FileSyncAgent.PHD.isRunning) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    26/10/2014 12:10:11.161 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbloginhelper.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:11.161 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbpluginhost.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:11.163 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:11.163 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) The ServiceIPC key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
    26/10/2014 12:10:11.164 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.speech.speechsynthesisd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:11.164 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.TrustEvaluationAgent) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:10:11.940 WindowServer[142]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'. Run with arg = -discovery
    26/10/2014 12:10:12.000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from SUSPENDED to AUTO
    26/10/2014 12:10:12.000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlAutoMode Resuming AWDL
    26/10/2014 12:10:12.337 configd[27]: network changed: DNS* Proxy
    26/10/2014 12:10:12.340 UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1709] en0: SSID 'SKY2572F' making interface primary (protected network)
    26/10/2014 12:10:12.340 UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Evaluating
    26/10/2014 12:10:12.341 discoveryd[51]: AwdlD2d AwdlD2dStartAdvertisingPair: 'bennys-macbook-pro' Advertising service started
    26/10/2014 12:10:12.342 discoveryd[51]: AwdlD2d AwdlD2dStartAdvertisingPair: 'bennys-macbook-pro' Advertising service started
    26/10/2014 12:10:12.343 discoveryd[51]: AwdlD2d AwdlD2dStartAdvertisingPair: '08fb2befff04a0c100000000000008efip6arpa' Advertising service started
    26/10/2014 12:10:12.345 configd[27]: network changed: v4(en0!: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
    26/10/2014 12:10:12.346 UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: en0: Probing 'SKY2572F'
    26/10/2014 12:10:12.000 kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to 7c:4c:a5:ab:2c:69
    26/10/2014 12:10:12.358 configd[27]: setting hostname to "Bennys-MBP"
    26/10/2014 12:10:12.376 UserEventAgent[16]: tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete 1 connectx to failed: Host is down
    26/10/2014 12:10:12.999 sntp[205]: time set +0.455032 s
    26/10/2014 12:10:13.010 UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/64: The operation couldn’t be completed. Host is down
    26/10/2014 12:10:13.010 UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: [CaptiveHandleRedirect:1662] Unknown result value: 1, assuming online
    26/10/2014 12:10:13.010 UserEventAgent[16]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Authenticated
    26/10/2014 12:10:13.029 ntpd[147]: peer time.apple.com. @
    26/10/2014 12:10:13.052 ntpd[147]: drift PPM:0.000 -> 10.702
    26/10/2014 12:10:13.357 netbarrierd[55]: Switched to Network (Router IP( MAC(7c:4c:a5:ab:2c:68) Name(SKY2572F)
    26/10/2014 12:10:13.357 netbarrierd[55]: Unknown network detected.
    26/10/2014 12:10:13.923 virusbarrierd[62]: Checking for static definitions.
    26/10/2014 12:10:16.141 discoveryd[51]: None ClientIPC transport protocol in type '_keepalive._dns-sd' is invalid
    26/10/2014 12:10:55.055 apsd[52]: Reporting com.apple.main-thread is hung
    26/10/2014 12:10:55.071 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump[231]) Service exited with abnormal code: 75
    26/10/2014 12:10:55.071 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    26/10/2014 12:11:05.086 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump[233]) Service exited with abnormal code: 75
    26/10/2014 12:11:05.086 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    26/10/2014 12:11:10.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000bh00002w/C/mds/mds.lock'
    26/10/2014 12:11:10.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/C/tiles/t00000077.plist'
    26/10/2014 12:11:12.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/System/Library/Displays/Overrides/DisplayVendorID-610/DisplayProductID-a019'
    26/10/2014 12:11:13.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/usr/share/sandbox/com.apple.softwareupdated.sb'
    26/10/2014 12:11:15.101 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump[234]) Service exited with abnormal code: 75
    26/10/2014 12:11:15.101 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    26/10/2014 12:11:25.117 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump[235]) Service exited with abnormal code: 75
    26/10/2014 12:11:25.117 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    26/10/2014 12:11:25.000 kernel[0]: considerRebuildOfPrelinkedKernel com.apple.kext.OSvKernDSPLib triggered rebuild
    26/10/2014 12:11:26.567 com.apple.kextcache[236]: kext file:///System/Library/Extensions/JMicronATA.kext/ is in hash exception list, allowing to load
    26/10/2014 12:11:35.128 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump[237]) Service exited with abnormal code: 75
    26/10/2014 12:11:35.128 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    26/10/2014 12:11:38.352 warmd[33]: [warmctl_evt_timer_bc_activation_timeout:285] BC activation bcstop timer fired!
    26/10/2014 12:11:38.672 com.apple.kextcache[236]: Created prelinked kernel copy "/System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/prelinkedkernel"
    26/10/2014 12:11:38.672 com.apple.kextcache[236]: Created prelinked kernel "/System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/kernelcache"
    26/10/2014 12:11:38.672 com.apple.kextcache[236]: Created prelinked kernel using "/System/Library/Kernels/kernel"
    26/10/2014 12:11:45.143 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump[240]) Service exited with abnormal code: 75
    26/10/2014 12:11:45.143 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    26/10/2014 12:11:55.158 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump[241]) Service exited with abnormal code: 75
    26/10/2014 12:11:55.158 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    26/10/2014 12:12:05.173 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump[244]) Service exited with abnormal code: 75
    26/10/2014 12:12:05.173 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.spindump) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
    26/10/2014 12:12:10.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000bh00002w/C/mds/mdsObject.db'
    26/10/2014 12:12:10.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/C/tiles/t00000077'
    26/10/2014 12:12:12.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/System/Library/Displays/Overrides/DisplayVendorID-610/DisplayProductID-a019'
    26/10/2014 12:12:14.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000s0000068/C/com.apple.sandbox/sandbox-cache.db'
    26/10/2014 12:12:14.150 mds[34]: (DiskStore.Error:1417) Unexpected file  dev:754974722 storeDev:16777220 mode:416d hint:15114459 oid:15114459 ino:5 fsEvents:0 /home -- /home
    26/10/2014 12:12:14.150 mds[34]: (DiskStore.Error:1417) Unexpected file  dev:754974721 storeDev:16777220 mode:416d hint:15114458 oid:15114458 ino:3 fsEvents:0 /net -- /net
    26/10/2014 12:12:23.855 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.FileSyncAgent.PHD.isRunning) The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
    26/10/2014 12:12:23.856 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbloginhelper.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:12:23.856 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.mbpluginhost.user) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:12:23.858 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:12:23.858 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.secd) The ServiceIPC key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
    26/10/2014 12:12:23.858 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.speech.speechsynthesisd) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:12:23.859 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.TrustEvaluationAgent) This key does not do anything: OnDemand
    26/10/2014 12:12:24.314 lsregister[250]: LaunchServices: Begin database seeding
    26/10/2014 12:12:24.315 lsregister[250]: LaunchServices: Completed database seeding
    26/10/2014 12:12:26.634 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.DataDetectorsDynamicData) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    26/10/2014 12:12:26.634 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.apple.appkit.xpc.sandboxedServiceRunner) The JoinExistingSession key is only available to Application services.
    26/10/2014 12:12:40.123 com.apple.SecurityServer[57]: Session 100008 created
    26/10/2014 12:12:40.148 com.apple.SecurityServer[57]: Session 100007 created
    26/10/2014 12:13:10.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000bh00002w/C/mds/mdsObject.db_'
    26/10/2014 12:13:10.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/C/tiles/t00000077'
    26/10/2014 12:13:12.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/System/Library/Displays/Overrides/Icons.plist'
    26/10/2014 12:13:14.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000s0000068/C/com.apple.sandbox/sandbox-cache.db-wal'
    26/10/2014 12:13:26.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/Users/benny/.CFUserTextEncoding'
    26/10/2014 12:13:41.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/Users/benny/Library/Keychains/B85C7063-AB7F-5F8A-9D82-1C2DD3595BE3/user.kb'
    26/10/2014 12:14:08.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/C/lockCache_encryptedA.db'
    26/10/2014 12:14:10.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000bh00002w/C/mds/mdsObject.db_'
    26/10/2014 12:14:10.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/C/tiles/t00000077'
    26/10/2014 12:14:12.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/System/Library/Displays/Overrides/Icons.plist'
    26/10/2014 12:14:14.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000s0000068/C/com.apple.sandbox/sandbox-cache.db-shm'
    26/10/2014 12:14:26.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/Users/benny/.CFUserTextEncoding'
    26/10/2014 12:14:41.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/Users/benny/Library/Keychains/B85C7063-AB7F-5F8A-9D82-1C2DD3595BE3/user.kb'
    26/10/2014 12:15:08.416 com.apple.kextcache[263]: /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/kernelcache not cached.
    26/10/2014 12:15:08.000 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Recovery HD on device disk0s3
    26/10/2014 12:15:08.439 mds[34]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7fc2cc0bb800 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/Recovery HD
    26/10/2014 12:15:08.541 fseventsd[20]: Logging disabled completely for device:1: /Volumes/Recovery HD
    26/10/2014 12:15:08.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/C/lockCache_encryptedA.db'
    26/10/2014 12:15:09.282 com.apple.kextcache[263]: Successfully updated disk0s3.
    26/10/2014 12:15:09.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/Users/benny/.CFUserTextEncoding'
    26/10/2014 12:15:09.000 kernel[0]: hfs: unmount initiated on Recovery HD on device disk0s3
    26/10/2014 12:15:10.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000bh00002w/C/mds/mdsObject.db'
    26/10/2014 12:15:12.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/System/Library/Displays/Overrides/Contents/Resources/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings'
    26/10/2014 12:15:14.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000s0000068/C/com.apple.sandbox/sandbox-cache.db-shm'
    26/10/2014 12:15:42.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000c4000031/C/com.apple.sandbox/sandbox-cache.db'
    26/10/2014 12:16:10.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/Users/benny/.CFUserTextEncoding'
    26/10/2014 12:16:10.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000bh00002w/C/mds/mdsDirectory.db_'
    26/10/2014 12:16:12.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/System/Library/Displays/Overrides/Contents/Resources/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings'
    26/10/2014 12:16:14.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000s0000068/C/com.apple.sandbox/sandbox-cache.db-wal'
    26/10/2014 12:17:10.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/Users/benny/.CFUserTextEncoding'
    26/10/2014 12:17:10.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000bh00002w/C/mds/mdsDirectory.db_'
    26/10/2014 12:17:12.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/System/Library/Displays/Overrides/Contents/Resources/ca.lproj/Localizable.strings'
    26/10/2014 12:17:14.000 kernel[0]: RTS: Scan time-out on file '/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000s0000068/C/com.apple.sandbox/sandbox-cache

    Fixed it!
    Turns out that Little Snitch and Virus Barrier weren't playing well together. Just uninstalled both of them and restarted and my system booted up perfectly.
    Just reinstalling both of them now and seeing if the problem persists.

  • Captive portals not triggering on Mavericks

    I frequent locations that require a "I accept your policy, please connect me to wi-fi" screens upon connection, before allowing traffic to leave the local network. Prior to Mavericks, a small browser window would display, prompting me to accept and connect. On Mavericks, I have yet to see one of these.
    Here are some pertinent log entries from Console.app:
    0/31/13 8:31:26.665 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Inactive
    10/31/13 8:32:40.289 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1655] en0: SSID 'attwifi' not making interface primary (no cache entry)
    10/31/13 8:32:40.289 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Evaluating
    10/31/13 8:32:40.294 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: en0: Probing 'attwifi'
    10/31/13 8:32:40.316 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 8:32:40.492 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 8:32:40.657 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 8:32:40.842 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 8:32:41.126 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 8:32:41.514 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 8:32:41.927 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 8:32:42.520 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 8:32:43.201 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 8:32:43.945 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 8:32:44.827 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 8:32:44.827 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [wispr_detect_http_done:269] Network Error: Failed to retry probe. Giving up after retrying 10 times
    10/31/13 8:32:44.827 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [CaptiveHandleRedirect:1653] Unknown result value: 8, assuming online
    10/31/13 8:32:44.828 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Authenticated
    10/31/13 10:13:46.955 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Inactive
    10/31/13 10:14:02.663 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1655] en0: SSID 'PANERA' not making interface primary (no cache entry)
    10/31/13 10:14:02.663 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Evaluating
    10/31/13 10:14:02.668 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: en0: Probing 'PANERA'
    10/31/13 10:14:02.829 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 10:14:03.005 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 10:14:03.187 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 10:14:03.369 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 10:14:03.653 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 10:14:04.039 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 10:14:04.513 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 10:14:05.096 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 10:14:05.766 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 10:14:06.549 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 10:14:07.421 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred NSPOSIXErrorDomain/51: The operation couldn’t be completed. Network is unreachable
    10/31/13 10:14:07.421 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [wispr_detect_http_done:269] Network Error: Failed to retry probe. Giving up after retrying 10 times
    10/31/13 10:14:07.421 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [CaptiveHandleRedirect:1653] Unknown result value: 8, assuming online
    10/31/13 10:14:07.421 AM UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Authenticated
    Anyone having similar issues, or can point me towards a solution?

    I was able to manually trigger the Captive Portal Assistant and work around the issue. Open up Terminal.app and type:
    open /System/Library/CoreServices/Captive\ Network\ Assistant.app
    After that, I saw the window I was expecting and I was able to click the "I agree" button, and afterwards my Internet was working as expected.

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