Unlocking a page

I need to edit a page in dreamweaver that has been locked
because the client uses contribute to edit that page. How do I
unlock this page so that I can edit it?

> I've downloaded the latest version of the html page so
that I would be
> working
> in the right file.
Not if the client has made changes to their checked out
version, and not yet
checked those changes back in.
> Our client is not very computer savy, so I am not sure
> they would even know how to check a file in
Apparently they knew enought to check it out, no?
> I don't know enough about it
> to tell them how to do it.
Select the file in Contribute and Publish it. Or maybe just
ask them if
they have made any edits to that page. If they have not, tell
them to
cancel their checkout in Contribute.
Murray --- ICQ 71997575
Adobe Community Expert
(If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
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Tutorials & Resources
"Jules1221" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:g2bjl3$eq2$[email protected]..
> I've downloaded the latest version of the html page so
that I would be
> working
> in the right file. Our client is not very computer savy,
so I am not sure
> that
> they would even know how to check a file in, and I don't
know enough about
> it
> to tell them how to do it.

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    It sounds to me like your text is a single "story" running through a series of "threaded" frames. This is normal when working with long passages of text since normally you want text following an edit to either flow back to fill a deletion or push down to make room for additions. In susch cases empty space or "overset" text ends up at the end of the thread in the last frame of the story.
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    First of all Contribute is limited and in many cases you won't be able to change styles, colors, etc.
    We have a similar case here and the two column format is on our stylesheet and cannot be changed.
    Depending on how much control and how the styles were set up you may also see styles displayed differently. Usually the styles displayed are the only ones allowed to be used on that specific page. Doesn't mean something is missing. You can contact the Administrator to confirm whether the styles are correct for the pages you mentioned but I've never seen a mistake on setting the styles up.
    As I mentioned above Contribute is limited. You are working without looking at the codes. If something is not being displayed correctly users cannot do anything but they should communicate the problem to the designer so he/she can fix in Dreaweaver.
    This employee had probably left a draft without publishing. The fastest way is contacting the Contribute Administrator and ask to unlock the page. This can only be done within Dreamweaver. This will probably delete the "new content draft" but since you mentioned he left two years ago the content is definitely old.
    Again remember that Contribute won't give 100% power and sometimes designers have to finish the users' work. Keep in mind rights to edit the web site are given according to the needs and is up to designer or the Web Team to change layout. I am just mentioning this because you told that you don't want the two column format but this was probably created and decided by the Web designer to fit the needs of the company. I myself administer many users and every day I have someone asking to change some styles. Unless affects functionality none of the styles are changed.
    There's always a chance for you to get something changed if you can have some input to the web site since it's a charity you may have great chances to get what you need.

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    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 3 janvier 2012
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 12 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My iDisk is : http://public.me.com/koenigyvan
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    I take it you are not the administrator for the site? If so, you would be given the option to unlock the page (it will be near the top of the screen in a yellow box).
    Do you have access to the site outside of Contribute. If you can't unlock it via the administrative function mentioned above, you need to go into the site using Windows Explorer (if it's a local development site) or an FTP client and find a file with the same name as the page but with a .lck extension and delete it. That will unlock the page.

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    Hi Sai
    You can change the page properties. Right click on portal page > object. it will open the page object properties.
    If a page is locked, you can open it in read-only mode. then you need to unlock the page object. refer to [Page Editing|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/a3/badf3d48b05d5ae10000000a11405a/content.htm]
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    Hope it will helps
    Best Regards
    Arun Jaiswal

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    Type <b>about:config</b> in the location (address) bar and press the "<i>Enter</i>" key to open the <i>about:config</i> page, just like you open a website by typing the URL in the location bar.
    *If you see a warning message then you can confirm that you want to access the about:config page.
    *use the Search bar at the top of the about:config page to locate preferences more easily
    *preferences that have been modified and do not have the default value show as bold (user set)
    *preferences that are user set (bold) can be reset to the default value via the right-click context menu
    *preferences can be changed via the right-click context menu: Modify (String or Integer) or Toggle (Boolean) or by double-clicking the line with the pref
    *preferences can be created via the right-click context menu: New -> String, Integer, Boolean
    If you do not keep changes after a restart then see:

  • Unlock User

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    when i try unlocking the same user by logging in as configurator i could get the Unlock User page.
    Kindly give me a solution ASAP.

    Please, do not unlock user. Moreover, you already get answer in this other one. And if answers doesn't sastify you, say it in the same thread by posting new post, but do no create confusion by adding a thread.

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    I know you can create folders, but how can I cut 8 pages to only 5? Many pages only have a couple apps on them (with no rhyme or reason), others are full. I've tried to drag them, but can only drag them to the unlock screen page.

    Let's take a look. You can try deleting the app from the page that it is currently on and then add back on the page that you want. You can also try and drag and drop them with a stylus. Please keep us posted.
    Follow us on twitter @VZWSupport

  • Can't get past a "locked file" error, ie can't Publish?

    This software is very very very difficult to configure -- but
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    trying to get a new client (we're a web hosting co, who just got
    them from their previous web hosting firm who sold them on
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    becuase you are already editing it on another computer. Click here
    to make this page editable" WTF???????????
    This statement is wrong. No one else (other than me and my
    computer is OFF) has the abiltiy to edit that page. No one else has
    the credentials to enable Con to work on that client site
    I then click the 'here' and I get the notice that Contribute
    must unlock the page (stupid non professional app!!!) and I then
    try YES, and I get the dialog that says "no, access is denied or
    there may be a permission problem."
    This too is not correct. I personally made the perms for the
    whole website folder structure read/write and they work fine. I can
    use my own CMS system to login and make a change that works
    perfectly.. But not using Contribute....sigh....and that client
    WANTS to use Contribute....sigh....
    Could someone offer help here? Adobe Tech support in some
    other country doesn't seem able to understand my problem, let alone
    help, let alone feel any sense of urgency as this is a CLIENT for
    christsakes.....anyways...here's my questions...
    Is there a way to totally CLEAR all the settings on the
    client machine Contribute, then re-use the KEY to begin a new Admin
    role? I'm a bit fearful of deleting that website but if someone
    here who's NON adobe personnel says okay, that'd be my next step.
    Or do I need to uninstall from my own box too?
    Or, is there a way to fix this, without that deletion? I'd
    feel better about another way....but no matter. My client only has
    one eyebrow raised up at me right now, but if I don't come up with
    an answer tomorrow, that client will most likely be gone!
    Help here someone?

    Hi, try clearing the Contribute Preferences once and try the
    same scenario. Check any .LCK file is created for that particular
    page. Delete that file manually and make it editable.
    To Clear the preference, quit Contribute, and then delete the
    Contribute CS3 folder in C:\Documents and
    Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\ and
    also run the following command " reg delete
    "HKCU\Software\Adobe\Contribute 4.1" /f " if you are using
    Contribute CS3. Reconnect to the site and try the same scenario.
    Note that, if you clear the preferences then no connection
    will be listed in Contribute, you need to recreate the connections.
    It will be like a fresh installation.

  • Can no longer print after MacOS 10.6.8 upgrade

    I used to have full Reader functionality on my core duo 2006 era MAcbook. Since I upgraded to OS 10.6.8 I can no longer print. I get a print error that says "No pages selected to print" even though I clearly selected the whole document.
      Nor do on line pdf forms on websites seem to recognize it when I fill them in. I tried version 9.5, 10.x and 11.02. The latter 11.02 will not run at all on my computer even though it installs OK.

    I went an unlocked the page and selected Bootcamp and hit restart. However, now when I restart, it puts into bootcamp. I nolonger can enter the MAC side.

  • A few Problems/Glitches with InDesign CC 2014 on Windows 7 and CC on Mac OS 10.6.8

    We're experiencing some quirky glitches with InDesign CC on a Mac running OS 10.6.8, and with CC 2014 on Windows 7. I'll indicate which system on each problem...
    Anchored objects disappear when anchored into boxes that are, in turn, anchored into text flow.
    We publish catalogs and anchor all our images to the accompanying text so that as we remove/add products, all the text and images flow together. We have several instances in which we use a box to highlight certain products. In that box might be 1, 2, 3, or more products, each with anchored images. When we anchor those boxes within the main text flow, many of the images inside the box disappear. The anchors are still there but we can't see the images. This is happening on both systems.
    "Replace" field disappears when selecting anything from the “wildcard/special char.” menu in "find and replace". Windows.
    Shift click to unlock master page items bring background item to foreground.
    In CS4 and 5.5, if you shift-clicked to release an item from the master page, the top-most item was released. Now it seems as though the item that is farthest behind gets released first, which makes it impossible to select any other items if that one is a full-page background. Both systems.
    Double/triple clicking on a word to select it does nothing.
    You could literally click for 5 minutes and it wont select anything. You have to click off the box, use selection tool then click back onto the box and then it will work. You can move the cursor a few letters away and it will select the appropriate line or paragraph but it did not work this way in earlier versions. Both systems.
    Any suggestions, or is it something we're doing wrong?

    The list of obvious errors and glitches and illogical behaviour in all Indesign versions is long. With newer versions, some items disappeared from the list, but new ones were added.
    Best is to use the Adobe bug report form to let Adobe know in hope, they really read, care and someday do something about it.

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