Up to 60 minutes of Skype Credit from Bing Reward ...

Dear, Skype
Just interested in Bing Reward to get my goal "Up to 60 minutes of Skype Credit" for 100 points. I want to make it sure before redeem it. I am live in Indonesia and using Bing with US Region to activate my Bing Reward Features. If i have reached 100 point and redeem it, can i use the voucher/credit code in Indonesia? If yes, how much in USD i will get the Credit?
Thanks for your reply. I need help here.

Hi, ID4,
The Skype credit allotment choices will change and increase over time as you develop a successful credit purchase history with Skype.  It works a lot like increasing the credit limit on an unsecured credit card.
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Trustworthy information: Brian Krebs: 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety and Consumer Reports: Guide to Internet Security Online Safety Tip: Change your passwords often!

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    1. When I reach zero minutes, is there any way for Skype to automatically switch over to use Skype Credit without dropping the original call?
    2. Can I select which "account" to use when making the original call?
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    Aunt_Anarchy wrote:
    1. When I reach zero minutes, is there any way for Skype to automatically switch over to use Skype Credit without dropping the original call?
    2. Can I select which "account" to use when making the original call?
    3. Is Skype working on either of those solutions, or anything similar?
     Hello and welcome to the Skype Community.
    1. Unfortunately not. Calls can't be switched seamlessly when there's a change in the call charging protocol. Calls are charged at different rates between Subscriptions and Credit.
    2. Again this isn't possible. The system will automatically choose the cheaper option and can't be manually overridden.
    3. No. As a workaround you could establish a second account and use it for selected calls funded solely by Credit.
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

  • Remove skype credit from member

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    Thanks for advice,

    jana1238 wrote:
    our colleague has left us and there is about 10 EUR credit left on her account. Is it possible to withdraw (retrieve) it from her account back to our general account? Since she will not be using her Skype anymore, the money there is of no use for us.
    Thanks for advice,
    Yes you can retrieve the Skype Credit allocated to her account in Skype Manager,.
    Here are the instructions:
    Sign in to Skype Manager.
    Click Features in the toolbar to display the Credit allocations page.
    Check the box next to each member whose credit allocation you wish to take back.
    Click Take back credit.
    Confirm that you wish to take back the credit by clicking Take back credit. The credit is refunded to your Skype Manager's credit balance.
    Hope this answers your question.
    Gary B
    Skype Enterprise Support

  • I have recharged my Skype credit, but still can't make a call

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    Hello and welcome to the Skype Community.
    Your account shows that you have used your full minutes allocation in your current billing cycle and your next minutes will be added to your account when your next billing cycle starts on August 16th 2015.
    Renewing your monthly Subscription before your billing cycle ends has no effect on the date upon which your minutes allocation will be added to your account.
    To continue calling until your next minutes allocation is applied to your account please purchase either a Subscription but with a different amount of minutes or Skype Credit.

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    Hi and welcome to the Skype Community,
    Were you signed in to Skype recently on a public computer (internet cafe, computer at a friend's place etc.) and maybe haven't signed out there? - Good news ist you will have blocked this option now by having changed your password.
    Other option: If you have linked your Skype with your Microsoft account and your Microsoft account is used to sign in on a Windows 8.1 computer the Skype app there will use this account to sign in.
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
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  • Subscription renewed but charged at skype credit r...

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    Hello and welcome to the Skype Community.
    Your account shows that you have used your full minutes allocation in your current billing cycle and your next minutes will be added to your account when your next billing cycle starts on July 12th 2015.
    Renewing your monthly Subscription before your billing cycle ends has no effect on the date upon which your minutes allocation will be added to your account.
    To continue calling until your next minutes allocation is applied to your account please purchase either a Subscription but with a different amount of minutes or Skype Credit.

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    120 minutes I had already one running but I went out of minutes and bought a new one (3,50 E) I did this TWICE! In other words I bought it twice! One yesterday and one today. And it still nog upgraded?
    I already logged out and in. Restarted skype and my laptop. But I still can not make any phone calls. 
    The order is delivered and already bin paid. Now what? 
    Jun 25****************605Netherlands 120 mins 1 monthiDEAL€3,50DeliveredJun 24****************726Netherlands 120 mins 1 monthiDEAL€3,50Delivered
    Kind regards, 

    Hello and welcome to the Skype Community.
    Your account shows that you have used your full minutes allocation in your current billing cycle and your next minutes will be added to your account when your next billing cycle starts on
    Renewing your monthly Subscription before your billing cycle ends has no effect on the date upon which your minutes allocation will be added to your account.
    To continue calling until your next minutes allocation is applied to your account please purchase either a Subscription but with a different amount of minutes or Skype Credit.

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    I would like my Bing points back.

    Any error message you see when redeeming your Skype credit voucher code at www.skype.com/go/voucher ?
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
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  • Problem from redeeming Skype Credit Card

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    Anyone can help me to fix it?

    If by "Internet credit card" you are referring to those services that issue a temporary, time-limited credit card number, those to the best of my knowledge will not work with the iTunes Store. You need a permanent credit card that has an associated billing address.

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    Hi Reid,
    Your order has been reversed. Did you by any chance purchase this credit through some campaign?
    Or did you purchase it from account page: https://secure.skype.com/account/
    I'd recommend contacting customer service and they will be able to investigate why order was reversed: https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA1170/How-can-I-contact-Skype-Customer-Service
    If answer was helpful please mark it with Kudos and if issue is resolved mark it with solution. This will help other users find this answer more easily. Thanks in advance!

  • Skype credit purchase from iTunes store not shown

    I just paid skype credit with Itune on my iphone.  In itune the charge shows, in Skype it shows it is canceled?  Does anyone knows why?

    I found a solution to this problem from user mike57 in this thread. His solution:
    Delete movie from iTunes and check the save movie to trash box in the delete window. Then go to the trash, drag the movie to the desktop. Double click on the movie on the desk top. iTunes opens, reinstalls it and it automatically syncs with Apple TV. Apple TV now can play it.
    Deleting and reimporting a couple of shows that didn't play solved the problem for me. Give it a shot and let us know if it works.
    iMac G4 and Apple TV Mac OS X (10.4.9

  • Can't pay for my subscription from Skype credit?

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    I bought a subscription last month and paid with my debit card. I want to renew it now, but I do not want to use the card. I would like to pay from my skype credit. I tried to do this, but the system does not give me this option as a method of payment. Why is this so?
    Thank you in advance!

    mojeime wrote:
    I tried to do this, but the system does not give me this option as a method of payment. Why is this so?
    Payment for Subscriptions using credit isn't available to all users. If the option isn't presented it means that it's not available to you.
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

  • Skype credit vs World minutes by Office 365

    I have both skype credit and world minutes (offered by Office 365). When I do a skype calling to mobile or landline, which account above will be taking into priority and whether I could choose which one should be active at a time as part of charging/payment?

    Hello and welcome to the Skype Community.
    Skype will use the subscription that’s best for you. It ranks your subscriptions and uses them in this order:
    By minute rate – lowest rate (i.e. cheapest) ranks first;
    By plan type – unlimited ranks first, and limited ranks second;
    By next monthly minutes reset date – nearest ranks first.
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

  • Skype credit bought from Europe - will I be able t...

    I have bought Skype credit a year ago, which has been deactivated since then because I haven't used it for some time. I saw in the FAQ that reactivation is generally possible, but not in Japan, where Skype credits expire after half a year. I live in Europe, and bought the credits there, but I will travel to Japan next month and I would like to do land calls using Skype. I will reactivate my credits before my travel. How should I interpret the exception written above in this case? Will I be able to use my reactivated credit in Japan because I bought it in Europe? Or I will not be able to use it, because I bought it more than a half year ago, so the possibility to use it from Japan has expired? Thanks for your help!
    Go to Solution.

    Skype Support has give me the answer. I will still be able to use my recativated credit in Japan, because I've bought it in Europe.

  • Suspend Credit from Skype Manager member

    Is it possible to remove credit from a member, in case this member is no longer in your company?. I just tried it, but i cant seem to find anywhere to remove credit back onto the account.
    Kindest regards

    I don't understand the policy.
    Is it so difficult to let decide the accountmanager to swap credit from one to another member ? for example: i've a month subscription running for one member, at the end of the month Skype sends me a message that i need credit to renew his subscription, i get new credit, swap the credit to the member with the subscription.....nothing...the manager needs the credit...so i've to swap the credit back to the manager...no way because the account is personal.....
    your motto is : "why should you do the things in an easy way if it can be done more complex and less transparent ?"
    Skype is getting worse, unwanted 'options', an interface that is getting worse. We're happy to pay to use your service but treat us with respect and don't try to rip us off !
    I ask for a better  and simple interface, no microsoft stupid colors. remember the first userinterface, no ofcourse you were not using it by that time...

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