Updating the JWS application if the client is not connected to internet.

I have a java web start application. My users don't have internet connection. I need to update the application on the user machines. How can i do this?
Can i give a download link for the updated application jar file and when he goes to a internet cafe and downloads the particular file and then copy's to his computer's desktop. Can i tell the java web start to download that particular file from desktop to cache and start using that jar instead of old jar.
Thanks for the help.

Is the computer system software up to date?
What about the printer driver version?
If the printer is wireless capable, and has a
sleep or low-power mode, it may stand-by
or not really be 'off' so read a manual to see
what the printer can do, & be sure the OS X
is correct, along with maker's driver version.
The printer may be seen as a bonjour printer
or other, if it has an built-in antenna. I've not
heard of a printer causing a Mac to wakeup
in a manner of occurrence, as you've stated.
I've had dozens of Macs & several brands of
printers, w-fi capable or not. None ever did that.
If you have a PowerPC Mac running Tiger 10.4.9
or an Intel-based Mac, consider later software
and any later driver updates for the printer(s.)
Good luck

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    Here are several things that you can try that might help.
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    Check Settings>General>Date &Time>Set Automatically>On.
    Reset your router by unplugging it from power for about 30 seconds and then plug it back in again.

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    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    Please again cross check whether you have properly configured certificate attached with the server. Because the error which you are facing is generally due to corrupted certificate on server side. As you have already tried, I again want you to back up the registry
    setting and then remove the X509 certificate registry key under below mention path, restart the computer and reactivate the RD Licensing Server. 
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\RCM
    You can also refer below article for additional information.
    How to resolve the issue “Remote Desktop Disconnected” or “Unable to
    Connect to Remote Desktop (Terminal Server)”
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki

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    Other threads I've read have had people note that the following solutions have worked for them:
    If you have a 5 GHz wi-fi router, turn off 5 GHz support and let it fall back to 2.4 GHz.
    Change wi-fi router to auto-select channels, or manually select a different channel than what it's on now.
    Disable iCloud Drive.
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    Description= mailserver
    Mail Host = local host
    port = 25
    code page = 1100 
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    RZ10  Settings.
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    is/SMTP/virt_host_2                         *:25;
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    Your config is IMHO wrong.
    You need to set smtp.googlemail.com in the SCOT settings and to remove it from icm/server_port_2.
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    The seller should have given you the original disk so that you can reinstall as needed. But it likely was a single-user license (which really means single computer) so you can only have a copy on one computer at a time. If the seller didn't give you the disk he is probably still using the software on his new Mac. Your best option to get any of the iWork apps to use in OS X 10.6.6 or later is through the Mac App Store. You can then install them on any Mac you have that has access to the Mac App Store using your Apple ID.

  • Mobile Sync not update the client or remote store  after first sync

    Subject: OracleLite 9i does not update the client or remote store during synchronization with a Windows CE device
    After the first synchronization, neither the client or remote stores are updated on future synchronization when the publication is created with the fast refresh option. If the publication is created with the complete refresh option, the server will update the client, but the client cannot update the server after the first synchronization. That is once the database (.odb) file is downloaded from the server on the first connect, no updates to either the client, or server are performed for a publication created with the fast refresh option, and only the client store is updated when the publication is created with the complete refresh option. These result are obtained whether I use MSync via Microsoft Active Sync, or I use the Embedded VC++ program I wrote to initiate the synchronization from the Windows CE device.
    I am 99% sure the JAVA code that I am programmatically creating the publications with, and the Embedded VC++ code for initiating the synchronization from the Windows CE device are correct. Both programs adhere exactly to the example code provided either in the documentation, or in the sample code shipped with OracleLite 9i Release 5.0.1. My conclusion is that there is a problem with Oracles replication programs either on the Windows CE, or Server side, or both. This conclusion on my part is strongly supported by the fact that MSync operating with Microsoft Active Sync behaves exactly the same as my code that initiates the replication from the Windows CE device. Also, by looking through the discussion forum, I gather that others are experiencing similar, if not identical, replication problems.
    To support my contention that it is a Oracle problem, I have prepared a simplified version of the Embedded VC++ code to initiate the synchronization for the CE device, and the JAVA code for creating the publication. This code duplicates the problem and is easy to follow. You may download the zip file containing code via the link https://Yggdrasill.cfr.msstate.edu:4443/SyncProblem.htm or the link http://Yggdrasill.cfr.msstate.edu:7778/SyncProblem.htm. This zip contains the Embedded VC++ project files, that will compile and run correctly on a PocketPC with an Arm processor, or the PocketPC x86 emulator when you have the required include files, and libraries in the path. It also includes the JAVA code I used to create the publication. If you extend the VC++ code to run on additional platforms be sure to add the compile flag (directive) /D SQL_NOUNICODEMAP , and the library files olod2040.lib, and ocapi.lib in the library box from Project settings. On my system the paths to the Arm, and x86 libraries are C:\ORALITE501\MOBILE\SDK\WINCE\POCKET_PC\Arm\LIB, and C:\ORALITE501\MOBILE\SDK\WINCE\POCKET_PC\X86EM\LIB, respectively
    I am using a NT 4.0 SP6a server with Database 9i Release 2 Enterprise edition, and OracleLite 9i Mobile Server Release 5.0.1. The Windows CE test device is an iPac running Pocket PC, connected to a system running Windows 2000 Professional SP2, and Microsoft Active Sync 3.1.
    Please review this problem documentation, and tell me what I am doing wrong, or point me to a location where I can get a patch to fix the problem.
    Thomas G.Matney
    [email protected]

    I'm also facing a similar problem. I'm using Mobile server as stand alone config with Oracle 8i as server database. After the first download, the data updated at the server is not getting downloaded to client(PDA).
    How did u overcome this problem? Is there any work around?
    I want to do synch using both serial and dial up.
    Thanks in advance,

  • Client installation fails with error: The client version 4.00.6487.2000 does not match the MP version 2.50.4253.3000. The client wil not be installed.

    Hello World,
    I have this remote server that used to be a sms 2003 secondary site server. We uninstalled the SMS role. And used the server as an SCCM remote distribution point. We also want to install an client agent on that server machine. But no mather how i try
    to install the client i always see the same error in ccmsetup.log:
    File download 100% complete (17847296 of 17847296 bytes). ccmsetup 8/18/2010 9:17:18 AM 9916 (0x26BC)
    Download complete. ccmsetup 8/18/2010 9:17:18 AM 9916 (0x26BC)
    Successfully downloaded client files. ccmsetup 8/18/2010 9:17:18 AM 9916 (0x26BC)
    Searching for available transform ccmsetup 8/18/2010 9:17:18 AM 9916 (0x26BC)
    Failed to find resource file 'client.mst' ccmsetup 8/18/2010 9:17:18 AM 9916 (0x26BC)
    No transform available for this locale. Installation will proceed with no transformation. ccmsetup 8/18/2010 9:17:18 AM 9916 (0x26BC)
    Updated security on object C:\WINDOWS\system32\ccmsetup\. ccmsetup 8/18/2010 9:17:18 AM 9916 (0x26BC)
    An MP exists on this machine. ccmsetup 8/18/2010 9:17:18 AM 9916 (0x26BC)
    The client version 4.00.6487.2000 does not match the MP version 2.50.4253.3000.  The client will not be installed. ccmsetup 8/18/2010 9:17:18 AM 9916 (0x26BC)
    A Fallback Status Point has not been specified.  Message with STATEID='318' will not be sent. ccmsetup 8/18/2010 9:17:18 AM 9916 (0x26BC)
    Deleted file C:\WINDOWS\system32\ccmsetup\WindowsServer2003-KB923845-x86-ENU.exe.download ccmsetup 8/18/2010 9:17:18 AM 9916 (0x26BC)
    I think the installer finds some remenance of the old SMS_MP. When looking i found some remains in IIS . I tried to remove the remains but still have the same error when installing the client. I uninstalled IIS completly. Can someone tell me where the client
    installer looks for the MP version? Would it help if i installed an SCCM MP on that server and the uninstalled it (Upgrade the MP)?

    Hello Kent, i ran the ccmclean.exe from the SMS2003 Toolkit. It informed me that my system was cleaned. I ran the sccm client setup manualy and found this in the ccmsetup.log
    MSI PROPERTIES are SMSSITECODE=AUTO CCMHTTPPORT="80" CCMHTTPSPORT="443" INSTALL=ALL ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:21 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    IsFileMicrosoftTrusted Verified file 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\ccmsetup\{4CD82FBB-0AFC-4864-A089-15364DF5F14B}\client.msi' is MS signed. ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:21 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    Running installation package
      Package:     C:\WINDOWS\system32\ccmsetup\{4CD82FBB-0AFC-4864-A089-15364DF5F14B}\client.msi
      Log:         C:\WINDOWS\system32\ccmsetup\client.msi.log
      Properties:  SMSSITECODE=AUTO CCMHTTPPORT="80" CCMHTTPSPORT="443" INSTALL=ALL ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:21 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:21: INSTALL.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:21 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:21: SystemFolder.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:21 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:21: SystemFolder.12C909B6_5F69_4C4D_8EC3_C225C1607933.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:21 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:21: SystemFolder.A6940213_CD40_4753_8BA2_E803376DECC3.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:21 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:21: SystemFolder.F65FD590_5BEA_48BE_8408_26F7244E8B61.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:21 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:21: WindowsFolder.8AE6A59B_5597_4D75_9BFD_7F566BF56500.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:21 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:21: SystemFolder.98C5B086_7EB0_422A_B0A8_674010F525CD.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:21 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:21: SystemFolder.4C5E03E8_F8E5_47CB_8FF4_E46FE34D35A6.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:21 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:21: System64Folder.597B26B2_B5D6_40FF_90DA_B8E672626B1D.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:21 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:21: System64Folder.541D9CA5_CE53_4DCE_903A_9B9E5A6EF2C6.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:21 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:21: SmsCheckConfig.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:21 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:22: SMSValidateClientInstallStamp.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:22 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:22: LaunchConditions. Evaluating launch conditions ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:22 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:22: SmsDetectWindowsEmbeddedFBWF.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:22 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:22: SmsCheckNewRemoteTools.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:22 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:22: AppSearch. Searching for installed applications ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:22 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:22: CCPSearch. Searching for qualifying products ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:22 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:22: RMCCPSearch. Searching for qualifying products ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:22 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:22: ValidateProductID.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:22 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:22: CcmSetInstallDir.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:22 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:22: BCDSetX64Dir.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:22 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:22: CcmSetInstallDirFromCmdLine.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:22 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:22: CcmSetPrimaryFolder.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:22 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:22: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:22 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: Action 10:48:22: SmsDetectInvalidOrderColocUpgrade.  ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:22 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    MSI: An older version of the SMS Management Point is installed. Please upgrade the Management Point before attempting to upgrade the client. ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:22 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    Installation failed with error code 1603 ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:23 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    Next retry in 120 minute(s)... ccmsetup 8/18/2010 10:48:23 AM 3140 (0x0C44)
    Their must be something remaining that ccmclean can't find or can' access so i ran ccmclean /mp. This did some stuff and told me the system was clean again. I reran the client setup.
    Guess what
    It worked !
    Thanxs Kent

  • Geting "Incorrect client ID.The stub is not connected yet" during deploying

    Hai all,
          I am unable to deploy a J2EE application from Deploy Tool. The following trace is comg in defaultTrace.trc.2
    #1.5#000D9D9FAF62003C0000000900000F080003FC0472DB309D#1121520967258#com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4##com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4#Guest#2##sap_J2E_1009250#Guest#097b3220f5fd11d9b557000d9d9faf62#Finalizer##0#0#Error#1#/System/Server#Plain#ID:Can't send inform message.: Incorrect client ID. The stub is not connected yet.#com.sap.engine.services.monitor.mbeans.MonitorResourceBundle##
    #1.5#000D9D9FAF62003C0000000A00000F080003FC0472DB33DE#1121520967258#com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4##com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4#Guest#2##sap_J2E_1009250#Guest#097b3220f5fd11d9b557000d9d9faf62#Finalizer##0#0#Error#1#/System/Server#Plain###Incorrect client ID. The stub is not connected yet.#
    #1.5#000D9D9FAF62003C0000000B00000F080003FC0472DB3A15#1121520967258#com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4##com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.StubImpl p4_finalize#Guest#2##sap_J2E_1009250#Guest#097b3220f5fd11d9b557000d9d9faf62#Finalizer##0#0#Error##Plain###
    com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.exception.P4BaseIOException: Incorrect client ID. The stub is not connected yet.
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.server.P4ObjectBrokerServerImpl.getException(P4ObjectBrokerServerImpl.java:860)
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.server.P4ObjectBrokerServerImpl.getException(P4ObjectBrokerServerImpl.java:853)
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.server.P4SessionProcessor.reply(P4SessionProcessor.java:169)
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.StubImpl.p4_finalize(StubImpl.java:221)
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.StubBase.finalize(StubBase.java:121)
         at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.invokeFinalizeMethod(Native Method)
         at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.runFinalizer(Finalizer.java:83)
         at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.access$100(Finalizer.java:14)
         at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.java:160)
    #1.5#000D9D9FAF62003C0000000C00000F080003FC0472DB3F36#1121520967258#com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4##com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4#Guest#2##sap_J2E_1009250#Guest#097b3220f5fd11d9b557000d9d9faf62#Finalizer##0#0#Error#1#/System/Server#Plain#ID:Can't send inform message.: Incorrect client ID. The stub is not connected yet.#com.sap.engine.services.monitor.mbeans.MonitorResourceBundle##
    #1.5#000D9D9FAF62003C0000000D00000F080003FC0472DB423D#1121520967258#com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4##com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4#Guest#2##sap_J2E_1009250#Guest#097b3220f5fd11d9b557000d9d9faf62#Finalizer##0#0#Error#1#/System/Server#Plain###Incorrect client ID. The stub is not connected yet.#
    #1.5#000D9D9FAF62003C0000000E00000F080003FC0472DB47AA#1121520967258#com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4##com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.StubImpl p4_finalize#Guest#2##sap_J2E_1009250#Guest#097b3220f5fd11d9b557000d9d9faf62#Finalizer##0#0#Error##Plain###
    com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.exception.P4BaseIOException: Incorrect client ID. The stub is not connected yet.
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.server.P4ObjectBrokerServerImpl.getException(P4ObjectBrokerServerImpl.java:860)
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.server.P4ObjectBrokerServerImpl.getException(P4ObjectBrokerServerImpl.java:853)
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.server.P4SessionProcessor.reply(P4SessionProcessor.java:169)
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.StubImpl.p4_finalize(StubImpl.java:221)
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.StubBase.finalize(StubBase.java:121)
         at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.invokeFinalizeMethod(Native Method)
         at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.runFinalizer(Finalizer.java:83)
         at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.access$100(Finalizer.java:14)
         at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.java:160)
    #1.5#000D9D9FAF62003B0000000100000F080003FC047395DF47#1121520979492#com.sap.engine.compilation##com.sap.engine.compilation.ExternalCompiler.compile()#Administrator#32###Administrator#8c8d9e90f5fe11d99d3d000d9d9faf62#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_32##0#0#Error##Plain###Error while compiling :
    java.io.IOException: CreateProcess: javac -encoding Cp1252 -d C:/usr/sap/J2E/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/apps/sap.com/onlyear/EJBContainer/temp/temp1121520967445 -classpath .;./bin/system/frame.jar;C:/usr/sap/J2E/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/bin/ext/jms/jms.jar;C:/usr/sap/J2E/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/bin/ext/tcsecssl/iaik_jsse.jar;C:/usr/sap/J2E/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/bin/ext/webservices_lib/saaj-api.jar;C:/usr/sap/J2E/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/bin/ext/tcsecssl/iaik_smime.jar;C:/usr/sap/J2E/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/bin/ext/add_ejb/add_ejb.jar;C:/usr/sap/J2E/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/bin/ext/servlet/servlet.jar;C:/usr/sap/J2E/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/bin/services/naming/naming.jar;C:/usr/sap/J2E/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/bin/ext/webservices_lib/webservices_lib.jar;C:/usr/sap/J2E/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/bin/interfaces/resourcecontext_api/resourcecontext_api.jar;C:/usr/sap/J2E/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/bin/ext/tcsecssl/w3c_http.jar;C:/usr/sap/J2E/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/bin/interfaces/webservices/webservices_api.jar;C:/us?
         at java.lang.Win32Process.create(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Win32Process.<init>(Win32Process.java:66)
         at java.lang.Runtime.execInternal(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Runtime.java:566)
         at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Runtime.java:491)
         at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Runtime.java:457)
         at com.sap.engine.compilation.ExternalCompiler.compile(ExternalCompiler.java:65)
         at com.sap.engine.services.ejb.util.AdminUtils.compile(AdminUtils.java:449)
         at com.sap.engine.services.ejb.deploy.DeployAdmin.deploySingleJar(DeployAdmin.java:625)
         at com.sap.engine.services.ejb.deploy.DeployAdmin.generate(DeployAdmin.java:266)
         at com.sap.engine.services.ejb.EJBAdmin.deploy(EJBAdmin.java:2093)
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.application.DeploymentTransaction.makeComponents(DeploymentTransaction.java:1015)
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.application.DeploymentTransaction.begin(DeploymentTransaction.java:594)
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.application.ApplicationTransaction.makeAllPhasesOnOneServer(ApplicationTransaction.java:300)
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.application.ApplicationTransaction.makeAllPhases(ApplicationTransaction.java:331)
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.DeployServiceImpl.makeGlobalTransaction(DeployServiceImpl.java:2910)
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.DeployServiceImpl.deploy(DeployServiceImpl.java:451)
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.DeployServiceImplp4_Skel.dispatch(DeployServiceImplp4_Skel.java:1511)
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.DispatchImpl._runInternal(DispatchImpl.java:286)
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.DispatchImpl._run(DispatchImpl.java:172)
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.server.P4SessionProcessor.request(P4SessionProcessor.java:104)
         at com.sap.engine.core.service630.context.cluster.session.ApplicationSessionMessageListener.process(ApplicationSessionMessageListener.java:37)
         at com.sap.engine.core.cluster.impl6.session.UnorderedChannel$MessageRunner.run(UnorderedChannel.java:71)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.ActionObject.run(ActionObject.java:37)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.execute(SingleThread.java:94)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.run(SingleThread.java:140)
    #1.5#000D9D9FAF62003B0000000900000F080003FC04739BCB45#1121520979883#com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4##com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4#Administrator#32###Administrator#8c8d9e90f5fe11d99d3d000d9d9faf62#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_32##0#0#Error##Plain###com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.DispatchImpl _runInternal Cannot deploy application sap.com/onlyear..
    Reason: Exception during generation of components of application sap.com/onlyear in container EJBContainer.; nested exception is:
         com.sap.engine.services.deploy.exceptions.ServerDeploymentException: Exception during generation of components of application sap.com/onlyear in container EJBContainer.#
    #1.5#000D9D9FAF62003B0000000A00000F080003FC04739BD41D#1121520979883#com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4##com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.DispatchImpl runInternal#Administrator#32###Administrator#8c8d9e90f5fe11d99d3d000d9d9faf62#SAPEngineApplication_Thread[impl:3]_32##0#0#Error##Plain###
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Cannot deploy application sap.com/onlyear..
    Reason: Exception during generation of components of application sap.com/onlyear in container EJBContainer.; nested exception is:
         com.sap.engine.services.deploy.exceptions.ServerDeploymentException: Exception during generation of components of application sap.com/onlyear in container EJBContainer.
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.DeployServiceImpl.deploy(DeployServiceImpl.java:466)
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.DeployServiceImplp4_Skel.dispatch(DeployServiceImplp4_Skel.java:1511)
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.DispatchImpl._runInternal(DispatchImpl.java:286)
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.DispatchImpl._run(DispatchImpl.java:172)
         at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.server.P4SessionProcessor.request(P4SessionProcessor.java:104)
         at com.sap.engine.core.service630.context.cluster.session.ApplicationSessionMessageListener.process(ApplicationSessionMessageListener.java:37)
         at com.sap.engine.core.cluster.impl6.session.UnorderedChannel$MessageRunner.run(UnorderedChannel.java:71)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.ActionObject.run(ActionObject.java:37)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.execute(SingleThread.java:94)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.run(SingleThread.java:140)
    Caused by: com.sap.engine.services.deploy.exceptions.ServerDeploymentException: Exception during generation of components of application sap.com/onlyear in container EJBContainer.
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.application.DeploymentTransaction.makeComponents(DeploymentTransaction.java:1021)
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.application.DeploymentTransaction.begin(DeploymentTransaction.java:594)
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.application.ApplicationTransaction.makeAllPhasesOnOneServer(ApplicationTransaction.java:300)
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.application.ApplicationTransaction.makeAllPhases(ApplicationTransaction.java:331)
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.DeployServiceImpl.makeGlobalTransaction(DeployServiceImpl.java:2910)
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.DeployServiceImpl.deploy(DeployServiceImpl.java:451)
         ... 10 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at com.sap.engine.compilation.ExternalCompiler.getErrorMessage(ExternalCompiler.java:123)
         at com.sap.engine.services.ejb.util.AdminUtils.compile(AdminUtils.java:451)
         at com.sap.engine.services.ejb.deploy.DeployAdmin.deploySingleJar(DeployAdmin.java:625)
         at com.sap.engine.services.ejb.deploy.DeployAdmin.generate(DeployAdmin.java:266)
         at com.sap.engine.services.ejb.EJBAdmin.deploy(EJBAdmin.java:2093)
         at com.sap.engine.services.deploy.server.application.DeploymentTransaction.makeComponents(DeploymentTransaction.java:1015)
         ... 15 more
    #1.5#000D9D9FAF62003B0000000D00000F080003FC04739BDA8D#1121520979883#com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4##com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4#Administrator#32###Administrator#8c8d9e90f5fe11d99d3d000d9d9faf62#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_32##0#0#Error#1#/System/Server#Plain#ID:011403: Cannot deploy application sap.com/onlyear..
    Reason: Exception during generation of components of application sap.com/onlyear in container EJBContainer.; nested exception is:
         com.sap.engine.services.deploy.exceptions.ServerDeploymentException: Exception during generation of components of application sap.com/onlyear in container EJBContainer.#com.sap.engine.services.monitor.mbeans.MonitorResourceBundle##
    #1.5#000D9D9FAF62003B0000000E00000F080003FC04739BDCAE#1121520979883#com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4##com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4#Administrator#32###Administrator#8c8d9e90f5fe11d99d3d000d9d9faf62#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_32##0#0#Error#1#/System/Server#Plain###Cannot deploy application sap.com/onlyear..
    Reason: Exception during generation of components of application sap.com/onlyear in container EJBContainer.; nested exception is:
         com.sap.engine.services.deploy.exceptions.ServerDeploymentException: Exception during generation of components of application sap.com/onlyear in container EJBContainer.#
    #1.5#000D9D9FAF62003B0000000F00000F080003FC04739BDEA3#1121520979883#com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4##com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4#Administrator#32###Administrator#8c8d9e90f5fe11d99d3d000d9d9faf62#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_32##0#0#Error##Plain###TraceException in DispatchImpl...#
    #1.5#000D9D9FAF62003B0000001000000F080003FC04739BDFA7#1121520979883#com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4##com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4#Administrator#32###Administrator#8c8d9e90f5fe11d99d3d000d9d9faf62#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_32##0#0#Error##Plain###P4:SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_32: TraceException in DispatchImpl...#
    The above trace repeating all the time when I try to deploy.
    Can any body tell whether is it a configuration problem or any application problem. Also on the same server another j2ee application is deploying successfully.
    Thanks a lot,

        Thanks Brandelik, actually the problem was coming because of java.lang.outOfMemory exception during compilation time.
         As of now I am not able to fix that problem. I am changing all the available options for memory settings.
        Anybody please help me how to set the memory parameters for deploying an application. My application needs minimum of -Xmx512m for deployment on oracle10g server.

  • The client could not be authenticated because the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Type cannot be processed by the server

    wireless authentication not working 
    I found the following in the radius
    Log Name:      Security
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing
    Date:          1/15/2014 2:07:57 AM
    Event ID:      6273
    Task Category: Network Policy Server
    Level:         Information
    Keywords:      Audit Failure
    User:          N/A
    Computer:     NAP01.test.local
    Network Policy Server denied access to a user.
    Contact the Network Policy Server administrator for more information.
     Security ID:   doamin \user.a
     Account Name:   user.a
    Client Machine:
     Security ID:   NULL SID
     Account Name:   -
     Fully Qualified Account Name: -
     OS-Version:   -
     Called Station Identifier:  00-0F-7D-C4-45-20:staff
     Calling Station Identifier:  0C-74-C2-EF-Dd-0B
     NAS IPv4 Address:
     NAS IPv6 Address:  -
     NAS Identifier:   -
     NAS Port-Type:   Wireless - IEEE 802.11
     NAS Port:   497
    RADIUS Client:
     Client Friendly Name:  wcont1
     Client IP Address:
    Authentication Details:
     Connection Request Policy Name: Wireless
     Network Policy Name:  wism
     Authentication Provider:  Windows
     Authentication Server:  NAP01.test.local
     Authentication Type:  EAP
     EAP Type:   -
     Account Session Identifier:  -
     Logging Results:   Accounting information was written to the local log file.
     Reason Code:   22
     Reason:    The client could not be authenticated  because the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Type cannot be processed by the server.
    Please help

    Anything updates?
    In addition, this issue may also because your client didn't have CA certificate of your domain. Please make sure that your client has CA certificate.
    Besides, the error "The client could not be authenticated because the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Type cannot be processed by the server" may be due to that the default maximum transmission unit that NPS uses for EAP payloads is 1500
    bytes. You can lower the maximum size that NPS uses for EAP payloads by adjusting the Framed-MTU attribute in a network policy to a value no greater than 1344:
    Configure the EAP Payload Size
    Best regards,

  • AADSTS65005: The request has failed because the client has not specified this resource in its requiredResourceAccess list

    I'm trying to acess an OData feed using Power Query.
    The service is guarded by an AAD OWIN middleware and is registered in AAD.
    If I try to consume the service, a popup appears which allows me to login, but after login I get the following error:
    AADSTS65005: The client application has requested access to resource <resource>. This request has failed because the client has not specified this resource in its requiredResourceAccess list.
    Trace ID: acdb2c32-4249-46e4-8afe-38db0aad991b
    Correlation ID: aed596d5-b663-42ae-8621-64a8e04dc8fa
    Does anyone know what might be the problem?

    By default, a registered app is configured to request "Read the user's profile", which once consented to by the user, allows the app to get a user token (id token if using OpenID Connect) and read the signed in user's profile (including their mail
    address or addresses) when calling the Azure AD Graph API. 
    Please try setting the resource in your request to Azure AD,
    Please refer to the similar thread:
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • How do I find all the purchased items on my iPhone? When I try to update the iPhone iOS while connected to my MacBook it says there are purchased items on the phone that have not been transferred to my iTunes library and that I should transfer them.

    How do I find all the purchased items on my iPhone? When I try to update the iPhone iOS while connected to my MacBook it says there are purchased items on the phone that have not been transferred to my iTunes library and that I should transfer them before updating.

    Thanks. This seems to have worked easily.

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