URGENT...chaging assets class .........

is there any chance to change assets class for particular asset?
they post wrong posting

Hi paul
ABUMN......which i have select the option
Trasfer to
1. Existing asset? or
2. new asset?

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    My customer has created asset with wrong asset class.
    Is there any chance to change asset class in master record, and if not please explain how to delete existing one and create new asset with right asset class.
    Note: the values are already posted to this asset

    1. Asset class cannot be changed anymore in asset master record.
    2. You cannot delete an asset which is already posted
    Solution for your problem:
    1. Create new asset with the right asset class.
    2. Do transfer asset using t-code : ABUMN from old asset (wrong asset class) to the new one (right asset class).
    Hope it helps


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    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Ashok,
         Can i know the reason how it was happend. i mean instead of 4 years the system showing is 5yesrs any reason is there behind that.
    Thanks in Advance.

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    It seems , something is wrong with the asset class configuration . Check with your FICO consultant. If configuration is right, maybe some wrong process is being followed. Otherwise search for OSS notes .

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    Termination of processing                            ***
    Asset class not set or invalid.
    Key of data record which caused termination:
    Client          = 110 ,
    Company Code    = 900  ,
    Asset class     = 10405    ,
    Old main number = /            ,
    Old subnumber   = /    ,
    Transaction     = AS91 ,
    Record type     = A .
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    Try to prepare the upload file with one record, and then select "process/foreground" in batch processing, you should able to see what cause the error.

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                My core team said me to create two asset class CWIP BG & CWIP P&M
    1.First -  In SPRO , I just wanted to know which status of Auc will be used - No Auc or summary mgt of Auc/Line item settlement/ Investment Measure.
    2.Second -  In assignment with GL for balance sheet and Depreciation what are the fields is needed to assign or GL to be assigned.
    Please dont give me any path  and try give the solution urgently

    1. In CWIP for creation of asset class you will give Line item settlement.You must not select "include asset" check box.
    2. In Balance sheet accounts you will assign G/L Accounts for
        Acquisition & Production cost
        Loss made on Asset retirement w/o revenue
        Clearing account revenue from asset class
        gain from asset sale
        loss from asset sale.
    There wont be depreciation for CWIP.

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    Please  help and provide some exact solution.
    Best wishes

    Hi Rajmohan,
    most probably it is a authorization problem.
    Please compare the assets which are not shown with this user. It could be a cost center.
    regards Bernhard

  • Report of posted Deprecation with ASSET CLASS

    Hi Gurus,
    We require a depreciation simuation report with Asset class as mandatory one.
    Could you please tell me path and t-code for the above said report.

    Hi Praveen,
    You mentined before you wanted to view depreciation simulation, for this RASIMU02 is the report to use.
    However, if you want to see depreciation planned /and or posted you can use the Asset Balance RABEST_ALV01. If you click on the indicator  "current book value" you will see the actually posted depreciation and current Netbook Value. Also in this report you can enter the Asset Class in the selection parameters.
    Regarding viewing the note I forwarded to you previously: you can view it via the SAP Portal - http://help.sap.com/. If you go to SAP ERP tab, you will see on the right hand side pannel a link to SAP Notes. Here you can view any note.
    I hope this helps further.
    Kind regards,

  • Calculation of depreciation and interest for a particular asset class

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    Dep/int             phase     base met dec-bal prd cont mult lvl chn ov
    Ord.depreciation     1     0011     001     006     001        5
    Ord.depreciation     2     0002     001     003     003
    Interest             1     0028     001     003     010
    An example of an asset is:
    Aquisition value: 1041552.71 (as migrated on 01.04.2007)
    Ordinary dep already posted: 56243.88
    Net book value: 985308.83
    Scrap Value:729086.90
    Useful life: 50 years
    Expired useful life: 9 years 1 month
    Remaining useful life: 40 years 11 months.
    Depreciation start date: 28.03.1998
    Interest calculation start date:30.03.1997
    Depreciation calculated by the system:6261.83
    Interest calculated in the year:15682.68
    I'm not able to undersatnd on what basis the system calculated the interest. I will be thankful if anyone can help me resolve this. An early reply will be greatly appreciated as I'm facing major problems due to this issue.

    Hi Mahesh,
    As per my analysis of the case the interest rates are as under
    Acq. Year                                                    Int.Percent
    9999     4          01     10.%
    9999     7          01     5.%
    9999     25          01     2.5%
    9999     999     12     01     2.5%
    As per this the Acquisition value less the Scrap Value Rs.312,465.00 @ 2.5% p.a will be Rs. 7811.64.
    Based on the above you analyse for which period interest is calculated.
    Hope it will help.

  • Error While Creating Asset Class

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    I am getting the following error in development client while creating the asset class AB2200.
    "Screen Layout 200 was not created"  but the same was created.
    Please guide me how to handle this error and the reason for me getting this error message while creating asset class.
    Your quick response would be highly solicited.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Srinath
    There are 2 things.. Create the screen layout and Define the screen layout... (IMG> AA > Master Data> Screen Layout for asset classes)
    Complete both the steps here and specify the same sccreen layout in your asset class
    Ajay M

  • Error occur while doing Determination the dep. area in the asset class

    Hi All
    Query about FI - AA
    when I m trying to do determine depreciation area in the asset class with following path
    Path in IMG
    FA- AA- Valuation-- Determine depreciation area in the asset class
    By following above path and my Asset class as soon as I select my Asset class and click on depreciation area Tab at left side I m heading with below error:
    *"Contact your system administrator (Table error)"*
    I don't have De.area 02 in my chart of depreciation and I don't want to maintain it. I just want to maintain Area 01 and 15
    expecting expert opinion and feed back,

    Please select the Depreciation Area, which you don't want to maintain for depreciation.
    And delete the selected depreciation areas.
    Thanks & Regards,
    S. Umamageshwaran

  • Transfer assets from one asset class to another having different depreciation keys.

    Hi Gurus,
         I am a noob in FICO, and I am facing a problem while transferring assets from one asset class to another.
    Below is the scenario.
    I created two assets 100000000000-0 under asset class 4690a and 200000000000-0 under asset class 4690b. And I am trying to transfer the
    asset from class 4690b to 4690a by selecting the option ‘New Asset’ in the transaction ABUMN. While doing this, I am receiving an error message as below.
    'Posting with trans. type 300 not possible (No acquisition posted).'
         Message No. AA324.
         Transaction type 300 belongs to a transaction type group, which can only be used to post to assets to which posting has already been performed. However, no postings have been made to this asset.
         Use a transaction type from a transactio type group, which can be used for the first acquisition to an asset.
    The error is related to the transaction type which I hadn’t explicitly created anywhere. But, when checked in transaction AO76, the transaction  type 300 belongs to the transaction type group 30. In this group I am not able to find any solution related to the error.
    Moreover, in some of the threads in SCN, I read that modifying the transaction type group might lead to something fatal.
    Kindly help me in the below.
    1. What exactly the error message is related with?
    2. Is there any other method to transfer the asset to another class?
    Please let me know if any further details are required regarding the scenario.

    Hi ,
    I understand that you want to transfer the old asset to new asset with different asset class with different depreciation keys and the old asset is not yet capitalized and does not have any Asset Values.
    Assuming that since the First Asset is not yet capitalized, that seems to be that its just that ASset Master is created and no Asset Values appear in the Asset.(in other words no acquisition, capitalization, no dep. start etc.)..
    Alternatively this asset can be advised to be blocked and flagged for deletion and create a new Asset in the new Asset Class and then capitalize the new asset by doing the acquisition according to the business process i.e. either via PO based process(GR) or Non PO based process.
    The transfer of asset is required incase the old asset still have the values and you are transferring the old asset to new one with the left over values.
    Also would request you to kindly share some screenshots of the AW01n of the old asset and screenshots of the AS03 to have more idea on it and provide a better solution to the same..
    Warm Regards,

  • Transfer of existing assets to new asset class

    Hello Experts,
    We are working in a one-year old implementation of SAP ECC 6.0. A need has raised which is forcing us to transfer an asset with some Depreciation areas (we are currently working with ten areas between Real Depreciation Areas and Derived Depreciation Areas) to a new asset belonging to a new asset class with fewer areas.
    We created the new Asset Class and tested in the quality environment using transaction ABUMN. An example was transferring an asset with two months of depreciation already posted and transferring this one to the new asset at the beginning of the next month.
    The main issue is that we desire that the original asset keeps posting depreciation for the areas that are not transferred. Unfortunately, in our tests in the quality environment we have not accomplished this, what the system does is transfer the values to the new asset and then when you run transaction AFAB the new asset does post depreciation in the fewer areas that the Asset Class it is assigned to has but the original asset does not post any depreciation in any area.
    We tried maintaining the Transaction Types for Transfers that were used by the system by deselecting the 'Deactivate fixed asset' but it did not work and then we tried creating our own Transaction Types but this also was of no use.
    Hope you can shed some light into the issue!

    Dear Sankar,
    Thanks for such a quick reply. I have already considered that (SAP forcing you to transfer the whole asset) as a possibility. Unfortunately, as I have already mentioned here at our implementation we need something like this to happen.
    Let me elaborate. For the fiscal Depreciation Areas we are required to keep the original information on the asset so that the depreciation that is calculated does not change but conversely for the other areas we desire to change the depreciation that is calculated and posted (for example, some assets will suffer a change in the useful life others might merge into one big asset, etc.) but what we definitely need is to keep the original information in the fiscal areas so we can keep reporting that and therefore can keep paying the correct amount to our local tax authorities.
    As I mentioned before I have already considered that as an option. So what we thought was duplicating the assets (through a mass charge of all our assets with the current values), then transferring the 'clones' to assets with fewer Depreciation Areas (we will eliminate the Fiscal Areas since this new assets will be only useful for the non-fiscal depreciation calculation which is the one that will change).
    To sum up: the clones will not generate depreciation because when transferred they will be worthless. The assets they were transferred to will generate the non fiscal depreciation.
    And finally on the original assets we will deactivate the non-fiscal Depreciation Areas so that these assets continue to calculate the fiscal depreciation.
    I would really appreciate your opinion on this strategy or if you think it is a bad or incorrect strategy I would appreciate even more an advise on this matter.
    PS. a little doubt now also strikes me: what is the "Deactivate Fixed Asset" in the Transaction Type definition for?

  • Link-Group Asset Class, Depreciation Area & Depreciation Key

    Dear Experts,
    I am new to FI-AA Customization & have a basic query about Group Asset Concept.
    I am working on Ecc 6.0 & for Country India.
    I want to create Group Asset for calculation of Depreciation as per Income Tax Act.  Hence there is just one Depreciation Area (for Group Assets) , but the Depreciation keys are different.  E.d IN1, IN2 etc. (Country Version India)
    Now the questions are :
    1) Do we need to create different Asset Class for different Group Assets or to create just 1 Asset Class for all Group Assets.
    E.g. I want to calculate Depreciation As per income Tax Act on Gross Block of Building, Furniture & Fixture, Motor Car, Vehicles etc. So I need to create separate Group Asset Class for each one of above or just to create one Group Asset Class.
    2) If we need to create just one Asset Class for all Group Assets; how to maintain a Depreciation Key in OAYZ as there are more than 1 Depreciation Keys?
    3) is there any other method / functionality to calculate Depreciation as per income Tax Act or Group Asset is the only functionality?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Looking at your Questions let us take explanation for Group Assets :-
    1 ) We need to create new different asset class for Group Class in OAOA. Then permit the depreciation area for only Group Asset in OAYM as it is in your current scenario India  is Depreciation Area 15 Just select your company code in OAYM and check the Grp Asset field for respective area 15. Then go to OAAX here we have to maintain the assets classes particularly for Group Assets. So check your Group Asset classes for Group Assets. Cerate different Group asset classes for your said requirement.
    In these depreciation areas, it is then possible to make an assignment to a group asset.  You make this assignment in the specifications for the depreciation area in the asset master record.  When you post an acquisition to this kind of asset, the system duplicates the line items from this depreciation area on the given group asset.
    2 ) According to me you have to create different depreciation keys for Group Asset classes. Assign the Depreciation keys to your newly created Group Asset Classes in OAYZ and make sure you are deactivating 01 area which is Book Depreciation area.
    3 ) As far as I know this is the only functionality available to handle Group Assets. How ever SAP does not have any standard Group Assets functionality. SAP does not supply asset classes to be used solely for group assets. It is we have to determine as per varying Business Process.
    I hope this will clear your doubt makes you to understand. Please revert back for further clarification. Welcome you.
    Pankaj A Bhalerao.
    Edited by: pankaj_ab on Feb 3, 2010 8:26 AM

  • Different GL Account for WRX for Separate Asset Class

    Hi Gurus
    We are on 4.7 in a Production environment. We have the following scenario:
    We have created a new asset class called as LA. For procurement of asset from this asset class, we want to maintain a different GL in the WRX (GR/IR) account key in OBYC. All the other assets should use the default WRX GL account except the new asset class LA.
    Pls advise on how to achieve this.

    Asset postings will not be based on valuation class/ class. What ever is the default GL account assigned in WRX (without valuation class) postings will hit that account.

Maybe you are looking for