Urgent : Table for equipment PRT

Hi all ,
we have created Routing for material X , equipment PRT is assigned in the routing CA02.
I want to Know as such all materials in a plant to whom the quipment PRT is assigned that is list of materials and assigned Equipment PRT Whih Table i can find this?

U r right it is structure, pls check in the following tables mentioned below:

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    Hi venky,
    Please try with below tables
    EQKT Equipment Short Texts  
    EQUI Equipment master data  
    CRFH PRT Master Data
    CRVD_A Link of PRT to Document
    CRVD_B Link of Document to PRT
    CRVE_A Assignment of PRT data to Equipment
    CRVE_B Assignment of equipment to PRT data
    CRVM_A Link of PRT data to Material
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    I hope any one of above table will help
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    I got the issue.
    In IE02- equipment measuring point change, we need to assign the same in the PRT screen also.
    But now a new error coming-
    Document 3 already entered for the measurement time specified
    Message no. IR027
    You are trying to enter a measurement document for a measuring point that has been defined as a counter.
    However, a measurement document that has not been reversed already exists at the measurement time you have entered.
    The system must be able to determine a unique sequence for the measurement documents to be able to recalculate the counter readings if necessary.
    System Response
    The system will not allow the existence of two measurement documents for a measuring point where the measurement times are the same to the exact second. The system must be able to order the measurement documents in a sequence if it has to to recalculate the counter readings.
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    Hi Abhishek
    You will get this information in PLAS and EAPL table.
    Package detail will avaliable in  T351X
    Edited by: Rahul Bande on May 30, 2009 7:27 PM
    Edited by: Rahul Bande on May 30, 2009 7:30 PM

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    yes you can use object key, it  is the one which relates with the equipment ( object key <b>EQUI</b>)

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    Just do like this to know about your tables,
    go to se11,
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    under the field name input u can VIOROO and VIBPOBJREL
    then excute, u can get the table names for your fields.

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    ya that's true row is referenced by another table.....but i want the row to referred by another table ,I don't know how to fix it
    Actually this is not a C# issue. It is a T-SQl issue.
    The above link should be posted.
    Per my understanding, first you should
    delete the record from the Foreign Table and then after you have to delete the record from the Primary Key table
    Hope it helps you.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    i think once you have delivered the material ,it will create the equipment master record record stating the status as installed at customer site,
    the status you have said i think is user status ,if so kindly change the user status and proceed with the above said procedure
    revert back with any further queries

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    Points assured

    hi seenu
    yes you are wright the sales organisation, DC,Divison is strored under the ILOA table only , since in equipment its being picked from the view table,you can interrelate with FL and equipment

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                   Which table I should refer so i wll get the Orders with specific order type , for specific equipments for a month ( Date Range).
    With best regards,

    for that use the following tables for report generation:
    AFIH : for equipment number selection and order numbers
    AUFK: For order dates and other data
    T003P: for order type.
    In a single you will not get all the answers. You have to join three four table for this. try using these tables. Or also you can create a query for this using SQ01.

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