Use images XMP Metadata as Alternative Text

I would like to use the information in the images metadata, specifically the Description field and use it as the Alternate Text for the images within a PDF.
Is there a way to do this? Can it be done with a plug-in?

Actually, there is already a place in PDF for "AltText" - it's called (believe it or not) AltText, and it's part of the structure/tagging present in PDF since 1.4 used for accessibility.

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  • Read Image XMP Metadata

    Hi All,
    Hope I'm not spamming  this thread to your mailbox as I felt this question asked in unrelated  forum.
    Question: Can we read image meta data from Flex ?
    I tried it with xmp core library and passed a jpeg file to xmpMeta object :
    private function getImageMetadata(jpeg:File):void
                                  var meta:XMPMeta = new XMPMeta(jpeg);
                                  var packet:XML = meta.serializeToXML();
                                  var photoshop:Namespace = XMPConst.photoshop;
                                  var value:String = meta.photoshop::AuthorsPosition;
                                    trace(value); // returns null, not sure why
    Can any one help me to get the image metadata.
    Thanks in advance

    I've got some content related to my issue from net but still it won't solve my problem
    private function init():void {
                                            var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
                                            ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imgLoaded);
      var s:String = "my/jpgPath/myjpgName.jpg";
                                            ldr.load(new URLRequest(s));
                                  private function imgLoaded(e:Event):void{
                                            var info:LoaderInfo = as LoaderInfo;
                                            var xmpXML:XML = getXMP(info.bytes);
                                            var meta:XMPMeta = new XMPMeta(xmpXML);
      //var packet:XML = meta.serializeToXML();
                                            var photoshop:Namespace = XMPConst.photoshop
                                  private function trim(s:String):String{
      return s.replace( /^([\s|\t|\n]+)?(.*)([\s|\t|\n]+)?$/gm, "$2" );
                                  private function getXMP(ba:ByteArray):XML{
                                            var LP:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                                            var PACKET:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                                            var l:int;
                                            ba.readBytes(LP, 2, 2);
                                            read part 3: Storage in Files.
                                            that will explain the -2 -29 and other things you see here.
                                            l = LP.readInt() - 2 -29;
                                            ba.readBytes(PACKET, 33, l);
                                            var p:String = trim(encode(PACKET) as String);
      var i:int ='<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/"');
      /* Delete all in front of the XMP XML */
                                            p = p.substr(i);
                                            For some reason this left some rubbish in front, so I'll hardcode it out for now
                                            TODO clean up
                                            var ar:Array = p.split('<');
                                            var s:String = "";
                                            var q:int;
                                            var j:int = ar.length;
                                                      s += '<'+ar[q];
                                            i ='</x:xmpmeta>');
                                            i += ('</x:xmpmeta>').length;
                                            s = s.slice(0,i);
      /* Delete all behind the XMP XML */
                                            return XML(s);
                                  private static function encode(ba:ByteArray):String {
      var origPos:uint = ba.position;
      var result:Array = new Array();
       for (ba.position = 0; ba.position < ba.length - 1; )
      if (ba.position != ba.length)
       result.push(ba.readByte() << 8);
      ba.position = origPos;
                                                      return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, result);
    It seems there is a bug in XMPMeta class where it always throws an exception "The XMPMeta object cannot have qualifiers", Even created with default (no param).
    Does anyone have any clue on this? please help

  • [CS3 JS] Possible to Inspect Custom XMP Metadata With JavaScript?

    I am using custom XMP metadata in InCopy and InDesign docs in CS3 to hold custom metadata that can vary wildly. I know the full set of possible items but not what values will be in a particular document.
    Short of writing the XMP to a file and then processing that from my script, is there a way to inspect the custom properties from JavaScript. I didn't see a way to do it from the data model.

    Here is another script to catch MetaData, some more than the basic:
    // metaDataOfLinks.jsx
    //DESCRIPTION: Catches MetaData of linked images and creates a report at the DeskTop.
    // Martin Fischer 10/2008
    var myLinkXmpArray = ["author", "copyrightInfoURL", "copyrightNotice", "copyrightStatus   ", "creationDate", "creator", "description", "documentTitle", "format", "jobName", "keywords", "modificationDate", "serverURL"];
    var myIPTCArray = ["CiAdrCity", "CiAdrCtry", "CiAdrExtadr", "CiAdrPcode", "CiAdrRegion", "CiEmailWork", "CiTelWork", "City", "CiUrlWork", "CopyrightNotice", "Country", "CountryCode", "Creator", "CreatorContactInfo", "CreatorJobtitle", "DateCreated", "Description", "DescriptionWriter", "Headline", "Instructions", "IntellectualGenre", "JobID", "Keywords", "Location", "Provider", "Province-State", "RightsUsageTerms", "Scene", "Source", "SubjectCode", "Title"];
    var myPSArray = ["photoshop:AuthorsPosition", "photoshop:CaptionWriter", "photoshop:Category", "photoshop:City", "photoshop:Country", "photoshop:Credit", "photoshop:DateCreated", "photoshop:Headline", "photoshop:Instructions", "photoshop:Source", "photoshop:State", "photoshop:SupplementalCategories", "photoshop:TransmissionReference", "photoshop:Urgency"];//var myPSArray = ["photoshop:AuthorsPosition", "CaptionWriter", "Category", "City", "Country", "Credit", "DateCreated", "Headline", "Instructions", "Source", "State", "SupplementalCategories", "TransmissionReference", "Urgency"];
    var myTiffArray = ["tiff:ImageWidth", "tiff:ImageLength", "tiff:BitsPerSample", "tiff:Compression", "tiff:PhotometricInterpretation", "tiff:Orientation", "tiff:SamplesPerPixel", "tiff:PlanarConfiguration", "tiff:YCbCrSubSampling", "tiff:YCbCrPositioning", "tiff:XResolution", "tiff:YResolution", "tiff:ResolutionUnit", "tiff:TransferFunction", "tiff:WhitePoint", "tiff:PrimaryChromaticities", "tiff:YCbCrCoefficients", "tiff:ReferenceBlackWhite", "tiff:DateTime", "tiff:ImageDescription", "tiff:MakeProperName", "tiff:Model", "tiff:Software", "tiff:Artist", "tiff:Copyright"];
    var myExifArray = ["exif:ExifVersion", "exif:FlashpixVersion", "exif:ColorSpace", "exif:ComponentsConfiguration", "exif:CompressedBitsPerPixel", "exif:PixelXDimension", "exif:PixelYDimension", "exif:UserComment", "exif:RelatedSoundFile", "exif:DateTimeOriginal", "exif:DateTimeDigitized", "exif:ExposureTime", "exif:FNumber", "exif:ExposureProgram", "exif:SpectralSensitivity", "exif:ISOSpeedRatings", "exif:OECF", "exif:ShutterSpeedValue", "exif:ApertureValue", "exif:BrightnessValue", "exif:ExposureBiasValue", "exif:MaxApertureValue", "exif:SubjectDistance", "exif:MeteringMode", "exif:LightSource", "exif:Flash", "exif:FocalLength", "exif:SubjectArea", "exif:FlashEnergy", "exif:SpatialFrequencyResponse", "exif:FocalPlaneXResolution", "exif:FocalPlaneYResolution", "exif:FocalPlaneResolutionUnit", "exif:SubjectLocation", "exif:ExposureIndex", "exif:SensingMethod", "exif:FileSource", "exif:SceneType", "exif:CFAPattern", "exif:CustomRendered", "exif:ExposureMode", "exif:WhiteBalance", "exif:DigitalZoomRatio", "exif:FocalLengthIn35mmFilm", "exif:SceneCaptureType", "exif:GainControl", "exif:Contrast", "exif:Saturation", "exif:Sharpness", "exif:DeviceSettingDescription", "exif:SubjectDistanceRange", "exif:ImageUniqueID", "exif:GPSVersionID", "exif:GPSLatitude", "exif:GPSLongitude", "exif:GPSAltitudeRef", "exif:GPSAltitude", "exif:GPSTimeStamp", "exif:DateTimeOriginal,", "exif:DateTimeDigitized.", "exif:GPSTimeStamp", "exif:GPSSatellites", "exif:GPSStatus", "exif:GPSMeasureMode", "exif:GPSDOP", "exif:GPSSpeedRef", "exif:GPSSpeed", "exif:GPSTrackRef", "exif:GPSTrack", "exif:GPSImgDirectionRef", "exif:GPSImgDirection", "exif:GPSMapDatum", "exif:GPSDestLatitude", "exif:GPSDestLongitude", "exif:GPSDestBearingRef", "exif:GPSDestBearing", "exif:GPSDestDistanceRef", "exif:GPSDestDistance", "exif:GPSProcessingMethod", "exif:GPSAreaInformation"];
    var myCameraRawArray = ["crs:AutoBrightness", "crs:AutoContrast", "crs:AutoExposure", "crs:AutoShadows", "crs:BlueHue", "crs:BlueSaturation", "crs:Brightness", "crs:CameraProfile", "crs:ChromaticAberrationB", "crs:ChromaticAberrationR", "crs:ColorNoiseReduction", "crs:Contrast", "crs:CropTop", "crs:CropLeft", "crs:CropBottom", "crs:CropRight", "crs:CropAngle", "crs:CropWidth", "crs:CropHeight", "crs:CropUnits", "crs:Exposure", "crs:GreenHue", "crs:GreenSaturation", "crs:HasCrop", "crs:HasSettings", "crs:LuminanceSmoothing", "crs:RawFileName", "crs:RedHue", "crs:RedSaturation", "crs:Saturation", "crs:Shadows", "crs:ShadowTint", "crs:Sharpness", "crs:Temperature", "crs:Tint", "crs:ToneCurve", "crs:ToneCurveName", "crs:Version", "crs:VignetteAmount", "crs:VignetteMidpoint", "crs:WhiteBalance"];
    var myInfo = new Array;
    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var myLinks = app.documents[0].links;
    for ( i = 0; i < myLinks.length; i++)
       getMetaData ( myLinks[i] );
    writeData ( 'Metadaten zu ' + + '\r-----------\r\r' + myInfo.join ( '\r\r'), File ('~/Desktop/Metadaten_' +$/, '') + '.txt'));
    // ===============================================================
    //                                  Funktionen
    // ===============================================================
    function getMetaData ( aLink )
       var myLinkXmp = /^\(\{/,'' ).replace (/\)\}$/,'').replace( /parent.+$/,'').replace(/:/g, ':\t').split( ', ');
       var myString =;
       myString += loopLinkXmp ( aLink, myLinkXmpArray );
       myString += loopArray ( aLink, "",  "Iptc4xmpCore:CreatorContactInfo/Iptc4xmpCore:",  myIPTCArray);
       myString += loopArray ( aLink, "",  "", myPSArray );
       myString += loopArray ( aLink, "", "", myTiffArray );
       myString += loopArray ( aLink, "", "", myExifArray );
       myString += loopArray ( aLink, "",  "", myCameraRawArray );
       myInfo.push( myString.replace( /, $/,'') );
    function loopArray( aLink, s1, s2, anArray )
       var temp = '\r\t--- ' + s1 + ' ---\r\t';
       for ( var a = 0; a < anArray.length; a++)
          try {
             var theEvalString = 'aLink.linkXmp.getProperty(\"' + s1 + '\", \"' + s2 + anArray[a] + '\")';
             var myCode = eval( theEvalString );
             if ( myCode != '' )
                temp += '[' + anArray[a] + ']\t' +  myCode + '\r\t'; 
          } catch (e){ //temp +=e + '\r'
       return temp;
    function loopLinkXmp( aLink, anArray )
       var temp = '\r\t--- LinkMetadata ---\r\t';
       for ( var a = 0; a < anArray.length; a++)
          try {
             var theEvalString = 'aLink.linkXmp.' + anArray[a] ;
             var myCode = eval( theEvalString );
             if ( myCode != '' )
                temp += '[' + anArray[a] + ']\t' +  myCode + '\r\t'; 
          } catch (e){ //temp +=e + '\r'
       return temp;
    function writeData ( aData, theFile ) ( 'w', 'Text', 'R*ch' );
       theFile.encoding = 'UTF-8';
       theFile.write ( aData );
       theFile.close ();
    Adobe XMP Developer Center:
    XMP Specification:
    Martin Fischer

  • XMP metadata to manage ad copy ?

    I'm currently looking for a solution to manage ad copy and I'd like to explore the viable use of XMP metadata to do so.
    I've created custom XMP pallets I can edit through Bridge but what happens when my packaging is updated and my image is deleted and replaced by another? All of my XMP metadata is lost and I have to re-enter it?
    Is there any way to store all of my XMP in a separate file to allow me to replace the image without losing my XMP data?
    Any insight would be appreciated!

    The short term solution is to export an XMP "Template" (right arrow in upper right corner) from each of the current images with systematic file names (.xmp). Each is a standalone copy of the XMP packet. You probably need to edit this down to the significant metadata for your application, deleting the camera-specific and date-specific metadata. When an image is replaced, the corresponding Template can be imported and appended to the new file's XMP.
    If you are careful, you could edit metadata prior to template export via the Advanced panel, and then Cancel out of the File Info Window after the export, or not Save the changes to the image file.
    A longer term solution would be to save the metadata in an external database, referenced by an assigned Ad Copy ID field. The user would be required to enter the Ad Copy ID field into the replacement image, and then it would be used to populate the other fields from the database. This is feasible with Pound Hill's MetaGrove Plug-ins for CS3, and with File Info CS4 fully custom panels.
    Carl Rambert

  • Crystal Generated PDFs with XMP Metadata attached to Image

    Using Crystal Reports 11 with the .NET runtime. I'm adding images into my document. Those images have XMP metadata attached. However, when the final PDF is generated, I do not see that metadata in the resulting PDF. It seems Crystal Reports is stripping it. How can I get crystal reports to retain the metadata of that image in the resulting PDF document.
    (When you open a PDF document in a text viewer, you can see the metadata of the image as well as the metadata for the PDF itself)
    (Also I'm adding the image by using the insert image feature. Then I use format graphic to specify the path to that image.)

    CR does not export the XMP Metadata into PDF at this time. Perhaps a great suggestion to post in the SAP Idea Place.
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

  • How can I get Adobe Bridge to show XMP metadata using Adobe Drive 4 CMIS Connector?

    I have successfully connected to an Alfresco Enterprise Edition 4.1.0 repository, using the Adobe Drive 4, created a test folder and uploaded a jpeg file containing XMP metadata into it.
    When I view the image's metadata (using Adobe Bridge), I observe that only part the standard file properties are displayed.
    When I view a local copy of the image using the same, I see all fields of the standard file properties plus available metadata.
    My question: what should I do in Adobe Bridge to be able to see all available XMP metadata?
    Kind Regards and Appreciation
    Don Greenwood
    Pixelboxx GmbH

    How did you get through to customer service?  They've changed the website and I can't even find phone numbers or a chat button any more.
    Here's my story that I posted on discussion yesterday, but no one has replied:
    I am screaming and pulling my hair out right now!  The last six months with Adobe has been a nightmare.
    Once again I am completely locked out of Creative Cloud and cannot use the apps even though my automatic monthly deduction for payment was just made a couple of days ago.  Creative Cloud continues to reset itself to the trial version which runs out in 30 days and after that I am locked out once again.
    Now it looks like it is harder to access support than before.  Where are chat and the phone numbers now?  This was a nightmare with countless hours spent on chat and the phone over the last six months, and now I don't even know how to access support in order to spend even more time that does not solve the problem.  What am I to do?
    I cannot use the product I have paid for!
    Please help!

  • Unable to Add alternative text and tooltips to your images

    I am using Muse CC in Apple iMAC machine.  The build version of Muse CC is 232. 
    Having watched the video,, I am unable to bring up the image property window when I press the right hand click button of my Apple Mouse. 
    As such, I am unable to add alternative text and IMG Text to my images including the logo, facebook and Twitter Logos. 
    Can someone please tell me how to resolve my issue?  How come I unable to bring up the image property when I press the right hand click on the mouse.  The image property is also not shown in the menu of Muse CC.
    Thank you.

    Hello Maxplus,
    Try doing CTRL+Click once to see if it works. Also, if an image is added as a fill, it doesn't bring up the Add alternative text and tooltips option, because then it is added as a background and not placed as an image.

  • Alternative Text for images

    I would like to know How to add alternative text to the images in Oracle Portal. And also to each area in an image map. I have tried with ALT="name" but it doesn't works.

    You can try to create a HTML Template - HTML Content Layout
    with the following HTML code and use in the region where your image resides
    IMG src="#ITEM.IMAGE.VALUE#" alt="#ITEM.CONTENT.LABEL#" border="0"
    Message was edited by:

  • XMP metadata is lost while updating XMP using Exempi on linux

    Hello, I'm using the library XMPFiles for Linux (Exempi) to update XMP metadata of a tiff file. As a result RichTiffIPTC Tag is being removed and Photoshop tag was changed (2 photoshop image resources are also being removed : IPTC metadata (ID=1028) and MD5 digest of the IPTC (ID=1061)).
    I've checked the library sources and found the following code :
    #if XMP_UNIXBuild
    // ! Hack until the legacy-as-local issues are resolved for generic UNIX.
            iptc = 0;    // Strip IIM from the file.
            if ( tiff != 0 ) tiff->DeleteTag ( kTIFF_PrimaryIFD, kTIFF_IPTC );
            if ( psir != 0 ) {
                psir->DeleteImgRsrc ( kPSIR_IPTC );
                psir->DeleteImgRsrc ( kPSIR_IPTCDigest );
    Can anyone please explain the reason of such behavior?

    John Nack on Adobe : Per-layer metadata comes to Photoshop
    This was the article that made me think this might be possible.
    There is also the preference to Create Markers From Metadata
              "CreateLayerMarkersFromFootageXMP" = 01
    Which made me wonder if there is a way to create the metadata in the first place that made it something AE would read and automatically change to layer markers.
    Any ideas?

  • Synchronizing IPTC/IIM and XMP metadata in JPEG images

    Excerpt of "IPTC Core Implementation Guidelines", section 2.2.1 available on
    The basic functionality of this synchronising mechanism [between IPTC/IIM metadata in IRB and XMP metadata] is:
    - To move metadata from the IRB to a new XMP packet in case an image file is opened with such an IRB but without an XMP packet. If the file is saved both the IRB and the XMP packet will be stored to the header section of this file.
    - To move metadata from the XMP packet to a new IRB in case an image file is opened with an XMP packet but without an IRB. If the file is saved both the IRB and the XMP packet will be stored to the header section of this file.
    - To update the metadata values of the IRB respectively the XMP packet from the newer source to the older destination. Which set is newer or older is detected by a hash value over each block of metadata. (More detailed information is available from Adobes XMP web pages at and in the software development kits.)
    I have checked for Adobe XMP web site and searched in "XMP Specification, January 2004" and I have not found explanations about this "hash value over each block of metadata" mechanism.
    Moreover, it seems that it does not work regarding to the following simple experiment:
    - 1. add metadata to a JPEG image using Photoshop CS (which adds both IPTC/IIM data in IRB and data in XMP)
    - 2. edit these metadata using an "IPTC/IIM-only and non-XMP-aware" editor like IrfanView, XNView or any other one
    - 3. go back to Photoshop CS which displays the "old" XMP metadata ignoring changes done previously using the IPTC-only editor.
    Of course this experiment works using an "XMP-aware" editor like iView Media Pro or PixVue in step 2.
    So it seems very easy to get images with IPTC/IIM and XMP metadata not synchronized when the image workflow uses different programs to edit metadata.
    Am I missing or misunderstanding something ?
    I have found a radical method stripping XMP metadata (in a step 2 bis...) using David Crowell's JStrip, see
    Do you know any other best method to keep IPTC/IIM and XPM data synchronized when an image workflow uses different metadata editors and some of them are not XMP-aware ?
    Patrick Peccatte

    Excerpt of "IPTC Core Implementation Guidelines", section 2.2.1 available on
    The basic functionality of this synchronising mechanism [between IPTC/IIM metadata in IRB and XMP metadata] is:
    - To move metadata from the IRB to a new XMP packet in case an image file is opened with such an IRB but without an XMP packet. If the file is saved both the IRB and the XMP packet will be stored to the header section of this file.
    - To move metadata from the XMP packet to a new IRB in case an image file is opened with an XMP packet but without an IRB. If the file is saved both the IRB and the XMP packet will be stored to the header section of this file.
    - To update the metadata values of the IRB respectively the XMP packet from the newer source to the older destination. Which set is newer or older is detected by a hash value over each block of metadata. (More detailed information is available from Adobes XMP web pages at and in the software development kits.)
    I have checked for Adobe XMP web site and searched in "XMP Specification, January 2004" and I have not found explanations about this "hash value over each block of metadata" mechanism.
    Moreover, it seems that it does not work regarding to the following simple experiment:
    - 1. add metadata to a JPEG image using Photoshop CS (which adds both IPTC/IIM data in IRB and data in XMP)
    - 2. edit these metadata using an "IPTC/IIM-only and non-XMP-aware" editor like IrfanView, XNView or any other one
    - 3. go back to Photoshop CS which displays the "old" XMP metadata ignoring changes done previously using the IPTC-only editor.
    Of course this experiment works using an "XMP-aware" editor like iView Media Pro or PixVue in step 2.
    So it seems very easy to get images with IPTC/IIM and XMP metadata not synchronized when the image workflow uses different programs to edit metadata.
    Am I missing or misunderstanding something ?
    I have found a radical method stripping XMP metadata (in a step 2 bis...) using David Crowell's JStrip, see
    Do you know any other best method to keep IPTC/IIM and XPM data synchronized when an image workflow uses different metadata editors and some of them are not XMP-aware ?
    Patrick Peccatte

  • Why is alternative text is still visible after an image is displayed (e.g., in Dropbox and Google mail)?

    When I go to my Dropbox page or my Google e-mail page, both the images for icons AND their alternative text is shown (I tried to upload two images illustrating this but the "Upload image" seems to have hung). I am using the lastest version of Firefox for Linux.

    Do you have this pref?

  • Modify LabelGraphics.js to extract other XMP metadata from images

    This script works flawlessly. However, I would like to be able to extract other XMP metadata than just
    //XMP description
            case 2:
                    myLabel = myLink.linkXmp.description;
                    myLabel = "No description available.";
            //XMP author
            case 3:
                    myLabel =
                    myLabel = "No author available.";
    I have developed a custom info panel (based on the generic one) with following "properties.xml":
    <xmp_definitions xmlns:ui="">
        <xmp_schema prefix="custom0" namespace="http://my.custom0.namespace/" label="$$$/Custom0/Schema/Label=Ref_SAP" description="$$$/Custom0/Schema/Description=This example panel contains most of the options available for the 'Generic Panel'.">
            <!-- simple properties -->
            <xmp_property name="Ref_SAP" category="external" label="$$$/Custom0/Property/TextInputLabel=Referentie nummer SAP:" type="integer"/>
        <xmp_schema prefix="custom1" namespace="http://my.custom1.namespace/" label="$$$/Custom1/Schema/Label=FRANS" description="$$$/Custom1/Schema/Description=This example panel contains most of the options available for the 'Generic Panel'.">
            <!-- simple properties -->
            <xmp_property name="Titel_FR" category="external" label="$$$/Custom1/Property/TextInputLabel=Titel FR:" type="text"/>
            <xmp_property name="Tekst_FR" category="external" label="$$$/Custom1/Property/TextInputML_Label=Tekst FR:" type="text" ui:multiLine="true" ui:height="100"/>
        <xmp_schema prefix="custom2" namespace="http://my.custom2.namespace/" label="$$$/Custom2/Schema/Label=VLAAMS" description="$$$/Custom2/Schema/Description=This example panel contains most of the options available for the 'Generic Panel'.">
            <xmp_property name="Titel_VL" category="external" label="$$$/Custom2/Property/TextInputLabel=Titel VL:" type="text"/>
            <xmp_property name="Tekst_VL" category="external" label="$$$/Custom2/Property/TextInputML_Label=Tekst VL:" type="text" ui:multiLine="true" ui:height="100"/>
        <xmp_schema prefix="custom3" namespace="http://my.custom3.namespace/" label="$$$/Custom3/Schema/Label=NEDERLANDS" description="$$$/Custom3/Schema/Description=This example panel contains most of the options available for the 'Generic Panel'.">
            <xmp_property name="Titel_NL" category="external" label="$$$/Custom3/Property/TextInputLabel=Titel NL:" type="text"/>
            <xmp_property name="Tekst_NL" category="external" label="$$$/Custom3/Property/TextInputML_Label=Tekst NL:" type="text" ui:multiLine="true" ui:height="100"/>
    Now I would like to adapt the LabelGraphics.js to retrieve the information stored in the fields "Titel_FR", "Tekst_FR", "Titel_VL", "Tekst_VL", "Titel_NL", Text_NL". These fields contain fixed text that goes with the image and should be retrieved in several "goes".
    Question 1: is this possible at all ?
    Question 2: how to proceed ?

    Have you already found Marijan Tompa's "Extract Metadata with Adobe XMP"?

  • So I have been creating a logo for my company and it came out great. The problem is, when I format it for PNG or when I want to use it on freshbooks or my webpage, the image becomes blurred and the text is not as clear. How do I fix this?

    So I have been creating a logo for my company and it came out great. The problem is, when I format it for PNG or when I want to use it on fresh books or my webpage, the image becomes blurred and the text is not as clear. How do I fix this? Is it because the text get shrunk?

    This is how it looks on adobe illustrator

  • How to remove alternative text for images in my pdf.

    hi everyone,
    i was wondering how i can remove the alternative text in my pdf file, that appers when the mouse cursor is on the image?
    i installed adobe acrobat pro 9. write all the text in microsoft office word 2007, add the images, create pdf and everythings ok, but this alternative text on the image (the alternative text is file's name, for ex. photo.jpg)
    such a carking care.
    thank you in advance!!

    help me...please. :/

  • Inserting alternative text to images

    how can you add alternative text to images? which is text that describes an image when the image function is turned off or in another format for blind individuals. This is a ADA compliance requirement in order to export a document to an accessible PDF.

    Pages ’09 v4.3, or Pages 1.7.2 (IOS) do not provide alternative text for images support at this time. For those needing to brush up on alternative text, here is a Wikipedia link.

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