Using CC cleaner tool

Can anyone who has used the CC cleaner tool recently tell me what the User Interface looks like?
I saw a screen grab from a 2012 post showing it in action... it appeared to have a Graphica User Interface.  But when I run the lastest version just now it appears to be a dos box where I type in reponse to prompts.

Sumit Singh wrote:
You can download the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool from following official link. Please follow the given instruction on the page
before starting.
Yes, it has a GUI.
Thanks for the helpful input.
I downloaded from there before posting... that is the one I'm talking about.  That was a few hrs ago.
So, to be sure I went to the link you provided and downloaded it again, unzipped and ran it.
Its the same... Completely usable, but it is NOT a graphical interface.
It's a dos box that you type into as prompts show up.  The screen grab is after I've already typed answers to a few prompts... What you see is answer to last prompt I typed in '3' which is listing the remaining CS6 and including CC stuff.

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    uninstall all cc desktop apps.
    again run the cleaner, Download Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool - Adobe Labs
    install the desktop app, Download Adobe Creative Cloud apps | Free Adobe CC trial

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    The cleaner tool doesn't touch presets, templates or other user data. All it does is flush the installer database to remove blockages. The last time it actualyl deleted any files and folders was with CS3. so whatever you did, you may have hit the wrong button. And while I underrstand your frustration, the download pages states that you are advised to backup your data, regardless...

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    Ok, try this:
    Download and install PS CS6  Just run it as a Trial, then exit PS    Download CS6 products
    Then uninstall it.

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    The cleaner remover Photoshop and cleans up thing the might have  been causing installation or updates problems so you have a clean slate.  Now you install Photoshop it should install correctly and update now.

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    SharmFarm wrote:
    Good ev Ning Mario49    firstly I would like to say a great thank you for your attention to trying to help me,,,,,    i have looked at the links and will try everything stated first thing…
    Hi Mario,,,,
    I tried everything in your reply,,, thank you again,, I had done that once before and all was working great,,
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    Jstone.jack please use the standard uninstaller located in the Programs and Features control panel.  You can find more details at Install and update apps -

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    Hi Frode,
    Welcome to the forums!
    Please check Applications>> Utilities>> Adobe Installers and see if the CC apps uninstaller is listed there.
    If yes, please run the uninstaller to uninstall the apps and reinstall them from Adobe CC.

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    I've been fortunate enough not to have to run the tool myself, but I believe if you get those results you are done and can move on to reinstall.

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    Hi Louise Purrs,
    Request you to please contact Adobe Support to get this issue resolved.
    Use the link below to contact support:
    Contact Adobe Support
    On the contact support page, click on "I need help activating or deactivating my software".
    You should then see a "Chat Now" button below which you can click on to get connected to a support agent.

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    I apologize that it's in swedish. But the translation would be something like:
    The following issue has occurred:
    Something went wrong during the installation (error: A12E1).
    Go to our customer support site if you want troubleshooting tips.
    Now I did that and couldn't find anything useful. So I thought; maybe it will help to reboot the computer, but it did not. Then I figured that Adobes Cleaner Tool surely would help... It wont even start. It crashes as soon as I click it.
    I am not a computer genius but I am skilled enough to usually being able to figure out what's wrong and fix it.
    Everything worked fine before. I'm not paying money for Creative Cloud if all these problems keep happening!
    Help! I do not know what to do anymore!

    The crashes probably mean that a specifc DLL is missing. Install the MSVC 8,9 and 10 runtimes from Microsoft manually.

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    (The log file is below.)
    Should I continue trying to install again now or should I wait and try to clear up the reasons why this failed first?
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    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:42 2015] List of products installed on this machine
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:42 2015] Listing products for cleanup:
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:42 2015] Please enter the option number of the product you wish to remove; enter (q) to quit ... >>
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:48 2015] Are you sure you want to clean all the listed products and associated files?
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:48 2015] Type (y) to confirm and remove or (n) to quit ... >>
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] Please wait for Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to finish........
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] :: Cleaning-up left over inventories ::
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] Inventory: 'AdobeApplicationManager-1.0' Type: SelfUpdate, Action: NoDelete
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] Inventory: 'uninstallts', Type: RIBS, Action: Delete
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] Atleast one Non-RIBS Inventory : False, Atleast one AAMRef: False
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] ::Start:: Removing AUM contents
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] Deleting registry root:HKLM key:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run value:AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] Exception during deleting key : (2, 'RegDeleteValue', 'The system cannot find the file specified.')
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] Deleting registry root:HKLM key:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run value:ADOBE_UPDATER_STARTUP_UTILITY
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] Exception during deleting key : (2, 'RegDeleteValue', 'The system cannot find the file specified.')
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] Deleting scheduled task : AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0-Graphics-WS-Anthony Montanarella
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] Executing command: schtasks /delete /TN "AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0-Graphics-WS-Anthony Montanarella" /F
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] Deleting scheduled task : AdobeUpdater Task-Graphics-WS-Anthony Montanarella
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] Executing command: schtasks /delete /TN "AdobeUpdater Task-Graphics-WS-Anthony Montanarella" /F
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] ::Finish:: Removing AUM contents
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] ::Start:: Removing OOBE
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:52 2015] Executing command "taskkill /F /FI "IMAGENAME eq AAM Updates Notifier.exe""
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:53 2015] INFO: No tasks running with the specified criteria.
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed to remove file,folder trying again
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed again to remove file,folder
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed to remove file,folder trying again
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed again to remove file,folder
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] ::Finish:: Removing OOBE
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Removing content of Product : CS5Installer, Version : CS5
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Deleting file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\caps\pdb.db
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Deleting file : C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\caps\Media_db.db
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed to remove file,folder trying again
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed again to remove file,folder
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed to remove file,folder trying again
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed again to remove file,folder
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] LOG FILE SAVED TO: C:\Users\ANTHON~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool.log
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool completed successfully
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015]
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] *-*-*-*-*-*- ::START:: - SUMMARY OF Warnings -*-*-*-*-*-*
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:42 2015] Warning: Failed to remove file,folder trying again
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:42 2015] Warning: Failed again to remove file,folder
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:42 2015] Warning: Failed to remove file,folder trying again
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:42 2015] Warning: Failed again to remove file,folder
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed to remove file,folder trying again
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed again to remove file,folder
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed to remove file,folder trying again
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed again to remove file,folder
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed to remove file,folder trying again
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed again to remove file,folder
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed to remove file,folder trying again
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] Warning: Failed again to remove file,folder
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] *-*-*-*-*-*- :: END :: - SUMMARY OF Warnings -*-*-*-*-*-*
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] ---------------------------------------------------------
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* :: End Session :: *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    [Thu Apr 16 07:34:57 2015] ---------------------------------------------------------

    The procedure of the Adobe CS Cleaner must be done with an Admin Account on your, or you should Run the Application as Administrator,
    The failed removing file errors, seems like that the files aren´t on the location anymore, you can check if there.

  • CC Cleaner tool to remove remains of CS5 only.

    I have CS6 and CC on my Win 7 pro machine. I have uninstalled CS5.1  . Iam trying to use CC Cleaner tool to remove the remains of CS5.1 and need to be certain that it will not remove the other versions.
    When I get to the screen giving a list of options to clean up, CS5-5.5 is listed as number 6. So I typed in 6, and pressed Enter. Then the next screen says 'List of products installed on this machine' and there is only one  1. Clean All. I am concerned that this might remove my other versions as well as CS5. Advise please, thanks.

    sometimes - for whatever reasons - CC doesn't "want" to work. In this case you should CC completely delete and reinstall by help of Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool. (A try to uninstall by own resources is not enough!) and follow the prescribed sequence of operations. Sometimes the "opm.db file" is the culprit. In this case you should delete it.
    So far, so good –I also often gave this advice. This approach only allows to look at the symptoms of this malfunction. Therefore I started a thread “What's up with "Downloading, Installing, Setting Up"?” I asked for a improvement of the product, so it is not necessary to use Cleaner Tool. Preran a member of Adobe’s staff promised "many improvements". Here is the link:
    In order to accelerate the process I therefore call upon you to support my efforts. Most successful could be to click a „like“ in Prerans answer (see consecutive number 11)

  • What are the best optimization & cleaning tools for Mac OS X?

    I found a great app called MacKeeper, but it cost $500!?! I have OnyX, but it not so good because it just clean your mac and has given my mac some problems.
    I really want to fix and clean my mac and give it top performance, because my windows 7 is now faster than my mac in boot camp, and my mac boot up speed is so slow, it actually slower than my 7 years old windows xp laptop!

    It takes 3 minutes to get into the log-in screen. My apps bounces for 20 secs.
    Then you need to begin reading the [Mac OS X speed FAQ|] that you were referred to. It does sound like you're having a performance problem, but using a "cleaning tool" to do things like clear caches, run the periodic scripts, etc without a specific reason for doing so is not the right solution. You could just as easily break things worse without solving any problems. It's like firing multiple shotgun blasts into your walls, while blindfolded, to try to solve a mouse problem.
    When I scanned my computer with AppKeeper, it said 1700 useless junk files and 12 performance problems.
    Without knowing what those are, we have no idea how legitimate those claims may be. Some AV software will label "tracking cookies" as a danger when they are not. As sad as it is, some software companies will play up "problems" in order to sell software to solve those "problems."

  • Adobe Cleaner Tool

    I am wanting to install CS5 on my laptop. I have uninstalled CS3 Design Premium and was wondering if I needed to use the cleaner tool before trying to install CS5. It keeps saying on the cleaner tool page that the Windows version is being uploaded but a link to download it never appears.
    Will CS5 work without using the cleaner tool??
    I need help with this as soon as possible. My desktop is experiencing a hard drive failure so I'm in dire need of getting this placed on my laptop.
    Thank you!!

    Thank you so much for your fast response Noel!
    I will try right now to install and activate CS5 Master Collection on my laptop.
    In reply to your other post about the Western Digital. I have one already. It's a great help for keeping files backed up.
    It's funny, I had JUST formatted my hard drive and haven't reinstalled anything but my Adobe and MS Office software and a few other smaller applications when I got a warning about the hard drive failure. Something actually goes my way for once. Bit of an inconvience, but it's still under warranty so HP will come out and replace free of charge *does the happy dance* and I can just start fresh again.
    All along I thought I had a fan going bad ... grrrrr

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