Various Phantom Issues

My wife has a iphone 4s that has been experienceing various phantom issues. Today there was no volume with phone (external ringer or headphone volume) The mute button was not on and when switched from volume to mute the icon changed on the screen to show the change between states, but still no volume. This can experienced with music library or watching a video on Youtube. All volume setting in the Sounds tab have not been changed and the volume can be adjusted up and down but no audible sounds can be heard. Issue #2 when I power the phone off, it just reboots. So after messing with it for sometime I gave up on the volume and after 10 minutes the volume worked. Im sure this has to be a software issue but seriously a pain in the ***!!

CC complains about an ambiguity between B < U > :: A
and B < U > :: A.
I have filed bug 6377582 for this issue.
CC refuses this code. However, if I replace "friend
class" by "friend template", it accepts it with a
warning. g++ does the exact contrary. Could there be
an agreement?"friend template" is not valid, and the compiler might not be doing what you intend.
The code
friend class B< C<T> >::Nested;
is not valid because Nested is a typedef, not a class. You need to express what you mean some other way.
I also have a problem with something like the
following, but it is probably a well-known issue.
I have filed bug 6377606 for the incorrect error message about overload ambiguity.
If you have a Sun Service contract, you can track progress on the bugs and get a pre-release patch to try. Otherwise, you can check the Sun Studio patch page every month or so and see if a new patch is available that fixes these bugs.

Similar Messages

  • Various transparency issues with conky.

    So, I have some ring graphs for a bunch of things, they are all semi-transparent and they look pretty darn good, but the text I use is unreadable because of my background having multiple colors.
    Well, after reading the conky config settings page I decided that
    draw_outline yes
    is what I'm looking for, however this has the drawback of making my ring graphs look really bad, they lose all their transparency and they get really aliased, any idea how I would get the outlines without losing the transparency on my rings?
    .conkyrc (truncated to remove all the text, you only need to see two of the text entries)
    update_interval 1
    total_run_times 0
    double_buffer yes
    use_xft yes
    xftfont SourceCodePro:size=12
    xftalpha 0.75
    uppercase yes
    own_window yes
    own_window_type normal
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_argb_visual yes
    own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below
    alignment top_left #top_right #bottom_left #bottom_right
    default_color FFFFFF
    default_shade_color 000000
    default_outline_color 000000
    draw_shades no
    draw_outline yes
    draw_borders no
    stippled_borders 0
    border_width 0
    border_inner_margin 0
    border_outer_margin 0
    minimum_size 1366 768
    maximum_width 1366
    gap_x 0
    gap_y 0
    use_spacer none
    cpu_avg_samples 2
    no_buffers yes
    net_avg_samples 2
    override_utf8_locale no
    #out_to_console no
    #mail_spool $MAIL
    lua_load ~/.conky/scripts/rings.lua
    lua_draw_hook_pre clock_rings
    ${offset 00210}${voffset 00090}${color ffffff}${font SourceCodePro:size=16:style=Bold}Cube_
    ${offset 00210}${voffset 00000}${color ffffff}${font SourceCodePro:size=16}Arch Linux amd64
    #Truncated, including all the text is hardly necessary
    ${image ~/.conky/overlay.png}
    and the rings.lua file (also truncated to remove unnecessary entries)
    Rings.lua v1.6 (2014/04/02)
    This is a script that generates rings for various things such as CPU and memory usage, current time and a bunch of other things
    the reason I wrote it was because another, rather similar script, called haunted.lua was way too messy for easy editing.
    Thus this script was born, the goal of this script is to keep it minimal and free from clutter.
    The haunted.lua was written by Harshit, who in turn edited lua.lua originally written by londonali1010
    The former of which had no license and the latter of which is under CC-BY-NC-SAv3.0
    I will release this script (written from scratch, using a structure eerily similar to lua.lua) under the GPLv3
    Written by Andreas "Cube_" Björkman.
    If you aren't interested in the settings but rather want to see the code then jump to "--Main script logic"
    defaultXLoc = 1230
    defaultYLoc = 160
    settings =
    --Time ring settings
    name = 'time',
    arg = '%I.%M',
    maxRange = 11,
    bgcolor = 0xffffff,
    bgAlpha = 0.4,
    fgcolor = 0x992424,
    fgAlpha = 0.8,
    xLoc = defaultXLoc,
    yLoc = defaultYLoc,
    radius = 35,
    thickness = 8,
    angleStart = 0,
    angleEnd = 360
    clockRadius = 130
    clockXLoc = defaultXLoc
    clockYLoc = defaultYLoc
    clockColor = 0xffffff
    clockAlpha = 0.8
    showSeconds = true
    --Main script logic
    require 'cairo'
    --The five original functions are already optimized, I just rewrote them for readability.
    --This function converts hex color values to more conventional RGB values, mind you this code is essentially identical to haunted.lua/lua.lua (not much improvement needed
    function rgbToRGB(color,alpha)
    return ((color / 0x10000) % 0x100) /255., ((color / 0x100) % 0x100) /255., (color % 0x100) /255., alpha
    --This function, as the title might hint, draws the rings. Again, this one is rather optimized already and thus is very similar to haunted.lua/lua.lua
    function ringDrawing(cr, t, pt)
    local w,h=conky_window.width,conky_window.height
    local xc,yc,ring_r,ring_w,sa,ea=pt['xLoc'],pt['yLoc'],pt['radius'],pt['thickness'],pt['angleStart'],pt['angleEnd']
    local bgc, bga, fgc, fga=pt['bgcolor'], pt['bgAlpha'], pt['fgcolor'], pt['fgAlpha']
    local angle_0=sa*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2
    local angle_f=ea*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2
    local t_arc=t*(angle_f-angle_0)
    --Yet another feature that is very similar to the original, this one draws the clock hands.
    function clockHandDrawing(cr,xc,yc)
    local secs,mins,hours,secs_arc,mins_arc,hours_arc
    local xh,yh,xm,ym,xs,ys"%S")"%M")"%I")
    if showSeconds then
    --This function, as the title suggests, draws the rings related to time.
    function conky_clock_rings()
    local function setup_rings(cr,pt)
    local str=''
    local value=0
    str=string.format('${%s %s}',pt['name'],pt['arg'])
    if value == nil then value = 0 end
    if conky_window==nil then return end
    local cs=cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display,conky_window.drawable,conky_window.visual, conky_window.width,conky_window.height)
    local cr=cairo_create(cs)
    local updates=conky_parse('${updates}')
    if update_num>5 then
    for i in pairs(settings) do
    --now this one is rather esoterically named, I couldn't think of a better name (and thus kept the original naming)
    function ring(cr, name, arg, maxRange, bgc, bga, fgc, fga, xc, yc, r, t, sa, ea)
    local function rgbToRGB(color,alpha)
    return ((color / 0x10000) % 0x100) / 255., ((color / 0x100) % 0x100) / 255., (color % 0x100) / 255., alpha
    local function draw_ring(pct)
    local angle_0=sa*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2
    local angle_f=ea*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2
    local pct_arc=pct*(angle_f-angle_0)
    -- Draw background ring
    -- Draw indicator ring
    local function ringSetup()
    local str = ''
    local value = 0
    str = string.format('${%s %s}', name, arg)
    str = conky_parse(str)
    value = tonumber(str)
    if value == nil then value = 0 end
    pct = value/maxRange
    local updates=conky_parse('${updates}')
    if update_num>5 then ringSetup() end
    --I'll add more functions here some day, but for now the cleaning up of the original code and prepping it to fit my coding style is enough
    So... does anyone have any suggestions for how to keep the transparency of the rings while also having the text outlined?
    Oh and if anyone can find why the terminal spews
    Conky: unknown variable
    at me that would be most appreciated, I can't find the cause for this myself.
    And yes, this is my own config that is somewhat derived from an existing conky config (once I get this to play nice it'll have more unique entries, until then I'll just keep to what I already have in there)
    I do apologize for the messy looking lua script, it's still wip

    Rexilion wrote:I usually get what I want by playing with the own_window parameters. I have no exact idea what they do, but the rule is that once I switch wm they have to change as well.
    Sorry, no-can-do. I've tried every last window type, results:
    normal - works as expected (obviously aside from aforementioned issues)
    desktop - log indicates that it's drawing to root window¹, nothing shows up on desktop.
    override - log indicates that it's drawing to root window¹, nothing shows up on desktop
    dock - works as expected (obviously aside from aforementioned issues)
    panel - works as expected (obviously aside from aforementioned issues)
    Setting 'own_window' to 'no' and commenting out all the settings related to 'own_window' causes conky to run fine, aside from not rendering anything at all².
    ¹Conky: desktop window (7e) is root window
    Conky: window type - desktop/override
    Conky: drawing to created window (0x3e00002)
    Conky: drawing to double buffer
    Conky: unknown variable
    ²Conky: desktop window (7e) is root window
    Conky: drawing to desktop window
    Conky: drawing to double buffer
    Conky: unknown variable
    So yeah, I've experimented with this for a week now and I still can't find the solution >.>;

  • W520 - various SSD issues

    Until now I have found the following issues with various SSD drives. I would like to use this thread to gather the various issues and to advise potntial buyers:
    Intel 510 Sata3 SSD - 240gb:
    - Cold boot without USER/MASTER password works fine
    - Cold boot with USER/MASTER password works fine
    - Warm boot without USER/MASTER password takes much too long with lot of drive activty
    - Warm boot with USER/MASTER password halts due to unreadable POP/USER password
    (Subsequential Cold boot accepts the password again)
    OCZ Vertex 3 Sata3 SSD - 240Gb:
    - does not fit the HDD bracket well
    - setting USER/MASTER passwords results in inaccessible drive -> RMA is only option left
    - setting USER passwords results in inaccessible drive -> HDD unlocker tool (ATAPWD) is only option
    Lenovo Premium Business Partner
    X1 Carbon Touch | i7-3667U | 8Gb | 256Gb | HD 4000 | 14HD+ | WWAN | W8.1 Pro RTM x64 |
    Go to Solution.

    Referencing the opening post:
    OCZ Vertex 3 Sata3 SSD - 240Gb:
    - does not fit the HDD bracket well
    Just FYI,
    I posted the "fit" problem on the OCZ Sandforce Forum, as well as exchanged e-mails with their tech support.
    They actually asked me to RMA my V3-240GB, then claimed they mounted it successfully in several laptops, but never specified which models or brands.
    There was some indication that there was another housing/casing for the V3 other than the standard casing, but that never panned out, and the RMA'd drive is on its way back to me, as-is.
    Two of their forum techs admitted that the V3 proportions are on the high side of the specs, but still within specs (the relevant spec is SFF-8201). I concurr with that conclusion, but told them that it does not solve the problem.
    My observations which I shared with the OCZ tech support & RMA departments are as follows:
    At the connection end of the drive, the V3-240GB is approx 1/16" wider than the V2-200G that I also have.
    Consequently, only the non-connection end of the V3 fits into the W510 & W520 primary drive bay caddies. (Probably affects the T510 & T520, too.)
    The connection end of the drive is too wide for the caddy.
    The only way to get the drive into the caddy as-is, is to use only 3 of the 4 mounting screws, but that leaves the non-screwed in flange of the caddy bowed out. This results in too tight a fit in the drive bay and possible torquing of the electrical connection to the laptop; heat causing further expansion may also be an issue.
    Mount the drive without the caddy and/or rubber bumper rails. This leaves the drive so loose in the bay that I believe it risks actual disconnection from the laptop while remaining in the bay.
    My at least temporary solution; mount the drive with the caddy and bumpers after cutting a notch out of the caddy at one of either side of the connection end of the caddy; essentially cutting off the flange through which the 4th mounting screw would be inserted. This allows the drive/caddy/bumper assembly to rest in the drive bay as intended.
    W520, i7-2920, 16GB, NVIDIA 2000M, Full HD, OCZ VTX-3 & VTX-2, Win7 Ult 64

  • Phantom issue

    there are 2 plants and plant 1 works fine in long term planning and drives the demand blowing down from the phantom to the components , i have plant2 where the long term planning is not driving the demand down to the phantom to the components when i run md62 could anyone suggest what could be the issue .Plant1 has a phantom profile set up with settings and Plant2 doesnt have one . or is there anything i am missing? to check?

    Phantom means, they won't store the materials in stock. They buy the materials and directly send to the production. This is called Phantom.

  • Various slow issues and freezes with snow leopard

    new to discussions.
    i have the current os x, and i am having trouble with my safari, mail, and dashboard performing very slow (not a consistent issue, but happens frequently) or freezing or shutting down. i read various discussions and tried the helpful tips, but i am not familiar with the ins and outs of a mac. i fear i might have done things wrong or worse that i have downloaded something that is frying my mac. (previously, i have download several applications that i didn't check out first, also realized for several months now that i didn't have my firewall on.)
    i tried the disk utility maintenance. i ran the "verify disk permissions", and the list that was compiled in the window is as follows,
    Verify permissions for "Macintosh HD"
    Permissions differ on "private/etc/postfix...ould be -rw-r--r--,they are -r--r--r--.
    Permissions differ on "usr/shar/derby", shouls be drwxr-xr-x, they are lrwxr-xr-x.
    Warning: SUID file "System/Library/ been modified and will not be repaired.
    Permissions verifacation complete
    i have no idea what all that list of information means. nor do i know what to do about them. nor do i know if i am even doing what needs to be done to fix my issue. i feel like a blind person trying to read a road map.
    any help would be so appreciated!!!

    Blythe wrote:
    i have the current os x, and i am having trouble with my safari, mail, and dashboard performing very slow (not a consistent issue, but happens frequently) or freezing or shutting down. i read various discussions and tried the helpful tips, but i am not familiar with the ins and outs of a mac. i fear i might have done things wrong or worse that i have downloaded something that is frying my mac. (previously, i have download several applications that i didn't check out first, also realized for several months now that i didn't have my firewall on.)
    i tried the disk utility maintenance. i ran the "verify disk permissions"
    Welcome to Apple's discussion groups.
    You can ignore those disk permissions messages:
    Regarding your performance problems, I'd use the Activity Monitor utility. Launch it, then set the list at the top to "All Processes". Click on the "CPU" column heading to put the highest CPU consumers at the top of the list. Leave the program running while you're using your Mac. If you encounter problems with performance, check the Activity Monitor window to see if there are particular processes consuming a lot of CPU time. If you see something possibly interesting but don't know how interpret it, post the details here and someone should be able to offer advice.

  • Various hardware issues with Asus G73

    Hello everybody,
    First let me say that issue I'm experiencing is caused by hardware malfunction I need help diagnosing.
    Since it has nothing to do with Arch (or any other OS for that matter), I hope this is the right place to post.
    Now, let's get to the problem.
    I have Asus G73-JW laptop. It's 'desktop replacement' machine from 2010 based on
    Nehalem platform (i7-740QM @ 1.7GHz) paired with nVidia 460m and 8 GB of ram.
    It has not so nice 17" 1080p screen and 750GB HDD and 60GB SSD as storage.
    Few months ago I started playing Battlefield 3 on dual-booted Windows 7 and native Steam Team Fortress 2 on x64 Arch.
    While playing those games weird things began to happen.
    First, laptop started emmiting loud, extremely annoying high-pitched noise. After a while noise fades but fans start
    running on full speed. Screen backlight flickers (as if it was a recording with an old camera) unless it's set to max
    when picture appears normal. Keyboard becomes unresponsive. It works, but it's not enough to just press keys,
    they need to be pressed for much longer than usual. Maybe for half a second or less, but enough to make keyboard
    unusable. Keyboard backlight turns off if it was on (and vice versa) and can't be controlled with hotkeys.
    At that time, I suspected this is somehow related to GPU since laptop was functioning perfectly normal unless in a
    game or GPU benchmark. Even really CPU intensive tasks such as building CyanogenMod which drove CPU temperature
    over 90C caused no issues. But after some time these sympthoms started showing regardles to GPU usage or system load,
    which led me to recognising few more of them and making sure this is not software problem since it's exibited on Arch and
    few other distros, Windows 7 and 8.
    After laptop goes nuts, it can be normalized either by shutting down or suspending to ram.
    During sleep few LEDs that are normally blinking will stay on. After they start blinking again everything will work normally after
    waking up (for some time, that is) and it will be possible to wake it on any key. If LEDs are stuck, only power key works.
    In the begining it took it few hours or more to become normal, but now 20-30 minutes is enough and same amount of time applies
    for both powering up and waking from sleep. Even if laptop didn't 'calm down', it will be silent during wake up process, but fans will
    kick in full speed right after. If power cable gets removed out while on rampage, keyboard and touchpad simply die. If I shut it down
    without power pluged in, it won't be possible to turn it back on without waiting a while. Whether it's with or without battery, or running
    only on battery power, makes no difference - fans keep on spinning as fast as they can.
    Even though temperatures are completely normal - CPU in mid 40s, GPU somewhat hotter, I thought something that is not reporting
    temperature to OS (chipset or whatever) might be overheating, so I took it apart. After cleaning everything thoroughly, changing
    thermal paste and thermal pads, nothing changed besides temperatures which are few degrees lower now. While open, I took the
    chance to look for anything that doesn't look normal, leaked capacitors, unsoldered components, but everything looked just fine.
    I have googled my ass off, but I have been unable to find any similar reports for this or any other notebook.
    As far as logs go, I don't think there is anything to give you except maybe kernel log.
    I'm trying to diagnose problem myself (and, if possible, fix it) because everything that runs on electricity is so damn expensive here,
    not to mention repair shop services and their prices. Warranty is long gone, and since laptop was bought on US Amazon, I'm not sure it
    would have done me any good here in Bosnia.
    I would really apreciate any help and if there is any useful info I didn't provide, please let me know.
    Thanks in advance,

    Since few days ago battery LED sometimes blinks red although acpi reports 100% full.

  • Various connectivity issues

    We've had sketchy wifi for years (combination of the configuration of our house and the density of wifi networks in our area)  and finally decided that what we needed to do was attach our Airport Express to the TWC modem/router with an ethernet cable and create what I gather is called a roaming network.   We have the same network name and password on both devices. Well, its a tad more complicated than that since the TWC thing has both 2,4 and 5 ghz there are multiple networks.. but the one I connect to is the 2,4 ghz one that has the same name on both devices.
    We also have an HP Photosmart  7520 printer, that is (or rather was) connected to that network which we could print from. It now won't connect and the 'Wireless Network Test Results' printout says MAC filtering may be enabled and we need to enter the MAC address of the printer. It isn't enabled. I tried enabling it so I could enter that MAC address, but got the same message.  So that's one problem.
    At first Mail worked fine, but now it won't download Gmail-- this started yesterday and is probably unrelated to the printer issue... but I mention it here in case it isn't. I can get Gmail fine on an iPad, phone or via the web. So it's not that my computer isn't connecting. It seems to sneak through now and then as well, but not consistently and mostly the little wheels just keep churning around....
    And finally, when I try to access this forum via Chrome, I get a blank page.   I can access via Safari though.
    Any  helpful souls out there that can help to make this go?
    Airport Express - 2nd generation, about a year old
    TWC router- Arris
    Computer-  mid 2009 MacBook Pro laptop running Snow Lion (10.6.8)
    Printer -- HP Photosmart 7520

    Bob Timmons wrote:
    Things can get mighty tricky when you try to mak
    Bob Timmons wrote:
    Things can get mighty tricky when you try to make routers from two different manufacturers produce the same wireless network signal and work as "one" network.
    In order for the AirPort Express to have a chance to work correctly with the TWC Arris router the following conditions must be met.
    1) Both the Arris and the AirPort must use the exact same wireless network name and password. Pretty simple.
    2) Both the Arris and AirPort must use the exact same wireless security settings. Maybe not so simple.
    3) The AirPort Express is configured to "create a wireless network"......not "extend a wireless network" as you might think. Many users make this mistake.
    4) The AirPort Express is configured to operate in Bridge Mode. Many users neglect this important configuration setting when they add the Express to another router.
    Even when you do everything right in theory....sometimes the network just does not behave as "one".....likely because the routers are from different manufacturers.
    Well, its a tad more complicated than that since the TWC thing has both 2,4 and 5 ghz networks
    So too does the AirPort have both 2.4 and 5 GHz networks, so things might be yet even more complicated.
    I doubt that I can help on the printer, and do not have Chrome to test, but can help with the details that I mentioned above. Get those right, and sometimes the other problems heal themselves....and sometimes not.
    If you want to check some settings....I am assuming that you still have OS X (10.6.8) installed on your Mac.....please post back.
    In addition, it would help if you could find out what type of wireless security the TWC Arris router is using.....since that is a critical element here.
    e routers from two different manufacturers produce the same wireless network signal and work as "one" network.
    In order for the AirPort Express to have a chance to work correctly with the TWC Arris router the following conditions must be met.
    1) Both the Arris and the AirPort must use the exact same wireless network name and password. Pretty simple.
    2) Both the Arris and AirPort must use the exact same wireless security settings. Maybe not so simple.
    3) The AirPort Express is configured to "create a wireless network"......not "extend a wireless network" as you might think. Many users make this mistake.
    4) The AirPort Express is configured to operate in Bridge Mode. Many users neglect this important configuration setting when they add the Express to another router.
    Even when you do everything right in theory....sometimes the network just does not behave as "one".....likely because the routers are from different manufacturers.
    Well, its a tad more complicated than that since the TWC thing has both 2,4 and 5 ghz networks
    So too does the AirPort have both 2.4 and 5 GHz networks, so things might be yet even more complicated.
    I doubt that I can help on the printer, and do not have Chrome to test, but can help with the details that I mentioned above. Get those right, and sometimes the other problems heal themselves....and sometimes not.
    If you want to check some settings....I am assuming that you still have OS X (10.6.8) installed on your Mac.....please post back.
    In addition, it would help if you could find out what type of wireless security the TWC Arris router is using.....since that is a critical element here.

  • Various coding issues

    Here are a few issues I had lately:
    template < typename U >
    struct B
      struct A
        typedef char C;
      A* f ( typename A :: C )
    template < class U >
    typename B < U > :: A*
    B < U > :: f ( typename A :: C )
      return 0;
    }CC complains about an ambiguity between B < U > :: A and B < U > :: A.
    #include <iostream>
    template<class T>
    struct A
      void do_something() const {
        std::cerr << "A's do_something" << std::endl;
    template<class T>
    struct B
      typedef A<T> Nested;
      void do_something() const {
        std::cerr << "B's do_something" << std::endl;
    template<class T>
    class C
      friend class B< C<T> >;
      friend class B< C<T> >::Nested;
      void do_something() const {
        std::cerr << "C's do_something" << std::endl;
    int main()
      A< C<int> > a;
      B< C<int> > b;
      return 0;
    };CC refuses this code. However, if I replace "friend class" by "friend template", it accepts it with a warning. g++ does the exact contrary. Could there be an agreement?
    I also have a problem with something like the following, but it is probably a well-known issue.
    template < typename T >
    struct A {};
    template < typename T, typename U >
    T f(const U& ) { return T(); }
    template < typename T, typename U >
    T f(const A < U > & ) { return T(); }
    int main()
      A<double> a;
      int i = f < int > (a);
      return 0;

    CC complains about an ambiguity between B < U > :: A
    and B < U > :: A.
    I have filed bug 6377582 for this issue.
    CC refuses this code. However, if I replace "friend
    class" by "friend template", it accepts it with a
    warning. g++ does the exact contrary. Could there be
    an agreement?"friend template" is not valid, and the compiler might not be doing what you intend.
    The code
    friend class B< C<T> >::Nested;
    is not valid because Nested is a typedef, not a class. You need to express what you mean some other way.
    I also have a problem with something like the
    following, but it is probably a well-known issue.
    I have filed bug 6377606 for the incorrect error message about overload ambiguity.
    If you have a Sun Service contract, you can track progress on the bugs and get a pre-release patch to try. Otherwise, you can check the Sun Studio patch page every month or so and see if a new patch is available that fixes these bugs.

  • LR cc does not save files in Original Folder - various folder issues

    the LR cc application is in my Windows 7 C: drive, a 256 MB Solid State Drive.  I keep all my images on a 1T Hard drive, "My Pictures."  I convert raw CR2 files to DNG files using the Adobe DNG converter, and store them in a labeled folder in My Pictures (on the 1T hard drive).  I then make jpegs from the DNG image files, often with lots of "development" (adjustments.)  When I save them, I export them to the "Same Folder As Original."  BUT, they are always exported to an entirely new folder located on my C: Drive, my SSD.  This error started happening recently; I have used lightroom for several years and never had this issue.  In addition, it seems to make a copy of my DNG files in the same folder, and those files seem to be different from my originals.  (I think lightroom keeps track of the adjustments somehow, without using sidecar files.  I don't know how that works.  I got an error message when I tried to use one of the DNG files after I deleted them from the C: drive.
    What's going on?  I tried looking at Preferences but did not find a relevant topic. 

    I have to say that menu bar has been the same for many, if not all, versions of LR. It also give you a description of what each option does, IIRC.
    You have all the options you need, "Copy as DNG" (What that does is take whatever file extension you are using, even a DNG file, and converts it to a DNG, Yes even if the original is a DNG), "Copy" (I hope you know what that does. COPIES the files from the original location to another location of your choosing), "Move" (MOVES the file/files from the original location and places it/them in a folder of your choosing) all the above also put the images in the LR database and last but not least Add (All that does is add the images to your Lightroom database).
    I always use the ADD option as I copy my images off the memory card to a folder or folders of my choosing first.

  • Help With Various Dreamweaver Issues

    Dear Friends,
    This is my first post and I appreciate any help any of you
    can give me. My knowledge of web design is minimal, but I do have a
    basic understanding. The fundamentals of HTML and web design as a
    whole are pretty clear. My weakness, however, shows in the fine
    detailed issues that come up throughout the course of designing a
    website, and much of it may have to do with a lack of knowledge
    with the software I'm using. I love Dreamweaver CS3. It's an
    excellent program. I'm totally hooked!
    I'm in the process of building a website for a friend who
    owns a retail gift store. The site has a total of 41 pages. The URL
    It has taken me over a month to get this site to the place
    where it is now. I've learned a TON about web design, CSS, and the
    Dreamweaver program itself. I've been able to work through many of
    the issues I've had, but I'm stuck on a few things:
    Browser Issues.
    I've found it hard to sync the content between browsers:
    namely IE and Firefox.
    For example:
    In IE the sub-menus wrap (as I want them to), but in Firefox
    they do not. But in Firefox the sub-menu
    box borders are visible (vertical menus), even though the
    text doesn't wrap, but it's obviously in the dimensions that are
    seen in IE.
    In Firefox, the sub-menus are too far from the parent. It
    looks bad. But they are perfect in IE.
    The background image is centered in IE between the menus and
    adverts, but not in Firefox. How do I get the background image to
    remain between the menus and adverts? (Note: There is no background
    on the home page. Also, wider screens seem to move the background
    in IE, too.)
    In the horizontal menu "Category" the sub-menu item "Babies"
    cannot be selected in Firefox. In IE it works.
    There are gaps between items in the horizontal sub-menu. It
    appears to be related to items not wrapping, but it doesn't seem
    that enlarging the sub-menu box causes the item to not wrap. For
    example, under "Category" "Candles & Fragrances" is wrapped and
    it seems to be the reason why there is a large gap between "Babies"
    and "Eyewear." If I can find a way to get Candles & Fragrances
    to NOT wrap it might remove the gap.
    2. CSS Issue.
    I can't find a way to have the sub-menu hover
    underline instead of highlight the items. I want it to
    3. "False" Issue.
    In the
    vertical sub-menu "by CATEGORY" the word "false" shows up
    just below the word "Babies." (It's hard to see, but it's there.)

    > In the limited research and reading I've done in the
    last few
    > years I've never heard anyone say this about APdivs.
    Your limited research has failed to uncover the essence of
    proper technique
    in creating web pages. Layers are NOT a general layout tool
    and will cause
    you much more grief than you ever imagined. Here's one big
    reason -
    > divs/layers are an excellent tool in Dreamweaver
    They are, but only for specialty applications.
    > "Is this true or is this
    > bregent's personal opinion?"
    It is my personal opinion based on seeing hundreds (if not
    thousands) of new
    users throw themselves on their swords as a result of having
    committed to
    pages built with layers, on this very forum.
    > Starting over from
    > scratch isn't an option and the owner of the website
    likes my work.
    Starting over from scratch need not involve a redesign of the
    graphics. But
    on a site built from layers, it would certainly involve a
    rethinking of the
    layout method. Read this -
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Mark 8:36" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    Originally posted by:
    > >I'm in the process of building a website for a
    friend who owns a retail
    > >gift
    > store.
    > >The site has a total of 41 pages. The URL is
    > >
    > It is unfortunate that you started working on a
    production site without
    > first
    > having a grasp of the techniques and tools required. You
    wouldn't start
    > building cabinets until you had a basic knowledge and
    experience with wood
    > and
    > woodworking tools, or you'd end up with a large pile of
    sawdust. And
    > unfortunately that's where you are heading with this
    site. You've made the
    > basic mistake of laying out the site using AP divs. AP
    Divs should be used
    > rarely if ever, and only for special purposed. They are
    not a primary
    > layout
    > tool. Honestly, I would start over from scratch. But
    first, spend the next
    > few
    > weeks or months learning proper layout techniques and
    working through
    > tutorials
    > before actually starting on a production site. Good
    > Ok, forgive me for doubting what you said here, but this
    is the first I've
    > heard of this. In the limited research and reading I've
    done in the last
    > few
    > years I've never heard anyone say this about APdivs.
    Because I think
    > divs/layers are an excellent tool in Dreamweaver. And
    with the exception
    > of my
    > background image problem, which probably can be fixed by
    changing the
    > perameters, the only problems with the website are the
    menus. Everything
    > else
    > looks good on both IE and Firefox.
    > So my question for the rest of the forum is: "Is this
    true or is this
    > bregent's personal opinion?" No offense meant bregent,
    but equating a
    > months+
    > worth of extremely hard work to sawdust is rather
    disturbing. I just want
    > to
    > make sure what you're saying is the general consensus
    before I take this
    > too
    > seriously.
    > Thanks for your input, though. I appreciate your
    honesty. Starting over
    > from
    > scratch isn't an option and the owner of the website
    likes my work. But
    > I'll
    > keep these things in mind for the future. Take care.

  • Various Goods issues from stores

    Hi SAP gurus,
    WE have implemented PS, MM , FICO, SD, Modules only
    Now to issue goods from Stores what are the Criteria to be followed
    based on what reference the goods issue should take place
    the PS are creating Reservations and goods issue can be done to reservations
    and for GI to Cost center, network, WBS, Project, Sales related, and for other requirement,
    how will the SAP system notify the Stores for Goods issue as done iBY resevations,
    Can goods be issued on Planned orders or Purchase requisitions also.
    iam confused can any one throw light on Inventory management. and Goods issue.
    any precautions while doing initial entry of goods to SAP should only be done BY MT 561?
    Thanks and Regards
    Sathish Kumar

    <b>Can goods be issued on Planned orders or Purchase requisitions also.</b>
    no u cant issue the goods Can goods on Planned orders or Purchase requisitions also.
    u can issue it on Production order
    <b>iam confused can any one throw light on Inventory management. and Goods issue.</b>
    Goods Issue is a small part of inventory managenment
    in Inv Mgt u have GR GI transfer posting Physical inventory etc
    <b>any precautions while doing initial entry of goods to SAP should only be done BY MT 561?</b>
    Its very imp part of implem is stock upload
    u have to take care that the right price have to be upload in accounting view of those materials having S price indiacteo generally semifinased and finished material
    As value of material with MAP ie V can be taken care at 561 but Material with S indactoer price in acounting view is very important. so before uploading stock check the prices of material with S
    and u can put value in MB1A 561 for matrials with V indicator (u will have to activate amount field for 561 movement in OMJJ and make Ext. GA amount in LC field as opt entry
    hope this helps
    Reward if useful

  • Various PS issues using CS6 via CC (on Windows Vista)

    I am at my wits end wit this one and on the verge of an uninstall and reinstall.
    All of my images (created on another computer that was also using CS6 on CC) appear with just a fragment of the original showing in the workspace, the rest is chequered out. When I select the paint tool it erases the one little segment that was there. I've attached a screenshot. I hope I'm not being stupid. I apologise if I am. Check the layers box, the logo should be visible.

    That sounds like a possible graphics card driver issue.
    As a test you could go to Edit>Preferences>Performance and try setting the Advanced Settings under Use Graphics Processor to Basic and then restart photoshop and see if that makes a difference when opening images.
    If that's still not good, then try unchecking Use Graphics Processor and restart photoshop.
    The gist of all this is most likely you need to update you graphics card (video card) drivers from the card makers website.
    (not through windows update)

  • Unstable!!! Various Leopard issues

    I just upgrade my OS from Tiger to Leopard and ever since I did I have been having a host of problems. Im on a G5 with 3gigs of ram and i dont get it.
    my computer freezes a lot when I try to perform simple tasks like trying to empty the trash it would freeze and that ball would just keep spinning.
    I try to restart my computer sometimes and it would freeze.
    I use my mac in a studio and when I try to set the audio output setting to my audio interface it does not stay it jump to another option on its own.
    my custom desktop background image goes back to the default screen and I have to re apply the image.
    Ive reinstall my OS 10.5 twice and still are having these issues. Did the tech support troubleshooting to no success. I have never had none of these issues with Tiger. Why if leopard is support to be better than the last why all the issues out the gate. can someone help me because I really would hate to go back to tiger after I just purchased leopard

    You're not alone. I did a clean install and I'm having problems, too. If we could get the cool new features of Leopard with the reliability of Tiger, there's no question, we'd have the ultimate system.
    Tiger was so reliable on my old eMac when my sister had it, the power went off and she couldn't turn it on because she forgot where the power button was. Another big ordeal - once, when a friend was using it, the keyboard and mouse quit responding. The problem? The USB cable came unplugged and the mouse was plugged into the keyboard. .

  • Can't get Extreme to broadcast 802.11ac, various network issues.

    I have a current gen Extreme being extended by the previous generation Extreme. I have both set to have separate names for the 2.4GHz and 5GHz networks, since I like to manually connect my closer devices to the 5GHz and get much faster speeds.
    However, when I run whatever WiFi analyzer software I can find on my PC, there are a few issues.
    The first of which is that the 5GHz network say that it's only a, not ac. The 2.4GHz network says b, g, n.
    Or I should say networkS, because for some reason when scanned I get results for three separate networks.
    2.4GHz on Channel 11 (b, g, n)
    2.4GHz on Channel 11 (b, g, n)
    5GHz on Channel 157 (a)
    I just set them all to share the same name, just to test it out, and it still shows up as 3 networks and the 5GHz band still isn't 802.11ac, only 802.11a.
    The wireless card I'm scanning with is definitely an 802.11ac card, and it's picking up another network nearby which it shows as "n, ac"
    Can anyone help me out here? I feel like I've got a big mess on my hands. I would imagine that the extender complicates things a bit, but I live in a really big house and it's absolutely necessary to extend the range.
    Obviously the fact that I'm only getting 802.11a on my 5GHz network is also really, really troubling, especially since I'm picking up a nearby connection with both 802.11n and ac, without 802.11a even listed as an option.

    I'm in the northeastern US, so it's certainly not illegal.
    The channel is set to automatic. I haven't checked it again recently since I grabbed inSSIDer instead of whatever tool I was using, but right now regardless of whether or not I set up my 5GHz to have a separate name, it's only showing one single a/g/n network (which I'm positive is a 2.4GHz network). I temporarily disabled the extender, it's 4:18am so I'm not gonna be able to do much else until I wake up later on.
    As for the firmware, I'm running the latest. Airport Utility is also the latest on iOS. I don't use the Windows version, I think it's several years old and doesn't work very well.
    The location is not a problem at all. I'm in the same room as the router, roughly 5-6 feet away under normal circumstances. I'm picking up the AC signal from somewhere else that isn't even near the device, so I don't think it's an issue of range.
    I wish I could check from my iPhone 6 Plus whether or not I'm connecting to AC. When I run a speedtest, I'm getting close to 200mbps which is a good 50-60mbps faster than I was getting on my iPhone 5 before I upgraded.
    I'm going to bed for the night, but I really hope I can get this resolved tomorrow. I imagine I'm going to have to restore the Extreme and the extender to factory settings and start all over again. I just hope that it'll make a difference. No sense in having an AC router if I can't get the speed/range.

  • Various group issues (running various commands as non-root)

    hello guys,
    ive got a few problems where i cant do some things without root privileges, and i would like to know whats wrong as i have tried adding myself to the groups i needed (or thought i needed), but this didnt seem to help me.  So today, ive decided im going to try and eliminate all my permission problems at once (hopefully)
    the problems ive encountered are:
    - cannot connect to wireless network (with iwconfig, dhcpcd) as non-root (works with sudo though)
    i thought adding myself to this group shouldve fixed it:
    - i cannot access a USB before root has mounted it in /media
    the usb is recognized, and displayed in Thunar (im using xfce 4.6), but non-root accounts cannot access it until root auto-mounts it (running Thunar as root fixes this problem until next login) i thought maybe these groups wouldve helped:
    -i cannot halt or reboot my machine without the use of sudo (which is quite tiring)
    also, when i try to suspend my laptop, i encounter an error saying
    Suspend and Hibernate are only supported through HAL, which is unavailable.
    But why is this the case, when HAL is started through rc.conf and i am a member of the hal group? (not only that, i tried adding myself to the daemon group, to no avail)
    as you can see, i have quite a problem with groups :S but hopefully with so many problems, someone might know how to fix one of them haha.  i have examined wikis and google, but if you find a link im willing to read it and try to give it a shot

    wow thats incredible! now i can access usb drives without root
    also, i can now click 'suspend' and no error pops up.  however when i boot it back up i just see a blinking cursor and nothing loads -.- no idea about what to do with that
    so now i just need to figure out how to reboot/halt etc without root, and connect to networks (via iwconfig and dhcpcd) without root.  any suggestions?

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