Vendor Half materail is our's

    I have some dout,
when in sub contarcting scenario ,  for one finished product iam ready to send
4 materail to vendor, vendor has ready to put his 4 materail to,  for our finished product.
so how will be the give them money 4 raw materail are our's remaining 4 raw materail's are vendor's how to pay them,
in PO is it necessary to mantain all * materail 's (item detail tab--master data-component scrren) or else only 4 materails which we r sending to vendor
how u ? plz tell me it's urgent

When the vendor delivers the ordered material (the end product), you post a goods receipt for the subcontract order in the same way as for a standard purchase order. The system determines the components for each order item and creates a goods issue item for each component. As a result, the material document consists of the following items:
Goods receipt items for the materials supplied by the vendor
Goods issue items for the components
After you have copied an order item, you can change the quantities in the goods issue items.
The goods receipt is valuated at the subcontract price plus the value of the components consumed.
If by-products are planned in the purchase order as components with negative quantities, receipt of the by-products is automatically posted to the stock of material provided to vendor at goods receipt.
You check an invoice for a subcontract order in the same way as for a standard purchase order. Additional account postings do, however, occur if a price variance has occurred. These postings are shown in the following example.
Postings for a Subcontract Order
In this example, a subcontract order was created for the end product "ASSEM-1". The components COMP-1 and COMP-2 were provided to the subcontractor.
Purchase order
50 pieces of material ASSEM-1 were ordered. The subcontract price is $10/piece (total value = $500).
The following components were provided to the subcontractor:
15 kg of the component COMP-1
5 pcs of the component COMP-2
Goods receipt
The subcontractor delivers 50 pieces of material ASSEM-1.
At goods receipt, a consumption posting for the components provided to the subcontractor is automatically made. It is valuated at the price from the material master record, for example:
15 kg of the component COMP-1 at $20/kg = $300
5 pcs of the component COMP-2 at $30/pc = $150
The goods receipt is valuated with $950. This is calculated as follows:
The subcontract price (50 pcs * $10/pc = $500) and
Value of the components ($300 + $150).
Invoice receipt
The vendor (subcontractor) sends you an invoice for the subcontract work. However, the price is $10.50/pc. Therefore the invoice is 50 pieces ASSEM-1 * $10.50/pc = $525.
Posting Schema for Moving Average Price Control
In this example, the following postings are made at goods receipt and invoice receipt, if the material (end product) is valuated at moving average price.
At goods receipt
At invoice receipt
Vendor account
   525 -
GR/IR clearing account
500 -
500 +
External service account
500 +
25 +
Stock account: end product
950 +
25 +
Change involving stocks
950 -
25 -
Stock account: comp.
450 -
Consumption account
450 +
Posting Schema for Standard Price Control Without Price Differences
For materials (end products) with standard price control also note that
No price differences are posted if the total of the external service value (for example, $500) plus the "material to be provided" value (for example, $450) varies from the value at standard price (for example, $1000). Posting of a price difference is not required because each posting line has its own offsetting entry.
No posting lines are created on the stock account or on the stock change account when an invoice is received.
In the above example, the following postings are made for a material with a standard price of $20.
At goods receipt
At invoice receipt
Vendor account
   525 -
GR/IR clearing account
500 -
500 +
External service account
500 +
25 +
Stock account: end product
1000 +
Change involving stocks
1000 -
Stock account: comp.
450 -
Consumption account
450 +
Posting Schema for Standard Price Control With Price Differences
However, if you wish to generate a price difference posting in those cases where the manufactured material is managed at standard price and the standard price varies from the receipt value (externally performed service + value of components + delivery costs), you can configure this in the Customizing system of Inventory Management.
In the above example, the following postings (including price differences) are made for a material with a standard price of $20.
At goods receipt
At invoice receipt
Vendor account
   525 -
GR/IR clearing account
500 -
500 +
External service account
500 +
25 +
Stock account: end product
1000 +
Change involving stocks
950 -
Price difference
50 +
Stock account: comp.
450 -
Consumption account
450 +

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    Maintain exchange rates in OB08 and if you wanna make it FIX, then do from PO header and Tick the indicator "Exchange rate FIXED"...
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    In order to change the Open Item Management for a G/L account using
    ZFSEPA02 the line item total(Total of open items)for this account
    should match/tally with the account balance for this account (FS10),
    otherwise the open item activation will not be possible.
    Unfortunately as per note 175960 you find reports RFSEPA02/ RFSEPA03
    are no longer supported as of release 4.5A.
    ALTHOUGH you can find a possible solution on how to tally the line items
    to the balance in the NOTE 403744.
    1.  Active New General Ledger
             This note applies ONLY WITH RESTRICTIONS to Release ERP 2004 or ERP
             2005 with activated New General Ledger and activated document
             In these releases, it is not currently possible to subsequently
             activate the open item management under the specified conditions.
             The only option currently available is to set up a new account with
             open item management and to use this instead of the original
             However, it is also possible to deactivate the open item management
             using report ZFSEPA03 under the prerequisites described below.
         2.  Migration to the New GL:
             If you are planning to migrate to the new General Ledger using a
             migration type that enables the use of document splitting, ensure
             that in Phase 1 and Phase 2 NO changes are make to the open item
             management. Phases 1 and 2 indicate the period between the migration
             date and the end of the actual migration (the "Migration Completed"
             indicator is set)

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    Appreciate it.

       The vendor consignment stock has no accounting impact till the stock is issued to own stock or consumed (411K or 201K movement).
       Standard SAP recommends to use direct return delivery using 122 movement in MIGO to return the consignment stock material back to vendor.
       If you still wanted to proceed with return PO, then maintain the message ME640 as warning message (W) in the path: OLME - Environment Data - Define Attributes of System Messages - System messages. Now, create a return PO and create GR against the return PO.
       If you want proceed with SD route for returning to vendor, refer the thread: Return PO with Text material shipping tab

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    Is there any way to achieve this?
    Best regards,

    Also you dont need to enter any roles while creating the Contact person for a vendor.You just need to enter the employee/user details who will be the contact person for the vendor and after you save all the data ,the CP for the vendor will be created and the system will issue a message "Contact person XXXX for BP yyyyy created".
    Do reward points for  useful answers.

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    Hi Experts,
    We have a business scenario here that we want to implement on the MM - Purchasing Process.
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    So for this requirement, is there a way we can add another Quantity, based on the Shipment Tonnage Agreement to calculate the Freight Charge inside, And the Transporter Vendor, in the Schedule Line Conditions to be included in the PGR?
    Please suggest me configurations to do this also.
    Thanks a lot for your suggestions.

    Hi Cruz,
    If your requirement is to bill on the monthly average basis for the freight vendor, you can create new condition type for freight based on quantity. Use the calculation type 'M' - Quantity monthly price, in conjunction with the scales and use the scale basis 'C' if the freight cost is fixed based on your shipment agreement.
    If your agreement is based on no.of shipments use the scale basis 'S' - no. of shipping units.
    Even if these two are not suiting use the scal basis 'G' - formula and define the calculation based on your requirement.
    Once this is configured for the condition type. Then maintain the conditiona values accordingly.
    Hope this is helpful.

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    Does anyone has the experience of releasing WBS or cost center fields to be optional for the customer or vendor line item?
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    Hi, Lu:
    If I understand your question correctly, you want to modify the FSG of recociliation account of Vendor/Customer to make sure Cost Center/WBS field display in transaction F-22/F-43 for example, right?
    I am not sure whether it is possible, I also tried in ECC6.0 but failed to show these two fields. And I think that doesn't make sense to assign CO object to AP/AR reconciliation account, but assign it to Revenue/Expense account in following line items.
    And You can use New General Ledger functionality Document Splitting to derive corresponding CO object information to Reconciliation Account line item, but it is enabled only in General Ledger level, not in subledger level.
    If you find any other meaningful solution, please also share with us.
    Thanks & BR, Lawrence

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    Hi Anne,
    Vendor available  (in your eg. X) in the output type messages screen for PO does not have any impact on accounting processes of main vendor (in your eg Y).

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    Dear Friends,
    We have a situation here  to process automatic payment for a vendor which belongs to our subsidiary.
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    Our main company code A pays for a particular vendor (Eg. V1) from company code B.
    When processing automatic payment for company code A, the vendor V1 from comapny code B need to be selected for payment and the DME file generated should include the payment for V1 aswell.
    I know that we can set up a company code as paying company code for others but the situation here is only to process payment for one particular vendor (not all) from the other ccode.
    I would appreciate your advise in this matter.

    Dear all,
    Our situation is when we run the payment run for company code A it should also select the vendor V1 from company code B because the payment for vendor V1 has to be paid from the house bank of Ccde A. Cocde B is in different country and uses different house bank.
    Is there any way to make the house bank of ccde A to pay for the vendor V1?

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    Hello Experts,
    Is it possible to customize a reconciliation account assignment to vendor account group?
    Our requirement is when you create a vendor, then select a vendor account group, the reconciliation account will automatically be proposed in the field. This is to avoid selecting wrong reconciliation account when creating a vendor.
    I had a look in SPRO but I couldn't find anything that could do that.
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for your inputs,
    I have checked in the system if there is a user_exit. Could you please confirm me that the user_exit "GLPLAN00 - Enhanced authorization and master data validation" is the good one?
    My objective is to have the correct reconciliation account automatically populated when I am creating a customer/vendor with a specific account group.
    e.g. select account group - XXXX Non-trade customer / Reconciliation acct XXXXXX non trade customer automatically populated.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

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    I have scenario regarding clearing of vendor payment thru app
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    Thanks and Regards

    Damn, just ignore my replies

  • Different Vendor Payment in same Document Number....?

    If any one aware of this case please Revert back.
    Client Requirement:
    Different vendors payment they are giving one single check (RTGS) to will transfer the money to Particular Vendors Account.
    In our System we can create Payment Batch but system will generate the check (Document Number) for each vendor.(We are issuing only single check)
    Is it possible to make the Payment batch through one single check for Multiple vendors........?
    Edited by: Senthilkumar Chellamuthu on Feb 26, 2013 4:43 PM

    This is the result of a preference setting. In the General section of the prefs set the radio button for "When Scaling:" to "Apply to Content" instead of "Adjust Scaling Percentage" and the values will reflect their true dimensions. In tyhe meantime you can select the object and open the menu on the end of the Control panel and choose Reset Scaling to 100% to reflect the actual weights.

  • Vendor create process using workflow

    I have been assigned a project to desgin a process to automatically create a vendor. below is what I think has to be done. can this be reviewed to see if this is the correct approch and if not, suggest a better approach.
    1) the vendor will sign onto our portal and submit their information to have them created as a vendor in our system. this information will be stored in a custom table
    2) the portal process will have a ABAP program that generates the screen for the user to enter thier data. this program will also start a workflow that will send a notification to a person inside our company for them to review the information and decide weather the vendor can be added.
    3) if the person approves the request, the workflow will submit a process to create the vendor, and send a approval email to the vendor
    4) If the person rejects the process, the workflow will send an rejecction email will be sent to the vendor
    I am in charge of creating the workflow and submitting the vendor create process
    thanks in advance for the help

    Hi Anil
    Take a look at the Workflow collateral located on
    I'd also suggest looking at the Sample Workflow Processes included with Oracle Workflow.
    There are also some on demand Oracle iLearning courses ( which should be very useful for you.
    Could anyone give me a case study describing how to create a new process using workflow builder? Where are the notifications saved in the database? Where is the process saved? Give me a general flow of events in the creation of, say a document management process wherein all these details are specified. A document containing the whole flow involved in the creation of a process using workflow builder. What all PL/SQL procedures I need to write and all. I have both workflow server and builder installed.
    This would be of immense help.

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