Video audio is removed when publishing

I've created a project in Captivate 7.  I've added a video.  The video is a .flv file with sound.  It shows in the library and I can play video and hear the sound.  I preview the project and the video works well and I can hear the audio.  When I publish it, both as .swf and html5 the video plays fine, but there's no audio.  I assume there's something in the conversion of the inserted video or a setting in the publication settings.  Can anyone help? 

Hi there
If you click Edit > Preferences > Project > Publish Settings, do you have audio included?
Cheers... Rick

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    I'm encountering the same problem as the original poster.  In my case, I'm using FCP 10.1 (running on OS 10.9.1).  My source file is DV video imported via FireWire from a DV camcorder.  The clip's audio is fine when playing inside of Final Cut Pro 10.1, but when I share the project the audio track is just white noise.  My share settings are to Apple 720p devices (the subseqent dialog boxes indicate the software has figured out it's really 640x480 video).
    Here's what the QuickTime Inspector says about the source file:
    DV/DVCPRO - NTSC, 720 x 480 (640 x 480)
    Linear PCM, 16-bit little-endian signed integer, 48004.6 Hz, Mono
    Linear PCM, 16-bit little-endian signed integer, 48004.6 Hz, Mono
    FPS:  29.97
    Data Size:  5.87 GB
    Data Rate:  30.30 Mbit/s
    Current Size:  640-480 (actual)
    I tried changing from "faster encode" to "better quality", but it made no difference.
    The rather dated version of Compressor I have (v3.5.3) was able to encode the clip to H.264 640x480 and the results are fine.  However, it took way longer than FCP 10.1 (I think it's too old to be taking advantage of the GPU).

  • Audio not working when published

    When I record an audio clip within Captivate, although I can
    hear it when previewing that one slide, I can't hear it when
    previewing multiple slides or viewing the published movie. I know
    it has nothing to do with push-buttons or other elements on the
    slide (I've tried recording on blank slides, with the same result).
    I've also tried exporting the audio files and listening to
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    .wav and .mp3 versions). This problem just started happening today.
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    Bottom line--I can no longer publish any audio in about 1/2
    of my Captivate movies. Can anyone please help?

    Teri, do this for me, if you would, please:
    Check "
    Movie > Preferences > Preferences tab > (check)
    "Include Audio When Movie Is Generated".
    Did that help?
    To Everyone Monitoring This Thread: Another easily
    overlooked troublemaker is the "Audio" icon (tiny speaker) located
    beneath the timeline when you are viewing a single slide
    (duh - sorry, brain fart - of course that's when yo see it because
    the timeline isn't visible until you go to Edit mode - double duh).
    Anyway, if you click it, you will turn audio off for
    all single-slide previews - note ... I said ONLY previews of
    the currently open slide. This will NOT affect other previews, nor
    will it affect audio in the published product . . .
    Hope this info helped some - have a good weekend!

  • Audio not synching when published

    Hello everyone. I'm working in Captivate 4, (purchased, not
    trial). I'm relatively new user, but have been working intensely
    for about a two months developing a tutorial for my client.
    The audio portion does not synch properly with the video
    after publishing to an AVI file.
    My project previews correctly, (entire file is 117 slides, 9
    minutes long.)
    However, after publishing to an AVI file, the audio does not
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    and after 2 minutes, has lapped the slide. Most of my slides
    average 2-6 seconds long.
    I tried different publish settings, but have not found
    anything to work, although changing some settings have improved the
    output somewhat.
    Does anyone have any suggestions for me?
    This file will be published on YouTube. This is a
    demonstration video only.
    My audio was developed using text to speech, (so no music
    quality sound is required) and each slide has one audio file per
    slide, (nothing embedded.)
    Settings I chose were:
    Video Format: MJPEG Compressor (tried Indeo, but syncing was
    Audio: PCM (only choice)
    Encoding: FM Radio (64) and 11.025 KHz Frequency
    Encoding Speed 5
    I restarted, and do not have any other program actively
    running (except Kasperski)
    We recently reformatted the hard drive on this machine, took
    every program off, defragmented, so the system is very lean and
    Added more memory, so now we have 3 GIG of memory.
    Running XP, the only installed programs are MS Office,
    Kasperski, and Captivate.
    Any help, or advice on best setting or configurations, would
    be greatly appreciated!

    Teri, do this for me, if you would, please:
    Check "
    Movie > Preferences > Preferences tab > (check)
    "Include Audio When Movie Is Generated".
    Did that help?
    To Everyone Monitoring This Thread: Another easily
    overlooked troublemaker is the "Audio" icon (tiny speaker) located
    beneath the timeline when you are viewing a single slide
    (duh - sorry, brain fart - of course that's when yo see it because
    the timeline isn't visible until you go to Edit mode - double duh).
    Anyway, if you click it, you will turn audio off for
    all single-slide previews - note ... I said ONLY previews of
    the currently open slide. This will NOT affect other previews, nor
    will it affect audio in the published product . . .
    Hope this info helped some - have a good weekend!

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    Unfortunately, I can't watch your video since I just have dial up. I am wondering if you could show it to the guys at the Apple Store.
    Even better, can you make it happen consistently with a quicktime video? If so, that would be the time to show it to them. They have to see the problem in order to do anything about it. Sometimes electronic problems are intermittent, so they don't always show up for a test. For example, if the computer has been off and is cold, it might not show up a problem that normally occurs when it has been on all day. You may not have noticed any particular heat, but the computer will be hotter if it's been on all day. The problem could well be heat related--or be more likely to occur with intensive processor use.
    Be aware that your replacement logic board also has the NVIDIA chip, and it's possible that your new chip is also defective.
    Good luck!

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    YouTube goofed on their guess.  Ignore it.

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    What I can't understand is why am I am all of a sudden having problems with MUSE playing video files made for mobile when the original DW test I made works perfectly?
    Please advise.

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    Download the folder of assets for your flash player from iDisk. Get there from the Finder Go menu - iDisk/My iDisk/Web/Sites.
    Drag the folder onto your desktop and then upload it to the server using an FTP app like the freeware Cyberduck or your hosting service's file manager.
    Enter the new URLs to the files in snippet code.

  • Audio not working on one slide when publishing to HTML5

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    The slide in question is a 'menu' only reached via an advanced action. I know the advanced action is not the culprit - if I change it to jump to a different slide, the audio on that slide plays without problem.
    Similarly, I've verified that if I place this audio file on a different slide, it plays fine, but if I add a different audio file to this slide the problem remains. If I create a button on the problem slide to trigger the audio it plays, (but is unhelpful since I want the audio to play automatically when the user enters the slide).
    I've tried removing/re-adding the audio, recreating the slide from a copy, setting the audio to play via an "on enter" advanced action, and adding a play trigger to the advanced action that jumps to this slide. Nothing I've tried gets the audio to play.
    I'd welcome any suggestions of what might be happening or how to fix this.
    Thank you,
    Jenny Nilsson

    Hi Lieve,
    Thank you, yes, if I view using f12 the audio works correctly.
    The "exitBranch" action is associated with a continue button at the end of each branch. If all branches have been visited, it jumps to a new slide, if there are unvisited branches, it jumps back to the menu slide where the audio is not working. (If I edit the action to jump somewhere else the audio will work for the different slide.)
    The action was created from a shared action and my colleague and I have used it in multiple other modules without this error.
    Jenny N

  • Audio not synching during publish

    Hello everyone. I'm working in Captivate 4, (purchased, not
    trial). I'm relatively new user, but have been working intensely
    for about a month developing my tutorial.
    My project previews correctly, (entire file is 117 slides, 9
    minutes long.)
    However, after publishing to an AVI file, the audio does not
    match up with the video - the audio playback is slightly slower,
    and after 2 minutes, has lapped the slide.
    I tried different publish settings, but have not found
    anything to work, although changing some settings have improved the
    output somewhat.
    Does anyone have any suggestions for me?
    This file will be published on YouTube. This is a
    demonstration video only.
    My audio was developed using text to speech, (so no music
    quality sound is required) and each slide has one audio file per
    slide, (nothing embedded.)
    Settings I chose were:
    Video Format: MJPEG Compressor (tried Indeo, but syncing was
    Audio: PCM (only choice)
    Encoding: FM Radio (64) and 11.025 KHz Frequency
    Encoding Speed 5
    I restarted, and do not have any other program actively
    running (except Kasperski)
    We recently reformatted the hard drive on this machine, took
    every program off, defragmented, so the system is very lean and
    Added more memory, so now we have 3 GIG of memory.
    Running XP, the only installed programs are MS Office,
    Kasperski, and Captivate.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Sorry everyone, I posted this in the wrong forum.
    I reposted this in Captivate - General Discussion, titled
    Audio not synching when published.
    I did not know how to delete this post. Thanks!

  • Teleconferencing app - Video/Audio not synced

    I have a Flex based application which is using Flash Media Server (FMS) server (version 4.0)  for live video streaming between two users (i.e. a one to one teleconferencing service). This streaming is one-to-one, as defined by business rules, so that no third person can join a teleconference. Either person can start the video stream via a browser-based Flex client and communication gets established once the second user joins. Validation for connecting the streams of the two users is implemented on the FMS server (as server side scripting defined in main.asc).
    Almost every teleconference has video/audio sync issue of anywhere between 2-10 seconds (i.e. the audio and video feeds are not synchronized).
    Question - any suggestions on how this can be corrected, either client or server side?
    Thanks for the ideas...

    Re: Video/Audio not synced when viewing on computerT I'm using the HD+ mode and it is in synch. After more playing around I noticed that I sometimes experience the stop motion but then it quickly returns. It only happens when I have other programs open. If I close all programs and just have open the video, it works well. Again, this is a limitation of my computer power.
    Try this... Open up the Task Manager and then play a video. See how much of the computers power you are utilizing when the video plays. Look at the processes that are open and close anything you don't need. Most people have too much stuff running in the background on their computers that slows it down. They usually come preloaded from the manufactor that way. I have set up my computer so that nothing runs automatically when you start-up. It makes the computer much faster.
    Also, are you running Vista? Vista is a memory hog. Try messing around with Vista's settings. Vista can limit your computer power. With your computer power, you shouldn't be having such a problem. Maybe switch back to XP.

  • Background audio not adjusting after project is paused when published to Flash. Any suggestions?

    I'm working with:
    Captivate 6
    Mac OS X 10.8.2
    Flash Player is updated to most recent version
    My project contains background audio music set to adjust to slide audio. When I publish to Flash the background audio adjusts appropriately until I pause the video and then resume. Once the video resumes the background audio no longer adjusts to slide audio. So basically anytime a learner pauses the video and then resumes the background audio drowns the slide audio out. I've tried this with multiple projects and get the same result.
    When I publish in HTML5 it works fine. But I cannot use HTML5 because my project contains necessary rollover objects and captions, slide transitions, text animations, and other effects that HTML5 does not support.
    I've to remove and re-add the background audio, uninstall and reinstall Captivate, adjust the background and slide volume levels, uncheck loop audio, and pretty much any audio settings and publish settings I can think of.
    Can someone else with the same OS and Captivate version try and see if they encounter the same problem when publishing to Flash?
    Or does anyone have a solution/workaround?
    Thank You!

    Hi folks
    Sorry, I don't have a fix to offer. Only an observation. I'm rather surprised to see this many folks actually USING background audio. I say that, because I have facilitated hundreds of Captivate classes over the years. And there are lots of folks with Instructional Design background that attend. And in so many of the classes, when we reach the audio section and we cover how to use Background Audio, the same comment is made.
    The comment is that generally speaking, it is their opinion that from an Instructional Design standpoint, background music is a "no no" and should be avoided because it detracts from the learning objective.
    Perhaps the link below will help.
    Click here
    Cheers... Rick

  • Using Adobe Presenter 7 when published to PDF video files do not play just a blank page, any ideas?

    Using Adobe Presenter 7 when published to PDF video files do not just a blank page, any ideas? I am using office 2010 and Adobe Acrobat 9 on my PC any suggestions would be very helpful as the audio and slides work fine though no SWF files work just a blank white screen

    The problem seems to be with Acrobat 9. Can you share any such pdf generated from presenter at [email protected]
    Alternatively, you can try to download Adobe Reader 10 and try to view the published output usingthe same.

  • When publishing video files in H.264 format, I get the error "No rendered photo exists on disk"

    I want to export images as well as videos (.mov files) by using the Publishing Manager in Lightroom 5.6 under Windows 7, 64 Bit. For this I activated "Include Video Files" in the Publishing Manager and set "Video Format" to "H.264". When publishing, all photos are correctly published. The videos, however, are not published. Instead Lightroom returns the error: "Some export operations were not performed.", "No rendered photo exists on disk" followed by a list of the videos that could not be exported.
    If I select "Original, unedited file" for "Video Format" instead, the videos are published. Also, if I manually export the videos (without using the Publishing functionality), the export works.
    How can I publish videos using the H.264 format?

    Thanks Brett, I'll try to recreate it
    I just tried to export it again but this time to the desktop, not a Sandisk USB, and this time it created 4 different files, one being audio only and when I tried to play/open the others it gave a 'server error' dialogue  window and I couldn't get a screen shot while this was open.

  • Captivate 4 video stops when publishing into pdf

    I have created a video with Captivate 4 and have published it into a pdf file.
    The video/audio then freezes and stops half way through, almost as if when it was moving onto a new slide.
    I have tried publishing to html instead, and it works fine.
    Any suggestions on how to get the pdf up and running?

    Hi there
    Not that it will actually help anything, but if you can supply me with one of the Camtasia AVI files, I'll be happy to test for you on my end. I do have Captivate 1, 2, 3 and 4 all on the same machine.
    Also, I wasn't suggesting that Camtasia could automatically accomplish this. What I was suggesting was that you could open the video in Camtasia and use it as you would Captivate. You could split the video yourself. Pare away some, publish it as a smaller segment that you would drop into Captivate. Rinse and repeat as needed. Assuming, of course, that your goal is to get this into Captivate.
    Cheers... Rick
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