Volume drop on MuVo2

My Creative MuVo2 4gb didn`t transfer new songs from computer to player. It always got stucked after had transferred couple of songs. I reloaded firmware, it didn`t help but after formatting the whole thing it started to work properly again. Only problem is that volume level has dropped. I tried with severeal different headphones but same thing in all of them. Of course some of them play louder than others, but volume level has clearly dropped. Now when the volume is at full it still sounds like normal level. Anyone ? I tried everything i know, firmware didn`t help. This player is maybe 3-4 years old.

Of course I can't be sure, but this indeed sounds like a software bug to me.
I would start by going to iTunes > Preferences > Playback and unchecking Sound Check. I would also turn the EQ completely off. These two recommendations, by the way, should go a long way to improving the quality of anyone's experience with iTunes. However, the unfortunate truth is that these two things are on by default.
Sound Check adds a bunch of extra junk to the tags of every file in your iTunes library (use a robust player like foobar2000 on a PC to verify this) and then puts an increased demand on system resources whenever you play your music because iTunes has to read all this extra information in the song tags and adjust volume as playback goes on, etc.
It sounds like when you perform any tag updating, something goes haywire with the Sound Check fields of the tags. Your opinion may differ, but playing an album with the quiet sounds made loud and the loud ones made soft doesn't make any sense, so it's good to just turn off Sound Check and let iTunes ignore the extra fields that have been added to the tags of all your files.

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    You might want to try restoring as new - without the backup - and see if that fixes it. If it doesn't fix it, you can still restore the backup and you won't lose anything but a little bit of time that you spend restoring again.
    Backup again, then restore as new, use the iPad and switch from song to song or from one app with sound to another....whatever you need to do to cause the sound issue again. If the sound issue doesn't come back, then you might assume it's something in the backup that was causing the problem. Start over and rebuild the iPad from scratch.
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    Just purchased a 4 months old, like new, Lumia 1020.
    Call volume is ridiculous.
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    Don't you think it might just be a little useful to know what normally happens? I mean, you do realize that some phones sound silent when you tilt them a mm, while other phones sound almost the same no matter where you hold them. You do get that the difference in volume for the iPhone speakerphone when placed on a solid surface is much more dramatic than the changes in volume most other phones have due to placement, thus it's not something everybody thinks of right away.
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    If you are so bright then why are you asking a question at all? You know that if you move your body and the phone at the same time the volume shouldn't change. I mean..sure gravity does make the soundwaves drop quicker and all that so when you walk up an angled driveway the phone needs to adjust the volume, but that's only a little bit...not 'considerably' right?
    Let's think for a second (or less for some of us). First, 'I was concerned some engineer mightve mistakenly thought of this as some cockamami "feature"'. Know what? It's a good idea. I wouldn't half mind a phone that could adjust the volume when I moved it to or from my ear or body. Seamlessly changing from the EARPIECE to the SPEAKER would be a great thing too. Things like switching from the bluetooth HEADSET to the SPEAKER are nice touches. I think you have an advanced model or a special feature.
    It's also a little difficult for people to know how much your phone changes in volume when they can't hear it. It's not like there's a recording or some empirical data like 'hey, when I tilt my phone at a 45 degree angle it drops 20 decibels'.
    As to 'reflected acoustics?!?!', I think the post starts with "speaker volume" and continues to 'when fully flat, or vertical'. Fully flat sounds like your phone is sitting on a table, shelf, or the floor and since I don't put my phone on a block then lay down on the floor with my ear above it to make a call I think the description sounds more like the speakerphone portion than the ear 'speaker'. Stating what the SPEAKER should do when normally performing in answer to a question should be considered informative and useful because : If you knew what the speaker was supposed to do you would not have asked.
    Yeah, you never know who is using an iPhone or posting in the forums, but it doesn't take very long to read through the posts and find the information you want when you post a clear question in the first place.
    I don't consider my phone a derogatory TLA, but if that's what you think of the product then I hope you enjoy your old phone.
    Don't let the bass fall on your foot on the way out.

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    Hello Tom
    Extract the sound of the video clip with the title and see if it makes a difference.
    This takes me back some years. I don't recall the sound dropping off to the degree you speak of though. But give it a go, you have nothing to loose !

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    I'm really sorry. I don't know what else to do. I recommend from here you contect Apple. They are great at getting back to there customers really quickly. Here is the link: http://www.apple.com/support/contact/
    I hope you are able to find a solution to your problem! :)

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    Yes! Same problem here on two different iPhone 4s (mine and my wife's). If I watch the volume bar on the phones when I skip songs, it doesn't move, but the actual volume output drops to about half. Like the original poster, pause/play seems to fix it... until the next time I switch songs.
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    I believe this has something to do with "Smart Connect" app.
    If you don't wanna check on a lot of settings, then clear the data of smart connect app ( settings > smart connect > clear data) and your phone should be working as supposed to, otherwise check on the settings and it's easy.
    Run the smart connect app > select "Music on the go" or "Music at home" ( Or any other profile to check) >Select the edit option at the bottom then check the settings if you have set the volumes to minimum when you choose to connect your headsets.
    If you find it confusing, just clear the data of app and see if it works for you.
    Discussion guidelines.
    Message me or any other moderator to seek help regarding moderation.

  • AFP Volume Drop - Dismiss OK?

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    tell application "Finder"
                        mount volume "afp://xxx.xxx.xxx.123/Name of files"
              end try
    end tell
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    Did you check the expression on the channel strip to see what it is set to? In many software instruments, expression controls the input level. Maybe expression is being sent by one of your knobs on your hardware accidentally, or you have some on screen object mapped to send expression. In the first case, you can check by leaving midi monitor open and spying on the input, to see if expression is being sent at any point...

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    I have the iPhone 6 and having the same problem. It can really hurt your eardrums when the sound goes back to normal!!!!

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    Problem Found!
    This diagnosis probably applies to me only but its worth checking.
    The problem exists in my Creative Speakers' Remote Control (MODEL: MZ0005)
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    I will attempt to open and fix this issue or just order a new remote control. I hope this helps anyone out there.
    P.S. I guess this belongs in the speakers forum, this is not audigy related. Peace

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    I notice this happened after I put my ipod into a listening dock when i then went back to listening with headphones, however i have done this many times before and each time i put the headphones back in i just turned the volume back up and that was it.
    i have tried several pairs of headphones so know it is not the headphones that are the problem.
    has anyone else experienced this? is there anything i can do to fix it - or if not do you know if Apple will still do anything with ipod minis?
    Many thanks.

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    Anyone else had this problem or know what causes it?

    Did you check the expression on the channel strip to see what it is set to? In many software instruments, expression controls the input level. Maybe expression is being sent by one of your knobs on your hardware accidentally, or you have some on screen object mapped to send expression. In the first case, you can check by leaving midi monitor open and spying on the input, to see if expression is being sent at any point...

  • Z30 Volume Drops

    I love my z30.  it's great, but lately I've noticed something odd.  The volume goes quiet on the entire device for some reason.  Typing noises, notifications, videos, music, etc.  I can move the individual volume controls around and it never gets loud.  I reboot the phone and all is restored for a period of time and then it start over again.  It's quite annoying as i miss notifications because of the drop in volume.
    I see there are other posts about speakers not working or in call volume. In my case all indications show that it should still be at the max, and the slides work to adjust it down even further, but i can't make it go back up to the regular volume level.
    any help would be appreciated.

    Good day
    I have no issues other then when I put my Z30 in my holster the volume controls are really sensitive
    Want to contract me? You can follow me on Twitter @RobGambino
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