Vote on (option to pre-load JVM)

I wish to draw your attention to an RFE (request for enhancement) that could use your vote.
The RFE is asking for the jre to have the option of preloading the JVM at startup. Once loaded, the new 'tray icon" service would be responsible for keeping the rt.jar library loaded (which basically means waking up every once in a while and executing something inside of rt.jar).
This would be an option that is turned OFF by DEFAULT. The user would have to go into the java control panel to turn it on.
Why do this you ask? Well I did some extensive testing on cold start times between 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6. See the link at the bottom. The upshot was, that a huge amount of time is spent loading the jvm and rt.jar. All of the lazy loading technologies really didn't help. So, for those willing to have YATI (yet another tray icon), please give the option of preloading the jvm. You see it with other products, like QuickTime...
Please vote and leave your feeback at:
The orginal thread that started it all (lots of benchmark data):

You have good points. Perhaps it is my ignorance of windows internals - but let me take a stab at this and perhaps clear a couple of things up (for me at least).
1) I think you are correct that the JRE footprint size is an issue especially when you compare it to something like quicktime. In defense of the RFE, it is precisely for that reason that I recommend that the option be off by default.
2 and 3) The tray icon isn't the single JVM of the system. It is an instance of the JVM that is providing a service. Let me take a stab at how I would implement it.
The java tray icon becomes a loading service that pre-caches the jar files in memory and cycles through them (to keep them in memory). When a local JVM instance is invoked, be it a browser or local application that instance of the jvm would query for the existance of the java tray service and if present, use it to load rt.jar etc. from its memory cache.
Hope that makes sense.
Personally I think the idea of pre-loading the jvm
like a tray icon would be a bad thing overall. I see
your point however:
1. First + Foremost java takes up too much memory.
Just running simple hello world apps now take tens of
megabytes to run simply because of the (bloated) size
of the JRE. It's not like quicktime which can load a
stub in < 1 Mb this is a bear
2. What happens when someone calls System.exit()? I'm
guessing your answer is "well the JVM restarts" but
what about all the other apps running on that JVM? It
would kill them too. Beyond that one java app(let)
could start interfering with another java app taking
memory making environment changes etc.
3. Possibly my biggest best reason is that almost all
real commercial java applications need more memory
than the default allocated by just calling 'java ...'
how would we know how much to allocate when starting
the jvm? Or we could allocate at runtime and fragment
memory all to ****. Anyway you get the idea

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  • Pre-loading Oracle text in memory with Oracle 12c

    There is a white paper from Roger Ford that explains how to load the Oracle index in memory :
    In our application, Oracle 12c, we are indexing a big XML field (which is stored as XMLType with storage secure file) with the PATH_SECTION_GROUP. If I don't load the I table (DR$..$I) into memory using the technique explained in the white paper then I cannot have decent performance (and especially not predictable performance, it looks like if the blocks from the TOKEN_INFO columns are not memory then performance can fall sharply)
    But after migrating to oracle 12c, I got a different problem, which I can reproduce: when I create the index it is relatively small (as seen with ctx_report.index_size) and by applying the technique from the whitepaper, I can pin the DR$ I table into memory. But as soon as I do a ctx_ddl.optimize_index('Index','REBUILD') the size becomes much bigger and I can't pin the index in memory. Not sure if it is bug or not.
    What I found as work-around is to build the index with the following storage options:
    ctx_ddl.set_attribute ('TEST_STO', 'BIG_IO', 'YES' );
    ctx_ddl.set_attribute ('TEST_STO', 'SEPARATE_OFFSETS', 'NO' );
    so that the token_info column will be stored in a secure file. Then I can change the storage of that column to put it in the keep buffer cache, and write a procedure to read the LOB so that it will be loaded in the keep cache. The size of the LOB column is more or less the same as when creating the index without the BIG_IO option but it remains constant even after a ctx_dll.optimize_index. The procedure to read the LOB and to load it into the cache is very similar to the loaddollarR procedure from the white paper.
    Because of the SDATA section, there is a new DR table (S table) and an IOT on top of it. This is not documented in the white paper (the white paper was written for Oracle 10g). In my case this DR$ S table is much used, and the IOT also, but putting it in the keep cache is not as important as the token_info column of the DR I table. A final note: doing SEPARATE_OFFSETS = 'YES' was very bad in my case, the combined size of the two columns is much bigger than having only the TOKEN_INFO column and both columns are read.
    Here is an example on how to reproduce the problem with the size increasing when doing ctx_optimize
    1. create the table
    drop table test;
    XMLTYPE COLUMN XML_DATA STORE AS SECUREFILE BINARY XML (tablespace users disable storage in row);
    2. insert a few records
    insert into test values(1,'<Book><TITLE>Tale of Two Cities</TITLE>It was the best of times.<Author NAME="Charles Dickens"> Born in England in the town, Stratford_Upon_Avon </Author></Book>');
    insert into test values(2,'<BOOK><TITLE>The House of Mirth</TITLE>Written in 1905<Author NAME="Edith Wharton"> Wharton was born to George Frederic Jones and Lucretia Stevens Rhinelander in New York City.</Author></BOOK>');
    insert into test values(3,'<BOOK><TITLE>Age of innocence</TITLE>She got a prize for it.<Author NAME="Edith Wharton"> Wharton was born to George Frederic Jones and Lucretia Stevens Rhinelander in New York City.</Author></BOOK>');
    3. create the text index
    drop index i_test;
      exec ctx_ddl.create_section_group('TEST_SGP','PATH_SECTION_GROUP');
      CTX_DDL.ADD_SDATA_SECTION(group_name => 'TEST_SGP', 
                                section_name => 'SData_02',
                                tag => 'SData_02',
                                datatype => 'varchar2');
    exec ctx_ddl.create_preference('TEST_STO','BASIC_STORAGE');
    exec  ctx_ddl.set_attribute('TEST_STO','I_TABLE_CLAUSE','tablespace USERS storage (initial 64K)');
    exec  ctx_ddl.set_attribute('TEST_STO','I_INDEX_CLAUSE','tablespace USERS storage (initial 64K) compress 2');
    exec  ctx_ddl.set_attribute ('TEST_STO', 'BIG_IO', 'NO' );
    exec  ctx_ddl.set_attribute ('TEST_STO', 'SEPARATE_OFFSETS', 'NO' );
    create index I_TEST
      on TEST (XML_DATA)
      indextype is ctxsys.context
        section group   "TEST_SGP"
        storage         "TEST_STO"
      ') parallel 2;
    4. check the index size
    select ctx_report.index_size('I_TEST') from dual;
    it says :
    TOTAL BLOCKS ALLOCATED:                                                104
    TOTAL BLOCKS USED:                                                      72
    TOTAL BYTES ALLOCATED:                                 851,968 (832.00 KB)
    TOTAL BYTES USED:                                      589,824 (576.00 KB)
    4. optimize the index
    exec ctx_ddl.optimize_index('I_TEST','REBUILD');
    and now recompute the size, it says
    TOTAL BLOCKS ALLOCATED:                                               1112
    TOTAL BLOCKS USED:                                                    1080
    TOTAL BYTES ALLOCATED:                                 9,109,504 (8.69 MB)
    TOTAL BYTES USED:                                      8,847,360 (8.44 MB)
    which shows that it went from 576KB to 8.44MB. With a big index the difference is not so big, but still from 14G to 19G.
    5. Workaround: use the BIG_IO option, so that the token_info column of the DR$ I table will be stored in a secure file and the size will stay relatively small. Then you can load this column in the cache using a procedure similar to
    alter table DR$I_TEST$I storage (buffer_pool keep);
    alter table dr$i_test$i modify lob(token_info) (cache storage (buffer_pool keep));
    rem: now we must read the lob so that it will be loaded in the keep buffer pool, use the prccedure below
    create or replace procedure loadTokenInfo is
      type c_type is ref cursor;
      c2 c_type;
      s varchar2(2000);
      b blob;
      buff varchar2(100);
      siz number;
      off number;
      cntr number;
        s := 'select token_info from  DR$i_test$I';
        open c2 for s;
           fetch c2 into b;
           exit when c2%notfound;
           siz := 10;
           off := 1;
           cntr := 0;
           if dbms_lob.getlength(b) > 0 then
       , siz, off, buff);
                 cntr := cntr + 1;
                 off := off + 4096;
               end loop;
             exception when no_data_found then
               if cntr > 0 then
                 dbms_output.put_line('4K chunks fetched: '||cntr);
               end if;
           end if;
        end loop;
    Rgds, Pierre

    I have been working a lot on that issue recently, I can give some more info.
    First I totally agree with you, I don't like to use the keep_pool and I would love to avoid it. On the other hand, we have a specific use case : 90% of the activity in the DB is done by queuing and dbms_scheduler jobs where response time does not matter. All those processes are probably filling the buffer cache. We have a customer facing application that uses the text index to search the database : performance is critical for them.
    What kind of performance do you have with your application ?
    In my case, I have learned the hard way that having the index in memory (the DR$I table in fact) is the key : if it is not, then performance is poor. I find it reasonable to pin the DR$I table in memory and if you look at competitors this is what they do. With MongoDB they explicitly says that the index must be in memory. With elasticsearch, they use JVM's that are also in memory. And effectively, if you look at the awr report, you will see that Oracle is continuously accessing the DR$I table, there is a SQL similar to
    FROM DR$idxname$I
    WHERE TOKEN_TEXT = :word AND TOKEN_TYPE = :wtype    
    which is continuously done.
    I think that the algorithm used by Oracle to keep blocks in cache is too complex. A just realized that in (was released last week) there is finally a "killer" functionality, the in-memory parameters, with which you can pin tables or columns in memory with compression, etc. this looks ideal for the text index, I hope that R. Ford will finally update his white paper :-)
    But my other problem was that the optimize_index in REBUILD mode caused the DR$I table to double in size : it seems crazy that this was closed as not a bug but it was and I can't do anything about it. It is a bug in my opinion, because the create index command and "alter index rebuild" command both result in a much smaller index, so why would the guys that developped the optimize function (is it another team, using another algorithm ?) make the index two times bigger ?
    And for that the track I have been following is to put the index in a 16K tablespace : in this case the space used by the index remains more or less flat (increases but much more reasonably). The difficulty here is to pin the index in memory because the trick of R. Ford was not working anymore.
    What worked:
    first set the keep_pool to zero and set the db_16k_cache_size to instead. Then change the storage preference to make sure that everything you want to cache (mostly the DR$I) table come in the tablespace with the non-standard block size of 16k.
    Then comes the tricky part : the pre-loading of the data in the buffer cache. The problem is that with Oracle 12c, Oracle will use direct_path_read for FTS which basically means that it bypasses the cache and read directory from file to the PGA !!! There is an event to avoid that, I was lucky to find it on a blog (I can't remember which, sorry for the credit).
    I ended-up doing that. the events to 10949 is to avoid the direct path reads issue.
    alter session set events '10949 trace name context forever, level 1';
    alter table DR#idxname0001$I cache;
    alter table DR#idxname0002$I cache;
    alter table DR#idxname0003$I cache;
    It worked. With a big relief I expected to take some time out, but there was a last surprise. The command
    exec ctx_ddl.optimize_index(idx_name=>'idxname',part_name=>'partname',optlevel=>'REBUILD');
    gqve the following
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20000: Oracle Text error:
    DRG-50857: oracle error in drftoptrebxch
    ORA-14097: column type or size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 160
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.CTX_DDL", line 1141
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Which is very much exactly described in a metalink note 1645634.1 but in the case of a non-partitioned index. The work-around given seemed very logical but it did not work in the case of a partitioned index. After experimenting, I found out that the bug occurs when the partitioned index is created with  dbms_pclxutil.build_part_index procedure (this enables  enables intra-partition parallelism in the index creation process). This is a very annoying and stupid bug, maybe there is a work-around, but did not find it on metalink
    Other points of attention with the text index creation (stuff that surprised me at first !) ;
    - if you use the dbms_pclxutil package, then the ctx_output logging does not work, because the index is created immediately and then populated in the background via dbms_jobs.
    - this in combination with the fact that if you are on a RAC, you won't see any activity on the box can be very frightening : this is because oracle can choose to start the workers on the other node.
    I understand much better how the text indexing works, I think it is a great technology which can scale via partitioning. But like always the design of the application is crucial, most of our problems come from the fact that we did not choose the right sectioning (we choosed PATH_SECTION_GROUP while XML_SECTION_GROUP is so much better IMO). Maybe later I can convince the dev to change the sectionining, especially because SDATA and MDATA section are not supported with PATCH_SECTION_GROUP (although it seems to work, even though we had one occurence of a bad result linked to the existence of SDATA in the index definition). Also the whole problematic of mixed structured/unstructured searches is completly tackled if one use XML_SECTION_GROUP with MDATA/SDATA (but of course the app was written for Oracle 10...)
    Regards, Pierre

  • Can I install Snow Leopard on the latest Macbook Pros? (the ones pre-loaded with Lion)

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    To revert back to Snow Leopard, however, I need to install it from the DVD which has version 10.6.3 on it, and then upgrade to any version between Snow Leopard 10.6.6 and Lion 10.7. In theory this could work, the only problem being that for a brief time between installing Snow Leopard and updating to the version of it that I need, the computer will have version 10.6.3 on it.
    Now I'm pretty sure if the only thing I do on the computer is immediately update to a safe-to-use version, there will be no problems. However, if the machine's hardware is so terribly non-backwards compatible with the Snow Leopard OS, I may do all this backing up and reverting and not even be able to start the computer once I get the old install on it. Before I just go ahead and try this for myself, I was wondering if anyone else has, and more importantly, have you had any success?

    Hi r,
    EDIT: disregard my post. Waiting for that disc is a far better option.
    I hope w won't mind if I add a thought here:
    rmo348 wrote:
    Now I don't mind if some drivers are messed up and resolution is all funky when I install 10.6.3 on it, I just need to know if it'll be functional to the point where I can run the 10.6.6 update dmg. Once I update to 10.6.6 everything should work fine.
    Or could I install 10.6.3, have the 10.6.6 update burned to a disc, and boot straight from that? This is my first Mac so I'm not sure what little tricks work or not.
    Your first idea may work; the only way to know for sure is to try it. If you do, make sure you download and run the Combo update for 10.6.7 or 10.6.8. There can be different versions of a point update, those which are available for download, and those which ship on Macs, so you want to install one beyond that which shipped with some of the new MBPs.
    If the MBP won't boot to 10.6.3, something else to try is installing it to an external HD, then installing the 10.6.7 update on it, clone it to the MPB's internal HD, and run the 10.6.7 or 10.6.8 Combo update on it.

  • Problems with the Oracle Pre-Load actions in an homogeneous system copy

    I am trying to do a NW04 homogeneous system copy, and I am having troubles with the ABAP copy. (Oracle Pre-Load Actions step)
    I am with the database specific procedure, so I am creating the new system until the sapinst asks me to bring an online-offline backup and the control file, then the sapinst tries to recover the database by himself, but he finds trouble:
    Error: CJS-00084 SQL statement or script failed.<br>DIAGNOSIS: Error message: ORA-01194: file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent Ora-01110: data file 1: 'oracle/XIE...'
    If I try to do the recover manually I have to make the usual:
    If I follow the sapinst.log I find that the sapinst tries to recover the database but fails with the above message and:
    ORA-01589: must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open
    Yes, that's true, if I make it manually I have to open the database with the 'alter database open resetlogs';
    the problem could be fixed modifying the run_control.sql statement that the SAPINST creates at the working directory, but no modification to that statement is possible because the SAPINST deletes and creates the statement IMMEDIATELY before executing it, so what can I do?
    Many thanks

    for your info, the run_control.sql is UNMODIFIABLE, but I could modify the CONTROL.SQL that he calls, so I recovered manually the Database, and the CONTROL.SQL was a simply CONNECT and then OPEN DATABASE, just like that, so I could continue with my installation, another point for us against the damned SAPINST !!!

  • Pre-load servlets from a war-file

              is there a way to pre-load a servlet (or execute any other code)
              at server startup, when the application is deployed as a .war-file?
              I know how to use the weblogic.servlet.utils.ServletStartup and
              the weblogic.system.startupClass... property, but these two
              seem to require that the servlet (or application class, respectively)
              are found in the servlet classpath (or the weblogic.class.path,
              respectively), so these mechanisms cannot peek into war-files to find
              the class, am I right?
              The page
              (Optional) This property is not honored by WebLogic Server in this release.
              Is this still valid?
              Is there a workaround?
              When will this element be supported?
              Concerning a possible workaround, I have read:
              > Subject: Re: Pre-load
              > Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 14:38:41 -0500
              > From: Jeff Martin <[email protected]>
              > Newsgroups: weblogic.developer.interest.servlet
              > Tom Gerber wrote:
              > >
              > > How do you get your startup class to start? Do you have a
              > > script which calls your startup class via a URL? Or is
              > > there a setting in the weblogic properties file for it?
              > Starting WebLogic in unix is a shell script. Just add a line to run your
              > preload program (e.g. java Preload).
              > Some unixes have utilities to get a web page from the command line (to
              > do shell parsing on it); create a series of calls, one per page.
              That sounds like a possibility, but I do not understand exactly.
              1) Where do I have to put the line into the shell script?
              2) Which line is it?
              3) What is the UNIX utility?
              I am using WL 5.1 (evaluation) under Solaris.
              Any help appreciated,
                   Oliver Matz
              | _ \ / \ | __)( ) Oliver Matz, Engineer
              | _/( () )| __) | | fon: +49(0)40/60990-0
              |_| \__/ |___) |_| fax: +49(0)40/60990-113

    Yes you can load a java applet form a jar file.
    Here is the code for internet explorer.
         <table align="center" border="1">
                        <object classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" width="10" height="10" codebase="/plugin/">
                        <param name="code" value="XXX.class">
                        <param name="archive" value="XXX.jar">
    Just replace the XXX.class with the class containing the init() method and XXX.jar with the jar file.

  • Loading JVM problem

    I am loading JVM ( 1.5 Ver) from Windows Application.
    JVM gets failed for the following JVM parameter -Xmx is 850MB. It is getting success for -Xmx is 845MB.
    My Application should support upto -Xmx value upto 2GB.
    May I know the reason why loading for JVM for -Xmx is 850MB is failed?
    Same application I tested in different system, In that system application gets success when -Xmx is 850MB, and it is failed when -Xmx is 875MB.
    Any additional parameters are required to be added while loading JVM?
    Any pre requisites of system environment to support 2GB(or >850MB) of heap memory for the process?

    Srinivas.Anubham wrote:
    JNI_CreateJavaVM().That loads the VM into your native application, right? I guess your application already is consuming some memory, and there are limits how much memory a process can allocate in a 32 bit OS. I think the limitation on Windows is less than 2GB.

  • My Samsung tv came pre-loaded with V-Tunes. I prefer in Tune-In Radio. How can I get it on there?

    My samsung tv came pre-loaded with V-Tunes.  I prefer Tune-IN Radio which was pre-installed on my other samsung tv which was recently replaced with larger unit without realizing that Tune-In wasn't installed on this new one..... How do I get it installed. It ia not appearing in the Samsung Apps on my screen.   Frustrated!!!!!

    Go to the page linked below, and there's an option to "check your device". If you click this, you can enter the make and model etc. of your new TV and find out for certain if it is compatible or not.

  • Module Pre-Load runs slow after reboot

    Rebooted testing controller (first time in quite awhile) and now the Module Pre-Load runs significantly slower than it used to.  Now takes several minutes when it only took a few seconds before.  Affects all sequences run on this station, not just tied to one sequence.  Does not appear to be any other applications running that would hog memory.  Tried rebooting again with no change.  Have not made any changes to Station Options (that we are aware of).  Any ideas?  Running Test Stand 2013 and Labview 2013.

    There could be several reasons. I understand that the affected code modules are written in LabVIEW.
    a) The modules are or contain VIs which are not in the correct version (LV 2013) and have to be recompiled. In order for this option, the LV module adapter in TestStand has to be configured to run VIs in "Development Environment". In "Runtime Engine", the VIs wouldn't work at all.
    b) Your harddrive is close to full and is heavily fragmented. If you have a HDD (so no SSD!), you should use the MS Defrag tool to defragment the harddrive.
    c) You have changed settings in Anti-Virus-Software or maybe Firewall. This changes don't need to be done by yourself manually... there have been incidences where settings were modified by e.g. hotfixes of software. This could lead to some kind of access restriction which resolves after hitting a timeout.
    There are possibly more reasons, but these three are the most prominent i can think off.
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

  • Error Could not pre-load servlet: MessageBrokerServlet

    I get the following errors during LCDS startup:
    error Could not pre-load servlet: MessageBrokerServlet
    [1]java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: flexdev/FundciteAssembler (Unsupported major.minor version 50.0)
    [Flex] Error instantiating application scoped instance of type 'flexdev.FundciteAssembler' for destination 'fundcite'.
    java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: flexdev/FundciteAssembler (Unsupported major.minor version 50.0)
    I have a MySQL server running and I am trying to connect to it through java. Any idea what this error means?

    "Unsupported major.minor version" means you are using a JVM version that is not supported.
    List of supported JVMs can be found here:


    I try to Install Jdeveloper 3.1 in a directory different from the default directory. It give me an error " I can't
    load JVM" when I try to use Jdeveloper.
    If I try to install in default directory every thing goes well.
    anyone could help me?

    I get this message when I start Jdev.
    I install Jdev in a win95 (release 4.00.9500b ) PC with 80M RAM.
    at first I try to install Jdev (full option) in a different directory from default because my c drive was full. I get the error.
    then I free some space on drive c, I disinstall Jdev and reinstall with mimimal space requirement (compact option) on default directory and every thing goes well.
    The same thing happen with Jdev 3.0.
    Anyway, maybe I have understand what happens; with a full
    drive c swap file could not grow and so i get the error. When I free space every thing
    goes well not because of the different directory but because of free space.

  • 4.5 Download Lost Pre-Loaded Pics

    After I downloaded 4.5 software to enhance emails, I lost all the Curve pre-loaded piocs...nothing crucial except that I used some as wallpaper.   Can I get them back?

    Same question: 
    What version of the OS did you load, what the is version at Options > About?
    The preloade pics won't be 'found' on the disk. As explained above, some of the OS 4.5 released did NOT include the preloaded pictures. Believe it. 
    Identify you OS release as noted above, and I'll tell if it was one of those.
    Message Edited by JSanders on 12-26-2008 11:30 PM
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  • Pre-loaded Australia Map in 6110 Navigator

    Hi All,
    I have 6110 Navigator which was bought from Singapore. It came with a pre-loaded Singapore map, which isn't much use for me here in Oz so I deleted it.
    Now I have a few questions
    (1) How do I get the Australian map into this phone, as if it came pre-loaded like other 6110 Navigtor in Australia?
    (2) Where does the pre-loaded map reside? In the memory card or phone?
    (3) Do I need to pay for a licence to use the pre-loaded map?
    (4) Do I need to flash my 6110 to get it with the pre-loaded Australia map? If so how do I do that?
    Thanks in Advance.

    Ths model is sold with a licence installed for the region of purchase, you would have to buy a licence from Route 66 to use any other maps.
    You should be able to install the Australian maps from the software supplied with the phone on the DVD, and then you can activate it buying a licence to activate it through the "Extras" selection in the Options menu in the Route 66 software.

  • Pre-loading iTunes song previews: how?

    I recall a few years ago iTunes had an option (via Preferences>Store tab) that allowed you to pre-load song previews rather than streaming them instantly, which was great for those unfortunate ones still on dial-up, etc. This option hasn't been in successive iterations of iTunes since.
    I'm wondering if there is any way to regain this ability via Terminal command, Applescript or something. Can anyone help me out here? I just want a smoother iTunes Music Store experience when I've used up my monthly download quota and have my speed dropped down from ADSL2+ speed to 64kbps. A response would be most greatly appreciated.
    Message was edited by: mc_razza

    A forumer on suggested I type in Terminal:
    defaults write load-complete-preview-before-playing 1
    I input the command in Terminal, opened iTunes, went into the music store, clicked on a random song and it did prebuffer the stream initially. Unfortunately after the first second it reverted back to its old behaviour ie. playing music for 5 seconds, rebuffering, play for another 5 seconds, rebuffer, etc.

  • HP Split X2 upgraded from Windows 8 pre-loaded to Win 8.1, now cannot run Add feature to Windows 8.1

      i have purchased a HP Split X2 13.3" laptop in a computer show slightly more than 1 year ago.
    it comes with Windows 8 pre-loaded at that time.
      Later on, Microsoft offer free upgrade for all Win 8 to Win 8.1 and i did that as well.
    Everything goes perfectly smooth unless recently when i try to go Control Panel run Add Feature to Windows 8.1,
    it ask me for product key!!
      When i looked the bottom of my Split X2 laptop, it does not have the sticker of the Windows product key. There is only 1 Windows 8 hologen sticker! Hence, i use some key finder application to detect the product key.
      I enter the product key when i run Add Feature to Win 8.1 again, but the Windows prompted me key is not valid.
      The Win8.1 insalled is genuine version. I can perform regular Windows updates without issue.
      Appreciate if any expert can help to resolve my issue.
    Thanks a lot,
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    The Add Feature is to upgrade your current Windows 8/8.1 Core Edition to Windows 8/8.1 Pro or Windows 8/8.1 Media Center Edition.
    It requires you to purchase particular Product key with regard to Add Features option.
    Here are some links to help you understand it:
    ++Please click KUDOS / White thumb to say thanks
    ++Please click ACCEPT AS SOLUTION to help others, find this solution faster
    **I'm a Volunteer, I do not work for HP**

  • Pre-loading videos on iPod touches?

    I would like to pre-load some videos on some iPod touches and give them to some friends.
    Will those videos get erased once those people connect the iPod touches up to their computer and synchronize them with their iTunes library? Or will it give them the option to save the pre-loaded videos?

    Good idea,
    I will pre-load the videos so they can view them right away. In addition, I will give them the videos on a CD so they will have the option of re-importing them after synchronizing the iPod touch with their computers.
    Thank you

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