VPRS from information record

Hello Gurus,
Can we calculate VPRS condition type from information record instead from material master.? Please give me stepwise clarity in this regard.
Thanks in advance.

hello, friend.
VPRS is used by standard SAP programming.  it is possible to use enhancements to the system, for it to access condition records instead of the source field from the material master, but it is not recommended to tamper with SAP programming.
instead, why not define a condition type that will substitute VPRS in the pricing procedure?  let's say ZPRS.  then, you can disable VPRS by not making it part of the pricing procedure, but you also have to make the materials/item categories not relevant for goods issue (non-valuated?).  under this concept, ZPRS will have it's own account key (for account determination) that will be posted to a GL account.  again, this is possible but not recommended.
perhaps we should discuss instead, your reason using condition records instead of using one of the two available COGS systems (standard vs moving average) which, by the way, conform to legally accepted accounting principles.

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    No problem, we can concatenate all four in one field.
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    Analytic functions such as RANK or ROW_NUMBER are good for this.
    The select can look like this.
    select * from (
       select w.wr_no,w.customer_id,w.place_id, w.entry_Date, app.appointment_date,
             row_number() over (partition by w.customer_id, w.place_id order by  app.appointment_date desc,  w.wr_no desc) rn
       from work_request w , wr_appointment app
      where w.wr_no=app.wr_no
      --and w.customer_id = '020167001'
      --and w.place_id = '1151667'
    where rn = 1
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    Assuming this new column is column H and the customerid is in column A then the function in Cell H2 would look like this.
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    In Inforecord(ME11), check the Purchase order Text check box and give the discription as differe from material master.
    With this you can mainatin it as separate for each plant with one material master.
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    This is basically standard SAP functionality under Multiple specifications functionality.  With that process you can specify what country a material is Ok for or not ok for.
    Multiple Specifications in Inspection Planning - Quality Management (QM) - SAP Library
    Otherwise, without this, there is no standard way to implement what you want.
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    - while executing statement  statement:"begin CDR_W2D5_CE7391_1.PLSQL_UTIL_PROG_PKG.PROCESSPLSQLUTILJOB ; end;"  caught:java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20200: *** ERROR: get_study_det:Getting model details for 52503001 - ORA-20200: *** ERROR: extendedMetadata: - User-Defined Exception
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.CDR_ATK_UTILS", line 866
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.DME_INFORM_MODEL", line 4087
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.CDR_EXE_RUNTIME", line 10587
    ORA-06512: at "CDR_W2D5_CE7391_1.PLSQL_UTIL_PROG_PKG", line 4
    ORA-06512: at line 1
            at oracle.apps.cdr.dbserver.exec.server.CdrOperator.execute(CdrOperator.java:287)
            at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.adapter.rtp.NativeExecutionAdapter.execute(NativeExecutionAdapter.java:43)
            at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(ExecutionController.java:70)
            at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.ExecutionController.execute(ExecutionController.java:23)
            at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.ExecutionManager.run(ExecutionManager.java:36)
            at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:637)
    Caused by: oracle.apps.cdr.dbserver.exec.server.CdrOperatorException: while executing statement  statement:"begin CDR_W2D5_CE7391_1.PLSQL_UTIL_PROG_PKG.PROCESSPLSQLUTILJOB ; end;"  caught:java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20200: *** ERROR: get_study_det:Getting model details for 52503001 - ORA-20200: *** ERROR: extendedMetadata: - User-Defined Exception
    Steps Followed:
         1. Select the <InformData_InFormTest_Study> from the left pane and Click on the
              [Inform Configuration] Tab from the Right pane.
         2. Specify the InForm Connector details:
              - Remote Location
              - Remote Study Account Name
             - InForm Lifecycle
             - Webservice Location 
             - InForm URL
         3. Click Load Metadata.
    LSH Version : 2.4.2
    DMW Version : 2.4.2
    Database Version :
    EBS Version : 12.1.3
    OS : OEL 6
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    Can someone please help us out.

    You need to check whether this function(PunchoutSiteInfoVOImpl.initQuery(Ljava/lang/Integer;)) exist in this class file or not.
    Simply decompile PunchoutSiteInfoVOImpl class , check initQuery function exist with parameter Integer.

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    SAP learner.

    no feedback hence closing this thread

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                                                                             User had created a Shopping cart in and an automatic Purchase Order is created which is picking the material price from Purchase Requisition but not from Created Inforecord. As checked in P.R at item level it is found that in VALUATION tab there is a field named as " P.O PRICE " , here defalt t selected as " 1 A Gross Price "., Can u please help that from where this field is automatically selected as Gross Price in Purchase requisition.
    Thanx n Rgds,

    This is the config done in the OMET transaction where you will see the Adopt PO price field is checked and now this funcitonal authorization code e.g. 01 assgined to user profile in SU3 transaction agianst the parameter EFB.
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    to avoid this kind of issue -
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    kind regards

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    Thanks for your reply.
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    Hi Saurav,
    Its maintained as 5 - GR date
    I have tried to change it in info record but its still 5.

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    Check the setting :
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    Check it out.

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