West RealLegal E-Transcripts .ptx extension into Adobe Story

Hello. This is my first dive into sutitling and transcripts with video. I am at a loss on how to use West RealLegal E-Transcripts in the Adobe Production Suite. My research tells me that by using Adobe Story, I can use the .astx file and the speech analysis tool to link up the video to metadata and then Adobe Encore.
Is there a way to bring the information from a .ptx file into a usable format for Adobe Story?

Thanks, Petros_!
That's good input. If this issue is important to you, consider submitting your own bug report. Feel free to copy and paste from mine, if it helps. (Just be sure to verify all results on your own setup first.)
Whenever possible, I'm trying to post bug reports on this forum in addition to submitting them to Adobe. Partially, this is to allow me to include graphics or go into slightly more detail, and partially it's to make bug reporting more transparent—to raise awareness of known issues among fellow users and reduce duplication of effort, to create a record, and to increase public visibility of these issues. It also allows for corrections or additions to be made by myself or other users.
However, it's not a true bug reporting system. So we don't know whether the Fireworks team has looked at this yet, whether it has been or will be assigned to someone, or whether your comment on this thread will be read by anyone on the Fireworks team.
Nevertheless, it is quite an investment of time tracking down a bug and writing it up like this, so I appreciate the kudos!

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    Hi tpolson,
    To understand this issue better and suggest you a proper fix, can you mail us these two files at DL-AdobeStory-support<at>adobe<dot>com ?
    1. Open Windows explorer and type '%appdata%' in address bar. (if you are on Mac, open finder then open Go To folder dialog and enter '~/Library/Preferences/')
    2. Go to 'com.adobe.AdobeStory.<some-number>/Local Store/' folder
    3. Send 'offlineAccountInfoStorage' and 'infoStorage' files.

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    There is an issue when logging into adobe story.  If you select adobe story from the Apps page of creative cloud, you are taken to a "Get Started" link.  Because you are already logged into cloud the system screws up and sends you to the free page with an option to purchase an upgrade.  Any link you use to try and log in results in similar results.  The following fix works some/most of the time. Completely log out of creative cloud and close the Creative cloud app on your system.  Clear your brouser cashe if needed.  Use the link below to connect to the Adobe Story home page.  Now when you connect you will be asked to log in again.  This time the system will see you are an adobe creative cloud authorized user and take you to the Adobe story CC Plus page.  There in the middle of the page you will see an option to download the "Desktop" version of the program if you need that option.  I used Windows IE 11 on a Windows 8.1 machine and this worked for me after hours of futile attempts via the Adobe pages.  Hover over the link to see the path.  Good Luck
    Adobe Story | Scriptwriting software

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    It seems that the Clip metadata has the script info because you are able to see the 'Shot Location' field populated by the Scene heading info.
    In the Dynamic Media section of the metadata panel where you see the Shot location field, if you scroll down, you would see the 'Script' section, you would be able to see the 'Dialog' metadata embedded there. This is important, please do check and let me know.
    About how this works: "Speech Analysis engine uses the Adobe Story script as a reference script. When Adobe Premiere Pro finds enough matches with the embedded script, it replaces the analyzed speech text with the embedded script text. Adobe Premiere Pro carries over the correct spelling, proper names, and punctuation from the reference script, benefits that standard speech analysis cannot provide."
    FInd more info here > http://help.adobe.com/en_US/premierepro/cs/using/WS1c9bc5c2e465a58a91cf0b1038518aef7-7d0fa .html
    Having said so please note that the quality of the speech analysis also depend on the clarity of the speaker, background noise in the footage and the quality of the recording.

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    Method:  I have a video with a verbatim transcript.
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    I save it to the Adobe cloud and I have also exported it to my desktop.
    I launch Premiere Pro and import the video that I have transcribed.
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    I locate the file.
    I add a Scene.
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    I drag and drop it onto the Movie file.
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    17 Views Tags: premiere proContent tagged with premiere pro, adobe story scriptContent tagged with adobe story script, embed adobe story script into premiere proContent tagged with embed adobe story script into premiere pro

    You need to ask in Adobe Story and/or http://forums.adobe.com/community/premiere/content
    The Cloud forum is not about using individual programs
    The Cloud forum is about the Cloud as a delivery & install process
    If you will start at the Forums Index https://forums.adobe.com/welcome
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says All communities) to open the drop down list and scroll

  • Adobe Story Script doesn't allow me to embed the script in Premiere Pro

    Adobe Story Script integration with Premiere Pro Doesnt allow me to embed the script
    Goal:  Embed an Adobe Story Script into Premiere Pro. (mac)
    Method:  I have a video with a verbatim transcript.
    I inport the transcript into Adobe Story and save it in the proper Adobe Story File extension (.astx)
    I save it to the Adobe cloud and I have also exported it to my desktop.
    I launch Premiere Pro and import the video that I have transcribed.
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    I go to Adobe Story and log in from within PP.
    I locate the file.
    I add a Scene.
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    I have worked with Anand from support who suggested I post this question here.
    I dont know if there are only certain Adobe templates for which this will work (ie TV script, Film etc)
    He suggested that this would most likely work only for the .mov file formats, but then discovered that it should work even for .mp4 files.
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    I'm getting crazy  on this. I'm following the worflow suggested in the video (create a script in Story  with the clip transfer, import the clip to Premier, dragging the script to the clip). The clip has the scene number corresponding to the script.
    Unfortunately, nothing happens. The "attached script" is empty. And if I do the spech analysis it takes a lot of time (about three times as the original video, although I'm trying to suply a literal transcript).
    BTW, what I'm trying to do is to edit the videos from the scripts. I'm working on a documentary, with a lot of footage (30 x 2hs interviews). If I can create the script combining pieces of the inverviews in Story, and then importing it into Premiere. Anybody done something similar?

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    So I suspect it's not an Adobe CC account issue, but rather a local issue with corrupted settings on my home PC...? I have tried deleting browsing history, cache, cookies etc. but problem still remains in all web browsers.
    I need urgent help to fix this please.
    Adobe CC Subscription (Student and Teacher)
    Home PC Workstation: Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit
    Browser Issues: Google Chrome, Firefox, IE - all hanging on a blank page after I sign in with my username and password.
    Message was edited by: Justin & Joe-Anne Pamenter
    I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Adobe Flash player...didn't fix the problem.

    ...I can confirm that Flash Player Version is installed successfully on Firefox (V37.0.1) IE (v10.0.9200.17267) & Chrome (v 41.0.2272.118 m)
    ...I can also confirm that "Adobe Flash" is enabled on story.adobe.com (as shown above)
    However I still can't get into Adobe Story.
    I can see this screen:
    Adobe Story | Scriptwriting software
    Then I click on Sign In which takes me to this page:
    Sign in - Adobe ID
    Then when I enter my Adobe CC username and password, the page just hangs (blank white) in Firefox & Chrome, & an error message in IE
    Edit: Here's something new. I can log into Adobe Story Free on Firefox only (using my work Adobe ID = [email protected]) but not using my home Adobe ID. Is there an account issue maybe after all? Still doesn't explain not working in Chrome or IE though.

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    Can you please share your story registered email by sending a mail to dl-adobestory-supportcom.
    Also in the mean time can you please try login again with another browser and see if that works.

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    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Anish,
    Can you please mail the Adobe ID which you are using to login to Story to DL-AdobeStory-support<at>adobe<dot>com? It will help us check the account details from the back-end.

  • Unable to access Adobe Story both desktop and online version

    i'm not able to sign into Adobe Story both desktop version - first it gave me this error -
    There was an error with this action. Try again later.
    now when i try to sign in it just hangs on "processing" splash page
    when i try to log into online version - tried Chrome, Firefox and IE10, it doesn't seen to be able to connect to the server:
    Adobe Story app that i'm using is a part of Creative Cloud CS6, all other applications work fine, all latest updates installed.
    Story updated itself today when i opened it first, before today i didn't have any issues accessing either online or desktop version.
    If the issue is on Adobe server side, any idea when it will be resolved?
    Windows 7 x64, SP1
    Creative Cloud CS6
    thank you,

    thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you!

  • Arent adobe story included in creative cloud

    do we need to pay extra for adobe story when we already havecreative cloud

    There is an issue when logging into adobe story.  If you select adobe story from the Apps page of creative cloud, you are taken to a "Get Started" link.  Because you are already logged into cloud the system screws up and sends you to the free page with an option to purchase an upgrade.  Any link you use to try and log in results in similar results.  The following fix works some/most of the time. Completely log out of creative cloud and close the Creative cloud app on your system.  Clear your brouser cashe if needed.  Use the link below to connect to the Adobe Story home page.  Now when you connect you will be asked to log in again.  This time the system will see you are an adobe creative cloud authorized user and take you to the Adobe story CC Plus page.  There in the middle of the page you will see an option to download the "Desktop" version of the program if you need that option.  I used Windows IE 11 on a Windows 8.1 machine and this worked for me after hours of futile attempts via the Adobe pages.  Hover over the link to see the path.  Good Luck
    Adobe Story | Scriptwriting software

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