What to do about Apps using significant energy

Does anyone know about the battery monitor and how to fix problem apps?  If you click on the battery icon at the top of the screen and wait a few seconds, it will tell you which apps are using a lot of battery.
I am often surprised when my lpatop starts to get warm when I am doing simple web browsing for example.  I look at the battery icon, and it shows me soemtimes 2-3 apps running in background that are "Apps using signficant energy".
When I google this, it suggests starting and stopping the problem app to see if it fixes the problem.  A number of apps inclduing Micorosft Word and PArallels come back and use the battery.  Most recently, I did not realize that I had accidentlaly opened up a word window and then clicked to close it. So word was at the screen, "Do youwant to delete this file" and this was showing as 100% in the battery monitor when I went in to check later.
I like that we have the battery monitor... It would be nice if tehre was a way to tune the problem apps...  good option for Maverick OS 10.10!!
Is anyone else having similar challenges with rogue apps!!??
I will put this in as a problem request to Apple as well as this has also happens with Numbers and Pages in background.

This is just for your info so that if you have an app that is running that you are not actually using, you can quit it.
The biggest power hog though on a MacBook Pro is the discrete graphics card.  If you have one in your book, you may want to use gfxCardStatus (http://gfx.io) to disable it unless you actually need it.  On my MacBook Pro, I get about 8 hours with the card off and usually about 4 when its turned on since I use apps that force the use of the discrete card f installed.

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    Thanks, and cheers!

    The point is you are bound to do VB.Net for web services and it is not VB at all.
    The syntax surely resembles VB but wait till you see what you have instead of good old PRINT!
    VB.Net is not a continuation of VB, it is something radically different that you will have to learn. And if I had to choose between learning VB.Net and Java/Swing, I would go for the latter. I think the third choice, C#, is definitely the winner on all aspects of programming on the Windows platform. The GUI building gap is not as wide as it was with Visual C++ and VB, in fact, it is almost non-existant: .Net's Windows-forms can be developed rapidly either with C# or VB.Net; basically you get the same tool to develop GUIs.
    All things said, there is an excellent article at http://www.theserverside.com/resources/article.jsp?l=SOAP-And-EJB discussing when to opt for SOAP in an EJB environement.
    Hope it helps.

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    Step 1
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    syslog -F '$Time $Message' -k Sender mdworker -o -k Message Rne Norm -k Sender mds | tail | pbcopy
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window by pressing the key combination command-V. I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    The command may take a noticeable amount of time to run. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign ($) to appear.
    The output of the command will be automatically copied to the Clipboard. If the command produced no output, the Clipboard will be empty. Paste into a reply to this message. 
    The Terminal window doesn't show the output. Please don't copy anything from there.
    If any personal information appears in the output, anonymize before posting, but don’t remove the context.
    Step 2
    Enter the following command as in Step 1 and post the output:
    mdutil -as 2>&- | pbcopy
    You can then quit Terminal. 
    Step 3
    Launch the Console application in the same way you launched Terminal. In the Console window, look under the heading DIAGNOSTIC AND USAGE INFORMATION on the left for crash reports related to Spotlight. If you don't see that heading, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar. A Spotlight crash report has a name beginning in "mds" or "mdworker" and ending in ".crash". Select the most recent such report, if any, from the System and User subcategories and post the entire contents—the text, please, not a screenshot. In the interest of privacy, I suggest that, before posting, you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header of the report, if it’s present (it may not be.)
    Please don’t post any other kind of diagnostic report, such as hang logs—they're very long and not helpful.

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  • Safari using significant energy

    Hi there,
    I was wondering if anyone could help. I have noticed my battery draining quicker than usual. I clicked on the battery icon and it said that safari was using significant energy. It has never done this before so I am wondering why now, and is there nay way to fix this? I am running all current versions of yosemite and safari and have a mid 2014 mac book pro.
    Thanks for your help

    Back up all data before proceeding.
    Quit Safari if it’s running. Then select
               ▹ Force Quit…
    from the menu bar. A small window will open with a list of running applications. Safari may appear in that list, even though you quit it. If so, select it and press return. Close the window.
    Step 1
    Hold down the option key and select
              Go ▹ Library
    from the Finder menu bar. Delete the following items from the Library folder (some may not exist):
              Saved Application State/com.apple.Safari.savedState
    Leave the Library folder open. Try Safari again. If the problem is solved, stop here. Close the Library folder. If you still have a problem, continue.
    Step 2
    Move the following items from the open Library folder to the Desktop (again, some may not exist):
              Internet Plug-Ins
    Here, "*" stands for a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes.
    Note 1: You are not moving the Safari application. You’re moving a folder named “Safari.”
    Note 2: This step will remove your Safari extensions, if any, and their settings. If you choose to reinstall them, do so one at a time, testing each time to make sure you haven’t restored the problem.
    Try again. Your settings and bookmarks will be lost. The default set of bookmarks will be restored. Delete them all.
    If Safari is now working normally (apart from the lost settings), look inside the “Safari” folder on the Desktop for a file named “Bookmarks.plist”. Select
              File ▹ Import Bookmarks...
    from the Safari menu bar. Import from that file. Recreate the rest of your Safari settings. You can then delete the items you moved to the Desktop.
    If the issue is still not resolved, quit Safari again and put all the items you moved to the Desktop back where they were, overwriting the newer ones that may have been created in their place. You don’t need to replace the files you deleted in Step 1. Stop here and post again.
    If you don’t like the results of the last step, you can undo it completely by quitting Safari and restoring the items you moved or deleted in that step from your backup, overwriting any that were created in their place.

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    iTunes Draining Battery Life - http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1076722

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    I don't know what you're basing the 'every three hours' thing on, but if you're looking at the bill from your carrier, remember that data usage is not reported in real time. It's reported in batches. It's more likely that the data usage is being 'reported' every three hours.
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    Before buying a second-hand computer, you should have run Apple Diagnostics or the Apple Hardware Test, whichever is applicable.
    The first thing to do after buying the computer is to erase the internal drive and install a clean copy of OS X. You—not the original owner—must do that. Changes made by Apple over the years have made this seemingly straightforward task very complex.
    How you go about it depends on the model, and on whether you already own another Mac. If you're not sure of the model, enter the serial number on this page. Then find the model on this page to see what OS version was originally installed.
    It's unsafe, and may be unlawful, to use a computer with software installed by a previous owner.
    1. If you don't own another Mac
    a. If the machine shipped with OS X 10.4 or 10.5, you need a boxed and shrink-wrapped retail Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) installation disc from the Apple Store or a reputable reseller—not from eBay or anything of the kind. If the machine is very old and has less than 1 GB of memory, you'll need to add more in order to install 10.6. Preferably, install as much memory as it can take, according to the technical specifications.
    b. If the machine shipped with OS X 10.6, you need the installation media that came with it: gray installation discs, or a USB flash drive for a MacBook Air. You should have received the media from the original owner, but if you didn't, order replacements from Apple. A retail disc, or the gray discs from another model, will not work.
    To start up from an optical disc or a flash drive, insert it, then restart the computer and hold down the C key at the startup chime. Release the key when you see the gray Apple logo on the screen.
    c. If the machine shipped with OS X 10.7 or later, you don't need media. It should start up in Internet Recovery mode when you hold down the key combination option-command-R at the startup chime. Release the keys when you see a spinning globe.
    d. Some 2010-2011 models shipped with OS X 10.6 and received a firmware update after 10.7 was released, enabling them to use Internet Recovery. If you have one of those models, you can't reinstall 10.6 even from the original media, and Internet Recovery will not work either without the original owner's Apple ID. In that case, contact Apple Support, or take the machine to an Apple Store or another authorized service provider to have the OS installed.
    2. If you do own another Mac
    If you already own another Mac that was upgraded in the App Store to the version of OS X that you want to install, and if the new Mac is compatible with it, then you can install it. Use Recovery Disk Assistant to prepare a USB device, then start up the new Mac from it by holding down the C key at the startup chime. Alternatively, if you have a Time Machine backup of OS X 10.7.3 or later on an external hard drive (not a Time Capsule or other network device), you can start from that by holding down the option key and selecting it from the row of icons that appears. Note that if your other Mac was never upgraded in the App Store, you can't use this method.
    3. Partition and install OS X
    a. If you see a lock screen when trying to start up from installation media or in Recovery mode, then a firmware password was set by the previous owner, or the machine was remotely locked via iCloud. You'll either have to contact the owner or take the machine to an Apple Store or another service provider to be unlocked. You may be asked for proof of ownership.
    b. Launch Disk Utility and select the icon of the internal drive—not any of the volume icons nested beneath it. In the  Partition tab, select the default options: a GUID partition table with one data volume in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format. This operation will permanently remove all existing data on the drive.
    c. An unusual problem may arise if all the following conditions apply:
              OS X 10.7 or later was installed by the previous owner
              The startup volume was encrypted with FileVault
              You're booted in Recovery mode (that is, not from a 10.6 installation disc)
    In that case, you won't be able to unlock the volume or partition the drive without the FileVault password. Ask for guidance or see this discussion.
    d. After partitioning, quit Disk Utility and run the OS X Installer. If you're installing a version of OS X acquired from the App Store, you will need the Apple ID and password that you used. When the installation is done, the system will automatically restart into the Setup Assistant, which will prompt you to transfer the data from another Mac, its backups, or from a Windows computer. If you have any data to transfer, this is usually the best time to do it.
    e. Run Software Update and install all available system updates from Apple. To upgrade to a major version of OS X newer than 10.6, get it from the Mac App Store. Note that you can't keep an upgraded version that was installed by the original owner. He or she can't legally transfer it to you, and without the Apple ID you won't be able to update it in Software Update or reinstall, if that becomes necessary. The same goes for any App Store products that the previous owner installed—you have to repurchase them.
    4. Other issues
    a. If the original owner "accepted" the bundled iLife applications (iPhoto, iMovie, and Garage Band) in the App Store so that he or she could update them, then they're irrevocably linked to that Apple ID and you won't be able to download them without buying them. Reportedly, Mac App Store Customer Service has sometimes issued redemption codes for these apps to second owners who asked.
    b. If the previous owner didn't deauthorize the computer in the iTunes Store under his Apple ID, you wont be able to  authorize it immediately under your ID. In that case, you'll either have to wait up to 90 days or contact iTunes Support.
    c. When trying to create a new iCloud account, you might get a failure message: "Account limit reached." Apple imposes a lifetime limit of three iCloud account setups per device. Erasing the device does not reset the limit. You can still use an iCloud account that was created on another device, but you won't be able to create a new one. Contact iCloud Support for more information. The setup limit doesn't apply to Apple ID accounts used for other services, such as the iTunes and Mac App Stores, or iMessage. You can create as many of those accounts as you like.

  • What to do about error msg: Warning: SUID file "System/Library/Core/Services/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDA gent"has been modified and will not be repaired" on MacBook Air.

    What to do about error msg in Disk Utility on MacBook Air:
    Warning: SUID file “System/Library/Core/Services/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDA gent"has been modified and will not be repaired.”

    As long as the report ends up with 'Permissions repair complete' then, as far as permissions go, you are fine. You can ignore the various statements in the report:
    Permissions you can ignore on 10.5 onwards:
    Using 'should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r--' as an example, you will see the that the permissions are not changed, but the | indicates a different location. This is because an update to Leopard onwards changed the location of a number of system components.
    Poster rccharles has provided this description of what it all means:
    d = directory
    r = read
    w = write
    x = executeable program
    |  |  |
    |  |   all other users not in first two types
    |  | 
    |  group


  • Leaving data roaming ON while abroad: what apps use data in the background?

    As a quick preface, I've had an iPhone since Week 1 in the summer of 2007. I've been working outside the U.S. for well over a year now, so I've been roaming with my iPhone for almost the entire time I've owned it. I had kept data roaming turned OFF since the fall of '07, when a software update brought it as an option, but visual voicemail continued to work as always even when data roaming was OFF (under software versions 1.x).
    After hearing about the early bugs with iPhone software v2.0, I stuck with the last version of 1.x until about a month ago. While I like almost everything about 2.2, I was dismayed to notice that visual voicemail no longer worked if data roaming was turned OFF. (Apparently, the visual voicemail "loophole," for lack of a better phrase, was closed with 2.0 or a subsequent version of the software.)
    This has left me facing a conundrum: Turning data roaming ON might leave me susceptible to a big data roaming bill, while leaving it OFF leaves me in the dark as far as the existence and Caller ID of new voicemail(s).
    QUESTION: Does anyone know of the DEFINITIVE list of which iPhone apps use data roaming in the background? That is, if I leave data roaming ON but NEVER use the email app or Safari or YouTube or any other app that accesses the internet and would incur data charges (or, at least, never use any of those apps unless connected to a WiFi network), which apps will use data in the background anyway, WITHOUT me actually launching the app?
    Back in the 1.x versions, I'm not aware of any apps that used data unless the user actually launched an app, but I've noticed that, under 2.2, Apple's App Store app routinely connects to the internet on its own to check for updates if I have data roaming enabled. (I'd like to turn this OFF, but doing so doesn't appear to be an option.)
    I'm hoping App Store is the only app that has this (bad) behavior, and that I'd be safe leaving data roaming ON while consciously avoiding using data over the EDGE network, but I have no idea if apps like Stocks, YouTube, Weather, etc., have been updated, in 2.x or even 2.2, to check for updates in the background, and thus run up data roaming charges.
    If anyone can shed any light on this, it would be much appreciated. Thanks very much.

    The iPhone is officially unlocked and can be used with whatever provider/SIM card.
    But imagine, we are a team of around 20 people, travelling to all kind of different countries all over the world (changing, not the same person is always travelling to the same countries), and of course (I didn't mention this in my first post), we also have to stay in contact by phone. In addition, also whatsapp is based on the phone number as far as I know, which is our main "quick" communication tool. It would never work out that all of us inform the others all the time about the changing phone numbers, depending on which country each individual is at the moment.
    Your answer unfortunately just confirmed what my researches so far resulted in... there really seems to be no apple-like easy solution to manage data roaming for apps individually. In the beginning I was sure to quickly find something in the appstore, since I assume my situation is not such an exception. I guess I have to start learning how to program apps! :-)
    Anyway, thanks for your answer! As I mentioned before, every idea is appreciated.

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    First, select sender(s) as VIPs. Then the VIP category will appear.
    To select a sender as a VIP, open an email from that sender, then hover over their name and a star icon will appear to the left. Click the star, and that sender will be set as a VIP (and the category will appear in the pane on the left).

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    Please look at your E-Bill and click report a problem.

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    Do you use push email?  Do you have accounts that have synchronized calendars associated with them?  Those features will still use cellular data in the background as the receive mail and send or receive calendar updates.
    Some notifications, like push notifications from Facebook and other social networking sites may use cellular data in the background.  Basically, any automated data task like those may use cellular data when the phone is in standby (note that wifi would be used if available when the phone is active, but wifi turns off in standby and all data goes through the cellular data connection).

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    Ask Linksys. If you reset the extender it presumably lost the username and password it was supposed to service.  I'd just supply the name and password and move on.

Maybe you are looking for