Where are my cookie save

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where are my cookie save

Click the Firefox button, go to Options | Options | Privacy and click the "Show Cookies" button.

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    WinPatrol nor I can seem to find it. Is it called something else? WinPatrol worked fine with Firefox 3.

    Padlock is no longer part of Firefox; it was removed beginning in Firefox 4. The padlock shows that there is a secure connection but does not supply additional information. You could have made a typographical error and still have been connected to a secure connection. The padlock was replaced in Firefox 3 with the Site Identity Button. Familiarize yourself with the Site Identity Button at the left end of the Location Bar:
    You can install this add-on if you wish: *https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/padlock-icon/
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''
    Not related to your question, but...
    You may need to update some plug-ins. Check your plug-ins and update as necessary:
    *Plug-in check: https://www-trunk.stage.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/
    *Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in: [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using%20the%20Shockwave%20plugin%20with%20Firefox#w_installing-shockwave Installing ('''''or Updating''''') the Shockwave plugin with Firefox]
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    *Next Generation Java Plug-in for Mozilla browsers: [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using%20the%20Java%20plugin%20with%20Firefox#w_installing-or-updating-java Installing or Updating Java in Firefox]

  • Where are firefox cookies stored

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    I know where IE stores them but I suspect that Firefox stores them elsewhere.

    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Cookies

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    When you import the plug-in, its contents are taken and put in a repository table. So when you go to operate on the plug-in, you don't need access to the filesystem of a particular OMS (of which you could have multiple), you only need access to the repository.
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    The cookies file is stored in /Users/<your username>/Library/Cookies/Cookies.plist. But what you're saying doesn't make sense. If one computer can access a site, any computer should also be able to access it, as long as the user meets the site requirements, whether it's a login or a plugin, etc.
    If you're trying to circumvent a security measure or access someone else's account without their permission, that is a federal crime and you can be identified by the web site owners, so I'd think long and hard before doing that.

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    The application auto-saves your input when you close the document.  If you left the document, as you state, the notes/comments should have been saved and should have been visible the next time you opened the document with the Mobile Reader (note that if you are opening the document with another app such as Apple's built in PDF Viewer, things like notes/comments may not be visible).  Also note that if you are doing an Open In... from another app (like Dropbox), the version of the document in Dropbox does not update; only the version of the document in the Mobile Reader is updated.
    Would it be possible to send a video of the problem you are encountering to [email protected] so that we can try to help?

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    Hi pasmark,
    You should take a look at the article [[Deleting cookies]]. It will show you how to view, manage, and delete cookies in Firefox.
    Hopefully this helps!

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    Firefox starts a download immediately in the background to the OS %temp% folder.

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    Thanks Jon for your response - at least I know I didn't misplace any parts while putting back together. I'm probably going to strip it down again though, it just doesn't make sense. I agree that they can be temperamental but my other QS which only has a 867mhz processor I put into a 2002 motherboard (the old board had issues, so I replaced it with the newer version) has really given no problems since I first assembled it all together almost 2 years ago. And although I haven't completely taken it apart again, I have used it to troubleshoot various pieces of RAM, video cards, etc without any problems. Yes, it's picky about what PCI card goes where, but would just having a different processor on a similar motherboard cause such a glitche? And actually the only glitche has been this RAM bank thing - which does come and go when I move the door, so I must have missed something else when assembling it.
    After reading through a number of other posts, I shut down and did another PMU reset with a piece of known good RAM in the bank - but to no avail - it still sounded the bong as if it was going to start, then shut down. So I unplugged it and carefully copper-brushed out the bank and blew it out, then started up with a piece of RAM in the dissenting bank (but none in the middle bank), into Open Firmware doing a NVRAM reset according to the Apple document. I booted into the drive running Leopard, put it to sleep without any waking freeze, then rebooted into the Tiger hard drive which I normally prefer to work from (I don't really see the hype about Leopard - I don't find any benefits from using it - I find it picky and next to impossible to search files with, without a big drama and extra work). Anyway, that's where I am now - typing this - so far, so good, but it's worked okay for a short time before after re-seating the RAM in that bank - a sleep and a reboot will be the defining moment.
    Thanks again.

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    iCloud does not delete your mail when full, you have some other problem.

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    The actual save for web preferences file for photoshop cs4 should be in
    C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data\Adobe\Save for Web\11.0
    You should also in photoshop cs4 be able to reset the save for web preferences by holding down the Alt+Ctrl keys while selecting Save for Web & Devices from the File menu in photoshop cs4.

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    I want to see those pictures on my Laptop since I deleted them from my iPhone after backing up. Where are they in my Laptop now???

    they are in the backup file that, sadly, is not accesible unless you restore it to a phone... if you want/need access to them, you should import them

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    You can download your contacts as a combo vCard from icloud.com, then import that to Google contacts.  From http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4910:
    iCloud.com Contacts
    Go to iCloud Contacts at icloud.com/contacts, and sign in using your iCloud Apple ID and password.
    Verify you are viewing All Contacts by looking at the top-left of the Contacts address book style interface. You should see All Contacts.
    If you are not viewing All Contacts, click the groups ribbon to load the Groups interface.
    Then, click All Contacts in the Group interface to load All Contacts.
    Click the groups ribbon again to return to the standard Contacts interface.
    Click the Action (gear) menu, and select Select All. Every Contact should be highlighted after doing this.
    Click the Action (gear) menu, and select Export vCard.
    A combo vCard will be created and begin downloading.
    Safari on OS X will automatically download the combo vCard to your Downloads folder (~/Downloads).
    Other web browsers, and Safari on Windows, will prompt you about where you wish to save the combo vCard. Choose a location, and save the combo vCard.
    Note: If you make extensive use of Groups, you should also consider backing up your entire Address Book Database by creating an Address Book Backup (ABBU) file via the OS X Address Book application. You can find instructions for this in the OS X Lion section below. The standard vCard method of backing up, which creates a bulk vCard as described above, will not back up Groups. However, it does allow easy back up and recovery of Contacts. Address Book Archives are more complex, and in some cases, may not properly restore data for iCloud members while connected to the Internet. If you use Groups, you should create both types of backups. If you don't use Groups beyond the default All Contacts group, then vCards are the best method of backup.

  • Cannot see Cookies with new update of firefox. I recently updated firefox, but when I look on the PRIVACY window, where websites store cookies, I am no longer a

    Cannot see Cookies with new update of firefox.<br />
    I recently updated firefox, but when I look on the PRIVACY window, where<br />
    websites store cookies, I am no longer able to see any cookies that<br />
    are being stored, and I am not able to delete the cookies as soon as I leave<br />
    their site, as I had been doing for a long time prior to updating.<br />
    So I am wondering where the heck are the cookies being stored now, with the<br />
    new update? I like to be able to delete their cookies immediately, and<br />
    I also wonder why firefox does not make it much easier for us to see<br />
    all the cookies and delete them with one click, instead of having to <br />
    use the &lt;&lt;TOOLS&lt;&lt;OPTIONS&lt;&lt;PRIVACY way of looking at and deleting cookies.<br />
    The option to delete the cookies when firefox closes is not as efficient<br />
    and I will get tracked until I close firefox, and I prefer to not be tracked<br />
    so I like to just delete their cookies as soon as I am no longer using their<br />
    site anymore.

    (my question was not fully showing so I added this here)
    way of looking at and deleting cookies.
    The option to delete the cookies when firefox closes is not as efficient
    and I will get tracked until I close firefox, and I prefer to not be tracked
    so I like to just delete their cookies as soon as I am no longer using their
    site anymore. So I need to know how to make the cookies visible again, so I can immediately delete them. thank you

  • Where are the bootcamp drivers?

    Hi... My Bootcamp assistant keeps failing to save the WindowsSupport files to my USB flash drive, which seemingly resets the download - due to my sloooow internet, this is a major inconvenience.
    I've been searching my computer for "WindowsSupport" "Bootcamp" etc., but find nothing.
    Where are they stored?

    They are stored on Apple servers, in the cloud, and this has always been weak - poorly supported - crippled - to name just a few adjectives.
    And it was first beta tested / introduced / suppose to be implemented - a full year ago in 10.6.6.
    My iPod finds, actually finds, new updates for its apps. So it is a lack of intention and direction and mandate.
    I assume you can't get to a store or other location that might be better able.
    People are saying Boot Camp 4.01+ are better than Snow Leopard 3.x drivers but those do work for Windows 7 if you have access to DVD AND you don't have a Mac that came out in 2011. I wouldn't mind $9 but $30 for a set of drivers might be steep, to get 10.6.x DVD.

Maybe you are looking for