Where to find information on system tables like SARI

I'm having problems with installing an addon that was created by a third party.  I'm seeing on the forum a table called SARI that contains some information regarding addons. 
My question is a general one,  where can I find documentation on SARI and any other sbo-common tables, or system tables like OARI?

Hi John,
I don't think I've seen any official documentation on the SARI table. The SARI table contains information on all addons installed on the system, including a copy of the installer in a binary field in the table. References to the OARI and ARI1 tables can be found in the SDK documentation but that's limited to the database reference section. As none of these tables are exposed via a DI API object, I guess SAP don't wish to provide detailed information as changing the data directly in the database is not allowed.
If an addon is not installing correctly and you suspect these tables then it would be best to contact SAP support.
Kind Regards,

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    By default, the table_exists_action is skip, so if the tables existed, they would be skipped anyway. No harm would be done to the database that was being imported into. I was just trying to answer his question, not try to guess if that is what he really wanted to do. Your response would certainly skip the complete schema, but I wasn't sure if that is what he wanted to do or not. He said that he only had certain tables that he wanted to skip. In his follow up question, he asked about skipping tables with the same name in different schemas, so I didn't want to read into his question any more than what was asked.

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  • Storing Shape Information IN a Table-Like Structure

    Hi All,
    I have a Program which displays shape (rectangle,oval,etc) in the panel which is enclosed in a frame.. shape can be dragged and dropped anywhere on panel... also one can delete shape... Now I Want To Store All The Exiting Shapes (as they are added on panel ) in some structure say a table, and alongwith it, i also want to store additional information about shape, say its location currently on panel, its present color, etc so that i can use this information later in the program... how do i do implement this ?? Plz Help Me.. It would be great if you include the changes in the source code itself...
    Here is the source code :
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class ShapeDrawFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame {
        JCheckBoxMenuItem addLargeShapes;    
       JCheckBoxMenuItem addBorderedShapes; 
       JRadioButtonMenuItem red, green, blue,      
                            cyan, magenta, yellow, 
                            black, gray, white;  
       JPopupMenu popup;
        public ShapeDrawFrame() {
            super("Shape Draw");
          ShapeCanvas canvas = new ShapeCanvas();
          /* Create the menu bar and the menus */
          JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar();
          JMenu addShapeMenu = new JMenu("Add");
          JMenu shapeColorMenu = new JMenu("Color");
          JMenu optionsMenu = new JMenu("Options");
          /* Create menu items for adding shapes to the canvas,
             and add them to the "Add" menu.  The canvas serves
             as ActionListener for these menu items. */     
          JMenuItem rect = new JMenuItem("Rectangle");
          rect.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl R") );
          JMenuItem oval = new JMenuItem("Oval");
          oval.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl O") );
          JMenuItem roundrect = new JMenuItem("Round Rect");
          roundrect.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl D") );
          /* Create the JRadioButtonMenuItems that control the color
             of a newly added shape, and add them to the "Color"
             menu.  There is no ActionListener for these menu items.
             The canvas checks for the currently selected color when
             it adds a shape to the canvas.  A ButtonGroup is used
             to make sure that only one color is selected. */
          ButtonGroup colorGroup = new ButtonGroup();
          red = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Red");
          green = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Green");
          blue = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Blue");
          cyan = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Cyan");
          magenta = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Magenta");
          yellow = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Yellow");
          black = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Black");
          gray = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Gray");
          white = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("White");
          /* Create the "Clear" menu item, and add it to the
             "Options" menu.  The canvas will listen for events
             from this menu item. */
          JMenuItem clear = new JMenuItem("Clear");
          clear.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl C") );
          optionsMenu.addSeparator();  // Add a separating line to the menu.
          /* Create the JCheckBoxMenuItems and add them to the Options
             menu.  There is no ActionListener for these items because
             the canvas class will check their state when it adds a
             new shape. */
          addLargeShapes = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Add Large Shapes");
          addBorderedShapes = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Add Shapes with Border");
          /* Create a menu for background colors, and add it to the
             "Options" menu.  It will show up as a hierarchical sub-menu. */
          JMenu background = new JMenu("Background Color");
          /* Create the pop-up menu and add commands for editing a
             shape.  This menu is not used until the user performs
             the pop-up trigger mouse gesture on a shape. */
          popup = new JPopupMenu();
          popup.add("Delete Shape").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Bring to Front").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Make Large").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Make Small").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Add Black Border").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Remove Black Border").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Red").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Green").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Blue").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Cyan").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Magenta").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Yellow").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Black").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Gray").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to White").addActionListener(canvas);
          /* Set the "DefaultCloseOperation" for the frame.  This determines
             what happens when the user clicks the close box of the frame.
             It is set here so that System.exit() will be called to end
             the program when the user closes the window. */
          /* Set the size and location of the frame, and make it visible. */
       class ShapeCanvas extends JPanel
                         implements ActionListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener {
             // This class represents a "canvas" that can display colored shapes and
             // let the user drag them around.  It uses an off-screen images to
             // make the dragging look as smooth as possible.
          ArrayList shapes = new ArrayList();
               // holds a list of the shapes that are displayed on the canvas
          ShapeCanvas() {
               // Constructor: set background color to white
               // set up listeners to respond to mouse actions
          public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
               // In the paint method, all the shapes in ArrayList are
               // copied onto the canvas.
             super.paintComponent(g);  // First, fill with background color.
             int top = shapes.size();
             for (int i = 0; i < top; i++) {
                Shape s = (Shape)shapes.get(i);
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                 // Called to respond to action events from the
                 // menus or pop-up menu.
             String command = evt.getActionCommand();
             if (command.equals("Clear")) {
                shapes.clear(); // Remove all items from the ArrayList
             else if (command.equals("Rectangle"))
                addShape(new RectShape());
             else if (command.equals("Oval"))
                addShape(new OvalShape());
             else if (command.equals("Round Rect"))
                addShape(new RoundRectShape());
             else if (command.equals("Red"))
             else if (command.equals("Green"))
             else if (command.equals("Blue"))
             else if (command.equals("Cyan"))
             else if (command.equals("Magenta"))
             else if (command.equals("Yellow"))
             else if (command.equals("Black"))
             else if (command.equals("Gray"))
             else if (command.equals("White"))
             else if (clickedShape != null) {
                    // Process a command from the pop-up menu.
                if (command.equals("Delete Shape"))
                else if (command.equals("Bring to Front")) {
                else if (command.equals("Make Large"))
                else if (command.equals("Make Small"))
                else if (command.equals("Add Black Border"))
                else if (command.equals("Remove Black Border"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Red"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Green"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Blue"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Cyan"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Magenta"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Yellow"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Black"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Gray"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to White"))
          } // end actionPerformed()
          void addShape(Shape shape) {
                 // Add the shape to the canvas, and set its size, color
                 // and whether or not it should have a black border.  These
                 // properties are determined by looking at the states of
                 // various menu items.  The shape is added at the top-left
                 // corner of the canvas.
             if (red.isSelected())
             else if (blue.isSelected())
             else if (green.isSelected())
             else if (cyan.isSelected())
             else if (magenta.isSelected())
             else if (yellow.isSelected())
             else if (black.isSelected())
             else if (white.isSelected())
             shape.setDrawOutline( addBorderedShapes.isSelected() );
             if (addLargeShapes.isSelected())
          } // end addShape()
          // -------------------- This rest of this class implements dragging ----------------------
          Shape clickedShape = null;  // This is the shape that the user clicks on.
                                      // It becomes the draggedShape is the user is
                                      // dragging, unless the user is invoking a
                                      // pop-up menu.  This variable is used in
                                      // actionPerformed() when a command from the
                                      // pop-up menu is processed.
          Shape draggedShape = null;  // This is null unless a shape is being dragged.
                                      // A non-null value is used as a signal that dragging
                                      // is in progress, as well as indicating which shape
                                      // is being dragged.
          int prevDragX;  // During dragging, these record the x and y coordinates of the
          int prevDragY;  //    previous position of the mouse.
          public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
                // User has pressed the mouse.  Find the shape that the user has clicked on, if
                // any.  If there is no shape at the position when the mouse was clicked, then
                // ignore this event.  If there is then one of three things will happen:
                // If the event is a pop-up trigger, then the pop-up menu is displayed, and
                // the user can select from the pop-up menu to edit the shape.  If the user was
                // holding down the shift key, then bring the clicked shape to the front, in
                // front of all the other shapes.  Otherwise, start dragging the shape.
             if (draggedShape != null) {
                  // A drag operation is already in progress, so ignore this click.
                  // This might happen if the user clicks a second mouse button before
                  // releasing the first one(?).
             int x = evt.getX();  // x-coordinate of point where mouse was clicked
             int y = evt.getY();  // y-coordinate of point
             clickedShape = null;  // This will be set to the clicked shape, if any.
             for ( int i = shapes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { 
                    // Check shapes from front to back.
                Shape s = (Shape)shapes.get(i);
                if (s.containsPoint(x,y)) {
                   clickedShape = s;
             if (clickedShape == null) {
                   // The user did not click on a shape.
             else if (evt.isPopupTrigger()) {
                  // The user wants to see the pop-up menu
             else if (evt.isShiftDown()) {
                  // Bring the clicked shape to the front
             else {
                  // Start dragging the shape.
                draggedShape = clickedShape;
                prevDragX = x;
                prevDragY = y;
          public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) {
                 // User has moved the mouse.  Move the dragged shape by the same amount.
             if (draggedShape == null) {
                    // User did not click a shape.  There is nothing to do.
             int x = evt.getX();
             int y = evt.getY();
             draggedShape.moveBy(x - prevDragX, y - prevDragY);
             prevDragX = x;
             prevDragY = y;
             repaint();      // redraw canvas to show shape in new position
          public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) {
                 // User has released the mouse.  Move the dragged shape, and set
                 // draggedShape to null to indicate that dragging is over.
                 // If the shape lies completely outside the canvas, remove it
                 // from the list of shapes (since there is no way to ever move
                 // it back on screen).  However, if the event is a popup trigger
                 // event, then show the popup menu instead.
             if (draggedShape == null) {
                   // User did not click on a shape. There is nothing to do.
             int x = evt.getX();
             int y = evt.getY();
             if (evt.isPopupTrigger()) {
                   // Check whether the user is trying to pop up a menu.
                   // (This should be checked in both the mousePressed() and
                   // mouseReleased() methods.)
             else {
                draggedShape.moveBy(x - prevDragX, y - prevDragY);
                if ( draggedShape.left >= getSize().width || draggedShape.top >= getSize().height ||
                        draggedShape.left + draggedShape.width < 0 ||
                        draggedShape.top + draggedShape.height < 0 ) {  // shape is off-screen
                   shapes.remove(draggedShape);  // remove shape from list of shapes
             draggedShape = null;  // Dragging is finished.
          public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt) { }   // Other methods required for MouseListener and
          public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) { }    //              MouseMotionListener interfaces.
          public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) { }
          public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { }
       }  // end class ShapeCanvas
       // ------- Nested class definitions for the abstract Shape class and three -----
       // -------------------- concrete subclasses of Shape. --------------------------
       static abstract class Shape {
             // A class representing shapes that can be displayed on a ShapeCanvas.
             // The subclasses of this class represent particular types of shapes.
             // When a shape is first constructed, it has height and width zero
             // and a default color of white.
          int left, top;      // Position of top left corner of rectangle that bounds this shape.
          int width, height;  // Size of the bounding rectangle.
          Color color = Color.white;  // Color of this shape.
          boolean drawOutline;  // If true, a black border is drawn on the shape
          void reshape(int left, int top, int width, int height) {
                // Set the position and size of this shape.
             this.left = left;
             this.top = top;
             this.width = width;
             this.height = height;
          void setSize(int width, int height) {
                // Set the size of this shape
             this.width = width;
             this.height = height;
          void moveBy(int dx, int dy) {
                 // Move the shape by dx pixels horizontally and dy pixels vertically
                 // (by changing the position of the top-left corner of the shape).
             left += dx;
             top += dy;
          void setColor(Color color) {
                 // Set the color of this shape
             this.color = color;
          void setDrawOutline(boolean draw) {
                 // If true, a black outline is drawn around this shape.
             drawOutline = draw;
          boolean containsPoint(int x, int y) {
                // Check whether the shape contains the point (x,y).
                // By default, this just checks whether (x,y) is inside the
                // rectangle that bounds the shape.  This method should be
                // overridden by a subclass if the default behavior is not
                // appropriate for the subclass.
             if (x >= left && x < left+width && y >= top && y < top+height)
                return true;
                return false;
          abstract void draw(Graphics g); 
                // Draw the shape in the graphics context g.
                // This must be overridden in any concrete subclass.
       }  // end of class Shape
       static class RectShape extends Shape {
             // This class represents rectangle shapes.
          void draw(Graphics g) {
             if (drawOutline) {
       static class OvalShape extends Shape {
              // This class represents oval shapes.
          void draw(Graphics g) {
             if (drawOutline) {
          boolean containsPoint(int x, int y) {
                // Check whether (x,y) is inside this oval, using the
                // mathematical equation of an ellipse.
             double rx = width/2.0;   // horizontal radius of ellipse
             double ry = height/2.0;  // vertical radius of ellipse
             double cx = left + rx;   // x-coord of center of ellipse
             double cy = top + ry;    // y-coord of center of ellipse
             if ( (ry*(x-cx))*(ry*(x-cx)) + (rx*(y-cy))*(rx*(y-cy)) <= rx*rx*ry*ry )
                return true;
               return false;
       static class RoundRectShape extends Shape {
              // This class represents rectangle shapes with rounded corners.
              // (Note that it uses the inherited version of the
              // containsPoint(x,y) method, even though that is not perfectly
              // accurate when (x,y) is near one of the corners.)
          void draw(Graphics g) {
             if (drawOutline) {
        // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">                         
        private void initComponents() {
            javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
                .addGap(0, 400, Short.MAX_VALUE)
                .addGap(0, 300, Short.MAX_VALUE)
        }// </editor-fold>                       
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    new ShapeDrawFrame().setVisible(true);
        // Variables declaration - do not modify                    
        // End of variables declaration                  

    Sure. In your original post, you had a sort of a design. The general idea was right. And then you asked us to implement it. Well, that's the wrong approach. You need to make the sort-of-a-design into a real design. Don't implement anything until you know what you are going to implement.

  • How to find the Source system table

    Hi Experts,
    How to find table name in SCM APO system, because I am getting error in process chain, the corresponding  table in the source system does contain any data. check the data basis in the source system.
    Please provide the solutions how to find the table in APO (DP scm bi).
    Thanks in advance.

    I guess you knew that in APO, apart from APO tables.. it is Livecache where the actual transaction data is stored. 
    But, if you just want to find some of the existing table in APO.. simply go to se11 and in the table name put the pattern as /SAPAPO/* and press F4. It will give a list of tables with the descriptions. 
    You can find out yourself all APO tables application wise with the following steps:
    Use transaction SE11 or SE16
    - Press F4 in the selection field 
    - You will get popup... in the below line of the popup selection SAP Applications.
    Here you will get the Application list.  In that select your own application for which you want to get the table details
    e.g. SCM- Supply Chain Management --> SCM-APO --> Advanced Planning and Optimization --->SCM-APO-MD - Master Data --> /SAPAPO/00_PRODUCT 
    Here are some examples:
    /SAPAPO/v_matloc - material, material number location view
    /SAPAPO/TSAREAKO - Planning Area details
    /SAPAPO/TSAREATE - Planning Area technial fields
    Since there are thousands of tables, I cannot list them all here. 
    You can use transaction ST05 (database trace) to help you find the tables you are looking for. You can turn on the trace function, run an APO transaction, and looks at the ST05 logs for the tables

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    Where is a link to information about the current policy about purchasing a retail phone, and if it can replace a current phone that is out of contract? Are old plans continued when purchasing a retail phone?

        Hi ChuckieB. It's always exciting to start looking forward to a new phone. As SuzyQ had mentioned, you absolutely have the option to keep your save calling plan, even your same data plan, with a new phone. Take a look at #2 & #7 at http://bit.ly/RkwwJv. But as she also mentioned, the Share Everything can save money, depending on how much data you use. Since you mentioned you do have WiFi available, many customers who use WiFi at home or work find they're easily able to stay under 2GB of data usage and save money with our Share Everything plans. I'd like to encourage you to use our Wireless Account Analysis http://bit.ly/vnLjqO to see if there's a way for you and your family to save money too.
    Thank you
    Please follow us on Twitter @vzwsupport

  • Where can find information about cost of SAP support and maintenance?

    I would like to get some information of cost of SAP support and maintenance, where I can find it?

    SAP software licenses and maintenance vary greatly, the fees for onetime/annual maintenance are based on contracts.
    To get a price list contact your local sales rep.

  • Please tell more system tables like "all_tab_columns"

    ...which are used for DDL & storing data dictionary of the database.
    I am new to the field please help me.

    SQL> SELECT table_name,
      FROM dict
    WHERE ROWNUM <= 100
    ALL_ALL_TABLES                 Description of all object and relational tables accessible to the user         
    ALL_APPLY                      Details about each apply process that dequeues from the queue visible to the cur
                                   rent user                                                                      
    ALL_APPLY_CONFLICT_COLUMNS     Details about conflict resolution on tables visible to the current user        
    ALL_APPLY_DML_HANDLERS         Details about the dml handler on tables visible to the current user            
    ALL_APPLY_ERROR                Error transactions that were generated after dequeuing from the queue visible to
                                    the current user                                                              
    ALL_APPLY_KEY_COLUMNS          Alternative key columns for a STREAMS table visible to the current user        
    ALL_APPLY_PARAMETERS           Details about parameters of each apply process that dequeues from the queue visi
                                   ble to the current user                                                        
    ALL_APPLY_PROGRESS             Information about the progress made by the apply process that dequeues from the
                                   queue visible to the current user                                              
    ALL_ARGUMENTS                  Arguments in object accessible to the user                                     
    ALL_ASSOCIATIONS               All associations available to the user                                         
    ALL_AUDIT_POLICIES             All fine grained auditing policies in the database                             
    ALL_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS          All materialized views with log(s) in the database that the user can see       
    ALL_CAPTURE                    Details about each capture process that stores the captured changes in a queue v
                                   isible to the current user                                                     
    ALL_CAPTURE_PARAMETERS         Details about parameters for each capture process that stores the captured chang
                                   es in a queue visible to the current user                                      
    ALL_CAPTURE_PREPARED_DATABASE  Is the local database prepared for instantiation?                              
    ALL_CAPTURE_PREPARED_SCHEMAS   All user schemas at the local database that are prepared for instantiation     
    ALL_CAPTURE_PREPARED_TABLES    All tables visible to the current user that are prepared for instantiation     
    ALL_CATALOG                    All tables, views, synonyms, sequences accessible to the user                  
    ALL_CLUSTERS                   Description of clusters accessible to the user                                 
    ALL_CLUSTER_HASH_EXPRESSIONS   Hash functions for all accessible clusters                                     
    ALL_COLL_TYPES                 Description of named collection types accessible to the user                   
    ALL_COL_COMMENTS               Comments on columns of accessible tables and views                             
    ALL_COL_PRIVS                  Grants on columns for which the user is the grantor, grantee, owner,           
                                    or an enabled role or PUBLIC is the grantee                                   

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    Thank you.

  • CP5 - W7 - Advanced interactions - where to find information

    Hi there!
    Have you ever wondered where the complete list of variables used by Adobe Captivate 5 is.
    If you do not wonder, please show me where.
    I have a simple question, or maybe not so simple
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    * Visibility of objects such as buttons and so on
    * Path of presentation
    * Motion properties of an effect
         * Speed of an motion
         * Height of an object
    An example of what I want...
    I have a start page with 5 image buttons.
    Each button is a link to a some slides E.G.
    Read about the sun, moon, water, air or earth
    When pressing the moon button I get to some moon pages and on the last one I jump back to the start page
    When viewing the moon pages i presume that captivate logs that, and that I should be able to some how extract that information.
    When back on the start page I want to change the image symbol on the moon button from a moon to a moon with a green check mark. (this chapter is read)
    My questions in short:
    Are these kind of interactions possible?
    Which system variables can one use?
    Is there a easy to understand CP5 tutorial?
    Please fill in with your wishes/knowledge here.
    Best Regards // Daniel

    Thank you!
    I found what I am looking for thanks to you
    Complete list
    // Daniel

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    Hi Chepot,
    Welcome to Apple Discussions and the Numbers '09 forum.
    Numbers does not support pivot tables, but there may be a way to accomplish what you want.
    Here's a link to search results for 'pivot AND table' in the Numbers '09 forum during the past year. Check these prior discussions. If they don't answer your question, post a reply here with further details on the arrangement of data you want to collect.

  • Where to find links related to table partition?

    I randomly read a very nice topic about partitioning tables from Arup or someone else through a link, unfortunately Ididn't save it to my favorites.
    Does someone give link me to some good partition table topics?
    I'm just involved in a projet that need to partition a table, and the topic that I read last time was very interesting, and read it again should definetely refresh my mind
    Thank you very much for your help and cooperation

    Searching a topic on internet is obvious for any IT person, I have already made some search without finding a topic that I read last time.
    I'm sure that most of you have already be involved into a partition scheme, that's why asking in the forum is an asset
    thanks a gain

  • Connecting a Macbook Pro to a Samsung LCD TV. Can anyone tell me where to find information on what I need and how to do it?

    I want to connect my 2009 Macbook Pro to my Samsung LCD TV. I am afraid to go somewhere and ask and get bogus information so am putting it out here to see if anyone can help with the how tos and the types of cords/adapters I might need to purchase.

    You might profit from a visit to a Minneapolis Apple store. With a brand new Mac, I think they will be most helpful - not just with transferring files, but with other advice as well. And I strongly recommend you invest in a back up drive. The Apple folk can help with that as well.

  • Where to find the validation for table

    Hi Friends,
    I'm new to HRMS. This is my senario. USers entering the Leave. When entering the leave, it is validating the leave days , and throws error. If they entering for the same person, same from date and same to date, it will show error that *'Record already exist'*. Otherwise , it will accept the new records. My situation is, if the person applied for 5 days. but he returned back into 4 days. So, when they tried to update those records also , it showing same error, *'Record already exist'*.
    These validation they have done in fast formula..
    invalid_msg='Your absence days are overlapping with an existing absence'
    Procedure called in Fast Formula,
    FUNCTION pfc_in_check_absence_overlap (p_employee_number VARCHAR2, p_start_date DATE, p_end_date DATE)
    CURSOR c_count
    SELECT 1
    FROM per_absence_attendances absence,
    per_absence_attendance_types absence_types,
    per_all_people_f person
    WHERE person.person_id = absence.person_id
    AND absence.absence_attendance_type_id = absence_types.absence_attendance_type_id
    AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN person.effective_start_date AND person.effective_end_date
    AND person.employee_number = p_employee_number
    AND ( (p_start_date BETWEEN absence.date_start AND absence.date_end)
    OR (p_end_date BETWEEN absence.date_start AND absence.date_end)
    l_count NUMBER := 0;
    l_dummy c_count%ROWTYPE;
    OPEN c_count;
    FETCH c_count
    INTO l_dummy;
    IF c_count%FOUND
    l_count := l_count + 1;
    l_count := 0;
    END IF;
    CLOSE c_count;
    RETURN l_count;
    I need to change that, it should permit to update the records. Please let me know, how to do that, where to change and where to check.
    Pl. help. This is little bit urgent.
    Thanks in ADvance.

    Can I confirm I understand your requirement correctly. Is this right:
    * You have overlapping absence validation at the moment
    * This errors whenever you try and create/update an absence where any day of this absence overlaps with an existing absence (ie, it starts between an existing absence, or ends between an existing absence)
    * The problem with this validation in the case of update is that its validating against itself
    Is that right?
    If so, what you'd usually do in this case is get the cursor to ignore the absence being updated. For example:
    FUNCTION pfc_in_check_absence_overlap (p_employee_number VARCHAR2, p_start_date DATE, p_end_date DATE, p_absence_attendance_id number default null)
    CURSOR c_count
    SELECT 1
    FROM per_absence_attendances absence,
    per_absence_attendance_types absence_types,
    per_all_people_f person
    WHERE person.person_id = absence.person_id
    AND absence.absence_attendance_type_id = absence_types.absence_attendance_type_id
    AND absence.absence_attendance_id <> nvl(p_absence_attendance_id, -1)
    AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN person.effective_start_date AND person.effective_end_date
    AND person.employee_number = p_employee_number
    AND ( (p_start_date BETWEEN absence.date_start AND absence.date_end)
    OR (p_end_date BETWEEN absence.date_start AND absence.date_end)
    However, the problem here is getting hold of the absence_attendance_id. This isn't available to the Fast Formula, although I think if you're on release 12.1.3 it might be.
    So with your current solution there's no way of getting the cursor to ignore the absence being updated. An alternative solution would be to implement this logic in API User Hooks on create_person_absence and update_person_absence. These hooks can pass in p_absence_attendance_id, which means you can then stop it erroring on itself.
    If you moved to API User Hooks could you keep the same PLSQL as above (the version I modified). For more details on implement API User Hooks please see:
    Understanding and Using Application Program Interface (API) User Hooks in Oracle HRMS [ID 73170.1]

  • Is it possible to find information regarding system board 1897 72.66

    Hello. I have a HP envy 6 and I'm hoping to upgrade the CPU from the i5-3317U to an i7-2630QM which I already have from a previouse laptop. I was hoping to find if it was possible to do so on this motherboard or even if it would fit inside the laptop. Thank you.

    Envy 6 is a series of many models, what is yours ? Upgrading a laptop is not similar to upgrading a desktop, sometimes you need the right part to be able to get your machine up and running. Please use the following link to work out the model/product of your machine:
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
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