Who is this guy posting on the DP Review Mac forums?

Hmmm, any chance he could post here?

He popped-up in the 'dual 6600' thread under one of my many posts about zero graphics card upgrade options. Anyhow he did step forward and at least acknoweledged the issue. Give me hope my Aperture experience will improve with a better card - someday.
Looking at it from his perspective, these forums are crammed with issues people have. So to dive-in and be vocal is an excellent example for other Product leads to follow. Should hit the 'helpful' tag !

Similar Messages

  • Welcome to the Kanaka for Mac Forum

    Welcome to the Kanaka for Mac forum. See the press release:
    Thanks for adding your experiences, knowledge, and questions here in the

    On 19/01/2012 18:00, Novell wrote:
    > Welcome to the Kanaka for Mac forum. See the press release:
    > http://www.novell.com/news/press/201...available.html
    "Novell Kanaka for Mac is available to Open Enterprise Server customers
    with a current maintenance license and can be downloaded through the
    Novell Customer Center at http://www.novell.com/center."
    To find your Kanaka download click My Products then Novell Open
    Enterprise Server.
    > Thanks for adding your experiences, knowledge, and questions here in the
    > forums.
    Documentation is available at http://www.novell.com/documentation/kanaka/
    A video with an overview of the product is also available at
    Novell/SUSE/NetIQ Knowledge Partner
    Do you work with Novell technologies at a university, college or school?
    If so, your campus could benefit from joining the Novell Technology
    Transfer Partner (TTP) program. See novell.com/ttp for more details.

  • READ THIS FIRST: Check out the Developer Guide, other forums and Wikis

    The Portal Content Development forum is one of the most-active forums on SDN, and many, many experts read it and can answer your questions.
    Before posting, please check out the following sources of information:<ul><li><b><a href=http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/19/4554426dd13555e10000000a1550b0/frameset.htm target="_blank">Portal Developer Guide</a> (2004) </b>and<b> <a href=http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/19/4554426dd13555e10000000a1550b0/frameset.htm target="_blank">Running an Enterprise Portal (developer guide)</a> (2004s):</b> This is THE source for information on portal APIs. All of the public APIs are documented here. </li>
    <li><b><a href=https://wiki.sdn.sap.com:/wiki/display/EP>Portal Wiki</a>:</b> See below.</li>
    <li><b>This Forum:</b> Someone probably has already asked your question. Before adding another post, check if you can find a similar post that has sufficient information to help you.   </li></ul>
    <h3>Other forums</h3>
    <li>Employee self service questions: https://forums.sdn.sap.com/forum.jspa?forumID=267</li>
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    <h3>More on Wikis</h3>The recently announced Wiki functions of SDN will, over time, be a great start for getting information about portal development and implementation...
    The main wiki portal page is <a href="https://wiki.sdn.sap.com:/wiki/display/HOME/Portal">here</a>.
    Please read this before asking a question in the forum - believe me, there are not many new questions being asked!
    There is quite a bit of repetition in forum questions, and maybe if people are directed to the wiki page as a first step, it may make it easier to watch this forum.
    The Wiki concept is all about sharing within a community, so feel free to modify the content - more accurately 'our' content - and maybe start some other pages, such as one about modifying logon pages - a fairly consistent topic in this forum
    Edited by: Michael Nicholls on Feb 18, 2009 9:48 AM
    Edited by: Michael Nicholls on Feb 18, 2009 9:49 AM

    Dude thank-you for your wonder detailed knowldge, I have descovered that lets say xp 1700 in a ultra 2 can only handle at the most 143fsb mult at 12.
    Given the settings" irq's are a major",part of directing traffic and power? example:
    Sound blaster Live , uses two irq's most common at"Auto" is, irq 10, or 5, and Sound blaster 16 emulation usually takes irq 5,. I have found that the sound card in slot3 works great , but to do this I had to change the Bio's and assign slot 3 irq 7 . and make sure printer port has share irq enabled
    Problems that accure with bad traffic are like this. Start a dedicated server. minimize than start your game?":censored:  no sound what could be wrong"? Shoot another problem Connection problem?. The computer nerd is getting trouble over the ordeal. ANSWER! IRQ can fix the problem, Study the irq and make changes as you go. "what would it be like with no stop signs,,,that is the same as a irq. with the same knowldge this topic brings IRQ need to be clearly understood.
    I can honestly say my system is error free and running like a dream.
    xp 2500 barton 333
    creative sound 5.1gamers.
    512 mb kingston ram 400 mhz
    boadband either onboard.
    MSI 5700 128 mb ddr
    Setting are:
    163 fsb
    mult of 11
    ddr 333
    video memory clock down to 450mhz
    3d clock to 390mhz
    The delta is a smooth running board also I want to mention to the person with crackling sounds, change the irq like I did, that fix the problem and the power is totaly too good to be true.

  • Moderators deleting Posts on the Logic Pro 8 Forum for NO good reason

    I have been posting a thread about a new application that has just come out - it is really really helpful for people working in the audio industry.
    The moderator keeps deleting this post and warns me NOT to make advertisements.
    I am neither working nor endorsing this company so I find it pretty silly that I cannot help others about this.... Especially when considering how much SPAM email Apple sends out.
    There a million posts from people seeking advice on plug-ins and applications etc... Those posts do not get deleted when people are dropping brand names.
    I have seen numerous of posts about a Apogee Symphony and Plug-In brands without getting deleted. Why delete my post about Snapper from Audio Ease...???
    <Edited by Moderator>

    There is a distinction between making a recommendation to a person who has asked for help and posting your own thread for the sole purpose of recommending a product. The former is permitted, the latter is against the TOU here.
    Case a: A user posts a question, needing help with how to achieve xyz. You reply, and in your opinion/experience you feel that his needs can best be met by a 3rd party application. You recommend it and post a link.
    This is perfectly acceptable here, and done on a daily basis in the forums I frequent. Sometimes a 3rd party app is the only solution.
    Case b: You are excited about a cool new application. You begin a topic that can be summarized by the phrase "check this out..." This topic is an unsolicited advertisement for said application, and thus violates the TOU. It will be deleted.
    I'm not a moderator, just a user like yourself trying to help clarify the way it works. As such, my friendly advice is to try to keep with 'Case a' and avoid 'Case b'.
    As for this thread, it may help to explain the Apple Discussions, and therefore does not violate the TOU for this forum. I wouldn't expect to see it deleted, although if replies become inflammatory it will probably get locked. Again, that's just based on what I've observed here.

  • Can someone answer this post in the Mac forum?

    b noir or Pac or anyone?

    Good catch, I replied too it. Usually when I see post and it says they have a mac I just reply...
    "This is itunes for windows, if your doing this on a mac you need to post in the itunes for mac forum for better help"
    I do that because sometimes even tho it says mac there doing it on there PC or a friends PC.

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    There are all small files and the type is whatever the name is. They're kinda annoying when you have 10 hidden files that seem to have no use.
    Thanks in advance.

    Since this is an iTunes question, you may have more luck posting in the iTunes for Mac forum. Make sure you post in the Mac forum, as you have posted in the Windows forum here.

  • I gave my macbook pro 13' to this guy to fix it and he is taking more than 3 weeks to repair it, I just wanna know if its appropriate to take so long to fix the problem that he claims

    So I sent my macbook pro to a nearby macbook repair person because it was too slow, everytime I click on something, the rainbow wheel will appear and it will take like a few minutes to open up a window. Also, my videos were stucked whenever I played them in VLC etc but when I use my external hard disk to play the video, it will be okay. So I sent to this guy explaining all the problems I am facing with my macbook, then he claimed that he could do it within a day as its probably just the hard disk problem or if its the processor(2days). And now its been 3 weeks and he is still fixing my macbook, he told me it was the bios and he needs sometime to do it as he needs to be very careful. I dont know if I should believe him, its been more than 3 weeks now? I just wanted to know if what he is saying is logic and if it is, does it really take so long to fix the bios?
    p/s I've increased the RAM to 8gb 1600Mhz Ddr3 recently thinking that was the problem but obviously it didnt fix my problem Help me out
    Thank youuu.

    Mac's do not have a BIOS to flash. Get your Mac back before this situation gets worse. Then take it to an Apple Store. You will have to pay.
    "p/s I've increased the RAM to 8gb 1600Mhz Ddr3 recently"
    You fitted the wrong Ram, you will need to change it for the right Ram when you get it back.

  • "Please Read This Before Posting Here" font large enough?

    To whom it may concern,
    Perhaps if you can't change anything else maybe changing the size of that font might help.
    Really, (and clearly) something needs to be changed about the way Discussions is organized. I see nothing but excuses about topics being mistakenly posted in the wrong forums.
    I hope that something "is" being done to correct this issue in Discussion forums. Personally, I feel that far too many new users are posting in the wrong forums. The quantity of how many is way beyond what should be seen in my opinion. This has to show some proof that the way the Discussions is setup is just not working properly and corrections need to be made. And not just here in the Feedback About Discussions forum but across the board.
    One can understand perhaps an erroneous topic being posted in, for example, 10.3 and earlier whereas it should be posted in the 10.4 Tiger forum where no huge banner states posting procedure but when one sees the amount of off topics in this forum it is just a joke now. Obviously, these users are not posting here intentionally knowing it is the wrong forum. For what ever reason they have wound up here and don't realize that it is incorrect. I believe it "is" the responsibility of the forums to make sure these posts are posted correctly and not by just moving them but to change the way the discussions are setup/operate so that it doesn't happen to begin with.
    Please do something,
    Message was edited by: littleshoulders

    J.K. ROFLing,
    What do you suggest littleshoulders?
    I have made suggestions, whereas others have not but have also asked for changes here in regards to posting topic probems.
    A suggestion I have made was to force the user whichever way they enter discussions to fill in a form that directs the user to the most appropriate forum. This doesn't need to be a long form but I'm sure you have seen this type of form on other sites that narrow a search down.
    I'm certainly not an expert (I assume Apple has enough on staff to handle the logistics) and would only venture a guess as to what might be asked on the form to narrow the search.
    Most importantly, I can't believe that the form would be any more labor intensive on the user than navigating through the Discussion pages to get to an appropriate forum. And quite frankly, even if it were it would certainly direct the user to an appropriate forum saving huge amounts of wasted time trying to get their support.
    "Computer: iMac G3
    OS version: OS X v10.3.9
    What is you computer problem or support topic: Terminal problem"
    I'm sure there would have to be other menu options (pop-ups and user filled info) for this type of search process but that is an abbreviated example for this excercise.
    These directing forms are used all over the internet to direct the user to the appropriate product, support or otherwise.
    I contend that the way that Discussions is presented currently that it needs this type of user interface to work properly.
    In closure, I have to say that I don't believe in status quo and think that any change for the better is welcome and I bet all those novice users who struggle with posting topics correctly would agree. They obviously need more help than what is currently offered with posting.

  • Small request regarding quoting posts in the screenshots thread

    I have a small request for all of you who regularly reply to posts in the screenshots thread - when you quote someone, could you please ensure that the link that shows up in the quoted post is to the full image, and not the thumbnail? It defaults to the thumbnail, and that's very annoying, as you then have to hunt through the previous posts until you find the one that's being referenced, which is sometimes pages back.
    Last edited by CosineQuaNon (2010-06-17 00:16:15)

    rb wrote:
    CosineQuaNon wrote:There are still people using ImageShack! I don't understand what's so difficult about using omploader or imgur instead, particularly when there's a command line tool for omploading.
    May I ask what's wrong with Imageshack? (an honest question!)
    The links to the images are longer, and there isn't an officially sanctioned command line upload tool.
    However, what gets to me the most is when people use the "forum code" provided by ImageShack. When you click on the thumbnail, instead of taking you directly to the image, you go to an intermediate page, from which you have to click again to get to the image itself. Here is a perfect example.
    Edit: arinlares fixed his post (thanks!), so here are some other examples:
    These are from ImageBam:
    http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php? … 60#p785560
    http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php? … 86#p785586
    This from deviantART: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php? … 14#p785414 (deviantART is a little more understable, since he's linking to his personal page, but since he's got a link to it in his sig, that seems a little redundant).
    As you can see, the same sort of issue.
    Last edited by w1ntermute (2010-07-04 07:01:54)

  • Can't Post in the User Tips Library

    I just recently achieved Level 2 ranking status in the forums. For some weird reason, I can't post in the Tips Library. I click on 'Post New Topic', and it asks me to log in. I had already logged in, but I do it anyway. I type in my password, and click Log In. I am back in the Tips Library, and now logged in. When I click 'Post New Topic' again, it asks me to log in again, although I am already logged in! It is an endless circle.
    I really want to contribute!

    Christoph * wrote:
    The post must be approved by Apple before it is posted. What are they looking for when they approve these posts?
    Accuracy. Before allowing a post to be considered a valid answer to a frequently asked question about using Macs, Apple wants to make sure it is actually a correct answer and an appropriate solution to whatever technical problem is being addressed.
    Also, why do I see only a few posts in the User Tips Contributions forum?
    Once the Hosts have approved a user contribution, it is removed from Contribution forum...
    Why do I see people's post in the main User Tips Library but yet you said
    No one can post there
    The approved posts are moved to the User Tips Library. In other words, you can't post there; the Hosts move your approved tip to that forum.
    Read through the steps explained in the section titled "The Process" on both pages. It explains this in detail.
    \[Edit: I took ages editing my post and Niel beat me to it. I'll leave my post in case it helps clarify anything. :-)]
    Message was edited by: Rachel R

  • Please post in the busier new cross-platform Bridge forum...

    ... as this forum will be closing down soon.
    The new Bridge forum:

    It has been over a week now since I asked the mod why the banner announcement to post in the Bridge General Discussion Forum was taken down but this and Mac forum not set to read only. 
    No answers yet.

  • Why can't I post to the iDisk discussion?

    I have set up an account and user name, am a dot Mac member, have logged in through both dotMac and my apple user ID, the side bar says I am logged in, but I have tried to post a message to the iDisk discussion and it tells me I do not have permission to post and have to log in. If I try to log in again, all I get is the same screen telling me I don't have permission to post and must log in.
    Yet I can post a question here. What am I doing wrong?

    No worries sleepydwarf... as always, a pleasure.
    The only thing that immediately comes to mind is that, perhaps, you were trying to post in the User Tips Library forum where, indeed, you would get that message when trying to post.
    Either way it's all academic. You're now where you want to be to post your question so all's well

  • How to restrict Permission to the group members in Forum??

    Hi All,
    I have created discussion forum for a group in that group some members are Expert person who will answer thread posted by the group members
    Noe the issue that i am faceing is that:
    <b>1)when any user posts thread he and some other group member other than expert is able to see Reply and delete link,with that link any other person can reply or delete thread that i want to restrict.
    delete and reply link should be visible only to Expert person
    2)Edit Subscription tab is also visible to every group people but that should be only visible to Expert that also i want to restrict.</b>
    I think that this thing can be achived by assigning proper permission to the users
    Any help achiveing me this will be highly appretiated and rewarded.
    thanks in advance.

    "crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource"  i dont find this anywhr in the file.
    pasting a small portion of my code.....
    <%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Reports.aspx.cs" Inherits="Reports" Title="Reports Details" %>
                            <CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer1" runat="server" AutoDataBind="True"
            DisplayGroupTree="False" DisplayToolbar="False" Height="1013px"
            Width="773px" />
                        <td colspan="9">
        <CR:CrystalReportSource ID="CrystalReportSource1" runat="server">
            <Report FileName="CrystalReport1.rpt">
         <br />

  • Welcome to the Organizational Change Management Forum!

    This forum is associated with the Welcome and Rules of Engagement posted in the SDN threads.
    If you are new to our forums, have a look at this <a href="https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/collaborationareas/collaborationfaq">Forum FAQ</a>.
    Don't forget to reward one another for support, contribution, and good content.
    Marilyn Pratt

    On 19/01/2012 18:00, Novell wrote:
    > Welcome to the Kanaka for Mac forum. See the press release:
    > http://www.novell.com/news/press/201...available.html
    "Novell Kanaka for Mac is available to Open Enterprise Server customers
    with a current maintenance license and can be downloaded through the
    Novell Customer Center at http://www.novell.com/center."
    To find your Kanaka download click My Products then Novell Open
    Enterprise Server.
    > Thanks for adding your experiences, knowledge, and questions here in the
    > forums.
    Documentation is available at http://www.novell.com/documentation/kanaka/
    A video with an overview of the product is also available at
    Novell/SUSE/NetIQ Knowledge Partner
    Do you work with Novell technologies at a university, college or school?
    If so, your campus could benefit from joining the Novell Technology
    Transfer Partner (TTP) program. See novell.com/ttp for more details.

  • Welcome to the Novell File Reporter Forum

    Welcome to the new Novell File Reporter forum. You can find information
    about this product here: http://www.novell.com/products/file-reporter/
    This forum is for discussions about this product.

    On 19/01/2012 18:00, Novell wrote:
    > Welcome to the Kanaka for Mac forum. See the press release:
    > http://www.novell.com/news/press/201...available.html
    "Novell Kanaka for Mac is available to Open Enterprise Server customers
    with a current maintenance license and can be downloaded through the
    Novell Customer Center at http://www.novell.com/center."
    To find your Kanaka download click My Products then Novell Open
    Enterprise Server.
    > Thanks for adding your experiences, knowledge, and questions here in the
    > forums.
    Documentation is available at http://www.novell.com/documentation/kanaka/
    A video with an overview of the product is also available at
    Novell/SUSE/NetIQ Knowledge Partner
    Do you work with Novell technologies at a university, college or school?
    If so, your campus could benefit from joining the Novell Technology
    Transfer Partner (TTP) program. See novell.com/ttp for more details.

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