Why do Apps continue to request a key chain login?

Why do Apps continue to request a key chain login?

Keychain - OS X Mavericks v10.9.1: Repeated prompts to unlock "Local Items"
Try running Keychain First Aid and resetting the original keychain.
Keychain Reset
Keychain Issues - Resolve  see post by Kappy

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  • Hi my Mac keeps asking for key chain login and won't all me to use my safari

    Hi I am having issues using my Mac book pro all of a sudden I keep getting a pop up that states to enter my keychain. I've and nothing work. I am unable to use safari and have a crapy time using my computer! Please help!

    See KB Articles:  http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1544 Resetting your keychain in Mac OS X & Keychain First Aid 

  • Key Chain basics

    In preferences I have all checked in the repair tab. Is this the best option ?
    Also when I go to my airport extreme disc it asks for my user account password. And when I sign in, the locker in the key chain login becomes open.
    Since then, it will not ask me again.
    Leaving always the keychain login open it's the best way ? Any adjustment can be made in the preferences ?
    Message was edited by: Pedro Santos

    Pedro Santos wrote:
    In preferences I have all checked in the repair tab. Is this the best option ?
    Also when I go to my airport extreme disc it asks for my user account password. And when I sign in, the locker in the key chain login becomes open.
    Since then, it will not ask me again.
    This is normal. If you wish, you can open the keychain and remove it or even change it.
    Leaving always the keychain login open it's the best way ? Any adjustment can be made in the preferences ?
    You do not have to keep the keychain app running, if that's what you mean.
    Once you set the preferences, close it and it will work fine.
    You only need to open it for repair or to change things. It automatically stores every password.
    If you open the keychain app you can access the Help and there you will find much information about using it.

  • I just bought a macbook pro and the mountain lion free update applied correctly but the internet went down and now the download won't appear/ continue, and when i open the app store it requests me to pay for the update? what can i do?

    i just bought a macbook pro and the mountain lion free update applied correctly but the internet went down and now the download won't appear/ continue, and when i open the app store it requests me to pay for the update? what can i do?

    Welcome to Apple Communities

  • Why can't I update latest version of apps. Always request applied . Although I sign in using correct password

    Why can't I update latest version of apps. Always request applied. Although I sign in using correct password. But everytime prompted with incorrect password , retrieve password

    There are plenty of apps still compatible with iOS 4.2.1. Not a majority, necessarily, but they're still out there. If the app you want requires a newer version, find another app the accomplishes the same thing.
    Of course, it may be too late for that now, since you chose to hack/jailbreak your iPhone, and it is currently a brick. As varjak paw stated, this forum will not help you with your hacked phone.

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    Hide the App store via Restrictions. See:
    iOS: Understanding Restrictions

  • Oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.FileAccessException:

    One request (XML Publisher Report Bursting Program) is failing continuously with the error below
    null output =/p01/app/applmgr/oappsp1/inst/apps/OAPPSP1_c201u336/logs/appl/conc/out/CERDALB.575007
    File /p01/app/applmgr/oappsp1/inst/apps/OAPPSP1_c201u336/logs/appl/conc/out/CERDALB.575005 is not accessable from node/machine C201U336.
    File /p01/app/applmgr/oappsp1/inst/apps/OAPPSP1_c201u336/logs/appl/conc/out/CERDALB.575005 is not accessable from node/machine C201U336.
    oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.FileAccessException: File /p01/app/applmgr/oappsp1/inst/apps/OAPPSP1_c201u336/logs/appl/conc/out/CERDALB.575005 is not accessable from node/machine C201U336.
    +     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.RemoteFile.getFile(RemoteFile.java:440)+
    +     at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.cp.JCP4XDOBurstingEngine.runProgram(JCP4XDOBurstingEngine.java:233)+
    +     at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.Run.main(Run.java:157)+
    Please help, when I saw the file its permission is
    $ ll -ltr /p01/app/applmgr/oappsp1/inst/apps/OAPPSP1_c201u336/logs/appl/conc/out/CERDALB.575005
    -rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr oaa 22849 Feb 21 07:02 /p01/app/applmgr/oappsp1/inst/apps/OAPPSP1_c201u336/logs/appl/conc/out/CERDALB.575005
    EBS version 12.1.3

    993196 wrote:
    Is there any solution to this issue. We are also facing the same error:
    File /applerpdev/XX/inst/apps/XXapp01/logs/appl/conc/out/o14794719.out is not accessable from node/machine XX01.
    oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.FileAccessException: File ...../out/o14794719.out is not accessable from node/machine XX01.
    at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.RemoteFile.getFile(RemoteFile.java:440)
    at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.cp.JCP4XDOBurstingEngine.runProgram(JCP4XDOBurstingEngine.java:233)
    at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.Run.main(Run.java:157)
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks!!In addition to the docs referenced above, please see (When Running PDF Report, Getting Error File Is Not Accessable From Node/Machine Or java.io.FileNotFoundException [ID 398897.1]).

  • I have continuously over the last 6 months struggled with syncing my iphone and ipod with itunes  The app continually crashes during the picture import.  AND by the way it takes 10-15 minutes before it even attempts to import photos.  The screen says impo

    I have continuously over the last 6 months struggled with syncing my iphone and ipod with itunes  The app continually crashes during the picture import.  AND by the way it takes 10-15 minutes before it even attempts to import photos.  The screen says importing photoes but doesnt try to optimize or anything for 10 minutes.  I have a 3gs with 16Gb so its not a cheap phone.  I have 10Gb free.  I have 6600 photoes.  This is very frustrating and undermines my confidence in your products.  My ipod is an ipod 4 with 16Gb also.  It does the exact same thing to it.  The last time, I had to import photoes a few at the time and with it taking 10-15 minutes each time for 6600 photos it is a long frustrating process.  But it will import every photo a few at a time.  The error message is just that itunes has stopped working.  no hint as to why. AND of course, my phone is out of use for the entire time.  You guys must not want to believe ur phones are a necessary tool...or maybe you dont want the consumer to believe it is.  I have tried to find solutions on your website as well as through other 3rd party communities.  Ultimately they were of no use.  I stumbled onto my solution by accident since Im a bit of a computer geek...a semi-geek.

    I have this issue too, I went into my Windows event viewer. (should have looked at this a year ago when this started)
    it said this
    Faulting application name: iTunes.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x51253247
    Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.17725, time stamp: 0x4ec49b8f
    Exception code: 0xc0000374
    Fault offset: 0x000ce6c3
    Faulting process id: 0x14d4
    Faulting application start time: 0x01ce194399f166ba
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll
    Report Id: 0eb3c37f-8537-11e2-9351-50465d6737de
    basically whenever I try to sync my ipod touch 4G 64GB it crashes iTunes when it begins the pictures. if im lucky ill get 4-5 on there before it stops responding. its not my system or anything im running win7x64 8GB DDR3 ram (Corsair XMS3) AMD FX Eight core processor.
    It is silly that iTunes cannot add pictures to apple devices. it shatters whatever incline I may have to buy apple products. knda like the Airport Extreem router my dad bought the new firmware, caused my router to not function... why release firmware that breaks a product. -_- <-- off topic but still

  • Why is osx continuously caching external disk?

    While I am -using an/any application that does- reading from an  external disk, free memory continuously decreases and inactive memory  increases with the same amount, which is aproximately the amount of data  read. At some time, os starts paging and the system renders useless,  forcing me to reboot.
    Closing the application or using another usb slot has no effect, I have to eject the USB or use purge -which makes other applications sluggish-. Format of the -external  drive's- partition (GUID, MBR),(HFS+, FAT32, NTFS) does not matter. All  of the drives are excluded from Spotlight (are not indexed). I have
    OSXFuse but that is only for Truecrypt, info about partitions show native drivers.
    Why is osx continuously caching external disk, can a  configuration/app/plugin cause this, is there a way to avoid this? Is  there a selective purge command for external disk cache? Does anybody have this problem with external drives, and also with Mavericks?
    My EtreCheck (after a reboot) is:
    EtreCheck version: 1.9.11 (43) - report generated June 15, 2014
    Hardware Information:
        MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009)
        MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro5,5
        1 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2 cores
        4 GB RAM
    Video Information:
        NVIDIA GeForce 9400M - VRAM: 256 MB
    System Software:
        OS X 10.8.3 (12D78) - Uptime: 0 days 1:4:54
    Disk Information:
        Hitachi HTS5450 disk0 : (160.04 GB)
            disk0s1 (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
            Macintosh HD (disk0s2) / [Startup]: 94.62 GB (48.81 GB free)
            Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
            BOOTCAMP (disk0s4) /Volumes/BOOTCAMP: 64.57 GB (44.49 GB free)
        HL-DT-ST DVDRW  GS23N 
    USB Information:
        Apple Inc. Built-in iSight
        JMicron Storage 500.11 GB
            BKPFAT (disk1s1) /Volumes/BKPFAT: 443.2 GB (25.08 GB free)
            BKPNTFS (disk1s2) <not mounted>: 56.9 GB
        Apple Internal Memory Card Reader
        Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
        Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
        Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub
            Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    Configuration files:
        /etc/hosts - Count: 1
    Startup Items:
        TuxeraNTFSUnmountHelper: Path: /Library/StartupItems/TuxeraNTFSUnmountHelper
    Launch Daemons:
        [loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist Support
        [loaded]    com.google.keystone.daemon.plist Support
        [loaded]    com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist Support
        [not loaded]    de.jinx.SmartSleepDaemon.plist Support
        [loaded]    org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx.plist Support
    Launch Agents:
        [loaded]    com.google.keystone.agent.plist Support
        [loaded]    com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist Support
        [loaded]    org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist Support
    User Login Items:
        Google Drive
    Internet Plug-ins:
        JavaAppletPlugin: Version: Java 8 Update 05 Check version
        FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 Support
        QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.1
        Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 Outdated! Update
        o1dbrowserplugin: Version: Support
        googletalkbrowserplugin: Version: Support
        Silverlight: Version: 5.1.30317.0 - SDK 10.6 Support
        Unity Web Player: Version: UnityPlayer version 4.1.5f1 Support
        iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0
    Safari Extensions:
        Bing Highlights: Version: 1.0.20
        ClickToFlash: Version: 2.5.1
    Audio Plug-ins:
        AirPlay: Version: 1.7 - SDK 10.8
        iSightAudio: Version: 7.7.1 - SDK 10.8
    iTunes Plug-ins:
        Quartz Composer Visualizer: Version: 1.4 - SDK 10.8
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
        Flash Player  Support
        FUSE for OS X (OSXFUSE)  Support
        GamePadCompanionPrefPanel  Support
        Growl  Support
        Java  Support
        MenuMeters  Support
        SmartSleep  Support
        Tuxera NTFS  Support
        Witch  Support
    Time Machine:
        Time Machine not configured!
    Top Processes by CPU:
            25% firefox
             4% activitymonitord
             4% WindowServer
             1% hidd
             1% BetterTouchTool
    Top Processes by Memory:
        254 MB  firefox
        111 MB  Google Chrome
        66 MB   Sublime Text
        61 MB   mds
        59 MB   Google Chrome Helper
    Virtual Memory Information:
        1.72 GB Free RAM
        1.21 GB Active RAM
        416 MB  Inactive RAM
        425 MB  Wired RAM
        378 MB  Page-ins
        0 B Page-outs

    Try a restart.
    Do a backup, using either Time Machine or a cloning program, to ensure files/data can be recovered. Two backups are better than one.
    Try setting up another admin user account to see if the same problem continues. If Back-to-My Mac is selected in System Preferences, the Guest account will not work. The intent is to see if it is specific to one account or a system wide problem. This account can be deleted later.
    Isolating an issue by using another user account

  • IOS apps continue to use CPU after iPad sleeps

    I've created several AIR -iOS apps for iPad and have noticed that after the iPad sets itself to sleep, these apps continue to use a % of CPU indefinately, (around 2%).
    I'm seeing this by using XCode Instruments Activity Monitor whilst the iPad is connected.
    The apps have been created with:
    Flash Pro CS5.5
    AIR 3.2
    Tested on iPad1 and iPad2.
    Would anyone know if there is there a reason for this, what could be causing it and is there a fix?
    Allowing the iPad to sleep does maintain a CPU usage of around 2% for the AIR apps, whereas closing the app with the home button sets the CPU usage to 0, even with the app not exiting on suspend.
    When a native app is running when the iPad sleeps its CPU usage does return to 0%.
    I wonder what the AIR app is doing?????

    Hi Peter, 
    Thanks for your reply. 
    If Ask to Buy is turned on, the organizer should have to approve new purchases, including free apps, before they are billed--either to the organizer's card or to the family member's gift card balance. 
    The organizer must use a credit or debit card to pay for family member purchases. 
    You can find more detail at these links:
    Request and make purchases with Ask to Buy - Apple Support
    When a family member initiates a new purchase or free download, a request is sent to the organizer if Ask to Buy is on.
    How iTunes Store purchases are billed - Apple Support
     iTunes Store credit on your account isn't shared with other family members. So if the family organizer has a $50 credit on their account and another family member initiates a purchase, it won't deduct from the organizer's iTunes Store credit, but will bill the organizer's credit or debit card.
    For additional clarification on Family Sharing, you may want to reach out to Apple Support using this link: 
    All the best,

  • Why it won't let me install key please need help

    I bought this photoshop elements yrs ago and have never used it would like to try it now but am hoping it is compatable w/my new pc HP touch screen 520-1070 also why wont it let me install registration key please need help

    First try going to appleid.apple.com and reset your password.
    After resetting you password, log into your account, at same site and go to manage my account.
    Verify any info on account. Add/remove any relavant data. Remove any duplicate email address, make sure you have an additonal email aside from your apple id.
    After verifying all this info, try accessing the app store with new password to update apps.
    If unable to at this point and you can verify your identity with the serial number of a apple product registerd to you, verify your apple id, and the billing info on your account; you can call support at 1-800-APL-CARE and ask to speak to account security to reset security questions.

  • Why do I continue to get this message-elements 9 organizer has stopped working?

    Why do I continue to get this message - elements 9 organizer has stopped working? 

      The Organizer preferences may have become corrupted, needing to be automatically re-built on a re-start.   Close Elements.
    Navigate to:John > AppData >Roaming >Adobe >Photoshop Elements >9.0 >Organizer
    Delete the PSA file (with key symbol) and delete Status.dat
    Re-start the program
    N.B. replace John with your own user name or click the start button and select your user name above documents.

  • UI error "The requested lookup key was not found in any active" workaround

    Hi All.
    Some of you might have this problem when making a UI-Connection "The requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context"
    Talking to SAP Support and Gianluigi Bagnoli about the problem here is a sum of the problem and the workaround to prevent it (at least untill SAP development fix the problem)
    Some facts:
    - The error is present in SBO2005A SP01 and SBO2005B SP00, SBO2007A should not be affected
    - The error occur because the SAP client fail to provide the correct/entire connection-string
    - The problem is actually an underlying problem from Microsoft (try searching google with the error message)
    - Normally after the error occur, you can go to Administration > Add-ons and start the add-on manually without problems
    Some additional observations
    - The error mostly happen just after startup of a windows machine
    - We have had a couple of customers that have had the problem, then upgraded the SAP client to a new patchlevel and got rid of the problem (but we have also had customers where this did not help)
    - Seem to be happening more often of slower machines
    Knowing that this problem is tied to and incorrect connection string is also the "workaround"... What you could do is to create exception handling around the UI connection, and if it fails connection using the development connection string (like you do during development) The connection string is: 0030002C0030002C00530041005000420044005F00440061007400650076002C0050004
    Using this method, you will be able to establish a connection even if the client is unable to provide you a correct connectionstring, but the draw-back of this workaround is that the add-on will be indicated as failed in the Add-on Manager and the user is not able to stop the add-on in any way other than disconnection from the company.

    I am looking for a solution to the error "The requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context" too.
    In our add-on we do two SboGuiApi.Connect(sConnectionString), one from MyAddon.exe and the other one from MyAddon.dll. The .exe catches messages and .dll interacts with UI to paint forms etc. It is since the .exe and .dll are not in the same thread. The first connection works fine in the .exe, then that connection string is passed to the dll and the error is raised. The rare thing is why it works fine from the development enviroment, but doesn't work when SAP is starting the Addon?
    Is it possible connect twice?
    Can we connect in the .exe using the connection string received from SAP and in the .dll using the development connection string?
    It is over
    Windows XP 2002 SP2
    SBO2007A patchlevel 15
    VS 2005 C#
    SQL Server 2005
    Thank you

  • CSConfigDotMacCert request to export key from key chain

    I updated Safari and iTunes (8.2.1) this evening and after rebooting a message requesting that CSConfigDotMacCert have access to key chain appeared. I presumed this was something to do with the iTunes update and clicked yes. However another message then appeared which requested the CSConfigDotMacCert wanted to export a key from my key chain. This seemed odd and I denied access. Does any one know whether this program should be allowed to export information from the key chain and if so why.

    Hi René.
    It might be because the fields contains a string value. You could try to use the NODIM function to remove the UOM from the keyfigures. Then they might appear as numbers in Excel. Another approach could be to add the UOM char (in this case "Currency/Unit" technical "1CUDIM") in the columns or rows. This removes the UOM from the key figure values too.
    Hope it helps.
    Message was edited by:
            Stefan Stefansson

  • I am new to apple products and have just received notice that 2 updates are available.  one for garageband and the other for iPhoto.  it is my understanding that updates are free. why is credit card info requested for these two updates?  help appreciated

    i am new to apple products and have just received notice that 2 updates are available.  one for garageband and the other for iPhoto.  it is my understanding that updates are free. why is credit card info requested for these two updates?  help is appreciated.  thanks, lloyd.

    Have you gone through the process of accepting the iLife apps into your iTunes/Mac App Store account before updating the apps?

Maybe you are looking for