Why do we use getExtensionData()

Can anybody tell me what we are doing here...
String totalDueStr = (String)headersalesdocument.getExtensionData("ZZTOTAL_DUE");
Why do we use getExtensionData().

    Class:        HeaderSalesDocument
    Copyright (c) 2001, SAP AG, All rights reserved.
    Author:       SAP AG
    Created:      11.4.2001
    Version:      1.0
    $Revision: #12 $
    $Date: 2003/01/02 $
package com.sapmarkets.isa.businessobject.header;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.backend.boi.isacore.ConnectedDocumentData;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.backend.boi.isacore.ShipToData;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.backend.boi.isacore.ShopData;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.backend.boi.isacore.order.HeaderData;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.backend.boi.isacore.order.PartnerListData;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.backend.boi.isacore.order.PaymentData;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.backend.boi.isacore.order.PaymentTypeData;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.backend.boi.isacore.order.TextData;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.businessobject.BusinessObjectBase;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.businessobject.ConnectedDocument;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.businessobject.ShipTo;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.businessobject.Shop;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.businessobject.order.PartnerList;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.businessobject.order.PartnerListEntry;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.businessobject.order.Payment;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.businessobject.order.PaymentType;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.businessobject.order.Text;
import com.sapmarkets.isa.core.TechKey;
Common Header Information for all objects of the bo layer that are considered
to be sales documents.
@author SAP AG
@version 1.0
public class HeaderSalesDocument extends BusinessObjectBase
        implements HeaderData, Cloneable {
Constant defining a document that is in the completion status OPEN.
    public static final String DOCUMENT_COMPLETION_STATUS_OPEN      = "open";
Constant defining a document that is in the completion status COMPLETED.
    public static final String DOCUMENT_COMPLETION_STATUS_COMPLETED = "completed";
Constant defining a document that is in the completion status PARTLY_DELIVERED.
    public static final String DOCUMENT_COMPLETION_STATUS_PARTLY_DELIVERED = "partlydelivered";
Constant defining a document that is in the completion status CANCELLED.
    public static final String DOCUMENT_COMPLETION_STATUS_CANCELLED = "cancelled";
Constant defining a document that is in the completion status INPROCESS.
    public static final String DOCUMENT_COMPLETION_STATUS_INPROCESS = "inprocess";
Constant defining a document that is in the completion status ACCEPTED.
    public static final String DOCUMENT_COMPLETION_STATUS_ACCEPTED = "accepted";
Constant defining a document that is in the completion status RELEASED.
    public static final String DOCUMENT_COMPLETION_STATUS_RELEASED = "released";
Constant defining a document that is in the completion status INQUIRYSENT.
    public static final String DOCUMENT_COMPLETION_STATUS_INQUIRYSENT = "inquirysent";
Constant defining a document that is in the completion status QUOTATION.
    public static final String DOCUMENT_COMPLETION_STATUS_QUOTATION = "quotation";
Constant defining a document that is in the completion status REJECTED.
    public static final String DOCUMENT_COMPLETION_STATUS_REJECTED = "rejected";
Constant defining a document that is in the completion status READY TO
     public static final String DOCUMENT_COMPLETION_STATUS_READY_TO_PICKUP = "readytopick";
    private boolean changeable;        // Document changeable in general (R/3 documents are not changeable yet)
    private String changedAt;
    private String createdAt;
    private String currency;
    private String description;
    private String division;
    private String disChannel;
    protected String documentType;
    private String freightValue;
    private String grossValue;
    private String netValue;
     private String netValueWOFreight;   
    protected PartnerList partnerList = new PartnerList();
    private String processType;
    private String processTypeDesc;
    private String salesDocNumber;
    private String purchaseOrderExt;
    private String postingDate;
    private String salesDocumentsOrigin;
    private String salesOrg;
    private String salesOffice;
    private String reqDeliveryDate;
    private Shop shop;
    private String shipCond;
    private String status;
    private String taxValue;
    private Text text;
    private Text textHistory;
    private String validTo;
    private ShipTo shipTo;
    private boolean purchaseOrderChangeable;
    private boolean purchaseOrderExtChangeable;
    private boolean quotationExtended;
    private boolean salesOrgChangeable;
    private boolean salesOfficeChangeable;
    private boolean reqDeliveryDateChangeable;
    private boolean shipCondChangeable;
    private boolean descriptionChangeable;
    private String ipcHost;
    private String ipcPort;
    private String ipcSession;
    private String ipcClient;
    private TechKey ipcDocumentId;
    private Payment payment;
    private String statusDelivery;
    private ArrayList predecessorList = new ArrayList();
    private ArrayList successorList = new ArrayList();
    protected boolean isDirty = false; // must header be read from backend ?
Drops the state of the object. All reference fields, except partnerList, are
set to null, all primitive types are set to the default values they would have
after the creation of a new instance. Use this method to reset the state to the
state a newly created object would have. The advantage is, that the
overhead caused by the normal object creation is omitted.
    public void clear() {
        changedAt                   = null;
        createdAt                   = null;
        currency                    = null;
        description                 = null;
        division                    = null;
        disChannel                  = null;
        documentType                = null;
        freightValue                = null;
        grossValue                  = null;
        netValue                    = null;
        processType                 = null;
        salesDocNumber              = null;
        purchaseOrderExt            = null;
        postingDate                 = null;
        salesDocumentsOrigin        = null;
        salesOrg                    = null;
        salesOffice                 = null;
        reqDeliveryDate             = null;
        shop                        = null;
        shipCond                    = null;
        status                      = null;
        statusDelivery              = null;
        taxValue                    = null;
        text                        = null;
//        techKey                     = null;
        validTo                     = null;
        shipTo                      = null;
        ipcHost                     = null;
        ipcPort                     = null;
        ipcSession                  = null;
        ipcClient                   = null;
        ipcDocumentId               = null;
        payment                     = null;
        purchaseOrderChangeable     = false;
        purchaseOrderExtChangeable  = false;
        quotationExtended           = false;
        salesOrgChangeable          = false;
        salesOfficeChangeable       = false;
        reqDeliveryDateChangeable   = false;
        shipCondChangeable          = false;
        descriptionChangeable       = false;
        changeable                  = false;
        isDirty = true;
Creates a new <code>Text</code> object casted to the backend enabled
<code>TextData</code> interface. This method is normally only used
by backend implementations as a factory method to get instances of
business objects.
@return a newly created <code>Text</code> object
    public TextData createText() {
        return (TextData) new Text();
Get the host the IPC runs on.
@return hostname of the host the IPC runs on
    public String getIpcHost() {
        return ipcHost;
Sets the host the IPC runs on.
@param ipcHost the hostname of the ipc host
    public void setIpcHost(String ipcHost) {
        this.ipcHost = ipcHost;
Get an identifier for the current IPC session.
@return identifier for the current IPC session
    public String getIpcSession() {
        return ipcSession;
Sets the identifier for the current IPC session.
@param ipcSession the identifier for the current IPC session to be set
    public void setIpcSession(String ipcSession) {
        this.ipcSession = ipcSession;
Get the port number of the IPC server.
@return the port number of the IPC server
     public String getIpcPort() {
        return ipcPort;
Set the port number of the ipc server.
@param ipcPort the port number of the IPC server to be set
    public void setIpcPort(String ipcPort) {
        this.ipcPort = ipcPort;
Get the IPC client.
@return the IPC client
     public String getIpcClient() {
        return ipcClient;
Set the IPC client.
@param ipcClient the IPC client to be set
    public void setIpcClient(String ipcClient) {
        this.ipcClient = ipcClient;
Get the IPC document id.
@return the IPC document id
    public TechKey getIpcDocumentId() {
        return ipcDocumentId;
Set the IPC document id.
@param ipcDocumentId the IPC document id to be set
    public void setIpcDocumentId(TechKey ipcDocumentId) {
        this.ipcDocumentId = ipcDocumentId;
Get the requested delivery date.
@return the requestet delivery date
    public String getReqDeliveryDate() {
        return reqDeliveryDate;
Set the requested delivery date.
@param reqDeliveryDate the requested delivery date to be set.
    public void setReqDeliveryDate(String reqDeliveryDate) {
        this.reqDeliveryDate = reqDeliveryDate;
Get the business partner list
@return PartnerList list of business partners
    public PartnerList getPartnerList() {
        return partnerList;
Set the business partner list
@param PartnerList new list of business partners
    public void setPartnerList(PartnerList partnerList) {
        this.partnerList = partnerList;
Get the business partner list
@return PartnerListData list of business partners
    public PartnerListData getPartnerListData() {
        return partnerList;
Sets the business partner list.
@param list list of business partners
    public void setPartnerListData(PartnerListData list) {
        partnerList = (PartnerList) list;
Get the date, the document was changed the last time.
@return the date, the document was changed the last time
    public String getChangedAt() {
        return changedAt;
Set the date, the document was changed the last time.
@param changedAt the date, the document was changed the last time
    public void setChangedAt(String changedAt){
        this.changedAt = changedAt;
Get the date, the document was created.
@return date, the document was created
    public String getCreatedAt() {
        return createdAt;
Set the date, the document was cerated.
@param createdAt the date, the document was cerated
    public void setCreatedAt(String createdAt){
        this.createdAt = createdAt;
Get the currency used for this document.
@return the currency used for this document
    public String getCurrency(){
        return currency;
Set the currency used for this document.
@param currency the currency used for this document
    public void setCurrency(String currency){
        this.currency = currency;
Get description added on the header level.
@return description
    public String getDescription(){
        return description;
Sets the description on the header level.
@param description the description
    public void setDescription(String description){
        this.description = description;
Get the devision.
@return the devision
    public String getDivision(){
        return division;
Set the devision.
@param devision the devision to be set
    public void setDivision(String division){
        this.division = division;
Get the distribution channel.
@return distribution channel
    public String getDisChannel(){
        return disChannel;
Set the distribution channel.
@param disChannel the distribution channel to be set
    public void setDisChannel(String disChannel){
        this.disChannel = disChannel;
Get the price for the freigth of the order.
@return the price for the freight of the
    public String getFreightValue(){
        return freightValue;
Set the price for the freight of the order.
@param freightValue the price for the freight
    public void setFreightValue(String freightValue){
        this.freightValue = freightValue;
Get the price including all taxes but not the freight.
@return the value
    public String getGrossValue(){
        return grossValue;
Set the price including all taxes but not the freight.
@param grossValue the price to be set
    public void setGrossValue(String grossValue){
        this.grossValue = grossValue;
Get the net price
@return the price
    public String getNetValue(){
        return netValue;
Set the net price
@param netValue the price to be set
    public void setNetValue(String netValue){
        this.netValue = netValue;
Get the net price without freight.
@return the price
     public String getNetValueWOFreight(){
          return netValueWOFreight;
Set the net price without freight.
@param netValue the price to be set
     public void setNetValueWOFreight(String netValueWOFreight){
          this.netValueWOFreight = netValueWOFreight;
Get the process type of the document.
@return process type
    public String getProcessType(){
        return processType;
Set the process type of the document.
@param processType the process type to be set
    public void setProcessType(String processType){
        this.processType = processType;
Get the number of the sales document the header belongs to.
@return the number of the sales document
    public String getSalesDocNumber(){
        return salesDocNumber;
Set the number of the sales document the header belongs to.
@param salesDocNumber the number of the sales document
    public void setSalesDocNumber(String salesDocNumber){
        this.salesDocNumber = salesDocNumber;
Get the external pruchase order number.
@return the purchase order number
    public String getPurchaseOrderExt(){
        return purchaseOrderExt;
Set the external purchase order number.
@param purchaseOrderExt the number to be set
    public void setPurchaseOrderExt(String purchaseOrderExt){
        this.purchaseOrderExt = purchaseOrderExt;
Get the date the order was created from the customer's point of view.
@return the posting date
    public String getPostingDate(){
        return postingDate;
Set the date the order was created from the customer's point of view.
@param postingData the date to be set
    public void setPostingDate(String postingDate){
        this.postingDate = postingDate;
Get the sales organization for the document.
@return the sales organization
    public String getSalesOrg(){
        return salesOrg;
Set the sales organization for the document.
@param salesOrg the sales organization.
    public void setSalesOrg(String salesOrg){
        this.salesOrg = salesOrg;
Get the sales office.
@return the sales office
    public String getSalesOffice(){
        return salesOffice;
Set the sales office.
@param salesOffice the sales office
    public void setSalesOffice(String salesOffice){
        this.salesOffice = salesOffice;
Get the shop the document belongs to.
@return the shop
    public ShopData getShop(){
        return (ShopData)shop;
Set the shop the document belongs to.
@param shop the shop to be set
    public void setShop(ShopData shop){
        this.shop = (Shop)shop;
Get the shipping conditions for the document.
@return the shipping conditions
    public String getShipCond(){
        return shipCond;
Set the shipping conditions for the document.
@param shipCond the shipping conditions
    public void setShipCond(String shipCond){
        this.shipCond = shipCond;
Get the taxes that have to be paid for the document.
@return the taxes
    public String getTaxValue(){
        return taxValue;
Set the taxes that have to be paid for the document.
@param taxValue the taxes to be set
    public void setTaxValue(String taxValue){
        this.taxValue = taxValue;
Get text on the header level of the document.
@return the text
    public TextData getText() {
        return text;
Set the text on the header level of the document.
@param text the text to be set
    public void setText(TextData text) {
        this.text = (Text) text;
Get text history on the header level of the document.
@return the text history
    public TextData getTextHistory() {
        return textHistory;
Set the text history on the header level of the document.
@param text the text history to be set
    public void setTextHistory(TextData text) {
        this.textHistory = (Text) text;
Get the date, the document is valid to.
@return the date
    public String getValidTo(){
        return validTo;
Set the date, the document is valid to.
@param validTo the date to be set
    public void setValidTo(String validTo){
        this.validTo = validTo;
Check whether or not the document is changeable.
@return <code>true</code> if the document is changeable,
        otherwise <code>false</code>.
    public boolean isChangeable(){
        return changeable;
Set whether or not the document is changeable using a String parameter.
@param changeable <code>" "</code> or <code>""</code> indicates that the
                  document is changeable, all other values that it is
    public void setChangeable(String changeable){
        if (changeable.equals("") || changeable.equals(" ")) {
            this.changeable = false;
        } else {
            this.changeable = true;
Set whether or not the document is changeable.
@param changeable <code>true</code> indicates that the document is changeable,
                  <code>false</code> indicates that it is not.
    public void setChangeable(boolean changeable){
        this.changeable = changeable;
Sets all changeable flags for the different fields of the header in
on step.
@param purchaseOrderChangeable <code>true</code> indicates that the
       purchase order information is changeable
@param purchaseOrderExtChangeable <code>true</code> indicates that the
       external purchase order information is changeable
@param salesOrgChangeable <code>true</code> indicates that the
       sales organization information is changeable
@param salesOfficeChangeable <code>true</code> indicates that the
       sales office information is changeable
@param reqDeliveryDateChangeable <code>true</code> indicates that the
       requested delivery date is changeable
@param shipCondChangeable <code>true</code> indicates that the
       shipping conditions are changeable
@param descriptionChangeable <code>true</code> indicates that the
       description is changeable
    public void setAllValuesChangeable(
             boolean purchaseOrderChangeable,
             boolean purchaseOrderExtChangeable,
             boolean salesOrgChangeable,
             boolean salesOfficeChangeable,
             boolean reqDeliveryDateChangeable,
             boolean shipCondChangeable,
             boolean descriptionChangeable) {
        this.purchaseOrderChangeable     = purchaseOrderChangeable;
        this.purchaseOrderExtChangeable  = purchaseOrderExtChangeable;
        this.salesOrgChangeable          = salesOrgChangeable;
        this.salesOfficeChangeable       = salesOfficeChangeable;
        this.reqDeliveryDateChangeable   = reqDeliveryDateChangeable;
        this.shipCondChangeable          = shipCondChangeable;
        this.descriptionChangeable       = descriptionChangeable;
Checks whether or not the purchase order information is changeable.
@return <code>true</code> indicates that the information is changeable,
        <code>false</code> indicates that the information cannot be changed.
    public boolean isPurchaseOrderChangeable() {
        return purchaseOrderChangeable;
Checks whether or not the external purchase order information is changeable.
@return <code>true</code> indicates that the information is changeable,
        <code>false</code> indicates that the information cannot be changed.
    public boolean isPurchaseOrderExtChangeable() {
        return purchaseOrderExtChangeable;
Checks whether or not the sales organisation is changeable.
@return <code>true</code> indicates that the information is changeable,
        <code>false</code> indicates that the information cannot be changed.
    public boolean isSalesOrgChangeable() {
        return salesOrgChangeable;
Checks whether or not the sales office is changeable.
@return <code>true</code> indicates that the information is changeable,
        <code>false</code> indicates that the information cannot be changed.
    public boolean isSalesOfficeChangeable() {
        return salesOfficeChangeable;
Checks whether or not the requested delivery date is changeable.
@return <code>true</code> indicates that the information is changeable,
        <code>false</code> indicates that the information cannot be changed.
    public boolean isReqDeliveryDateChangeable() {
        return reqDeliveryDateChangeable;
Checks whether or not the description is changeable.
@return <code>true</code> indicates that the information is changeable,
        <code>false</code> indicates that the information cannot be changed.
    public boolean isDescriptionChangeable() {
        return descriptionChangeable;
Checks whether or not the shipping condition is changeable.
@return <code>true</code> indicates that the information is changeable,
        <code>false</code> indicates that the information cannot be changed.
    public boolean isShipCondChangeable() {
        return shipCondChangeable;
Get the origin of the sales document.
@return the origin of the sales document
    public String getSalesDocumentsOrigin(){
        return salesDocumentsOrigin;
Set the origin of the sales document.
@param salesDocOrigin the origin to be set
    public void setSalesDocumentsOrigin(String salesDocOrigin){
        this.salesDocumentsOrigin = salesDocOrigin;
Set the dirty flag
@param isDirty must the header be read from the backend true/false
    public void setDirty(boolean isDirty){
        this.isDirty = isDirty;
get the dirty flag
@return isDirty must the header be read from the backend true/false
    public boolean isDirty(){
        return isDirty;
Get OVERALL status. Might be different from DELIVERY status.
@return one of the possible status values represented by the constants
        defined in this class with the names <code>DOCUMENT_COMPLETION_*</code>.
    public String getStatus() {
        return status;
Set OVERALL status to open
    public void setStatusOpen() {
Set the status to whatever passed through
    public void setStatusOther(String status) {
        this.status = status;
Determines whether or not, the document's status is OPEN.
@return <code>true</code> if the object is in status OPEN, otherwise
    public boolean isStatusOpen() {
        return (status == DOCUMENT_COMPLETION_STATUS_OPEN);

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    hey there DavoMrMac,
    according to Apple's 'site:
    System Requirements
    Macintosh computer with 500MHz or faster PowerPC G4 or G5 (550MHz for PowerBook G4) or Intel Core Duo
    512MB RAM
    Display with 1024-by-768 (or higher) resolution
    An AGP or PCI Express graphics card compatible with Quartz Extreme or an Intel GMA integrated graphics processor in MacBook or Mac Mini
    Mac OS X 10.4.6 or later
    QuickTime 7.0.4 or later
    HDV features require 1GHz or faster processor and 1GB of RAM (2GB recommended)
    500MB disk space required for applications; additional 16GB of additional storage space for Soundtrack and LiveType content (can be installed on separate disks)
    DVD drive for software installation
    i've been running FCE HD 3.5 on my MacBook since i got it in November '06. runs okay for the few short SD projects(15:00) or less i've put together.

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  • Why do we use dunning for vendors

    Hi All...
    We create dunning for customer to send them reminders for payment....But why do we use dunning for vendors (in Vendor Master Data)??

    If you dun customers who are also vendors and want to clear the items, the dunning program lists both the overdue customer items and the overdue vendor items in the dunning proposal, and determines a joint balance.When you dun a customer who is also a vendor, only the master record information of the customer is relevant.The items can only be cleared if the same dunning procedure has been defined in the standard dunning area for both customer and vendor.
    Hope this helps you. let me know if you need anyother information.

  • Why do we use Allowed Operations in DML Process

    Why do we use Allowed Operations in DML Process ??
    Can you please clear this confusion:
    I am using apex 4.1. oracle 11g R2 SOE ...
    Using the Wizard, I created a Form and IR on Dept Table...
    In the form page:
    - Create Button
    The name is "CREATE"
    NO Database Action
    - DML Process
    Allowed Operations: nothing is checked
    This will insert a new row in the Dept table
    In the form page:
    - Create Button
    The name is "CREATE2"
    Database Action : insert
    - DML Process
    Allowed Operations: nothing is checked
    This will insert a new row in the Dept table
    So, What difference does it make if INSERT check box in Allowed Operations of DML Process is TICKED OR NOT ??

    kdm7 wrote:
    So can we keep a web button to access the www.ni.com ? So that web site opens only when button pressed?
    P.S  I,m a newbie.
    Yes, you can also, e.g. include a help file or manual as html and open that in the browser.
    LabVIEW 8.2 - 2014
    "Only dead fish swim downstream" - "My life for Kudos!" - "Dumb people repeat old mistakes - smart ones create new ones."
    G# - Free award winning reference based OOP for LV

  • Why cannot I use hidden or display only item to store value for insert?

    hi, Gurus:
    I have a question:
    I implemented a form with report region in a page, the update works OK, but the add function has a problem:
    There is a column, offender_ID, which is a foreign key for another table, it should not be null during insert. However, even I pass the offender ID from master page when user click the create button, and it did shows in the form, it must be a text filed to insert successfully, why cannot I use hidden or display only item to store this value for insert? (If I use hidden or display only item, insert won't be successful, apex reports I tried to insert a null value to offender_ID column.)
    Many Thanks in advance.

    There is a column, offender_ID, which is a foreign key for another table, it should not be null during insert. However, even I pass the offender ID from master page when user click the create button, and it did shows in the form, it must be a text filed to insert successfully, why cannot I use hidden or display only item to store this value for insert? (If I use hidden or display only item, insert won't be successful, apex reports I tried to insert a null value to offender_ID column.)I think both hidden and display items have attributes that can cause problems because of different ways these items function than non-hidden and non-display-only items function. Display Only items have a "Setting" of "Save Session State" Yes/No? That can be a problem.
    Would you do this? Make these items regular items instead and see if you can get those working. Then, we will try to change the fields back to hidden or display only.
    Congratulations. Glad you found the solution.
    Edited by: Howard (... in Training) on Apr 11, 2013 10:26 AM

  • Why should I use Java

    Someone asked me why are you using Java when you can use Visual Basic.
    Well, I ask this question in this forum ?? why ...
    please leave out the portablity part

    Well, here is my 2 cents, as it were. I tried learning VB, and found that while it is powerful, when it comes to designing specifically for Windows systems, I found it extremely hard to understand. When I first learned Java, it didn't take me long to understand the concept and relation of classes and objects, and I was writing Swing apps in no time. With VB, it wasn't that easy. Yes, it was mostly drag and drop and add a few lines of code, but I don't like that. I like to be able to get down into the code and see why it works the way it did, and with VB, I just couldn't grasp it. But with Java, it took me no time at all to be able to understand why it worked the way it did, and because of that, I will always choose Java over any other language, except maybe Miva Script, which is a server side language used for e-commerce websites. It was another language that was easy to learn. Does this mean I'm a lazy programmer, always taking the easy way out? Probably, but if it's easy for me to learn, it's easy for me to implement.

  • After downloading my file the word document is mostly gibberish.  Why? service used exportPDF

    After downloading my file the word document is mostly gibberish.  Why? Service used "exportPDF".

    Hi shelbyrn,
    The quality of a conversion really depends on the quality of the original PDF file. Please see Will Adobe ExportPDF convert both text and form... | Adobe Community.  Do you know what or how the PDF file was created?
    You may have better luck by disabling OCR as described in this document: How to disable Optical Character Recognition (O... | Adobe Community. (Note, however, that is  option isn't optimal if the PDF was created from a scanned document; you'd want OCR enabled to convert the image text in the PDF to editable text).

  • Why i cant use facebook on my iphone 3gs

    why i cant use facebook on my iphone 3gs?

    If you want to use the Facebook app and you don't have an older version saved in your iTunes library, then you won't be able to download it on that device.  Either use Safari to access Facebook or get a device that can run iOS 7 and install Facebook.

  • Why cant i use a bought call-tone bought through I-tones for calling tones for just one of my contacts?

    Why cant i use a bought call-tone bought through I-tones for calling tones for just one of my contacts?

    What makes you believe that you can't? To set a custom ringtone (or SMS tone) for a contact, go to that contact entry, tap the Edit button in the upper right. You can then edit both ringtones and SMS tones for that contact.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Negative values in FSV Hierarchy

    Dear All, i installed profit & Loss Balance sheet based on 0figl_v10 and  loaded the data for FSV, report is working fine data is also correct. but the problem is its showing some negative values, like sales gross,inventory etc.......... what could b

  • Reg Classpath setting in WIN NT4

    Hi Friends, I have installed JDK 1.3.1 recently on Win NT4 and facing the following problem.. 1. when i say javac A.java it says can't read file. My settings under environment variables r as follows.. PAth=C:\JDK1.3\BIN; CLASSPATH=.;\C:\JDK1.3\lib\to

  • Downloading an order using a different e-mail

    My colleague registered his information, including e-mail, when ordering and paying for the RoboHelp 9 upgrade. However, it is to be installed on my pc, and I want to use my previously registered Adobe ID to download. But when I log in with my ID the

  • High parse to execute ratio

    Hi I am using TOAD on my Apex database to check performance of database.. And my PRD system has a 99.7% Parse to Execute ratio, where my UAT system only has a 17% ratio I did this query SELECT parse_calls, executions, sql_text   FROM v$sql WHERE exec