Wii internet

do i need to add a password to WAP to be able to connect to the internet through my wii if so how long does it take till a session is opened

error code 52230
"Likely cause: Your router or Internet Service Provider is having difficulty assigning a DNS or IP address to the Wii".
The above does give the manual fix, though for BT it's 192.168.1.**
I'd be tempted to sort the connection out first*, but if you go down the manual route, try something like
*either find the wii on the home network (via the hub manager) and delete it OR a reset of the hub may cure this as it sounds like there's an IP conflict going on - though you'll lose any saved devices and any changed settings.
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    Message was edited by: Neil Coxhead UK

    My advise is..
    If you do not have at least two game consoles behind this router, turn off UPnP in the router.
    This is done in the router at Advanced -> UPnP.
    By game consoles, any two..
    #1 For example: X-box, PlayStation.
    #2 A special type of computer with no keyboard or mouse. And it is usually connected to a TV.
    If you are the original poster (OP) and your issue is solved, please remember to click the "Solution?" button so that others can more easily find it. If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the "Kudos" button.

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    Try changing the wireless settings on the router such as ........
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    Wide Channel  6
    Standard channel  11
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    Took a while to sort out because I was not familiar with what a HEX key was...so, thought I would pass on a few more details.
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    Hi, this seems like a very annoying problem. Unfortunatly, the community will need some more information to help assist you with this problem. Such as:
    1) What programs? Are they resource intensive? I mean, if you are trying to run 4 video games or programs like photoshop and 3dsmax forget about it. And if you have 4 programs ALL attempting to write large amounts to the disk it will yeild a similar result. Usually large amounts of I/O are murder on PC's (by which I mean personal computers...), and of course if you don't have enough RAM its a moot point. 
    2) What are your specs? How much RAM do you have? What is the size of your virtual memory (page file)?
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    I got a macbook for college and I had the same problem with connecting my Wii to the macbook's connection. But lo and behold, the internet's a wonderful place! I tried this out (http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20070514152251515) and it worked! I'm not sure about the powerbook bit though, sorry. Hope it works for you too.

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    Thanks in advance,

    To gain Internet access for the MacBook Pro, you will either need your own Internet service provided by an ISP or access to another Wi-Fi network that has Internet service.
    Your MBP has a built-in wireless adapter, called an AirPort Extreme Card. This adapter is able to connect to just about any Wi-Fi network available today.
    If you opt to get your own Internet service, most ISPs will provide you as a minimum an Internet modem. Some also offer a wireless version of this device. For those that do not, you will also need an Internet router (wired or combination wired/wireless) in order for your MBP's wireless to connect.

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    hi migda4498,
    what seems to be the problem that you have?
    if you have problem connecting wii to your network, follow the instructions in this link

  • Connecting Wii to Internet

    Hello all,
    I have been trying to connect my Wii to the internet. However, I am at college and getting it connected wirelessly won't work. I bought a Rocketfish LAN adaptor but that still didn't work. I have been reading about people connecting the Wii to there computer with an Adaptor to get internet!? Will this work in my case? Or is there an adaptor I can get to hook into my wii and then in a ethernet outlet in my room?  Is there any ideas you can give me to help me connect my Wii to my schools internet?

    the wii has built-in wireless capabilities as I'm sure you are aware so there is no need for an ethernet cable. From the home page on your wii go to settings, network settings, choose network type (wireless) then it will scan for networks and chose the one your dorm is connected to. Then test the connection. It may run through the settings for the network in which case just go with the defaults. If this still doesn't work, it's probably because your campus has safety features for their internet that are preventing you from using the internet on the wii in which case you will need to contact your resnet team and they will be able to figure it out.

  • Plz help!  My Wii made me lose my internet!

    So I basically epic failed at trying to connect my Nintendo Wii to my airport. What happened was I opened Airport Utility and attempted to add the "MAC Address" from my Wii to the airport Utility. This is the first time I've really used Airport Utility and know generally nothing technical about the airport. All I know is that I've had working internet from the Airport Express for almost two years. So I added the MAC address (it is the only address there, if that makes a difference) and it was SUCCESSFUL! Then it said it need to restart the airport for it to work, and it was also successful. This is where the problem began. I closed Airport Utility and although my Mac can SEE my Verizon Network, it cannot see the Airport. I tried opening Airport Utility and scanning for the Airport and it can't find it AT ALL! I tried unplugging the Airport and plugging it back it...Nothing. And every time click on my internet service it has this crazy password saved that is about 20 or more characters, which doesn't work and neither does my original password. WHAT IN THE WORLD DID I DO? Can I fix it, even if my Mac can't find the airport? Or am I better off buying another airport?

    Cooleke, Welcome to the discussion area!
    Do a hard reset of the AirPort Express (AX). It will then return to factory settings.
    There is NO need to add the MAC address of the Wii to your AX. Once you did that and since it was the only one listed you told the AX to allow ONLY the Wii to connect wirelessly.

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