Wirless Help Desperately Needed!!!

Ok, I am not sure where to put this. My husband is stationed in the middle east and at his base you pay into internet and everyone uses wireless. Every other computer can stay connected for hours!! The Dells, the HP's everyone BUT the macs!! SO, how can I boost wireless signal from his computer WITH OUT attaching anything to the base of the router or anything. Is there some kind of antenna that can stick on a wall near him or on his computer or something? I have read some of the questions on here similiar but honestly, I am LOST at computers. Especially MAC's. When answering please be specific as to what I'm looking for because when I got to these listed websites I see antennas and get very confused!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

One option, albeit not an inexpensive one, is to use a transceiver. Since you didn't specify which Mac he has, I won't be able to be more specific to which one(s), from this particular site, will work with his.

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    Change the backup location of a personal folder to any other drive apart from J:\drive as it doesn’t exist in your computer.
    To change the backup location of a personal folder file:-
    1. On the File menu, click Backup.
    2. Click Options.
    3. In the Backup these personal folders files list, click the file you want to change the backup location for, and then change the location in
    the Backup the file selected above to this location box.
    4. Click OK.
    5. Click Save Backup.
    I hope the information is helpful.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
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    Google "iPhone recovery mode".

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    You need to buy a Mac OS X 10.6 DVD, install it, and run the 10.6.8 combo updater. Mac OS X 10.6 requires a Mac with an Intel CPU and at least 1GB of RAM.

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    Thanks so much in advance. I will keep searching for answers in the meantime.
    Mike (PLEASE HELP)

    If your library was working on your computer and then popped up empty all of a sudden then this might be what you need...
    Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash
    Hopefully it's not been too long since you last upgraded iTunes, in fact if you get an empty/incomplete library immediately after upgrading then with the following steps you shouldn't lose a thing or need to do any further housekeeping. In the Previous iTunes Libraries folder should be a number of dated iTunes Library files. Take the most recent of these and copy it into the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library.itl as iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl and then rename the restored file as iTunes Library.itl. Start iTunes. Should all be good, bar any recent additions to or deletions from your library.
    See iTunes Folder Watch for a tool to catch up with any changes since the backup file was created.
    When you get it all working make a backup!

  • Design Help Desperately Needed

    Hi everyone, Im still here waiting for someone to help me out. Im really desperate, keeping my job depends on getting this right.
    My main web page is here www.domesticcontractprofessionals.ca to give you an idea of what Im asking help for.
    ...In the header file there are several pics. Beside the pics there are scroll over buttons. Id like the first button, that says domestic contract, open when the page loads. Thats all, I just need to to be open until someone scrolls over the other.
    Thanks so much for whoever helps me out here. You have no idea how grateful I am.
    File can be found here...
    Im a beginner so please walk me through this one if you can. Much appreciated.

    The easiest thing I can tell you is to publish your flash
    with an html page and then either copy the code from that page and
    paste it into your html page or modify the page created by flash.
    What’s happening is if you use the “insert flash
    object” button in dreamweaver it is using an older embed code
    without the parameters that links the AC_RunActiveContent.js that
    your flash piece is apparently looking for (I’m guessing
    it’s created in CS3).
    Hope that helps.

  • Help desperately needed. DVD project won't complete burn...

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    This is driving me absolutely crazy! I need this burned asap so your kind help would be hugely appreciated

    Mylenium wrote:
    Does the Check Project throw any warnings? Not even folders or images being created would point to something more serious. Also try a manual transcode and menu render before initializing the build. It may either resolve the issue or at least give a more meaningful error.
    Thanks for that.
    In response to your questions, there are no project errors and I have rendered the full project. The preview is also absolutely fine.
    How do I manually transcode? When I bring down the file menu the transcode options are greyed out so I am unable to click on them.
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    I would really appreciate if you could suggest a solution as I need to have this project on DVD asap and need 6 copies...
    Thanks for your response.

  • Help desperately needed RE: tables. Anyone help! (CS3)

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    As you can see each page of this document is made up with tables...the page you see is currently the last page (I have removed the copy from the table)
    What I need to do is add more peoples details and photos into the document on various pages (so everyone will shift down 1 row each time....My problem is that I have no idea how they made the table so that it has the 2 different sized rows (there is a small row to seperate each photo- how is that created?. Also I cannot figure out how to shift all the peoples details down one so that I can fit in a new person. I cannot seem to extend the table so that it continues onto the new pages.
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    Help, im getting desperate!
    Thank you.

    Then, (a) click on the red squared plus sign to 'load' your cursor with text. (b) Move over to the top of the next page, near the place where you want to start the new text block. (c) Click, release. The page fills with the continuing story, containing the table.
    Next, inserting rows. (Remember,
    i breathe
    Put the text cursor anywhere inside the table -- just above or below the place where you want to insert a row is good. Then select the Table menu, then Insert, then Row. Enter "2" for the number of rows, and select either Above or Below (depending on where your cursor was). OK'ing this puts 2 new rows into the table, with the same height as the one you were standing on.
    Next, making them rows big and/or small. (Still remembering to breathe, are you?)
    Move the mouse right over the left of the table, on the row you want to resize -- the cursor should change into a big fat right pointing angle. Now click, and the entire row is selected. Go to the Table menu, choose Cell Options (sorry -- I didn't make that one up), then choose Rows and Columns. In the dialog that appears, you can set the row height -- an "At least" value or -- probably used here -- an "Exactly" value; never mind that 'maximum'. How do you know what value to enter? Simply select a 'good' row and do the same to see what's there.

  • Help desperately needed  w/ Spry/XML thing

    I am in dire need of help. I altered the products demo from
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    click on an item in the list, and the image changes. I have that
    working fine. I then created a forward and backward button so you
    could scroll through the images that way. And that works fine.
    However, even though the image changes, I can't figure out how to
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    and click my forward arrow, the image will change to the Adobe
    picture, but the navigation on the left still has Atari Lucasfilm
    Here is a link to the website
    Here is a link to the xml
    And here is a link to the javascript
    Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

    The only reason I have the gallery.js included at all is
    because I am a massive javascript novice who has no idea how to
    create a button that would go to the next/previous image. Therefore
    I went to the gallery demo and pretty much copied the
    <a href="#" onclick="StopSlideShow();
    AdvanceToNextImage();" title="Next">
    I figured I would need to attach the javascript file that
    went with the gallery demo in order to make that work. I'm not sure
    what errors it created. I used Firebug, but couldn't quite figure
    it out.
    If there is an easier way to create a forward button that
    would advance to the next image AND have the proper item
    highlighted in the left navigation, please please please let me
    know. Like I said, I am not very familiar with javascript, and am
    on a deadline and trying really hard to figure out a bunch of stuff
    and pretty much knocking my head against the wall.
    Thank you for your help!
    Once again, here is the website
    Here is a link to the website
    Here is a link to the xml
    And here is a link to the javascript (which is probably not
    what I should be using)

  • Band matrix - help desperately needed

    I hope someone can help me with the following problem.
    I have to store a band matrix in a linear array.
    The band matrix is m*m, e.g.
    5 7 0 0 0 0
    5 8 4 0 0 0
    0 1 3 9 0 0
    0 0 4 5 4 0
    0 0 0 3 6 1
    0 0 0 0 7 3
    My first try was to store all non-zero values, which didn't work because the band matrix could contain 0 values.
    My next try is to first store the first row (5, 7) in the linear array, then use a for loop for the rows containing 3 values and again store the last row seperately.
    I would appreciate any better suggestions as i am not happy with my solution.
    thank you very much for your help.

    okay, this is the code i have written so far:
         //store sparse band matrix in linear array
         public int [] bandSparse(int [][] m)
              //test if array is n*n
              if (!matrixDimTest(m))
                   throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matrix not n x n");
                   int count = 0; //counter for linear array
                   //create a linear array using formula L = 3j - 2
                   int [] linArr = new int[3 * m.length - 2];
                   //store sparse triangular matrix in linear array
                   //firstly store first and last row
                   int lastLength = m.length; //needed to find elements of last row
                   int linLength = 3 * m.length - 3; //needed to store last elements in linear array
                   for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++)
                        //store elements of first row in first two places of linear array
                        m[0][a] = linArr[count];
                        //store elements of last row in last two places of linear array
                        m[m.length][length] = linArr[linLength];
                   //store the rest of the band matrix in the linear array
                   int startPos; //starting position of column for elements to store
                   //subtract 2 from length of array because first and last row were handled seperately
                   for (int row = 1; row < m.length - 2; row++)
                        for (int b = 0; b < 3; b++)
                             m[row][startPos] = linArr[count];
              return linArr;     
         }but i don't want to do it this way because it is very simple.
    i know there must be an easier way of programming this problem, but i can't think of it.

  • Help Desperately Needed to restore Photoshop 10 catalog to Windows 8 computer and PSE 11

    I am trying to backup my Photoshop Elements 10 catalog from my old computer running Windows 7 and restore to my new computer running Windows 8 and Photoshop Elements 11.  I reconnected missing files, optimized and repaired the catalog, then repaired and re-indexed visual similarity date.  I backed up to the hard drive on the old computer, copied the files to the external hard drive, copies the files from the external hard drive to the desktop of the new computer.  From there I opened PSE 11 organizer and tried to restore.  When the restore is almost complete I get the following error: "error encountered while restoring.  It's recommended that you contact the disc drive manufacturer and upgrade to the latest available firmware for your specific disc drive before trying again.".  I also had disabled the virus protection on both computers.  I have contacted the external hard drive manufacturer and they are confident the problem is not with the external hard drive.  I have spent countless hours on chat with Adobe Technical Chat.   I have done everything that has been suggested to fix the problem and I still get the same error message.   They referred me to their 800 number for paid technical support and I was on hold for a total of 4 1/2 hours and after being trransferred several times no one came back on the line to help.  I have an open case with them and they still have not returned my calls.   I even tried using the same backup catalog file and restored to another PC running Windows 7 (and Elements 10) and it worked.  Why can't I restore the catalog to Windows 8?   Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Please refer to following link:-
    http://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop-elements/kb/backup-restore-move-catal og-photoshop.html

  • RoboHelp 7 Help Desperately Needs Help

    I can't believe how drastically Adobe has RUINED RoboHelp's
    help system. I'm new to version 7 and have permanently lost view of
    my Table of Contents. It's not on the View menu. It's not on the
    Pod menu. It's not on a right-click menu, it's no where to be
    found. So I hit F1, hoping to connect to a searchable, indexed
    help. What do I get? A page with 0 information and 0 links.
    Adobe's lack of respect for technical writers is deep and
    profound if they do not even understand the basics of user
    assistance enough to maintain a good system in a user assistance
    development product. We've seen how they behave at tech writer
    conferences and how well they listen to feedback. Shame on you,
    Adobe. You care not for the end user! You have eyes but do not see,
    and ears but do not hear!
    By the way, I'm extremely experienced, fast, and would be
    willing to create an interactive searchable help system for Adobe,
    if they were to pay me. They wouldn't regret it.

    - "have permanently lost view of my Table of Contents"
    How so? It's permanently in the layout I have set up when I
    want the TOC. It's not in the layouts I have for other tasks. The
    point is the layout is now what I want which will not be the same
    as you. We can both have what we want and we can have different
    layouts for different tasks.
    - The online help.
    That is the Adobe standard so the RoboHelp team probably have
    no say in it. They do know our opinion of it and I believe they
    will make that known. The offline help is better but not beyond
    reproach. That too will be addressed.
    - Lack of respect. How they behave.
    I have encountered nothing but respect but then again I deal
    with them in a constructive way rather than going in guns blazing.
    What do you mean by how they behave?
    - Feedback
    Just because every bit of feedback does not get acted on
    immediately, does not mean you are not being listened to. Sometimes
    it's priorities, sometimes the views of others will conflict with
    yours. I do know though from speaking regularly to the RoboHelp
    team that they are working crazy hours to improve RH in line with
    the feedback they get.
    It may not yet be perfect but it's a big step forward and
    there's lots more to come.

  • Wireless help desperately needed!

    I have a laptop with wireless capabilties.  I don't have broadband, cable or DSL...I mostly use dial-up but when I go to a cafe/bookstore/wi-fi spot etc. I use wi-fi. I have AOL and on the sign in screen I always was given an optoin on how I wanted to connect to the internet:  home (dial up), broadband or TCP/IP connection.  When I wanted to use the wi-fi signal I would choose the TCP/IP option.   About two weeks ago that option disappeared and now I cannot connect to the internet using a wi-fi signal.  I do have a signal because my signal strength is "excellent" ,my signal speed is 54.0 Mpbs and my connection status is established...so what is the problem?  I have spoken with various AOL techs and while they have tried their best to help me no one has been able to help me. If it helps I use Windows XP, AOL 9.0 and have my own IP address.   I love my wi-fi connection to the internet but I don't know how to get it back!  Can someone please help me out?  Thanks!

    What do you mean when you say that you "have your own IP address"?   Did you set your computer to a fixed LAN IP address?  If so, what address did you use?   When did you set the computer to a fixed LAN IP address?  The same time your wi-fi went out?  Or perhaps, did your wi-fi go out when you tried to connect at a new wi-fi location?
     If you are using a fixed LAN IP address, you will only be able to connect to networks that use that same address range.  For example, if you set your computer to with a subnet mask of, you can probably connect to a Linksys router, since they usually use 192.168.1.x addresses.  But you will not be able to connect to a wi-fi router set to the 10.0.0.x address range, or to the 192.168.2.x address range, or to any other range other than 192.168.1.x
    Generally, to connect to wi-fi, you should set your computer to obtain a LAN IP address "automatically" from the "DHCP server".  The DHCP server is located in the wi-fi router.  With this setup, you can connect to the wireless router, regardless of what address range it uses.
    Message Edited by toomanydonuts on 03-05-200701:41 AM
    Message Edited by toomanydonuts on 03-05-200701:44 AM

  • Help Desperately Needed!!

    I have tried bringing my issue into the Adobe DPS Forum previously but have yet to recieve any kind of response. I have also phoned the Adobe helpline, but again cannot get through.
    The issue I am having is within the DPS App builder. I have developed and finished my folio and have now 'created the app'. I have set up all my licenses from Apple, as well as purchasing (my now second) Adobe Single Edition license.
    After I have added all the relevant details to the app builder, it doesn't let me download either the .ipa or .zip file, instead showing me the error message 'Sign in Failed, please try again'
    After doing my own research online, I found that I needed to remove all symbols or hypenations from the article titles/names. I have done this. Triple checked. Re-published the folio. Completed the entire process again - but still to no avail.
    As stated above, I have now purchased my second DPS Single Edition license and neither of them have worked. I really need this issue to be rectified so would appreciate a response as quickly as possible.

    Make sure your article/folio names does not contain any special characters. We were able to fix the "Sign in, please try again" error by removing all special charatcers in the folio/article names. Example of special characters are"&" "ö" "á" "()" etc
           Login to your dashboard (https://digitalpublishing.acrobat.com/welcome.html) and open the folio
           Click on the “List view” button to reveal the article names
           Change the articles names that contains any special characters as mentioned above
           Un-publish and Re-publish your folio
           Download the corrected folio and re-built your app, you should be able to download fine
    or PM me your login details for the dashboard and I can take a look at your articles names for you.

  • Help desperately needed - missing SMS icon - have tried EVERYTHING!

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.
    For no apparent reason, about a week ago the SMS icon on my BlackBerry Curve 8900 completely disappeared.  In addition, now when my phone boots up, a message appears stating ’Uncaught exception: java.lang.NullPointerException’
    I have tried finding a solution online, and have attempted to do all the suggested fixes including:
    - Pulling the battery out while phone is still on, and then reinserting
    - Using the ‘Show All’ option
    - Changing Themes
    - Choosing to SEPARATE in Messages options
    I can view some of my SMS messages by : Messages folder > View Folders > SMS Messages  However, many of my recent SMS messages are missing from here.  And when I send test SMS messages to that device from another phone, not all of them are received!  In addition – and MORE IMPORTANTLY (to me) – when I try to view my saved SMS messages by : Messages folder > View Folders > Saved Messages   only about 10 saved messages appear; when in fact there should be nearer 100!
    Without getting too sentimental, many of my saved SMS messages were from people who are unfortunately no longer in my life, and I want to be able to read them again.  I could not bear for them to be lost forever.  I really hope someone can help me with this.
    Thanks so much in advance for any help or advice you can offer – very gratefully received.

    The only way to get your SMS icon back is to reload your OS using BlackBerry Desktop Software. I can't guarantee you'll get all your messages back but at least you'll have the icon from which to view your messages.
    To reload your OS, plug your phone in to your PC and open BlackBerry Desktop Software. Once your phone has connected to the software, click Device at the top of the software then click Backup and Restore. Do a data backup. When the backup has been done, follow the same path I suggested but this time at Backup and Restore click Restore and load the backup file you just created. This will restore your SMS icon.
    Let us know if that helps you.  
    - If my response has helped you, please click "Options" beside my post and mark it as solved. Clicking the "thumbs up" icon near the bottom of my response would also be appreciated.

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