Workflow - Instantiate task programmatically

Hi all,
at design time of myworkflow i don't know the receivers of a certain task.
So i would like to know if it is possible to instantiate a task programmatically?
Or how can i handle this issue?
kind regards

Go through the following links for workflow:
Regarding Work Flow
check this links
For examples on WorkFlow...check the below link..
A good tutorial
a good book
Check the following PDF also:
also seach the workflow forum: SAP Business Workflow

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    <2009-03-18 14:43:51,765> <ERROR> <> <::> marshalle
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    This is the french speaking part of the forum, maybe you'd get better luck to obtain a good answer in the general section.
    To answer your question directly, I'd say check the options/parameters you're using because the error message clearly states that the way you're setting the physical channels / routing is not supported.
    Never used the C API so I can't really help you more than this.
    Hope this helps
    When my feet touch the ground each morning the devil thinks "bloody hell... He's up again!"

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    Does this article contain anything useful?

  • Some Users cannot Open Workflow Approval Task

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    According to your post, my understanding is that Some Users cannot Open Workflow Approval Task.
    I recommend that you can create a new list and workflow to check whether it works.
    Then use the user who get the error to open task.
    If he can open the task in the brower, the issue is related to the older list.
    Then you can use the new created list and assgin the task.
    Here is a similar thread for your reference:
    Linda Li                
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error when associating workflow with Task Content Type

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    I have looked up the error but find no real explination of what it means.  And I have associated global workflows with custom content types and never had this issue. 
    So what's going on?
    Thanks in advance for your time. Steven

    Hi ,
    I understand that when you bind the workflow to Tasks content type, there is an error. I can reproduce this error. This is because we cannot add a reusable workflow to a workflow tasks content type. When you add the reusable workflow to the Tasks content
    type, you must have checked the ‘Add this workflow to all content types that inherit from this content type’. In this way, the workflow will be added to all the Tasks content type and workflowtasks content type. There will an error. After you close the error
    message, the workflow is added to the Tasks content type.
    The workaround is the check No to ‘Add this workflow to all content types that inherit from this content type’.
    Entan Ming
    Entan Ming
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to format the Workflow standard task description

    Hi experts,
    I am trying to put an SAP icon in the Workflow standard task description. But it is not appearing.
    Also, is there any way to change the color and font of the text entered in the the description of the standard task?
    To put an icon, i am following the steps mentioned below:-
    then I am choosing a particular Icon, and its corresponding code comes in the editor, <718> in this case.
    But the output does not show any Icon.
    Please advice.

    Hi argadip,
    Please help me tooo...
    Task has been transported from develpment client to another client for integration testing.
    in the shopping cart advice product has been created by the employee.
    then it goes to advisor for the approval
    This has been done by the workflow.
    It is implemented in both dutch and english.
    English - it is working fine.
    Dutch - the task is not defined.(the code is missing)
    after transporting , we did changes in the task created for implementing this approval description.
    It was working fine in both dutch and english.
    But the corrections in the code are there....
    only in the output After transported to another client dutch part approval description is not correct some part of it are missing
    Is the problem related to the transport or with the modifications of task defined ??
    Can anyone suggest me how to solve this problem.

  • Email:  Workflow and Task List Notification

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    - A *.jsp page that accepts two parameters 'Description / form name' and 'e-mail address' and the page then sends off an e-mail (Lotus Notes from WebLogic 9)
    - Workflow - although this inform task is not entity driven. Also the notifications are across plan types i.e. one cube enters in Information and then informs users of the second cube that figures are required - which we then import using xref.
    Any advice would be much appreciated. I know it can be done, I am just looking for the easiest way to implement this using standard planning functionality where possible.
    Kind Regards,
    Edited by: user11212320 on Sep 21, 2010 10:32 AM
    Edited by: user11212320 on Sep 21, 2010 10:36 AM

    The default email solutions in planning are using workflow or task lists, though the task lists are based on due dates.
    If you wanted a solution where an email is sent out when a task list is complete, then one route could be to have a business rule attached to a task list and then the business rule uses a custom CDF to send out email notication.
    If you are interested in sending emails from business rules then I did write a blog on the subject a while back.

  • SRM Workflow Admin Task..

    Hello Friends,
      Can you please give me full picture of workflow admin task.. What are the will handle by SRM Workflow Admin.
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    can you please give as much as inputs please..

    <u>Please refer to these useful links.</u>
    Hope this will help.
    Please reward suitable points, incase it suits your requirements.
    - Atul

  • How can I display a SP 2010 out of the box workflow's task assignees via powershell?

    There are days where one of the 250+ workflows at the site has attempted to send email to someone no longer at the company.
    I would like to find a way to go through the farm and display all the list URLs that have workflows, and the mail addresses associated to the workflows.
    This way I can track down the workflows that need to be updated to remove the missing users.
    I have started a bit of script to do this. In my script, I just had a site collection - I figured that if I can get that to work, then surely wrapping another loop for the rest of the farm won't be bad. 
    However, for some reason, I am not seeing the output that I expected to show the mail addresses.
    I am hoping a different set of eyes might see what I am missing. It was my understanding that the AssociationData property was XML that contained information about the assignees for tasks, the carbon copy list, etc.
    Maybe I misunderstood something that I read?
    $outLoc = "d:\temp\wfdata.txt"
    $web = Get-SPWeb -Identity "http://myfarm/sites/it/"
    foreach ($list in $web.Lists)
     foreach ($association in $associationColl)
           $association.AssociationData | Out-File $outLoc
    I want to thank you for the helpful tips that so often appear on this list. They help me when I am reading over old threads to figure out what to do. I am hoping that tips on this thread will likewise be helpful.

    SPWorkflowAssociation.AssociationData property, we can get the assignees’ information. Your script can
    be able to retrieve a XML format data which contains the user name we need:
    So the next step would be getting the user name by parsing the XML data we got.
    The two links below will show how to parse XML with PowerShell:
    With the user name, we can get the
    Email property of an user with the scripts as the link below provided:  
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Some fields are missing in Current Task - Designer Workflow Approval Task Process

    Hi All,
           I am using approval task process activity in designer workflow. When i go to the single task behaviour page, some fields are missing under Current Task Source.
    Some missing fields are :
    1. Assigned To
    2.External participants
    3. Form Urn
    I am trying to get the above fields but not available. What could be the issue?
    Puli Bala

    Hi Puli,
    I think your task list is corrupted, could you please try to associate your workflow to another task list in SharePoint Designer > Click Workflows on left navigation > Click to open your workflow > Under Settings section, select another task
    list and test.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Emir Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to convert a workflow background task into a  general task ??

    Dear Experts ,
    I am working om std SAP workflow for invoice document parking :
    I have done the following activities :
    1. Activate Work flow Template for Document Completion
        Here i activated the event   "Complete the Parked Log. IV Document"--> Incoming Invoice Document Parked. It is showing      a  green traffic light .
    In agent assignment
    Complete the Parked Log. IV Document>Complete the Parked Log. IV Document>Complete the Parked Invoice--> i have assigned  the user MMCONFIG
    2. In Define Release Criteria  i have the following settings :
       1000          H Credit     0.01     INR     US     MMCONFIG
       1000          S Debit     0.01     INR     US     MMCONFIG
    3. In Activate Workflow Template for Release for Posting
      Here i activated the event Incoming Invoice Complete: ReleaseRel  & i m getting a green traffic light .
    In assign agents  i did the following
    Release the Completed Log. IV Document>Release the Completed Log. IV Document>Release the Completed Log. IV Document  i assigned the user MMCONFIG
    In Invoice Parking: Approve Release i assigned the user MMCONFIG .
    For Invoice Parking: Release Invoice
    Now when do a MIR7 - Park invoice & save the invoice as complete i am getting a mail in the mail box of MMCONFIG saying :
    "Invoice Release 5105xxxxxxx 2009, Completed by MMCONFIG  "
    I go & release the same invoice .
    Then i executed MIRO & tried posting the released invoice . The sysem doesnt allow me 2 post the invoice .
    It automatically goes to MIR4 transaction & forces me to save as complete
    if i try to post it the system says "Parked document is release-relevant and cannot be posted"
    Pls tell me how can I post the invoice & IF MY SETTINGS FOR THE WORKFLOW IS OK ???
    Edited by: anis bazmi on Nov 6, 2009 9:08 AM

    Hi argadip,
    Please help me tooo...
    Task has been transported from develpment client to another client for integration testing.
    in the shopping cart advice product has been created by the employee.
    then it goes to advisor for the approval
    This has been done by the workflow.
    It is implemented in both dutch and english.
    English - it is working fine.
    Dutch - the task is not defined.(the code is missing)
    after transporting , we did changes in the task created for implementing this approval description.
    It was working fine in both dutch and english.
    But the corrections in the code are there....
    only in the output After transported to another client dutch part approval description is not correct some part of it are missing
    Is the problem related to the transport or with the modifications of task defined ??
    Can anyone suggest me how to solve this problem.

  • Need Help: Workflow Decision Task not visible in NWBC for customer Task

    Hello All,
    I am  new to NWBC configuration , need ur expert knowledge  for the below issue. I have checked the treat . Approve/Reject button for SRM Approval for RFx response ,but not able to get the exact steps for the configurations in NWBC.
         We are working on SLM/SRM module, where we have requirement to create a custom workflow with custom Task for which we have executed below actions.
    Created the Custom Workflow.
    Created the custom Task with custom  ZCLASS and ZEVET.
    Created   Event linkages in SWE2.
    After doing this we are getting the workitem in the NWBC, currently we don’t have the Portal system in place, so we are using the NWBC for all our testing.
    What is the issue?
         When we select the workitem in the NWBC (UML) inbox  , the Decision Task ie “Approve” or “Reject” button are not visible , where as for SAP standard  Task  buttons are visible.
    What help we need?
      When we cross check the SCN/IBM portal, found that we need to do the XML file configurations. Can you any one kindly let us know the steps we need to follow to achieve our functionality.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Thanks and Regards

    You need to share the details of what Inbox you are using, configuration steps depend on it. If you aren't using portal, you aren't using UWL and there is no UML inbox. You need to get your facts straight. Most likely you are using the Business Workflow Inbox (SWF_WORKPLACE) or the Lean Inbox (IBO_WDA_INBOX). Both are based on Web Dynpro ABAP and POWL but the configuration is different. Regardless, you posted this in the wrong space. Correct space is either SAP NetWeaver Business Client or Web Dynpro ABAP.

  • Workflow Created Tasks not showing up in My Tasks

    I'm relatively new to SharePoint and am having trouble with the My Tasks list in SharePoint 2013.  Tasks created manually in any task list show up in My Tasks as expected.  However, tasks that are created by a workflow using create item in list
    for that same list do not appear in My Tasks.
    This is true for both tasks assigned to a group and tasks assigned to a specific user.
    It has proven frustrating to attempt to google this issue.  
    Any suggestions?

    Hi briandoyle,
    Did this happen to all users that the tasks created by workflow aren't displayed in users' My Tasks in MySite?
    Have you run a full crawl from Search service application, and also check if creating a new task view with filter option include group, and the following posts should be useful you can check.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

  • CCMS Workflow Monitoring - Task

    I would like to see if we can use CCMS to monitor Workflow specifically the Task. Here is a sample Purchase Order Create scenario.
    1 - Purchase Order Create Request comes in (as interface) from PI to ECC.
    2 - Purchase Order created successfully (or failed) in ECC.
    3 - Upon successful (or fail) creation of Purchase Order in ECC, ABAP codes calls a function to raise an Event named "CREATED" under Business Object named "BUS2012" for "PurchaseOrderERPRequest_In_V1" service interface in ECC.
    4 - Workflow Engine in ECC acknowledges the event that was raised in step 3 and executes assigned Task ID "53800009" for that event which executes the Class named "CL_SE_PUR_PO_WF_OUT" which is basically going to send out Purchase Order Create Acknowledgment message (as interface) back to PI so that PI knows PO has been successfully created (or failed) in ECC.
    The monitoring gap we have today is when Task ID fails, it does not send out Acknowledgment message back to PI which can cause a problem. We want to be able to monitor the execution of Task ID with CCMS if this is possible via CCMS.
    Can this (monitoring Workflow Task via CCMS) be done with CCMS?

    Hi dev,
    the Iuser has the permissons of the databaseowner. but the error occures again.
    @dev that is the error-message
    The page cannot be displayed
    There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.
    Please try the following:
    Open the localhost home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
    Click the  Refresh button, or try again later.
    Click  Search to look for information on the Internet.
    You can also see a list of related sites.
    HTTP 500 - Internal server error
    Internet Explorer
    Edited by: Dirk Eberle on Jan 25, 2008 9:34 AM

  • Cannot update due date in SharePoint 2010 Approvel Workflow generated Task

    Wondering why due date cannot be changed by users with List permissions on a Task which was generated from the built-in Approval workflow.
    I can have the workflow set the initial due date. The business process dictates that at times the due date need to be updated on the Task before they are completed (shift to the right or whatever).
    The column settings for the due date field do not seem to be set as read only??? why can the not be updated by users/admins?
    If the due date must be updated by a workflow how can a workflow be manually be an administrator business process feature?
    BTW...this project mandates that all processes are run with OOB settings (codeless).
    Ok, found the answer to this on another post: click on the workflow status field of the workflow that generated the tasks. Then click "Add or update assignees". Very nice!

    Thank you for sharing this with us!
    Beside the way you mentioned, you can also try to reassign the task from the task list directly. Thus you can enter a new duration for this task and SharePoint will generate a new task.
    Pengyu Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

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