Workshop extension: JavaDocument problem

I'm developing extension for Workshop Web Service Java Control.
In getExtensionFileContent() method I want to read the generated control java class, to parse it and to do something with this data.
For example I need to know the return type of the methods of this class.
I'm usin following code :
// tahke the file source from somewhere (file system for example
File file = new File("C:\\bea\\");
JavaDocument jcx = (JavaDocument)DocumentSvc.get().getDocument(file .toURI());
JavaClass myClass = jcx.getMainClass();
List methodsList = myClass.getChildrenByClass(JavaMethod.class);
for (int i = 0; i < methodsList.size(); i++) {
JavaMethod javaMethod = (JavaMethod) methodsList.get(i);
String name = javaMethod.getName();
String type = javaMethod.getType();
The input class is as following :
public class MyClass
     com.mycompany.MyReturnType myFunction() {
return null;
the class com.mycompany.MyReturnType is in the classpath.
When I invoke this code I get the string "<error> in type variable from above.
Does anybody know what is the problem and how to solve it?
Thanks a lot.

I'm developing extension for Workshop Web Service Java Control.
In getExtensionFileContent() method I want to read the generated control java class, to parse it and to do something with this data.
For example I need to know the return type of the methods of this class.
I'm usin following code :
// tahke the file source from somewhere (file system for example
File file = new File("C:\\bea\\");
JavaDocument jcx = (JavaDocument)DocumentSvc.get().getDocument(file .toURI());
JavaClass myClass = jcx.getMainClass();
List methodsList = myClass.getChildrenByClass(JavaMethod.class);
for (int i = 0; i < methodsList.size(); i++) {
JavaMethod javaMethod = (JavaMethod) methodsList.get(i);
String name = javaMethod.getName();
String type = javaMethod.getType();
The input class is as following :
public class MyClass
     com.mycompany.MyReturnType myFunction() {
return null;
the class com.mycompany.MyReturnType is in the classpath.
When I invoke this code I get the string "<error> in type variable from above.
Does anybody know what is the problem and how to solve it?
Thanks a lot.

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    You have:
    <a href="nyhavn.jpg" title="Nyhavn, heritage harbour and a popular
    place to go for dinner or a drink.">
    <img src="nyhavn_s.jpg" width="72" height="73" alt="" /> </a>
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    place to go for dinner or a drink.">
    <img src="nyhavn_s.jpg" rel="lightbox" width="72" height="73" alt="" /> </a>
    On closer inspection, if you look at your  "scripts/lightbox.js"
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    Connector = PCD
    Installed: 0
    Running: 0
    Path = /Applications/Adobe Extension Manager CS6/Adobe Extension Manager
    Display Name = Adobe Extension Manager CS6
    MsgAuthentication = ON
    MsgDigest = ON
    ESTK = OFF
    BundleID = com.adobe.exman
    Status = (not running)
    ExeName = Adobe Extension Manager
    Path = /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.7/Adobe Flash Builder
    Display Name = Adobe Flash Builder 4.7
    MsgAuthentication = ON
    MsgDigest = ON
    ESTK = OFF
    Status = (not running)
    ExeName = Adobe Flash Builder
    Installed: 2
    Running: 0
    Groups = (no groups defined)

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    This issue was argued down to skeletal remains in beta and after. Adobe finally rlented somewhat and allowed the importation of files with same name and the RAW and jpeg extensions, because for one good reason some cameras produce both and some shooters utilize both for differring purposes.
    I will disagree with your reading of what is standard. That MS's stupid explorer or anything else won't show extensions is immaterial. First, anyone wanting to work at any speed and efficiency will be using something like Total Commander instead of Explorer, and it and virtually every other app I own shows extensions and treats files with the same name but differing extensions as unique files unto themselves--as it should be.
    After all it is digital data in the file that is unique. The extension is a tag to tell you and the computor how to deal with that data. The content is not identical, and therefore it ought not be treated as if it were by any application.
    Anyone with an interest in wasting several hours can trace the arduous wailing at the LR team to treat the extension as part of a unique name. As I said bdefore, they did make some concessions. Hopefully, they will go the whole distance soon.

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    Back up all data. Don't continue unless you're sure you can restore from a backup, even if you're unable to log in.
    This procedure will unlock all your user files (not system files) and reset their ownership and access-control lists to the default. If you've set special values for those attributes on any of your files, they will be reverted. In that case, either stop here, or be prepared to recreate the settings if necessary. Do so only after verifying that those settings didn't cause the problem. If none of this is meaningful to you, you don't need to worry about it.
    Step 1
    If you have more than one user account, and the one in question is not an administrator account, then temporarily promote it to administrator status in the Users & Groups preference pane. To do that, unlock the preference pane using the credentials of an administrator, check the box marked Allow user to administer this computer, then reboot. You can demote the problem account back to standard status when this step has been completed.
    Triple-click the following line to select it. Copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C):
    { sudo chflags -R nouchg,nouappnd ~ $TMPDIR.. ; sudo chown -R $UID:staff ~ $_ ; sudo chmod -R u+rwX ~ $_ ; chmod -R -N ~ $_ ; } 2> /dev/null
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V). You'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before you can run the command. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    The command will take a noticeable amount of time to run. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign (“$”) to appear, then quit Terminal.
    Step 2 (optional)
    Step 1 should give you usable permissions in your home folder. This step will restore special attributes set by OS X on some user folders to protect them from unintended deletion or renaming. You can skip this step if you don't consider that protection to be necessary, and if everything is working as expected after step 1.
    Boot into Recovery by holding down the key combination command-R at startup. Release the keys when you see a gray screen with a spinning dial.
    When the OS X Utilities screen appears, select
    Utilities ▹ Terminal
    from the menu bar. A Terminal window will open.
    In the Terminal window, type this:
    Press the tab key. The partial command you typed will automatically be completed to this:
    Press return. A Reset Password window will open. You’re not  going to reset a password.
    Select your boot volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Under Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs, click the Reset button.
     ▹ Restart
    from the menu bar.

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    same here in spain.
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    I can confirm that its not this network at fault nor any of my public IP's. 

  • Workshop 8.1 Problem

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    We've been able to do this in setDomainEnv.cmd for our server startup, in our build files for compilation, but for Workshop and the debugger, it appears that the way things are configured, there is no way to reconfigure the default server classpath for an Application/Domain.
    For example if you right click on an application in Workshop and go to "Properties" you'll see a message at the bottom of the "WebLogic Server" tab that says "If you have added any jars to your server's classpath, add them here as well. Note that this is the IDE's view of additions to the server classpath. Changes do not affect the server itself."
    Adding the JAR I need here does not affect the default server classpath ordering at all. I see how these options are just dumped into the root domain directory in a file, but the Default Server Path is not specified there. Where is that coming from?
    I know in certain parts of Eclipse dealing with paths you can prepend parts to paths. That's what we need to do, essentially. Anyone know how to do this?
    Thanks for any help!

    Can you open a support case on this?
    Chris Wash wrote:
    We've run into a problem with javax.xml.namespace.QName versions -- there is a version of this file in weblogic.jar and the problem is that we need to float the newer implementation (used by Axis2) higher on the classpath than weblogic.jar;
    We've been able to do this in setDomainEnv.cmd for our server startup, in our build files for compilation, but for Workshop and the debugger, it appears that the way things are configured, there is no way to reconfigure the default server classpath for an Application/Domain.
    For example if you right click on an application in Workshop and go to "Properties" you'll see a message at the bottom of the "WebLogic Server" tab that says "If you have added any jars to your server's classpath, add them here as well. Note that this is the IDE's view of additions to the server classpath. Changes do not affect the server itself."
    Adding the JAR I need here does not affect the default server classpath ordering at all. I see how these options are just dumped into the root domain directory in a file, but the Default Server Path is not specified there. Where is that coming from?
    I know in certain parts of Eclipse dealing with paths you can prepend parts to paths. That's what we need to do, essentially. Anyone know how to do this?
    Thanks for any help!

  • Extension manager problem

    I'm a newbie at this. Just downloaded extension manager. Then
    open it to go to exchange and downloaded a plug in.
    Plug in is on hard drive, but not in extension manager.
    Suggestions? F!/Help in extension manager doesn't work.

    I'm running Flash 8 with the corresponding extension manager,
    buut I think I solved my problem. I had the Flash 9 Beta installed
    and once I removed that, eveything went back to normal.

  • Extension Manager problems

    I've seen a couple of other messages here about this problem,
    but no one has ever answered. Since upgrading to Studio 8, I've
    noticed that Extension Manager requires that each app (Flash,
    Dreamweaver, etc.) be running before it can see it and therefore
    install an extension. Is this normal behavior now? It certainly
    wasn't the case in MX2004. I also remember in the past that
    installing an extension while an app was running could cause

    I can easily install extensions with only the Extension
    Manager open in
    Studio 8. Are you saying the app isn't showing up in the
    dropdown of the
    EM? Did you install Studio 8 apps in their default locations?
    Nancy Gill
    Adobe Community Expert
    Author: Dreamweaver 8 e-book for the DMX Zone
    Co-Author: Dreamweaver MX: Instant Troubleshooter (August,
    Technical Editor: DMX 2004: The Complete Reference, DMX 2004:
    A Beginner's
    Guide, Mastering Macromedia Contribute
    Technical Reviewer: Dynamic Dreamweaver MX/DMX: Advanced PHP
    Web Development
    "sebrame" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e3nl8i$m0u$[email protected]..
    > I've seen a couple of other messages here about this
    problem, but no one
    > has
    > ever answered. Since upgrading to Studio 8, I've noticed
    that Extension
    > Manager
    > requires that each app (Flash, Dreamweaver, etc.) be
    running before it can
    > see
    > it and therefore install an extension. Is this normal
    behavior now? It
    > certainly wasn't the case in MX2004. I also remember in
    the past that
    > installing an extension while an app was running could
    cause problems?

  • Workshop 6U2 debug problem

    After debugging for a while the dbx shell that workshop uses becomes unstable. I have to restart the whole environment
    This also is produced on the console:
    workshop: warning: MsgSnd::snd_via(): no socket -- msg 'DBX_KSH_CMD' dropped
    Has anyone got a workaround for this ?

    This error message means that the dbx binary running inside
    workshop is crashing. If you can go to the machine where
    the tool is running, and copy the /tmp/core file and
    compress it and then mail it to me ([email protected])
    then I'll file a bug for you.
    You can check the core file to make sure it's from dbx:
    % file /tmp/core
    /tmp/core:     ELF 32-bit MSB core file SPARC Version 1, from 'dbx'
    The output should look something like that.
    Also, if you have more questions or problems related
    to the debugging tools there is now a separate forum
    just for topics related to the debugging tools.

  • Extensions Instalation problems

    Hi All.
    I am struggling. I am trying to install some extensions using Extension Manager. Download is ok, then after I accept terms and conditions it spits out: "You do not have the appropriate permissions to perform this operation. Contact your system administrator to obtain permission". I am tearing my hair out as I am the only user on my computer, account is set up as Administrators. It is Win7 32bit I am running. Anyone knows how to fix it?
    Also when I launch Fireworks similar message appears. I have to go to task manager and End Task so it disappears and then Firework launch ok.
    Hope you can help me.

    Just to add it is a CS5 Web Premium problem.

  • Extension installation problem

    When i try to install the extentsion I will accept the terms but I then get a message that say the file does not have a valid signature.

    I have the same problem, as well.
    This is a fresh install of CS6- I just installed it a few minutes ago. I also installed all available updates (installed via cd).
    Pity, I'd been looking forward to trying LevelUp out!
    After some googling, I found a way that managed to get LevelUp installed!
    Download Adobe Exchange ( and install it in the Extension Manager.
    Window>Extensions>Adobe Exchange to open the Adobe Exchange window in Photoshop.
    Search "LevelUp". The LevelUp extension should appear. Click it, and click on the "Free" button to download it.
    Adobe Extension Manager should then open up and start installing the extension. You may need to provide administrative privileges.
    Restart Photoshop.
    Window>Extensions>LevelUp for Photoshop and the extension should open up!

Maybe you are looking for

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