Wow update screwed up iPod great

This may be the last Apple product I buy.
I was holding off to update my iPod touch because it seems every release there is a problem.  Something screwing up battery life or another major problem.
Well I decided to update it.
It takes 15 minutes to download then takes another 10 to attempt to install.
Finishes installing...  The iPod cannot be updated.
iPod restarts with the iTunes + USB logo.
Now it says it has to restore my iPod.
All songs, all playlists, and PHOTOS I NEED will be deleted if I restore.
Honestly can't believe this crap.
Anyway to get off my playlists and photos?  I NEED the photos espicially.

You updated your ipod without importing all pics to your comptuer first?  Why would you do this? 
Did you also fail to transfer all purchases befoire updating? Why?
You should never update without making sure that everything is on your computer first.  Same as with any computer, device.
Buying a different product will not help if you do not do the basics.

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    this is the problem that many users encounter.
    after you disconnect, then reset by holding menu&select and immediately thereafter enter disc mode by pressing play&select you should be able to reset with itunes.
    if you haven't updated to 1.0.1 before you need the corresponding update-files (from a mac-user) to force itunes to go back to 1.0.1

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    - A reset. Nothing is lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod
    To allow a restore you may have to place the iPod in Recovery mode.
    Also, if you can't turn the iPod fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for at least an hour try a reset, and restore.

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    ITunes can't read your iPod:
    You can reset your iPod, if you like. Press and hold the MENU and CENTER buttons - at the same time - until you see the Apple logo, this should take about 6 seconds. You want to do this while your iPod is plugged into your computer.

  • Cannot update or eject Ipod using Itunes 7.

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    I am posting a possible solution to all these problems I and so many of you have said you've experienced. I think I had two things working against me:
    1) I did not have a 2.0 USB port when trying to update my ipod to version 1.2. I think this effected the connection and iTunes ability to recognize my iPod.
    Anyway, I put in a new USB 2.0 card in my computer, giving me new ports off the mother board, and my connection and update worked.
    2) I was not giving it enough time. After I installed the USB card and everything I tried to update my iPod a couple of times, but still had a long slow stall that I did not wait through. I kept at it though and a few days later I set it up to update and left to go out to dinner. Hours late I came back and found things different. I used windows to disconnect my iPod and then noticed a dark "working" bar on my iPod. It was finally updating the device. I waited a while unitl it was finished and then diconnected and ever since then I've got version 1.2 on the iPod and things are working better.
    So, my advice: check your USB ports and then give it a few hours.
    I really hope this works for you. I worked on this problem for two months and I'm so glad it finally came through. I wish Apple would post some more resolutions that are better than mine.
    Good luck,

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    Thanks Kappy.
    I followed this technique on my third re-installation with no success. I did it a fourth time, and instead of running the unified 10.5.8 update, I ran each of the 10.5.x updates individually. (10..5.1 followed by 10.5.2 etc.) This frustrating and time-consuming work-around seemed not to replicate the problem again, and I've been running happily for 2 weeks since.
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    iTunes has detected an iPod in recovery mode.  You must restore this iPod before it can be used with iTunes.
    The iPod only displays a USB cable with an arrow pointing to an iTunes logo.
    I receive a "Are you sure..." message with the 2 options, one to Restore and Update and the other to Cancel.
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    After the download is complete no update occurs to the iPod and iTunes displays the Device Summary screen showing derive Name as iPod and all other items as n/a.
    The iPod was working great without any known issues prior to attempting to update the OS.

    iTunes for Windows: iTunes cannot contact the iPhone, iPad, or iPod software update server
    Unable to contact the iOS software update server
    Error 1004, 1013, 1638, 3194: These errors may be the result of the connection to being redirected or blocked. Follow these steps to resolve these errors:
    Install the latest version of iTunes.
    Check security software. Ensure that communication to is allowed. Follow this article for assistance with security software. iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting security software issues.
    Check the hosts file. The restore will fail if there is an active entry to redirect Follow iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting to edit the hosts file or revert to a default hosts file. See section "Blocked by configuration: (Mac OS X/Windows) > Rebuild network information".
    Try to restore from another known-good computer and network.
    If the errors persist on another computer, the device may need service.

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    Could I please make one thing clear, I am not prepared to turn this into a "slanging" match. The comments I made are valid comments and I have in no way insulted anybody in this discussion and would appreciate the same.
    Firstly my comments of "I'm sure that Apple would be able to bring an update to 5th gen ipods to include the new and exciting features they have announced?" it is a simple comment, of which you have questioned in a manner to which I'm not sure; why you have done so? Are people out there saying it is in no way possible to roll back these great features to the 5th gen ipods? The human race have completed many amazing feets, but I guess cover flow on a 5th gen ipod is just a step too far?
    Your crued observation of me using the word rhetorical is confusing to say the very least. A rhetorical question is one you already know the answer too, therefore it may be viewed as a question but is in fact a statement.
    The third comment, i will agree with you upon. I have jumped to a conclusion, but, for what other reason would Apple not roll these exciting features onto the 5th gen ipods for, other than; they want you to buy the new ipods? Which in itself validates my point, I do not feel the need to own 2 large storage devices.
    4th comment, "I would certainly never defend bad support. However, Apple has provided excellent support. Your whining is completely unrelated to support". Very constructive!
    Finally the 5th comment. I will repeat my self:
    "The human race have completed many amazing feets, but I guess cover flow on a 5th gen ipod is just a step too far?"
    At no point have I confessed to being an ipod software creator, but I'm sure the lovely people at Apple could perform this feet........if they wanted too?

  • Restore Screws up Ipod

    Ok, so my friends ipod was busted, turns out the Hard Drive died, so i had an extra from a dead ipod i picked up and put in there, it worked, well, i wanted to do a restore so all the old music from the dead one wasn't on there and it was like a new ipod to my friend, however, when i plugged it into my ibook, and did restore, it came up with an error, spit it out of itunes, and now goes into an endless loop of "apple screen-hard drive shutoff, apple screen-ipod shutoff" never stops unless i break it open and take the battery out. Someone help me. The hard drive seemed in very good condition. I have not updated my personal ipod 5G 30GB in a long time and am very afraid to at this point. If this update screwed up my friends ipod, i think apple owes us a new one. I love apple, but this is just really making me very mad.

    Well, I would recommend that you remove the "new" hard drive from the current iPod, and put in the "old" one. Then, go into the Apple Store nearest you (or give applecare a call/ online visit) and ask for a replacement. Personally, I would not expect any refunds, since the warranty was voided when you opened up the iPod, and was voided again when you swapped HDs, and once more for good measure with the battery removal. If Apple can't/won't replace the HD, then in my humble opinion, you at least owe your friend a serious apology. (if not a steak dinner, new iPod, that sort of thing)
    Best of luck to you!

  • When I update my nano ipod I get an error message "User ipod cannot be updated.  The disk couldnot be read from or written to."   How can I overcome this error message.

    In the iTunes window, when I update my nano ipod, I get an error message "User ipod cannot be updated.  The disk could not be read from or written to."   How can I overcome this error message.

    Hello there dilip77707,
    It sounds like you are getting this error message that your iPod cannot be read from or written to when you are trying to update your iPod Nano. I recommend the troubleshooting from the following article to help you get that resolved. Its pretty straight forward, just start at the top and work your way down as needed:
     'Disk cannot be read from or written to' when syncing iPod or 'Firmware update failure' error when updating or restoring iPod
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

  • Downloaded Update Software now Ipod is not working - Please Help

    I downloaded Update Software onto Ipod and now Ipod is not working. It is stating "Itunes detected an Ipod in recovery mode. You must restore this ipod before it can be used in Itunes". Here's the deal I did that now the Ipod just blinks the circle with the line through it and says do not disconnect. Nothing happens. Has the new software corrupted my Ipod? Can anyone Help

    Try the instructions here.
    iPod is in recovery mode.
    Message was edited by: Jeff Bryan

  • I have an iPod 4G, but I can't update to iOS 5. When I click on 'update' in iTunes it says 'The iPod server cannot be contacted' I have tried everything, even re-installing iTunes. Plus I cant update on the iPod alone. How can I update to iOS 5?

    I have an iPod 4G, however I cannot update using iTunes. It says 'The iPod software update server could not be contacted. Make sure your network settings are correct and your connection is active.' I have checked my connections, they're fine. My apps won't update because it require iOS 5, it's currently 4.3.5. Also, I cannot update using my iPod only. What to do to update iPod?

    Have you looked here:
    iTunes for Windows: iTunes cannot contact the iPhone, iPad, or iPod software update server

  • Can I update my older ipod touch to play new games that require ios 4.3?

    Can I update my older ipod touch to play new games that require ios 4.3?  After I purchased games for my son's ipod, they would not upload due to ios.  How can I update that without purchasing a new touch?

    iOS 4.3 requires a third generation or newer iPod touch; you don't need to buy a brand new device in any case.

  • Help - I downloaded the latest update for my ipod, but instead it seems to have completely wiped it!

    Can someone please help me - I have downloaded the latest update for my ipod to try to get it to work with iCloud, to back everything up, but instead it seems to have wiped everything and restored my ipod to its factory settings and now when I try to sync it, it says 'Sync in Progress', but then doesn't do anything.
    When I got my ipod I installed loads of music from CD's, other mp3's etc on to my computer and downloaded it to the ipod. However over the past year I have bought all my music and apps straight from the ipod instead of the computer as I bought a new computer and every time I plugged my ipod in to it, it said that it would download content from the computer, which I didn't want to do as there was no music installed on the computer and I didn't want to lose anything. I had also previously read that you couldn't upload music from an ipod to a computer for some reason.
    However, I then heard about the new iCloud where it automatically updates your purchases to all your Apple devices. So when I looked up how to get iCloud it said I needed to install the new ios5 to get an account. I then plugged my ipod in to my computer and tranfered all my purchases to my computer. Once this was complete I clicked on 'update ipod' where it said it would update it from version 3.something to version 4.something, so I left it to it, but when I came back to find it was complete, I looked on my ipod and there was nothing there -no music, no apps, nothing except what was there when I first bought it.
    I tried to re-sync it to at least get back the 300-odd songs I'd purchased that are on my new computer, but every time I do it, it displays 'Sync in Progress', but then stops and it hasn't done anything. The ipod itself is working fine and I have no problems with my computer, so I can only assume itunes is causing the problem.
    Please could someone tell me if there's a way I can restore my ipod and if there's a way I can get back all my music, including the 2000 odd tracks that I had that weren't bought from itunes?
    Thanks in advance.

    Per Rysz' suggestion, configure accordingly:

  • When I went to update my iPod touch on iTunes, it said unable to update then the iPod shutdown and no longer showed connected in iTunes.  I have tried holding down both buttons for up to 3 mins with no luck turning it on, even after a full charge.  Help?

    When I went to update my iPod touch on iTunes, it said unable to update then the iPod shutdown and no longer showed connected in iTunes.  I have tried holding down both buttons for up to 3 mins with no luck turning it on, even after a full charge.  Help?

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try on another computer                            
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                                     

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