Yielding the desired number of decimal places using the AVG function in t-sql

Hello again.  Confused retired hobby coder having trouble setting up a scalar-valued function to return the desired number of decimal places from a AVG query.
Whenever I run the following script I get the number of decimals I desire:
Using the above I created a scalar-valued function as follows:
Running this function as: SELECT [dbo].[TestHCIPartial] (1,3)  my return is -7.
Can you help me with the function causing it to yield the answer to 6 decimal places?
Thanks and regards, Minuend.

You've not specified precision and scale in UDF return type. So you're leaving it to server to interpret it based on default settings
If you want exactly up to four decimal places tweak udf as below
RETURNS decimal(20,4)
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    Please [don't cross-post!|http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2296110/determine-number-of-decimal-place-using-bigdecimal], it's considered rude. If you must do it, then at least link each post so that people can find out which answers you've already got in order to avoid duplicate work on our part.
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    Get the field as SPFieldNumber and then check DisplayFormat which returns
    SPFieldNumber numberField = list.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName("YourNumberFieldName") as SPFieldNumber;
    SPNumberFormatTypes numFormatType = numberField.DisplayFormat;

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    Gives you three decimal places without changing the someNumber.
    If this turned out to be wpf then you have stringformat you can use on a binding.
    Hope that helps.
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    Look at the next chapter :)

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    How to I change the number of decimal places for the "Overall result" in a query?
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    Thanks for your response.
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    Boland       205.8333           21             242          355
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    Decimal Places:                         Not defined
    RSRT - Display X
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    Hi Andreas,
    Have you used the list calulation like "Calculate Result As Average" or "Calculate Single Values as normalization of result" in the relevant key figures?
    For "Calculate Single Values as normalization of result",iIt is the known design that it is always displayed with three decimal places for normalized values, and the setting in Query Designer for
    decimal place doesn't take effect.
    For "Calculate Result As Average", the following note maybe relevant.
    2096911 - Decimal places in query result is wrong, if average is used and display precision is set to less than 3, it will always show 3 decimal places.
    Another clue is to check if the key figure is a Quantity type with unit, and what's defined in table
    T006 field ANDEC for this unit.
    Hope this helpful.

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    No, because doubles hold values in binary (as do all values in a computer, of course, but there's no additional stuff to indicate decimal values).
    If you want values with specific rounding rules in decimal, use java.math.BigDecimal.
    If you just want to format the number with a specified number of decimal digits, use java.text.DecimalNumber.

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    SQL> desc emp
    Name Null? Type
    If I write a following query on this table
    SQL> SELECT deptno, hiredate, record_id
    2 FROM (SELECT deptno, ename, hiredate, ROW_NUMBER()
    3 OVER (ORDER BY hiredate) AS record_id
    4 FROM emp)
    5 WHERE record_id >= 2
    6 AND record_id <=5;
    The Result I get is
    10 22-NOV-01 2
    10 22-NOV-01 3
    10 22-NOV-01 4
    10 22-NOV-01 5
    But if I put this query in a cursor in a PL/SQL block. The
    pl/sql does not compiles and gives me the following address
    2 CURSOR c_my IS
    3 SELECT deptno, hiredate, record_id
    4 FROM (SELECT deptno, ename, hiredate, ROW_NUMBER()
    5 OVER (ORDER BY hiredate) AS record_id
    6 FROM emp)
    7 WHERE record_id >= 2
    8 AND record_id <=5;
    9 BEGIN
    10 FOR c_rec IN c_my LOOP
    11 dbms_output.put_line(c_rec.ename);
    12 END LOOP;
    13 END;
    14 /
    OVER (ORDER BY hiredate) AS record_id
    ERROR at line 5:
    ORA-06550: line 5, column 13:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "(" when expecting one of the
    , from
    Question: Can you please tell me how I can use the ROW_NUMBER()
    function in PL/SQL. I need to use this for selecting the correct
    range of records for Pagination on a website.
    Thanks in advance

    As Andrew said, PL/SQL hasn't caught up with the newer bits of
    SQL.  I have heard that in 9i, they will be the same, but in 8i
    there are still things that you can do in SQL that you cannot do
    directly in PL/SQL, such as the new functions like ROW_NUMBER. 
    However, you can use NDS as a work around.  The following does
    the same as what you posted:
      TYPE c_my_type  IS REF CURSOR;
      c_my               c_my_type;
      TYPE c_rec_type IS RECORD
        (deptno          emp.deptno%TYPE,
         ename           emp.ename%TYPE,
         hiredate        emp.hiredate%TYPE,
         record_id       INTEGER);
      c_rec              c_rec_type;
      v_sql              VARCHAR2 (4000);
      v_sql :=
      'SELECT deptno, ename, hiredate, record_id
       FROM   (SELECT deptno, ename, hiredate,
                      ROW_NUMBER() OVER
                        (ORDER BY hiredate)
                        AS record_id
              FROM    emp)
       WHERE  record_id >= 2
       AND    record_id <= 5';
      OPEN c_my FOR v_sql;
        FETCH c_my INTO c_rec;
        EXIT WHEN c_my%NOTFOUND;
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (c_rec.ename);
      END LOOP;
    However, you stated that you need it for selecting the correct
    range of records for pagination on a website.  For that, you
    will want something more like this:
      TYPE c_my_type     IS     REF cursor;
      PROCEDURE procedure_name
        (c_my            IN OUT c_my_type,
         p_record_id1    IN     NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
         p_record_id2    IN     NUMBER DEFAULT 4);
    END package_name;
      PROCEDURE procedure_name
        (c_my            IN OUT c_my_type,
         p_record_id1    IN     NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
         p_record_id2    IN     NUMBER DEFAULT 4)
        v_sql                   VARCHAR2 (4000);
        v_sql :=
            'SELECT deptno, ename, hiredate, record_id'
        || ' FROM   (SELECT deptno, ename, hiredate,'
        ||                ' ROW_NUMBER() OVER'
        ||                  ' (ORDER BY hiredate)'
        ||                  ' AS record_id'
        || ' FROM    emp)'
        || ' WHERE  record_id >= :a'
        || ' AND    record_id <= :b';
        OPEN c_my FOR v_sql
        USING p_record_id1, p_record_id2;   
      END procedure_name;
    END package_name;

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    Does anyone have experience with trying to convert material's UoMs into 4 or more decimal places?

    <b>round_f_to_15_decs</b>  round variable of type f to 15 decimals
    Sometimes type F (float) is used to represent exact data (Amounts, Quantities):
    if values are to big to be represented as Packed (> 31 decimals)
    to significally improve performance of calculations, e.g. in statistical reports
    DATA: float TYPE f,
          amount TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
          correctamount TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
          chars(5) TYPE c value '1.005'.
    CLASS cl_abap_math DEFINITION LOAD.
    correctamount = chars.
    WRITE: / 'Exactly:', chars,
           / 'Correct Amount:',  correctamount.
    float = chars.
    amount = float.
    skip 2.
    WRITE: / '==== Usual Processing:',
           / 'Float:', float,
           / 'Decimals 3:', float DECIMALS 3,
           / 'Decimals 2:', float DECIMALS 2,
           / 'Amount:',  amount.
    float = cl_abap_math=>round_f_to_15_decs( float ).
    amount = float.
    skip 2.
    WRITE: / '==== Correct Processing:',
           / 'Float:', float,
           / 'Decimals 3:', float DECIMALS 3,
           / 'Decimals 2:', float DECIMALS 2,
           / 'Amount:',  amount.

  • How to display 2 decimal places using DecimalFormat?

    Hi, i would like to display an account balance from database using child.getAccountBal(). Before that, i want to use DecimalFormat to display 2 decimal places. I would like to know whether the codes below are correct. Can anybody guide me? Thanks.
    public static double roundTo2DecimalPlaces(double value){
              DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.##");
              double d = df.format(value);
              return value;          
    And inside the jsp page...is that how i call the values?
    Account Balance: <%=roundTo2DecimalPlaces(child.getAccountBal())%>

    DecimalFormat's format method returns a String not a double,
    os you must return a String instead of a double.
    public String roundTo2DecimalPlaces(double value)
         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
         String stringValue = df.format(value);
         return stringValue;
    <%= roundTo2DecimalPlaces(child.getAccountBal()) %>

  • Key figure, number of decimal places are not showing in report output

    Dear experts,
    At cube level PO qty value is getting 0.010 where as in bex report output of PO qty showing as 0. I have chosen decimal places as 0.000 in key figure additional properties tab. In query designer also I have chosen no of decimal places as 0.000 in display propertiesu2026please help me out. How can I get 0.010 value in report o/p.
    Thanks in advance.

    Try to run the query in RSRT. CHeck if you are getting the same output. Also make sure that in the reports all the filters are same as you have applied in the info -cube to see the data.
    - Jaimin

  • How can i configure number of decimal places in smartview for Word?

    When I open a smart slice in word via smart view all my values are in scientific notation, I have set the options in excel but they don't come over to word.  Isa there any way to correct this?

    Have you tried formatting the fields in Word?  For example, after bringing in your SmartSlice data, right-click on the field where your data resides and select "Toggle Field Codes" from the Windows menu. Modify the field to look something like this for comma delimited with two decimal places: {=HsGetValue("", "Period#Sep", "Account#Cash")|SmartView14103814190|$#,##0.00|||} Comma delimited with no decimal places: {= HsGetValue("", "Period#Sep", "Account#Cash")|SmartView14103814190|$#,##0|||}

  • Setting number of decimal points using double

    Is it possible to set the number of decimal points
    double a = 2 * Math.random() - 1;
    If I print this it would show something like 0.2342345434332.
    What I want to do is show 0.234.
    Is this possible?

    here you go, you can run this small program to test the results for yourself...
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class floatTest{
         public static void main( String args[]){
    DecimalFormat threeDig =  new DecimalFormat("0.000");
          double a = 2 * Math.random() - 1;
          //If I print this it would show something like 0.2342345434332.
          System.out.println("double a >" + a);
    System.out.println("formatted>0.000 >" + threeDig.format(a)     );
         }//end of float
    }//end of floatTEstok?

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