Your Profile Is Incomplete Error

I am facing an error mentioned below when I try to submit my request. Can any one on this forum help me out.
Your Profile Is Incomplete.Please Click On Manage Approval Profile Link In End User Menu Page And Update Your Profile.This Request Cannot Be Completed.

i can help steve out here...
I have constructed an example to illustrate my
problem, the following code compiles fine with CC 5.3
but throws the type incomplete error with CC 5.7it's just that CC 5.7 is more standards compliant.
struct B;
class A
explicit A(int s);
friend B& B::operator=(const A& obj);
};this is not vallid standard C++. you cannot refer to a member of B without the internals of B having been declared.
as a workaround, you can make all of B a friend, instead of just the operator=, using "friend struct B".
you could easily check this by using the comeau online compiler <>. it's usually pretty good in terms of standards compliance.

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    I have check and I cant anything that looks strange.
    Have anybody seen this problem before ?
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    Hi Simon,
    Thank you, it was doing what you asked me when I realized that I had previous V1 file from ALPC in the structure.
    Once I removed them It all worked well
    Le 8 sept. 2010 à 04:15, simonsaith a écrit :
    Please go to the ALPC preference dialog and see where is the default save profile location. Check if the folder exists on your system and whether you have permission to write to the folder.

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    Hi Winsky,
    Ensure Profile: Sequential Numbering must be set to: 'Partially Used' at app level
    Refer the following note and check whether it helps:
    I Get The Error: Your Profile Option Does Not Allow Automatic Numbering. [ID 560388.1]
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    Best Regards,

  • Server 2008R2 - Windows cannot log you on because your profile cannot be loaded

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    I have a server SEXXX01 - Windows 2008 R2 OS.
    Im having major issues to login to this server.
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    This is the error msgs I get from the event viewer:
    event ID: 1500
    Windows cannot log you on because your profile cannot be loaded. Check that you are connected to the network, and that your network is functioning correctly.
     DETAIL - The system cannot find the file specified.
    Event ID: 1500
    Windows cannot log you on because your profile cannot be loaded. Check that you are connected to the network, and that your network is functioning correctly.
     DETAIL - System could not allocate the required space in a registry log.
    Event ID: 1500
    Windows cannot log you on because your profile cannot be loaded. Check that you are connected to the network, and that your network is functioning correctly.
     DETAIL - Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.
    Event ID: 1508
    Windows was unable to load the registry. This problem is often caused by insufficient memory or insufficient security rights.
     DETAIL - Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.
     for C:\Users\XXXXX\ntuser.dat
    The errors with the system resources seems weird. The server has 16GB of ram and not even 30% is used at this time.
    So what could it be?
    Why doesnt the server created user folders/registery files for new users?
    Why does it give error about resources allocation, when it has more then enough?
    Im just at the dead end. I have no idea how to proceed.
    All help is very appriciated.

    See if any of the suggestions discussed in similar thread helps
    I have unmarked your previous post as an answer since issue still persists.
    Regards, Santosh
    I do not represent the organisation I work for, all the opinions expressed here are my own.
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.
    Whenever you see a helpful reply, click on Vote As Helpful & click on
    Mark As Answer if a post answers your question.

  • Launching Bridge CC: Operation incomplete error

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    whent i start it i get a window saying that operation cannot be complete, push ok and exit.
    any suggestion?
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    I’m trying to install Bridge CC as admin on a Mac Pro OS X 10.9.1
    Adobe CC
    Il giorno 09/feb/2014, alle ore 21:52, alzachs1 <[email protected]> ha scritto:
    Re: Launching Bridge CC: Operation incomplete error
    created by alzachs1 in Creative Cloud Download & Install - View the full discussion
    I am having the same problem giulioF.  I am on a new mac trying to download the trial version of cc and pscc and bridge cc. cc and pscc both installed properly. bridge says operation can not be completed. I tried to luck.
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  • There was an error synchronizing your folder hierarchy. Error : 80041004

    I have a brand new install of Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. New install of Office 2010 with Hotmail Connector.
    I cannot receive emails to Outlook for my Hotmail account. I tried to delete then re-add the Hotmail account in Outlook. No luck.
    Sync log:
    9:12:12 Synchronizer Version 14.0.5139
    9:12:12 Synchronizing Mailbox
    '[email protected]'
    9:12:12 Synchronizing Hierarchy
       1 folder(s) updated in online store
    9:12:12 Synchronizing local changes in folder 'Contacts'
       32 item(s) deleted in online folder
    9:12:17 Synchronizing local changes in folder 'Inbox'
    9:12:17 Error synchronizing folder
    9:12:17 Synchronizing local changes in folder 'Deleted Items'
    9:12:17 Error synchronizing folder
    9:12:17 Error with Send/Receive.
    9:12:17 There was an error synchronizing your folder hierarchy. Error : 80041004.
    9:12:17 Synchronizing server changes in folder 'Calendar'
    9:12:17 Synchronizing server changes in folder 'Contacts'
    9:12:18 Synchronizing server changes in folder 'Drafts'
    9:12:18 Synchronizing local changes in folder 'Inbox'
    9:12:18 Error synchronizing folder
    9:12:18 Synchronizing server changes in folder 'Sent Items'
    9:12:18 Synchronizing local changes in folder 'Deleted Items'
    9:12:18 Error synchronizing folder
    9:12:18 Synchronizing server changes in folder 'Junk E-mail'
    9:12:18 Done
    9:12:30 Network operation failed
    9:12:30 09:12:18:0309
    9:12:30 POST
    9:12:30 /DeltaSync_v2.0.0/Settings.aspx
    9:12:30 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Settings xmlns="HMSETTINGS:"><ServiceSettings><SafetySchemaVersion>1</SafetySchemaVersion><SafetyLevelRules><GetVersion/></SafetyLevelRules><SafetyActions><GetVersion/></SafetyActions><Properties><Get/></Properties></ServiceSettings><AccountSettings><Get><Options/><Properties/></Get></AccountSettings></Settings>
    9:12:30 00:00:00:0000

    Is there any other older version of Outlook present on the computer?
    Step 1: Try to remove and re-add the account in Outlook and check.
    To remove the account.
    Launch MS Outlook 2010 and click the Office button which is located in the top left corner, now under the Info category you will see the Account Settings option, click
    the drop down button and choose remove account.
    To add the account.
    Launch MS Outlook 2010 and click the Office button which is located in the top left corner, now under the Info category you will see the Account Settings option, click the drop down button and choose Add Account.
    In the next step, select Email Accounts, enter Your Name, Email Address, and Password and click next.
    It will take a couple of minutes to complete the required configuration.
    Click Finish and it will start downloading your emails.
    Step 2: Create new profile and add the account and check.
    To create new profile, follow this link:
    once you create new profile, add the account in Outlook by following the instructions in step1.
    Best Regards,
    Nick Wan
    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • How to remove hp envy m6-1204tx win8 recovery incomplete error

    how to the remove hp envy m6-1204tx win8 recovery incomplete error

    It appears that you did not manage to create a partition correctly.
    The first thing to try is the Windows repair disk, if you made one before you began your partitioning adventure. This will be an attemp to repair the BCD.  If you don't have access to a Windows repair disk,then it may be time  to use your recovery disk set or USB recovery  media. 
    I do hope that you made external copies of whatever you had saved on your notebook before playing around with partitioning utilities.
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

  • "You are no longer logged into your profile" - So....Palm just decides to delete my data???

    I was told to post this over in this Palm forum also so hopefully SOMEONE from Palm/HP will address this... I could not find a bug report area but perhaps someone can log this.
    So after months of (mostly) happily using a Pre Plus, Wednesday I get the message that I am no longer logged into my profile, and do I want to reboot or erase my data??!! I googled, and yup, it's an issue....So I reboot...same options, this reboot, it starts and asks me if I want English as my language. Woops!!! No data!
    Now of course palm profile does not backup anything on my phone really....I sync direct to Exhange and use Chapura sync to a desktop Outlook PST file. So I spend the next 5 hours restoring and syncing. Just crazy.  Why can't it just say that you are not currently logged in, we will try again in an hour??  And what right does palm have to delete MY data that the profile does not even backup???  My exchange and chapura sync'ed data?  Sure, I can re-sync with both of those. But my Chapura only if I am on the same wi-fi network as the local PC.  So what does that mean if I am traveling?  And re-syncing a huge volume of contacts takes forever.  And you lose all the linked contacts also!
    So I call the carrier and Palm. The carrier says...."well if your phone originally was under another phone number and you changed it as part of an upgrade, that can cause it." Huh? This can affect me months later I say??? My phone number upgrade change was done BEFORE I even turned on the phone. Palm does not even know about that first number!
    So I called Palm.  The guy says it can happen if 2 people use the same e-mail or credit card in their palm profile. Now since it won't even allow you to setup the same e-mail twice, I'd like to know how THAT would happen.  No one on my plan uses the same card.
    So the question is. We know this happens sometimes. Is there any source with credibility that really knows WHY this happens??? And does any setting reduce the likelihood of it happening again?  And why can't Palm make the results less debilating?  There is NO REASON that it needs to delete your data.  This is crazy.
    Also, other than my few purchased apps, none of my critical data is even backed up by the Palm Profile!!! I still had to re-create all my POP3 accounts, change all my preferences back, re-sync with Exchange, re-sync with Chapura, and then re-marry all the contact duplicates that Synergy did not handle right. So what's the worth?
    Can the Palm Profile/backup  be turned off? Does changing the palm profile in the apps perferences setting from "submit password every 4 hours" (whatever that means) to only at purchase help??
    Do you have any other options when you get that reboot r erase prompt? Pull the battery without answering the prompt perhaps???????
    If I am on the road and this happened, I would be without half my contacts until I returned which is unacceptable. This is very disappointing. I cannot believe the default action is not "let's TRY AGAIN", and not, "hey, let's erase all of this user's data on him"!!!
    If this happens one or two more times, I have had it.  I will be looking at another OS and phone after having Palm phones and organizers for the last 10 years or so.  This is unacceptable.

    Thanks for the reply.  Nowhere in here do I get the sense that Palm even thinks this is a problem or are going to work on fixing it.  It implies Palm thinks it is okay and the problem is me, the user, the customer, because I do not want my data resided on Palm's servers or Google's servers.  Does Palm understand this is an issue whether my data is on my home PC or in the cloud and in Palm Profile???  The issue is not how I choose to store just one of my calendars and contact lists (out of 3).  The issue is a bug in the Palm profile system.
    The first point is this.... Regardless of HOW this happens, Palm should not immediately erase all of my data!!!!  Let's say I DID sync all my data to Palm Profile.  I STILL would not want to have to re-download everything just because of some glitch with your backup servers, the carrier's network, or my phone!!!  Go look at some pre forums.  You will see many people that DO sync all of their data to their profile, and they are STILL upset with this Palm BUG.  If security is the concern, how about asking for a password first vs. just asking whether I want to reboot or erase all data?  If it is really me, I would know the password!  Your answer seems to imply that what is happening is OKAY. It is NOT okay whether I sync everything to Palm profile or not!
    Further, even if all my data WAS backed up to Palm Profile, you still lose all preferences, all manually matched synergy contacts, etc.... etc... Again, I would still be very upset if all my data was erased even if EVERYTHING was backed up to Palm profile.  DON'T ERASE MY DATA!!!
    I have no problem re-synching my exchange e-mail after a problem.  It works from the road, etc.  However after 10 years, Palm decided to not suport the syncing of home PC's with the Pre.  An unfortunate decision as Palm was a pioneer in this.  You talk about security....Perhaps some of us do not want our data stored on Palm servers or google servers!!! Yes, indeed, in the event of a crash I cannot restore from the road. I can live with this if the crash was from a hardware or software issue.  But it is NOT OKAY if it is caused by Palm just because of some system glitch.  Since you are not restoring my home PC data anyway, why erase it?
    You talk about being logged out of your profile.  My phone was just used, and it was sitting on my desk.  Just sitting there. And then it popped up that "I was no longer logged into my profile".   What causes this?  Why does it not give me a chance to re-login?  How come after the erase of data and reboot I was then magically "logged in" and it was working?  Did the person that was trying to steal my non-existent data in my palm profile stop trying?  
    So are you telling me that someone was trying to use my phone SIM, on a pre plus, with my e-mail, and had my password....and trying to login, and that is why I got the message?  And then magically right after I rebooted, they stopped trying and all was okay???
    I do not believe that is the case.  And again, if it is, ask for my password, or a security question, or SOMETHING to confirm that it is me.  And a simple google search will tell Palm/HP that this is a problem many of us have had.  If I have it consistently, as I said, a 10 year customer is gone.
    PS.  A reply that said:  "Palm is aware of this problem and will correct it with the next software update" would be a lot more comforting.

  • Exchange 2010 "This message could not be sent. Try sending the message again later, or contact your network administrator. Error is [0x80004005-00000000-00000000].

    Exchange 2010 "This message could not be sent. Try sending the message again later, or contact your network administrator.  Error is [0x80004005-00000000-00000000].
    In a mixed client environment, mostly Outlook 2010 & 2013 clients. Only Outlook 2013 clients (about only 4 mailboxes) are receiving this error immediately after sending an email. My temp band-aid at the
    moment is to: from the client, go into the "address book" & select a different address book like "Contacts" & then select the address again & select the Global Address List, which is the default. (it will have the users email
    + at the beginning of the field, it reads, Global Address List - (email of the user), then I close Outlook & open it back up, & the problem is solved. But on some mailboxes, not all, the issue comes back. From my research, I know that our individual
    mailboxes do not send out over 500 emails in one day. Most users will send out maybe 20 or 30 in one day, so I don't think it's that. 
    But I'm not sure if this is related, but I have noticed that the log files for the Exchange 2010 seems to only hold logs with date stamps of only a couple of days. It used to hold log files indefinitely until they were archived, deleted, etc. So, this is
    a new, unusual issue I have seen as well. 
    We have 2 .edb's, one active: 78 GB's and one disabled at 7 GB's. Exchange 2010 is running on Windows Server 2008 r2, Enterprise Ed. We have had Exchange 2010 running now for about almost 2 years now and this is the first time this particular issue has come

    You can refer to the following steps to rebuild an Offline Address Book.
    1. Open EMS. Update OAB using the Update-OfflineAddressbook "offline address book" cmdlet. Restart Background Intelligent Transfer Service on the Mailbox server.
    2. Initiate OAB replication from mail box server to CAS server. Execute for each CAS server using the Update-FileDistributionService "CASServerName" cmdlet.
    3. Start Outlook and download OAB.
    What's more, here is an article for your reference.
    How to Quickly Rebuild an Exchange 2010 Offline Address Book
    Hope this can be helpful to you.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to back up your profile in Wxp??

    just wanted to know if someone is using a logitech cordless and optical mouse around and a MSI K7D-MASTER???
    I bought one last week and put it to work, pretty nice invention I said!!!!!
    it was functioning pretty well, comfortable i´d say, until that moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;(  :O  X(  8o  ?(  X(  X(  ;(  ;(  ;( ,
    The moment i decided to install the st*pid software bundle it has!!!!
    MOUSEWARE 9.41.1 (windows) for Microsoft Windows:
    XP, Me, 2000, 98, 95, NT 4.0
    this machine runs 2 processors (athlons MP)& Wxp PRO.
    I installed the software like i always do it ( put it into my cdrw and appeared the install screen) i was prompted to install the mouse software & music match too, i did it.
    Then i was prompted to restart my machine....i did it.
    then the post, the fasttrak bios, the scsi card bios, everything that my machine runs before starting..........finally the WINDOWS XP PRO screen booting up...........then suddenly a BSOD (blue screen of death), telling me that it was stopping due to new installed software or hardware, blah, blah blah stop at code 0x93c3487…. !!!....................................... ......................... 8o  8o  8o  8o  8o  8o  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(
    what the hell??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    restarted my system and entered in safe uninstall mouseware and everything i installed.
    again the post, the fasttrak bios, the scsi card bios......booted up and enter in windows like i normally do.
    I wanted to restart my system once and did it, but when it restarted a small st*pid window suddenly appeared telling me i have lost my profile just like this:
    "Windows cannot load your profile because it may be corrupted. Contact your administrator. "
    “Windows cannot find the local profile and is logging you on with a temporary profile. Changes you make to this profile will be lost when you log off”
    “seconds until you are logged into a temporary profile…………30,29,28,27,…..,2,1,0”
    it logged in ……………………all my icons, where were them???????? ;(  ;(  ;(  ;(  ;(  8o  8o  8o
    My programs, my work ?????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!aaaaahhhhhhh!!!! ;(  ;(  ;(  ;(  ;(  ;(  ;(  :O  :O  :O  :O  :O
    I was insane, insane, insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I decided to use system restore… functioned. I have everything back
    I think Wxp pro, 2 processors & mouseware from Logitech are not good combination!
    Logitech: I won’t buy anything from them again, the box the mouse came in has a legend telling you: over 10 million Cordless mice Sold!! (Yeah, that´s right for uni processor machines, maybe)
    I ´m still learning things about my dual processor machines: they do not like everything that is designed for uniprocessor machines!!!
    A dual processor machine is something fast, more than one processor has to be better in many aspects. But again, not everything is designed for a dual processor machine.
    Does anyone know how to back up your profile in  Wxp pro????
    Any comments are welcomed!!! )  )

    Profiles are stored on your system drive, in the folder called "Documents and Settings".  Open it up and look for the subfolder with your account name.  That's what you want to back up.

  • How can you remove your e-mail on your profile? (Apple Support)

    How can you remove your e-mail on your profile? (Apple Support)

    I don't think you can remove your email.  If you are concerned about privacy make sure you have it set so that you are the only one who can view it. You do this under the privacy settings under Your Stuff - Profile  " If you want to change your email you can go here to make changes.
    laverne's mom

  • Firefox will not load. It says firefox cannot load, your profile is missing or inaccessiable. Help!

    All of sudden firefox would not work. When I click on the icon, I get a message that says Firefox cannot load, your profile is missing or is inaccessiable. I have tried downloading firefox, everything seems fine, and than the same message appears. No matter what I do I cannot get it to work. I am a long time user of firefox, so this is driving me nuts. I hate having to use Internet Explorer.

    Sounds like Firefox is "hanging at exit". That problem is frequently caused by an Extension or a Plugin. Read all of the following articles.<br /><br />
    NOTE: Establish a habit of exiting/closing Firefox with Firefox button > Exit or File > Exit to allow an orderly shutdown of Firefox and closing of all of the files that Firefox has open.
    #Stop the Firefox process:
    #*[ Mozillazine - Kill application]
    #*Windows 7 users click [ here]
    #*Mac users:
    #Why Firefox may hang:
    #*[ Firefox hangs] (see Hang at exit)
    #*[ Firefox hangs (Mozillazine)] (see Hang at exit and Closing Firefox properly)
    #*[ Firefox is already running but is not responding]
    #Use Firefox Safe Mode to find a problem with an Extension or Plugin:
    #*Don't check anything when entering Safe Mode, just continue
    #*If the problem does not occur in Safe Mode it is probably an Extension or Plugin causing the problem
    #**[[Safe Mode]] and [ Safe Mode (Mozillazine)]
    #**[ Troubleshooting extensions and themes]
    #**[ Troubleshooting plugins]
    #**[ Basic Troubleshooting]
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''

  • When I open Firefox, I get a message that says "Your profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing inassable." Help

    I need help...I can't open firfox :( I have uninstalled it, I have re-installed and it won't work :( I have looked up trouble shooting. I keep getting this message "Your profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing inassable." I have done this twice.

    You profile folder is damaged or missing.<br>
    To fix this, we will need to delete the profile by following these steps:
    #Go to the Firefox application data
    #Select the Profiles folder
    #Delete the folder with <code>.default</code> at the end of the name
    Please report back with your results.
    <b>WARNING: </b>Removing folders/files can cause damage to other programs and the Windows operating system. use caution when manually deleting folders/files. <u><b>Creating a backup of any deleted files is highly recommended!</b></u>

  • Security engine initialization failed. Contact your support representative. Error Code = 0x40000

    I've seen a couple of other posts regarding this but no answers as of yet.
    Stuck at BIOS/UEFI in a reboot loop.  Top left shows Reset: 10Sec (and counts down).  Lenovo logo and message:
    Security engine initialization failed. Contact your support representative.
    Error Code = 0x40000
    I've tried the Power/Vol+ combo, tried tapping the Vol-, tried hitting F1 from an external keyboard, removed any memory cards, etc.  Nothing seems to work.  Is there some BIOS/UEFI update that can be done or a hardware reset to clear this?  My 9 year old daughter doesn't care about a security engine, she just wants to play her games and watch videos.
    Something else I noticed, the device will not power on unless it is plugged in.  If I unplug it after I turn it on, it will continue to stay on (in the reboot loop).  If I turn it off, I have to plug it back in before it will turn on again.
    Please help!
    Other posts:

    Did you ever get this resolved? I have the same issue, and the warranty has expired. (My error code is 0xF00482, but otherwise symptoms are identical.)

  • CRM-IC- Agent Profile-Run time error

    I am unable to execute agent profile (RCCMREP04) and Profile overview (RCCMREP05) in CRM-IC-Profile evaluation. Error message = " Type conflict when calling function module "
    And I suppose because of this I am unable to execute IC win client(CIC0) either. Error message- " The current application triggered termination with short dump" Can anyone help me out or direct me as to where can the problem be ?
    Suggestions highly appreciated.


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