Zen Micro Playback er

On certain songs during playback, my Zen Micro stops playing the song and resets back to be beginning of the playlist. It's always the same spot in the song. Also if I fast forward past this spot in the same song I get a "Playback error". The song is mp3 VBR encoded using LAME 3.96 with an average bit rate of around 250 kb
Winamp, Windows Media Player 0, and Diamond Rio SP250 (CD based player) can all play this file without any problems. My Zen Micro is using firmware version ..0.
Thanks, Steve

Customer service (via email) suggested performing a cleanup, which solved the problem for this one track (bad sectors maybe?).
I have another track that is encoded MP3 CBR at 28 kpbs and it will playback error at the same location. Cleanup didn't fix it. This is scary as CBR is pretty straightforward to decode (doesn't have the buffering issues that VBR has).
Whether it's a PC or handheld player shouldn't matter. As long as it's a valid MP3 encoded file the player should be able to handle it.
I wish I had access to other media players (iPod, etc) to see how they handle the suspect track.

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    If these songs were working fine before then there's some problem with the player. Run through the troubleshooting section "My Zen is not starting properly, or goes into rescue mode, what should I do?" of the FAQ post, although you've tried some of this already.
    Creative won't give refunds for players. You'll have to contact where you bought it.


    I have some mp3 files of uni'versity lectures. They were recorded/ encoded? at
    6 kb
    When I try to play them on the Zen Micro they play too slow, like an LP playing at the wrong speed.
    They sound fine on WMP0 or Real Player. I have also played these files on 3 other mp3 players and they sound fine on them. Any ideas?

    You'll need to reencode them at a supported rate. I have a suspicion it's the bit-rate being too low, but also check the sampling frequency.

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    DM, the Micro's remote control works exactly as you suggested; it's an inline remote that plugs into the headphone jack, and the headphones plug into the remote.
    Unfortunately, I think the problem is more along the lines of car audio manufacturers' willingness to design a physical interface between a car stereo and the Micro than anything in the MTP spec. Microsoft can enable this kind of control in the MTP spec all it wants to, but until manufacturers are willing to use physical interfaces other than the iPod dock connector, it's all for naught.

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    Help me pls!
    PS. don't ask me why Iam trying to play 32kbs mp3s - sample soundbytes from online record store... so if u can't help, I can't buy more records ever.

    Sample rate is ,025 kHz... pretty common, no?
    In general specifications I found Micro plays mp3s "up to 320kbs" - not limited from the lower end.
    I just find it strange that a $200 gadget cannot do what an old-old version of winamp (or any other mp3 player softvware) can do (namely to playback low-quality mp3s).
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    *Using different software (WMP0, Creative Sync and Every other one included with Creative Zen Micro Explorer)
    *Upgrading software
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    Please PLEASE PLEASE! help me out. i will be gratefully for any help i can get.

    /being venting
    Why does Creative make it so easy to Reload the firmware, and why do soo many people choose this option!?!?!?
    /end venting
    pdk, your task now is to get your computer to recognize your player. I have a feeling that you are using a v2 firmware. Do you see the words MTP Device anywhere when you connect the player to your computer? If so then follow the steps listed <a href='http://www.nomadness.net/modules.php?name=FAQ&myfaq=yes&id_cat=8&categories =Nomad+Jukebox+Zen#228' target=_blank>here[/url]. Then use the firmware provided on your CD and see if it can recognize your player. You might have problems since you choose the Reload firmare option in Recovery Mode.

  • Full revision list of the Zen Micro's firmware?

    / I've been digging up various firmwares, and I'll be honest and say that because I use an AC Adaptor that 2.2.02 and ..0 are not in my best interests. While I have no tested whether .02.05 retains charge over time I will probably do so tomorrow. I'd like to know the full history of the device so I know where to stand on this. I like to have the 4 hour standby, but not the 'shorter' charge span simply because all Creative did was drop the peak voltage from 4.9V (Li-Po can take up to 4.235V) to 4.2V. Granted the slope of the charging curve gets very flat at that level, but I do feel that it is best to inform geeks so they know what to expect.
    Version (Recovery Mode version)
    ..0 (0.0.65)
    2.2.02 (0.0.65)
    .0.02 (0.0.63) (Pulled off due to complaints)
    .02.05 (0.0.58)
    2.00.2 (Cannot be installed)
    I know I missed a few, but because the Zen Micro is past its life cycle I doubt there will be any customizations to the device.

    what problems?
    Spending time on a support forum like this, that covers the full gamut of the customer base, you are going to see probably 80% of the posts from folks having problems ranging from minor pilot error to real hardware failure. The 20% with tips, kudos etc are all in the minority and will not be very visible.
    Creative has probably sold over 5 million Micro's since inception. There are definitely going to be problems with that many units in the general population. And some of the problems have been real issues such as the battery drain and the issue of headphone jacks. The latest firmware v . has fixed the battery problem, and on the 3 Micros in our household we are all seeing over hours playback time, excellent battery hold time, good charging characteristics etc etc. The headphone jack issue seems to have become a lot less of a topic the past month or so. Noting that Creative sold probably about .5 million of the earliest Micros, and these were the units that seemed to have headphone jacks go bad, if at all, all the later products may have enough of a redesign that the jacks are OK. Certainly we are fine over here with the new revisions.
    The pluses of the Micro are many, and the diminuti've size and excellent UI makes using this player a pleasure. Audio quality is excellent, and other than sheer output power is right up there with the JB3 (IMO the best ever mp3 player - irregardless of brand).
    Hope this rambling note can help you with your decision.

  • How do I update my Zen Micro's firmwa

    I just get my micro today and I want to know how do I update his firmware. Can anyone help me?

    Gop to the Creative download page and follow teh instructions.
    Title Date
    . Creative Zen Micro Firmware .02.05 (2.0 MB) Mar 05 Download Now
    This web release enables you to upgrade the firmware for your , 4, 5 or 6GB Creative Zen Micro player. You can upgrade from Creative Zen Micro firmware .0.03 or earlier, or Zen Micro PlaysForSure? firmware 2.00.2 or later. After upgrading, you cannot go back to a pre..... Hide Details
    Filename: ZenMicro_PCFW_LB__02_05_PDE.exe
    Creative Zen Micro Firmware .02.05
    This web release enables you to upgrade the firmware for your , 4, 5 or 6GB Creative Zen Micro player.
    You can upgrade from Creative Zen Micro firmware .0.03 or earlier, or Zen Micro PlaysForSure? firmware 2.00.2 or later. After upgrading, you cannot go back to a previous Creative Zen Micro firmware version.
    It has been reported by some of our customers that they have experienced reduced battery life after charging their Zen Micro. Our product development team has researched these reports and determined that the users may have experienced this after they plugged their Zen Micro into the AC adapter that was already inserted into a wall socket with the AC power on.
    While this is not the conventional way to plug in a player for charging, we wanted to ensure that our customers did not experience this problem, so we have developed a solution to address this, which simply involves upgrading the Zen Micro's firmware.
    If you need assistance in doing this, please contact our customer support team and they will be happy to assist you.
    Important: If you are upgrading from PlaysForSure firmware, be sure to back up all the audio and data files on your Zen Micro before installing this firmware update as all content will be lost when you install the new firmware. After installing the new firmware, use Creative MediaSource? to restore audio and/or data files to your player.
    Improves the look of the volume control bar
    Improves the appearance of the Lock icon
    Adds a 4GB option in Removable Disk Mode (for 5 or 6GB players only)
    Prevents battery drain when the player is charged with an AC adapter already plugged into a li've power outlet
    Restores proper functionality after disconnecting the power adaptor or transferring content using Zen Media Explorer
    Redirects playback properly when skipping to the beginning of a WMA track
    Microsoft? Windows? XP, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition or Windows 98 Second Edition
    USB port (2.0 or .)
    Creative Zen Micro
    To install the new firmware in your Zen Micro
    Download ZenMicro_PCFW_LB__02_05_PDE.exe.
    Connect your player to your computer.
    Double-click (filename).
    Choose your language.
    Click the Upgrade button and follow the instructions that appear.
    To check your player's firmware version, see your Zen Micro User's Guide.

  • Suggestion: ZEN Micro Photo: Album art when playing tra

    I was kinda hoping that you could display album art whilst playing tracks on the ZEN Photo. If you can, I can't figure it out, nor is it mentioned in the brief manual.
    Please consider this as a suggestion to include the feature in the next firmware update. I also think it would be cool to be able to display a slide show durring audio playback. You could create presentations for the road or simply display slides in MTV fashion that go along with the tunes.
    What do ya think?

    * I've seen some comments on the screen being dim (or not as bright as expected). Can anybody confirm or debunk?
    I set the screen contrast to 80 percent. In normal office lighting, pictures appear crisp and bright enough. In total darkness, looking at the screen won't hurt my eyes either. OLED rocks!
    * I've read reports about no music while viewing pictures. True or False?
    Unfortunately this is true.
    * Anybody using SUBSCRIPTION music on their Micro Photo If you are, can you see album art while a track is playing (like the Apple nano)?
    Unfortunately again, album art is not displayed.
    Overall I'm very happy with Zen Micro Photo. The only complain is that the radio is mediocre at best.

  • Unable to view Zen Micro library correctly in MediaSou

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    I am running version 3.0.09 of Creative MediaSource and have installed the PlaysFor Sure upgrade. I have also installed firmware upgrade 2..2.0 to my Zen Micro.
    My problem is as follows:
    In the Creative MediaSource Organizer, when I select the Creative Zen Micro as my Source, I can only view the contents of my Zen as folders and files (i.e. it gives me a "Windows Explorer" type view of the contents) - I cannot view my Zen library in the same way as my PC Music Library (i.e. by Genre, Artist or Album).
    I have searched the Knowledge Base and the support forums in vain for an answer to this. Please can anyone help?
    Many thanks,
    Mike O'Hara

    we must say only one thing: the MediaOrganizer's team is only LAZY!!!
    They allowed us to listen to the music from the ZenMicro throw MediaOrganizer, but they haven't coded the "organize" part!!!
    It is not impossible to view again album/genre/artist, because the WinAMP team has just released a version that can do it, and can also modify the mp3's informations and upload/delete other MP3s. The only problem is that PFS doesen't allow the direct playback, and so WinAMP has not implemented it yet!
    Why have you creative done a half-work? Why didn't you waited releasing the new firmware? Is it a money job?

  • Big ploblems in zen micro

    I just got my zen last week. it seems good in every aspect, but the bad signal quality of FM Radio annoyed me a lot, the speed of loading is slower than expected(i've used ipod before and it's quick), and the battery life can't compare with my former MD player(not more than 5 hours playback, maybe it's because i played WAV files all the time, is it more power consuming?)

    Yes, the Zen micro seems a pretty good mini-hardri've based mp3 player. has a lot of features.
    The radio, the zen micro doesn't have the best or/and the worst radio reception. It is alright. I'm not sure how i can explain to you to fix that problem.
    The Speed of loading is slower, i had that problem before, sometimes, (in my own experience) when the ZM just started up, it is still just starting up, so it takes time for it to be fully aware and fully capable of fast speed loading. I'm sorry, i prob don't know how to anser that question for you either.
    There are the faqs to answer that question for you also. First of all, the higher the volume, the more power will be used. If you use the backlit LCD blue light, that will take some battery life away, i try to limit myself from using that. Try not to navigate through songs in library because the hardri've based mp3 player has to think and will take some battery power away also because you're searching constantly for a song to listen. i would suggest you to make playlists, or select play mode to SHUFFLE. So limit yourself for song navigation and that means both navigating through songs by the vertical scroll and the rewind/fast foward button to click back from one song to another. Also, there is a thread about the Bitrates/Kpbs and how much power that will be used.
    http://forums.creative.com/creativelabs/board/message?board.id=dap&message.id=7599&view=by_date_ ascending&page=3
    and SSR's battery study for kbps for songs
    http://forums.americas.creative.com/creativelabs/board/message?board.id=dap&message.id=60755&query.id=0#M 60755
    I hope that helps you to increase your battery power. Well, from doing most of those steps, i increased my battery power from 7-8 hours to 0- hours, somtimes 2 full hours. maybe you'll be able to increase your battery power too.
    here is also the faq, hope it is useful for you.

  • Zen Micro battery drain: Is there ho

    After reading through the boards the past couple of weeks, I'm starting to think I may be completely stuck, sadly. The Zen Micro features are great, but the battery drain is a problem for me. I've completely emptied the unit and fully charged it to do some testing. I confirmed that it will indeed (as mentioned by others) completely discharge itself after a while if left unattended a few days. With no music installed, default factory settings intact (save for firmware update), and the earbuds unplugged. It almost seems the only way to get 0-2 hrs out of the unit is to practically use it all in one sitting or with very brief periods of nonusage. I really don't want to have to constantly charge the unit every single night just to ensure I'm not bleeding away a bar on the power indicator by the time I pick it up again.
    Is there anyone whose Micro does not suffer from this, perhaps a more recent one purchased directly from Creative itself? If so, that gives me some hope, but I'll still be calling customer service today to explore my options. If a firmware can fix this, great, but I don't want to have to wait months for it (but I do realize that these things take time and Creative wants to do its best). I'd rather wait for the bugs to be (hopefully) worked out in the Zen Micro Photo, but as it's basically the same architecture it may have the same issue. Other option would be to get a iRi'ver H0 (though not as good s/n ratio as the Zen), depending on its quirks. However, my 5-day refund period at PCMall for my Micro has definitely expired and I don't want to pay for a second player and be "stuck" with this one. Wonder if I can trade it in toward Zen Micro Photo credit. That or I'd have to recoup what I can of my costs on eBay or something. This would sadden me as this is otherwise an excellent player. Any input or advice is appreciated. Thanks gang.

    That does make me wonder, though, if anyone has found significant differences using different batteries. And by significant, I mean a way reduced bleeding rate or a couple of hours time difference in playback. Perhaps I could even get Creative to do some testing along those lines on my unit. And, standard battery bleed aside, it'd be good to determine whether having headphones plugged in accelerates it or if there's no difference.

  • Zen Micro questions and concer

    Hello, I've had my Zen Micro 5gb for about 2 /2 months now and while some of these problems have been around for a while I thought I'd ask on here to see if anyone else has these problems as well. First of all I have the new firmware ..0 installed it right after buying the player. Now for my concerns,
    ) I've noticed that I only get about 8ish hours of playback on a full charge (which is roughly about 2 hours to go from bar to full) volume between 0 and 5 and used for periods of usually an hour at a time. Most of the songs on the player are CD quality bit rate (28 is it's) and my question is, is this normal? The quoted time is up to 2 hours battery life.
    2) I have the idle shutoff time set to 5 min of inactivity and the sleep timer at 30 min. The problem that I've found and I don't know if this is how it's supposed to be, which seems strange if it is, is that when I turn on the power (and is where I want it to be so I don't adjust it at all) it shuts off after 5 minutes which I find annoying. But, I've also found that even if I move through some screens and change the song and set it back in my pocket, it still shuts off after 5 minutes, only when I adjust the volume (I still need to test this to make sure that that's what it is) does it play for the full 30 min.
    3) When the Micro starts up (while not on the 4hr standby there is?), so when it goes through the full Creative and Zen Micro screens at the startup there is a glitch where the "Zen Micro" screen stays on for up to a full 0 seconds and about 5 seconds into it there is a box halfway up the 'ZEN' where the letters don't show, I don't really know how else to explain it but I'll try "drawing it".
    a) ----- |------- |\ | b) |
    / | | \ | |
    / |------- | \ | |
    / | | \ | / | | \ |
    /____ |_______ | \| /____ |_____ | \|
    M I C R O M I C R O
    (It looks good writing it out, but alas the formatting doesn't seem to work posting it)
    After about 5 seconds (it varies) it changes from the first to the second for about another 5 seconds. The only thing is, it does this every so often and is not consistent as to when it does it. The music starts playing while it's doing this as well. I'm also wondering if the Creative screen (without the copyright stuff) is supposed to last for a full 0 seconds like it seems to be now as that seems quite excessi've but I am not sure what the 'norm' is.
    4) I've had it freeze on the "Shutting down..." screen but taking the battery out and replacing it seems to fix that, as others have discussed.
    If someone could fill me in on what's "normal" or not and your own experiences with this it would be greatly appreciate. Thank you in advance.Message Edited by Guildenstern87 on -06-2005 :57 PMMessage Edited by Guildenstern87 on -06-2005 :57 PM

    . The 2 hours is based on using the player playing 28kbit/s MP3s continuously. Anything you do to the player in terms of frequent skipping of tracks, higher bit-rate tracks, downloading/uploading etc. will shorten the battery life. See the FAQ post for lots on this.
    2. Known bug.
    3. It just seems to be some innocuous screen write bug. It doesn't seem to do any harm other than look naff.
    4. Mine doesn't freeze on shutting down. Perhaps try a disk cleanup from rescue mode?

  • Zen Micro play delay quest

    I received my Zen Micro and I found there to be a time delay between when the unit is turned on and showing the last track where I last left off to when that track can be played. In other words, when I turn on the unit and get to the screen with the info of the last track & time where I left off, the play/pause button does not function till about 0 seconds later to play that track (even though all the other buttons work, eg: volume, menu, next/previous track). Just wondering whether this play delay is normal.
    Thanks, I appreciate any response!Message Edited by Montauke on 0--2005 04:20 AM

    Rahul: If it's rebuilding the library then why would other buttons function? Also corrupted files are unlikely to slow things down. Typically they just fail to work, or cause problems during actual playback.
    In reply to the original post I suspect that it's perhaps just the way it works, it might take some time to seek to the right position in the file. I also suspect it's something that needs some optimisation. Out of interest, how many files do you have in the queue?

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