10.4.7 and Software Update Error -10001

I am working on a lab base image that has been upgraded from 10.4.6 to 10.4.7. When I try to run software updates manually now I get the message, "A networking error has occured: timed out (-1001). Make sure you can connect to the Internet, and then try again.
The machine I am using is an intel based Imac. The machine has network connectivity.
Eric Kaufmann

Maybe a stupid question, but are you able to download/install updates manually from the apple site? If that works then it wouldn't be the first time I've seen an issue with the software update function. I'd have to look into if there's any further troubleshooting that could be done (plist related etc...) to aid in this...but hopefully it's something that passes in time.
If issue occurs in two user accounts and you have time for an archive and install it might not be a bad idea. If things are still a no go at that point I'm not sure what else you could try.

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    Make sure you have the latest version of Adobe's Flash Player.

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    For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
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    After reading all these posts, one by one did not resolve my problem until I got the very end.  Regardless of what step would resolve your problem, these are the steps I would recomment to everyone for a what seems to be a safe and fool-proof upgrade to iTunes 10.5.
    1. Stand alone upgrade to the latest Quicktime version
    2. Go to control panel and "change" then select repair to the following applications in the order specified by the post on Oct 27. (Notice I skipped Quicktime because it had been upgrade manually,and Bonjour did not have a "repair" option)
    iTunes; Apple Software Update: Mobile Device Support; Apple Applications Support
    Some of these applications may not appear if they do not apply to your configuration (no iPhone, or no iPad, or other apple devices).
    Once all updated, I did not need to restart nor launch any applications, I simply went straight into the 10.5 upgrade, and where it normally got stuck, this time the installation continued for a while longer until it completed successfully.
    Great work everyone who contributed!  Thank you very much!

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    Welcome to the    Discussions
    On the changing the port front stop off on the Account Info tab on the way a deselect "Use this Account" to take it Off Line. (you can get half way states)
    You should then find the port 5190 is dark text so it can be edited.
    You should press the Enter key to "Set" the port change (this is different to earlier versions of iChat)
    Also try it with the SSL option disabled.
    If this is an AIM Login (AIM or Apple Name) their SSL server is more prone to "Falling over". iChat should default to using an Non SSL Login on a reconnection front it can be subject to a time frame issue.
    Next check the Mac Firewall (System Preferences > Security > Firewall tab)
    If this is On in Snow Leopard you have to go to the Advanced Button and Allow Signed Apps and Add iChat to the list.
    I favour the last suggestion as this may also block Software Update (Although I nm not sure how you got to 10.6.4 although it is a separate Download you can get).
    I would also check you have DNS servers listed in System Preferences > Network > Advanced Button > DNS tab
    9:14 PM Saturday; September 25, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

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    Sorry if this seams like a simple error, but I am trying to learn the software from a book that is a little tattered.

      error 10001 can be caused by a few things including an incorrect scanning order.
    If you'd like to post your code back onto here (or if it's large, ftp it to ftp.ni.com/incoming and let use know the name of the zip file you've packaged it into), then we can see what the DAQ section is supposed to be doing and hopefully provide some clues as to where to look for the information / why the error is occuring.
    The first thing to do is go back to Measurement and Automation explorer and try setting up a global task that refers to the channels you're interested in.
    This removes the programming side of things, since you select from drop down lists, to verify that you can communicate correctly with the hardware at the rates and across the channels that you want.
    These links is going to be your best learning point for getting up an running with the program.
    In terms of LabVIEW, there's several I/O controls you can use which will list the hardware channels you have configured or the global tasks you have created in Measurement and Automation explorer. (see the last link above)
    Another option is to look at our Alliance Partners if you need things configured and up and running in a hurry.
    If you just need a little pointer on getting kicked off, then you could see if you local sales engineer is available to go through things with you for an hour if they're in your area at a convenient time (for the UK / Ireland, please call in on 01635 572410 and ask to go through to sales), or we do offer start-up assistance (but that's something you need to purchase) to get a day's onsite assistance with getting your hardware up and running and starting you off with advice / examples on your application (note this is an effort based thing rather than a results based guarantee)
    Finally you could consider coming on one of our courses on LabVIEW and / or Data Acquisition to learn more about the software / hardware and be better prepared to handle the implementation yourself.
    Hope that helps
    Sacha Emery
    National Instruments (UK)
    Message Edited by SachaE on 03-23-2007 11:49 AM
    // it takes almost no time to rate an answer

  • Nokia Software Updater -- Error 1402.Could not ope...

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    Any suggestions? 
    Product: Nokia Software Updater -- Error 1402.Could not open key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Msxml2.DSOControl.4.0\CLSID.  System error 5.  Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

    It  looks like you do not have access to the registry key mentioned i.e.  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current  Version\Run\Optional Components\IMAIL.
    This might be due to  the fact that you may not be added to the Administrators group or the  registry key has been denied access explicitly to a group that you may  be part of.
    People in my network setup were facing the same issue,  and we fixed the same using Microsoft's "subinacl" tool. You can follow  the below mentioned steps to rectify your issue as well:
    1. Download Microsoft's SubinACL tool from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=e8ba3e56-d8fe -4a91-93cf-ed6985e3927b&displaylang=en
    2. Install the same by double clicking on the "subinacl.msi" just downloaded.
    3. Open Command Prompt window through the Run Dialog Box (Start -> Run and type "cmd" and click OK)
    4. In the Command Prompt window, type in the following commands:
        i. cd /d "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Resource Kits\Tools" (Hit Enter)
       ii. subinacl  /subkeyreg  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\Opti  onalComponents /grant=administrators=f /grant=SYSTEM=f /grant=USERS=f  /grant="Creator Owner"=f (Hit Enter)
    You  should see some processes happening on your screen. After the process  ends, retry the update operation you were originally trying to perform.  Hopefully, it should succeed now.

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    Since upgrading to Leopard I've been unable to get my macbook to connect using Safari, Software Update or iTunes. I get unknown error messages from iTunes and Software Update and a message that the server can't be found or times out from safari.
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    I have tried checking the proxy settings and creating an new user account but both times the problem persists.
    The only thing I can think it could be is that someone configured proxy settings through firefox a while ago (pre 10.5) when they used it at their office. could that affect safari etc?
    All help gratefully received.

    Hi. Sorry this will not help, more of an observation. I posted a while back that I was having much the same problem at work when connecting through a proxy. Any Apple app that needs an internet connection did not work, ie Safari, Widgets, Software Update etc. But iChat works, as does Mail although not the RSS function. Firefox on the other hand works fine. I am absolutely certain my setting are correct and when I revert to using my 10.4.10 boot disk that all works fine. I think Apple has some how changed the way user info and password is sent when making a net connection through a proxy and now with 10.5 it does not work.
    I also spoke with a mate yesterday he has just upgraded to 10.4.11 which means he now has Safari 3. He now is also experiencing the same problems I have with 10.5 and proxy connections.

  • Safari and Software Update wont open anymore when connected to internet.

    My Safari and Software update and Internet Explorer cannot connect to the internet anymore after 4 years even when I'm connected to the internet... I once got a 'Posix 54' error message. Firefox does not have a problem!
    I'm using Mac OSX 10.3.2. Which I reinstalled just now, Xmas 07 and reinstalled all the software with no luck. I've wasted three days trying to solve this problem. Can any one help please. London UK.

    Check under here to see if you have any proxies selected. If you do, unselect them and retry the applications.
    System Preferences -> Network -> (Your connection method) -> Proxies

  • Safari, Mail, and Software Update won't launch

    I've tried downloading Safari 3 but my iMac needed to be 10.4+. As a result my Safari, Mail , and Software Update will not launch. When I click either one it will just do 1 or 2 bounces and will not open. No error message pops up.My Firefox browser does work so it can't be a internet problem.
    This is what comes up on Console when I try to open Safari.
    Safari can't open library: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SyndicationUI.framework/Versions/A/Syndicatio nUI (No such file or directory, errno = 2)
    Does anyone know a solution?
    Thank you.

    That's probably because Safari 3.1 introduced a webkit that your Panther applications can't use.
    Go to HD/Library/Packages, and delete the package for Safari 3.
    Then go to HD/Library/Receipts and delete any reference to Safari 3.
    Then go to Home/Library/Preferences and delete
    Now re-install your previous version of Safari from your install disk (the one that came with your Mac).
    Repair permissions and reboot.

  • Lion disables system info and software update in about this mac

    hey guys I have problem with lion when I reboot lion,
    it disables system info and software update in "about this mac"
    actually it says "this button is disabled because there is no system profiler application" or  "this button is disabled because there is no software update application"
    and also everytime when I reboot my computer it always changes default applicatons. for example
    it changes from VLC player to quicktime,  from Archive utility to textEdit and so on.
    each time i got to reinstall "Afloat application" if i want to use it.
    for making them ok I just need to open software updater from system pref. and the button becomes visible again.
    it is same with the system info. I gotto search system profiler via spotlight search and I run, button becomes visible again.
    for the archieve utility i got to go to coreservices and open Archieve utility then automatically it becomes default app for .zip files again.

    Did you just install Lion? If so, you might need to try to reinstall as something got messed up.
    Alfoat uses SIMBL which will break at just about every update. The reason you may have to keep installing Afloat is because the Resume feature of Lion is not compatible with SIMBL. See here: http://roaringapps.com/app:383
    SIMBL is a low-level system hack and may be causing your problems.

  • Unable to connect to network with Safari and Software Update

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    Here's what he did. After reading your post, he created another location in his network preferences, entering EXACTLY the same info that was in his old location (he even used the old DNS addresses), except using a new location name. Then he chose the new location and "everything worked". It's one of life's great mysteries. Thanks for your help - it is appreciated.

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    software update error (1015) what is this?

    Unauthorized modification of iOS
    ERROR 1015...
    This Error Code is indicative of the Device being jailbroken / Hacked...
    Sorry... But...
    The discussion of Jailbroken Devices is against the Terms of Use of this Forum.
    You will need to look elsewhere.

  • Some issue with appstore and software update

    Hi all,
    I have some issues with app store and software update.
    Sometime App Store report that it was available software update for Mac OS X ML. When I enter in App Store to upgrade something goes wrong and I cannot do anything.
    If I close and open again App Store, it start to look for update and aftware 5-10 seconds App Store reports that there aren't update available.
    I take a look in /var/log/install.log and I found this:
    Jun  4 01:40:54 XXX.local Software Update[6741]: Can't load distribution from https://swdist.apple.com/content/downloads/03/60/041-5259/K4G5rj8jSCBBxxxLM2XHpjPJdGspgBHzFX/041-5259.English.dist.gz: Host cert invalid or otherwise insecure download
    Jun  4 01:40:54 XXX.local Software Update[6741]: Failed Software Update - trust evaluation failed in SecTrustEvaluate with result: 5
    Jun  4 01:40:54 XXX.local Software Update[6741]: Can't load distribution from https://swdist.apple.com/content/downloads/32/52/041-5688/9zts9cfPJssQJdHBjQ2TFM5yxSgqwrT6rM/041-5688.English.dist.gz: Host cert invalid or otherwise insecure downlo
    Jun  4 01:40:54 XXX.local Software Update[6741]: Failed Software Update - trust evaluation failed in SecTrustEvaluate with result: 5
    Jun  4 01:40:54 XXX.local Software Update[6741]: Can't load distribution from https://swdist.apple.com/content/downloads/21/24/041-5260/876hzpgDST2NBNK2LKmjpPBhDwrL94sJ9x/041-5260.English.dist.gz: Host cert invalid or otherwise insecure download
    Jun  4 01:40:54 XXX.local Software Update[6741]: Removing package source SUContentLocatorPackageSource from manager
    Any ideas?

    Back up all data.
    Launch the Keychain Access application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Keychain Access in the icon grid.
    In the upper left corner of the window, you should see a list headed Keychains. If not, click the button in the lower left corner that looks like a triangle inside a square.
    In the Keychains list, there should be an item named System. If not, select
    File ▹ Add Keychain
    from the menu bar and add the following item:
    From the Category list in the lower left corner of the window, select Certificates. Look carefully at the list of certificates in the right side of the window. If any of them has a a blue-and-white plus sign or a red "X" in the icon, double-click it. An inspection window will open. Click the disclosure triangle labeled Trust to disclose the trust settings for the certificate. From the menu at the top, select
    When using this certificate: Use System Defaults
    Close the inspection window. You'll be prompted for your administrator password to update the settings. Revert all the certificates with non-default trust settings.
    From the menu bar, select
    Keychain Access ▹ Preferences ▹ Certificates
    There are three menus in the window. Change the selection in the top two to Best attempt, and in the bottom one to CRL.
    Log out, log back in, and test.

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