10.6.4 - My issue, haven't seen this one posted yet.

I did the Safari upgrade last week and had no problems with it. I can't say it was significantly faster but it was certainly usable (and I enjoyed the reader mode). However, yesterday, I updated to 10.6.4 onto my MacBook Pro. Everything seemed normal until I was in Safari and accidentally typed the command for special characters and then the window for that function blinked on and off every 10 or 15 seconds but it shows as if it was still loading and then Safari became sluggish. So I quit and reopened Safari but the window still appeared as before. So I did a full reset of the computer but it was much slower to respond in every application and even with Safari turned off, the blinking window still appears. I installed Firefox, same thing. The only 3rd party plug-in I have is 1Password. My only option I can see is to reinstall the OS from the disc but I have vital programs (Creative Suite) that I cannot reload from their discs and I cannot afford to be without them for any length of time.
I have read of folks doing all sorts of command hacks to work around various symptoms but with so many folks at the same time having similar problems, I feel that doing something similar (which I admit I have no real understanding of) would only lead me down the path to more issues.
I hope there is some answer to these issues soon.

Also, I ran Onyx and did all of the maintenance and cache clearing and whatnot that it does.

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    There have been several threads on this topic over the last few weeks. It's not clear what the issue is, and it is not universal, but tend to effect users storing large numbers of PDFs in iBooks. Possible it has some thing to dowith capacity of the app, or specific characteristics of some of the PDFs.
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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    If you have been previously using iCloud with your old phone, then when you login to your iCloud account with your new phone all the data from the services you were using will be added to your new phone.

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    What model was the old iPod?
    What model was the new iPod?
    The new one has to be same or newer model than the old iPod
    First just set the iPod up as new.
    Then update the iPod by going to Settings>General>Software Update
    After upodated go to Settings>General>Reset>Erase all Content and Setting. \When done setup by restoring from iCloud backup

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    Strange, have you checked for doubled key commands?
    Logic defaults to "set locators by region/events" perhaps the key commands file has been corrupted.
    probably have already checked this.

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    Check this out.
    Basically it's a problem with Suitcase Fusion.

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    Modiver wrote:
    Actually pre-bought it before it was released.
    I suspect this may be the cause of your problem: the Leopard install DVD must contain a version of OS X capable of booting the target Mac, & the "first edition" disks that were released prior to the release of a few of the newer Macs won't do that because they lack certain hardware drivers those Macs require. IIRC, Leopard's original, slightly delayed release date was early in October of 2007. Your profile indicates you have a 20" 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac, possibly the iMac (Mid 2007) model which was released slightly before that (sometime in August).
    Theoretically, that means the DVD was released after your Mac & this should not be an issue, but because of the delayed release of Leopard & the close proximity of the release date of this iMac, it is possible your DVD does not support it. If so, you will need to contact Apple about replacing your retail Leopard disk with the current one, or at least a newer version than the first one released. (I believe that was P/N MB021Z/A, containing OS version 10.5. Any disk containing 10.5.1 or later should work for your iMac.)

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    Any help appreciated.

    There is indeed an issue with DW templates and IE, the whole page is redrawn resulting in some flickering (Firefox should not have this problem with your pages). There is a sort of solution for this. It is not a nice one but it may work for you.
    You can add some metatags just below the other meta tag in the head:
    <!-- necessary to remove IE flickering when building up new page -->
    <meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="blendTrans(Duration=0.01)">
    <meta http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="blendTrans(Duration=0.01)">
    It results in a smooth transition and will reduce flickering. I searched a few months ago for better solutions but could not find them, so I still use these

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    If it talks about your password it is probably a scam.
    Take a look in your purchase history and see if there has really been a purchase.
    Also you can refer to this document:  Identifying fraudulent "phishing" email

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    Has anyone seen a problem like this? I'm trying to access a (remote) database from a PC. I can successfully test the connection to the DB via the Net8 Assistant, but when I try to get there via sqlplus (with the same service name), I'm getting an "ORA-12154 - TNS: could not resolve service name" error.
    Len DiMaggio
    [email protected]

    It seems you have multiple tnsnames.ora files. You can set TNS_ADMIN to point to the oracleDB home and it should be ok.

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    Hi bbuie1:
    I'm uncertain on some of the details of your issue here, but I'm not familiar with this kind of problem. What is the source of your footage? You state that you "brought in some video footage that was already in the library that comes earlier in movie." But what kind of camera or export source did you use to create the media? This would help to diagnose the issue.
    In addition, you note your sequence settings:
    "My sequence settings are
    720 480
    Square 1.0
    No fields Progressive
    I-Frame Only MPEG"
    This is an odd size for 25fps, as 720x480 is usually associated with NTSC .9 pixel aspect ratio. Nonetheless, you shouldn't be seeing bouncing in the timeline. As I noted in my response below to Ann, playback of H.264-based material can result in some artifacting if the Playback Resolution is set to less than the Full setting. Is your source material using the H.264 codec? It won't play back in QT player if it is from an AVCHD device. If it is a DSLR, perhaps it is from a device we have not tested ourselves.
    As to why the issue doesn't occur once the file is rendered: per your stated sequence settings, we render previews in an I-Frame Only MPEG codec, which makes for smoother playback than H.264 (hence my guess above).
    Any details would be helpful in trying to provide an answer, but take a look at the Playback settings, and see if Full Resolution does not resolve the issue for you.
    -- Andy
    -- Premiere Pro Team

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