About navigation between items

Hello all,
we are beginning with portal&iAS, and as beginners, we are facing maybe an easy problem.
We want to design a page with a TOC and depending of the link selected, we4d like to navigate/load one element (Content Area, portletm etc..) or another.
How is this logic implemented? I mean, we don4t know how is connected one TOC element (link) with another element.
I have read something about folder link but when we select the 'access route' LOV, there is no page/portlet
selected of the one we have created.

Everyone needs to start somewhere, so its no probs. (personally I am glad you chose
Oracle Portal to start :-) )
I am going to base my thoughts on 3.0.9. If you want an out-of-the-box solution (i.e no coding), create a navbar, which contains the folder links as images. Each folder has an image (edit folder properties->image). This way you can make the navbar portlet quickly. The problem with this approach is, what if I have sub-folders and I don't want to navigate all the way to the folder to find the one I am interested in ? Also,
maybe you want to retain a website look-and-feel, or you would like to allow a user to customize (or personalise) the TOC, well you can't do that with a navbar portlet. Examples of a site which uses this approach is www.tomatoland.com.
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Re: Windows 2003 EE vs RedHat EL
The links above have the source for a vertical TOC builder. It dynamically builds a TOC, using a starting folder. You can use the same logic for pages. I used a dynamic page, since I needed a solution in a hurry. I would suggest that you rewrite it as a portlet. This way you can implement a customizable TOC. The basic code will remain the same.
In case of cruzroja.es, the solution could be as simple as an HTML portlet. I have given some URLs below, which give you examples on how to build TOC (horizontal and vertical). In my opinion, a vertical TOC can be reused on all pages. A horizontal TOC limits the amount of links that you can have. An HTML portlet is easy to build, you can use MacroMedia Fireworks, or DreamWeaver, or any such tool (I give the names as products as exmples only, no promotion intended, of any sort) to create the TOC. you can then copy and paste the HTML code. The problem with this approach is maintenance, hence my suggestion that you write a portlet.
I would suggest that you use pages, with folder portlets in them. Create a TOC based on pages. This is a much easier approach. I'll try and post the code for a folder bread crumb-type navigation (Folder1->Folder->2...this is called the bread crumb).
Hopefully, I did not confuse you. Let me know if you run into any problems.

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    Hi Joel,
    Funny you mentioned it, because just today I was thinking about that, and I thought that if it will happen, I will rant you on your forum dereliction of duties. So it seems you’re off the hook now :)
    Anyway, judging from the last 3.0/3.0.1 versions it seems like you are doing your other duties very well so I really don’t mind you keeping the lead.
    Best regards,

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    I hope you are talking about the table:model_id->I_detail. This table is declared in Model Class-ZCL_MVC_PERNR_DETAIL in Class attributes. Look at the screen shots in the blog. it will solve the issue.
    @ Viji:
    Lokesh mentioned abt blog /people/raja.thangamani/blog/2006/12/26/bsphow-to-navigation-between-bsp-applications-part-i
    Raja T
    Message was edited by:
            Raja Thangamani

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    You can find detailed presentations in the learning maps available on the SAP Service Marketplace http://service.sap.com/rkt-crm for release CRM 2006s, CRM 2007, or CRM 7.0. In case I didn't mention it before, Intent-Driven Interaction (IDI) was first introduced and is only available starting with CRM 2006s and above. In the Interaction Center area, there is a presentation called "Rule Based Automation and Guidance" which covers IDI. I'm not sure if you can access the URL directly, but just in case here it is: [https://websmp104.sap-ag.de/~sapidb/011000358700001162852007E].
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    Hi ,
    Kindly follow the link , this will be helpful for your issue :

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    tranining needs (TN) are linked to training types (D).
    You can also find information in SAP Service Marketplace
    http://service.sap.com/hrfr under France -> Media Center -> Training Needs Management

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    I'm happy to go back to the supplier, but it might help if I can point them into some specific directions, plus i'd like to know what's going on too!

    Sounds odd. 300 Requests is by far too much. As it was a C/S application: did they do anything else except the recompile on 10g? Moving from C/S to 10g webforms seems to be easy as you just need to recompile but in fact it isn't. There are many things which didn't matter in a C/S environment but have disastrous effects once the form is deployed over the web. The synchronize built in for example. In C/S calls to synchronize wasn't that bad; But when you are using web deployed forms...each call to synchronize is a roundtrip. The usage of timers is also best kept on a low level in webforms for example.
    A good starting point for the whole do's and dont's when moving forms to the web is the forms upgrade center:
    If you don't have the source code available that's unfortune; but if you want to know what's happening behind the scenes there is the possibility to trace a forms session:
    maybe this sheds some light upon what's going on.

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