Accessing my personnal accounts on web sites

I have a Nokia 6500 slide and unfortunatley i can't access my personnal accounts. For instance,, when i click my account my reply is, file format uknown. Please could someone help, i'm on 3.

The S40 web browser probably can't handle the security of these sites. Try with Opera Mini, it may offer betetr results though I have little experience of it so I can't say for sure.

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    Yes, I just changed my browser to Internet Explorer and same result, I
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    Hi Jim,
    For a test, turn off IPv6:
    System Preferences » Network » AirPort » TCP/IP tab » Configure IPv6
    Or whatever interface you connect with.

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    Hi Srinath,
    I have checked that as well, it is showing the IPM_server in running mode.
    Also it doesn't show any deployment failure in the command line. Here is what it shows:
    <May 20, 2013 10:32:51 AM IST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000332> <Started W
    ebLogic Managed Server "IPM_server1" for domain "base_domain123" running in Deve
    lopment Mode>
    <May 20, 2013 10:32:52 AM IST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server st
    ate changed to RUNNING>
    <May 20, 2013 10:32:52 AM IST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <Server st
    arted in RUNNING mode>
    I feel there is some issue as this log is suggesting:
    ####<May 20, 2013 10:32:53 AM IST> <Info> <WebService> <01hw311161> <IPM_server1> <[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>> <> <> <1369026173782> <BEA-220103> <Async web service support is not fully configured. The async response web service /AsyncResponseServiceSoap12Https for this server was not fully deployed because the JMS reliability queue was not defined/deployed: weblogic.wsee.DefaultQueue. The server will periodically retry completing the deploy for the service. This message can usually be ignored unless there are async web service applications. To completely disable async web service support, thus avoiding this message, set -Dweblogic.wsee.skip.async.response=true.>
    But I don't know how to resolve it.

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    How long were you running Firefox before it started misbehaving?
    Usually reinstalling or uninstalling/installing Firefox will only cure a small number of issues, primarily issues with corrupted program files. The reason is that most Firefox issues are caused by stuff in your personal settings folder.
    But don't delete all your personal settings. Instead, try the Reset feature. This duplicates certain key data from your active settings folder into a new one, bypassing some add-ons and custom settings. Your old settings folder will be relocated to your desktop as Old Firefox Settings, in case you need to rescue anything from it after the reset.
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    Thanks for the reply Edmeister. All the tabs take a moment attempting to load, then the Inbox Preview screen pops up. I have even uninstalled FF and reinstalled it. I've checked my settings even though I've made no changes in months. Again, the mail box has never had a problem until about 2 weeks ago. Fortunately, I can retrieve my mail through my old Eudora program and do the house keeping through IE8. Just wish I knew what has changed, i.e., my fault or a program.
    Thanks again.

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    It is possible that the server gets confused by the user agent that is modified by your Ubuntu distribution and adds Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick)
    Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-AU; rv: Gecko/20101206 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.13
    You can try to reset the pref general.useragent.extra.* that add that part.<br />
    See [[Web sites or add-ons incorrectly report incompatible browser]]

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    Clear the cache for sites that have loading problems.<br><br>
    Also if this site has to work in Firefox, you can try to reduce the number of programming errors, that is always very helpful to avoid problems.

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    I'm afraid that site doesn't work either for me with Safari 3.0.4 on OS X 10.4.11.
    The page appears to load but only displays a blank page.
    The W3C (web standards consortium) validation tool shows a few errors with the site: [validation results| matically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0]

  • Unable to access web sites

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    I tried other web browsers like Safari, downloaded Firefox again, deleted cookies and caches and downloaded Opera with no luck. I can access all my other web sites and bookmarks through any of these browsers. There have been no crashes or major events.
    We are in Tajikistan now (Central Asia) with the nearest Apple Store several countries away! We use a dial-up modem but have had great internet success--especially with my iBook--since September. We leave for home in a couple weeks but would like to clear this up now since I use the internet often.
    The odd thing is that we live in Williamstown, Massachusetts, and the two web sites I can't access both start with "Williams". You don't think it's some sort of cryptic message that they don't want me back, do you? Or have I been in Central Asia too long?
    Thanks, Kathryn

    Hello Kathryn & Welcome to Apple Discussions!!
    Could you paste the links here of the sites you can not access, so we can try them?
    The odd thing is that we live in Williamstown, Massachusetts, and the two web sites I can't access both start with "Williams". You don't think it's some sort of cryptic message that they don't want me back, do you?
    mmh, no I don't think so ; )
    Message was edited by: Eme

  • When I try to access a web site Firefox displays "unable to connect"

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    Firefox displays unable to connect, the "try again" button does not help
    this just started after I did a system restore

    Disabling Add-ons worked. Firefox can access the web again. Thank you for your support. AM

  • How to set a New Tab as the start page in Firefox and lock in my choice of web sites

    You may set the New Tab page Firefox shows when opening a new tab as its start page, and you can lock in the web sites you want displayed there.
    I set my browser to open a New Tab as its start page and have locked in six destinations from which to choose on my start page.
    First I open Firefox and open a new tab. Then I delete any open tabs other than this New Tab. Optionally, I can also set a second tab to open to a specific web site
    Next I go to Tools and Options (or Edit and Preferences in Linux) and select the General tab on the far left. Click on
    [Use Current Pages].
    Each time I open Firefox it will open showing me the New Tab.
    I can select from pages that I have already visited the six pages I want to have appearing on my New Tab every time. Supposing there are no pages locked in yet, and I don't want the site in the top left. I hit the X in its thumbnail's top right corner, it disappears and every other site thumbnail moves up and there is a new site appearing in the sixth slot. Note that if I have visited one page frequently, it may appear more than once, or be replaced by itself. If that happens, just keep deleting until the page you want shows up.
    If I find a site that I want to save, then there is a thumbtack in the top left corner of the thumbnail. It is black, but if I click it it turns blue, and the thumbnail is a keeper.
    This web site is in the second row, second over, but I want it to be up on the top row. Just drag and drop and the two sites exchange places. Make sure it has a blue thumbtack. The lock-down thumbtacks and delete X symbols appear in the top left and top right, respectively while the mouse is hovering over them.
    It is possible to delete a saved site, and it is possible to undo the thumbtack. Simply click the X to delete or click the blue thumbtack to unlock the site and turn the thumbtack black.
    You may choose to tack down a few sites and let the remainder float in and out, driven by your browsing history.
    Through my use of this approach, I have instant access to my club's web site, two Webmail sites, and some other often-visited places on the Web, all in one start page.
    About the only thing I really don't need there is a Google search box, for if I enter my search terms in the address bar I get the same result as if I had specifically typed in the search box.
    Some add-ons, often potentially unwanted programs (PUPs), will replace the Firefox about:newtab (address of the New Tab) with eBay, Facebook, Twitter icons among others, and a different search engine. These icons may have a nicer appearance than the default Firefox New Tab, but you may also be looking at extra, unnecessary work for the computer, especially if behind the pretty icons there is a hidden agenda.
    Personally, I would stay clear of these add-ons, and perform some scanning with an up-to-date antivirus and antimalware software.

    If this is not a pinned (App) tab then the home page should open in that tab.
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.

  • Developer needed for videochat on  our dating  web site

    Sorry, I am a new user and may be this is not the place to put such information
    We need a developer for making a videochat service  ( person-to-person chat) to our web dating site.   I presume that this has to be based on STRATUS  and Flash player  10 using it's  p2p capability. The main site is on PHP,  user data in MySql , all is running on Linux Centos ( clone of Redhat ) .  You can adress to me directly via  email [email protected] . Thank you

    Yes, I just changed my browser to Internet Explorer and same result, I
    still can not read any PDF documents loaded to this site.
    I have not tried un installing adobe but that is next, then reinstalling
    while in Explorer.
        As a Realtor I can't access documents on our ARMLS web site, the tech
    support say it is an adobe reader issue?  created by ~graffiti
    <> in Adobe Reader - View the
    full discussion <>

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