Actionable Emails

I just want to clarify something: when a response is received at the address of the Actionable Email (say, Approved), should it then continue with the workflow? Or will someone have to process that email in the Actionable Address?
I've configured the Notification Service and am receiving emails/reply to them but I would like the reply to then continue with the workflow. Is there any documentation that specifies how to do this?

Ok, mine is a Single participant. I belive I've configured everything as specified in the documentation. Do I need to set the incoming email server for this also or is that only to manage incorrect email addresses? Also, in the Events section I see State has options like 'OnAssigned', 'OnCompleted' do I need to check that?
I don't see any errors in the logs (after the email is sent I see what's pasted below), it sends the email successfully but doesn't really do anything when I approve it. The task is still in 'Assigned' status.
Any suggestions what could be missing?
[2011-04-01T16:41:45.531+02:00] [soa_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] [] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: OracleSystemUser] [ecid: 0000IwHWo8vFo2y5K7o2ye1D_UDy00001T,0] [APP: soa-infra] [dcid: 8ad70c1d71673923:-19ce594d:12f1141df90:-7ffd-0000000000001079] <.> HWFMailer: Received following status for the Notification sent from SDPM :: [[
Channel Message Id:118340ef0abe802331cd84fdf2c972d4, Addressed to :EMAIL: [email protected], Status Content :Outbound message delivery to remote gateway succeeded., Status Type :DELIVERY_TO_GATEWAY_SUCCESS, Received from Driver : Farm_OIM_Lab/OIM_Lab/soa_server1/usermessagingdriver-email:oracle_sdpmessagingdriver_email#Email-Driver, Received at :Fri Apr 01 16:41:45 CEST 2011
[2011-04-01T16:44:39.687+02:00] [soa_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] Cleaning messages for container id:8C197F315C5D11E0BFD09BD55A0E480E
[2011-04-01T16:44:39.695+02:00] [soa_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] Cleaning locked and ready messages for container id:8C197F315C5D11E0BFD09BD55A0E480E successful
[2011-04-01T16:44:39.696+02:00] [soa_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] Cleaning erroed instances for container id:8C197F315C5D11E0BFD09BD55A0E480E successful
[2011-04-01T16:44:39.696+02:00] [soa_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] Cleaning container id:8C197F315C5D11E0BFD09BD55A0E480E
[2011-04-01T16:44:39.697+02:00] [soa_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] Removed container id [8C197F315C5D11E0BFD09BD55A0E480E]
[2011-04-01T16:44:39.702+02:00] Container id list has changed. Not sleeping for refresh interval

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    This isnt the right place to market your product. If you've forgotten what this forum is used for, you better ask someone.
    You don't have to refer users to your application and asking them to try it. Of course not for free. You will be reported if you continue.

  • Problem in setting up Actionable Emails

    Hope you are doing fine
    I'm finding problems in setting up Actionable emails in Human Tasks.
    The mails are coming fine, with approve/reject buttons, but when I click on either of those buttons and send the email, nothing is hapenning. The same, when done using workspace is working fine.
    So I think this is something to do with the configuration.
    Before setting up the configuration, I have the foll details
    OutgoingMailServer, port
    IncomingMailServer, port, userName(say ActionableAccnt), pwd (which I'm using for actionable email)
    Here is my setup:
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    Sender Address : [email protected]
    Default Sender Address : [email protected]
    provided outgoingMailServer, port, incomingMailServer, port, username, pwd
    And setting in Workflow Notification Properties
    From Address : [email protected]
    Actionable Address : [email protected]
    ReplyTo Address : [email protected] (this is a dummy address)
    Please note that in every emailId entry except the replyToAddress, I've used the same valid emailId [email protected]
    Is this ok? I'm ok even if the replyTo and actionable addresses are same.
    I've restarted the server. But its not working.
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    Would you please help me in this regard.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hello there.
    Here's the ServiceLocator and delegates I am using....
    package {
         import com.myproj.products.vo.LoginVO;
         import mx.rpc.IResponder;
         public class LoginDelegate {
              // anything that implements the IResponder interface can act as a responder
              private var responder:IResponder;
              private var service:Object;
              public function LoginDelegate(responder:IResponder) {
                   this.responder = responder;
                   this.service = ServiceLocator.getInstance().getRemoteObject("loginService");
              public function login(loginAttempt:LoginVO):void {
                   // Call the method of service that resides on server
                   var call:Object = service.login(loginAttempt);
                   // Send the response to responder
    // com/myproj/products/business/Services.mxml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
         <!-- Login Service -->
              <mx:method name="doLogin" />
    With kind regards

  • Response not coming to BPEL process from the actionable email

    Hello Helping hands,
    I created a HumanTask workflow with actionable email.
    In the email I get from the HT workflow process, it has 3 links
    2-OUTCOMES list links (Eg:APPROVE,REJECT)
    1-worklist application
    If I update the task through worklist, the process is getting completed successfully.
    But the problem is with the actionable email, if I move the mouse over APPROVE or REJECT the following msg gets displayed in the status bar
    mailto:?subject=My Subject&body=NID:iBeS8jSTsA7vOx+ULF3+dJ7/e1fbklcDLkGHlkj38emd71NnzMgQMN89C0RxaPzu2PPgelhp+hv6sk+uwL1DYQ==:NID<p>Comments [[ ]]
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    I had faced a similar issue.
    When the bpel process is initiated you will get an email to the configured email id's inbox.
    Make sure you reply to the mail from the same email account.
    Example : If the email comes to [email protected] id , make sure you reply from the same id.
    Hope this works for you

  • Actionable emails from oracle BPM.

    Hello All ,
    I am trying to use actionable email notifications from oracle BPM .
    Steps i have taken so far
    1) Marked notification on Human Task as "Actionable items "
    2) Mentioned valid email address in - Select SOA Administration > Workflow Task Service Properties - "Actionable email account"
    Result achieved after doing these configurations
    When clicked on Actions received in email like say Approve (using outlook) , one email reply gets created with id in "to" same as what mentioned in Workflow Task Service Properties .
    Content "reply" of email as below -
    Add comments by editing the text between the brackets in 'Comments' section.
    Comments: [your comments]
    You can also add attachments to the task by attaching them to this email.
    -----Do not edit below this line-----
    Approve : [[NID]] : 7kv0yUvSKkmbKbPn0ohu0I9CwHUfBhuTIAmKc3wwEcWCaJhUj9Qolyhu/ul3OttwnJSavULLMytHnsD7dakQAbzLyZS6C4PAgBO%2BsmgVzFwNGn1LevYmcLnRgKVJlevY : [[NID]]
    My question here is how Actionable emails are supposed to work - should they change the status of task directly when clicked on approve/reject (no log in on BPM)
    or should they notify somebody with status and then somebody should log in and do the change ?
    Anybody used actionable email please help us out here ..

    Hi Rupesh
    1. First in Task Properties you check the box Actionable Email which you already did.
    2. You also need to configure some valid email addresses and set email details like email server name etc. From EM Console, soa-infra -> Right Click -> SOA Adminstration -> Workflow Notification Properties. In this first in drop down box, select Email. Then in 3 fields below give valid email addresses something like:
    From Address: [email protected]
    Actionable Address: [email protected]
    Reply To Address: [email protected]
    These email accounts should be valid and exist in your email exchage server.
    Now in the same screen on the top click on the link named "Go to messaging driver page" and on that screen on right side click the buton under Configure Driver and give email details like outgoingmailserver, incomingmailserver, the incoming mailid, incoming userid etc.
    Only after doing this, you can Approve/Reject (Take actions) directly from Email.
    Refer the online docs for more details.
    Ravi Jegga

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    Can we make form that display in actionable email be editable? For example, have drop down list in the email, so that Project Manager will able to update the data without go into  BPM workspace. Right now, all the field inside actionable email  will become readonly eventhough inside the bpm workspace this field is input text.
    Can anyone help me or give any suggestion on how to do this?
    Thanks in advance.

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    Now by default, actionable email will have all the actions in it.
    i wan to restrict it to only Approve and Reject.
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    How do i do this?
    Vikrant Korde.

    Facing the same issue ...Please let me knw if u have fixed it?

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    Is there a way to call an actionable email from process task, meaning can i trigger a workflow on demand from process task.

    You are correct in the actionable emails, you just need to be creative.
    This is my suggestion:
    Create a Modify Application/Request request data set for your Active Directory workflow.  When your scheduled task runs (assuming it will be only once a day so that you don't have multiple being sent out), generate a new request with code, and in the request dataset, set the value to the 365 days in the future.  You can then create an approval policy either using the default manager approval, or custom soa composite.  Regardless, you want the approval task to go to the manager.  If you have enabled the Actionable Email Notifications (UMS Messaging i believe), then the manager will get an email for the approval and at the bottom it will have two options, APPROVE and REJECT.  The manager can click the link and it will process the request based on their response.
    If they approve it, the date is updated, and they get extended in AD.  If they reject it, the request is rejected and it never gets updated.

  • Actionable email not working

    Hi Guys,
    Following are 3 files I modified to make actionable email working.
    ns_emails.xml :
    <EmailAccounts xmlns="" EmailMimeCharset=""
    After all these changes, I restarted the entire services, oc4j_soa is not coming up.
    If I make <actionableEmailAccountName/> tag empty in wf_config.xml file, everything is coming up fine.
    Error in log:_
    <> <IASWDriver::loadSupportedChannels> Cannot connect to iAS Wireless notification webservice.
    <ERROR> <> <IASWDriver::loadSupportedChannels> Cannot connect to iAS wireless notification webservice running at
    Guide me what I did wrong.
    Edited by: user555738 on Mar 8, 2010 7:44 PM

    Do you see any errors in OH/opmn/logs when you try the above?
    <2010-02-19 17:29:30,894> <ERROR> <> <IASWDriver::loadSupportedChannels> Cannot connect to iAS wireless notification webservice running at
    <2010-02-19 17:29:32,768> <ERROR> <> <PCRuntimeException::<init>> E-mail folder does not exist.
    <2010-02-19 17:29:32,768> <ERROR> <> <PCRuntimeException::<init>> E-mail folder Inbox does not exist.
    <2010-02-19 17:29:32,784> <ERROR> <> <PCException::<init>> Error in registering email receiver.
    <2010-02-19 17:29:32,784> <ERROR> <> <PCException::<init>> Error while registering email receiver for the email account default. Because of this error actionable email messages for tasks will not be received
    <2010-02-19 17:29:32,784> <ERROR> <> <PCException::<init>> The error could be because of configuration of the email account. Check the configurations for the account. Also check the error stack for the cause of the exception. Contact oracle support if error is not fixable.
    <2010-02-19 17:29:32,784> <ERROR> <> <TaskManager::registerEmailReceiver> Error in registering email receiver.
    but when I tried email activity it was working fine now it says some error.

  • Configuring BPEL Actionable Email

    Has anyone configured ns_mails.xml to use gmail account?
    I have gotten the actionable email to work with other accounts but not gmail. It seems that it cannot recognize the "Inbox" folder. The error log states that it cannot find the Inbox folder. Does gmail uses a different name for the "Inbox". I've tried [Gmail]/All Mail, All Mail, [Gmail]/Inbox but no luck.

    I checked the checkbox {Make Email Messages Actionable}.
    Following is my task definition file.Plss have a look.
    <notification includeTaskAttachments="true" actionable="true"
    <action name="ASSIGN" recipient="ASSIGNEES"><![CDATA[concat(string('Task '), /task:task/task:title, string(' requires your attention. Please access the task from the worklist application.'))]]></action>
    <action name="COMPLETE" recipient="CREATOR"><![CDATA[concat(string('Task '), /task:task/task:title, string(' requires your attention. Please access the task from the worklist application.'))]]></action>
    <action name="ERROR" recipient="OWNER"><![CDATA[concat(string('Task '), /task:task/task:title, string(' requires your attention. Please access the task from the worklist application.'))]]></action>
    <workflowConfiguration xmlns=""
    <payload xmlSchemaDefinition="HumanTask1_payload.xsd">
    <messageAttribute name="VacationApprovalProcessRequest"
    wf_config.xml :
    ns_emails.xml :
    <EmailAccount><Name>Default</Name>..... </EmailAccount>
    Do I have to create a new account for this actionable email other than Default.

  • BPEL Soa Actionable email setup

    Hi ,
    I have installed Oracle Soa and then patched it with
    Now I am trying to configure actionable email setup.
    Its failing when I configure it using stbeehive mail server as incoming mail serevr and ssl enabled, but its working when I use any other server as incoming mail server and ssl disabled.
    Not working:-_
    <EmailAccounts xmlns=""
    <Password ns0:encrypted="false" xmlns:ns0="">?????????</Password>
    Appreciate any quick help.

    Hi Guru's,
    Any help on this please. Its urgent setup we need to complete.

  • Actionable Email issue SOA composite OIM11gR2

    Hello Experts,
    I have created an Actionable Email from SOA, The mail is gettting generated, but when i click on Accept button of the EMail, It gets converted into a reply email and no action is taken on the SOA side.
    Is this something known?
    ---------------------mail reply created by clicking on the accept button-----------------
    Add comments by editing the text between the brackets in 'Comments' section.
    Comments: [your comments]
    You can also add attachments to the task by attaching them to this email.
    -----Do not edit below this line-----
    Approve : [[NID]] : iYWPSougtz5nR75fK%2BUCUHNVjHFmWdwEXpcAknkj8cBoUs8P4c/bRf9Wd%2BFvGFJ48FB%2BrFALsX7mbEombcHqJutJxCzHKAVUUwaSTzFuobXtk9523fiafzxy14YSqVK0 : [[NID]]

    Have you configured UMS?
    Managing Notification Service - 11g Release 2 (11.1.2)

  • Actionable emails and WorkListApp

    One quick question.
    When I select option "Make email messages actionable" in Notification Settings on Task Screen, the emails have become actionable and responses too are working fine. But I'm not able to see the assigned task in WorkListApp even before I send the Email Response. If the manager wants to approve the task he has to open the worklistapp from the link given in email for worklistapp. This complies me to approve/reject task only thru emails only. I mean if email server is down for some stipulated time, the email delivery and so the responses are getting delayed.
    Any idea why the task not coming in WorkListApp when we do login to worklistapp? What may be the solution ?

    You need FlashPlayer to view Flash content. You probably need it. Go to Adobe's website and download FlashPlayer from there. Do not download Flashplayer from any other source.

  • Configuring BPEL Worklist Actionable Email

    I have created a sample work flow and included a User task in that. I am trying to make the email notificaton as actionable one and configured the ns_emails, wf_congif and file accordingly. When i initiate the task, I do able to get the email notification with the Approve and Reject options in the email. but when i click on that an email is going to the from account but the task initiated is still in pending status.
    I have tried the above approach in the following versions:
    SOA -- mail (web mail -- yahoo)
    SOA -- mail (MS Outlook)
    Could you please let me know where I am lacking or do i need to still set any settings for this.
    Thanks in advance,

    CAn you please post wf_config, and ns_email.xml?
    just want to check that the actionableEmailAccountName has been set correctly
    Also you don't modify the email in any way do you?

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