Add birthplace in bupasearchB2B of ICWC

Hi friends
I have added the Birthplace field in my database and also in view bupasearchB2B.htm and in side the context node CL_CRM_IC_BUPASEARCHB2B_CN00 and all is working without error till now.
But it is not working as a search criteria can u guide me the way through which i can link it with search output?
Pulkit Agrawal

Hi Pulkit,
For example you are working with BuPaDetailB2B view and you want to restrict customer (context node) with birth place then in the SET_MODELS method of the corresponding controller class (may not be very efficient), you can add the following code
Data: lr_collection_wrapper type ref to CL_BSP_WD_COLLECTION_WRAPPER,
         lr_cust_controller type ref to cl_Crm_ic_bupacontroller_impl,
         lr_entity type ref to cl_crm_bol_entity.
   create object lr_collection_wrapper.
   me->typed_context->customer->set_collection_wrapper( lr_collection_wrapper ).
  lr_bupacontroller ?= me->get_custom_controller( 'BuPaController' ).
  lr_entity = lr_bupacontroller->typed_context->btorder->collection_wrapper->get_first( ).
  WHILE lr_entity IS BOUND.
    lr_current ?= lr_entity.
Do all you validation here. If validation suceeds then add it to the customer context node
    me->typed_context->customer->collection_wrapper->add( lr_current ).
    lr_entity = lr_bupacontroller->typed_context->btorder->collection_wrapper->get_next( ).
  CALL METHOD super->set_models
      view = view.

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    As descripbed in <a href="">this topic</a> I have created java class file, packed it into jar file and saved to ICServer/root/WEB-INF/lib dir. But at runtime I am getting exception in the icserver log file - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException.
    Log file also contains list of used jars but my jar file isn't in it.
    p.s. J2EE 6.40

    Hi Victor,
    OK, I'm not so familiar with CRM IC, but from a J2EE point of view you would have to define and deploy a J2EE Engine library, and then reference it from your application. Following links might be handy:
    <a href="">Working with J2EE Engine Libraries</a>
    <a href="">J2EE Engine Components</a>
    <a href="">Application References</a>
    Hope it helps!

  • Add font types and sizes to ICWC HTML e-mail editor

    I'm working with ICWC e-mail component and I'm wonder to know how can I add more font types and sizes to HTML e-mail editor. At the moment i just have 5 font types and a few font sizes.
    Thanks a lot in advance,
    Nuno Moreira

    Hello Nuno,
    Just try this:
    First you have to upload your .ttf font by using se73 transaction.
    Then you must map it, using this tables:
    Customer: TBTFFONTMAP
    Just add a line in customer table TBTFFONTMAP with your font (or existing one), and the language that will be used by the users (It accepts wildcard * for all languages)
    And it's done.
    Best Regards,

  • How can I pass field value betwen view in ICWC?

    Hi experts,
    I am new to this BSP programming. I have some requirements to modify standard ICWC in CRM 5.0
    Hope can get some advices and helps here.
    I have added a new field called <status> to context note SEARCHCUSTOMER in BupaSearchB2B view and also the same field name to context note CUSTOMER in BupaCreate view.
    I have added the field into both the HTM views and able to execute thru WebClient. However, I have one problem in passing the <status> value from BupaSearchB2B view  to the BupaCreate view when I click on the 'create' button.
    I do search and saw this thread How can I pass field value beetwen view in IC Web Client? , but i cant figure out how it works.
    Do I need to create the field <status> to context note CUSTOMER in BupaSearchB2B? Currently the context note does not have any attributes.
    Really appreciate for any help.
    Edited by: mervyn tay on Apr 7, 2009 11:42 AM

    solved by myself...
    code in the CREATE_ACCOUNT method.
            ev_entity->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'ZZICNO'
                                     iv_value = lv_icnum1 ).

  • Creation of new view in ICWC

    Hi All,
    I have created the new view in my custom CRM_IC. Can I know what is the next step to do in order for the new view to show in ICWC - what is the inbound or outbound plug all about?
    Appreciate if someone can list me all the steps. Thanks

    Calling a custom Simple View for the follow-up activity. Whenever, we click the link of a follow-up activity from the activity clipboard, the system leads us to “Simple Activity” view, where we can maintain the description and the status.
    This is just a guideline document to work with customer specific view sets for one case. While following this procedure for other cases, we may need to do further enhancements.
    A.     Primary Steps
    Create Custom Package “Z_CONS_COOK1”
    Create BSP application “Z_CRM_IC1” under package “Z_CONS_COOK1”.
    B.     Creating View Sets & Controllers
    1.     Through workbench transaction, Create New View Set: SimpleActivitySet
    2.     Specify view area name “main”.
    3.     All Controller & Model Classes are generated in the background.
    4.     Redefine method “GET_STATE_DESCRIPTION” of Controller Class “ZL_Z_CRM_IC_SIMPLEACTIVIT_IMPL” & populate with following source code:
       DESCRIPTION            =
        DESCRIPTION = TEXT-001.     " 'Simple Activity'
    5.     Corresponding BSP Page is generated with the following code:
    %@page language="abap"%
    <%@ extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb"%>
    <%@ extension name="xhtmlb" prefix="xhtmlb"%>
    <%@ extension name="crm_bsp_ic" prefix="crmic"%>
    <%@ extension name="bsp" prefix="bsp"%>
    <crmic:gridLayout cellSpacing="1" columnSize="1" height="100%"
    rowSize="1" width="100%">
    <crmic:gridLayoutCell colSpan="1" columnIndex="1"
    rowIndex="1" rowSpan="1">
                <bsp:call  comp_id="<%=controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_ID( 'main' )%>"
    url="<%=controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_URL( 'main' )%>"/>
    6.     Activate all objects
    C.     Creating Views & Controllers
    1.     Create View using IC Web Client Workbench transaction. Give view name “SimpleActivity”.
    In the wizard enter our view name, and specify all model nodes, model attributes and links to custom controllers.
    Add Model Nodes:
    Model Nodes          BOL Entity     High-level model node    BOL Relation
    GT_BTORDER     BTOrder                         
    GR_BTADMINH     BTAdminH     GT_BTORDER          BTOrderHeader
    GR_BTSTATUS     BTStatusH     GR_BTADMINH          BTHeaderStatusSet
    GR_BTSTATUSH     BTStatus     GR_BTSTATUS          BTStatusHCurrent
    Four nodes are the pointers to the similarly named BOL entities of the focus object. The focus object will be the Activity that the user clicked in the Activity Clipboard. Whenever this happens, an instance method of the controller is called. Method “IP_INBOUNDPLUGID” retrieves the BOL entities from the global memory and places them into these attributes. They can also be seen as buffers since they are used in multiple locations within the controller class.
         Value node: Optional entry, keep it blank.
    Add Model Attributes:
    Model Attribute     Model Node          BOL Attribute
    Create Links to Custom Controller
    Context node:          GT_BTORDER
    BSP Application:     CRM_IC
    Custom Controller:
    Context node (Custom Controller):     CURRENTINTERACTIONRECORD
    Select View Type
    Type: Form View
    2.     Restart the IC Web Client Workbench. We will observe, controller class is generated with methods. If we want to enhance these methods we should redefine them in the corresponding *_IMPL class.
    3.     Define the Inbound Plug.
    This is the method that is called by the framework whenever we navigate to our view set. Define method “IP_INBOUNDPLUGID” and populate with following code:
    Following attributes added to the controller class, as it was showing an error message:
    data: lr_bdc     type ref to cl_crm_ic_cucobdc_impl,
          lr_btorder type ref to if_bol_bo_property_access.
    *- Read Parameter
      lr_bdc ?= get_custom_controller( 'CuCoBDC' ).
      CALL METHOD lr_bdc->get_navigation_data
        ev_selected_object = lr_btorder.
    *- Read Model
    IF lr_btorder IS BOUND.
           gr_btorder  ?= lr_btorder.
           gr_btadminh  = gr_btorder->get_related_entity(
                          iv_relation_name = 'BTOrderHeader' ).
           gr_btstatush = gr_btadminh->get_related_entity(
                          iv_relation_name = 'BTHeaderStatusSet' ).
           IF gr_btstatush IS NOT BOUND.
              gr_btstatush = gr_btadminh->create_related_entity(
                          iv_relation_name = 'BTHeaderStatusSet' ).
           gr_btstatus = gr_btstatush->get_related_entity(
                          iv_relation_name = 'BTStatusHCurrent' ).
           IF gr_btstatush IS NOT BOUND.
              gr_btstatush = gr_btstatush->create_related_entity(
                          iv_relation_name = 'BTStatusHCurrent' ).
           CATCH cx_root.
    4.     Confirm View Layout “SimpleActivity” consistency.
    5.     Two methods are responsible for the data transfer between the model/controller and the view and are created automatically by the wizard.
    SET_MODELLS -- Sends data to the view (PBO)
    DO_HANDLE_DATA -- Retrieves data from the HTTP request fields (PAI)
    We can redefine these methods for further enhancements.
    D.     Adjusting IC Web Client Framework
    After having defined the views, controllers and classes, we need to hook them up to the runtime profile of IC Web Client.
    1.     To prepare IC Web Client framework for custom-built view-sets, create a new runtime profile BSP application in the customer namespace.
    Create BSP application “Z_CRM_IC_RT_REP” under package “Z_CONS_COOK1”.
    Copy the file CRM_IC.xml from the BSP application CRM_IC_RT_REP to “Z_CRM_IC_RT_REP”.
    2.     Adjust the contents of file “CRM_IC.xml”, as under:
    <%@page language="abap"%><?xml version="1.0"?>
        <Application id="CRM_IC">
    <%@include file="../Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP/CRM_IC_All_Viewsets.xml" %>
    <%@include file="../Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP/CRM_IC_All_NavLinks.xml" %>
    3.     Create BSP application Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP in package Z_CONS_COOK1.
    4.     Copy page fragment CRM_IC_All_Viewsets.xml of BSP application CRM_IC_DT_REP to Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP and replace the file contents with the following lines:
    Page fragment: CRM_IC_All_Viewsets.xml
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <%@include file="MainViewSet.xml" %>
    <%@include file="../CRM_IC_DT_REP/BuPaViewSet.xml" %>
    <%@include file="../CRM_IC_DT_REP/CRM_IC_All_Viewsets_wo_BUPA_and_Main.xml" %>
    This definition still works with all standard view sets, but replaces the MainViewSet.xml with our own definition, since it is now loaded from Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP.
    5.     Copy page fragment MainViewSet.xml from BSP application CRM_IC_DT_REP to Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP.
    6.     Copy page fragment CRM_IC_All_NavLinks.xml of BSP application CRM_IC_DT_REP to Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP and replace the file contents with the following line:
    <%@page language="abap" %>
    <%@ include file="../CRM_IC_DT_REP/CRM_IC_All_NavLinks.xml" %>
    This definition makes sure that standard navigational links still work and that we are able to add our own link definitions later.
    7.     Activate all objects.
    8.     Customize the IC Web Client Runtime Framework Profile in such a way that the new Source file is used with the following sample code:
    Navigation: SPRO &#61664; CRM &#61664; Interaction Center Web Client &#61664; Customer-Specific System Modifications &#61664; Define IC Web Client Runtime Framework Profiles.
    Provide new profile name “ZCUST_PROF” & populate it with following set of attributes:
    Profile name:      ZCUST_PROF
    Component Set:      ALL
    Separate Display Model: Off
    Application:      IC_BASE
    Viewset name:     workViewSet
    Runtime Rep.Type: BSP Application
    Application:          Z_CRM_IC_RT_REP
    Page:          CRM_IC.XML
    E.     Creating View Definitions for Design Time Repositories
    1.     Every new view set must be defined in Design Time Repository. For this purpose, create page fragment SimpleActivitySet.xml in BSP application Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP and maintain it as shown in the following sample code:
    Page fragment “SimpleActivitySet.xml”
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <ViewSet id="Z_CRM_IC1 /SimpleActivitySet">
    <ViewArea id="main" views="Z_CRM_IC1 /SimpleActivity"/>
    2.     Include file “SimpleActivitySet.xml" into page CRM_IC_All_Viewsets.xml of BSP application Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP.
    Page “CRM_IC_All_Viewsets.xml” after modification:
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <%@include file="MainViewSet.xml" %>
    <%@include file="../CRM_IC_DT_REP/BuPaViewSet.xml" %>
    <%@include file="../CRM_IC_DT_REP/CRM_IC_All_Viewsets_wo_BUPA_and_Main.xml" %>
    <%@ include file="SimpleActivitySet.xml" %>
    3.     Activate all objects.
    F.     Creating Navigational Link Definitions for Design Time Repositories
    To provide a navigational link for the activity clipboard, define this link.
    1.     Create Page fragment “SimpleActivityNavLinks.xml” in BSP Application “Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP” and maintain layout with following code:
    <NavigationalLink name="SimpleActivity">
    <Source viewRef="IRecActivitiesClipboard"
    <Target viewRef=" Z_CRM_IC1/SimpleActivity"
    2.     Similar to the view definition, also the Navigational Link must be included into the framework.
    Add the following line
    <%@ include file="SimpleActivityNavLinks.xml" %>  to the file
    CRM_IC_ALL_NavLinks.xml in the BSP application “Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP”.
    Page fragment “CRM_IC_All_NavLinks.xml” – source code
    <%@page language="abap" %>
    <%@ include file="../CRM_IC_DT_REP/CRM_IC_All_NavLinks.xml" %>
    <%@ include file="SimpleActivityNavLinks.xml" %>
    3.     Activate all objects.
    G.     Placing View Sets into Controller Hierarchies
    1.     Adjust the file MainViewSet.xml in BSP application Z_CRM_IC_DT_REP.
    Add the reference to our view set and activate the file as shown in the following sample code:
              Page fragment: MainViewSet.xml
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <ViewSet id="IC_BASE/ICAPPMainViewSet">
         <ViewArea id="navigationArea" views="IC_BASE/navigationViewSet"/>
         <ViewArea id="workArea" views="IC_BASE/workViewSet"/>
         <ViewArea id="contextArea" views="IC_BASE/contextAreaView"/>
         <ViewArea id="breadCrumbsArea" views="IC_BASE/BreadCrumbsView"/>
         <ViewArea id="globalSearchArea" views="HistoryView"/>
         <ViewArea id="helpArea" views="Help"/>
           <ViewArea id="statusArea" views="StatusView"/>
         <ViewArea id="errorArea" views="IC_BASE/ErrorViewSet"/>
    <ViewSet id="IC_BASE/navigationViewSet">
         <ViewArea id="navigationViewSetArea" views="IC_BASE/NavBarView"/>
    <ViewSet id="IC_BASE/workViewSet">
         <ViewArea id="workViewSetArea"
                     views="<%@include file="../CRM_IC_DT_REP/StdWorkareaOccupation.xml" %>
                     Z_CRM_IC1/SimpleActivitySet "/>
    H.     Customize Activity Clipboard
    To make activity clipboard call our new view set, change it’s customizing.
    1.     Create Activity Clipboard profile called “ZCUST_PROF”.
    Navigation: SPRO &#61664; CRM &#61664; IC Web Client &#61664; Basic Functions &#61664; Define Activity Clipboard Profiles.
    Profile name: ZCUST_PROF (copy all entries)
    Keep Technical Profile name: DEFAULT
    2.     Assign this profile to IC Web Client profile.
    3.     Create a new entry for the object BTOrder and wrapped object type BUS2000126 by copying the existing entry BTORDERBUS2000126.
    Activity Clipboard Entry ID: ZBTORDERBUS2000126
    BOL Type: BTOrder
    NavigationLink: SimpleActivity
    4.     Go back to your profile and select Assign Entries to Profile. Replace the original Entry ID BTORDERBUS2000126  with your new entry ZBTORDERBUS2000126.
    5.     Activate your changes and test the IC WebClient (application CRM_IC)

  • Buttons getting disabled in INBOX page of ICWC

    Hi All,
    We are trying to add a new column in INBOX result view of ICWC, AuiItem.htm.
    Now for this we have inherited the standard ITERATOR class and created a Z class and wrote the code for fetching the data for newly created column.
    Now when we are replacing the object of the Standard iterator class with our own iterator class in .htm page, the buttons which are present in the page are getting disabled.
    But the data of the new column is getting populated.
    Has any one faced similar issue??
    Please reply with possible solutions

    Hello Pranay,
    I had the same problem.
    pay attention that there are couple of methods related to buttons that use iterator ( for example CL_CRM_IC_AUIITEMS_IMPL->CHECK_SELECTION line 32 ).
    There for if you change your iterator you shoud redifine those methods to use your new iterator,
    <b>There are more methods</b> that use the iterator and you should change them all (atleast only those that you need)
    Good Luck
    Eli Steklov

  • ICWC document emailed with no extension or PDF corrupted.

    CRM 5.0 SP11.
    1. We access a document in the inbox and an attached document exist & agent has visbility to the document in the Document Search (order ack, invoice) saved in CMS as OTF files.
    2. Agent can click the hyper link and see the document (Good)
    3. Agent can select the document and email, in the ICWC email screen agent can click the attachment and again see the document. (Good)
    4. The person receiving the email receives the attachment but their is no extension (.PDF, OTF, etc).  By double clicking on the extension windows ask which program to use and adobe 7.0 reader does open the form but the user has to repeat this action for every email received with an attachment.
    We wrote an enhancement to add the .PDF to the email and step #3 works fine to the ICWC user But the receiving email recipient gets the PDF file but when opening the email the PDF is corrupt
    " Adobe reader could not open .... is not a supported file type or is corrupted, was sent as email attachment and not properly decoded"
    I'm posting here but not sure if this is a SAPconnect issue? Hoping someone else has encountered this. Will give points.

    SAP provided a correction to

  • Document Search - how to add new document with link to ALL

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    Hi Glenn,
    Just to clarify for other readers, I assume you are referring to the document search functionality in the Interaction Center that uses Content Management to search for documents and link them to the current business transaction, the current account (business partner) or the current agent/user?
    I am not aware of any out of the box method for linking a document to all CRM users or agents. But if you want to have a look around at the code, I think the class and methods you might want to start with class CL_CRM_IC_CUCOCM_IMPL method REGISTER_*.
    Maybe someone else has an idea how to link multiple users/agents (e.g. all users belonging to a particular org unit or profile) at once, instead of only linking the current user/agent?
    Warm regards,

  • How to Add Customer Class Field in WEB-IC

    Hi CRM Experts,
    Please provide me Solution on folooing queries.
    1)When ever i create a BP from WEB-IC, i need to enter Customer Class. Since this field is not available in the standard system i cant enter.
    So, Please tell me how to add new filed in the WebIC.
    Points will be Rewarded.
    Thanks in Advance.

    See Thread entitled "Links to CRM Documentation" - there you will find a link to Interaction Center (IC) WebClient Consultants Cookbook. This document gives you all the info you need to add fields to the ICWC.
    Please award points...

  • How to handle error pages in ICWC??

    Hi Experts,
    1. I have created an authorization object for sensitive service tickets.
    2. Only users who have the authorizations to view the tickets should be able to view these tickets.
    3. I have modified a badi which matches this requirement and works fine in CRM side.
    4.In ICWC i open the Interaction History with the username who is not authorised to view the service tickets and on the interaction history search page I search for the service ticket number .
    5. I get the result in the interaction history result.
    6. On row selection i am taken to an error page which says <b>Authorisation not given.</b>
    7. Experts please suggest a solution wherein <b>i donot navigate to the error page</b> but stay on the same page and the error message is displayed in the bread crumb.
    Useful answers will be generously rewarded, 
    Shrita Sharma.
    Message was edited by:
            shrita sharma

    You could simply do this way.
    Use class CL_BSP_WD_MESSAGE_SERVICE to add a message that could be displyed in message bar next to bread crumb.
    DATA: lv_msgsrv   TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_message_service.
              lv_msgsrv = cl_bsp_wd_message_service=>get_instance( ).
              lv_msgsrv->add_message( iv_msg_type = if_genil_message_container=>mt_error
                                iv_msg_id   = 'ZCRM_ICWC'
                                iv_msg_number = '087'
                                iv_important_info = abap_true ).

  • Product Configurator tab missing in Sales Order in ICWC for complaints

    Our environment - ECC 6.0 & CRM 6.0
    We have variant config items created in ECC & downloaded to CRM via Knowledgebase & runtime versions.
    The customer service reps place the order via ICWC.
    Till now only standard sales orders were being created in CRM ICWC and the Credit Memos were created using Transaction launcher.
    Now we are trying to move the creation of Credit Memo's in CRM via the complaints function.
    I am running into an issue while testing Variant Config items in a Credit Memo in the ICWC. I get an error saying Configuration for the Item missing. I am not able to find the Configuration tab in the Order.
    When I place the same item in a Standard Sales order, the Configuration tab shows up and I can select my option and all works fine.
    Is there any setting specific to the transaction types or Item type for a Credit Memo ?
    Can anyone let me know what I am missing ?
    Thanks in advance

    Hello Vinit
    I will add the most simple case to create a new configuration:
    A role configuration key must be created in path
    IMG-CRM-UI Framework -- Technical role definition -- Define role configuration key
    The role configuration key must be assigned to your business role in
    IMG-CRM-UI Framework -- Business roles --Define business role
    Then to create the configuration:
    Transaction bsp_wd_cmpwb
    `component   BT162I_CPL
    Btn display
    Go to views and double click BT162I_CPL/CreditItemOVViewSet
    Tab configuration
    New configuration
    Role Config. Key     <Your role configuration key>
    Component Usage      <DEFAULT>
    Object Type          <DEFAULT>
    Object Subtype       <DEFAULT>
    Type:   Overview page
    Then use the arrows to move available assignment blocks to displayed assignment blocks
    You can also use load option to decide if the assignment block will be initially displayed or the end user must press one click to display it.
    Btn Save
    The configuration is saved and will be displayed if you enter the web UI with the business role that was assigned to your role configuration key.
    Another option instead of creating a new configuration for the view is to copy the configuration from the standard one and then make changes to it,  but I am not sure if it would work in this case because the standard configuration was created before the note had been implemented. For this you should use button "Copy configuration"
    Best Regards
    Luis Rivera

  • Add atributes to mail forms

    I need your help to know how can I have more available attributes to insert automatic information fields in mail forms. The information fields I need are related with ICWC context fields. So, how can I do it?
    Thanks in advance,
    Nuno Moreira

    Hi Nuno,
    please have a look at:
    SPAM -> CRM -> Marketing -> Marketing Planning and Campaign Management -> Personalized Mail -> Maintain Scenario for Mail Forms
    SPAM -> CRM -> Marketing -> Marketing Planning and Campaign Management -> Additional Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Marketing Planning -> BAdI: Maintain Additional Attributes for Mail Forms Scenario

  • ICWC and SAP DMS

    Hi all.
    Searching trough the web and foruns I've read that it is possible to link a workflow to a DMS document. It is also possible more files to a DMS Document.
    My question is: can I, trough ICWC, acess a workflow and any links it has and also acess/add/remove any link on the workflow?
    In my case SAP R/3 is not implemented, only CRM.
    I haven't been able to find any mention to this either in or
    Thanks in advance for your time.
    Message was edited by: Joaquim Fonseca

    Hi vee raa
    Following data might help you a bit..
    DMS(Document Management System) is part of PLM
    Integrating Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) lets you link documents from the PLM Document Management System (DMS) with documents from CRM such as contracts, opportunities, and activities.
    To use PLM in CRM, you require SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 4.70 and higher.If you want to use SAP EPR 4.6c, you require SAP Note 620160.
    You have maintained the RFC connections to PLM. For more information, see the Implementation Guide at Customer Relationship Management ® Basic Functions ® Content Management ® Maintain RFC Connections to PLM.
    Integration is only available for the People-Centric UI.
    Change markings in PLM documents are not displayed in the PC-UI.
    The following functionalities are available:
    ·        You can use the PLM DMS to link PLM DMS documents directly to the following objects, or to delete the links:
    ¡        CRM business objects
    If you assign a PLM document to a CRM business object, it appears in the PLM Documents folder.
    ¡        Sales contracts
    ¡        Sales documents
    ¡        Business partners
    ¡        Products
    ·        Finding PLM Documents
    You can also find PLM documents in CRM by the following properties:
    ¡        User-defined text
    ¡        Document number
    ¡        Document type
    ¡        Version number
    ¡        Status
    ¡        Description
    ¡        User
    ¡        Part
    For PLM documents, the Creator field in CRM Content Management specifies the Person Responsible from PLM.
    The full-text search only searches the document long text and not the content of the document itself .
    and for more information regarding integration of workflow and DMS...maybe this could help you a bit
    please reward points if you find this helpful

  • Adding Search help to view BuPaSearchB2B fields

    i am working in CRM UI7 system.
    and i want to add a search help to Account id in component 'ICCMP_BP_SEARCH' view'BuPaSearchB2B'
    can u help me
    Best Regards
    Owesat Ehsan

    Hi Owesat,
    You can try implementing BUPA search help in your attribute V-Method.
    Check the following link to get the how-to-guide to work this in the GENIL:
    You can check also Caíque Escaler answer at the following link, for a example with a search help implementation.
    Kind regards and good luck,

  • Add View to Viewset

    Hi All,
    This is related to IC Web Client.
    When we click on the link 'Identify Account' in the Navigation bar, the standard functionality calls the view set 'BuPaViewSet' which in turn calls the viewset 'BuPaIdentifyCustomer'.
    <ViewSet id="BuPaIdentifyCustomer">
    <ViewArea id="businessPartner" views="BuPaSearch BuPaDetail BuPaCreate BuPaSearchB2B BuPaDetailB2B BuPaContactPersonCreate"/>
    <ViewArea id="product" views="BuPaIbaseSearch BuPaIbaseDetail "/>
    <ViewArea id="select" views="BuPaEmptySelect BuPaSelectCustomer BuPaSelectIbase BuPaSelectContactPerson BuPaSelectCPforCustomer"/>
    Now we want to add 1 more view 'IRecHistory' to this view set. We have created Z_CRM_DT_REP and Z_CRM_RT_REP and the same has been referenced in the runtime framework profile.
    Plz guide me with the missing steps.

      It depends on where you want to add your view. Will it be part of any of the existing viewareas or as part of a new view area in the
    1. If you want to add it in the existing view area 'select', then
    <ViewArea id="select" views="BuPaEmptySelect BuPaSelectCustomer BuPaSelectIbase BuPaSelectContactPerson BuPaSelectCPforCustomer <b>IRecHistory</b>"/>
    2. If you want to add in a new view area, then
    <ViewSet id="BuPaIdentifyCustomer">
    <ViewArea id="businessPartner" views="BuPaSearch BuPaDetail BuPaCreate BuPaSearchB2B BuPaDetailB2B BuPaContactPersonCreate"/>
    <ViewArea id="product" views="BuPaIbaseSearch BuPaIbaseDetail "/>
    <ViewArea id="select" views="BuPaEmptySelect BuPaSelectCustomer BuPaSelectIbase BuPaSelectContactPerson BuPaSelectCPforCustomer"/>
    <ViewArea id="irechist" views="'IRecHistory"/>
    Hope this helps! Reward if helpful.

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