Adobe Captivate Customer Understanding Survey - Closed

Hi everyone,
We are conducting a survey to learn more about how eLearning
content is created. We also wish to understand more about the use
of Adobe Captivate.
We have put together a simple survey that should take no more
than a few minutes of your time. In exchange for your
participation, you may win a copy of Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web
Premium software or one of four American Express gift cards valued
at $100.
here for terms and conditions.
If you are interested, click on the link below to take our
survey. Be sure to enter your email address at the end to register
for the prize drawing.
here to take the survey.
We appreciate your help with this study and your use of Adobe
Shreeram M V
Product Manager

You people are a piece of work. The Product Manager - the guy
who can make things happen - asks for input (from all) and offers
rewards to a specific target audience, and you have nothing better
to do than whine and pout.
Moderskeppet, Shreeram was nice enough to include specifics
about their target audience for this specific survey. It's too bad
that it didn't include whereever you live, but the world isn't fair
sometimes - get over it. Shreeram's great crime is that he is a
nice guy doing his job. Sheesh!
Ann Ray, there is nothing irksome about it if you are being
reasonable in your perceptions. Two weeks is plenty of time to read
the post and fill in a short survey. For those who did take the
time and trouble to do so, they can say they honestly contributed
to the development of the product instead of complaining about how
little time was allowed. The survey monkey has been open to other
specific groups, but this group - forum users - got a few days MORE
notice than others.
brian_rogers, the survey had to do with how you use Captivate
- what you create with it,
not whether it is Vista compatible. We all know that
Captivate 2 has issues and who would expect anything else since it
pre-dated Vista by a considerable time. But compatibility with
Vista has been a key concern during the past 6 months of
beta-testing Captivate
3 ... it is a primary consideration for the next release.
Regards your "
no competition - yet" comment, you are very, very wrong but
it is not our job to point out who, what, or where the competition
might be.
I can't get over the idea that you were offered a chance to
in the future of a product line, and the best you can do is
demean yourselves with childish comments and complaints that the
"prizes" aren't enough - or good enough.
One of these days I'm going to say what's really on my mind,
but for now, those comments will have to do.

Similar Messages

  • Adobe Captivate Customer Understanding Survey

    Hi everyone,
    We are conducting a survey to learn more about how eLearning
    content is created. We also wish to understand more about the use
    of Adobe Captivate.
    We have put together a simple survey that should take no more
    than a few minutes of your time. In exchange for your
    participation, you may win a copy of Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web
    Premium software or one of four American Express gift cards valued
    at $100.
    here for terms and conditions.
    If you are interested, click on the link below to take our
    survey. Be sure to enter your email address at the end to register
    for the prize drawing.
    here to take the survey.
    We appreciate your help with this study and your use of Adobe
    Shreeram M V
    Product Manager

    You people are a piece of work. The Product Manager - the guy
    who can make things happen - asks for input (from all) and offers
    rewards to a specific target audience, and you have nothing better
    to do than whine and pout.
    Moderskeppet, Shreeram was nice enough to include specifics
    about their target audience for this specific survey. It's too bad
    that it didn't include whereever you live, but the world isn't fair
    sometimes - get over it. Shreeram's great crime is that he is a
    nice guy doing his job. Sheesh!
    Ann Ray, there is nothing irksome about it if you are being
    reasonable in your perceptions. Two weeks is plenty of time to read
    the post and fill in a short survey. For those who did take the
    time and trouble to do so, they can say they honestly contributed
    to the development of the product instead of complaining about how
    little time was allowed. The survey monkey has been open to other
    specific groups, but this group - forum users - got a few days MORE
    notice than others.
    brian_rogers, the survey had to do with how you use Captivate
    - what you create with it,
    not whether it is Vista compatible. We all know that
    Captivate 2 has issues and who would expect anything else since it
    pre-dated Vista by a considerable time. But compatibility with
    Vista has been a key concern during the past 6 months of
    beta-testing Captivate
    3 ... it is a primary consideration for the next release.
    Regards your "
    no competition - yet" comment, you are very, very wrong but
    it is not our job to point out who, what, or where the competition
    might be.
    I can't get over the idea that you were offered a chance to
    in the future of a product line, and the best you can do is
    demean yourselves with childish comments and complaints that the
    "prizes" aren't enough - or good enough.
    One of these days I'm going to say what's really on my mind,
    but for now, those comments will have to do.

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    Anish*Adobe wrote:
    Hi sebasvideo,
    I have sent a private message to you with the details regarding the serial numbers and the login credentials.
    I received a notification about a private message in one of my email accounts, but the link I click on says there's nothing.

  • Adobe Captivate 7: Change font size of imported localized closed captions

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    Current CC settings:

    Thank you for your helpful Adobe Captivate postings... Your material is better than Adobe's online help because you use visual screen shots and videos. Also you explain how to find comands in the Captivate menu.
    Adobe should hire you!
    -Dave Ellert, PE
    Instructor in Engineering
    University of Southern Indiana

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    When I run the show in captivate the custom animations pause and I have to click each time to advance through the animations. Then the slide show continues in automatic mode.
    Is there any way to control this or do I have to pull apart the slides in ppt to be able to voice over the slides at the appropriate time and have them auto advance?
    Thanks in advance for the help.

    Hi there
    The first thing you will need to do is to publish your Captivate projects as a video format. This means F4V or FLV. You then upload the resulting file to YouTube. However, please note that if you take this approach, you lose any ability for interactivity, such as clicking links to open other resources, simulating an application or quizzing your viewer.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • Adobe Captivate video encountered an internal error (unable to understand category list).

    Using Captivate 6 (64bit) on Windows 7 machine. When I try to upload a demonstration video to YouTube I get the error: adobe captivate video encountered an internal error (unable to understand category list). Any ideas what would be causing this?

    I am indeed running version here are the screen shots:

  • Runtime error R6025 when closing adobe captivate 6 or 7

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    Hi there,
    Welcome to Adobe Community.
    This could be because of corrupt preferences.
    We could try to recreate the preferences, however it will delete your customizations in the workspace. But we will not completely delete the preferences folder so we can get it back.
    In order to recreate the preferences, please do the following.
    Save your Project.
    Close Captivate
    Windows 8: C:\Users\[user name]\AppData (hidden folder)\Local\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 7 folder
    Rename the Captivate 7 folder to anything.
    Launch Captivate and test your project.
    Hope this helps!

  • Fed up with Adobe's customer service

    I have to say that Adobe takes the cake as the most inept company in the US, along with AT&T. I filed my application for the free upgrade from CS5.5 in early May, right away they asked me for the invoice, even though I had sent them PDFs of the order confirmation, and shipping confirmation which had all the information they needed, but OK, I went to my account on B&H and downloaded the invoice on PDF and sent that to Adobe. Several weeks went by and no news. In late May I sent them an inquiry through the open case they had opened for me, and they replied that they were working on it. Several days later I called, but their phone menu system is obviously designed to wear people out and get nowhere, so I started a chat online with one of their "agents". This was two Saturdays ago.
    As usual I was greeted with a lot of fake politeness that those poor Indian guys are forced to shower the customer with to the point of making you sick, and the guy, after requesting my information told me that my upgrade had been approved and I was going to have it ready within 24 hours. 72 hours later and still no email or any news, so I started another chat, and this guy told me that he approved my order and that it was going to be ready again in 24 hours. Two days later, still no order link, and they close the case saying that the order had been closed and that "The order is currently processing and the download will be available in your Adobe account in 24-48 hours."
    Well, two days later still no order, so again another frustrating chat session with another very polite Indian guy (I don't mean that in a demeaning way, since I like Indian people very much), who again told me that my order was going to be ready in 24 hours.
    Yesterday after work, still no order, so another pointless chat session with lots of apologizing and condescending and the assurance that he was going to "escalate" this to a superior.
    Absolutely fed up I called their number to see if I could -very naively of me, I admit- reach someone at their headquarters that could actually give me my serial number and download link.
    After talking and being placed on hold by another guy in India, and adding another 20 minutes of wasted time to the already over two hours I wasted on chat sessions, the guy came back to tell me that he was going to investigate further and call me back, which he never did.
    Today, well over a month after I submitted all the requested paperwork, and weeks after most people are happily using Adobe CS6, I'm still waiting for the upgrade I was promised.
    The only other time I had to deal with such an extreme level of ineptitude was a year ago with AT&T. Different products, but same terrible customer service, and the obvious realization that these are really chaotic companies where the different departments don't communicate at all with each other, or do so very poorly. I don't blame those poor Indian guys that are probably overworked and underpaid, I blame the American executives that outsource their support to other countries, force them to be unbearably polite to where they actually waste a lot of your time saying "thank you", "I apologize" and repeating what you tell them a million times, and basically read from a script.
    In other words, I'm really fed up with Adobe. I understand the fact that they have a lot of these upgrades to process and that takes time. But I'm fed up with their reps telling me that my upgrade is going to be ready in 24 hrs and ten days later it's not, and they keep telling me that over and over. That's just plain bad customer service.

    I don't know why the Adobe forums suddenly asked me to sign up for the forum again, even though my registered address with them remain the same, but I mention it so you know I'm the OP.
    Just a day after I posted this I had a great customer service experience from a Tier 3 manager, so I want to mention it as well. On Wednesday on my way home from work I called the Adobe headquarters in California (you can google the number easily) and I explained my problem to the woman that answered the phone, so she transferred me to a guy that she said was overseas but was a manager that would help me. I thought to myself, here we go again. After explaining my case to this manager, a very nice guy called Gautam Garg, he asked me to give him 24 hours so he could check on my case, and that he was going to call me back at the same time the next day. I told him that he was telling me the same thing all these other reps had told me before, to give them 24 hours and one of them even told me he was going to call me back and never did. Gautam told me that this was different, that he was going to send me an email right away to prove it and work on my case. I thought to myself, yeah right, like this guy is going to call me back.
    Less than an hour later, he calls me back at my home number and tells me that the problem seemed to be that my address was in Kenya. The street address, state and zip code were the real ones, but the country showed as Kenya instead of the USA. I told him it was obviously a glitch in their system. So he told me that instead of the download, he was going to send me the boxed product. I still had my doubts it was going to happen, but I told him I would much rather have the boxed product than the download, so I thanked him for it.
    Having seen the previous bureaucracy at Adobe I figured it would take me a couple of weeks to get that box, but still I was happy I was getting the box instead of the download, so I decided to wait. But not even a day after I talked to Gautam, I got an email from Adobe saying that my CS6 had shipped already, using Fedex overnight and gave me a tracking number.
    On Friday I came home from work and my CS6 box was already here. I sent an email to Gautam to thank him and I told him that he should get a big raise along with a promotion, because I talked to all those other people using open cases, chat and one phone call before him, and none of those ten people or so did enough to solve my problem, while he went into the system and checked what was wrong with my order and solved me problem in less than an hour. I don't know if the other people that worked on my case were incredibly negligent, but maybe they're not, maybe the support methodology Adobe has for their customer service centers is what's really negligent. Perhaps what Gautam was able to do in less than an hour, all the other people didn't have access to. I don't have a way to know that, but it can't be possible that I have to waste so much time to get the free upgrade I had requested over a month earlier. Still, I'm happy that out of this I got the box instead of the download, so at the end I'm happy with their customer service, but they have to go a long way to make it better so people don't have to go through lots of chats and phone calls to get what they need.

  • Purchasing adobe captivate 8 for University use in Fiji

    I would like to purchase adobe captivate 8 for use at University of the South Pacific. I am located in Fiji. How can I purchase this product?

    Welcome to Adobe Forums!
    Could you please check the exact version of Adobe Captivate installed on your computer (Go to Help > About Adobe Captivate) ?
    Please make sure that it should be updated to .
    You can also try resetting the preferences of Adobe Captivate by renaming the Captivate 8.0 folder at C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\Adobe to Captivate 8.0old .
    Note :- Adobe Captivate must be closed while renaming the folder.
    If you still need help you can chat with an Adobe Captivate Expert at Contact Customer Care

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    box.Dismissed += (s, e1) =>
    if (e1.Result == CustomMessageBoxResult.LeftButton)
    else if(rb1.IsChecked.Value)
    MessageBox.Show("Please Select the Option");

    Hi sk pandya,
    Nice to see your shared solution. :)
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Issue with download of Adobe Captivate 8

    Hi at all!
    I have one issue really strange.
    I have tried to download Adobe Captivate 8 on Adobe's website.
    But when I click on the button "install now" suddetly one window appairs and it ask me
    the path of the computer for to save my file.
    When I choose a path of my computer other window appairs and it tell me
    "It's impossible save a file".
    I don't understand, I have tried to change a path but nothing It doesn't work.
    I hope that somebody help me

    Hi Anthony,
    Greetings from Adobe Support.
    Download Steps for Adobe Captivate 8
    Step 1: In order to download Adobe Captivate 8 English, open the link mentioned below and sign in with your Adobe ID and password.
    Step 2: Once you sign In with your Adobe Id and password, you will be redirected to Adobe Captivate 8.0 download page, Do not click on download. Kindly stay on that page and paste the below two links on the Trail Page Address Bar  one by one and save the files on your system at same location:
      For Windows
       32 Bit Installer
       64 Bit Installer
    Step 3:- When the file finish downloading, then run the .exe file and it will start installing Adobe Captivate 8 on your computer

  • Can't Open Adobe Captivate 4 File in Captivate 5.5

    Anything special I should try or be aware of?
    Whenever I try to open my 2008 Captivate 4 files in Captivate 5.5, I get the familiar can't-do-that-for-some-reason error message. (The one that suggests the file is already opened, or it was unzipped badly, not enough memory, and so forth.) Since Captivate 5.5 removes the import feature, I can't try that.
    So far, I've tried running it with nothing else open on my computer (I have 10 GB of RAM), made sure to empty the cache first, and so forth.
    In desperation, I'm also redownloading 4 now and giving that a try, but any other suggestions would be great.

    Notes for future searchers... here is how I solved this problem.
    Short Answer: Open the file in 4, resave it, and it opened in 5.5.
    Long Answer:
    I downloaded Adobe Captivate 4. Fortunately, I had my license active and registered here on the Adobe site. Installation of Adobe Captivate 4 on Windows 7 was a bit weird... it asked me to reinstall Flash which I already had installed, it insisted that Adobe Captivate was currently open, and so forth. I let it reinstall Flash and I rebooted, and 4 was good to go. I made sure to install Captivate 4 in a custom location, not wanting to overwrite any resources or other things in the Adobe folder for 5.5. Then I opened the old file. It actually performed some kind of update thing when I did this, which leads me to believe that I was formerly working with a less-than-latest version of 4 or maybe even 3! Once it completed, I saved it as a new Adobe Captivate 4 file. Then I was able to open THAT file with Adobe Captivate 5.5, and save a new file again.
    For some reason, fonts didn't carry over. So I reset them in all my captions, and then recompiled successfully.

  • Adobe Captivate 3 does not load

    After installing Captivate 3 and using it successfully for a
    week. All of a sudden the program will not open. It gets stuck at
    the "Copying First Run Files" then the splash screen disappears.
    How can I solve this? I am completely lost and out of ideas.
    Thanks in advance,

    Welcome to our community, Eric
    You might need to reset the Captivate Settings file. (I call
    this "Whacking Captivate upside the head").
    To reset the settings file:
    Ensure Captivate is closed.
    Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the following location:
    ?:\Documents and Settings\????\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe
    Note that ? represents the drive letter you are using and
    ???? represents your logged in user name.
    Rename or delete the file named
    Restart Captivate and hopefully things will be improved.
    Cheers... Rick

  • Text to speech missing in adobe captivate 7

    Text to speech  and closed caption button missing in adobe captivate 7.
    Please see below.
    May I know what happen?

    Re Lilybiri,
    I cannot find the Text to speech  and closed caption button next to the filter. I don't know why. But I can see it before. Now I would like to change the voice of below caption, what can I do?

  • Quiz in Adobe captivate???Please help???

    I am trying to create a 5 question quiz for customers at a tradeshow. customers walk by the computer, enter their name, answer the quiz, submits it. once it is submitted, it displays the screen where a new customer has to enter his name again and start answering quiz...same process..
    in the end i should be able to pull out  a report, correct answers by name....
    is it possible in adobe captivate????????

    Yes and no.  YOu can create a form slide that allows users to enter information and answer quiz questions.  Their entered details and scores for questions can be captured using variables.  However, Captivate is more designed for submitting this kind of information to a Learning Management System.
    In order to get what you want for your tradeshow kiosk, you would need to have a custom  database solution of some kind that received the information from your course and entered each different person's details and scores as records.  Captivate doesn't do this for you.  You'll need the services of a web developer, ActionScript 3, or JavaScript developer (and possibly all of them).

Maybe you are looking for

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