App manager reports application as being installed

Hello everybody,
I have the following problem on my E71.
I had installed the Yahoo! Go application installed on the phone. As I did not like it too much, I have uninstalled it.
Still, the Application Manager shows me Yahoo! Go in the list of the applications installed.
If I am trying to select the option Delete, it is saying that there was a failure duirng the uninstall process.
Does anybody has any idea about how to sort this out? I would like to not see anymore this application in the list.
Thank you in advance,

I don't know for sure, but I imagine it has to do with Adobe's method of gradually notifying people of the upgrade to keep their servers from getting flooded. If all the hundreds of thousands of accounts where constantly checking to see if new programs where available every minute of every day, that would be some serious overhead. They probably do something like "check once daily at midnight to see if new versions of PS, LR, IL, DW, etc are available and notify the user".

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    Thank you

    Thanks Nancy. I followed your advice, but photoshop still does not show up on the cleaner tool. The programs that show up are;
    Creative Suite 6 Design Standard
    Adobe Muse
    Adobe InDesign CS6 Application Base Files
    and Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core
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    See here for...
    Troubleshooting applications purchased from the App Store
    also, you will not lose any data or setting with a Reset or a Restart
    Restart / Reset

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    Regards, Bill
    Go to Solution.

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    Happy New Year, Bill

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    Manish, thanks for your help.
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    Hi ,
    Please check the system language and Adobe application manager language settings in the Prefrence are correct and try reinstalling it from there.
    Kapil Malik

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    Do you have steam installed in your default prefix? The WINEPREFIX variable is probably not passed on, try:
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    mkdir "$HOME/bl2";
    env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/bl2" winecfg;
    #install steam
    env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/bl2" winetricks steam;
    export WINEPREFIX="$HOME/bl2"; winetricks steam;

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    Thanks for the help Jeff - Restarting helped.
    Jeff, my rant is not directed at you as an employee of ADOBE - your prompt feedback is appreciated and will aleviate some of the antagonism I feel against ADOBE because of the business unit's decisions with litlle regard of the user's buying and using the software.
    Shareholder must understand that if they try and force the hand that feeds them too far, it will stop.
    I love what the software engineers are doing with the software and appreciate the individuals whose job (ADOBE employees/help desk sub-contractors) it is to try and assist, but, ADOBE’s image is tarnished in my eyes by their new subscription policy they are forcing on end-users.
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    The Hybrid topologies (Search, BCS, Duet) between SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint Online do require the app management service so if you're condsidering these then you'll want to configure it.
    If you're not using apps for SharePoint then you probably do not have a need to configure the service at this time.
    Jason Warren

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    Thanks in advance,

    You will find an answer for this kind of question in the J2ME forum.

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    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

  • Performanse Management demo application

    I cannot find documentation about how the Performance Management demo application should be installed! Has anyone information about this?

    Hi Stefan,
    The MS SQL database and repository files can be found under the Program Files\Business Objects\Performance Management 11.5\Demo directory. You can copy these files to your SQL server and attach the database files.
    In designer, create a connection to this database.
    In the PM setup, create the connection to the repository so the PM uses this as the repository.
    The get the sample application, dashboards and analytics published, you need to also see in the \Performance Management 11.5 folder on the server (I think the setup folder), there is a batch file ??inst.bat (not sure of the file name) but it hints to a install with .bat extension. If you run this on the server from the directory, it will publish the samples to enterprise.
    Once you got this done, you need to change the sample universe connections to use the connection created above as the sample tables et al also reside in the repository.
    Sorry, I have done this many times, but is had been a while.
    Hope this helps - a little

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